@Boston Bruins

Could Ullmark Fetch Impactful Forward? (Sunday Skate) | The Skate Pod, Ep. 283

Could Ullmark Fetch Impactful Forward? (Sunday Skate) | The Skate Pod, Ep. 283

This is Sunday skate with Scott mlin Andrew Razer rayr and Bridget Brew on Wei opson ahead to palmay he scores well paulmay scores again Pou back to Paul Murray pulock closes a kick save and Paul Murray has a natural hattick in 12 minutes and 19 seconds unmitigated disaster a 51 loss on the

Island this is Sunday skate with Andrew Razer raycraft and bridg pro I’m I love it now we have a show we do now we have a show Bridget’s on there look we got we got we got on track before the Bruins did so at some point I think we’re going

To do a Sunday skate after a win maybe maybe uh remains to be seen so last night obviously a complete no show 5-1 loss to the Islanders and normally you know if games like that don’t happen too often I can write them off every team has stinkers throughout

The season but where the brunes are right now it just adds to my concern level because it’s the third the third one of these like absolute no shows that they’ve had since the All-Star break you add in the blown leads the inability to close out games they’re now four four

And five since the All-Star break you thought they were finally starting to build some positive momentum on Thursday when they beat Vegas in regulation and that game wasn’t pretty and we can get into that uh as we go through the show today but they got the win that’s what was most important and

Then they followed up with that Saturday night against the Islanders Scott was already fired up even with the win he was he was grumpy the next day listen I was I was the negative one in this show last week I I can’t say I’ve seen anything in the past week that’s made me

Feel any better uh Razer you’re you’re usually the The Optimist are you still feeling okay yeah of course I mean why wouldn’t like again just quit like I I get this is like the funniest thing like burn it that like oh what’s the point um again for the record I’m not there the

Colorado Avalanche lost 5 to one I would assume if I took a poll of all Bruins fans they would think that the Colorado Avalanche were amazing the Vancouver Canucks are four five- one in their last 10 games they have the second most points the Dallas Stars are 43 and three

In their last 10 games the Colorado Avalanche like I just mentioned are 54 and one in their last 10 games and the Las Vegas golden knights who who everyone thinks is amazing cuz they have Bruce Cassie as a coaches 36 And1 in his last 10 games these are all playoff

Teams that are under 500 in their last 10 games or right around 500 in the last 10 games the Bruins 32 and five in their last 10 games uh so yes around the or or sandwiched in between the the way the Florida Panthers are playing the May

Maple Leafs are playing at 9 and one the Rangers 81 and one yeah it would feel much better if they were doing that but they’re they’re struggling they have their top two defenseman out of the lineup the Boston ruins I think it’s very obvious that hampus lolm helps this

Hockey team can we all like not rip on hampus Lindholm when he comes back for the next three weeks because it’s very obvious that the Bruins need him and he’s a very good hockey player I I I think we can see that now I hope everyone can see that now and and the

Reality is this is this this is why it’s a problem but this is also why I’m not going to go full p concern is because the Bruins best players haven’t been very good that that’s what it comes down to you go through Marshon pck Coyle de Brusque zaka they’re not

Scoring and the power play is not good like you go through those five guys they’re not getting points they haven’t scored consistently it’s been for 12 games now that’s why they’re not winning I I don’t think I don’t think that is going to continue for another 20 games

Plus seven in the playoffs I I just don’t think they’re going to be cold and not be able to get going offensively for 27 games so that’s it’s a bad stretch last night’s game was horrible but it it’s it is what it is yeah and you’re

You don’t know how long they’re going to be missing zaka now right he goes down and Montgomery postgame didn’t have any update on what you know what could be happening with him how long he might be out he already had gone quiet um he’s somebody that I would say it was

The over the LA the stretch of the last you know 10 games I guess you could say hadn’t been producing the way that he he has in the past and um and you start to see the injuries cropping up maybe a little bit and we’re less than a week

Away from the trade deadline so um some injuries always impact the trade deadline uh so you never know what what that’s going to how long he’s going to be out how that’s going to affect it when Lin Holm is coming back um and they also said brazo is banged up grizz’s

Banged up um so yeah there’s they’re going through some adversity right now for sure yeah and that’s the fascinating part of this is the trade deadline is on Friday so whatever answers donen he thinks this team needs or whatever changes he thinks they need he doesn’t

Have you know if ly holm’s not back this week or if zaka misses some time like Don Sweeney isn’t going to have the luxury of well let’s sit back and let it play out and see if these guys get going over the next couple weeks he needs to

Make those decisions now and Raza you mentioned all those forwards who have gone quiet uh you know to that to that point Jake debrus one goal in the last 14 Games Brad Marsh and one in the last 11 pavl zaka zero in the last 11 James V reik zero in the last

Seven does that top six need an upgrade and if it does how do you even get it obviously someone has to come off the active roster but I I’ve gone back and forth on what’s a bigger need forward defense forward defense reality is that they could probably use an upgrade in

Both areas they might only be able to get one I think hampus lindol coming back on defense at some point whether it’s this week next week whenever will help I I’m really worried about the forward group it’s just too many guys who have gone quiet for too

Long and whether it’s a legitimate top six guy which would be ideal or a third liner I think this team if they’re going to be a contender and we can get into to the conversation of whether they’re even going to be a contender because I think

There’s a lot of Bruins fans ready to throw in the towel as negative as I’ve been I’m not quite there yet uh but I think they’re going to need another score and I I don’t know how they get it I don’t know if they can just afford to

Bank on all these guys stepping up who who aren’t getting it done right now I don’t know it’s it’s going to be tough it’s it’s extremely tough there’s not as many scorers out there as there are kind of big defensemen um and and the the the big reason for

All of that and and especially for everyone is how how you get them um it’s certainly going to be a three or four team trade dealing with draft picks and capital and holding cap and retaining numbers and um it would be it would be convoluted because that that’s just

Where the Bruins are now listen that’s that’s the same for all the other teams are all $20,000 under the cap that are doing these deals and that’s why you see um the Dallas Stars essentially get taned for no dollars they didn’t have to pay them so you have to make deals like

That you have to give up random fourth round picks to do it and uh it will be and but I you could sway me in saying sway me you could say you put me on that side of the on The Ledger saying that they need uh another guy up front to

Score and maybe it is just a score maybe you don’t need the Sandpaper up front that people have talked about and the and the and the aggressiveness that they need maybe they just need a guy who can rip Pucks in the net yeah that’s where I’ve been for a few weeks now just

Middle six forward preferably second liner probably like you’re probably not going to find a first line we already talked about how few assets the Bruins have to give up in the first place so um we were trying to get creative when we were thinking of what they could

Possibly do because they don’t have a whole lot to to give up right um and talking about maybe trade forbert for a second round draft pick if you could or like a you know for a draft pick turn the draft pick into package that with someone else de Brusque maybe or or and

We brought up all Mark again which I want to get your opinion on um something that we talked about with him but it’s going to have to take a creative move for them to get an actual impact forward um in in the market that the way that it

Is right now and and the only two like on currently on the roster players that seem to have any value to people would be de Brusque and allmark and potentially one of the defenseman if you trade them to someone that’s in the playoff hunt and want like a big shot

Blocking defenseman like forber or something like that which you had mentioned before that uh most teams would would want someone like that and we saw labush can go to Toronto and and fetch a a middle round pick so yeah I mean if I leushin is worth a third round

Pick I would think forer’s worth something similar but obviously that takes you know another team being willing to do that Toronto new labush skin from before which to me makes it even more bizarre that they wanted to give up a third round pick for him

Because I’m not I’m not a fan of his but uh yeah it I I have some creative ideas I to get to as we go on this morning um but I think that the first question we have to answer just to start is what level of investment is this team even worth like

Should you be giving up assets to see he’s laughing at you to quotequote to quote unquote go maybe not all in like last year but give up assets to invest in this team making a run versus maybe just let it ride out you are limited assetwise you’re limited cap wise that

Would be the easiest path to go is just say look we knew this was going to have to be a reset year to some extent M you know we’ve done the best we can we just let it ride we see what happens and then we use all the cap

States we have in the summer and we retool then and that’s when we really make the aggressive push to load up for next year would that be acceptable or it should donwe still be investing in this year’s team and giving up assets to do it so I’m I’m laughing I’m because I

Know it’s not I know it’s not you I I know that’s like a narrative somehow that’s like a a Scott no it’s not a Scott Nar it’s you didn’t make that up i’ I’ve heard like everybody that’s like the narrative and and it’s so odd to me

It’s just like this is the ntion it’s Pro Sports it’s National Hockey League you think guys are like these teams and these organizations and the owners and the g M and the presidents and the players and the trainers and are showing up to the ring saying you know what it’s

Just a retool like let’s just get through the next 20 games we’re not we don’t really need to try out here every day we don’t need to really think about what’s going on tomorrow let let’s just let’s just kind of cruise let’s just try and get through these next 20 games and

And we roll the DI we’ll worry about that we we we’ll we’ll load up with all this cap money we have and we’ll be so much better next year and then we’ll be the contending team even though don’t forget guys don’t look at the standings though because we have 84 points we’re

Only two points out of the top spot in the entire National Hockey League but let’s just kind of cruise to the end there’s no point of investing in us there’s no point of trying the rest of the next 20 games let’s you know we’re we’re we’ll get our playoff games and

Then we’ll we’ll bow out like people Don Sweeney doesn’t think like that right like can’t like our the teams you’re in Pro Hockey or in Pro Sports you don’t think like that so you’re trying to make your team better every single minute that you’re awake and then every single day that you show

Up you’re trying to do better and and be better and um so so the the idea that listen it might have to be that way in that you can’t I think we’re they’re not going to they’re not getting rid of everybody to go all in on this they

Can’t they just can’t they don’t they don’t have the first round pick that might be important to somebody they’re not giving up Patra liel lowai they’re good prospects that they think are going to be National Hockey League players and and they don’t have the money to do it so it might

Be it might be something that it it does kind of look like they’re standing pad or but it’s not because the a lack of someone being on the phone and trying to be on the phone and trying to make deals and trying to make their team better or players trying to make

Themselves better it’s just the the the business of the league um and because again I I think it’s it’s really scary to say you’re going to punt being an 84-point team with 20 games left to next season because you don’t know what next season presents and the injuries and and

The salary cap yeah they have lots of money but so does everybody else you’re bet you’re get you know like are you going to overpay I can’t wait till we overpay for people oh that’s going to be great next year when somebody’s on an eight-year deal for 8 million instead of

5 million we just blast them for all the money they spend on the salary cap right like you it just it doesn’t you you have to go for this right now you have to go for it they’re not going to sell the farm they’re not going to they’re not

Going to be crazy about it cuz they can’t but they they need to invest in this team absolutely they need to invest in this team whether it’s 2% rather than the 40% they invested last year they have to do it yeah and and I lean towards just looking at the history of

The way Don Sweeney has handled trade deadlines that that he’s more likely to do a big move which by that I mean like include a DE braser an allmark or in a package and um you know something that comes together that we might not um necessarily see coming right now but uh

You know what he’s working on I think it’s much more likely he does something big than doesn’t do anything at all or just adds like a fourth line tough guy look at L the deal he made for Lind exactly and we didn’t know that very similar type situ like a way much worse

Situation where the Bruins where they were locked in like eighth place at that time when he made that deal the craziest part of the hamus Lindholm trade is they gained cap space when they made that trade exactly like like he that maybe that comes like if he can again that

That was an incredible deal that does not get enough love there certainly doesn’t get enough love for and and like the Taylor Hall deal like he he’s able to find players that they because of their no trade Clauses they only want to come they only want to come to a certain

Spot and that gives you the ability to trade with not as much value uh you trade out not as much value to get in so someone like Taylor Hall and you know there there are those deals to be made maybe you’re dealing with another GM who

Doesn’t quite get it the same way you do or or you know they they’re in a different situation they’re not thinking about it the same way that um we’re thinking about it or seeing it from a contender side of it um with what their goal is in rebuilding or whatever it is

That they’re that they’re trying to do so sometimes it’s in the players’s own hands who wants to come here and that that can help your situation you might save a little bit of you know maybe you you don’t have to send an extra pick or something like that to to get who you

Want and along those lines we thought maybe Noah hannahan would be one of those players who tries to angle his way to Boston his hometown Elliot Freedman on Saturday night said that there’s Rumblings that hannan’s preferred destination is Tampa Bay so that would throw wrench into those plans

Um lots more trade talk we can get to last night how the Bruins are playing what should they do at the deadline how aggressive should Don Sweeney be we going to get to all that and more you can give us a call 617 779 7937 we’ll be back after this Charlie

What was uh your favorite thing as from a team aspect of last last game I know you kind of let them back in for a bit but obviously held on and got the win um that we want in regulation okay yes true I don’t even I was just you know a

Little bit uh needed to see that again just so just for the group overall and for our mentality moving forward and things uh when something doesn’t happen for a while you need to see it happen again so so you can believe that you can still do

It so it was good and you know this team knows how to play and we know how to win um uh and hopefully that can you know we can really string together some some good 60-minute efforts now well they didn’t do that spoiler alert spoiler that didn’t happen they

Did not string together good 60-minute efforts in fact that was just about a zero minute effort Saturday night uh so we we’ve been breaking it down Bruins continue to the struggle with an absolutely no show against the Islanders trade deadline now five days six days away let’s let’s go to funs let’s take

Maria from Watertown here she’s got some thoughts on the Bruins right now Maria what do you got I I’m I’m just baffled um to me there seems to be some type of a disconnect that has been building over a period of time I I find it difficult to understand

The stark contrast and the play of this team from the start of the season the rough patch that they hit in December they got themselves out of it in January to some degree and now here we are in February where they seem like a lifeless unemotional um roster of players and and

I have to wonder if there is is something that is not resonating either between the players themselves between the coaches themselves just something seems to be a bit off or broken and you know Razer I want to ask you as a as a former goalie Now by his own admission

Jim Montgomery said that lenus Omar was left out to dry hung out to dry last night what harm would it have done to pull lenus if not to send a message to the rest of the team to in in an effort to even try to spark a little bit of

Emotion in that game because to me the only players that had any emotion in that game last night were Mark McGlothlin geeki and loo and so I’m I’m more concerned about not um the fact that you know they’re they’re losing games but it’s how they’re losing games

And the inability to battle through this so th those are those are my concerns my thoughts for today thank you guys all right thanks a lot Maria uh yeah but Bridget mentioned it in our trending but Mark mlin was maybe the only positive or certainly one of them F first game of

The season first goal of the season so big night for the mlin big night for Bara uh wait what what made this a big night for you huh I had a great night on Twitter oh okay wow all right would you go viral or something like what you have

Really good popcorn I don’t know what I was I was arguing with uh people who want to sell and uh fold up shop for the season which we also have some of those texts so we’ll get into some of that but let let’s start with with Maria’s comments

Razer I guess we’ll start with the goalie should should Montgomery have maybe pulled all Mark just to try to shake things up wake the team up no no that it wasn’t last night they uh they they weren’t waking up with a a goalie pull last night I think the coaches knew

That and that three nothing when it happens that quickly it’s just you know you’re you’re a lenus did a great job you made some huge saves to not let it get out of hand in the first and second period you you let him grind that out and get through the third period without

Giving up any goals and just kind of making it a a just a kind of a bad loss rather than an absolutely horrible night and and then dealing with the the having to chat with the go after today you know we pulled you because of that you know

No it was just better to keep him in and have him grind it and fight it and he did all that really well so I would add him into the the three guys that Maria mentioned that that played really well last night because I thought Lena hung

Tough yeah and they have a back toback coming up Monday and Tuesday so keep everyone on their regular rest don’t don’t mess with that like I I didn’t have an issue with that yeah uh how about Maria’s other point about is there something going going on in the locker

Room with message is not sinking in or not registering with guys because you know that we do keep hearing I think the right things and the same things over and over again whether it was the blown leads how they want to play more aggressively they want to control the

Puck they want to push it they want to extend leads well they haven’t been able to do that they talk about some of these slow starts and you know finding a way to win with your b game but then last night they don’t find their ABC or d

Game I was going to say what what was that at like F like we’re the it’s f f minus like the Patriots SC for their uh treatment of players families this week F minus what a that’s that’s a bad grade yeah that’s a bad grade it’s uh no I I that’s a big

Stretch it’s a big big uh stretch to go that far after to go what to like to go to say that there’s locker room issues or a disconnect between everybody I think this team we we talked about the culture and and and the people etc for

For years and and I I just I don’t think that is the case again I I’m just going to go back to like the you just said no goal one goal in 14 no goals in 11 one goal in 14 from three four of your top offensive players

So you and and all these games are oneg goal games except for last night so you get a little bit of offensive production the last 3 weeks from your core players that you expect to have offensive contributions that we saw in January like that’s that’s that’s where starts

And ends really um on top of the fact again your your defense doesn’t look the same um you just when you when you don’t have grizzli and lyol in there um and especially lyol it it doesn’t look the same so I’m going to wait until uh every

You know let the dust settle a little bit here before we start attacking uh the way the room is being dealt with yeah I don’t I don’t think we’ve seen any hints that there’s really anything underline going on I mean we we go and we talk to the guys and the attitude

Doesn’t really seem to have shifted too much over the p with through the the winning and the losing like you don’t really notice people getting super pouty or anything like that I don’t think that’s the issue um I I feel like maybe she was more asking about the buyin like

Are are they actually buying all the way into the way that Montgomery wants them to play right now um and that’s why you’re not seeing the results um not seeing the you know the the net front defense that you want or the transition defense that you want like maybe there’s

Just a lack of Buy in at the highest level to some of those fundamental things defensively that bit them against the Islanders yeah and we mentioned you know offensive guys going quiet the the team defense Raaz you’re right to highlight that I think it’s now 11 straight games

They’ve allowed three or more goals it is which we haven’t seen a stretch like that in in years in a long time around here uh not since the pre- Bruce Cassidy era honestly so hamus LOL being out obviously is a factor there and I think you’re you’re

Right to point out that you know maybe people should have a little bit more of an appreciation for hamus Lindholm who even though offensively he wasn’t producing the way he was last year defensively was still really solid and the Bruins were just about doubling up opponents and goals when he was on

The ice at five on five this season he had one of the best five on five goal differentials of any defenseman in the NHL like that that matters that makes a huge difference uh but I can’t I can’t let them off the hook and just chalk it up to while

They’re missing hampus lindol because some of these breakdowns some of the just leaving Guys open at the net front poor back checks poor transition defense where guys are finding soft spots uh on certainly on odman rushes but even on like three on three rushes guys there there was a chance Last and

It wasn’t even one of their goals where the brunes had four guys back and I forget who the Islanders player was still found an open spot in the slot and was like all by himself and it it was just like how is stuff like that happening uh I

Also think even though last night wasn’t on allmark I don’t think go tending has been especially great recently uh all Mark’s lost five straight starts whether regulation or overtime and I think has like an 875 save percentage so feels like you know what was supposed to be

The strength of the team and was the strength of the team at times early this season it has really hit a tough stretch here has to be better certainly has to be better I I think you know again it you just me you rattled off the lolm stuff so so you

Have to what so they they’re up to six games without lindol right like they did a tough road trip without him so again that starts to add up it really does when you when you have a guy out you can manage for one or two games that you

Don’t really look at the stats or the numbers but after six games you can start finding patterns and you start finding a little bit more in that um again I know I I get it Derek forber isn’t Bob y i get it everybody I really

Do but not having him in the lineup a couple days and realistically even last night because of just the way he gets put back you know he’s going to take a little bit of time to get back going again he’s just a big body so not having

Him and lyol for basically six games is going to hurt your defensive metrics it just W like there’s no getting around that it will I think we’re also seeing a little bit of the Patrice bur run Factor creeping um when now that things are getting a little tougher um that Center position

Is has been so key the David Cree even for that matter at this time of year everything gets a little tougher a little bit smaller out on the ice a little bit faster a little bit harder to play and you don’t have those two experienced guys up the middle that were

Able to Snuff plays out you know even if it’s one a period each of them right that that adds up as well so I I I know you know there’s no point of going there because 37’s not coming it back through that door folks but he’s I think we’ll

Start missing that a little bit and you’re starting to see that a little bit where he he had the ability to recognize when things weren’t going great to have that great defensive game that he just decided to play defense and and not allow anyone to do anything and they

Would have that two nothing win or that 3-1 win where he was just fantastic on the back side of hockey and that might not be there right now especially when Coy and Zach are struggling offensively that confidence to play defense isn’t there as well I was going to say so then

Who does that leave to to have to step up and do something like that and I feel like Charlie Coyle is the is the obvious answer just because his defensive style is uh you know he’s he’s great defensively and on the PK five on five um but we haven’t seen the that same

Level of confidence in in his game recently that uh berson would have really in the face of of any adversity it’s it it’s kind of at the point guys where it’s what what’s it going to take to get them back on track right it’s not just

Going to be one person and and it’s we talk about berson not being there well what’s maron’s role in in turning things around because now he’s the one that people are looking to um and he’s the one who has to speak to the players after games like that or in in between

Periods and in a game like that where you come out so flat in the first and and he did give a message a message about how the emotional like there was no emotion in that game um and that’s one of those things it’s it’s you know

Can you teach people that like you kind of just have to feel the moment and and I guess that’s more of a question for Razer like on a game on a night where the emotion isn’t there for a majority of the team like what is that come down

To like what what’s the difference between being able to like lift yourself up for a game like that especially when you’re trying to pile winds back onto like onto each other and get back on track how come there’s sometimes you just you don’t see that

Emotion um you know when you wake up in the morning you don’t really feel that good on days and you you’re really tired or your kids are all sick and you have to grind and get to work in the morning it’s it’s it’s just human nature and

Listen you can’t overstate I think kind of where you’re at in the season with listen the Islanders have to win that game absolutely playoff game they wake up Saturday morning in their in beds they get to the rink they have to win they have no chance not to win this game

And stay Pat with the Tampa Bay Lightning they’re five six points out of a playoff spot so they’re the the most desperate team in the league so you have that um you have trade deadline we you guys are getting asked and and this is maybe the first time in a while where

It’s important players being being asked questions like Jake de brus so you have that kind of lingering around this team right now there’s there there literally is millions of kids that are sick right now in Boston I would assume there’s some of that going around the room um on

A certain level so you have all of these things go to why you don’t have energy it really it’s just it’s pretty simple it’s just literally life things like you wake up and some days you’re in the NHL but you don’t really feel like playing a hockey game I think it’s it’s also

Interesting too that like when you were listing off the the top teams like Dallas Colorado Boston and how they’re they’re not playing their best hockey right now that’s because they’re getting everyone that’s desperate best hockey right now like so there are teams with much more desperation um which obviously

You’d like to see the Bruins play with that kind of desperation too but in the reality they’re not playing for their season today when other teams are um because they’re playing to to convince their GMS to buy and not sell or that they can get back in the race and and

Make that final push to be a playoff team or in a wild card spot um so they’re playing much more desperate hockey than Boston and some of those other top teams and I’m sure that mentally that factors into the kind of effort that they’re going to bring and

You have to be able to match it even though you’re not in that same spot yeah I think that’s something the Bruns have struggled with for a while like they do seem to have a a bit of a habit of playing down to competition up to competition but they’ve also had some

Really bad periods against teams like themselves that are firmly in the playoffs you know whether it’s been the third period or on Thursday against Vegas it was the second period where you have a three nothing lead and you just completely open the door for Vegas to

Get back in it uh so maybe none of their 60 Minute stinkers have come against other Playoff teams but they’ve had plenty of bad stretches in those games too and you know on the energy part it I can hear my mind immediately goes and I can hear fans saying well then you got

To go out and get another energy guy like what who are the guys in this lineup that can create something on a shift to- shift basis uh to try to get the team going when they’re quiet and you know Brad marshan has always been a drag his teammates into the fight guy he

Can’t do it every night though and you know he you have to you have to figure out how to get him scoring again never mind you know him worrying about getting up to some of his old Antics to you know ratchet up the emotion or whatever so

Someone else does have to be able to bring that and I mean we heard Jacob loo talk about that this week he said coach has told him you know they want more energy and intensity from him I think we’ve seen that at at times from him since he got back into the

Lineup maybe still not quite consistently so for me it sort of comes back to there’s just there’s all these these things that this team needs that they’re not going to be able to address all of it before Friday at the trade deadline so you’re gonna have to pick

And choose you know if if any like if you do anything you’re going to have to figure out exactly what it what it is you’re you’re looking for uh you know both cam NE and Don Sweeney spoke this past week and and know we’re GNA play Sweeney’s audio from from nessen at some

Point um but they both highlighted snarl phys physicality as as an area to Target and I think you know when you get that unified message from your general manager and president pretty clear indication of what they’re thinking they don’t think there’s enough of that in in this room on this roster right

Now it’s it’s hard to to put energy on just one guy right or two guys it really is uh an entire team thing um and and sure you could bring someone in that might help that I think getting through the deadline’s going to help that just

Period and and that’s why you always see teams that make moves and deals like the Bruins last year you get a bump from that you get energy you get excited for the playoff run finally coming and now you have your actual team when you get there in the morning on Saturday morning

You’re going to sit there and say all right fellas This Is Us that’s going to happen that M meeting’s going to happen that they’re we’re this we’re we’re the team now this is all of us it’s on us now let’s get going let’s crank and let’s focus on the

Playoffs remember Brad Marshon last season every he had one goal in 20 games over the end of January through Fe February or through end of February through March and then into April that one and technically it was like two goals in in the last 25 games um and

Then he played really well in the playoffs so Brad’s an older guy um might be in a little bit of perseverance mode or a little bit of let’s let’s get through this stretch I know how hard it is I know what’s coming before us I I

Still know what we have to do and um so so again you can some of these guys can unsore right now and and you don’t have to completely hit the panic button of course last year it didn’t matter cuz they won every single game it was like

You just look at this game log this just bananas last season through February March and April but um it’s it it has happened to Brad it and and he and he he deserves the benefit of the doubt to find his way through it I suppose that’s

What I’m trying to say all right we got got another break here Sunday skate Scag Andrew Razer rro Bridge of PR we’re talking deadline we’re talking what the Bruins need how much are they worth investing in you can call in with your thoughts 617 779 7937 text us 37937 there are some texts

That we’ll get to uh some of these are great yeah we’ll get to those uh coming up after this break this is Sunday skate with Scott mofin Andrew Razer rayra and Bridget bre on Wei all right two-part question here biggest area of needing your opinion for this team and Donnie has this recent

Little bit of a tough stretch changed anything in your estimation as you watch your team play no I don’t think it’s changed anything we’ve always you know put forth that we want to be a highly competitive team um you know there’s a there’s a physical part of the game that

I think we’re lacking at at times um I think when we get dragged in or drag ourselves in we respond appropriately without thr our our lineup but you know can we start that and uh and survive through that is an area that you know cam referenced the other day and uh that

Maybe we’d like to try and address not easy um this time of the year it’s always difficult uh but it’s something we’d like to do to find some areas that uh areas of need as you as as I as I referenced that uh you know we’ve we’ve

Tried to to to use our depth uh throughout the organization and a lot of guys have done a tremendous job in that regard but uh we may have to look to the outside if it’s possible all right that was Bruin’s general manager Don Sweeney on nessen pregame on Thursday Razor’s buddy Billy jaffy

Making an appearance here uh but this isn’t morning Brew what is that’s right um but yeah so we’ve been talking about that about what the brunes need to do even can do before Friday’s deadline and we have some texts here and brid I know there’s a couple you want to pick

Out but I’m telling you people are like at least the ones texting really down people who are tweeting at me last night like the the sky is legitimately falling for some Bruins fans right now I want to know are you guys okay are you guys who texted in okay um because the most

Recent one is the one that’s most concerning to me uh but I’m going to get to that one last because these other ones set this up so uh this one came in about a half hour ago sell sell sell now rebuild Starts Now um and then the the

One R before that was I’m out on the bees they are dog poo I had to censor that uh didn’t even blink and it was two nothing against the Islanders they aren’t going to win anything time to blow it up and then the most recent one that’s my new favorite

Is I’ll all excuses for Marshon he needs to go so Maron maron’s out okay guys that’s that’s the fix that we’ve all been waiting for nor Maran solves everything right Razer yep is oh yeah is it is it Sports gambling that has done this to people

Like is it like so personal to everyone that because of that because they they put their five box like it it it has gotten more personal is it fair to say that or because if you’re gambling on a certain player and they don’t they don’t score that game it’s like they lost you

10 bucks directly went to you and took $10 out of your wallet like that is I think there’s some of it that I think obviously the forms that we all have to to voice our opinions are are so much readily at our disposal um but again I

Think you hear Dawn and you hear guys that have to run the teams out you know not on Twitter or or not on not on DraftKings and it’s it’s a different vibe and the other thing too the and and this this is why Boston Sports is amazing and this is why Boston sports

Fans are the best on the planet is because they’re so laser focused on their own teams they have no idea what’s going on around the league a lot of the times or what other what what else is happening and it’s a great thing but you

Hear it with all of the four major teams that are here the the amount of perspective that’s actually like compared it like do they know what selling actually means have they watched the Arizona Coyotes for do you have they watched the San Jose Sharks hockey game

This season BL up tends to mean okay next 10 years may not be very fun to watch that hot like TD Garden’s not going to sell out the if you’re blowing Anheim do like go go watch what’s going on in Chicago right now so I and I get

It I that’s not necessary for Bruins fans to do but that’s that’s where and you’re going to get some Bru fansic go yeah but we could get Bard then like we could get a Bard that would be exactly they’re going to start slacking for mlin in uh in March you know what I

You know what Scott you you would probably be for that just because of your own bu yeah he’s like he’s like I don’t want to blow it up unless it’s for Macklin um but but I also think one another thing that’s happened though with Boston fans and especially with Bruins fans

Is I think we’ve like collectively completely lost sight of the idea that in hockey especially if you get in you have chance we see this every year we see Team goalie gets hot or they stay healthy and their opponent has an injury like it it happens every year where the

Team that you know looks the best doesn’t win a Series team that was struggling going into the playoffs or looks incomplete goes on a run so that’s like Beyond just where they are in the standings on the fact they’re going to make the playoffs that’s why like you

Don’t sell like at the very least you you stand pad or you do sort of the shake up or retool on the Fly where maybe you sell off a couple pieces but then you’re using those assets to bring in someone else you’re filling those spots you’re not just accumulating

Assets for the draft or whatever like you’re not doing that because imagine if if you did that say you know all right you trade away Lena solark for draft picking a prospect you get a second round pick for Jake debrusk a fourth for Derek forbert okay and then you just fill

Those with young kids you call up Jeremy swimming gets hot in the first round you win a round second round comes down to depth and now you don’t have any like that that’s why you can’t do that that’s a great scenario ien I haven’t I haven’t mapped that scenario out can you imagine

The text line then what that would look like if if they didn’t have enough players because they traded them all for draft picks but they were in the second round against the Florida Panthers again that would be uh yeah and it’s Fabian lysel playing in your middle six and

They losing game seven in the second round why did if we had a had forbert we would have won that series it’s a great scenario too the text line is already that’s my favorite scenario yet I’m using that one I’m stealing that one for you that’s my

Favorite one I didn’t think of that this texture has a great idea on how you could get back some assets and that is trade Brad Marshon so but he could bring back a lot uh yeah so oh man so we got got some other guys some other texts

Here uh pick up C’s Nets off cheap on waivers yeah I think that’s first of all not cheap you have to take on his entire cap 7.8 million or whatever but yeah I think I think everyone’s staying far away from getting kazet off uh but yeah

So you know look I’m fine if if the Bruins you know do end up moving a de Brusque forber Grizzly even alenas alar if you’re reinvesting that into the team and using it to fill other areas or potentially you know now combine assets to add upgrade whatever like that I’m

Totally okay with or even if it’s just moving out pending free agents bringing someone back with term like that I would be okay with but the number of people I’ve seen and on Twitter last night and now these tchs who are legitimately just throwing in

The tow on the season and like ready to to sell and and recoup assets for next year is like I just can’t believe people think that way like even as negative as as I am on this team right now and yeah if the playoffs started right now today I’d

Probably pick them to lose in the first round but that doesn’t mean they can’t go on a run like that we we just have seen too many examples of this of teams that you know look flawed don’t have all the pieces but a goalie gets hot and

Like that’s all it takes it’s wild to just punt on that and they have goalies that could easily do that yeah and they it just happened a year it just happened 10 months ago at this point now to the to the best team that was your team in

The NHL history getting like it’s just literally it’s so recent that it you can’t even disclaim like you can’t uh get away from the the the the recent biy because it literally happened to you 10 months ago uh someone no one at this time last season thought the Florida

Panthers would go to the finals nobody not in a million years they said bosi stinks Alex Lions stinks teams flawed they won’t even get in the playoffs da d d da d da and and they went on the run so they backed into the playoffs literally happened every single year for

Six years in the National it happens every year no question it’ll happen this year too you can absolutely guarantee it yeah St Louis had to battle just to get in that that wasn’t a complete you know loaded roster top to bottom you know the the magic was going to wear off for

Jordan Bennington at some point and really didn’t to like seen the Kings win a Stanley Cup as an eight seed it’s just get in like just just give yourself a chance and the Bruins are going to be in like it would have to take an alltime

Collapse for them to miss no no no no we can’t do that no no no we can’t do that please don’t do that like no they’re in yes they are in inviting those calls 18 point someone will call in and say they could miss the playoffs no please yeah

Let’s not do that all right uh we got to catch another break here hour two of Sunday Skate coming up we’re with you till 11: a.m. Andrew Razer rro bridg PR I’m Scott mlin call in 61777 N 7937 we’ll be back right after this this is Sunday skate with Scott

Mlin Andrew Razer rayr and Bridget bre on WE front of the net tonight see to be not a lot of push back on on the guys and they got clean rebounds what was the problem there you know we just weren’t good enough and weren’t firm enough uh

Didn’t start the game on time so you know it’s one of those games where um for whatever reason we weren’t very good and we got to move on to Toronto now and get ready for a team that’s playing really well that is Bruins coach Jim Montgomery postgame Saturday night after a 5-1 loss

To the Islanders brunes are down nothing halfway through the game just just never in it uh but we’re we’re talking about that we’re talking about trade deadline which is coming up on Friday afternoon I’m Scott mlin with Andrew Razer raycroft and Bridget PR on Sunday skate taking up to 11:00 a.m. so guys

They this keeps happening where the Bruins are just have a bad period at some point and on Saturday it’s the first first period puts them in a hole and they don’t respond which is a problem in of itself but to get down like that in the first place after it

Seemed like they finally had some momentum going from Thursday with a regulation win over Vegas over Bruce Cassidy the defending staning Cup champs I know they were short-handed they didn’t have Jack eel or Mark Stone but still that’s it’s a pretty big win that they should build

Off how do like how do they come out flat on Saturday how how does that happen this team just can’t they can’t seem to string together good periods good games right now raaza you’ve referenced just kind of like the doldrums of of midseason of February into early

March is it just that or is there a bigger problem because I remain a little bit concerned about bigger pitcher that this team might I know that we’re not there yet but like they might run out of time on on how to how to get this together yeah listen let’s get through the

Deadline for stuff like that right I think I think it’s pretty evident that each game is its own entity right now it really is there’s no and and that that’s another you could if you wanted to be positive really positive you could make an argument that doesn’t happen in the

Playoffs either but right now it’s really game next game next game for this group because and and every group because again it just is so dependent on who you’re playing as well and who’s in your lineup you’re seeing so much this is the time of year too

That they everybody kind of holds their guy out just lit well he could play but he could play but he’s not Etc so you have a little bit of that but again it just comes down to um needing to needing to to be up against a team

That could desperately need to be in the playoffs might be fighting for first place and and you have so much of that right now because teams are trying not to be sellers players do not want to be on a selling team because they know how downhill it goes as soon as that

Deadline’s over with and I think that’s really what they’re up against right now is that that selling mentality of some of these teams like the Islanders who want to stay in it and that’s why that Mo the the momentum isn’t carrying from one team to the next or one game to the

Next yeah they they’re going to have to to find a find a different way to play against Toronto though the funny thing to me is they played Toronto twice this week they they play on the Road um on the 4th which is Monday and then they play them again the seventh and the

Funny thing to me is those could either the Bruins or Toronto could have a completely different roster like because if you if the trade deadline is the day after right so theoretically at some point this week in between those two games there could be a a move that

Changes even just the Monday game from the Thursday game uh in what what the roster looks like yeah absolutely and and I wonder because we we heard from the Bruins when the Panthers were closing the Gap and have now passed them for first place on the division a bunch of Bruns players were

Asked about that and the mindset was kind of we’re not looking at the standings right now we’re just worried about ourselves but I do wonder is is there a point here coming up soon where you start to look at the standings and maybe use that as some sort of motivation

Something to get you going because this week these two games against Toronto could be a good opportunity for that Toronto is only points behind you and they have two games in hand so the possibility is there for the Leafs to catch and pass the brues too especially

If they were to sweep these two head-to-head games this week so should should the brues be trying to look for some added motivation from the standing should they maybe pay attention to that a little bit no they’re not going to look at it from the standings point of

View listen they always get up for Toronto they’ beat Toronto twice this season already so Toronto owes them in a big way listen you go up to Toronto and everyone is so scared of the Bruins there is the biggest oh my God the Boston Bruins are in town that you’ve

Ever heard of this isn’t like you this is it kind of goes to that perspective thing and and and Bruins fans laser focused on the Bruins listen I guarantee you people in Toronto which I’m going to go I literally get texts every 15 minutes about going on the radio Monday

Morning Monday afternoon Tuesday Morning Tuesday afternoon they are so scared of losing both of these games to the Boston Bruins and falling out of the playoffs altogether right like that’s literally what’s happening on a radio in Toronto right now they’re saying how often are you on Toronto radio they they they it’s

They’re they’re are you cheating on us they’re Relentless they are Relentless um and it’s certainly I don’t give them my best don’t worry um it it’s it so that like they are they’re petrified of the Boston Bruins up there back to the Bruins they will get something out of

This they’re not they’re not going to say we need these two points cuz we need to stay in second place or third place they’re going to say we we need to have an effort against this lease team cuz one they can blow us out the building

With their offense but two we own them and we need to continue to own them and and play solid defensively and and let them make mistakes so we can beat them at those mistakes so it it is a good it’ll be a good week to get their attention there’s there’s no doubt that

You are going to get a good effort from the Bruins on Monday night I you’re not going to get a blowout 51 and three goals in the first period that’s just not that their attention will be up a lot more than what it was Saturday night

I have no doubt in that it is a tough week you’ve got Edmonton in between that Edmonton’s very similar to Toronto and that if you play good defense you’re going to get opportunities you’re going to get the chances to win so you get those guys backto back again where you

Talk about momentum if they win Monday night it’s really hard to get that going and crank that up with Edmonton sitting there watching and waiting on Tuesday so that’s that’s a good example too of how hard it is to keep momentum going because of the way the schedule is but

You’re I I I I feel like you are going to get a great effort from them toron you might not win but you’re going to get a solid attention focused antenna up because it’s Toronto and because you’re in Toronto on a Monday night yeah you should like I I’m I’ll

Tell you right now like I’m gonna be a lot more concerned next week coming in if we get a couple more no shows with this schedule they have coming up because yeah the the back toback is going to be tough like that’s you wish the back toback was Wednesday Thursday

Two home games where you’re not going out to Toronto and then coming back for Tuesday night against Edmonton but it is what it is every every team has scheduling quirks um yeah it is funny though like when you talk about other markets who and people around the country where the concern levels like

Soone they still look at the Bruins as you know as a really good team and um you know like with Edmonton coming up I was I was on Edmonton radio when they were out there on radio I sure was am I the only one not cheating on this show

Yep yeah well you you do college hocky true you just got a lot of college I have four jobs but yeah most of it’s College pwhl yeah the whole thing yeah um but yeah like they were they were asking about de brusk and it’s like I

Know he’s on like a little bit of a slump again but you know I’m sure he’ll be fine and it’s like oh boy like Bruins fans don’t don’t seem to think that like they don’t think he’s just going to be fine you know they’re they’re all panick

They want to sell like get rid of him um but that does so we’ve talked about you know potential players they could move listen to to me Jake debrus Remains the most inter the goalie talk is is one thing I think we all agree it’s pretty unlikely unless

They get blown away the de bruss talk to me is is more real like that’s one where you really do legitimately have to make a decision on are you signing him is he part of your longer term future or is it time to cut bait is it

Time to get something for him and again my Approach would be turn around use those assets to get another forward ideally someone more consistent more of a to Shire top six Winger um not trade him away and then do nothing else but what do you think when we come in next

Sunday is Jake de bruss still a bruin oh yeah because next next show is post trade deadline yes thank goodness we we will know what their we will know their team looks like for the stretch run in the playoffs and we won’t have to talk about we’ll talk about real life rather

Than scenarios in this one this is a tough scenario for me it’s a really tough scenario for me um I I don’t I wish I’d seen before I have to answer this I wish I’ve seen more deals with these guys like I wish I knew what gensel went for for uh I wish

I knew what tereno went for like because I I put Jake in in with those guys because and maybe not quite far as high up as a gel but but pretty similar because you just said it like the perception around the league is a little bit different than it is here with Jake

Debrus he’s a 25 goal scorer pretty consistently 20 goals you can basically lock him in for that no matter how much he cools down um there there’s a lot of thought that if he had that that change of location will Sprout him to 35 goals 30 goals um and

So I I’m curious what the value is elsewhere and and does that value fit and and will he come back right like it also becomes into that you know do the Bruins actually believe that they could get him back even if he does become an unrestricted free agent does he like it

Enough here does can they can they find a way to put it together even after the season all forsberg in in Nashville um so I feel like that’s there’s of all the players that are on the roster I feel like that he’s probably the greatest possibility of going but I’m not I

Wouldn’t guarantee it because I think that he still provides his team with value on certain ways and we’ve seen that the last couple years when there was issues going on the Bruins still felt and believed highly in him yeah I i’ I’ve made this point too like when he was playing with an

Elite Center and Patrice berser on there was an 82 game stretch from the end of like the second half of the 2122 season through much of last season where he scored at a 40 goal Pace correct over 82 games so like that’s in there and I could easily see we mentioned Edmonton

You know Hometown team looking for a top six upgrade like what does Jake de bruss do if you put him on the line with Conor McDavid or Leon dry Sidle is he a 40 goal score probably at least a 30 goal scor type player so yeah it is

Interesting like I could see something like that um I don’t know bridg what do you think you think de bruss here I I actually had a question I that’s tough and I I’m not a gambler by the way and I am not a psychic but uh I personally think that

They already are lacking offensively to the point where they can’t afford to lose him um that’s just where I stand on that and I I know we’re like about to hit a break right now but I do have a question on the other side for Razer

About um one of the factors of trading lenus allmark instead of Jake debrusk um as the big move and yeah there’s there’s something I was thinking about between the last time we talked Razer and I guess over the past few games where they haven’t looked so great and and to now

That changed my mind a little bit about what whether or not they should trade a goalie um so I want to ask Razer something on the other side all right yeah I have some thoughts on allar to so yeah we will definitely get to that you can call call in with your thoughts

Whether it’s de Brusque allmark something else 617 7797 937 Andrew raycroft did not use dunky no he last night on nessen you know and I know I know Razer listens he’s a he’s a hardcore P1 he like he took uh you know he was really happy when uh Samoa Joe

Was undressing me and you know putting me in my place yeah that’s right okay did a good job of it he took a Victory lap okay Razer dunsky yeah there you go Razer I don’t know I used to love Razer but he made a promise that he wasn’t

Willing to keep and maybe because the Bruins lost he didn’t do it I should start asking jaffy to do it oh that’s he’s got he’s got a set he’s got a set you’ll get tougher he’s tougher than Razer you’ll get shot down razer’s a big baby you’ll you’ll get you’ll get shot

Down by jaffy I don’t think so Razer just just getting dragged by by forier yes I did you know until I went on actually on and spoke with him he wasn’t quite as contentious but yes I didn’t get really offended when you don’t say dunky and he tells you to say

I mean like I said to him I said tell me what I was wearing on the set and I will actually take you seriously because I know you didn’t watch a second of that entire pregame postgame or the game and I know you haven’t done so all season

Long so you can’t get after me too much here for you saw yeah that that was he had whoever was the night producer here whoever’s on overnights he just had him tuning in and he admitted it he didn’t no he’s like oh it was a nice time like

I didn’t have a tie on try just say it right now and we’ll just clip it yeah we’ll clip it we’ll we’ll say hey look he said duny yes dunsky dunsky dunsky flip it do you remember the the the origin of dunsky do you remember when that started the Chara thing yeah

Which was like he’s duny he was theer family Cup Final broken jaw dunky he’s not playing the rest of the series so great he’s in the next game oh he’s like he’s like I have an inside source I know the dentist like yeah literally he was being serious he literally thought he

Had the inside line on it amazing I mean In fairness you would think a broken jaw for most guys is is going to be dunky but s Daniel TR are not most guys no all right we’re back with Sunday skate I had to I had to ask for that because uh I

Was here when he said that he and he said razer’s a big baby I said Nick can you please save that off for me big baby silliest thing in the world yep he also said at a different point that I I didn’t keep that in this cut but that uh

You can’t trust Canadian uh goal tenders which I don’t know where that comes from but very specifically Canadian goali well yeah goalies just like the whole specific Canadian goalie thing is goes can you trust Canadian defenseman he goes yeah [Laughter] follow up how many Canadian defensemen does

Zero zero he’s never doesn’t even know where can be really bad when he hears this on Monday yeah perfect perfect all right he deserves it BR before break you said you you had a question involving uh Lena salar I do so my so I and I’m kind

Of mad at myself a little bit because um I’ve qu I’m questioning my original take on whether or not I think they should trade Lena alark because I have always been in the camp of no don’t do it um keep both goalies you never know who’s going to be

Healthy you need the rotation all of a sudden they’re not playing their best hockey right now and we’re still not sure whether or not they’re willing to go to a rotation in the playoffs and if you’re not willing to go and you’re going to choose one or the

Other then one of them’s not going to help you in the playoffs like you’re not you’re not getting the same value as you do in the regular season to have to if you’re if you’re of the mindset like in Razer you’ve talked about it before that you think it should

Be more of a a one guy not a not an even split situation well if that’s the case and they already know that then they should be willing to trade allmark for someone that can be an everyday player in the playoffs for them and that’s where my brain has gone this week I

Still I would be uncomfortable with just Swan I I I like the depth of the position because you get hurt at goalie your season’s over if you don’t have one of the like one of the other ones backing it up and I understand that but

That’s also a big if um that that they have the luxury right now if they don’t trade him I’m not having to worry about completely but at the same time if if one of your goalies isn’t going to be getting a lot of ice time why don’t you

Consider trading for a bigger piece on offense that can that can play every game that can help you every game um and I would completely not have this opinion if I thought they were willing to to rotate them in the playoffs I don’t think they are so and at that point my

Mind goes too all right then you might be able to get more value specifically for a playoff run if you move him and you get an offensive piece instead so the issue the all of that would be great but you’re not getting an offensive peace for him that’s the issue that’s the

Problem so if you were able to to take allmark a draft pick whatever what and parlay that into a deal for a second line Winger or or even Center slash Winger like someone that can be burst at all in play either that’s something I’d be interested in them doing because I think

That that could boost what they need right now and like I said I I like both goalies I’m someone who’s not super like not a whole lot of a risk taker I guess you could say and I think that’s a big risk to like Risk the health at that

Position on just one player potentially going down instead of having two but at the same time this that’s just come into my mind over the past few days is do you really need both if if San’s healthy if you trust him right like if you already

Know you trust him for a playoff series and that you trust him with a whole playoff series um like if you would trust him with a whole playoff series maybe it is time to move all Mark let me throw an idea here because this is something that is just rattling around

In my brain but I think could make sense where you do get enough defensive piece the New Jersey Devils by all accounts are looking for a goalie there’s been reports that they keep circling back to Jacob markstrom and Calgary but the latest reports there the Flames are probably going to keep him

He’s under contract for a couple more years let’s say it’s Lena SAR to the Devils who are looking for a goalie not just for this year but for next year as well right because they want to retool quickly they want to be a contender next year so all Mark to the devils

Tyler T Foley is a pending free agent in New Jersey New Jersey right now outside the playoffs looking in is there a hockey trade built around those two that can make sense salary-wise it’s all Mark 5 million to Foley 4.25 that works that’s fine T to has 26

Goals this season that would certainly be an offensive upgrade for the Bruins he has playoff experience I believe there’s been reports that you know New Jersey is talking to him want want is interested in extension but obviously nothing’s happened yet so no inside info for me on this but

This is just something I was thinking about of the kind of trade that might make S some sense for both parties well I I think that I think it would I don’t think New Jersey’s doing that I I don’t think I I don’t think go

Have that much value I I don’t I don’t think Tooley would have went even for markstrom with two years of term on his deal um I don’t think you want to make that deal in conference if you’re the Bruins um and and you you still need a backup

Goalie right like you still need to go find somewhere else a backup goalie that’s a million or two million call you don’t think they could call busy or no no busy and no you can’t no not not again don’t forget this team isn’t like eighth place in the conference this team

Is like I know but we we you can’t just have a guy you can’t you can’t just put me on the bench as a backup goalie right like because it it would doesn’t you don’t want to I mean I I get that you would be in trouble in the playoffs if

If something happened to Swan but for six to seven more starts or whatever you need down the stretch from a number two goalie and I mean well it’s easy for us again this is this is we have to be careful right let’s think about actually being in that chair making that decision

And having a whole organization underneath you and just doing that right like that’s why that doesn’t happen you because you you you can’t you can’t do that if you’re if you’re in charge of a billion dollar business you can’t you can’t just bring up busy and hope for

The best is that what you’re saying yeah no I I don’t I don’t see how that but like if he is limited though like if he does only need to take say 33 like a third of the starts and Swan still takes twoth thirds like are you concerned with him doing that like

Can you handle that and then obviously playoffs would be entirely on swayan no I’m just I’m just you just you can’t like the they again it goes back if if they were the an Arizona Coyotes that would be one thing but they’re literally it’s it’s the Boston

Bruins and they’re in second place in the National Hockey League point so I’m saying a risk way too big of a risk and just for just for to to do it now again if it’s a it the reason why none of these goali are getting moved because they’re summer

Deals and none of the teams want to do it either Calgary doesn’t even want to move their starting goalie right now in in being a afraid of what will happen to the team the rest of the way let alone and they’re not even in the playoffs and probably won’t make the playoffs that’s

Why markstrom’s not going there cuz they’re not getting the value back from New Jersey it’s it’s not the other way around right so that’s I think they don’t have the same kind of redundancy at the position that Boston does what do you mean like when when you have swayman

Like when you have a onea 1B the way that all Mark and San are like that’s why that’s why it keeps coming up it’s because there’s not a lot of redundancy in the roster where you’re like okay well if we get rid of this guy we still

Have that guy except for at goalie like at goalie you do have two guys that can go and that you trust so other teams don’t yeah and if you’re if you are still trying to to go for it this year if you think this team needs upgrades like it is the one spot

Where you free up $5 million that allows you to go upgrade somewhere else where it’s not you know cuz otherwise it’s okay you’re going to trade a defenseman or two bring in another defenseman that you hope hope is a big enough upgrade trade de brus bringing another forward

Winger that you hope is a big enough upgrade moveing Lark allows you to actually add without subtracting from another area of the roster and you know I I get it you want to have someone you trust and feel comfortable with comfortable with as your number two

Goalie but it it’s like a luxury versus it is it it’s it’s a luxury and you’re team that right now is so up against the cap that you can’t really afford too many luxuries so you know I look I’m I’m still I’m not giving away Lena mark But if I can get

Something that allows me to meaningfully upgrade elsewhere which I think like a Tyler to Foley would or you know there could be another deal like that or two deals together or whatever it is um I think you have to at least consider it and yeah it leaves you leaves you thin

But I I think you’re taking a risk if you don’t upgrade other parts of the roster anyways like I also think that’s a risk to just kind of stick with what you have and write it out yeah I I I I think I I I don’t know what

Else to say like I I’m I’m solidly against all of that I guess I don’t know what else like how else to to to phrase it or or put it in that I’m not trading a vzna trophy goalie for a second round pick two days before the deadline on a

Team that not for a second round like we’re talking about like a but that’s not the market but but if yeah well exactly and if it’s not the market they okay so yeah of course I’m trading I’ll trade so I’m going to go the opposite of what you’re saying now I’m yes I’m

Trading Lena alar for Conor McDavid no not let’s hope that happens fingers crossed let’s hope but it’s I EXA I am but it but it feels extreme to me to to do it in like to say yeah well to fley yeah maybe that that would be kind of

Cool but to to just say say that that would be like there’s no there’s no reference point of that being what the market is for goenda busy’s never played an NHL hockey game before well we’re all on that page right so you guys say well six games

Isn’t what if he can’t play six games like what we we don’t know like he it it there’s lots of guys in the miners that have played pretty good at times in the miners that have never made it to the NHL so to to say that we’re like I don’t

I think it’s a little presumptive to say that we’re sold on Brandon busy playing one game in the NHL in his career let alone six in a playoff run down the stretch and so I think again you have to if you’re going to take all of these pieces into consideration you have to

Expect the Bruins have to go get a backup goenda a million bucks or two million bucks 2021 they went into the play and I know Jeremy swim had played NHL game so it’s not Apples to Apples but they went into that postseason with Swan relatively proven as their number two behind Ras

And well T but tka’s not Tuka been the Stanley Cup Final like tka’s not the not built the same as these two guys who haven’t won a playoff series before he but he was also banged up at that point so there was a chance you were going to

Need swayman he wasn’t happy YW but he was he was in the wings too so it it again and and I would suggest that that team wasn’t you know thought of quite as highly as this team there was a lot there was what that was that was that

Was when no one was in the building we were all wearing masks still right so that was like you couldn’t really do much it was just okay to go go on I think I guess the the best way to do it is I’m saying no don’t trade the

Goalies and and other people are saying yes trade the goalies if if he pulls off a trade and he gets great pieces I will tip my cap to everyone who said that was a good idea and and there might be a play I I there might be a play where it

Does work and it’s a good idea I don’t see it because I haven’t seen any other goalies getting traded and I’m seeing guys like markstrom who should get traded not get traded so I’m thinking that tells me that there’s no market for these guys and I’m not trading him for a

Third round pick or maybe there’s one team that’s desperate for a goal and the price goes up forar because he’s the only one available listen if that happens and then again I I will I’ll be impressed with the move by dawn to find that thing and I’ll I’ll come on here

Sunday and say I was completely wrong and I I completely got the market wrong and that was a great deal and you guys were all right I’ll happily do that I’m not trying to be right it’s just it’s just that my my risk reward like my way

Of thinking about the risk and reward of it has changed like the risk I thought was too high before and now I just don’t see the like the way that I’m thinking about it now if they’re willing if they trust Wayman um that the risk isn’t as

High as I thought that it used to be in my mind so that’s why I’ve changed to it would have to be the right deal obviously it’d have to be bringing in a Winger that can make an impact a forward that can score um um and then you might

Have be able to get more use out of that than omark if you were just going to keep one goalie that’s where my brain is at this week I’m I’m a little bit upset with myself that I got here because I feel like I went from yelling at Adam

Jones that this is a stupid idea to then like one day waking up and anytime you agree with Adam Jones you have to question well uh but but it’s also like I I think you become more open to these ideas when the team is scuffling here and and looking

For ways all right what do they have to do like how do they get this back on track uh and by the way worth noting I mentioned it earlier but allmark hasn’t been playing like allmark recently either so you know 87 I think I said 875 over this five-game losing streak since

The allstar break he’s basically been League average like you’re not helping his trade value now he’s a fifth round pick well hey not not not my job to help his trade value so um let’s go to David and Welsley who has a trade thought not not involving lenus Almar that David how

Are you doing hi uh just a couple of points um as someone who watched the 2015 draft to me a hidden benefit to trading to brusk would be we might be finally able to start putting it behind us and stop thinking about it every time he’s on the

Ice because taking zabor and senen E and him is what’s killing him right now in terms of death I think and the other thing I wanted to say was that I can’t believe that Andrew r thinks they should go all in just because of their record I

Mean last year they got orov and halfway at the deadline pretty tough guys and had an over you know the greatest record ever and they fold it in the playoffs and everything we’ve seen so far suggests they’re going to fold in playoffs again this year so I I don’t

Know where that thinking comes from they also don’t really have the ability with the cap space unless they go through you know jumping through hoops to try to even do anything creative uh to me I I think you should just sit pad and take what’s going to happen so okay those are

My thoughts all right than thanks a lot David uh you lost me a 2015 draft yeah I mean listen it’s it’s nine years ago like whatever Rec yes they they blew it wasn’t good should have gotten better players but whatever recovery you have to do from that like

It’s happened we’re we’re nearly a decade past it um it it is what it is like yeah sure you’d love to have Kyle Connor Matt barzel would have been a nice player to have Thomas those guys under the cap they’re all making 10 million how do you make how do you fit

Those three guys making 10 million if you had if you had drafted barzel you’re probably trading away Cree at some point before the end of his career like yeah listen I was for a while I was as big a fan of ripping that draft as anyone but we’re N9 years past it like

It it so so much has changed there’s been so many retooling of the roster it I don’t think that’s a factor this year like no okay so yeah his point of why we should look at their record and and it that’s the only reason why we should

Something like that right like I why I big on this team because of the record and then he went to last year well they had a great record and they blew it in the so we just don’t it doesn’t matter like that’s I don’t understand that I

Don’t understand any of those argument I don’t so so we just stand Pat don’t ever try and get better in life no like everybody just stand Pat We we’ll all just stand Pat don’t try and get better don’t try and do better tomorrow just stand Pat and and hope for the best

Seems like a re that that’s how all of these guys got to the highest profession in the in the world that’s how they got to the highest level of their professions by just standing Pat every day it it it seems like a real like Seas get degrees kind of mentality like we’re

Just going to skate through get the sea make it again of course I know orov and Hathaway and berusia aren’t coming like I get it we’re not pushing all they can’t push all the chips I get all of that but but to say just stand Pat and

Not try to make the team better is like so defe and like sad to me like why would you have why would you why would you have that mentality on anything I don’t before we get to this last break Raz I want to get your thoughts on this

Because yes players coaches they can’t throw the tow they like yes I’m G to jump in just real quick because that goes to like yeah if he makes a deal and trades a goalie because it makes the team better then yes like right like I don’t think I don’t think that’s my

Opinion that it doesn’t I don’t think they can make the team better by trading the goalie but if he does and they do it I’ll be the first one clapping because that that will mean that that’s trying to get better so sorry I had to jump in

On that cuz that that kind of barbells my side is that I’m not I’m not negative on on any move if they make it and they think it’s because they’re teams getting better and and if we if there is a path to trading a goenda champion that I I really would

Okay so let’s say because of all these things we’ve talked about the cap space the assets trademark whatever Don s does end up standing Pat because he just can’t find the right deal he doesn’t do anything before Friday what’s the reaction in the log room how do players react to being a

Second place team being firmly in the playoffs your general manager doesn’t do anything at the deadline that will depend on what happens around them but it can be negative that like that can be negative too and that can that they we saw the excitement last year when all

Those three when those three players came in and wow we’re the best team in the league and we’re going for it like there there was absolute excitement and you you do get a bump from the deadline one way or the other and I I think that’s an important message for the team

To send as well listen if nothing happens basically across the Eastern Conference because basically no one can make a move and and Don Sweeney goes down and has his meeting with the guys and and says or with at least with leadership and says listen this is what

We doing this is what we had on the table and this is how it went and and that that message is sent one way or the other um around that deadline and that that will be okay but I think if Florida gets better the Leafs get better the Rangers get better Carolina Hurricanes

Tampa Detroit all make moves and then and Bruins just don’t do anything I think that’ll be you can be discouraged by that as a player certainly so again a a big mental piece of all of this and why you know trying to get better is always really important because and and just

Saying when I hear selling or standing pad I just hear it so negatively that that could happen where you don’t make moves or nothing happens but it won’t be from a lck of effort or or a lack of care there also is a mental aspect to trading someone off the active roster

Too though like the way you have to be right about it yeah like if if allmark they they like allmark right like it’s not him and Swan are legitimately best friends how does that affect the mentality of the team well that’s it and that that’s where you go

Like if you trade again and I know you guys aren’t saying trade him for a draft pick but you know what if you’re a player in there and you’re saying we just trade and I know you’re not saying that but I’m saying if if it is that

Just to get a piece for somewhere else but it that piece is a fourth line energy Winger that’s not an investment at that point that’s right exactly so that’s what management has to be careful of doing these things just to do it it has to be really well thought out

Because everybody’s watching the guys are watching every single deal come across the board they know who’s getting who what team’s getting what and and that’s why this week can be can be important and we see those small little deals like rich peverly I love the the mythology of the rich peverly deal that

Makes a difference and and some team will talk about the rich peverly deal forever because of what they did this week all right we got to catch our last break here final segment of Sunday Skate coming up taking you up to 11:00 a.m. Razer I know you have to run so we will

Be right back after this on Sunday skate on Wei dunsky yes duny dunsky dunsky all right welcome back to Sunday skate final segment Razer at a run Bridge of pu still here y I’m Scott mlin uh let’s right off the top here since we’re only a few minutes left take Phil in New

Hampshire uh who has a thought on on trading a goalie hello happy Sunday hi Phil happy Sunday Phil thank you um listen I think um you know last year we had lenus right and we had like we had swen breathing down his neck they were close but at the same

Time there was that healthy competition um I think now that it’s flipped and they’re so damn close that I think that the healthy competition thing is is gone and it’s just like nothing matters it’s like hey you know three goals a game yay I honestly think that

Trading lenus or san who but I say lenus trading lenus would and having busy breathing breathing down San’s neck is probably a healthier thing for the team itself I think that our goalies don’t have Edge anymore they’ve turned into the same goalie they have terrible rebound control there’s no there’s no

Aggression any more it is it is bad in that that our goal tiing is bad right now so I don’t know how you feel about that but when I watch this it’s a glaring to me yeah thanks Phil uh yeah both goalies have had some off games

Recently since the All-Star break and I think that’s why my mind has changed to to the point where right I’m willing to go there yeah because it’s kind of like if especially early this season at times last year like they bail you out when the rest of the team isn’t playing all

That well in front of them if that’s not really happening which it it hasn’t happened as much this year certainly not in the last month then yeah it’s having that tandem isn’t as much of a strength as it once was now I I still think they

Could get back to that because I do still think they’re both good goalies and I still think you have you know you have one of the best goalie situations in the league period so like I wouldn’t totally give up on one or both of them bouncing back in a big way down the

Stretch but yes right now it’s very easy to look at and be like well is that even really that much of a strength because it kind of hasn’t been yeah it’s and it’s like is it a big enough insurance policy that it’s that you’re you’re not

Willing to to move away from one of them and Scott this is for you I get to pick the outro songs and Scott this is an inside joke uh you know what song this is uh yeah this is Creed which is a a favorite of the skate pod so yeah

Phenomenal Choice uh all right that’s going to do it for this week’s Sunday skate John Lions coming up next so plenty of good Patriots talk if you’ve been uh you know hanging around if you’re if you’re done with done with hockey talk because the brues just have

You you miserable right now but we will be back 9:00 a. next Sunday Bridget Razer myself host trade deadline HST trade deadline so we will have we will have a trade deadline to react to We will have a roster the final roster to break down and figure out exactly what the Bruins

Have as they hit the stretch run thanks for tuning in we’ll talk to you next week hey guys thanks for watching the skate podcast if you want to see more of our videos visit our playlist not in front of a screen you can listen to us on Spotify Apple podcast or wherever you

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(Sunday Skate Edition) Skate Pod hosts Bridgette Proulx and Scott McLaughlin are joined by former Bruins’ goalie Andrew “Razor” Raycroft to discuss another concerning performance by Boston against the Islanders. What’s the reason the Bruins have been flat lately? Is trading Linus Ullmark the only option the Bruins have to pull off a big move?

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Leave your questions in the comments and we will answer as many as we can!

Jump to:
00:00 – Flat start vs Islanders
17:00 – Reasons for Bruins tough stretch
37:14 – Some interesting texts on the textline
64:00 – Could Ullmark fetch an impactful forward?

Photo: Sergei Belski-USA TODAY Sports

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