@Buffalo Sabres



Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Buffalo Sports Center I am Don and today we are going to talk about some potential and realistic trades for the Buffalo Sabers uh in anticipation of the upcoming NHL trade deadline by the way the NHL trade deadline is this Friday 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that’s after

That point no one else can make a trade we’ve already started to see a flurry of Trades including the Calgary Flames selling off their prize defenseman Chris tanov to the Dallas Stars we’ve seen Toronto pick up former Buffalo saber Ilia lbushkin and we expect to see many

More trades but before I get to all the potential trades and realistic scenarios make sure to hit that like button and subscribe follow us on YouTube of course get on the Instagram the Discord the Tic Tac all of those links are down in the description below now let’s talk about

Our first potential realistic Sabers trade and it’s going to be someone being chipped off this one is going to involve the captain kyoso yes a lot of Sabers fans I feel like are divided on whether or not to get rid of Ky poso and it seems like the locker room as well is

Divided KY poso on the one hand he’s a leader he’s a veteran he’s been here for a long time his family has gotten settled here and you know he’s been a loyal servant for Buffalo has he been very good no did he ever Mount up to

What that contract he signed way back in 2016 did he ever live up to those expectations also no but he’s been here for a while and even this season I think he’s been a pretty effective defensive fourth line forward the problem is we keep seeing him in an advanced role on

The second line on the second power play unit and there was a point after the Winnipeg Jets game on Sunday where kyoso sat in the locker room and despite everything he’s done for this team he is kind of feeling like this that could have been his final home game with the

Buffalo Sabres there is a sense of dread around him it’s he knew that with the deadline coming up with a lot of playoff contenders trying to get his services that that could have been it and it’s because of that I wasn’t necessarily convinced before that the Sabres would

Trade Kyo poso now I’m starting to feel that’s going to happen and I have the New York Rangers as a potential Suitor NHL insiders Elliot fredman and Jeff marak both have been saying that the Rangers are very interested in poso they like to add him to their bottom six and

It makes sense kyo’s 12 goals and nine 10 assists now for 22 points the season not bad for a veteran and it’s actually much better than the guy coming back in return kokako so I have Kaio posted to the Rangers in exchange for a uh for

Kokako and a 2024 6th round pick now I get it kokako not great he hasn’t lived up to expectations whatsoever this is kind of a throwaway the Rangers need to shed some salary cap if they want to be able to afford uh kyoso and this would make all the math work Sabers don’t

Really have any concerns about salary cap which you know and I don’t have any um scenarios with this in the video but I would be really disappointed if the Savers didn’t weaponize their cap space try to help facilitate other teams who are also trying to make trades maybe

Retain a couple get a couple free fourth or six are fifth round picks here and there just for helping and retaining salary cap for different players and if they don’t do that I think they’ll do this this this keeps the Balance Books the books balanced on both ends excuse

Me folks I’m sorry I have my words twisted up there but yeah kokako only 11 points this year he’s been a massive disappointment and it’s clear that he needs a change in scenery maybe that happens in Buffalo he is a restricted free agent after this season so the

Sabers can decide what to do with him there but this just gives kokoso a chance to go for a Stanley Cup and this gives kokako a change of scenery because it’s clear he hasn’t really worked out in the bright lights of New York City but let’s keep on moving to our next

Trade up here it’s Eric Johnson to the Vancouver Canucks in exchange for a mid round pick this one I have a 2024 third round pick and for Eric Johnson a lot of Sabres fans unlike Koso want to see Johnson go Johnson has been a complete

Pylon of a defenseman in the back he and I feel bad for because he wanted to come to Buffalo he signed with Buffalo because he thought this would be a playoff team this year but things haven’t worked out he hasn’t play been playing very good he got sat last week

Against the Florida Panthers only played the first period after giving up two goals in that period And we haven’t seen him since he didn’t play against Winnipeg for trade related purposes he probably won’t play Wednesday night against the Toronto map leaves and it seems like Eric Johnson more so than

Anyone else on the roster will be leaving uh by Friday Friday rolls around and I have Vancouver on here just because they need a little more defensive help they’ve kind of been sputtering as of late adding a guy with a lot of Stanley Cup playoff experience like Johnson would be good the only

Thing that I have worry about with a potential trade of Johnson to the Canucks is that Johnson’s not going to want to uproot his life midseason to go cross country that’s been a problem for a lot of guys and Johnson he settled his family down in Buffalo he really doesn’t

Want to leave he’d like to roll out with the rest of the season but it’s clear that the sabes are going to need to get something from him because it’s very unlikely that the Sabers resign him next off season and bring him back for a

Couple more go rounds so get him out of here get him for a third round pick if you can get this for Eric Johnson that’d be a job well done for Kevin Adams now let’s move into our my third and final proposed trade here for the Buffalo

Sabers of this week this one unlike the first two where the Sabers were giving away a guy here I’d like to see the Sabers actually go get someone go get a bigname defenseman on the market that player would be Rasmus Anderson to Buffalo in exchange for a first round

Pick a fourth round pick and Tyson kak now I think that Calgary wouldn’t go for this I feel like this is a kind of a lowball offer they they may want a prospect of a younger age than kak but Tyson kak has been one of the saber most underrated Center uh prospects in

Rochester he’s always been effective and he has some NHL upside the only problem is there’s a center Log Jam here in Buffalo above him on the depth chart already is Matt seavoy Anton Walberg Noah osland even up in the NHL with Peyton Krebs uh Casey middlestead Dylan cousins Tage Thompson there’s just too

Many centers eventually Uh Kevin Adams is going to have to ship one of them out and why not kak here you’re not going to probably get a premium Prospect at the deadline if your Calgary so settle for the next best thing Tyson kak would be a

Great player in their uh in their bottom six of their four depth lineup and for that first round pick it would not be top 10 protected but for Buffalo you need to make a big move you need to finally get a top four defenseman to play along Owen power Kevin Adams has

Been promising it to the fans and to power that he’d find him a suitable partner and he just hasn’t done that Conor Clifton hasn’t worked out Henry yaru I think has had his moments with rasma stene but that still leaves a hole right there in the top four Rasmus

Anderson he’s got 31 points this year he would be an ideal candidate to bring in now there are other players on the market such as McKenzie weager and even Noah hannahan from the Calgary Flames and even if you go to Carolina you have an option and Brett peshy the only

Problem with peshy is that he’s only got 10 points this year he hasn’t looked like he’s the same guy guy if you’re Buffalo you may just want to wait till the off season maybe get him at a discounted price but get Rasmus Anderson now he’s got term after this this year

It’s this year and he’s under contract for a whole year next year so go get him buffalo make it happen finally get power a suitable partner and create yourself one of the decent above average top four cores in the NHL because right now Detroit’s better than us Florida’s

Better than us Boston is better Tampa’s got a better Decor you can’t keep riding it out with Conor Clifton Eric Johnson Andor Jacob Bryson in your top four pairings anymore that’s not going to cut it it’s not going to get you to the playoffs and it certainly won’t progress

Your young players forward Owen power needs to be nurtured by a veteran Rasmus Anderson can do that and then some he can even add some offensive Firepower too so do it Kevin get aggressive throw some roll the dice and go get Anderson or just go get a good defenseman what

Kevin Adams has done so far in his tenure here in Buffalo has not been good enough he’s gotten Riley Stillman Conor Clifton Eric Johnson nobody has been able to fill that role these are all just short-term veteran guys go get someone that’s proven to be successful

At the NHL level that’s proven that he can fill this role right now not that he could not that he played shelter minutes on a good team no he has been doing this in Calgary not you know they’ve been pretty decent but they’ve never been able to take the next step that’s why

They’re Throwing It All Away go get them do it please I beg of you Kevin try it and uh you know what yeah that’s it that’s going to be it for me here today thank you so much folks for watching this video I was Don this is Buffalo

Sports Center make sure to hit that like button and subscribe check the video over next to me and uh I hope to see all of you in the next video bye-bye

The Buffalo Sabres need to retool after a lackluster 2023/24 season. In today’s video, Don proposes three trades that Kevyn Adams and the Sabres can make before the trade deadline (Friday, 3pm EST).

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  1. Sorry theres no way the Rags are trading Kakko & 6 th round pick for Okposso. IMO the most theyll get for Okposso ,Girgenson , & Erik Johnson are 4th or 5th round picks.
    Didnt we go through this last year to in regards to trading Okposso , Girgenson and Olofsson?
    Sorry if Calgary is able to trade Hannifan ( boston? Tampa?) then theres no way theyll move Andersson as well.
    Pesce , i like but wait until the summer as he is UFA this summer. He is a stay at home right shot D man who would be a perfect partner for Owen Power. Hes also from New York state so maybe he will want to play in his home state.
    Adams was suppose to get a top 4 D man last summer and he didnt. Clifton is a decent top6 D man, but definitely not top 4 . He and Ryan Johnson will make a good 3rd D pair next season .
    Thanks for the video ,keep up the good work.

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