@Buffalo Sabres

Jets @ Sabres 3/3 | NHL Highlights 2024

Jets @ Sabres 3/3 | NHL Highlights 2024

Middle stat he’ll carry it right down the middle  Skinner looking to send that pass through the   middle of the ice comes back to Skinner at  the near Circle takes the shot and an early   test on bris abuu in the Crouch watching his  upus wide on the near post bian will set it in  

Behind the goal they try to Center that one in  front for Lowry it’s pushed in now by Winnipeg back to the blue line for shot from Schmid  and it’s seen and caught by Lucan Winnipeg’s   been pretty good in the second game of back  toback Savers want to improve their stats as  

T Thompson the back can’t going down that far wing  and Yoki Haru inside the Blue Line jurgenson comes   to meet the play grabs behind and that spins  away from one check plays it back to darene  

Slap her to the goal and bras Mory with a pick  off at Center right back into the Buffalo Zone   Conor leaves it heers with a shot and that is L  Low by Luc there’s Kyle Conor left Circle feeds  

It through shley to the rebound Luc and far  post got a piece of that one and here’s Conor   he’s going to find shley going to the net side  to side Yi Haru shot drifts wide out the far  

Side and shley ahead to Conor potential two onone  and zelers is on this left side shot sto by Lucan   instead of the pass play back halfway up this  near wall right side for JJ PKA back to Power  

Across the line middle stack Skinner backand  pass oh what goal Tic Tac to and JJ PCO wins   it it’s a one nothing Buffalo lead with 227  and0 in the first period nice Puck movement   here and you see them working the top side here  you get them separated a little bit Jeff Skinner  

The bumper got down low he’s going to find Kyle  aoso and this is how it’s supposed to work that   quick guy right there no look pass by Skinner to  a postal straight across to JJ petka and try to  

Stop the Jets on this Rush Lowry long shot big  rebound and hopped over the stick though of NE   Ridder Pon drops it back moris he pass it front  they score a bang bang play for the Jets right at  

The post as Neo Neer Rider is there and we are  even and it won a piece with 5.5 seconds to go   everybody and I think everybody thought this was  going to be a shot coming from Mory and he steps  

In and there’s a quick pass right down to neita  Rider right off the side of the net and looking   it out on top of the blue paint right there  so there was about 2 feet between where he

Was get some help there from the mov and it’ll  be the Jets now to bring it out to Center seam   pass here trying to get to the net monah and  sto by Lucin and that was a grand save early  

Here in the second period Then he got the  separation right here as the pass comes up   one-on-one with Lucan and lcan just gets that  big right pad out he stays right with it just  

Like the shoot out puts the pad out and Monahan  goes back to the B jets forward blw a tire and   make that the defenseman Samberg up on the rush  meanwhile kylo poso back the other way down the  

Left side shot is stopped by inside the Winnipeg  Zone battle on the wall won by Dello he’ll get   it ahe and Appleton with a two-on-one he carries  pass to the far post look and got over and wiip  

Peg will played up to Center in the backhander  the rest of the way by Mason Appleton with 1050   to go in the second period HCK lifted up to  Center Ice Sabers able to move it forward CR  

Nice pass Robinson with the blast on a great feed  by pton CRI and the Savers have taken a two to one lead well as you said Dan some good work here  here’s painton crabs coming through the middle  

Of the ice he’s going to get this Puck and what a  pass he puts it through three Winnipeg Jets ra to   Eric Robinson is coming in behind and no look pass  right there tape to tape perfectly flying down the  

Side Sabres win the draw back to the line and the  shot stopped by BR K every single time he steps on   the ice Sabers now backtracking is Monahan pulls  up on the left Circle here’s Pak walking in and  

There to stop him is Lucan Monahan just pulls up  on the far side and takes a look and just little   SCE pass across the pan but once again Lucan got  there in time eers winds up with a slapper that  

Is blocked fight for the loose Puck save made by  Lucin quick backand patch back to Mory and his   backand is blocked up top morsey oh luk I think  he flicked that one off the M up up if that’s  

The case morse’s going to get the puck here yeah  the quick shot right off the right side of his   head and he he knew something came loose there on  his helmet you see him just kind of so Rick bonus  

Perhaps going back to that set a little bit here  hoping for a repeat Sabers break up the play at   the line now it’s Center Ice CRS with a good  hit on pon the mov shyle Mory penalty coming  

Up on the play it’s in the back of the net on the  follow Mory and the Jets tie the game of two with   922 remaining in the third period going to be a  hook and call in the sabers here but the Quick  

Pass here to morsy and you see Yoki Haru get  him all tied up there but he’s still able to   get the shot off and somehow this sneaks through  Lucan in and you see did hit him up high and then  

The puck is on the ice when he goes into the net  so not sure if it went up caught him in the arm   and then rolled down in between it in behind the  net Monahan they set her in front oh what a glove  

Save by Lucan in on iO in the blue paint the last  opportunity here for Winnipeg Jets to pass from   the sidewall right here alexai follow the redirect  in front you watch this he redirects it Lucan is  

Kind of looking to the this is hard work this is  hard you don’t know how hard this is the legs are   feeling like only you can describe right now for  this group as pan on the wall and the Jets able  

To get it out an entire group of Sabers as Baron  comes back the other way scor Morgan Baron on the   counter punch for the Jets and with 605 to go in  the third it’s 32 win a p by the Sabers down low  

They just hammering him along the wall and right  here Jacob Bryson goes down he loses the puck and   it’s chipped out and that is pyton Krabs who is  a forward Who’s Back covering for Bryson and he  

Dives trying to poke it to his partner and he  just not able to do it and baron gets a two-on   one right here the quick shot play out to Center  Thompson for greenway’s got a lane down the left  

Side takes the shot r with a save but he puts it  down rer on the ATT at the near post oh Greenway   came close and he just kind of soft touch it to  the net but here’s Greenway on the wraparound  

Commitment to keep it in by the D and a creates a  two-on one neov with Conor to Conor made by L and   what a bey that was 31 shots he’s face kov come  down a little SAU pass across the corner and he  

Thought he was Dylan cousins comes up with it in  the corner trying to play it for Alex tuck Jets   take it away and it’s lifted High and a bouncer  rasith stene double teamed on this near wall  

Thetic COV to the net scores the empty n with 121  to go and the winning Pick jets are doing it again   another third period rally darene going back and  he’s just under pressure by Connor and it’s just  

Going to jets are just as tired very fleu in here  yesterday got about 6:00 so it wasn’t overly late   night Sabers trying to keep it into the far point  but it’s out and digging hard is Lowry empty net  

Chance here once again Monahan he won’t miss that  one and it’s 5 to2 and that’ll about do it 53.6   seconds to go yeah Lowry over on the far side  just doing a good job just Dylan cousins bumps  

Him off and spins around so hopefully he can go up  there and get things turned around again if they   play This Way Rob they’ll be in the game there is  they’ve played extremely hard and they played well

Extended highlights of the Winnipeg Jets at the Buffalo Sabres

00:00 1st Period
02:50 2nd Period
04:45 3rd Period


  1. After playing on a high so much lately…given their performance this season…you knew they were bound for Jet lag…

  2. Watching Owen Power play is brutal !! He's absolutely horrible… he cost the Sabres 1-3 goals EVERY game.. He does alot of standing around watching the other teams players.. He stinks

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