@Buffalo Sabres

Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals | Leg Lock Set Up Concepts

Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals | Leg Lock Set Up Concepts

What I typically show is like a series of Maneuvers that all work and intermingle with each other which I have done for the past month now but what I’m going to do today is I really it’s probably going to seem pretty random of the stuff I show you and the reason is

Because I want to show you that this stuff is Everywhere what really matters when you’re attacking the legs is getting in get on your knees is getting inside position so for instance when he was standing over me both of my legs had inside position I was I I was inside both of his legs which means that I can

Get up and I can attack a leg okay if he’s down like this it’s the same thing if I have butterfly I have my hooks in I’m leaning forward hard I have my back rounded my uh elbows are inside of my knees and I am in butterfly guard so now

If for instance I try to send him this way and he posts out you’ll notice he opens up space here so the second he does that I come down and grab his ankle and shoot both legs through and we have the same exact thing where you can go for a heel hook for

Example so I’ll show that from this angle so we’re here so you’re going to you’re going to be nice and tight you’re going to grab under an armpit and over an arm I am going to Then Fall backward and kick this way when I do that foot will come up that

Hand will go down that’s perfect that means I couldn’t roll him but I can bring this arm down grab anywhere from the knee or below and use that to kick through and set up the exact same position whether they fall or not you still have everything you need to come

Down and get a uh a heel hook for example so let’s do it this way so I’m here nice and tight butterfly hooks I want to make sure that my legs are in cuz if my legs are out here the lever is too long he ain’t going

Anywhere so I make sure that I am in nice and tight I’m face forward my feet are up and they are they are literal hooks keep that strong the whole time I’m here I’m going to get an underhook and I’m going to get just grab onto his uh tricep I’m

Going to fall backward and this way while kicking he might not fall like that he might do that exactly that’s perfect the second that happen

Black Flag Submission Co. black belt Luke Boston demonstrates some effective ways to maximize how to effectively set up your leg locks.

Filmed/edited by: Sean A. Malone –

Black Flag Submission Co. –

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