@Montreal Canadiens

As a Swede I always mourned a lack of my countrymen playing for the Habs. But I do take comfort in Mats Näslund. Any appreciation for “Le Petit Viking”?

As a Swede I always mourned a lack of my countrymen playing for the Habs. But I do take comfort in Mats Näslund. Any appreciation for “Le Petit Viking”?

by flyinghouses


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  2. whogivesashirtdotca

    He was my favourite player when I first started watching hockey. I remember visiting the official shop as a tween and being overjoyed by my normally tight-fisted mother offering to buy me a small Naslund poster. I kept it up til I was nearly 20, long after he’d gone.

  3. Naslund-Smith-Richer…… Could use that line again GHG

  4. He was my favorite player back then ! I don’t know why but I loved swedish athlete in the 80-90’s. My favorite tennis player is Stefan Edberg! Also liked Mats Sundin and Peter Forsberg very much !

  5. red_white_blues

    Mats was living in a condominium right across the street from the players entrance of the old forum.

  6. patrone2685

    I had a Mats Naslund placemat I ate on from age 4 until it fell apart.

  7. dbrodbeck

    (I’ve told this story before)

    At the 1987 Canada Cup I went to a round robin game, Canada v Sweden. When Naslund was introduced all of us at the Forum gave him a standing O. When Michel Goulet was introduced for Canada we booed him. When Mike Keenan was introduced we booed him.

    Before the game there was a Swedish guy walking around in basically a blue and yellow superman suit with a Swedish flag as his cape. He was carrying four beers and had already had a large number. He was yelling ‘Nobody can beat sweden’. I said to him ‘The Americans beat you guys two nights ago’. He then corrected his chant ‘Nobody but the Americans can beat Sweden’.

    Canada’s powerplay came out early in the game. It had Gretzky centering two guys named Messier and Lemieux. The points, well they were covered by Coffey and Bourque. We scored very quickly.

    Naslund scored a goal late in the game and we cheered like crazy.

    Yes, yes I remember Mats Naslund.

  8. poutinebutnotrussian

    also my favourite player as a kid, my dad bought me a habs jersey with his name and number, I was so proud to wear it!

  9. He was and still is my all-time favourite Hab. I met him at Sports Experts in St. Eustache in 1987 or 88 for an autograph signing session. Signed my posters and a caricature drawing of me wearing a Naslund jersey. He was super nice. In adulthood, I acquired a game-used Naslund Torspo. Have it all on display in my home gym.

  10. It broke my heart when he got tired of playing in the NHL and left for Sweden. I always felt like losing Naslund was one of the factors that spurred Serge to trade Chelios and a pick for Denis Savard.

    He broke it again when he came back to the NHL to play for . . . the Boston Bruins. ugh

    Nonetheless, it was a great 8 years with the Habs and he was a key part of ’86 Cup and the ’89 Finals team

  11. There is one with the Rocket de Laval: Filip Cederqvist! 🙂

  12. MrFantastic74

    He is my all time favorite player! My Naslund jersey was my prized possession when I was a kid. He was small but played a big game; I remember him crushing Eric Lindros with a huge hit in a Sweden/Canada game. He’s the last Habs player to get over 100 pts in a season, which is kind if sad that it’s been so long. My mother was a member of this Scandinavian club in Montreal at the time that he played, and he and his wife showed up one day and my mom met him. I was super pissed at her for not calling me to tell me to come meet him, or at the least get his autograph. 😞

  13. Enough_Ad_9659

    He was my favourite Habs in the 80’s !

    Kjell Dahlin was good too (he was a one year wonder but I liked him)

  14. 1985-86 he had a 1.38 PPG season on the way to a Stanley Cup.

    That was 1 of 4 Point Per Game plus seasons, with 1 other season at .99 PPG and a rookie season of .96 PPG.

    He is the last Hab to have a 40+ goal season. He had 2 of them back to back, 42 and 43 goals respectively.

  15. Orange_Jeews

    Was my favorite player growing up. I remember he once scored a goal from his knees. He got tripped up and slid on his knees and scored a sweet goal. I’ve never been able to remember what game that was or find a clip of it

  16. SophieSpun

    Mats Naslünd forever! Nº26 last, best scorer since glorious seventies dynasty.

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