@Vancouver Canucks

Next-Day PGT: Vancouver Canucks at Anaheim Ducks – 04 Mar 2024

VAN wins, 2 – 1 .

[ Boxscore](


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by HockeyMod


  1. Ok_Bobcat493

    Idk wtf they’re going to do with Lindholm, right now that trade looks like a big miss. 

  2. Bubbiesacat

    I didn’t get a chance to watch the game, but it sounded like Canucks had a lot of quality chances early in the game. Dostal kept Anaheim in it. I also remember Toch saying post game after LA that Canucks need to win a game “2-1” or something along those lines.

  3. Triangle_Inequality

    I see people unhappy with this win in the PGT and I really don’t get it. We controlled the bulk of the game. Their only goal was a fluke because of a lucky bounce. We doubled them in shots, scoring chances, high danger corsi etc.

    Can’t expect to score 5 every game. And with how things are going lately, we should be very happy to grind out a 2-1 win.

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