@Boston Bruins

LFR17 – Game 61 – Out Of Tim – Bruins 4, Maple Leafs 1

LFR17 – Game 61 – Out Of Tim – Bruins 4, Maple Leafs 1

Hey buddy you’re back I am back I missed you no you didn’t yeah that’s true hey why’ you bring that screaming thing home with you that screaming thing is a baby oh actually sorry I was talking to the baby let’s go good we all feel good stop

Never gets rust in in my kitchen producer Drew can you fix all this and when it comes to the Tron beles you can crumple crumple ye saw that going differently with you wherever you are welcome to LFR hey everyone glad to be back that was awful Lea lose 41 to the Boston

Bruins well that sucked so for those of you who don’t know I’m Steve dangle I make a video after every Leafs game that’s LFR Leafs fan reaction ah now you know what it stands for I’ve missed seven or so maybe eight of these videos in 17 years I never missed an LFR video

And the last time I missed an LFR video was February of 2020 and the last time I missed an LFR before that I think was 6 years prior when a grandparent passed in February of 2014 that is why when I announced that I was going to miss last

Game’s LFR video against the Rangers I was like but everything’s fine if you’re out of the loop in the early morning of March 3rd 2024 my wife and I had a baby well she had a baby and I was there little Isa I’m a girl dad now or am I

Just the the father of a girl like do I get to be insufferable and be like I’m a girl Dad sorry more insufferable than I usually am sorry I’m trying to put on for as long as possible talking about that game oh stop they all have white

Noise machine means it’s fine they can’t hear me ah they don’t hear that the other night while we were at the hospital Saturday night the Leafs were playing the Rangers and it was a slobberer of a game awesome back and forth the anticipation of the r and

Reeves fight as well and then it actually happened the Rangers tie it late it goes to overtime Sammy makes a sensational save it goes to the shootout the Leafs have to score to extend it they do and it’s controversial and then Max DOI wins it on his birthday it’s

Perfect the exact sort of video that I would have loved love to have made for you but my wife was in active labor and no because as much as I wanted to make that LFR video I wanted to make it less that I want to be alive did the thought

To dip out of the hospital and shoot a quick LFR on my phone cross my mind yes did that thought make it out of my mind and into the world not until just now no that’s why I’m still here and unfortunately Isa does not share a

Birthday with Max doy he is March 2nd she is officially March 3rd because she was born at 229 amm real quickly because I do feel like I owe you this so many people wanted to know like my thoughts on the Matt Ry versus Ryan Reeves fight here it

Goes on the podcast I was talking about Ry who is fighting it it seems like he’s fighting in more games than he’s playing he’s serving way more penalty minutes than minutes he’s playing as I understand it he stood at the red line during warm-ups Ryan Reeves did not Ryan

Reeves offered him a fight early rampy didn’t take it and then as far as I can tell Reeves was like I will fight him I could fight him but I don’t have to and it seemed like Ry had the same attitude and it was okay but then Ry completely

Ran over ilushin in what I would call his second questionable hit already in his NHL career he’s tall what’s he supposed to do oh good I love when people ask a question I have an answer to throw a legal body jack you’re 6’8 why you leaving your feet again White

Noise machines they’re fine they didn’t call it penal okay whatever they rang Ilia lbushkin Bell he didn’t return to his turn to the Lea so Reeves is like we’re winning it’s the third period it’s late our guys’s not back yet I’m on the ice you’re on the ice you got to give me

One and full marks Dury he did I know it seems stupid but like that is the exact sort of thing that is going to gain him respect throughout this league I mean Reeves obviously seem to respect it ke seemed to respect the willingness from Reeves to fight Rey who Reeves seems to

Think he has the longest reach he’s ever fought which is wild because he’s been fighting for a long time but on the podcast I talked about Rey’s health and I think maybe now after this fight it’d be great if he cooled it for a few games Steve are you saying he shouldn’t fight

I’m saying if he wants to continue to fight he should stop fighting for just a little bit this kid’s got the fascination of the whole Hockey World right now so thanks for letting me talk about that game this game against the Bruins stunk and I’m not going to talk

About this goal by goal I I think I can break this down actually pretty simply the Bost and Bruins started fantastically so there was that this is a group that doesn’t always win they’ve actually had a surprising amount of embarrassing playoff losses in recent memory but they sure do have a lot of

Winning habits and you’re not going to win every game and last game they did not win that every game they lost to the Islanders and it wasn’t very good and what did they do in this one they responded and what a perfect game to respond in number one you had a bad

Performance the previous game number two the Leafs and Bruins are slated to f face each other in the first round right now you’re in Toronto’s Barn you have a chance to make a statement here or forget the statement forget all of it you have a chance to win two points

Forget making a statement you just want to lock up home ICE which it seems like they have pretty comfortably by the way there are a bunch of players who didn’t have their best game but there’s one that I want to focus on in particular and it’s so disappointing to me dude

Timothy lren with TJ Brody was awful Justin Williams cited it on the sportset broadcast I think it was during first intermission just the chances the Leafs and lilligren specifically were giving up in the middle there were other players who didn’t look very good to neander another pretty disappointing defensive performance after getting

Benched by Sheldon Keef in the previous game and scoring but Williams was just talking about like visually like strategy-wise the Leafs are given up the middle and not lilligren specifically but the Leafs before then focusing on lilligren individually that’s how it was visual but what do the numbers say well

This is from James Myrtle before the game was even finished look Riley leushin they did well they controlled the vast majority of the corsy the Fenwick the expected goals four score adjusted goals listen you know what some of those things are you don’t know what some of them are it’s good you see

They’re all above 50% well above 50% they’re good add to that McKay benoa all their expected goals Cory Fenwick score adjusted expected goals who comes up with these things anyway they did very well at it lrin Brody was unplayable expected goals for percentage of 21.9 you’re not going to win games that

Way you’re not going to win forget playoff series games individually you’re not going to win them 36.4% corsy 4 percentage you’re not going to win you’re not going to win if you have 36.4 do you know how otherworldly your shooting percentage and goal tending have to be to win games

Where you are getting less than 40% to win four out of seven where you were getting less than 40% of shot attempts you can survive it if your shot attempts are better than theirs and what these numbers suggest is they’re not the Bruins were not just getting more shot

Attempts they were getting better shot attempts when Brody and lilligren were out there and I mean this picture just sums up their night there’s pav zaka be very very quiet I’m hunting wabbits and In fairness it’s a tricky nice pass from David postak Joseph wool didn’t track it

Either grit’s got no idea and it would be okay if he didn’t know where the puck was if he had a man it’s made of vulcanized rubber and play on Ice you’re not going to know where it is all the time ah dude right there which brings me

To this Chris Johnston filled in for me on the Steve dangle podcast you are not not going to want to miss that the best Insider going stpn I’m not biased or anything he has his own show the Chris Johnston show but on the Steve dangle podcast he filled in for me for about

Two hours answering Adam and Jesse’s questions and discussing the league one of the things they put him on the spot for it they said who are the three guys the Leafs are looking at right now ahead of the trade deadline which is this Friday by the way roll the clip here’s

What he said mean to put you on the spot but if you were to create put me on the spot a trade board that’s just the Leafs and I wanted the top three on the trade board what names are going up there Zack bagoan oh oh wow would he come back I’m

Not sure if he has a say in the matter okay I mean like he can get traded here sure sure sure Matt Dumba David svard but you’d have to blow the Canadians away they’re saying well yeah that’s probably your first round pick kind of trade yeah cuz he’s got got

A couple more years he’s got one more year after this one and he would fit very well yeah he doesn’t get the same sort of love as Chris tanav but he’s a if you look at the impacts on the game it’s Chris T ofes I think he’s very good

At eating pucks and and giving you secure minutes and that was something that TR living outlined they wanted with with um lbushkin they wanted stops right they want yeah look at the game has played differently in the playoffs no one knows us more than the leaves we we

Have the same discussion every year I mean this season’s been a little different although maybe they’re going to up there anyway but it’s like every year they get 115 points and then the game changes and it’s like hey can this can be effective when it matters here’s

The thing Brad living which I think is a positive for his job is known for calling everyone on everything love that so when you’re me and you’re chasing the crumbs and hear that oh he’s had conversations on this player this player this player it doesn’t necessarily give

You the full road map of what’s going on I know that those are three players that they’ve at least had some discussions on I think that they could have some time for depending on what the acquisition cost is and how other the things break break in the marketplace okay well let’s

Examine that the Leafs just traded two draft picks in order to acquire ilushin and then Chris Johnston said they are looking at three other right-handed defensemen they’re looking at Zack bagoan who could fit the mold of a luk Shen like leushin appears to be playing with Riley temporarily or at

Least it seems like that’s what the plan is so bagoan could be luke Shen another top five pick from the 2008 draft who could fill in next to Morgan Riley then there’s Matt Dumba we’re going to put him to the side just for a sec because there’s a lot to unpack there then

There’s David sard there’s I actually think David sard would be a magical fit for Morgan Riley I think it would go really well and he has another year left on his contract however if the Leafs have to give the Montreal Canadians a first round pick and it doesn’t result in the Leafs

Winning the cup or coming darn darn near toon close to winning the Stanley Cup the discourse around that trade is going to be insufferable for the next decade minimum but we know what sard can do he won the cup with the Tampa Bay Lightning and I think that was the 2021 season

Then he went to the Montreal Canadians and the dude is right-handed and beats people up Zach Mogan we know about Zack bagoan he was here for a little bit he’s right-handed and beats people up then there’s Matt Dumba I have to ask why on Earth would the Leafs be going after

Matt Dumba because look there’s some things he can do I love his shot and I really think dumba’s offensive capabilities could be a great match in Toronto if he’s not getting first Power Play minutes I think that could be a little concerning but I think they’re also trying to take food off Riley’s

Plate like like just ease his load a little bit putting dumba’s bomb of a shot out there with the core four or whoever else you have out there imagine the feasting berzi could do in front of the net with Dumba at the point I think

I think that could work but what have we been talking about for the last two weeks while the leash were so hot so hot winning I what was it nine out of 10 games oh my goodness these D Pairs maccabe and Bena oh so good they you you

Send them out there they beat everybody up Brody lilligren they go out there they stick check everybody to death and it gets the job done somehow take it away Advance the puck up the ice thank you then there’s Riley who hasn’t been the best lately but you got to remember

Before that suspension he was Far and Away the least best defenseman just get him a partner just get him a partner and away we go that’s the easy solution right there and you only need one thing and then lilligren who I’ve been so disappointed by so often has this

Stretch this stretch that it feels like he has every season where you go oh oh ah here he is yeah there he is that’s the guy who was supposed to go top five in 2017 he’s here hey everybody he’s here and then a team comes along and

They’re like hey what if we just crashed the net and he folds like an origami swan like the play would come around and he would get scratched for Justin Hall and you could shake your head at Sheldon Keef and believe me I did many times and

I screamed for lren to be put in there there were a lot of games where Hall was just a bigger version of lilligren also kind of useless at the front of the net dude this guy cannot cannot cannot crack an egg the Leafs get a day off Tuesday

And then they play again Wednesday but honestly they’ve already made up their minds the trade deadline is Friday if this dude is not in your game one lineup when the playoffs show up in April I think that’s it I I really do and it’s disappointing and I don’t want it to be

But that’s like at what age do you just go oh okay that’s the type of player this is that’s the maximum this player can do is he can give you a good month maybe two spread out throughout the season and none of them are in the spring what else David poock was Unreal

Uh the Leaf’s core guys didn’t have the best game they also got robbed a little by some whistles an early one preventing berzi from getting a goal it just keeps continuing I hate the whistle that refs have decided to give Matthew N I guess because he’s a rookie

I I don’t know and man that DOI berzi neander line is so fun and they’re just as fun as they are they’re getting caved in from Kevin petti Max Do’s last 10 games by expected goals four percentage 10.3 o my 32.4 27.5 43.3 67.3 we finally got one

Where he’s winning his minutes 43.1 48.8 24.6 37.0 and 23.9 tonight he adds he’s a fine player but it’s tough to Envision Sheldon Keef putting him between berzi and neander for a playoff game I really don’t mind DOI at Center um it sucks that like the

Depth scoring has kind of gone away I I said this month ago on the podcast I would like to see what DOI can do on the wing because all we saw of DOI on the wing was earlier this season when the lines were stupid and made no sense and

I think I should end with this I think this is really important to say is the sky falling no it’s not it’s not it’s really not again they had won nine of 10 heading into this game I think their path forward is very clear you are very

Very likely going to play one of Boston or Florida when the playoffs start you won basically every game for a month straight and you’re still not really close to catching Boston you’re probably going to be the third seed in the Atlantic as long as you can fend off the

Wild Card teams you’re going to be number three you’re going to be starting the first round on the road number two you need a right-handed dman you do at least one maybe more and number three was Swan better than wool in this one yes was the quality of the defense in

Front of swan far superior to wolves absolutely yes yeah especially in front of the net are you kidding me now before we get to questions you sent me in a lot of really nice questions I want to get to Marley minute with Nick Bon because the Leafs are going to be looking to

Make trades over the next few days and people have been talking about how outside of draft picks well even even with draft picks the leafes don’t have a whole lot of bullets left well some of those prospects are on the Marley’s and here’s Nick Bon to talk about a couple

Of them and full disclosure this was supposed to be uh two videos ago but I forgot and then also had a baby today I want to talk about two Marley’s and in particular they are Nick abuy and topi Nema I want to start with abui who’s having a strong year with the Marley’s

But actually it’s pretty on par with his rookie season in the AHL last year now abzi plays mostly within the Marley’s top six he gets power play time and through 50 games he has nine goals and 25 assists his hockey IQ is really strong he’s able to find his teammates

Almost anywhere on the ice and his biggest attribute is his playmaking and he’s second on the team in assist but his first pass is always really really strong I will say though that Abra still has potential to be a full-time player in the NHL the one thing I will say

Though about him is he’s currently struggling with the consistency part of his game at the AHL level and only has two points in his last eight games one player though who I think is thriving right now with the Marley is Nema standing at 6 feet tall Nema would be

Considered a midsize defenseman at the AHL level though he is playing top pairing minutes with the Marley’s whether it be at five on five or the power play and there have been times at this season because it is his rookie season where Nema has struggled but at

This point in the year I think Nema is really starting to find his stride what I’ve seen from Nema though at this point of the season is he’s beginning to get stronger in his own end whether it’s with decision making or boxing out players from in front of the net I’ve

Noticed this at the beginning of the season to but he’s also a really feisty player and he’s not afraid to mix it up with his opponent whether it’s again in front of the net along the boards after a whistle Nema is down to get into a scrum with guys I wouldn’t say he’s

Ready for the NHL just yet and I’m not sure I could put a timeline on when that opportunity may come but I will say this that there is tangible progress being made from Nema at the AHL level leaves cover maybe not as bare as you think there are some

Players who teams might value but oh I want to keep them but you got to give some to get something and oh it’s torture questions title it was 41 again no no I just don’t want to no this isn’t a question it’s just a fun exchange the

First game of Leo’s life was a win versus Montreal the first game of isa’s life was a loss versus Boston now we wait Robert Malloy who does the captions for these videos says Leo was the L against Columbus I think and Ernie Clement enjoyer said it’s forgettable

But we played an exhibition game versus Montreal before that though remember muzen like murdered belil and Robert said oh that one remember when elen mckv scored like a minute into the warm-up game for the bubble and we were like oh yeah he’s GNA be great and he didn’t do

Anything and and now he’s on Vancouver also doing that did the baby enjoy the game at least oh dude the baby enjoyed enjoyed the game so much more than I did she slept through the whole thing and this seemed to be the most common question so screw it I’ll just talk

About it how’s Isa Isa is wonderful she is the apple of my eye she has a full head of very dark hair she looks identical to baby photos of her mother um she was born uh what was it 8 PB 3 o which is way bigger than Leo was she’s

Just crushing food crushing sleep I’ve only known her for like let me look less than 48 hours but she seems pretty pretty cool pretty chill she’s loud though she’s she’s got a way louder scream than the first one that’s my kid I do however want to

Give a shout out to well first of all all the hardworking staff uh at oshaa hospital you are absolutely incredible and helped us all be comfortable throughout the process but I also want to give a shout out to the dude who became a new dad I think it was with his

Second kid who came up to me in the birthing suite and was like hey are you Steve tangle dude I had a mask on and glasses and everything like how how I have like relatives who wouldn’t notice me with that stuff hope Murphy’s doing okay I think you said you named him

Murphy I forgot to ask your name I got the baby’s name it was Murphy unless you’re Murphy I think the baby’s Murphy little baby Murphy shout out to Murphy before I go the podcast schedule will not be interrupted this week There’s still going to be a podcast on Wednesday

And uh we’re going to record the VIP episode Wednesday and we’re going to have trade deadline coverage Friday so uh we’ll have a fill-in host for the VIP episode and also the full Wednesday episode I may make an appearance I would like to make an appearance I would also

Like to catch up on sleep it’s difficult it’s a very difficult balance I think I’m going to make an appearance Friday I’m going to be at stpn Studios all day Dawn till Dusk we’re going to record video after video after video we’re going to put them into an audio feed and

At the end of it we’re also just going to do a full trade deadline draft recap episode that’ll be the Friday episode for now that is it for this one thank you very much for watching click like if you like this video click subscribe if you really liked it tell all your

Friends I said thank you for all the lovely words you’re all lovely people and it’s been a busy week and it’s only going to get busier buckle up I

Steve Dangle recaps and analyzes Game 61 of the Toronto Maple Leafs season against the Boston Bruins.



  1. Congrats to you and more importantly, your wife on your little one.
    As a Bruin fan I'm just happy we came to play after the Isles tore us a new one the other night.
    And I cannot lie I'm happy it was against the Leafs.
    You have another chance on Thursday. Hope it's a closer game tho'. 😁

  2. Should we trade both lilly and brodie try again for Chychrun and use robertson and our first to land the best available Right shot D

  3. leafs came out very strong and were creating tons of chances. then they get a power play. then boston takes over the game.
    their powerplay looked disgusting, and instead of generation motivation and chances, they give up 4 shots, a solid 3 chances for boston to score and it completely flipped the game how terrible their PP was.

    boston is now 13-3 i think, against teams in the atlantic. leafs are 6-8. essentially leafs can have great regular seaon records because they play a bunch of games that are not in their division. but they cannot win vs teams that matter.

  4. Congrats on the new family member,and love your show,hope the leafs can pick up a couple more guys and make a good run for the cup,1 can only hope!!!!

  5. Yknow what, I don't think anyone is thinking this right now but I'm just gonna say it. I think Woll played really solid. The stats don't show it but he didn't let in anything easy, even if maybe one to two you'd like to see a save, and more importantly he did everything he could to give them a chance to win. You can't ask for much more out of a rookie coming back from an injury. Now, the Leafs offense wasted that chance and the defense seemed determined to destroy it, but Woll himself, I'm liking what I'm seeing. If he can get back into the grove of things I think he might be that guy waiting for his turn to step in when you really need him. He did that last playoffs and he's only gotten better since then.

    edit: also congratulations of course, look at me forgetting my manners!

  6. The sky isn't falling. But this team always does this. Huge game. Huge Rival at home… and they just fold it in. Boston game out with a fire . They wanted to crush the Leafs. They hate us. I didn't see that hate from the Leafs.

  7. So like…. I'm a leafs fan and I'll admit I don't watch every game. I know the maple leafs have needed help on the back end since atleast 2013 (to be generous) but tonight was awful lol. Brodie needs to go for starters. And Keefe. This team is not good.

  8. “Waaaaay louder than the first one. That’s my kid!”

    Sounds like she will fit right in when she gets her first family dinner

  9. Congrats on the birth of your daughter. Maybe another Leafs fan.
    Turns out the Leafs and the Devils have similar problems …. no goaltending. Goalies are over rated. 🤣😂🤣

  10. Nothing like going to your 2nd leaf game ever, and this is how they play. What a waste of money, and time. Next time I won't take a day off and spend almost $1000 on 2 tickets.

  11. Leafs sloppy defensive plays killed them tonight, every goal was a man left wide open. Better clean that up or they might as well not even bother making the playoffs.

  12. I also have a daughter, she's 30 now but when she was born, someone told me "when you have a son, you're a Dad but to be a Daddy, you need a daughter 🙂 lot's of Love!

  13. B’s fan here. We’ve had a horrible run recently, so this was a nice win. So from your POV, I would remember that even great teams have stinkers.

  14. Grats man on the new addition. My first son was also born on March 3rd, it's a good day to start life. Thursday is MUST WIN, as we can't get swept by Boston in the regular season. Second night of a traveling, B2B, yikes! Also means Buffalo game could be a trap?

  15. For years the Leafs have been trying to get Rielly a partner that works. Maybe just maybe the problem is Rielly not the partner. How can Rielly be playing with the likes of Matthews and Marner and be a minus player. The "best" defenceman on a club with a record as good as the Leafs should never be a minus.

  16. I just don’t feel confident with this team. We are the second worst team in our division when it comes to playing teams from our division. We have lost 6 straight to Boston. How are we as fans supposed to think a series with them won’t end with a first round exit.

  17. Pasternak ate the Leafs alive. He is an underrated star in this league. He is a top 5 goalscorer over the last 5 years.and his playmaking gets better every year.

    PS: congrats to your family and your new born. i have a boy and a girl too.

  18. You look remarkably good considering your last 48 hours… so glad Isla is well and healthy and your wife is good too. ❤️
    Loved your take on Liljegren in front of the net- “he folds like an origami swan”- sadly, true. He has been a defensive liability all year, in fact the last two seasons. I have always hoped he’d break out but I think apart from his brief spells of brilliance, (which have been great) what we see is what we’ve got.
    Maybe he needs a change of scenery.
    Brodie might too.

  19. Congrats on the new little one. Great summation of the game …lol. This whole show was based around the leafs and players they need. Hardly anything on the game itself. More on the Rangers game a couple of days before. I'm guessing because they won?

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