@Tampa Bay Lightning

Who is Jack Thompson??

Lots of new faces here, so I thought it was time to pull together a showreel to give new viewers a bit of my backstory and show some highlights and lowlights from the last couple of years.

Who am I, what have I done and how did I get to where I am today??

As always…got questions? Fire them down below!

‘A professional ultra-cyclist born in Perth Western Australia, Jack relocated to Girona, Spain in 2019.

Jack pushes the boundary of what is humanly possible on a bike, exploring the limits of human physiology both physically and mentally.

Jack holds multiple Guinness World Records and Fastest Known Times (FKT’s) around the globe and is an active and passionate advocate for Mental Health Disorders having spent time in rehabilitation suffering with depression and addiction.’


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Big thanks to the following companies for their support:


Monetarily Supporting The Channel:
If you wish to support the channel monetarily, you can donate via PayPal here: PayPal.Me/jackultracyclist
This is appreciated and helps me to continue producing content on a weekly basis while logging the hours on the bike and trying to make a difference in this world (but please don’t feel that it is necessary to enjoy my content!!)


Professional & Sponsorship Inquiries:
For professional and sponsorship inquiries, please contact me through



  1. Thanks Jack, you are an inspiration for sure. I saw you in a coffee shop in Girona over a year ago and wish I said was brave enough to say hello and personally thank you for inspiring me on the bike. Look forward to more content!

  2. nice showreel….always good to encompass everything that made you who you are……still not managed a single everest despite your inspiration, but work will take me to Taiwan in autumn for a week so have wiggled dates so I can do the KOM ….

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