@Boston Bruins

Bruins Beat Vegas in First Regulation Win in Three Weeks | The Skate Pod, Ep. 282

Bruins Beat Vegas in First Regulation Win in Three Weeks | The Skate Pod, Ep. 282

Welcome into episode 282 of the skate podcast I’m Brian d f joined by Bridget bre and Scott mcclin Bridget and Scott the Bruins got back on the right track last night with a regulation win over the Vegas golden knights the defending staning Cup champions Scott I know you

Still have um a little bit of ways to go to for the Bruins to get back into your good graces so let us start off with our opening shifts but Bridget please please lead us off here yeah thank you I’m GNA turn Scott’s mic off for the rest of the

Episode if he wants to be a Negative Nancy again okay all right um so I’m gonna start out with what was positive from the game which by the way they won in regulation so uh for the first time in a long time um since that Vancouver

Shut out all the way back on their their last home stand to come out of the break uh the All-Star break but um they’re definitely negative to get into but one of the things that’s been a trend too not just in this game uh is has been the

Depth scoring and that had been something that pre-break we were talking about okay well if your third and your fourth line can’t put the puck in for you then you know how deep are your your playoff hopes and bulist has been good he’s scored quite a few times uh since

His call up Razo has looked good but a huge night for Morgan geeky um getting a hattrick and I think that it part of the Catalyst to that was that goal getting called back we talked about like how emotional it was for him to score that

Goal in Seattle against his old team and with we talked about the the girl in the stands that um was a cancer survivor that he helped um try to find a bone marrow donor for and his tie to that and how how I thought that was just like a a

Great moment that ended up getting ruined with the the goal called back and I feel like you could see his emotion continue over until last night’s game and um you know maybe it sparked him maybe he’s he can go on a run here but uh even just talking about this game by

Itself really impressive for him to get his first career hattrick and then the the final goal of the game being not scored by one of your main goal scorers it’s Mason Laura getting his first goal at the Garden um so they saved the puck for him so geeki got to save the puck

Laura got to save the puck um and there were some moments in that game where you could feel the excitement as well as what Scott’s about to talk about where there were other moments where you could see the same old thing happening in the concerning uh parts of the game that

Scott wants to talk about yeah and it it was funny talking to geeki after the game he was asked you know if that felt like karma for the goal getting called back and he said It felt more like karma for getting hit in the face with the puck uh on Monday in

Seattle which they initially thought was going to be a broken cheekbone he practiced in a in in a bubble on Wednesday yeah Wednesday um ended up not being broken he didn’t have to wear for the game so good stuff there uh yeah my opening shift is that listen the the

Brunes just needed a regulation win anyway they could get it so that’s good they got it I can’t say I feel a whole lot better after this game because there was a lot of the same problems uh with blowing lead they’re up three nothing after the end of the first period they

Blow that lead you end up with a 4-4 tie in the third uh just same game management issues mistakes poor net front coverage on a couple of those goals um didn’t like the play by poso on the tying goal that Chandler Stevenson short-handed Breakaway where he shoots into a body

And then just kind of stands off to the side and waves at the puck with the stick like trying to just knock it down with hand eye coordination instead of getting his whole body in front of it and it’s like those are just they’re just the sort of mistakes that you can’t

Make when you’re trying to close out a game you gota like you gotta treat that puck like it’s the most valuable thing in the world and too often the Bruins aren’t they just keep making some of these mistakes they they gave up a right after Vegas cut it to

43 they gave up a three-on-one almost a four on one could have easily tied the game there and then even after Lori’s goal the way they Clos it out Matt grizzli takes an unnecessary hold in the stick penalty puts them on the penalty kill they get that kill then you have a

Situation where posn has the puck on a stick can’t clear the Zone Martian Puck on a stick can’t clear the zone and it’s just they end up getting the win but Vegas had the chances there to make make them pay again and really it just felt like a

Like a matter of survival and not the most confident close out so I want to take a a step back to yester year if you guys don’t mind to episode 281 unfortunately I couldn’t be on it but there was a lot of interesting chatter between the two of you and and I

Wanna I wanna I want to go back to a little bit something about a pretzel something about a pretzel which it’s a bit of an inside reference to the listeners right now but um Scott I I I think I think you may have gained an appreciation for for the role

I have to play on this podcast at times because it can’t be three individuals sunshine and rainbows and daisies somebody has to kind of Bring It Back Down to Earth and I know Bridget said that I’m typically the more negative one but I don’t see myself as being negative

I just I kind of just like to maybe call out what I don’t like maybe a little bit more frequently than than you guys but Scott last episode oh boy my goodness I mean he was dancing on their graves already first place team Bridget he was trying to he was trying

To I think he was trying to when you weren’t here take over your space and just kind of like box you out and and take over the role like he was seizing power or something when you weren’t here you know what I I can do this but here’s

The thing they’ve done an awful lot of winning the last two years it’s it’s been hard to find negatives at times uh I can do that I mean listen I grew up a Boston sports fan I know what negativity is like you know yeah I think I think my

Here I’ll be honest sometimes I probably have misdirected rhetoric towards the actual team I think sometimes I I I get annoyed by like some of the the the people covering the team and the fans alike when they they just look at like the the basics which is like where they are in the

Standings and and they don’t criticize them they they don’t see the forest of the trees all the time and sometimes that annoys me because I try to I just try to be like the voice of reason at times where it’s like yeah this team’s not as good as everybody thinks they are

Despite being first place but for that reason I’m actually Scott take take my take my old stance because I’m gonna slide right up next to Bridget here and and I’m gonna be because here here’s the thing here’s the thing welcome to the club I’ve been Scott I’ve been feeling

This way about them for a long time but the thing is I’ve known what this Bruins team has been all year they’re they’re a team that has a good core but they’ve played Money Ball in the offseason and credit to Don Sweeney he’s he he he hit

On Morgan geeki is the latest example with this hattrick against the night against Vegas but geeki van re dike Heinen all great value ads wspoon has been a been impactful lorai has been impactful um Justin brazzo is a new guy boquist has been impactful and for me

It’s like I’ve all I’ve never looked at them this year despite their standings uh their plac in the standings and thought to myself oh yeah they’re a cup favorite because they had they they have been covered up by great goal tending at times and and you’ve seen that kind of

Diminish lately but that said I still feel like just you know go to the playoffs and we saw last year like they had all the analytics in the world and the ey tests in their favor and they lost in the first round so like I I

Think this team is very flawed at times but but I they’re not anything I didn’t think they already were so let’s just get let’s just get to to to April let’s just have some fun and see if they can surprise some people you know I’m I’m

I’m I’m All optimistic now I I will note on you know I think we kind of gloss over don’t you pull a yui right now Scott don’t you no no no I was gonna talk about something from last year that the analytics did actually say that the Bruins were vastly overperforming and I

I specifically remember um Dom from the athletic who’s like you know the analytics wizard uh when they did their playoff preview last year they gave the Bruns a 60% chance of beating the Panthers and I remember and it it was because the analytics suggested that those two teams were much closer than the

Standings and I remember like Bruins fans flip on they’re like how can the Bruins only be 60% favorites and it’s like H at the end of that series you know looked pretty close and I admit I was on the even me looking at analytics

Like I was on the wrong side of that you guys know I picked them in a sweep but that was kind of you know I sort of had to like ignore some of the analytics to to do that and here’s the thing here’s the thing Scott you now you now you went so

Far the other way that you just don’t want to get hurt again yeah I’m I’m right now I’m gonna call it Bruin’s getting swept in the first one oh my god um but not not doing that but but I I will I will say though um I I am

Definitely more in Bridget’s camp where it’s like look like they’re still compared to the rest of the league like they’re the yes the Bruins are flawed other teams are flawed too but what I will say Bridget to kind of I’m gonna I’m gonna be the mediator

Here to kind of scoot a little bit back towards Scott um like I did I did agree with everything Scott was mentioning about how the Bruins defensively give up way too many uh High danger chances uh compared to the rest of the playoff um uh landscape and I guess that’s just a

Way be and you know is that fixable right Bridget you think it could be Scott doesn’t think it’s fixable the Crux of the question that he asked was is it fixable and is the team worth investing in because he his original point was they he’s fine if they stay

Pat at the trade deadline and don’t waste their assets this year and like call chalk this year up to you are what you are and see how far it goes and not really invest and not try to make that big move so that’s why I said I’m not

There yet yet and Brian we want to hear your opinion we already heard your Scott let’s hear Brian’s no but you’re kind of misrepresenting mine I’m saying not yes you are I’m saying it’s not I’m not giving up Jerry Jerry I’m not giving up assets to Tinker around the edges I’m

Not making the trade that Toronto just made giving up a third round pick for ILO lbushkin who in my opinion I’m not sure is even better than Derek forbert like I’m not doing that I think as we’ve seen recently like the Bruins depth not not the issue right

Now like they’re fourth line third pairing like that I’m fine with those guys if you want to shake things up and add like an impact top six scorer or top four defenseman I’m fine spending assets on that but it’s got to be significant that that’s my main take like if you’re

Not if if that big move isn’t there then I’d rather just ride it out than you know give away a third round pick just for the sake of of adding a seventh defenseman yeah I mean I just I don’t think the Bruins they don’t have they don’t have the collateral they

Don’t have they don’t have the um uh the assets that that other teams want that other teams aren’t willing to give somebody for that player like the Bruins don’t have draft picks they don’t have any amazing prospects like Fabian LEL could have some value but nobody seen

Him in an NH game and if you look at the you know Prospect reports he’s like 50th or something like that and like um like which which is a valuable Prospect like no no I know I know it’s not like true true blue chipper but but he could be

But he could have more value if other teams if he play if he had a couple of NHL games to his name and teams could see and he performed well he could have more value teams don’t the the jury is out on him they don’t or the verdict is

What am I trying to say they don’t people don’t know what they have in him is what is my point um so it’s like but anyway um I don’t I don’t want the Bruins trading away high draft picks for this team I am I and they know I am very

Comfortable with them just running with this team that they have giving it a run the I’m okay if they want to trade a if they want to make a a strong hockey deal like Scott mentioned in the past and maybe even a polarizing one like Elliot Freedman had a report that the Bruins

Would be are like open or willing to potentially trade Lena solark I I don’t like have I I saw something like that like if the Bruins want to trade all Mark and bring in like a like like a bring in like a a a true game breaker on

Defense or offense like you have you have Jeremy Swan like we’ve had this discussion a million and 50 times I’m cool with that if you want to trade another roster player in a hockey trade that you just think is is a gamble but sometimes you have to give to get I’m

I’m okay with that too but I am not I’m not wasting any more high-end draft picks like we’ve seen in the NHL playoffs crazy like a team could just get hot what this Bruins team needs to improve on in my opinion the most they need to they need to start locking it

Down defensively they’re not going to go anywhere with any roster if they AR if they don’t start locking it down and uh we can talk more about that but that’s how I feel I’m okay if they want to improve the team but I’m not willing to give away their 2025 first round pick

I’m done giving away first round draft picks I know Razer says there are diamond dozen well guess what you need one eventually again and yeah so that’s where I land on it let me let me Poe this question that also came up do you think based on Don Sweeney’s history at

The trade deadline he’s more likely to not do anything or to pull off something big he’s why don’t know about something big because I don’t know if they can well no but that’s my point is that the if the like if he’s really willing

To to shake it up which he has been in the past at the trade deadline like do we actually see him saying we don’t have any other option this year if I want to make this a cup Contender I’m GNA do this like trade I’m gonna trade de

Brosar or trade allmark or or make a a larger move I I see it’s more likely in my mind for him to make a bigger move rather than no move at all if he I think he would if he can I mean like back in 2021 Taylor Hall fell into their lap

With Andre bork and a second round pick I believe it was right and it’s because you know the player had control where he wanted to go um if if Don Sweeney can make a big move I think he would prefer to do it as opposed to standing

Completely Pat but I don’t know if he has but it takes two to tango I don’t know if other he’s going to find a trade partner necessarily with what the Bruins have to offer um so he might want to make a big move but I I don’t know if he

Can yeah I I still I definitely lean towards they’re gonna do something and I guess if just sticking to those extremes of stamp pad versus something big I I actually kind of feel like I would lean towards something big towards a shakeup um and I guess you know that could

Depend on what qualifies as big but I feel like if it’s de brusk out and another forward in that’s pretty big to me like I I think that would qualify if yeah maybe one of grizzli or for bir out it doesn’t qualify as big but if they

Both go out and you’re bringing in you know top four defenseman I’d say that qualifies so in in both of those scenarios you’re probably still giving you’re giving up an additional asset somewhere else like it’s not it’s not going to be one for one um but I I can see something like that

Where there’s guys off the active roster without it being Lena alark although I still don’t rule that out either and I think it’s worth noting here that you know does any team that might be desperate for a goalie doesn’t look like there’s going to be a whole lot of

Options uh reports this week are that Calgary is gonna hang on to Jacob marrom that’s one name that had been out there Nashville’s going to hang on to UC SOS that was another name that had popped up so you know after that it’s not like there’s really any high-end goalies on

The market so if if someone got crazy and came to you with an offer for allar of you know a first round pick and a prospect or roster play or something like I I think you’d have to listen to that and I just want to clarify because I feel like

Sometimes I I talk and I just ramble and I don’t know if I specified what I meant um I’m for the Bruins making a big splash or making a big shakeup as you say Scott but it has to be to your point it has to be from I

Think you know the NHL roster and I just I don’t want that big splash to be because they gave up you know future uh first round picks which at this point would have to be two or three years from now I wantan I want to get a Vibe check

On how you think people would react to them trading Matt ptra who like we haven’t talked about in a while but is one of their prospects that has like he’s shown that he’s he’s closer than than lysl to being NHL ready and he’s he’s someone that maybe is below

The radar though we did hear he’s back to working out he his he’s out of his sling so um after his shoulder surgery so um anyway just an update on him quick but Vibe check on how you think the fan base would react or and how much you

Think it’s a good or a bad idea if a deal involved him yeah by the patro was uh back at Warrior this week he met with media um you know said things things are going well he also revealed that this was a shoulder thing that actually kind of

Went all the way back to last season in juniors that he he thought had settled down and over the summer and was fine uh wasn’t an issue early in the season and then it just kind of kept getting worse and worse with sort of each hit and uh

You know eventually got to a point where they just had to do the surgery um anyways though to answer your question I feel like people certainly wouldn’t like it but the cell there would be you know are you getting a center back and I don’t know who that is

Like if you look at names that pop up on the center market right now none of them are really like younger centers with term they’re all kind of rentals or maybe one year they’re veterans are in their 30s you know guys like Adam en reek and Nick

Dow so I I would not trade potra for someone like that but if there’s if it helps you get you know a true top two Center that you can control for some time I would be okay with it but I just don’t know who that like I

Don’t have that name right now because I don’t know that players out there and and the reason I bring it up is because we’re talking about like trading players off the active roster and he’s like in this weird in between like he can’t help you on this playoff run right so you’re

Not like not like he also doesn’t help you cap wise at all because he’s on longterm IR so no but if I’m more I’m talking about like if this was in like a this would be part of a bigger trade this would not just be like a potra for

X play like this would be probably one of these multi um multi people asset trades um because because if you think about it it’s like okay well they might need Jake de Brusque for this run but obviously U Matt ptra is going to be a big part of their future if they decide

To keep him and and and build him into potentially a top six center we think he has that upside so um I still think he’s probably valued too high to trade is is my point that I was getting at but it’s just an interesting situation with him with the

Injury not having played but still teams probably finding him valuable um and looking for young centers themselves so well if you know if if I’m if if I’m personally reluctant to trade away you know uh a first round draft pick for this at this trade deadline

Than to be consistent with that I also don’t want to trade away Matt ptra because like you’re looking to find a in a draft what you have in Matt ptra and he’s 19 years old so you know unless your name is you know Conor McDavid or you you know Conor Bard or

Something like like it’s tough to call anybody Untouchable um but you know as as it pertains to the Bruin’s organization and their personnel their player Personnel I would say Matt ptra um outside of David pasnak and and Charlie makoy he he’s he’s he’s Untouchable I think at this

Stage because you just don’t the the future is so bright for him um and and and you know there’s not much of a difference between him and a first round draft pick uh next year the year after so I want to protect him for sure

Personally I I would not like to see him go I think he’s a good fit culture-wise too his personality just works well with the Bruins and um there’s just so many things that I think make him work work for the Bruins organization the way that we because the thing about the beginning

Of the Season we’re like okay this guy just like kind of almost fell into their lap that he was ready at the right time when berson and CI left and it was like you saw this like Ray of of Hope um and then unfortunately the season ending

Injury comes but I I I think he’s he’s Untouchable in a way Brian like you said I still think Mason Lura is Untouchable it’s another Prospect turned Pro recently this season uh who has been playing better and better um and so like those two guys I would say don’t even

Like don’t even take calls on those guys but I mean obviously they’re gonna listen but um yeah I was gonna say like no no one’s really untouched for me and and those two aren’t either but it it has to make a lot of sense it has to be for Clear impact top-of-the lineup

Player under team control not a rental um and you know to me both of those guys I would say are more valuable than than a first round pick that’s in the 20s if if you look at the history of first round picks in the 20s more of those

Miss than hits so you know ptra and Laura have played any L games and had success and showing like there’s a really good chance they’re going to stick at this level and be good players um you you would just be hoping for that in the 20s yeah I mean that that’s why I

Got with this with this Bruins team that’s why I’m not I don’t want to move any you know draft picks or Pro highend Prospects like if you want to take a roster I know poch is kind of a tweener and L but I don’t I mean like roster

Players you’ve had years of sample size on here like I don’t want to part with Pro with these highend prospects and and uh and their and their draft picks in the future years like I stick if you want to shake things up Shake It Up on

The roster um with guys you’ve seen and with guys with expiring contracts and and look Jake de brus is such a he’s such a interesting discussion because Bridget you’ve talked about in the past like and Scott you as well like you get rid of him like you’re getting rid of a

Quote unot quote top six talent that you have to you know replace and this team isn’t offense an offensive Juggernaut and like you just you don’t want to get rid of some of the goal scoring potential that you have but there’s a difference between um ceiling and reality and the

Reality is I think he’s ninth in the Bruins in scoring which is not good enough for Jake de bruss not even close like to um you know what he go 27 points in the year something like that it’s we all know he’s not he’s underperforming on the in the scoring Department the

Production department so yeah it’s like what do you do with you’re the Bruins like do do you guys still feel like use them as a as as a trade deadline acquisition so to speak and if he walks he walks for nothing like where where where you guys at with

Him specifically I know Scott Scott you’re open to shaking things up but do do you feel like have you gone from it’s got to be a win to like it’s has to be a win but like I’m kind of maybe hoping for something like that to happen

Uh you have to get an upgrade like I I can’t trade away Jake de Brusque and then the only forward I bring in is a third or fourth liner like that that just hurts you offensively too much even with deus’s mading inconsistencies and I

Think now he’s up to what 13 of the last 14 games he has had a point but what does that mean Scott though when you when you say it has to be an upgrade like what exactly do you mean by that because what trading partner would want

To like lose a trade like you know what I mean well I don’t think it’s it’s not GNA be a one for one like you’re not you’re not trading de brus one for one for a better player but okay as part of a package or two separate trades or

However it would end up looking um you know like it is worth noting here that it was just there was an 82 game stretch from from like late uh 2122 season through much of last year where dbras was a 40 goal scorer over an 82 game stretch

Like let’s let’s not as bad as this season has been scoring wise let’s not forget that that wasn’t that long ago so you can’t you can’t just give him away you can’t just say well you just have to trade him because you got to get something before he walks in free agency

Like I buy that um I have no idea what the market is I imagine there are teams who would be interested but you know what do do they see him just as as a third liner do they still believe with a change of scenery or with the right center next to him he

He has a second liner like that I just don’t know like I just don’t have a good feel for how other teams would view him but La so last episode and just quickly Scott cuz that that look that’s a fair point to bring up over an 82 game

Stretch not too long ago he was a 40 goal score the problem is that sample size was sandwiched between two really porous You Know sample sizes of a season but last episode Scott you mentioned to Bridget how you’re at the point you you think the Bruins should shake things up and

You mentioned it on Sunday skate as well so is he the player in your perfect scenario that they would move to upgrade and shake things up like what what would in in in Scott mlof land uh GM land like what is that SC M land what Scott mlo

Land thank you very very good what’s that what’s that ideal shakeup what’s who’s who’s going out what’s coming in like or have you just have you thought that far into it or you just saying sh shake things up I I don’t know that there’s an ideal guy I guess whichever

One gets you best value whichever one you can easily parlay into an upgrade so if if de BR gets me something whether it’s all in the same deal or two separate deals that allows me to get a more consistent second line scorer or you know even a first line like if we really

Want to go to the you know bridg and I both mentioned like our Dream Targets on the last episode of pav bvic or Jake gensel pretzel like if there’s if there’s any way of going after those guys awesome sign me up I don’t know if it’s going to be that it might be

Something a little you know a tier below that um but again like I’m also I’m still open to trading Lena elar like I still feel like that’s on the table if someone with other goalies reportedly off the market not getting moved if someone wants to get crazy uh say the

New Jersey Devils or you know I don’t know maybe the Colorado Avalanche like I I will absolutely listen to that what and here’s here’s the funny thing that that when Razer was talking about it was contradictory to me and I wasn’t going to like really bring it up because we

Also didn’t have much time left in the show but like if you’re if if the Bruins really are not willing to go to a goalie rotation in the playoffs then that should make the possibility of trading allmark you know it should be more they should be considering it

More if they’re if they’re thinking okay we’re just going to ride one or the other um and they they’re only they only are willing to part ways with allmark doesn’t that make it like okay uh we’re not going to use one of these goalies in the playoffs anyway which by

The way Scott and I both think they should rotate and other people do and some people don’t but like if inside the Bruins organization the plan is to ride one maybe you make the decision early maybe you have to make the decision right now pick pick the one which would

Be San because of you know the situation with where he’s younger and they want to keep him in the organization for a longer time make the choice now kind of hope for the best health wise and use that as the big shakeup move if that if

You are sure that in the playoffs you only want you do not want to use a goalie rotation well and it’s worth noting that publicly they’ve said they are willing Jim Montgomery has said that Don Sweeney said it um now Montgomery also said last year he’d be open to it

But obviously they didn’t do it so saying you’re open to it and then actually doing it are are two different things so you’re right like we don’t know their true feelings behind the scenes um but when I asked Montgomery directly earli this year do you think

You would be more open to using a rotation this year he straight up said yes like with no hesitation so that’s that’s the public answer but who knows what they’re actually saying in private right and that was back when these goalies were lighting the the world on fire outside of last spring I

Mean they both come back down to earth like this whole goalie platoon it’s great if you have two of like the best goalies in the league but I mean if they’re just two guy I’m not that’s that’s disrespectful to what they’ve been but I’m just saying like they’ve

Both been like pretty pedestrian the last month of hockey like unless I look it the whole goalie platoon thing I’ve been on record saying like in I don’t I really don’t love it like I you know I’m okay with using two goalies in the playoffs if one goalie is not playing

Well but um but I feel like that argument is completely invalid if they’re not two of the best goalies in the league otherwise it’s just like I whatever it doesn’t we need to get into that debate but I I just think it’s stubborn if they if if they don’t if

They’re unwilling to move all mark because they want to do this goalie platoon if he can bring you some shake up because guess what you said they don’t have anything to offer other teams that other teams don’t have to offer in fact they have less so you got to get

Creative and if you wna here here here’s also what annoys me about people not being willing to trade h mark because they don’t want to ruin this goalie platoon possibility the Bruins don’t have any high draft picks in the coming years they have very little to virtually no cap space okay so um

Uh so what do you do it’s like the Bruins you have to trade from a position of strength right and people keep saying well no we don’t want to do that well well you can’t have your cake and eat it too like how else are you supposed to

Upgrade your team if you don’t have draft picks you don’t have true High prospects you don’t want to get rid of those you don’t have cap space but you want to bring you want you want Don sweena to be to be a buyer with what okay where’s a position of strength

Go tending no no that that’s what separates us from everybody else well hello do you want to improve your team elsewhere or not like you can’t you can’t be that stubborn it’s just that’s the way that it is so if if allmark brings you the best return and you want

This team to go all in it is what it is and you believe in your other goalie and you believe that your other goalie can handle the playoffs by himself um which which most teams they don’t even it’s not even a thought in their mind because

They really only have a they don’t have a one a1b they have a one and a two if they’re lucky sometimes you’re like you have a guy at the end of the bench you’re like I hope we never have to see that guy um so like this is a

Conversation that other teams don’t even have can’t have right now because um but like it should be pretty obvious that if you don’t trust Swan to handle the playoffs by himself that then you already have an issue right like that should indicate a larger issue rather than the whole goalie Duo uh

Decisionmaking process it’s like okay well if you do trust him enough then you should trust him enough to do it by himself rather than just in a Duo yeah and yeah if if you don’t trust San then I don’t know then then put him on the trade block

Like why why would you lock up a goalie long term if you don’t trust him so you know it is fascinating because like obviously they haven’t given Swan that opportunity I know he got he did get the five straight starts at the end of the Carolina series two years ago but he

Didn’t start that series you know um omark’s the one that they have given the opportunity to run with him in the playoffs and two years in a row he hasn’t held up you know he lost after two games in the Carolina series and gets you know ends up bench for game

Seven against Florida so um yeah whether it’s now or the summer like you do have to pick one of them at some point and and we all assume it’s gonna be Swan because he’s he’s younger he has more potential and um it just makes more sense but yeah if you if

You’re cut if you’re moving on from one of them in the summer anyways which I think is a strong possibility like you should at least be open to it now not saying you have to but I mean you know my op explore your options my opinion

Guys and I I don’t really understand how one can argue this you might not want to move one of the goalies but if you want the Bruins to make it to bring in an impact player like a top six a a Bonafide top six forwarded ition or a Bonafide top four

Defenseman if you want the Bruins to make that move Lena Sark is the only guy that’s gonna get you that back and believe me I know that he has a you know 15 team no trade clause I get it and I know what Contender is going to want to bring in a

Goalie because they’re quote unquote goalie away and then give you back an important roster player I get it I know but there could be a team that’s on that’s not on all Mark’s no trade list that might not be a playoff team but maybe they’re a bubble team and maybe they’re

On the cusp of being a really good playoff team and they’re just a goalie away and the team acquiring him is looking towards next year and Beyond maybe not this year I’m just saying if the if Bruins fans are crying to the heavens for for for the for Don s to add

To this team because this team’s in you know a top team in the league and they should be going for it because they’re cup contenders what other what other player or Prospect or pick can can can the Bruins trade away that can bring in that player it’s

It’s it starts and ends with Lena Sark that it’s that simple and if you are that stubborn where you don’t want to give up this whole possibility of a goalie platoon then guess what you’re not getting an impact player that you want at all not it’s not happening so

Burs fans got to decide what about the goalie hugs Brian sorry that listen I thought the goalie hugs was very endearing for quite some time it’s starting to get in a little bit well but like Mickey mousy for me now it inspir kids all over the world Brian and I love

Disney I’m just saying it’s it’s a little you just you know you’ve won one game regulation in the last three months it seems like and here comes the goalie hug it’s like guys come on we just on a 10 game slide well and to your point about like

You know who you can trade what I said welcome back to the negative let’s keep it let’s let’s keep it back on track no picking sides right now and talk about what like what the actual trade would look like because would like would you be willing

To trade them inside the divis like or inside the conference I should say to New Jersey and like then what they would have to give you picks that then you turned into that you turned around and sent for a forward like don’t be afraid to make

Your team better like if you think that you’re making your team better and you face leark in the first round and he’s the goalie for the devils and he beats you in the first round you know what it is what it is if you’re making your team better that’s

That’s what Don Sweeney’s job is to do his job is to make the Boston brins roster this year and Beyond as good as possible you can’t you can’t sit here and be like well we don’t want to make New Jersey better too because we can

Play in the playoffs I I know that’s not ideal but you have to do what you have to do or don’t move him at all I’m but you can’t be afraid you can’t be also I I don’t know is New Jersey willing to include say Tyler to Foley in the trade

Right because that that interests me yeah 25 goals pending free agent I I saw a report that devils are I think starting extension talks but who knows what happens there so um you know it could like there could also be a a hockey trade there within the conference so um

I you know I I wouldn’t trade him to like a a playoff team that I might meet in my division like I probably wouldn’t trade him to Toronto I no idea if they’re still looking for a goalie or what they’re doing but um I guess New

Jersey like I know you could end up facing them in the first round like I get that that’s on the table but I think I would take if the off is right I would take that chance well that’s how that’s how this all gets so complicated more

Than it has to be right because people will sit there and say trade all Mark okay and then a million people will come from behind the you know the sheds and be like with the the the the pitchforks and torches and be like ah he’s GNA he

Can’t go to half the league he has no trade clause to half the league and you don’t want to bring him trade him in in the conference that takes away another half the league so you’re down to eight teams good luck do they it’s like guys

Like I If you look at it that way sure but you know what if you look at it through the lens of just using half the league that is not in his no trade clause and also you could trade him to a team that’s on his no trade list but

He’d have to approve it right um so it people just people narrow the window in the hallway so much on these conversations it’s like it it’s it doesn’t have to be that that like oh no he can’t go to half the league because he they’re on his list and you don’t

Want to trade him in the conference so there goes the other half of his list it’s like guys no if the Bruins can the trade a trade partner you can’t you can’t be afraid to make your team better because he might come back to haunt you

Later on that’s a bad way to do business that’s my opinion um and I’m not even saying I’m not even saying that that they have to trade him I’m just saying if if you’re a Bruins fan that wants this team to get an impact player he’s your only Avenue to get to getting

There this year so Bruins fans need to choose do you want the goalie hugs and the in the playoff platoon or do you want the high impact player at the deadline because he’s your way to get that player and so you know that comes down to the fans and what they prefer

But you can’t have both that’s what I that’s how I feel yeah agreed Brian Brian you you’re you’re too tall today your head is blocked by the skate pod logo this entire time he’s trying to like look tall yeah that’s what I’ve been seeing the whole podcast is Brian’s face is

Just the skate pod logo maybe maybe uh flip turn your camera up a little bit Brian or something get that out of your face Brian Brian’s playing goalie there’s there’s no room to shoot past Brian today no yeah you can’t get it he blocking them all with his

Head oh we should make skate pod pucks can we do that is there a way to get like custom pucks with just our skate pod logo on them so I have a wall back here we should we a new Bridget also has a new Bobby or photo in her

Background today yes I do with a puck from the old Garden that is what I have may maybe maybe this is oh by the way guys I I I um ever since Twitter turned it to X it’s like such a I don’t know what’s going on in that app but I I like

Deleted my app like a while ago because I was like this is I don’t know what’s going on but this is you you see the most ridiculous content I just got rid of it and then um I don’t know I redownloaded it just for like literally

For like the skate and stuff and like brewing and stuff and I I got logged out of the skate pod account so I don’t have the password anymore but maybe one of you guys can put up a poll I’ll just I’ll just share right now any want to L

In it’s password yeah just fire off whatever it takes you on it’s uh it’s Scott pops dollar sign um but one of you two maybe you guys can put out like a some sort of question about like based on this conversation like like would you pref like you know would you prefer the

The goalie platoon or you know I don’t know how to word it Scott’s the word Smith but um I’d be curious to see people’s responses to that because I I I the more we talk about this it really is one of the other it is yeah it’s true if

If you if you want to go with the goalie platoon and and and roll with this team into the playoffs and maybe add a dep defenseman or maybe a middle six forward for a mid- round pick and and yes you can go that Avenue but if you want that

High-end player because you want this team to go all in lenos Sol Marcus they got to do it so I don’t know if people are realizing that just yet all right let’s swing this back to the to the present and uh this Vegas game and you know another blown lead but

Was a game last night that’s right but a regulation win so I I started with how I feel which is I don’t feel better at all but how how do you guys feel like was was this a step in the right direction still still big concerns just takeaways from from that

Game yeah I mean anytime you get a win when you’re sliding it’s it makes them feel good um Bridget to your uh opening shift I believe yeah the depth scoring is is is promising um you know geeky again a great value ad high and V Reams dike brazzo and uh boquist

Seem to have some chemistry in the fourth line Bo with seven points in his last seven games brazo is bringing size and um you know possession and just a different look to that line I like him there um so you know I’ll be honest guys I’m not yes they could they could use

Help up front um but I’m not too too concerned with them right now up front like for me like I said you know maybe a half hour ago they gota they need to tighten up defensively Scott you mentioned like we’re approaching March well we’re in March it’s March 1 and the

Dead lines a few weeks away and defensively this team one one week one week away defensively this team is giving up far too many scoring chances and uh towards the bottom of the of of the pack among playoff teams right now and they’re not going to go anywhere if

They don’t lock down defensively and and I think you know part of that probably Personnel um but you know I mean the the goal I forget who it was the Alex petrangelo goal last night it’s like he gets three whacks at it and and makoy and Grizz are just standing right there

It’s like guys that’s just so that that [ __ ] has tooy just like makoy kind of just comes like storming through the slot like a runaway train just goes right by yeah like he he he ends up with one whack at it misses and then he takes

Himself out of the play like that not good and then and then the I think it was the third Vegas goal it was so Carlo throws it up the wall into basically a 50-50 battle where loses it and then boquist and Carlo bump into each other at the front of the net and

Um amadio just ends up completely all by himself and like I don’t want to be too too harsh on that line in particular being out there for that goal because the fourth line was excellent uh Thursday night for the most part like that was really the only tough shift I

Think um when when they were on the ice loo bis Breo the Bruns out attempted Vegas 17-2 like that’s that’s impressive and you mentioned Bas now seven points in seven games uh he has he’s played 26 games now this season I don’t know if you guys if you guys saw this what what

I wrote but um of course you how many read everything that you write do you know how many of those games he’s been a minus oh isn’t it only like one one and it was back in December 15 yeah because I had went I had gone down

My own deep dive into the bit stats not that long ago um on a different opening shift that was related to what the way that their fourth line was trending in the right direction um and with the new Personnel uh so my one of my and this isn’t even just a thought

About the Vegas game this is a thought about who wasn’t in the Vegas game and that’s Derek forber and we talked about it during the last podcast is was missing that meeting enough to like push him over the edge into the into a place where they’re like okay maybe this is

Where we get rid of salary maybe this is who we move out um and how much it was going to affect his playing time and so he’s he’s been out two games in a row whether that is completely to do with play or or meeting or what we’re not

Sure they they are not going to come out and say that but it it just begged the question how how much will it affect his playing time and as of right now he hasn’t gotten back in game since then so yeah I mean you don’t want to say that like they’re willing to

Trade him because he slept through his alarm but you know obviously he hasn’t been playing great and you have to make sure that when you’re not playing great you’re doing everything and then some uh obviously so that that just came at the worst possible timing for him personally

Because mistakes happen right but yeah um and he did give that he did explain that at practice yesterday yeah um that it was an alarm issue yeah but um yeah and does doesn’t help that wspoon and shaton Kirk have played well these last couple games shaton Kirk two assists

Thursday night wspoon was second among defenseman in minutes he played over 20 minutes um you know Lori I know Lori had a tough game in Seattle but for the most part he’s been playing well so yeah that game was the anomaly of the call up like

He’s been good a majority of the time I thought yeah yeah I mean I think I think if this blue line is completely healthy right now I think the the top six defenseman are makoy lorai Carlo lolm wspoon and shaton Kirk and I don’t know

If you guys watched the and yes so that means that grizzik and forber are out um the latest behind the be which I think may have dropped honestly within the last like hour or two but I did catch it and and and wther Spoon was miked up for

The game in Vancouver I think because he’s a BC native but he’s miked up so you know the camera’s harping on him the whole game and you’re hearing what he’s talking like throughout the game and he’s a gamer like he’s boxing out uh JT Miller um he’s just he’s very engaged

He’s he in my opinion has earned a spot in the top six and I’m not saying that they couldn’t use an upgrade on defense just in general but if your if your defense is makoy lorai if if if makoy lorai and lolm are three of your top four defenseman that

Should be enough high-end Talent uh all around the ice they shouldn’t need to bring in another top four guy because Carlos’s the fourth guy um maybe you can use a bigger body and more toughness over shaton Kirk but I just think you know if forbert and grizzik are out

Those other six guys I think are your ideal six defenseman I think they need forward but but Scott this kind of goes to something you said CU Sweeney and Ne both had made com ments this week to to different um Outlets about what they’re looking for and they brought up toughness

Again yeah so Cam Neely talked to flut o shinza of the athletic on the road trip Don Sweeney was on the nesson pregame show Thursday night and you know both talked a little bit about the trade deadline and what they think the team needs and they both went to to physicality

Toughness um specifically on the blue line NE also mentioned a scorer so and they both acknowledge that you know it’s going to be tough to add given their situation so it came with all the necessary qualifiers but it it is clear like when your GM and president both go

To the same thing and mention physicality and toughness like gives you a really good idea of what they’re looking for um and I think it starts on the blue line like they both specifically said you know another Defender like that a rugged Defender so uh you know

Personally I I don’t know like I for a long time I was of the opinion that the left side of the defense was the biggest need maybe it’s just recency biased because of how many forwards have gone quiet I do kind of think a score is a

Bigger need right now um but I also I I get what they’re going for on defense because as we’ve talked about they they give up too many scoring chances they give up too many netfront high danger chances so I yeah you absolutely could could use an upgrade there Scott is

There a stat that you can filter for individual players um for how many times there are like net front High danger chances while specific players are on the ice like for like how many how many do they give up when he’s on versus makoy versus you know maybe a guy that

They bring in I I can pull it up now but as a preview I’m going to tell you because this is what got me in trouble when I tweeted positive things about Derek forbert he he grades out well like they he’s the Bruins Defender that is on

The I for like the least amount or close to it yeah I mean Bridget as it pertains to Sweeny and ne’s comments this Boston Bruins team if they want to get to the Stanley Cup finals they’re going to have have to get through you know one or not both of

Florida and Carolina in my opinion both of those teams they play the right way they work hard they have size they have physicality yes they have skill but they have the they have the work ethic and the will that makes you tough to play against in the postseason and so this

Boston Bruins team in my opinion you know they don’t have yes they have David past one of the best offensive players in the world Beyond him you know the Bruins aren’t the most gifted offensive team okay they have to work hard for their goals like Scott has

Said so if that’s the case and that’s not going to change like that that’s they are who they are offensively this year if you’re not going to be a highly offensive Juggernaut which even if you are that team you still have to be tough and whatnot if you aren’t going to be

That team then they need to be really tough to play against and they have to be Stout defensively and so their four checking game and their cycling and their and their low game has to be impeccable uh their transition game has to be really solid but defensively in

Their own end they have to it has to be their identity if their identity is not going to be a high-scoring highflying team like it was frankly most of last year if that’s not your identity and they don’t have the Personnel to for that to be their identity it has has to

Be defensive and it has to be uh tough to play against on on all three all three zones so getting players that help those areas of their game I think uh is is important so I kind of coign with with uh management here just to quickly run through this so

Five on five high danger chances against per 60 Minutes uh starting from least amount Derek forbert 9.7 per 60 Minutes Kevin ChatON Kirk hus wiholm Brandon Carlo little bit of a so that’s 10.53 a little bit of a jump than to Parker wether spoon 12.4 followed by Ian Mitchell Mason lorai Charlie McAvoy

Eighth out of nine and Matt grizzli bringing up the rear at 14.1 so now also worth noting context there of the guys towards the bottom probably getting the tougher matchups so that’s certainly uh ESP in the case of mavo and grizzl that’s certainly a factor there yeah yeah and I it’s a little

Surprising makavo there but yeah you’re right about that the matchups but UMO has been on the ice for as many high danger chances against as for this season just break even 50% so I’m trying to pull up his uh his contract I don’t know I know he just

Signed an Anaheim but people are dogging on rad kudas because he went from one of the you know better defenseman last year as it pertains to shutdown guys with metrics now being a nightmare in Anaheim and I saw people saying well yeah no [ __ ] everybody who goes to Anaheim it’s

Their statistics hit the toilet so I think Gus has actually been pretty good there though yeah so I I mean like is I again I don’t know what his what his current contract is and stuff like that but like is he somebody that uh the

Bruins could could uh Circle or or is he kind of like out of play I would imagine he’s not available um I’m trying I think that was like a fouryear deal I’m just trying to think of you know some some guys that that that management could have in mind to

Fill some of these roles that that they speak of because you know we can sit here and speculate all we want but what our wish list is and what we want them to get but when they say something okay well that’s what they’re looking for so there’s some weight there you know yeah

Gus’s metrics are very good this year so he he has not taken a step back oh I don’t know I guess I guess Twitter strikes again Anaheim Anaheim Ducks Twitter LED you the wrong way Brian no you’re only there to look at the jerseys most the

Time but no not the not these ones the orange ones when they switch back I will no it was one of those like hockey anetic you know Twitter accounts and then you have all the people in the comments being the Twitter GMS I just

Saw I don’t know I saw a quote tweet I don’t know it ended up in my timeline but in any event I will tell you Ilia lbushkin were a really and like he he he grades out as like one of the worst defenseman in the league and Toronto just gave up a third

Round pick for so all right well we’re approaching an hour guys um trying to think of some other we haven’t even hit the ups and downs we’ve gone over a couple of them um bridon know if we want to get that Banner going yeah um before we do that

There am Monti hit his 100th game as a 100th win as a Bruins head coach or NHL coach but they or was it Bruins with the Bruins specifically Bruins coach yeah um so you know that’s impressive obviously it’s it’s been a year and a half since

He’s been their head coach and last year you you break a record it’s kind of a good start to that so um you know Monty is definitely a without having the same last year it was easy to to talk about the roster and and I guess maybe this he

Maybe Monty can fit into who’s up Who’s down um because last year with the Rost they had it was kind of like oh obviously he’s going to be successful but you know they had injuries out of the gate right it was not easy to start last year and then this year talk about

Overhaul so clearly he does a lot well as head coach I think that he does some makes some moves that are heads scratching to to to the fans and and those who cover the team and um you know he he sticks with lines about as long as

A a light is green or a light a traffic light is red but um just you know you guys’ opinion on on Monty through his first 100 wins as a Bruins coach I think mostly very good I think a lot of players have gotten better under his

Watch and whether it’s last year this year had career Seasons uh and I think you have to give the coach some credit for that um we know the the second guesses and criticisms from the playoffs many of which I think were Fair um I would also say you know during a stretch

Like this where the team can’t seem to play their right way with the lead like it’s fair to look at coaching there so not perfect you know definitely um with some questions for sure but for the most part they’ve won a lot of games um and

Guys have gotten better on his watch so I would give it like a B+ so far and the locker room has always seemed good under Montgomery like being in the locker room like like after the game and hearing what people the way people talk about each other hearing the

Way he talks about the team and and just getting the sense that nobody nobody’s gotten tired of of his style or message or anything like that it seems like they’re cohesive right if you if you want to talk about the way that he’s gotten them to play over the

Last two SE not quite two seasons but um they they seem to be working together well it’s not like you know in everybody’s body in it seems like so those are some important things for coaches to to be able to get the team to do and obviously some of that’s player

Le they had some great leadership um this year he has to do that a little bit more than in the past when berson was here and Felino was here and we mentioned that before but um hard to say too many bad things about him and uh we

We did get like a a Maria from Watertown she’s probably listening right now uh I she called in and was like she was mad at him and and Scott said um call us anybody call us if you think that he should get fired already um but

We did not get any calls like that so I don’t know how many people are ready to to call and and say ah you gotta get that Bruce Cassie guy back or you know go a different direction this guy’s not the answer yeah and and Bruce Cassidy obviously had a comment before

Yesterday’s game about having a ring on his finger coming back to Boston which is probably pretty nice and look he absolutely has every right in the world to to make that common and feel that way I mean I think Bruce had like a six you know 67 winning percentage over six

Years with the Bruins and you know um clearly the bruners thought there was a time for a change and you know they’ve had results and Bruce has had results but um yeah I I look I think Monty yeah he’s a good coach obviously um again he needs

To be a little bit more decisive and but maybe he’s he’s trying to figure out what works he’s also trying to keep things fresh over 82 um but you got to give certain Runway to see if certain things really work um but yeah obviously good good guy good coach good story uh

Scott any final comments on Monty I don’t know if you guys saw this uh Ty Anderson tweeted it out but so the Bruns have given up at least three goals eight games in a row now and it’s the first time since 2017 that they’ve done that

And Ty noted that uh the last during that streak in 2017 it was between games six and seven in that streak that the brones fired Claude Julian so not not not not not the best sign but you know I don’t think we’re quite there yet no

Yeah I mean that was yeah I was just waiting he was just waiting to to throw that in there that’s no disrespect but that’s got to be like it that’s just very happen stance that’s that has nothing to do with anything like there’s no there’s no correlation between the

Two situations bet that all the all the reporters on the ninth floor have the most insane stats that they have like ready to tweet immediately if if something is to happen like I’ll be walking to the elevator after the game and and Conor Ryan will be like damn

They didn’t do this I was gonna shoot off this amazing tweet I had about some random obscure guy from the 80s that yeah they’ll be they’ll be like like oh uh the bru the Bruin scored two goals in under 18 seconds and Brad Martian said after the game that he had honeycomb for

Breakfast and the last time the Brun scored two goals and under 18 seconds Chris Kelly had honeycomb for breakfast that morning it’s like oh my where are the guys with these stats Bridget you you’ve seen me when I get into research mode and that’s where I was uh second

Intermission last night look because Morgan geeky was the fifth different breu to have a hattrick this season so I went down that rabbit hole and it turns out that um the only other season in the last 28 years that they’ve had five different plays with the hattrick was

2122 um and the team the team record if you’re interested is seven different players in a season which they did in 1943 44 and 7273 so that’s that’s how I spent my second inter night black and white hockey back then with helmets oh God great see this is this is

I always thought it was just him using that as an excuse to ignore me cuz sometimes I’m talking to him and I’m like hey Scott and he just like looking at his laptop like pretending to be busy and I’ll ask him what he’s doing and he’s like I’m looking up the 1982 season

Stats for this person and I’m like you’re just ignoring me you can just you can just tell me like you lie about it that that is an added bonus but no I I I legitimately just like if I get something in my head I just get tunnel

Vision and like have to keep looking until I find the this sound the pitch of my voice just goes in one ear out the other it’s just like he’s Googling how to subtly ignore your coworker um I make it really difficult let me put it that way let just rapid

Fire guys a couple I mean we’ve mentioned them I mean couple of UPS would be the fourth line we mentioned boquist seven points last seven games brazzo geeky we mentioned those guys gave him their UPS uh W SP we mentioned um couple others or some of the Downs Maybe Bridget um

So yeah to I guess to go to the Downs first if we want to do that um we we talked about how de Brusque is is in another somewhat of a slump Maran is a little bit as well um at what point is it not a slump for de brusin when he

Scores it’s the anomaly you know what I mean that’s that’s kind of where we’re at uh at this point for sure but uh forbert we talked about how he’s a down and he’s been he’s been an out not just a down and I want your thoughts on so

This the second line right to bras kazaka jvr where are they in your mind I I that whole line needs needs to get going like I they’ve been on different lines for parts of this stretch but yeah I mean we went through some of it like de Brusque

One goal in the last 14 games Saka none in the last 10 uh Vin Reams DK’s now gone six games without a point um I think they the three of them combined for four shots on goal against Vegas like I think Martian Coy posano when you

You load them up together like I think that’s a solid first line that’s a good first line analytics back it up for the season the problem is is are you going to get enough from a second line when one of marsh Ander pasok isn’t on it and

I I feel like most of the season the Bruins have not and I look at Ben Reams like zaka debrusk and all three are kind of slumping right now and it’s like well that that’s probably just not going to be a good enough second line like unless

They all get going that’s you just need more like you can’t you can’t have a second line that’s going to go four five games without score hey uh you know who’s up guys from Providence Mark mlin oh just just in broke oh my God thank God we didn’t sign off and then

This we could have easily signed off eight minutes ago and this could have been emergency basis win call Mark yeah because they sent Rashard down right before Vegas so I guess it’s time to see Scott’s cousin well look and it’s been a while I mean he got called up was it it

Was the the so this will be his first call up since the 2021 22 season yeah I don’t think he was up at all last year no he up uh I I thought he did I thought he got a couple games last year I don’t believe so I don’t remember him being up

At all last year I don’t think so they were such a you know they were such a machine all year that they never called him up H I’m right he played he played two games last season no was it mini hockey on the road yeah it was the

Last oh okay was it the last couple of games uh no it’s January 28th and 29th he played back-to-back games in Florida and Carolina wow well there there’s some on my face I don’t remember that at all I don’t either at all but make better not

A good sign for how he play I was gonna say maybe he’ll make a better impression this time that we’ll remember it um so they yeah they just sent this email out it says um his stats this season he’s appeared in 53 games in Providence six goals five assists 11

Points um so okay so so a couple quick notes that come to mind here um part of this is that with the Bruins having had so little cap space I believe they’re at like 835,000 before this call up it it actually limits who you can call up like

It has to be someone under that salary so like Johnny Beer’s over that Georgie melov is over that Fabian LEL is over that um so you’re you’re already limited on like who you can call up um should have called up Trevor countar is he over that he is he’s over that

867 um I’m sorry I’m sorry Marky because I I can I’m sure people are going to say well why not just bring Anthony back up he was just here and he was playing fairly well well if Rashard plays another NHL game he would need he would then need waivers to go back down

And I feel like part of him going down is maintaining roster flexibility through the trade deadline like the way I see it is probably get past the trade deadline and if there’s a spot for Anthony Rashard you can bring him back up for good and not worry about waivers but you probably

Want to see what your team looks like um see if you add enough and make sure you can keep him as depth without losing him on waivers okay well Mark McGlothlin up is that how we want to finish who’s up Who’s down well and and so it’s say

An emergency basis um who’s who was hurt last night or or what’s the reasoning for that was there anybody hurt that we can recall I don’t know I don’t it did not offer a coinciding uh injury or so sometimes they they can kind of fudge

This a little where like you can kind of pass it off as like well someone’s questionable but then you know they’re going to play and you know really like they’re going on the road so you you don’t want to have only 12 forwards like you want to have that 13th forward just

In case someone actually does get sick or hurt um so that would kind of be my guess I I can’t recall anyone suffering any any anything that seemed like an injury to me that the the only one that went down was Grizzly I think blocked the shot and was hobbled a

Little bit but obviously he finished the game so well look I mean um boquist has played he’s produced brazo look good but you know look there’s still you know Loco hasn’t really there there’s opportunity to be had I mean mlin if he wants if he gets the chance to play you

Got to make the most of it if you want a chance out a second and third and fourth look but you know he’s gota he’s gotta come out and just start hitting people here’s a CH here’s his chance right he’s been waiting a long time for unless

Someone actually is heard he’s he’s not gonna play he’s not gonna play no no no no but but that’s what I’m saying like at least he got called up there’s a chance it’s you know if he ever wants to crack the lineup he’s not going to do so

In Providence he’s in Boston right now whether he’s on the ninth floor or not um but anyway so he can he can be part of popcorn time with the mofin yeah that be two mlin ignoring Bridget up there I’ll just sit right in between them and see which one of them will answer

Me um any any final discussion points guys we’re g a little bit long at this point and I know it’s a weekend so guys I’m just I’m just quickly going through to see if anyone didn’t make it to the end of the game but not not really like

Couple of the fourth liners their last shift was with like four and a half minutes left but that’s not unusual so no and there was power play there was time there penalty kill time there um yeah interesting great so road trip little road trip coming up um Toronto yeah two games against Toronto

Oilers um yeah that’s that’s NE that’s this week yeah this week can’t believe it’s already March um and then there’s a real big game where on the 14th where Scott and I are going to Montreal Brian you want to come on the 14th March 14th you available nope but Brian but but I’m

Gonna have Shakira on the whole time five and a half hours of Shakira are you guys driving up together yeah oh God speed we’ll see how that goes this podcast might be down to two people which whichever one of us survives one of you is gonna be tied to

The roof like a Christmas tree before that that drive is over I feel like you’re talking about me um I didn’t specify that’s up to you guys one of us is getting left at Hill Farmstead to live at the I I don’t know I don’t know

Who it’s going to be it’s on on the top of the roof but they’ll probably be singing uh Whenever Wherever to our Hips Don’t Lie we get it’s just on Loop um you think I’m kidding but I mostly I mostly did listen to Shakira on my way up last time when I

Went by myself but no we’re gonna not happening uh we’re oh if I’m driving Shakira and Harry Styles on repeat Shakira and Harry Styles yes um we don’t let ground there we can agree on Creed oh God I don’t think we ever agreed on Creed but uh no I’m going to leave Scott

Um on the on the barroom floor after we share a beer tower at uh Peele Pub or one of those one of those bars that that they have those giant beer towers and Scott and I are gonna split one between the two of us and see who who survives

I’m gonna be just fine God speed godp speed Brian we could use your help with that recording a pod right after that right yeah that’ll be good all right well we have we have another the time to talk about that that upcoming trip for you guys yeah we will we will talk about

It again I mean yeah it’s yeah maybe they’ll celebrate St Patrick’s Day early up in Montreal but oh St Patrick’s Day is Big up there yeah yeah all right guys we’ve taken enough of people’s time for this one episode so if you guys are good

Scott you have one more to say nope all good I’m you good I’m good all right thank you all for listening have a wonderful weekend and we will talk to you on Monday hey guys thanks for watching the gate podcast if you want to see more of our videos visit our

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Discussing the Bruins’ win over Las Vegas, who’s up and who’s down for this week and what the goalie trade market says about Linus Ullmark’s value this trade deadline. Are Lohrei or Poitras untouchable in a trade? Reflecting on Montgomery’s 100 games with Boston. Will Marc McLaughlin crack lineup after today’s call up?

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Photo: Winslow Townson-USA TODAY Sports

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  1. The Bruins seem, even though they are doing great this year in the standings, not to be fully engaged. The too many men on the ice penalties are caused both by the players on the bench leaving early and by the lack of urgency in getting off the ice. This is PROFESSIONAL hockey; profesionals act like profesionals all the time. Pasta's reactions after giving up the puck, no urgency. Get a lead and "turtle up" rather than urgently trying to increase the lead.

  2. It was heartbreaking, they tried so hard to lose that game to Vegas and could get it done. Leafs in 7.

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