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What the Bruins Could Do at the Trade Deadline w/ Mark Divver | Bruins Beat

What the Bruins Could Do at the Trade Deadline w/ Mark Divver | Bruins Beat

I got to say though that I did uh at the Providence marac game last night there were a lot of pro uh Scouts and and front office guys there and one of them I talked to a very knowledgeable guy suggested that uh Noah hanahan’s F close friendship

With Charlie Coyle is going to be uh could be a factor in what happens and welcome into the Bruins beat on clns media powered by prize picks my name’s Evan maranowski alongside the great Mark divver div what is up nothing much nothing much another weekend of hockey

Here a lot of it a lot of it yeah yeah we were we were just talking off camera uh and so for people who don’t know this weekend this week is the prep playoffs and it’s a Sprint it’s funny I wish it was a little longer because you could

Kind of get more content out of it it’d be a little more uh relaxed but it’s one week Wednesday Saturday Sunday with Sunday the the championships for prep being held at Harvard which is awesome nearby and everything so I think you’ll be there and I’ll definitely be there so

We’ll we’ll talk about the the Bruins trade deadline as uh as the actions happening in front of us yeah so sorry distracted for a second you’re getting a text from a source that’s you’re gonna break the news right now you’re breaking the news you’re breaking the news right now so that’s

Valid that’s valid um anyways something big happened on Thursday night I don’t know if you saw this the Bruins finally held on to a lead they didn’t go to overtime um they almost they did blow the lead people forget they were up three nothing they did blow the lead

That that that happened uh but they pulled out 54 win over Vegas Bruce Cassy got to flash his Stanley Cup ring like he was Beyonce putting a ring on it throughout the game which I thought was just uh spectacular um but they finally hold the lead uh they get a Morgan Yi

Hatrick which I gotta be honest I don’t think that was on my bingo card no none of us saw that coming nope never um but what did you think of the performance what did you think of them and and we’ll get into their bigger picture stuff in a

Bit but what did you think of THS night well I I I thought you know the end result really is all that counts right bottom line uh you don’t like the way that the leads kept slip keep slipping away but uh I don’t know I think you know I think

We’ve uh you and I have been kind of a in agreement on this from day one that this is a team that has holes and uh lately in trying to hold on to leads some of those holes have uh have come up more often than uh than maybe uh the

Team or the the fan base would would like um but uh you know the fact that they’re picking up points there’s a lot of teams that would love to pick up the points that the Bruins have been picking up even though points have been left on the table as well uh there’s

Still there’s still way up there in the standings um you know I I feel like once the trade deadline is in the rearview mirror that some guys may be able to settle down and play a little bit better maybe hopefully but uh you know it’s been uh you know

It’s been I don’t want to say it’s a rough it’s been a rough ride because that you know we’ve had so the brooms have had so much success uh in recent years that uh that you know a rough ride is not the right to descripted here but

Uh you I think last night was a positive sign now they got the Islanders on the road and they got I think they got Toronto coming up those will be interesting tests to see you know where they at where they are uh you know against those teams and uh and then the

Trade deadline after that yeah I thought Thursday against Vegas you know you get scor you boquist continues to motor he’s B I think seven points in seven games you’ve got geeki who gets the hatrick uh which again surprised everybody uh people didn’t realize I think most people thought

Posto scored that so when the I think the Bruins realized that it was a hatrick because they started playing like the hats falling down graphic on the on the on the HDX people were like oh shoot that that hit more geeky and he was out there with poster knock um but

Then you also get that goal from lowai which I think is a good sign I mean I know that you know that’s a one-time but I’ve liked him on the power play I think he continues to look like a I mean we know this that’s his strength um but

Good to see him get one especially at the Garden on thurs that yeah I think the power play that’s his you know that’s his his Niche uh I think going forward is going to be a power play guy um now he I thought it was good he made some mistakes last night

Okay but overall the rebound from what frankly was not a good performance uh on Monday night that was a that was a bad game for him that was tough uh but to bounce back and you know have a reasonably good game not perfect by any means but you know to play well

And to uh to score the the winning goal there uh you know good for him uh I do one thing that grinds my gears though a little bit is uh in social media people people calling that a snipe when you go you know you know and

I know that when you put it through the five hole that is not a snipe you know no never go bar down go top shelf whatever that’s a snipe through the through the five hole no that’s just uh Hey the goalie probably should have had it that’s what that is that’s exactly

What especially on a one timer uh to the weak side and I think that’s always kind of you know but but he scores and good for him you know I think it helps with the confidence and everything I forgot he had three goals on the season it’s

Been it was a while in between when he gets set down but when he was up at the beginning of the year he had a couple goals and I I’d forgotten about those and um but good to see him get on the score sheet um you know I think you look

At just they did almost blow it again like and I think that’s where like they did I agree with you they did it and that’s what matters and you get the win it’s in regulation um and I I guess instead of getting free hockey fans got

A really good game so I think that was like a good trade-off for people who spent a lot of money to go to Vegas Boston um but I still def you know there’s still they let teams surge on them they just there are a lot of I know

Hockey’s a game of es and flows we all know that but it feels like when when other teams start to Surge the Bruins really really take a back seat they get very conservative and they kind of let teams do what they want and you know if

You want to be like that late in a game like they were and you want to defend the house and this and that then great but I you know like during that second period surge it’s like man that that’s still there yeah they it’s like they don’t

Have an answer for those uh you know and so what would that answer be would you know one thing I think uh it would be is a is a first line Center who can get the puck in the defensive Zone and find a way to break it out or carry it out

Himself and you know when uh when Patrice berson was in the lineup for 20 years uh you could count on that and now it’s other guys and uh it’s not happening right now uh so you know I don’t know what the answer is there uh short of they should acquire a number

One Center uh but um you know it’s just of those things the this the tide starts going against them they haven’t been able to reverse it no I agree with you um as I was watching the game last night I had this tap come to me it was like a it was

Like a e it was like a the clouds parted the sunlight came through and hit me of of an IDE not an idea but something the front office might consider um because the deadline is a week away now uh in one week’s time we will be breaking down

What they did what they didn’t do but there’s something came to me as I was watching that Vegas game last night uh and I want to get into it but first a quick word from our sponsor testing my skills on prize picks this season is the most exciting way to play daily fantasy

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Last month has been as rough as Fe since the All-Star break you know the the the blown leads the Lost games in overtime uh the close losses I wonder if and this is an inside information but as we hear more about potentially Lena soul Mark getting shopped and the Bruins being potentially

In on Noah Hanahan and and and guys like that and big moves like that I wonder if the front office looks at this team being close being in all these games they’re not getting blown out it’s not 7-1 losses it’s not even 63 losses they’re 43 overtime losses five4

Shootout it’s it’s close games like that I wonder if they look at this and say okay this roster can do that but maybe one big forward a number one Center gets them over the top maybe a a top four defenseman like a Noah Hanahan that’s what’s get that you know that’s what’s

Preventing us from not finishing out these games and the more close games they’ve had in the last month the more it’s kind of hit me on what if that’s their approach because my my view of it has been you know this is a good roster

Not a great roster you don’t have a ton of assets don’t mortgage the future get a couple P you know get some depth pieces go into the playoffs with the goalie tand and I still believe that’s what they should do but I wonder if they continue to have these close games as

They’ve had over the last month if they’re thinking you know maybe uh you know uh Noah Hanahan gets us over the top or ellias Pon from Vancouver maybe that’s what is missing that’s what gets us past all these teams and and turns the tide when other teams

Are surging um do you think that’s possible at all well I think that’s highly unlikely uh because I think that the the other holes in the roster or just the general makeup of the roster that maybe isn’t isn’t built for playoff hockey maybe uh you know the the the allout Warfare that

Playoff hockey is I don’t know that Boston has enough to measure up to that I think if if they had mil LC in the lineup well they’d be one step closer to it but they don’t uh so I don’t know that it’s one player you know it’s the old the old thing uh

You know they’re one player away but the player is Wayne Gretzky you know so yeah it would be great Hanahan would make them a better team no doubt about it does it make them a team that can make a run in the playoffs well maybe it does

But you know I would tend to say no it doesn’t I you know maybe they win one maybe they win uh they get get to the second round with him maybe they get past the second round and then it’s a crapshoot going going from there but I don’t know what they’re going to

Do whether that’s the their way of thinking is that Noah Hanahan or you know I don’t think peton honestly I don’t think Vancouver no in any way shape or form is gonna trade him but uh no um it’s an interesting take but I I don’t know I I think

Uh it’s it’s going to be intriguing to see what they do you know do they do they make one big move do they make three small moves I mean I I really uh have no idea what the what the thinking is at this point I did I gotta say

Though that I did uh at the Providence marac game last night there were a lot of pro uh Scouts and and front office guys there and one of them I talked to a very knowledgeable guy suggested that uh Noah hanahan’s F close friendship with Charlie Coyle is going to be uh could be

A factor in what happens now you know I don’t know who knows right I I think uh I think that that would be uh that would be fun if if that were uh something that factored into it uh you know I don’t know I don’t know what

Other friends Noah has around around the Bruins uh you know I know he skates with some of those or works out with some of those guys in the summertime obious he’s close close by but uh the coil Hanahan thing uh you know is uh could be interesting who who who knows who know

That’s an interest so more would that be more free agency or would that be I think the I think the the thinking is that okay uh he wants to come to Boston he wants to to not just be a a rental but he wants to sign and I’m you know I’m

Mostly making this up so you know nobody’s telling me that he wants to come to Boston or that uh that he wants to sign an extension but I think uh it’s reasonable to assume that you know that that factors into it that he does want to sign an 8-year contract or a long-term

Contract and why wouldn’t he want to be in his hometown of uh uh Boston so you know I think uh those things are certainly a possibility but I I wouldn’t uh you know I wouldn’t go on uh on on Twitter and Shout out that uh you know

This is gonna happen and this is why because their best friends their best friends screw the the the state taxes in Florida the lack of state taxes in Florida Charlie Cole takes president that wayth Norwood uh thing you know we we know uh you know they’re practically

Sister Sister towns those two so uh you know who knows there’ll be a clause in Noah hanahan’s contract with the Bruins it says he has to come watch one sebs game a week with me and you that’s that’s what has to happen um which might

Not be so fun next year but that’s a different topic for another day right um that’s an interesting point though because I think everyone looks at the local connections that hannahan has but I think the coil thing hasn’t been brought up yet about them being uh buddies um so that would be an

Interesting development um if he goes to Market in the off season and you know there’s suddenly a bit there there would be a bidding war for no Hanahan and I guess Charlie Coyle would be like on his doorstep or maybe he’s like FaceTiming him or Snapchatting him or something

Being like picking him up at the airport and you know letting him live in his uh spare bedroom you know all that uh one so another this this same guy I that I talked with last night REM he wasn’t saying that uh the mar the uh markstone

Trade that that’s what Calgary is going to do but what if Calgary remember how little they got in that trade little the Senators got from Vegas for markstone yes yes I do uh you know what if who knows what if it turned out something like that what if

Uh I don’t think I don’t know that Calgary got what it was looking for in the tanav trade so maybe Craig Conroy is uh well no doubt he’s trying to uh you know do better I think with a with a Noah hanin than he did with tanv

But boy what a that Mark Stone trade just was is kind of an outlier in terms of Trades of bigname players impact players for a guy that good who let’s face it captains the the Stanley Cup champions you know they they they didn’t get much at all for him you know no

Couple of players a second round pick I mean I don’t know what was going on there it was oh here’s what it was so at the 2019 trade deadline Stone was traded to the knights along with Tobias Lindberg in exchange for Eric branstrom Oscar Lindberg and a 2020 second round

Pick so that if that was a similar deal to what Calgary got for Hanahan this time around and that’s all it took then it’s it’s different but you also have to consider with the Bruins to get Noah Hanahan you would have to trade off roster pieces dump Sal you gotta get

Rid of money that’s you gotta get rid of money yeah so uh but I don’t know it’ll be interesting I want to get I want to continue this I want to talk about potentially dumping saler and I want to talk about what you think they should do

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Bruins 50@ Factor Bruins 50 to get 50% off now back to the show so uh we discussed you know dumping salary if you’re going to go if if the Bruins were to go out and get like a Noah Hanahan right um whether or not it’s to dump salary I

Think the Jake de bro situation continues to be really interesting he talked the other day about it said he is you know worried um things I don’t think have gone the way he thought they would go I don’t think the team thought it would go this way um and and debrusk

We’ve you and I have discussed de Brusque a lot both here and both at rinks like we have discussed de Brusque a ton um what do you see them doing with him I think they have to trade him they have to trade him they can’t let him walk and

Get nothing they have to get some kind of an asset or assets uh ideally in exchange for him uh whether it’s another guy who’s on an expiring uh deal oh like Noah Hanahan uh or some something else or you know they they they can’t just allow him to walk at the

End of the year I don’t think uh now you can say yeah well they can the uh the cap space they’ll they’ll get you know they can use that to to fill that hole well yeah that’s true but uh ideally you ideally you would get something for him

Uh I think you have to do it I think um you know the inconsistency and all that that you know gets uh gone over and over and over and over again uh you know concerning Jake you you got to uh I don’t think that’s going to change I

Think that’s just the nature of the player uh so I don’t think you can let him walk at the end of the year for and and get nothing in return I I it’s interesting you know mid year I thought they were the brunes are going so good

You you know you have to stick it out with the brusk because of the way that they were playing they were first in in the NHL and you know it’s hard to sell off roster pieces when you’re that good um but as things have transpired over

The last month I come more to your side where it’s like let’s be let’s be real I mean it they they’re not calling this a bridge year but it is sort of a transitional season where you have younger guys coming in out of the lineup and um

You’re seeing what life is like without Burge run and Cree still and you know it’s kind of you’re dipping your toe in the water a bit on what this next generation of the team is going to be uh debrusk has had a down year I I know

That the advanced analytics on him are pretty good and there are Knights that he is defensively responsible but the production hasn’t been there and that’s again we’ve said it a thousand times that’s what matters most with Jake debrusk and I do wonder if you know at

This point you deal him because are you gonna even with all that cap space are you gonna are you gonna lock in with him long term for a lot of money it’s clear that he probably needs a legitimate number one Center or a legit you know stable High producing center with him I

Don’t know if that’s on the roster right now yeah and I I just to Fathom in a season like this letting debrusk walk for nothing and not getting anything in return because you could also make the case and Conor Ryan made this case a bunch it’s viewed as a shakeup trade if

You dealt de brus a one like a one forone player swap if you could find that right like just to shake the lineup up get something for him whether that piece sticks here or not it’s something different um if that helps you depthwise up front depthwise in back if it’s a you

Know a struggling player for struggling player type swap um a zaka for holos swap where you’re you’re understanding that de Brusque ceiling is higher but you’re going out and getting someone that might be a little more stable in the bottom six maybe that is a better move than just letting debrusk walk

Completely uh for free but then you have the other side of it where like debrusk in the past has been a good postseason performer and there is that potential that he does snap out of it you see like the game against Edmonton uh last week where he was Dynamite but then it’s that

Inconsistency that keeps popping up and you can’t let I agree with you you can’t let guys just walk and get nothing for them yeah and I mean the narrative with him just keeps going on and on with the inconsistency uh yeah he had that good game in

Edmonton you know what about was it Monday night’s game he sails in on a breakaway I think with I don’t know in the last few minutes of the game with the game on his stick and the goalie makes the save and you know what if Jake

Had buried that what what if he had scored there and the Bruins won without going to overtime I think maybe it was in overtime I I forget but I think that was in overtime but I could be I could be Mis remembering it but I mean you

Know that’s kind of uh typical of sort of you know Jake uh going along here in a rough year is he he gets a great chance like that and comes this close to uh you know a positive what would have been a very positive ending there and and it

Just didn’t happen so it’s uh it’s tough he’s uh I mean I like I said you just you can’t let him walk for nothing I and get nothing in return I don’t think uh you know what if do you remember a couple years ago now the Bruins weren’t in the

Rangers weren’t in this situation where the Bruins are but you remember when the Rangers sent a letter to their season ticket holders saying you know how could I forget Tim shaller made him do it what if Bruin’s management said you know what we aren’t winning anything this year we’ve come to the conclusion

That we aren’t winning anything this year we aren’t winning the Cup this year so we’re gonna trade Jake we’re gonna trade grizzli we’re gonna we’re GNA trade the assets that we have that are AR unex buing deals and we’re going to build for NE next year the year after

And the year after that how do you think that would that would go over like a lead balloon right I I don’t even think that would get through ownership I never mind fans of course it wouldn’t there would be wait a minute you’re gonna do what you’re not We’re not gonna get

Playoff tickets this year are you kiding me there’ll be no there’ll be no playoff we’re raising season ticket prices here we can’t do this but uh just an interesting uh it’s that’s a very interesting idea because I don’t think that that’s like long term right look at

What the the Rangers have done right the Rangers have uh you know they decided to kind of rebuild quickly now they did get lucky with getting the first second overall pick but those guys have done like not much so it is interesting that they rebuilt and they did not like fully

Hit on those picks um you guys like Adam Fox and and and others yeah factoring in but there is an argument to be made right like let’s just play this game and I said this the beginning of the year if they sucked you know they did they would

Have pieces to trade de Brusque forbert grizzli J James Van rdik I you know who’s been you know who’s been uh on my case about van rdik trading him and getting like a lot of assets is Carl corini Carl Carl wants to to deal van reik because he’s like it’s gonna get a

Lot and I don’t think he’s wrong like I I like I think that a a playoff contender if you really were to wave the white flag and say we’re going to just play out the rest of the season with the guys we have who are not on expiring

Deals and we’re going to deal everybody else and you know we’ll see what happens probably end up being like third in the Atlantic or something and being out in the first round but at any point a playoff Contender would love a James Van Reams I would think a reliable veteran

Who you know is going to produce and can run the net front on the power play and can play with good players like I would think that would get you something and I think if if they were to do that and I don’t think they do this by the way I I

Don’t think they do this but if they did and they found a way to you know recoup a bunch of draft picks make their picks develop these guys well I mean they’re kind of in the Rangers spot that the Rangers are in now probably in a year or

Two you know so I think that’s I don’t think that’s that would be received so poorly by fans and ownership but I think in the long run that actually might not be the worst idea well I I mean you know I think that uh isn’t that moment coming at some point

May not this year maybe I don’t know next year the year after at some point I think the they’re goingon to have to uh I think they’re GNA have to bite the bullet and just go through that process that teams go through every once in a while

Uh you know you don’t want it to fall apart to the point where you’re like the Buffalo Sabers or or the Detroit Red Wings who you know now are good again but gez how long has it taken uh you know I read the the prospect rackings this week Buffalo’s got the

Number one stable of prospects they got this guy and they got this guy and holy cow they got this guy and yeah and they’re gonna miss the playoffs for like the nine millionth year yeah good for them you know good on at least they can rank number one in prospects you know

Right but uh you know at some point it’s you know it’s gonna go the other way for the Bruins I think because that’s how it usually goes with teams uh and maybe uh you know facing reality a little bit here right now might Advance the process

I don’t know uh but like you say it’s not happening so uh they’re not going to do it they’re not g to throw in the towel I don’t think you know uh so you know there it is it’s a it’s a it’s a pipe dream I guess or a wild uh

Wild scenario but probably not going to happen no it probably won’t but like I’m writing down right now right if you were to say the the future core of the Bruins the core players Pasto ptra Coy zaka up front that’s assuming Mar you know Martian’s older now so it doesn’t factor in

Debrusk is probably gone so that doesn’t factor in um I don’t think I’m missing anybody uh in terms of future core like core pillars of the team up front um and if I am please remind me on D makoy Carlo lindol lowai and inette San and so

This is where like it hits with them in terms of you know if they were to do it would be a retool because those guys are probably all safe uh you know like I don’t think those guys are getting dealt so you’re dealing the outskirts guys you’re recouping picks you’re looking to

Bolster through that um but at the same time you can make the case like is that you know maybe adding a number one Center changes up that whole core you know maybe adding a legit number one and we’re back to where we started at the beginning of the

Year we were saying the exact same things at the beginning of the year um so I don’t know but you’re right it’s not gonna happen they’re not going to do that they’re going to continue to try to compete the question is is this core good enough to win a Stanley Cup um let

Before we go what do you think they do at this deadline if they can’t make a swing for the fences trade like you know some you know just for the sake of uh discussion a deal that starts with de Brusque going one way and Hanahan coming

This way uh then I think they make smaller deals you know kind of around the edges a physical defenseman maybe another a Winger that can or I’m sorry a face off a guy who can win face off that would be nice in the defensive Zone

In the last minute of the game or in overtime you know I think they they make uh you know trades around the around the edges like that uh you know maybe in who was the guy they got they they brought in a guy a big physical defenseman uh a couple years ago a

Righty uh I I can’t remember his name it wasn’t Tori tor’s left Tori no uh who was it what do you remember what year no what no I don’t remember what year what I do remember is that I watched that guy in the American League for years and he was

Horrible the truth comes out I think he’s still in the league I don’t know why I can’t remember his name but uh was it was Cassidy was Cassidy the coach or was it before then Cassidy was the coach yeah uh but anyway I’m I’m H uh getting

Off my point here I think they’ll make I don’t think they will make a trade for a guy that that’s horrible in the American League but they might a guy you know a guy on the fringes of you know not a you know not a top 4D but a guy who can just

Clear the front of the net bang bodies maybe fight a little uh you know maybe it I’m not suggesting jerem they should make a trade for Jeremy loan who got the Wheels beat off him last night in a fight but that kind of I did

Not I’ve have not seen I have not seen that fight yet I gotta go watch that that kind of guy you know uh I you know not him but somebody along those uh those lines uh so I think either the either the big swing which I’m hoping

For or smaller deals around the edges that kind of make you marginally better and fill a couple of holes you know that you have uh I think uh you know something along those lines is probably what’ll happen but who knows you know the one thing

About the Bruins and Don sweee is they a lot of times in the end they come up with guys that you never thought that they would trade for uh yeah you know so we’ll see what they got up their sleeve this time uh I don’t know um I would I

Feel like I ass I assume it’s more the route you just mentioned of the guy you’ve never you weren’t thinking of wasn’t on your radar and they’re ad depth forward and AD depth physical defenseman I would assume that’s the route they go um for Content purposes and for interest

And watchability I would love for them to go uh swing for the fenes I think though for the good of your assets and what you have I’d rather keep the 2025 first uh I would rather you know keep lowai um un you know the hanit think interesting I was talking about this

With hag if you’re getting Noah Hanahan right and suddenly your top four is Hanahan makoy lindman Carlo where’s lorai in that mix like lorai ideally is gonna be a top four defenseman you hope in the next three years in that top four he’s not breaking in so are you dealing lowai if

You get hannahan uh maybe you are uh I may have mentioned this earlier you know earlier in the year but but before lorai came up you know the pro Scouts that you know are in Providence on a regular basis a couple of them thought that and were filing

Reports that raided lorai as a number five six defenseman in the NHL interesting so with those four guys ahead of him presumably then that’s exactly where he is a 56 uh that’s true but but I mean I don’t know I wouldn’t think I don’t think of

Him as as an Untouchable you’d like to keep him uh I think given what else they have but uh you know who knows they may uh you know no I’m I’m not saying that they’re gonna trade him or that they should trade him but I’m just saying he shouldn’t be

Untouchable yeah don’t yeah don’t I I I can get on board with that um but yeah I’m interested to see what they do it’s a week away it’s coming up quick uh and I I’m I’m curious to see there’s already been some fireworks tanov going to Dallas get leushin going back to Toronto

I know there’s probably gonna be more this weekend uh and next week as there as there always is around this time year people just trashing lbushkin in the TR know yeah I I haven’t you know I’m an ey test guy right I’m not looking at any

Numbers that might say that he’s a but I don’t know I always kind of liked him you know I don’t remember him that I don’t remember him a ton from when he was in Toronto I know he used to always go down when hit I do remember that that

Was a common theme uh but I don’t remember the ins and outs of his his game I know he was in Anaheim obviously just now but I mean I always thought of him as you know this guy plays hard he he he uses the body uh you know doesn’t

Hesitate you know not the worst guy in the world uh but uh some of the people in Toronto who have watched him a lot more than me seem to think that he just stinks so good luck to them with that with h that project I know middling defenseman they

Love getting like middle tier defenseman at the dead line and hyping them up like their frakin body they had him once and they thought so much of him they got rid of him but now they’re bringing him back you know Bruins acquired JN Moore at this straight deadline that’s what’s

That’s what’s GNA happen next yeah um anyways this is always fun um Lots trade deadline stuff uh what can people look for from you in the next coming week or so what do you got going on uh not a whole lot just going to games nothing uh nothing really pressing

Uh you know the New England Hockey Journal thing I’m working on for uh down the road you know on one and DS and Smith uh Leonard perau C you know what do they do are they are they out of here are they coming back for another

Year um I’m working on that and uh just going to a lot of games uh so looking forward to this weekend I’m going to the Springfield Providence game tonight um we’ll see who shows up you know we we’ll see uh you know what does Pro does this trade deadline does this impact Pro

The Providence ruins you know do they lose guys off their roster uh I don’t know you know nobody makes a lot of money down here so you know they might want to keep those guys right uh to remind me that uh Jacob Verana of Springfield won’t be playing tonight

Because he he’s suspended but he’s making 5.75 million to play in I was gonna say he’s got a big contract yeah he’s making that to play in Springfield so you know things could be worse uh it could be oh my God I forgot about that that’s a lot of money anyways yeah that

Is a lot of money especially be down there but uh always fun talking hcky with you uh and yeah that’s brds be we’re powered by prize picks and our good friends as well over at Factor meals we will see you next time and have a great rest of your week

Bruins Beat w/ Evan Marinofsky Ep. 418

Mark Divver of the New England Hockey Journal joins Evan on the show today to discuss the approaching trade deadline, and give his thoughts on what the Bruins might do to improve their roster while navigating their very limited cap space.


– Bruins held onto a lead!

– The good and the bad were on display against Vegas

– Evan has a new take of what the front office might do

– How have Divver’s deadline views changed?

– Noah Hanifin

– The future of Jake DeBrusk

– What a rebuild might look like

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  1. 3 things: 1-Lack elite puck drawer at critical time (important for playoff); 2-Overused of Coyle, Zacha, Marchand, and Pastrnak (already showing signs of fatigue but still have another month and a half to go); 3-Need an enforcer for the 4th line (can't expect Federick to fight all the time)

  2. It was heartbreaking, they tried so hard to lose that game to Vegas and could get it done. Leafs in 7.

  3. The Bruins are tied for most points in the league. In the regular season, you can lose in OT and get the 1 point. With this roster, we should all be happy. They've given us good hockey this year. They need to dump some contracts here and some prospects in Providence and swing a couple deals. Put forbort on LTR unless they can trade him and see what happens. Bring in a goon.

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