@Toronto Maple Leafs

John Tavares explains what happened to him following Corey Perry hit | TSN Hockey

Maple Leafs captain John Tavares spoke to the media for the first time since the devastating hit in Game 1 that had him knocked out of the playoffs. Tavares says that he hasn’t watched the hit yet, and admits that he doesn’t remember it happening. Tavares also doesn’t think the collision was dirty, and reveals that Corey Perry reached out to him the night of the incident.


  1. Nice to see you well, JT. Please take care of yourself and don’t rush. We’ll be glad to have you back when you’re right.

  2. At least we still have a great captain. If only the injury never happened, who know how things turned out.

  3. Perry could have not kneed JT in the head. regular season, he somehow misses JT's head.
    Adrenaline, desire to win, and perfect, incredibly fluke alibi timing, made him decide that he could allow that 'accident' to happen. As a player, you know there is a fine line. These guys are on razor sharp blades. There are hundreds of opportunities each year for a player to 'accidently' catch someone with a skate. It happens very rarely. I remember one where a guy accidently stomped his skate down the back of another's skate and severed his Achilles. Replay shows it could have been an accident. But I don't know about that. There is a code. The line is there. Perry knows he crossed it. JT does too. But fuck if that Scheifle hit wasn't team karma. Same shit. Coulda let up but emotion of the moment allowed him to cross the line. Guys know to expect a bit of a jolt for frustration of the moment, happens often. Creaming a guy into a coma for scoring an empty netter is a choice that should never be made. Choosing not to lift your knee another six inches is also one that shouldn't even be a consideration. Yet, sadly, here we are.

  4. As an Habs fan. Its a very good feeling seeing Tavares talking to the media. Wish him a speedy recovery.

  5. And then I had this out of body experience that I played for a team that has not won nothing in 53 years. I remeber them losing a series up 3-1 . Some toast burning I think. Go habs go

  6. Everyone is dumping on Toronto but all 4 games the Habs won was by 1 goal. Toronto outscored the Habs that series and outshot them. It was that close. Had JT not been knocked out, also Muzzen, their presence could have been enough to tip the balance in favour of Toronto. All they needed was one goal in any of those 4 games. ONE goal. Thats it. That was the difference in the series. The Habs squeaked on by that series.

  7. That moment changed everything… I cannot cheer for Montreal because of that first game. I have watched hockey for decades and I honestly feel that the hit was intentional. Knowing how close this Leaf team is, they knew the impact would be devastating for the players. Targeting JT was a goal as far as I’m concerned. Perhaps the Perry knee was a fluke, but the original hit by Chiarot was deliberate and vicious. I believe it took the heart from our team. I know I will never get over seeing that.
    So thankful that John is recovering ❤️‍🩹. My heart still aches for his family and his teammates remembering that horrific night. 💙

  8. When can we here somebody speak without saying ummhhhh, or like, every other word?
    Man up gentlemen, and learn some proper grammar.

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