@Boston Bruins

Golden Knights @ Bruins 2/29 | NHL Highlights 2024

Golden Knights @ Bruins 2/29 | NHL Highlights 2024

Emotional commitment to this game oh your  spot on pako break away and heill Stones   him and the Maran at 1000 special is coming up on  nessen Ki blocks gets it back from Frederick and   scores def best leads to offense and the  Bruins finally draw First Blood well vas  

Tries to use that third FL out High between  the two defensemen but the brillin defended   very well I mean this has the perfect Pace  on it just lay it out there to allow geeky   to get as much speed as he can generate  and allow that puck to get out in front of  

Him keep it on side and now you have really  good pace real good Rhythm on the attack on   the goal around the boards Justin braazo short  pass to jper boquist goes to the corner rzo on   the for check W spoon to shaton Kirk double  deflection blco feeds it to boquest and he

Scores two goals in 30 seconds baboom the Bruns  lead by two we talked about board play exits from   your own Zone brazzo does the job he makes a  nice play along the boards at the defensive   blue line here comes the support through the  middle of the ice now you get entry with the  

Speed of boist because of his ability to play  the center position and he ends up being the goal scorer maoy makes the Poke check  again Stevenson poock closes and geeki scores three goals in 220 comes Boston  Counterattack three on two perfectly executed  

Great result move the puck hining pushes  it wide to P the back diagonal it’s almost lateral MCN W oh a Airborne volley Paul Carter  batted at out of the air and the Vegas   golden knights dripped into the net on the  far side was just going to throw a high lob  

In his general direction and I don’t know  if this was intended to be batted meaning   the pass or if he was just trying to lay it  all the way to that far corner of the rink in   order to get that foreing and possession game  going back to laai turns his goal throws it  

Away Stevenson to B Mario off the roof of the  net throws it out Martinez runs out of real estate Bron to maraso and tries the  short side a scramble and panelo makes it three2 the effort by Vegas creates the two onone  you see Boston feel like they’re in decent shape  

But they get beat they get beat across the  blue line and even though they get bodies   back to defend they don’t defend well enough  butat tangelo comes all the way in from that   right point after maso tries to throw it back in  the direction of brison and petrangelo gets two  

Opportunities in front of the net before anybody  can even eliminate his stick or get to a loose Puck can’t have flybys in there  I know makoy wants to play the   puck G wins the draw maoy to grizzli to pck and he scores foring

Geeky has the hatrick well even with the late  change by Vegas the Bruins get what they want   and that’s an offensive zone faceof win and a  set PL gei gets the draw maoy draws some people   here’s your set play grizzley goes down to Pano  Pano who is swept around from the opposite side  

Of the ice to set play we’ve seen it a lot when  they’re able to win draws in the offensive zone   particularly with this Personnel he’s able to take  that pass from grizzli and all in one to motion he  

Gets into a shooting position on Stevenson  plays it on BS suffers the check from Bist Stevenson centers and Mario scores a buck 14 this is what we’re talking  about 42 now you’ve responded nicely to the  

Good surge by Vegas here in a second and then  you give it right back again the board play   first perod those pucks got into the neutral zone  if not they was good support along the wall and  

The puck didn’t go back down below your goal  line well it does here and again the inability   to protect in front of the net Maron laterally W  spoon quickly to posto W spoon closes and hits the post poot Saka to Maran loose puck poster

Knock blocked and Stevenson has  a short-handed Breakaway and he scores and it ties this game it’s a beauty I  mean Stevenson great speed nobody’s going to   catch him he’s got to love to finish to this  goal AOK takes a chance on a bouncing Puck  

He’s the last line of defense he’s going to be  100% sure on that puck to keep the play deep   in the offensive zone that doesn’t happen  no chance you’re not catching this guy and   it’s a beautiful move backhand forehand bean  bag block her saved by Swan and that one was  

Huge barashev Wheels it and a remarkable stop  by Swan that power eye the hash marks and the   goal Saka wins the drop chatton Kirk shoots and  Coy can’t manage the tip laai scores Mason lorai  

A power play goal with 437 to go morai first  goal in 14 games second unit came out is the   first shot that they took with a shot mentality  we showed you the second shot that they had for  

You know shot mentality when zaka let one  fly and here it is again from the flank one   time from just outside the dot five hole head  eyes lorite posting up position himself expect   the pass be in a shooting position be shot ready  mon so against Carlo the Puck Squirts and swayan  

Makes a great save off Chandler Stevenson Maran  fights to the line and swan makes one last save   on W and the siren sells the Broods at last  have their first regulation win in 10 games

Extended highlights of the Vegas Golden Knights at the Boston Bruins

00:00 1st Period
02:34 2nd Period
06:19 3rd Period


  1. I feel bad for Jack Edwards and his struggles, but he's gotta go. He needed to go before this mysterious health issue.

  2. Here for all the cry babies that hate Jack Edward's. Write a letter to NESN with your tears sprinkled on it.

  3. Edwards is terrible, what the hell happened to him? Worst play by play in the league by far and I don't know how people can keep defending his poor announcing.

  4. I love my Bs and alot of them are young and coming up and are really good. But it's a big plus that they have 2 nasty goalies.

  5. Terrible terrible call for Geekie's first career hattrick. It's about time the bruins get a new announcer…

  6. Same old Bruins! They were lucky to win this game. Their defense is atrocious, and their goaltending is questionable at best. Their defense, goaltending, and the ability to hold on to a lead will be necessary if they want to go far in the playoffs. If not, they will be eliminated in the first round, like last year. No team chokes like the Bruins in the playoffs.

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