@St. Louis Blues

Predicting the Blues last 23 games.


I am collecting data on a form to see how Blues fans will predict our last 23 games. This form is anonymous and does not collect names or emails. I will share the results on Tuesday with everyone. Thanks in advance!

by Sure_Sell_901


  1. martinomj24

    11-11-1. Pretty much like the whole season’s gone. Boatload for Buchy!

  2. dingdongjohnson68

    Hard to predict. So much depends on if they sell buchie, or not.

    Technically, they’re still right in it for a wildcard spot, but that would require them to take it up a few notches the remainder of the way. There is no reason to believe they can/will do that, though. And if they did happen to squeak in, I can’t imagine them making any noise in the playoffs. I guess you never know, though.

    I know they say, “never go full rebuild,” but at this point…..fuck it. As much as I love buch, if we’re not going to sign him, we might as well sell him. I think we’re stuck with krug and schenn, but if we can get rid of binnington’s contract (without having to pay someone to take him)……..DO IT. I know he gets a lot of blind love around here, but dude is a below average nhl goalie. He/his contract is part of the problem.

    While we’re at it, admit the kyrou contract was a mistake, and get rid of that douche, too. Supposedly he is still highly regarded around the league, so get rid of him while you still can. Hell, right now we could probably get a nice haul for him before the rest of the league figures out he’s a team/coach killer and we’re stuck with him for 7 more years.

    I guess a common problem at trade deadlines is the salary cap. I think most teams are already up against it, so they’d have to do some gymnastics to make room for our over-paid guys.

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