@Boston Bruins

Bruins @ Maple Leafs 3/4 | NHL Highlights

Bruins @ Maple Leafs 3/4 | NHL Highlights

He Z was a GE decision that’s a big end and he  goes down the middle to get St by wo on an opening   have to talk about him how about this little dish  by poast right down the middle there a victory  

Tonight could really close the gap and maybe  turn the momentum of the seasons around here’s   fory with the shot sway man side step shot dir  deep along with Goldberg and now Camp takes over   back to the line for Riley and laush and into  the FL sheld keeps said they were outstanding  

Throughout and iron gets to that P first outed  front thear is unable to settle it lushin with a   drive and that changed Direction back to Marner  tracked by Co and now Matthews shooting ni’s on   the door step providing a screen they developed  off the Hop was a necessary one here come the  

Lea tar is in front G Co trying to get a stick on  thaty rink wide knee Landers in walks the line and   now works his way in deeper holds passes and that  redirected to fly by berzi Matthews lost it back  

The other way Frederick looked like he almost had  a step but W knock away kick thebr frerick H BR   back to thebr and off a stick it didn’t go Boston  will exit the Zone gisli ahead it’s kicked over to  

The right side for Morgan geki a rebound knocked  away from the front of the net by Holberg lorai C   and that hit Rees and he drops a CL the stick that  hurt and looks like he took that off the left hand  

Rees to the mid geeky across Pasto able to reach  that cleanly front scores David Pasto setting up a play in front of the net and Morgan geeki has  the goal for Boston boy a real sense of urgency  

You see a little bit late coming now it’s  neander trying to join the freay that gives   Pastak some time and how about that Vision just  a perfect pass across to geeki little snap pass   right on the doorstep w got a piece of it but  underneath his armer unable to clear that kept  

In by we spoon across to shaten here’s a shot  from distance a loose puck in front he’ll play   it back with spoon down into the skat ofo who  has the assist on the goal by geeki fourth in  

The league in both points and goals here’s Heinen  side stepping a check from berzi and it’s knock   again and Joseph wall will put out the fire facing  similar personalities are good drawing penalties  

Huh so now Boston to the power play at Mark get to  88 by the way with his 88 point of the Season here   tonight and with it again walking in and wall in  for Boston dropped it but onto the Stick of ycro  

He gets tied up ruins got it back to brush get  front scores H zaka power play goal two nothing Boston well Zach is not going to miss from that  area twice his very first shift he came in alone  

Tried to go blocker side Joseph wall make the  save but penalty kill you try to outman you   guys in the corner and here you had a two on two  but the puck drops out to Jake de brus and how  

About there everything goes through David toer  knock on on this power play and he just draws   one man to him and zacka behind everyone makes the  perfect shot this time pass not aare points and  

Now 51 assists and 89 points on the season here’s  brazo in ball turns that aside Do’s first Le th   of G Boston in this building back in novemberin  fired off the Blocker of swen slides to marer a  

Centering pass BR moves up mat you right on and  slan able to cover that working against makoy gets   past makoy curls from the corner Doby right on and  slan was an alert stop off Max do shot block off  

The hand over to benw B hit the clums and it’ll  be dumped up by brazo first one here here just   a nice little D to D pass got his head up the  whole way knows he’s got traffic gets a little

Deflection second period goes McMahon off the  Club of San as he looks for the 82 Leaf second   period goal here’s de brus scores Jake de brus on  the counter and Boston with a three goal lead boy   a chance at one end and and then the transition  inside outside that little drive through the  

Middle how about M de he looks Skyward after  but watch this little curl before he shoots   it this is going to be blocked if he doesn’t  wait zaris McMahon yarro blind so the third   power play of the night leads need one to get  back in the game down low martyr for Matthews  

Son of on the line not in Matthews thought it  was lost part of his strap but oh jeez right   across how about Carlos what a job coming  across and you know as a defenseman reading   that so quickly sometimes you might turn quickly  and actually knock it in instead Matthews kind  

Of got cut off on the post there wasn’t able  to get the tip of his stick to turn it over   just laid it across got a piece of it but it’s  Carlo who saves the day and keeps that one out  

Something snapped on the back of s and I I think  one of his laces came across but man couldn’t get   much closer than that could it pass to Martyr  well covered there a couple of Bruins in the  

Neighborhood and Boston gives it away KNE later  Matthews and it’s knocked away in the pl not all   of it Matthews who can rip it but watch this is a  little bit of a knuckler so swan has to adjust at  

The last second trying to shake the checking  of shaton KK finding in to help out and the   Bruins dump to Center up ah hit for Riley back  to Tar shoting got tarus has the leaps on the

Board there’s the spark you’re looking for at  the end of what was a good offensive zone Shi   only two get out this turnover in the neutral  zone a quick transition lushin instead of going   back too far one little play to the middle  and this one just a rocket right up and over  

The shoulder sing Oh if he didn’t read where  that was going or maybe hit a little bit of   a stick couldn’t tell if there was any kind of a  deflection no that’s just a quick little risker  

That beats him up and over the shoulder and  made it a two goal game with plenty of time   left 19th of the year for the captain back in  come the Matthew KN off the post this changes  

This one hits Marner going to the net and watch  kniv when he gets it goes off the stick the leg   and then the Stick of grizzli but goes right off  the post and had a great chance you can see San  

Fredick to the line and out neander back in his  own Zone lost that’s T and R sto by wall and now   a feed ahead for past knock with hinen and zaka  to past knock and from a sharp angle stop looks  

It in front scores Haka as David past makes  another terrific play you know it’s just the   urgency of Pastak and how quickly he jumps on  loose pucks late stages to Baris can’t get the   shot away and this will finish 41 Boston and the  Bruins now have won six in a row against Toronto

Extended highlights of the Boston Bruins at the Toronto Maple Leafs

00:00 1st Period
05:06 2nd Period
06:51 3rd Period


  1. I find the leafs had more opportunities but Swayman played really good! Refs also stole 2 great opportunities from us blowing the whistle when we touched the puck meanwhile Boston was the one who had a pending penalty… that shouldn’t happen.. guess we will see how bad Toronto wants it Thursday when they replay Boston

  2. Bruins at their lowest, Leafs at their highest. It's in Toronto so the Leafs have a chance to do something great for their fans. And they lose. They never change. lol.

  3. Maple leafs fans what happened tonight!? Bruins own your team Toronto we’re about to sweep you all Thursday 😂😂😂😂😂

  4. Matthews felt some contact tonite, got scared and hid. Much like the playoffs every year.😂😂😂😂😂😂

  5. Quite a few goal posts for the leafs. It could have gone other way if they got some bounces. I think they look good and will fair well in playoffs.

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