@New Jersey Devils

NJ Devils EMERGENCY Press Conference: LIVE From The Depths of Hell and a Message To Rangers Fans


After last night’s pathetic performance against the New York Rangers; I talk about all things New Jersey Devils at the moment.

I also take a minute to put Rangers fans in their proper place and give them a historical reality check.

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  1. Iā€™m A Rangers fan : but itā€™s BS that some fans felt the need to rub it in on a devil team thatā€™s in a rough patch from years of watching I know itā€™s massive rivalry but come on do they want a trophy or something šŸ¤£ some fans are dicks!

  2. So much cope šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

    You all hate rangers fans so much, so why do you sell your tickets to us every single damn time. I get that it sucks having your building taken over, but for fucks sake you gotta go and rep your teamā€”beating us should be better than pocketing 120$ lmao

  3. We have thisā€¦ we have thatā€¦
    You know what you donā€™t have?? Fans filling your arenaā€™s seat. Itā€™s our House!! MSG2

  4. I'd rather move Holtz than Mercer. Mercer has had better stats, and is a more versatile, well rounded forward. Unlike Holtz, Mercer can play with Nico, and/or Jack. He also kills penalties. I doubt Holtz becomes Pastrnak.

  5. Love the setting, it does feel like we're in hell after the last two shitshows, lol.

    I really don't want Fitz to give up either Mercer or Holtz but we're going to need an elite goalie at some point soon and it's gonna cost a lot, otherwise we're going to get pretty much what we've gotten for much of the last decade. That's what happens when your organization can't draft and develop goalies.

    While I much prefer Saros, there's no guarantee he'll extend here and even if he does, it's gonna cost around $8M per year for eight or so years. That's a lot of money and term to commit to the position even though our goalie woes should be, at least theoretically, resolved for years to come.

    Markstrom isn't nearly as good and he's almost six years older than Saros but we'd only be paying him for two or so years at what should be a lower salary.

  6. Saros is available and the Devils are the team at the front of the line to grab him. Itā€™s Fitzā€™s responsibility to find a way to fix this goalie situation. Completely agree about Markstrom: the Calgary brass missed the boat on Holtz by squashing that deal back when it was relevant. Thatā€™s done now. Time to get Saros.

  7. its been 20 years since the devils won a cup so dont act like they are any better…rangers still have 4 cups to your 3 and jack hughes and his ego will never win them a cup…he will be the next taylor hall or john tavares and keep switching teams and not winning a cup all cuz he thinks he is the next wayne gretzky…..jack said it himself "people pay to see me play" ….with that ego and attitude good luck winning a cup after playing on multiple teams in the next 15 years

  8. The Rangers will do nothing in the Playoffs. The reason why so many Ranger fans come to the Prudential Centre is because they can't afford to buy tickets for the MSG games, especially when they only receive a monthly nut check. Devils will be a dynasty just a bump in the road this year.

  9. This team is screaming "we need a coaching change" and Fitzy is turning a blind eye. There's no way we have this much young, presumably hungry talent, and end up with this mess of a season without a lot of poor coaching discussions. Lindy is a hall of famer for sure, but it's time for the Devils to move on. Contracts are ticking, particularly Toffoli's

  10. Goalies have improved to league average numbers above .900 since Jan 1st. They still have a losing record. Not having 1 shutdown defensemen on this team is the core problem. Add in all the rookies. Meier, Bratt, Hughes and Toffoli are all terrible at defense. Leaving Nico and Palat as the only defensive minded players on the ice in the top two lines. It's too much to ask of just two forwards to help defend.

  11. Who the hell cares about the past. What matters is the now. Most fans werenā€™t even fans when the rangers and devils last won. I became a fan in 2014. So I donā€™t give a dam about who has won more. But I do care about the now. And right now the swam dragon devils are garbage. A one hit wonder

  12. This guy talking as if the devils won the cup a couple years ago. Yā€™all think yā€™all the lightning or penguins or something? Ctfu! Getting all mad cuz rangers fans are talking trash. Devils fans do the same. Iā€™m not one to talk trash unless Iā€™m responding back. Bump the breaks my friends. The devils canā€™t even consistently compete for a playoff spot. The rangers are always in the mix. Meanwhile the devils are at home vacationing with family. Yā€™all need to humble yourselves because yā€™all are defending a trash organization that recently has been at the bottom of the barrel

  13. Lou was our best GM! I miss him! Heā€™s the Architect for our Stanley Cupā€™s! Lou would fire Lindy! Itā€™s time for a change! We have too much talent to be where we are now! No excuses for this horrendous PP! Itā€™s certainly not the mediaā€™s fault! Itā€™s time for a Coaching change, now! Come on Fitz, do your job! LGD!!

  14. lol whatā€™s the past got to do with it? Trolls are gonna troll. Is what it is. Youā€™re coming off madddd salty. Seems like youā€™re taking it harder than anyone.

  15. FI-RE LIN-DE, FI-RE LIN-DE, Joking aside, and I don't say this easily but I think the only thing to do right now is to let Lindy go. Get a coach that will play the players to their strengths and their natural positions. I think Saros is the right decision and we have to face it they will have to give in order to get. Like you said, Mercer would be the likely choice. I would hate to see him go but its a reality. They also need a veteran defense man to help with the pucks in front of the net. These changes could make the difference now. But if they wait much longer NOTHING will help this season. And I know this is not a factor at the moment but I say we need to find a way to keep Toffoli. There almost as many people saying to trade him as they are Timo.

  16. Timo ended up on the right wing for one chance last game and RIPPED a great one time shot, they just refuse to allow him opportunities at his natural position

  17. This is a professional level type visual filter on this video šŸ˜‚Really looks like you're in hell. I'm not there with you yet, still a lot of time to make up only the needed couple of games in the standings to make the playoffs. Again though, like I said in your previous video we have the offensive talent, our coaches for some reason do not put our guys in positions to succeed with the odd offensive schemes they employ.

  18. I must say I love the red filter . It really does give the illusion of hell . Im very similar to you as far as liking this team so much my wife will not watch the games with me anymore because of the way I get pissed and start yelling at the tv. I live in Connecticut so when I go to the devils games I get very pissed when they lose. Itā€™s a real quiet 2 hour ride home . She told me that I should hang out with you when I go to the games she wonā€™t go anymore with me. Sorry for the rambling. Im just very Irritated with this team. Thank you for all the work you put in and letā€™s go devils

  19. As a west coast fan… C'nucks #1 but Devils close 2nd (Stevens my all-time captain… so not a band wagon jumper)… I would go all in if they could pry Saros… but if going Calgary route if grabbing Markstrom they also need Tanev to solidify the D… crazy hole in defensive core and they need a stalwart defensive player like him… hoping they actually step up and address what's plagued them all year from Dmen when Hamilton went down and Goaltending

  20. A message to Rangers fans means i am invited but yeah i am glad the Devils are garbage this year after all the crap the devils fans said to and did to Rangers fans last year in the playoffs. As for a fanbase i am glad you guys are salty that there are more New Jerseyans who like the Rangers then your poverty franchise and you are extra salty about our ability to maintain a loyal and passionate fanbase despite the lack of on ice success in modern times.

    Will we win a championship? i don't know but even if the rangers never win a championship and the devils win 5 straight, the rangers fans will remain loyal unlike the debbies.

  21. Going to say this now while Lindy has once again put together the worst imaginable lines on both offense and defense. If Lindy isnā€™t let go Iā€™m done with the rest of the season. Joke of a coach done with the smug BS not a leader.

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