@Montreal Canadiens

[Emrith] Martin St-Louis on Nick Suzuki’s potential: “with his age and how big of a jump I feel he’s taken in his last 100 games, you leave yourself wondering if he still just scratching the surface? Is there more? Because he’s still a pretty young player so it’s fun to watch…”

[Emrith] Martin St-Louis on Nick Suzuki’s potential: “with his age and how big of a jump I feel he’s taken in his last 100 games, you leave yourself wondering if he still just scratching the surface? Is there more? Because he’s still a pretty young player so it’s fun to watch…”

by Tripacka


  1. 2sexy4thish8

    Wait till he has a ppg cole and slaf. It’s obvious he has more to give because he and his line mates aren’t In their prime.

  2. even if he doesn’t improve

    having a better team, having better linemates, and having some lineup protection is naturally going to give him a boost

    it’s fun to think about what the top line could do if they had a solid 2nd line behind them

  3. slafyousillier

    Man, I sure hope the people who said Dach was better are right!

  4. Remember when Nick was picked almost last at the All Star draft thingy? I think he took that personally…

    He’s been on a tear since that night

  5. kenyan12345

    All I know is he is a playoff dog and I need to watch him tear guys apart in a 7 game series

  6. rainbowcouchpotato

    I love watching him play… his hockey IQ is so high that his play looks effortless

  7. DangerDavez

    I’m not sure if he has that much more potential but I already consider him one of the best centers in the league.

    Once he gets a better supporting cast, I think he’ll look even better. Teams won’t be able to gameplan for just him, he won’t have to play 22 minutes a night, he’ll get more offensive deployments and occasionally easier quality of competition. I’m excited for the future because I think he could be an elite 2 way 85 pts player.

  8. Pazzaaaaaa

    He’s already at the levels of the best centres in the league. Same points as aho and barkov while still being amazing defensively. Insanity that he’s making 2 million less than aho and barkov for the next 7 seasons WHILE ALSO BEING YOUNGER. These types of contracts are what builds championship teams

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