@Boston Bruins

Bruins Highlights: Best of Boston’s Strong Team Performance vs Toronto

Bruins Highlights: Best of Boston’s Strong Team Performance vs Toronto

Hello and welcome to Bruins overtime live presented by biat for offers Not Seen On TV visit biat Adam Pellerin Billy jaffy Barry Peterson love to see it love to see it 4-1 your final in Toronto after an awful game on Saturday night the

Bruins respond in a big way yes and uh I mean you want to talk about the complete antithesis of an effort literally I mean you couldn’t have it was the most Cil game or from game to game split personality that the Bruins have I mean

Like you want to go from a game where they could do nothing right and had no compete to a game where they earned everything and finally thankfully they full 60-minute effort Barry post Allstar R by the way that was the cleanest calmest least violent 106 hit game I

Ever yes I’ve never seen that before but but agreeing with you wholeheartedly this was one of their better efforts of the Year best effort UH 60 minutes since the All-Star Game for sure uh we talked about the pregame how they needed the compete level to be picked up we talked

About team defense when you’re playing a team like they slowed Toronto down they made some great plays and great stick great compete level oneon-one doing the little things specialty teams great goal tending and the top six right from the getg go the top six forwards led by

Example and how about this too bear they handled the push yeah and they didn’t allow for the multiple goals they took a few punch not punches a few pushes from Toronto who’s got unbelievable Talent we know in the manor marners and Matthews and nanders Etc but they said it’s okay

We’re going to reset we’re going to be all right swan made a few saves and they handled it very impressive again given what we didn’t see the other night look the Maple Leafs haven’t been shut out this year they’ve scored one goal now five times on the year they had a one-

Nothing win over the Jets back in January the last time they had scored one and a loss was back in OCT October the Bruins getting it done against a team of the last 10 games talked about it scoring nearly five goals per game and he talked about the compete level

For the Bruins they were winning battles tonight it was lovely to watch it really was it was so nice it was I mean you want to talk it wasn’t you know we always say to the kids it’s not the first the second it’s the third time you

Got to be willing to keep at it and they all did it Bo geeky was good early on will’ll show his goal but right there couple of guys getting involved here taking hits to make a play love seeing that very and there’s the support we had

A lot of good Puck support in this game they really did what we always talk about too Billy you want to be a good Checker you got to be moving your feet the Bruins were really skating well dumping the pucks into good areas if you’re going to beat Toronto you got to

Get Pucks in there and but look at body makoy was physical of course all night which is not a big surprise there you got Jake standing up allowing the team to reverse it back out through the neutral zone maram was competing in the corners he was doing his job taking the

Body watch this little start the third period body great pass out to coil oh almost that was the captain leading by example right from the GetGo seriously what also you notice here I mean when when they got the puck all game long they didn’t screw around with it a

Couple of times may we saw the low ride turn over I mean a couple mistakes are going to happen but the energy that they got in the battles I think led to them having energy to move the puck and to Barry’s Point moving their feet all the

Time it was moving all over the ice instead of waiting holding hoping none of that in this game and you actually felt better even as the game wore on they had the lead you didn’t really you know get overly nervous cuz you could see that in the compete level you could

See the confidence you could see them making plays and and following through on the physicality of things they were with it they had the charge going right from the get Maple leafes had a power play opportunity at the start of the game in the first period and you’re

Thinking to yourself oh man you know this Maple Lea power play has been something else especially over the last 10 games 38 1.2% and then for the season second of the league of 28.4% but the PK for the Bruins was up to the Tas it was and and to add it to

That scare that you just talked about with thr the Bruins penalty killing had really struggled obviously after the All-Star game but they did a great job this is early Billy this is you know early in the first period you’ve struggled things aren’t going well for you the last few games you’ve been

Playing well right now and you have a opportunity here to kill this and you not only kill it and not allow any any uh Power Play Shots against you get two good short-handed opportunities for you yeah I agree um I felt like their forwards Barry were a little bit more

Aggressive in this game killing penties and perhaps that just allowed these type of plays just to get eliminated before the Bruins got exploited or potentially exploited middle of the ice down low where we know they have on the PK they never I mean you know Toronto had one or

Two good look sets on the pp that’s obviously going to happen with such a high offensively skilled team but overall the Bruins hey even right there I mean I’m not saying it was easy but Swain was able to make that safe there’s guard protection in front of the here

You go middle of the ey and then Matthews isn’t flub it but the puck bounces on him but overall the Bruins boxed out when they needed to they made some good plays but I thought their forwards were really really good on the PK and stick work as well stick Billy as

You mentioned about the the PK and the importance and brick always talks about the timeliness the end of the first period Toronto’s got their push going you know it’s two nothing okay here they come and then that penalty carries over into the second period what’ you have a minute 22

And you had to kill it you kill that right there all of a sudden you don’t give Toronto any momentum Toronto scores there early in the second on that power play all of a sudden that could change the momentum big time but the the specialty teams were key tonight leav

For 0 for four on the power play tonight and then They Carried that momentum over from that first penalty kill because Morgan geeky in that line getting the job done actually I think at this point after the penalty kill he had some jumbled lines here but David po was on

The ice yeah because B doesn’t kill peny so he’s going to get out there and it’s a real is just a gorgeous look pass over to geeky who gets uh I guess kind of stealthier as I like to say but you’re going to see right here all of a sudden

Toronto on a change they’re back they go into their zone defense they’re guarding their quadrants almost meanwhile you get three if not four guys at him on one half of the ice that leaves geeki who Waits patiently see geeki is going to wait you don’t see him just yet he’s out

Of the screen now he’s waiting and then he comes in slowly he’s waiting to time it with Posto’s po we can call him pastor Pastor neck there as he brings the puck over actually if we’re in Canada we would call yeah well that’s what Razer calls that’s right pasta take

A look at the last seven games for Morgan geeky obviously had the hattick against the golden knights but five goals in the last seven games now has 14 goals on the year again going in his career high was nine goals so uh Morgan geeki continues to produce and then a

Storyline going into the game was whether or not P zako was going to play and all he did did was scored two goals tonight yeah that situation too we just talked about fosta here this is the compete level that we hadn’t seen on the power play and a great job there winning

Some battles Jake gets the puck down to pasta and he goes to the net as you talked about Billy that creates the big seam in the middle of the ice for zaka look at the speed some entries here uh tonight we commented on you on the power

Play with some speed moving your feet winning some battle Jake comes over gives support pass to Pasta go to the net bring everybody with them big big power play goal oh man I wish I still had games to coach with the kids this year cuz I’d also show them all the

Things that you just said but the way that zaka stays above the pile so to speak above the play and waits patiently if he gets too excited and he gets even four five feet too low there’s a good chance the pass either doesn’t connect with them or it’s just too quick he

Can’t make it he waits above it he gets it and then because of Jake sliding through the slot he has a clean shot to the net and his line was excellent tonight as well second goal is Case in point later on in the game in the third

Period yeah as the Bruins end up getting it out they’re going to Hing who had an excellent game helps bump it in and then here you go postr not gets it waits Waits Waits and again you know there’s a there’s a thing about being too too close to the net and too aggressive

Around it you’ve got to earn your ice there but again see Zak here he stays just enough away hovers just away but it’s the good hands of posture knock not once but twice picks it up little swivel behind the net things it to the front

And then posture KN fast gets put in by zaka but overall the Bruins in this line by D Heinen what a great job he did for check and defending in his own anhing tonight you know he got an assist on this goal here you know zaka with his two goals

And pasta with his three assists and I think more just is important to for him Billy we know he’s on his game when he has seven shots on goal exactly super star of the game is pav zaka take a look at the numbers on the road Road against

Maple Leafs they are very good and zaka scoring his first goal since February 8th that was against Vancouver at the Garden but you mentioned David poso a three assist night he’s standing by with Sophia David what was your favorite part of your team’s effort in this game I

Think um every all the whole game you know we finally put up a good 60 Minutes you know we did had a um little hiccup but I think every single period you know we were focusing uh to put a good 60 and I think we did it for about 58 and a

Half minutes you know which is huge uh step forward so uh it’s a big win for our team three assists for you tonight just heard it was your 13th uh game with three assists but especially on that paval zaka that second goal it felt like the Leafs were kind of focused on you

Looking for you they obviously have to respect you when you have the puck but do you notice when that happens when when you’ve got a couple guys on you are there in your Zone and you’re able to pass it clear uh yeah I saw Puff the whole time so I was actually screaming

My lungs out to JD to give me the puck because JD did a heck of a job bringing it to the net is and had like two or three guys on him so I was uh kind of like behind the goal line so I wanted to

Puck cuz I I saw P was wide open so obviously uh with u his shot heavy like that you know it was a big goal you guys obviously leading 3 nothing in the season series wrapping it up on Thursday you looking forward to seeing them again you like these tighter close games with

Rivals like that yeah 100% you know it’s always fun games against Toronto uh you know especially uh it’s always you know for a big point so uh we’re excited you know those games are always special you know it’s a like you said the divisional

Ral so uh can’t wait to uh for them to come back to the Garden all right that’s Thursday thanks pasta thank you thank you David P with a 90o campaign for the second straight season take a look at the all-time consecutive 90-point Seasons there is a name that looks kind

Of familiar on that list and it’s Bobby Orton Barry Peterson three consecutive 90o Seasons that is fourth all time in Bruin’s history how about ESO was seven like it was nothing nothing right you know there’s a lot of espo numbers that you look at and say how about that the

40 goal Seasons how about his passing I mean it’s it’s really I mean we always knew he look he passed well before but it seems like this year it’s been even more noticeable uh we keep going back to the so much was questioned about coming into this year how the goals were going

To be scored everybody kept saying they’re going to focus on posture it’s going to be hard well they have focused on him but he’s allowed his teammates to help get involved even more with his passing we’ll be close to almost 50% right of the offense kind of goes

Through him high 40s sure you know that goes through him and it’s a testament to him and as we talk in the pregame again we can’t overemphasize enough that the the top guys had to come through big time I mean this wasn’t one of those ones where you’re watching the video and

You’re looking at each other going boys turn it off we got to have a little talk here you know we got to have a Better Effort we got to lead by example it’s got to start with us guys right here man right from the Geto they had it go what

Poss to say 58 and A2 minutes instead of the 60 okay that’s close I’ll take it we’ll take that yeah 52 assists now on the season which matches the career high what you said last year all right plenty more to come here on Bruins overtime live more

Reaction from this one in Toronto Bruins with a big win and we will hear Brick’s conversation with Jim Montgomery on the other side ruins overtime live on nessen is presented by bi for offers Not Seen On TV visit bi

Highlights and analysis from the Boston Bruins strong team performance vs. the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Bruins goals: Morgan Geekie (14), Pavel Zacha (13), Jake DeBrusk (14), Pavel Zacha (14)

Bruins goalie: Jeremy Swayman (32 saves on 33 shots)

Maple Leafs goal: John Tavares (19)

Maple Leafs goalie: Joseph Woll (26 saves on 30 shots)


  1. Great… just when I was going to stop watching the Bruins! 😉 However if they lay another rotten egg like they did against the Islanders, I'm going to lose it!

  2. It was not. It was a bs game. The Maple Leafs were about to make a 3-0 deficit comeback until Zacha ruined it. It's bullcrap. Leafs don't deserve to lose to the Bruins for the 3rd straight time in a row this season.

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