@Toronto Maple Leafs

This record is so lame

Tyler Bertuzzi made it into the Toronto Maple Leafs record books on Saturday night as he become the first player in franchise history to score a hattrick on his birthday, doing so against the Colorado Avalanche. That and more in today’s NHL hockey video!


  1. Can’t wait to watch the 45min debate on TSN overdrive debating whether berrtuzzi has scored himself into the Hart conversation!

  2. random ass hate its an original six team that got a record that hasnt been done in 100 years ofc its gonna get coverage 😭😭

  3. Even as a Leaf fan I have to admit it was stretching. Like when you watch baseball and they tell you a player has the highest OPS with less than two outs, less than two strikes, with two on in June, while batting against a left handed pitcher. Like WTF?

  4. Either stop posting videos about the Leafs or admit you're just clickbaiting. Your contempt for them is obvious to anyone with a brain.

  5. I usually agree with your opinions… but like it’s kinda cool stat for an original 6 team, especially for burtuzzi who’s had a tough season. Was awesome to see.

  6. Eck is a smart guy.. It's not really lame… It's clicks n' views. We'd all love to score a hatty in the show on our birthday. That JT move at the end was butthole puckerin' though when it went all kinda wrong lol.. I get the time waste aspect but maybe be a leader and ice the damn game instead of giving that ''upstart Mckinnon guy'' a chance?

  7. Maybe if it was the first ever in the league but first on ONE team? It's a cool stat but I think the point here is how over reported it was. You'd think something really historic or insane happened. At the end of the day it was just a hat trick in a pretty mid season.

  8. I mean I don't think anyone thinks its like an incredible or deep stat, its more of a fun fact and considering the Leafs are over 100 years old as a franchise it is kinda surprising it took this long

  9. What absolutely does exist is the ability to take all of the information in a database and run a script where it looks for specific kinds of events where there is only a single matching record in other columns. That's definitely not the correct way the script would be written but hopefully gets the idea across :).

  10. I feel you're over thinking it, its not intended to impress anyone, simply a neat thing worth mentioning

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