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MMA Fundamentals | Judo Takedown for MMA

MMA Fundamentals | Judo Takedown for MMA

Step and you get your goose neck if they get the goose neck it’s good if not just wrist control or inside inside Elbow inside bicep all right I like the wrist control if they get the goose neck that’s fine too so then from here right we got knees right so I I like to distract with the knee or two as soon as he feels those his guard kind

Of drops at that point I’m going to step around him and shuck him to my left boom here when that happens that leaves an opening for me right here to get my hip in under him all right so going back from the beginning I’m here in I’m here

Right and then as soon as I’m ready I’m going to step around I’m going to shook makes my opening when the opening is there there I’m going to step across in front of them in front I’m going to drop my hips in front of them at the same time I’m

Swimming over him right here and I’m off I’m off my heels I’m on the ball of my feet looking this way all I have to do now is turn this way like I’m chopping sideways okay one more time so I’m here right I’m going to close the distance I get my Goose net

Right step around take the tree here’s my opening up turn anyone need to see it again all right grab your partner

Black Flag’s Berto Cuellar shows the proper way to score a nasty judo takedown for MMA.

Filmed/edited by: Sean A. Malone –

Black Flag Submission Co. –

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