@Boston Bruins

UFC’s Dana White Reacts To All-Time Greatest Bruins Fights | Playback Perspective Ep. 2

UFC’s Dana White Reacts To All-Time Greatest Bruins Fights | Playback Perspective Ep. 2

Yeah there’s a lot of blood in this one lot of blood against Trent Frederick Frederick oh hamers it oh an uppercut The Headless Horseman yeah no listen all these hockey dudes are tough man I I have nothing but respect for guys who play hockey um oh yeah he split

Them open too huh yeah yeah he’s a tough kid yeah these guys are all tough man nothing but respect for the the kids who play hockey you know these guys are on skates their stick is crooked they’re bent over they’re going 100 miles an hour right they’re shooting at a net

Where the guy who’s standing in front of it is as big as the net and anybody can take your head off at any moment and you actually have to fist fight on skates these guys are incredibly talented incredibly tough and all around great athletes the leg strength the balance

The speed the accuracy the everything you have to have to be a hockey player is uh is very impressive yeah there’s a lot of blood in this one a lot of Blood I think I’m more positive than other people are you know you can’t have a dynasty for 50 100 years you know we we we had our time we had our moment we had the right pieces in in place and now we’re in a rebuilding phase and uh you

Know I’m I’m not one of these guys that that jump ship quick I I’m I’m blessed I had 20 years of incredible memories with my family uh you know my kids basically don’t know anything but winning that’s all they know as Patriots Fans you know I say it all the time and even my kids my oldest son thanks me all the time Dad thank God you’re from Boston man and we’re Boston fans it’s it’s uh it’s the best sports Town ever and uh you know it just it’s special

It’s it’s special being a a a fan of Boston teams it’s it’s it’s awesome yeah of course yeah well first of all congrats nesson on on 40 Years of uh kicking ass and uh yeah I mean obviously you know the time that I spent in Boston you know nessen was a big part

Of my life always I mean we we are always planning on coming back here it’s obviously special for me when we come back um but yeah we’ll bring another big fight back here soon he well it’s not just Boston you you have you have some fight cities you

Know whether it’s uh Boston Philly New York obviously Vegas is is the fight capital of the world but uh you know Boston is definitely one of those special this every sport I mean you could you could do you could have uh you know uh cricket here and and or uh

What’s it pingpong let’s go pingpong what’s the bean bag game cor if if if there was a cornhole uh you know League a re like a real one Boston would have it and it would be the best and and uh it would have the best fans and would

Have the best energy uh when you went to see the cornhole games that’s what a uh a sports Town Boston is

UFC’s Dana White is no stranger to Boston sports, so what’s his take on some of the boldest Bruins fights of all time? Watch this edition of Playback Perspective to hear Dana’s takes on the state of the Bruins, Patriots, and why he thinks Boston sports fans are some of the greatest of all time.


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