@Boston Bruins

Boston Bruins Have a Problem Blowing Leads! – Felger & Mazz

Boston Bruins Have a Problem Blowing Leads! – Felger & Mazz

Could that have been a more textbook Bruins loss this year I mean like like the whole thing Clockwork as I wrote down Clockwork let’s see you get a tight slim lead you take it into the third period Then in the third period you absolutely get smoked uh I think the

Kraken had like the first seven shots in the third period i they were leading in shots like 8 to one at one point so you take a slight tight slim lead into the third period you get smoked to open the third period Then you lose a defensive

Zone face off this time it was Trent Frederick and you give up the ti goal then you have a bad clear coming out of your own Zone that was Avo leads to the go-ahead goal then you get to overtime you don’t score you go to shootout where you watch

David poshak with another half ass lame ass nothing attempt right into the goalies pads where it looks like he’s not even really trying you lose but get a point to stay near the top of the league standings to preserve the illusion of contention talk about a textbook Bruins night it’s astonishing

How they can repeat this over and over again I’m not kidding no it’s it’s astonishing Groundhog Day really you would think that one of these games eventually they’ll close it out in the third period like well tonight they’ll close it out no nope it’s the same

Script over and over and over again and you know what bugged me about the Bost neck move is that it’s basically he tried to do basically the same thing he did on the Breakaway earlier in the game and that was also a half-ass attempt that went in uh maybe the puck was on

Edge cuz he was able to lift it a little bit more but he didn’t exactly put his head down and fire that one either no but at least he was skating hard right he was skating heart which to me is part of the problem when the in the shootout

With him he comes in like he’s just yeah he for a casual skate in the park he’s a stat Humper and that goal in regulation counts the goal in the shootout doesn’t count so L da will just Tippy Toe our way down the ice doesn’t matter if I

Score or not it it’s not going on the sheet e it’s unbelievable it’s painful watching him in that thing get him off of that thing his percentages aren’t even that good it’s like 23% or something get him off of my TV screen in the shootout would you please I mean it

Blows me away that he goes in as as lethargically as he does I mean otherwise he’s the reason they were in that you know he had all three goals they took away one but it basically it was his night to begin with so like I’m

Not saying bench the guy but can you get him off of my screen on the shootout please I’m sick of looking at that I I can’t look at that anymore I mean I got stay up to one in the morning to watch him LLY gag down the ice and just flip

It into the goalie pads again his whole vibe is that he doesn’t give a Jesus flying fish because it doesn’t count in the stats and he is L stat humero but here we are with the Bruins did you mention in how this was clock work the game time goal early on from

Allmark how that he had God you like that one so the bummer is I thought he was really good last night but that thing I mean credit him with the assist for Seattle like what are you doing what is that pass he trying to score he shot

It right at him I mean so like I’m being half sarcastic the goalie was still in the net it was in the second period first period whenever that was trying to clear the puck puts it right on his stick like what are you doing how about

Just you know either the corner or the boards meanwhile uh Murray you think the refs had a say in this thing a little bit I’m usually not one to bit I don’t want to go all Mike from wber on you but that the the Morgan geeky goal that they

Looked at for what felt like 20 F in minutes another thing that again took up my time and contributes to my crankiness today yeah and so the contact was made when he had possession of the puck on the original shot so it looked like legal contact I I’m not bitching about

It too much just someone explain to me why they they dialed it back like I don’t I don’t understand it I just think you know Ness and you just keep doing nesson man I thought Jack and brick were hysterical on this I don’t even know why they’re reviewing it the Bruins haven’t

Had a power play all night what’s is it hexall other Co you know what’s hexall doing on this this is a a this is easy this is automatic there’s nothing here and they’re going on for two minutes about this thing like there’s no chance Yeah the more they were losing their

Mind this was obvious well the longer it went it’s like like they’re going to get Bon wait a minute if it’s so obvious how how come they haven’t confirmed the goal yet and now two three minutes in they’re still going on this is a no-brainer there’s nothing here this one’s obvious

I just don’t think it after the fact it was explained that well because the like the tap in was legal cuz the puck was in the crease it just I don’t know where the interf the more I looked at it I think that geeki stick moved uh gubar’s

Pads out of the way I thought it was the right call at the end of the day I at first I didn’t B the look at because stupid me I was just listening to the nessen commentators big mistake it’s like listening to scal that give you a

Ref anal like what’s the point of this like I should have known better that it wasn’t n’t as obvious as Jack and brick were laying on and so then after I looked at I’m like oh no well actually wait a minute yeah it was part of one continuous motion but his stick took

Grower’s pads and shoved it into the net I thought it was interference from the very beginning I mean but why so I’m I’m just curious what was beersy saying on our call do you have that Jimmy I’m just curious I’m just curious got any closer to the truth here left Point Frederick

Toi fakes shoots he’s G [Applause] that’s some hockey Karma right there Morgan geeky wait AE are they implying that he should never been in the Penalty Box to begin with because so it all started no there was a too many too many men on the ice thing that happened as this play was

Happening uh yeah that should have been called me they were going nuts about sure they sure were call it call it too many men we could quick playing pass and then the K fired out the center ice the Bruins but because all right I took that out because it wasn’t relevant to what

You wanted I understand I I know the play you’re talking about Jack and brick would lost their lost their panties too soiled their shorts I didn’t think it was that plain but I know what you’re talking about okay so there’s hockey Karma the geeky trip I mean the dude

Laid out and blatantly tripped him I’m so GL I’m glad they weren’t talking about that anyway hockey Karma Puck don’t lie go ahead a good on Morgan geeky he’s the guy that took the penalty right and now he comes back out he just got out of the

Box the Bruins if they should have had too many men on the ice it was not called and fortunately for the Bruins it wasn’t because now geeki is’s able to get a nice little short pass from Trent Frederick coming over the blue line and geeki goes backand forehand and is able

To slide this Puck past grow as he goes sliding into him unless they’re going to call it goalie interference which is a possibility well if he slid in the grar before this Puck goes in I think they’re going to challenge 50/50 is go on the ice is challenging the play to see if

There was a go first PR to the goal hey don’t like the fact that they’re taking this long it’s got everybody’s attention in Toronto there’s no other game going on right now okay so he said 5050 there so yeah there’s nothing like that a little closer to the Bone it was a close

Call Jack and you should have heard Jack and brick well this is why why are they even doing this handing the Bruins a power play what what do they even they this is clear this is a goal that’s what made me think I’m like maybe I’m wrong

Here cuz the longer they were catwall about it and the longer they were taking looking at the F and think I’m like oh they’re going to get boned here and they did and then the boning really started to Happ I mean I didn’t know the finer

Points of the rule okay but same to me he when he smashed into the initially I went oh they’re not going to allow this they’re not going to allow it so when it went to review I said the Bruins a bone yeah right no well I I again I stupidly

Just listen to Jack and brick lesson learned don’t listen to the local broadcasters yeah because it’s but then when you I say okay now they’re taking this long I’ll look when they kept showing the replay all right let’s take a closer look yeah no his his stick

Shoved in Grower’s pad before the puck went in I thought it was the right call at least close enough could have gone either way but uh but that’s you know that’s not what’s important what’s important is that as soon as the opponent turns up the pressure on the

Bruins crack oh my God crack or crap or crack both I mean they CRA they crap out of their crack like you read about it it’s it’s like I I’ve never seen a self-fulfilling prophecy like this they’ve have nine they’ve lost nine games now after leading after two

Periods the most in hockey and they have like the best record in hockey so you you were saying this yesterday again how that stat is really the most meaningful one then they went out and did it again it’s insane really again it it is astonishing to me the regularity with which they

Disintegrate it’s amazing so uh deadline a week from Friday they should do something I want them to do something does it really change the DNA of the team and in some weird way mass in some weird way does this set them up better for the playoffs than last year I know

What you mean where expectations are lower and they might be able to sneak up on someone and again I don’t know how they’re going to have low expectations when they just might have won the President’s trophy again I mean they’re right there they’re a point or two from

The best record in the league so I don’t know how low the expectations are going to be I’m more talking about just you know uh just getting hit in the Honker over and over and over again eventually you figure it out or you’re just more battle tested you’re more prepared for

That situation when it really happens or the other thing happens or you just keep doing it over and over and over again but all I’m saying is like last year they had such little adversity I mean it’s true they they just it was such an epic season that when the Panthers

Challenged them they weren’t ready for it they just hadn’t faced it this year they’re facing it over and over and over again does that in some weird sort of hockey way make them in a better spot to withstand it when it happens when it really counts I mean it can the fact

That it’s happening over and over again certainly makes them aware to it or awakens them to it so they they there’s the capacity there for them to play better than they played like that’s a given there’s definitely something to it I just close it out yeah I’d like to see

Some of these start going their way you know since the All-Star break they’ve been out scored 6 to 14 in the third period That’s not including empty net goals against like they just have been wretched in the third they can’t close these games so a big problem here this

Is I think the loss of berson showing up more now than ever with these defensive Zone faceoffs it it’s been a common denominator out west happened again last night preserving a one twoo lead third period defensive his own Faceoff lose a draw puck in the net like it’s happened

Over and over and it’s you know zaka has been responsible it was Frederick last night they got to find a Faceoff guy I think they got to find a Faceoff guy you know not even someone not a big Center a top six center just a guy who can who’s

Good on faceoffs AR aren’t Coyle and zaka decent uh Coyle’s always been a 50-50 guy best I don’t know what Zak’s history is he was better last night zaka was but in the game I mean it’s killing him the the the the draws are killing

Them they got to find a guy just to take face offs if nothing else

Mike Felger, Tony Mazz and Jim Murray react to the Boston Bruins blowing another late lead and losing in overtime.


  1. The fact they keep sending pasta out for takes in a shootout with that attitude is unbelievable. Sends a AWFUL message to the team that they don’t bench his ass

  2. It’s like 08-2010 Bruins again. Blowing lead after lead. Even during the 2011 run this very radio station had that fear in the back of their head.

  3. Let’s put it this way…I’d rather have THIS team with THESE problems NOW, than have a record-breaking regular season team, nearly flawless team, uncover all of their issues first round of the playoffs. They have the talent, they just don’t have the method. Yes they need a better defensemen, however, the top 6 forwards are asleep, and the top 4 defensemen are playing horribly. This is fixable, but it needs to be fixed in the practice ice.

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