@Boston Bruins

Crazy Hockey Trick Shots With Charlie Coyle & Swaggy P

Crazy Hockey Trick Shots With Charlie Coyle & Swaggy P

That was nice how do you follow that what’s up guys Swaggy P from elev802 I’m here with Boston Bruins forward Charlie Coyle Coy shot scores Charlie Co now obviously you’re playing at the highest level what did you do as a kid did you fall in love

With the game what what what was it that you know you were like okay I want to play in the NHL I was kind of born into it my family played my dad played I had cousins who played in the NHL I just fell in love with it right away and just

Wanted to keep playing as long as I could yeah now now I didn’t have a hockey background so I started just dangling around my yellow lab did you do something as a kid where you just kept getting better and having fun with it yeah I was a big YouTube guy growing up

And just watching either NHL guys or whatever hockey videos I could find and then trying to emulate that going out in the driveway playing street hockey but my main thing was just having the net outside my house and just trying new things that I’d saw on YouTube and

You know tsuk was one of my favorite guys to watch and um so things like that I was just so eager to learn new stuff and I think now it’s a different era where kids are just they have YouTube they have Instagram Tik Tok where like people like myself we’re trying new

Things and and the average fan will say that’s not realistic and you see guys in the NHL doing it and I think that’s pretty cool how do you feel about that new style of NHL there’s a time and a place for everything and I think that

Stuff if if guys are scoring doing that goal’s a goal right you’ll take that anyway and it it was pretty cool I was I I had a couple minutes to watch practice and I actually saw pasta do do the toe flip you know and that’s something I’ve

Been trying to advocate for a while of like this it’s faster than a backhand and once you get it down and and we’re going to try some things out here in the next couple minutes but you know we both are a little a little bit biased and

Love hockey but overall it’s not a huge sport when when we’re thinking Global and you know that’s why we like to do what we can do and and try to grow this game as much as possible let’s get after it let’s do it let’s do it all right so the first thing we’re

Doing we’re just going to have a pile of pucks here it’s actually perfect cuz uh Char’s a righty and I’m a lefty we’re just going to try to Sauce it into our little sauce net uh that’s on top of the net we’ll go from the uh the Bruins

Thing here and uh we’ll see see how many it takes to get it in there oh oh that water bottle that’s harder oh o that dropped yeah I did oh yeah we’re going to get this nope ohh that could yeah be nice we’re seeing how many it takes to break the water bottle

[Applause] po that’s [Applause] three nice jot the one btel [Applause] break oh oh go time let’s go let’s Go okay we got a little two on0 we’re just going to come up with some fun moves see what happens with our Goalie that’s slick this one coming out in NHL 23 woo that was the water bottle one hey let’s do like a bazillion passes woo we’re having fun you having fun I’m going to put it in the air for you yeah I was going to say that

Actually oh oh no that that was bad that was bad too high too high sticks don’t count [Applause] right that was nail that feels good that was Nails I got all That all right here we [Applause] go oh [Applause] oh no all right here we go woo that was nice that was nice how do you follow [Applause] that oh no we’re going to try the one-handed [Applause] dosuk oh that’s smooth I want to make fun of him cuz he looked that way but I did too I was looking in

The corner too and then you still had it I don’t know if I can get this one but I’m going to try it oh I didn’t get it that’s nice this is zoral oh off the melon oh no come on I got to get it we got one last challenge it’s a little

Skate kick smack it in the net have a little fun all right so we’re like hashm marks we each have a pile of pucks and it’s just like a pass across it’s got to be like like off that front foot so if you just get it like there and then we’ll

Pop it up and then we’ll just say that she yeah that’s it that’s it oh that’s it that’s it just a bit lift off y oh that feels good that’s it right there huh that feels good that’s it the pass that’s great all right try what do you think I

Think our goalie gets the Ness and hat for participating in some some some fun stuff Bostonian we appreciate it thank you this was great supporting USA Hockey thanks a lot we love it that was that’s a tough one going against this guy me no problem I I felt for you there yeah it’s

Coming woo download nessen 360

Boston Bruins forward Charlie Coyle showed off some of his hand-eye coordination skills practicing trick shots with “Swaggy P”, Peter Lenes.

Charlie Coyle Practices Crazy Trick Shots With Swaggy P After Bruins Practice


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