@Tampa Bay Lightning

Posting this every game until Sheary gets a point

Posting this every game until Sheary gets a point

by deeVeeAre


  1. May as well just prep the last 19 posts because he is a fucking bum

  2. Past_Trouble

    “You are, without a doubt, the worst Connor I’ve ever heard of”

  3. I wasn’t paying enough attention to how bad he is until the last few games. And oh my, he just seems to make the worst plays every single time.

  4. RagMan1000

    This made me die laughing for some reason thank you lol

  5. Procedure_Dunsel

    Every couple shifts, I see him go by on his cardio lap. You can schedule the post for EVERY. FUCKING. GAME. Until the end of the year. Motte now has twice as many shorties as Schtinky has 5v5 goals.

  6. darealjimshady1

    Of all the Conors, this is the one we get?!

  7. nautica5400

    When was the last time a player was so despised by our fan base?

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