@Toronto Maple Leafs

(Tough Call’s) take on the Matt Rempe hit on Ilya Lyubushkin

(Tough Call’s) take on the Matt Rempe hit on Ilya Lyubushkin

by EraOfForcedDiversity


  1. Jonesdeclectice

    Good break down of the hit, IMO.

    How do we get Tough Calls to replace the current DOPS regime? LOL

  2. drow_enjoyer

    Rempe isn’t even gonna get a hearing or a fine eh

  3. Cheap_Wash216

    I’d be happy with a fine for Rempe and getting the ref who was standing 2 feet away to answer a couple of questions at a press conference.

    At the end of the day, I don’t think either will happen so just hoping Boosh is okay.

  4. BORT_licenceplate27

    This hit has made me so angry the last couple days. Leafs just traded for the guy to effectively replace Gio whos out with a head injury. Just to have this big idiot carelessly charge lyubushkin and injure him. I don’t expect a suspension nor should it be imo. But it’s a clear charging penalty that should have been called on the play and he injured our guy. Fuck rempe and I’m glad he had to answer the bell with Reaves

  5. nutters85

    The lack of hearing tells us that the NHL is not serious about head injuries. Everything is for show. Your helmet comes off? You best not play the puck. A 6’8 neanderthal launches himself into a guy into the boards? It’s a physical game people!

  6. I can nit-pick one or two things but this is as accurate and thoughtful it can get. Good reasoning behind his thoughts. Even explains the criteria. I’ve never heard of this guy before but hire him and fire Parros.

    Also, nothing will likely happen from DOPS.

  7. New-Abies-6662

    I disagree that he wasn’t targeting the head. He is already 6’7” and he jumped. What else could he be targeting? Nevertheless, Tough Call still said he should get 3-5 and concluded 3. You can be sure the league won’t even review it as it’s against the Leafs

  8. Smooth-Evening-

    It’s even worse considering the 5 game suspension Rielly got. Intentionally went for the player, not the puck. He should have been thrown out of the game.

  9. Justinarian

    I know an Atlantic Canadian accent when I hear one.

  10. I don’t see the same firmly planted right foot tough call see’s. Do you guys? It looks pretty clear he left the ice.

  11. skuncledeez

    Forearm/elbow to the head, left his feet, counted at least 6 strides before contact.

    Completely worth suspension considering it’s textbook charging.

  12. Mrfantastic2

    I mentioned this in another sub and some idiot rangers fan said he was just playing hockey. I said this was worse than what rielly did and he lost his mind, I stand by what I said. A 6’7 player shouldn’t need to leave his feet, or charge/board another player. Guy didn’t even win the fight either despite being much bigger than Reaves.

  13. Small_Assignment4918

    Hopefully this goon suffers a career-ending injury soon before he takes out many more players.

  14. AustichMavarlander

    The only take that matters is that its a charge and yet again the Refs let it go because its the Leafs….. tell me im wrong. Dont care.

  15. Sarge1387

    I mean he took 5 strides into the check, it’s egregiously charging. I bet if that was Reaves it would have been 5, 10, game misconduct, match penalty, and 8 game suspension

  16. willy_fister

    He planted his skate and jumped. Both skates in the air during the hit. That’s a charge.

  17. I mean…..there are people in r/hockey and r/nhl that think the hit was legal because he had the puck.

  18. Long_North_3472

    Wow first time I saw it. 10 strides leaves feet like the long jump and smashes his head along the glass. No Penalty was rediculous. It should have been a match penalty with intent to injure. 5-10 game suspension warranted. 

  19. DiscussionBeautiful

    He jumps! His right skate is off the ice on contact. Why can’t you see this? Are you a Parros fan boy? It’s so clear… Ugh

  20. This is. Clean check in the NHL period . Not blindside – no longer a NHL rule – it’s not a head contact, he did not leave his feet . The reason your there is weak – the Leaf played seen him coming and had a chance to brace and absorb impact . That sent Rampe up . A player that is taller or heavier should not be disadvantage when delivering a clean hit . Tall heavy players mass causes the whipping effect and that’s what caused the Leaf players injury and possibly head injury history or a hit at a different part of the game that contributed. Also all players know it was clean – 0 reaction from any Leaf player on the ice . The fight in the 3 rd was an act of the leagues side show . If Rampe keeps up the pace fighting is career will be measured in days not years . In his previous 2 fights he got hit hard by 2-3 punches in each of those fights . Last night’s fight was 100 % theatre and more of a respect thing for Reeves . He played for the Rangers is in the twilight of his career and with the Leafs salary cap issue . He will be a player they try to move if there is interest.

  21. commanderr01

    Dude your 6’8, you’re everyone’s favourite now but this type of shit will get the league turning on you in a hurry, you can’t leave your feet like that to deliver a check, but of course he won’t even get a fine

  22. AintJohnner

    Looked like a pretty clear intent to injure to me. How the fuck aren’t they looking at it?

  23. BeerLeagueSnipes

    No idea how this wasn’t at the least a charge. Dude skated from one ice to the other and launched himself at full speed in the air at Boosh. But hey it happened to the Leafs so according to the DoPS that makes it non-existent.

  24. Intelligent-Sun3876

    The NHL has to be a lot clearer on calling charging and boarding. These are 2 calls which seem to be applied somewhat inconsistently. Like if a guy glides right before hitting someone it seems to be ok. Seems to be a bit of a strange loophole. Same with boarding, what does “violently” mean in rule 41? Like guys get hit into the boards all the time in the NHL.

  25. Mysterious_Lock4644

    Player safety? As in the committee that more than likely won’t bother to even look at this?🤨🤙🏼🇨🇦

  26. in-dog_we_trust

    Lyubushkin was happy to be back in T.O. now I wonder if he is. This was a stupid and dangerous play. It was an intent to harm. The idiot in the YouTube video says Technically he didn’t leave the ice. The only true word in that sentence is he. (Assuming he/him pronouns)

    The guy takes at least half a dozen strides, (remember what they said about Mo having time to change his mind). Piviots and propels himself up and into the shoulder driving Lyubushkins head into the boards. Bullshit

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