@New Jersey Devils

Fitz doing a press conference re Lindy right now live

Here’s the link-

They’re onto questions… not a long statement.

by Effective-Bus


  1. Yeah I’m watching it.

    It was the right move to move on from Lindy but he does seem like a good dude. Seems like he might have known it was coming and offered to resign, based on Tom saying Lindy made it easy for him.

    Lindy did a lot of good for this org. Developed some real good talent. Smacked Philly in a Stadium series we get once in ten years.

  2. dog_fantastic

    Definitely did not expect Fitz to blast Holtz by saying he hasn’t been playing well.

  3. mustachiolong

    Fitzy confirming they’re not moving Toffoli unless something drastic happens over the next 3 days. Says an offer was made to Toffoli to extend in LA but there is a difference in term.

  4. omnomnomnium

    Thought it was interesting that he expressed such a strong commitment to keeping Toffoli, but still said that they were pretty far apart on term, teams were inquiring, and that his leading scorer wouldn’t go for cheap.

  5. You’re not gonna get am elite level goalie for peanuts…. stop low balling and address the issue… and Holtz is playing with scrubs. Fuck off fitz.

  6. Some tl;dr

    Fitz recognizes there is a goalie issue and has been in the market for a goalie for the right price without mortgaging their future, and recognizes that there is a psychological human element to his current goaltenders hearing that.


    “Oh it’s on all of us. This is on all of us…a good man lost his job because of an underperforming team.” -Fitzgerald


    Talking about Travis Green coaching; he suggests Travis will hold the team accountable for mistakes and that there could be some surprising lineup changes because of various issues.

    About Green being interim; Fitz will look at all possible options in the offseason as they come, but he’s concerned about now. Travis will be considered as a full time option during the offseason but it’s not his foremost concern.

    *my opinion, seems like he generally likes Travis and seems he will do okay, but I think he will consider Green as the full time coach depending on who’s available*


    Injury to Dougie is long term, don’t know if he’ll play by seasons end. Possibility he could be back by April 18th. Seems like a really unlikely scenario.


    Success of last year was a combination of the 13 game win streak, career years for multiple guys, above average goaltending, and this year could be adjustments made by other teams recognizing our strengths. Doesn’t believe last year was a fluke.

    Haven’t seen the grit needed to pound out games 1-0, 2-1 and win those hard gritty games.


    Fitz is not shopping Toffoli and seems committed to keeping him. Issues with term agreements between the parties but it seems like Fitz wants him. Teams have been calling about getting Toffoli.


    On Holtz: Fitz has not had a good year, and his ice time will improve if he improves as a player. It’s not the goals, but other areas of the ice that require improvement in order to be reliable for consistent ice teams. Shooting the puck isn’t the issue. It’s possible the coaching change will give him the opportunity for this, because “with change comes opportunity.”


    No idea that McLeod and Foote would be getting charged. Their information was getting thru the league office and they just didn’t know the extent of what was going to happen. The NHL said it was business as usual, when Fitz approached them about their guys possibly being on the team.

    *personal note; I believe this. The one year deal with recognition for the tenuous situation they were accused of and they likely didn’t want to offer them big deals should the resolution come mid season, which it did.*


    Fitz: “No player will ever agree that it’s time to change the coach. Too much character…pride…respect.” Possibility of lack of accountability, but at the end of the day, a coach lost his job.


    On Vitek: he’s not 100%, had some type of setback and he’s not 100% right now.

  7. conn5495fx

    This regime does NOT like Alexander Holtz WOOOOOOF. That being said Fitzy said expect lineup changes. Maybe he gets a shot in the top 6, and maybe they actually give Luke a game off to watch from the press box

  8. nostradamefrus

    Absolutely love Fitz lowkey calling out Lindy for continually benching Holtz. Dobby may become a free elf

    Not thrilled with Fitz saying there wasn’t an earlier time in the season that warranted a firing, but I understand his hope for optimism and noting that things would bounce back and forth

    Very much appreciate Fitz saying he’s exploring goalies while trying to balance not mortgaging the future

    I’m not familiar with Travis’ coaching career but Fitz make it sound like we’re in good hands for the short time

    Hinting at unexpected line changes sounds intriguing but also menacing considering how many combos we’ve already had lol

    Confirmation Toff isn’t being shopped. Good

    Whoa, he’s more critical of Holtz than I expected. Big swing from my first point earlier from earlier in the presser

    Overall satisfactory imo. Good to hear from the man in the high tower after all this time

  9. GoudaGoudaGoudaGouda

    If Holtz is going to continue to get the doghouse then we are betting off trading him

  10. NoFearsNoTears

    Now i’m pissed at Fitz. Quit fuckin talking so much. If Holtz is on the trading block, why are we shit talking him? Use some common sense

  11. RunningM8

    Did Holtz bang a coach’s wife or something? lol

  12. Legit watching this reaffirmed my faith in Fitz. He knows what he’s doing but he’s loyal. Its a tough spot but he’s handling it well

  13. Effective-Bus

    I really liked this presser. Fitz seems like an honest guy and is transparent in a way I feel like is unusual for his position. I also like the environment he seems to want to foster. He was fair to everyone in laying blame and didn’t shit on any questions.

    I have my hope back. Not necessarily for the post season but certainly for our future. I love how transparent he is about trades, etc. I was surprised by the Holtz and Toffoli comments in both his candor and the content.

  14. ApplauseButOnlyABit

    I was not impressed with that press conference.

    Fitz looked like he was dragged out there and felt neither he nor Lindy did anything wrong and this was 100% on the players.

    I don’t know what’s going on with Holtz and management, but holy shit did Fitz light him up. He was seething when asked about him. And sure enough Holtz is back on the 4th line. Like look at his answer here. He looks like he fucking hates Holtz.

    IDK, this and today’s lineup makes me think it’s truly over.

  15. Thank fucking God Fitz laid out why Holtz isn’t getting more ice time. And yes, he could absolutely adjust these things playing on the fourth line to earn more minutes and doesn’t have to be in the Top 6 for it. You don’t need 15 minutes of ice time to show hustle and it isn’t about learning skills like he said. It’s about compete willingness and just making better decisions. I don’t dislike Holtz, I’d love to see him figure it out, but it is ridiculous how overrated he is right now. Holtz is holding Holtz back; not the team.

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