@New Jersey Devils

NJ Devils Lose to Florida Panthers 5-3 SEASON IS OVER More Fitz Rants & More Drinks

The New Jersey Devils lost to the Florida Panthers by a score of 5-3 on 3/5/24 at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ.

The Travis Green ERA is officially underway…

The Devils showed signs of life throughout the game; however, goaltending fails them once again resulting in another unnecessary loss.

Tom Fitzgerald is a pathetic excuse for a GM.

I talk about tonight’s game (and obviously Tom Fitzgerald) in this video.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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  1. Taking a step back (30,000 foot view). We all know the goalie was the Achilles heal of this team. But to be fair the goalies we have I think have the potential to be better then average goalies at some point. But they just aren't there yet. And they may never be there but they have showed signs of being that type of goaltender. The problem is that there are not many goalies out there right now and those that are possible their teams are going to want WAY to much for them in return. So in my opinion the best thing Fitz could have, should have done especially after Hamilton went out was to get a couple solid defense men. Those pieces could have been gotten for a lot cheaper then one fair to mediocre goalie. And a solid defense could have got this team enough extra wins at this point to be in a playoff spot. That said the goals Akira let past last night were weak. As for Lindy, if the outcome of last nights game happened with Lindy in there we would all be asking the question of "What will it take for Fitz to fire him." Lindy lost this team and a change was needed.

  2. Cats fan here hey you guys have a lot of talent do not trade assets for a goalie alot of young talent keep building good luck have patience

  3. At this point the Devils need to continue to lose so they can get a better draft pick. Right now they’re a pathetic mess! Maybe Fitz is working undercover for the Rangers to sabotage the Devils!

  4. Great vid as always. Get Timo over on the right side already! Let's at least use these last games to see what we know he can do. And what's with their Holtz beef? Fitz spewing the same crap as Lindy did about him and it not being about goals but puck handling/turnovers, etc. Really guys? Then you better scratch Luke as he's been the king of turnovers this season.

  5. Need a real goalie …looking at panthers goalie and ours last night was night and day …sad they took this approach….in off season

  6. Every team that has won recently, Tampa, Vegas, Colorado, has had a clunker year or two leading up to their Cup wins.
    Tampa made the final in 2014. Missed the playoffs in 17. Got swept 1st round in 19. Didn't win until 2020.
    Colorado drafted McKinnon in 2013. Missed the playoffs 3 straight years. Didn't win until 2022. That's about 10 years if you're counting.
    Vegas lost in the finals in their first year. Lost in brutal fashion to Timo Meier's Sharks in 19. Missed the playoffs in 22. Didn't actually win until last year.
    This is completely normal. Get used to it.

  7. Look at the bright side. Jack Hughes had his breakout season as a narcissistic little prick who still can’t finish a full season with his adolescent frame and that carried over to not being able to finish on empty nets and breakaways. Then to stand there in front of the cameras at the end of games if he was forced to with his Tim Pool hat fixing his hair and ever so nonchalantly and without an ounce of care explain how he cost them games and so what. His brother might be good someday and shows promise, but Luke is worse than PK Subban was his first season with the devils, and that is saying something. We need men on the team. Grown men. Not men like Timo who have shoe fetishes, men who want to rush the net, mix it up, protect their linemates, and can establish physical dominance on the ice. No, not Nate Bastian.

  8. Here's my 10 cents on this. Fitz has to go and i 100% agree on that. To not get a liable goalie was the worst thing you could do when building a team. That "fast and great offense" can't produce what it needs to if they can not depand on a goalie to make a save in case something goes wrong on the attack, That alone sitting in your head will make you hesitate. #2 Paper thin defanse, I am sorry but look what Panthers did, did not allow devils to get close to the golaie and protected him feriouciasly. Devils defanse simply look lazy and like they have given up for the season. Again can not have that on a NHL team. Graves propobly did a better job than half of the defanse alone. Another issue i noticed is that devils do not shoot the damn puck enough, when you have a chance, shoot the damn puck but it hink this ties to the whole issue of paper thin defanse and hesitastion because of that, This was very visible during playoffs when we faced Rangers. We don't need more offense, We need defanse, goalie. I think Kurtis will be there to defand our players and has balls to do so.

  9. This was Timo's best game in awhile. I was there and loving it. Very physical game for him. Definitely this goal and the McCloud Spinaroonie are the top goals this year. Nemec scratch was ridiculous. He's the best defenseman playing right now. I wonder if its locker room politics with the pompous and arrogant Mr. Hughes advocating for his brother.

  10. No bro you wouldn’t have won if you had a good goalie. We weren’t even trying. Literally had 8 hits all game. Common now don’t be silly

  11. Hear me out:

    This season will be a blessing because of this fact, our first round pick will now be worth so much more in a trade then it would have a few weeks ago. Since it will be inside the top 16 you may not have to give up as good of a prospect now. I think you can take holtz and mercer off the table because of this fact. The team getting the pick will get the same type of player in the draft. Like i said this could be good in the long run.

  12. If you want to get blotto, take a drink whenever the Devils do something stupid, if you want to remain sober, take a drink whenever they do something smart or what winning, contending teams do.

    I wouldn't want Toffoli on this team past the TDL this Friday, trade him for a first, a goalie or whatever, his salary could and should be used elsewhere to help this team improve.

  13. On the fitz note… that holtz rant was weird. I get im not a professional coach but the kid plays balls out, even in the d zone. Ive watched every literal second of the season and im not seeing the lazy holtz that fitz referenced. Regardless, my biggest concern is Travis green wanting full control of the line ups. Maybe im reading far too into it but was fitz actually the one behind the "lindy lines"?

  14. Every season I put bets on main and back up teams . Devils were a back up team , still sad 😞 to see them go! Exciting young talent, going to keep close eye on them for a future bet. Hopefully they can be one of my main teams in the close future 🎈

  15. With all the talk of Holtz being part of a package for a 35 year-old Markstrom (along with our first-rounder most likely), I wish they'd find a way to ship out Siegenthaler. The guy regressed ridiculously this season all while Lindy protected him. He's made one boneheaded play after another and never sits for his failures.

  16. Devils will lick their wounds, I'm prepared for NJD to return with a vengeance. This team is so close, becoming a fan, behind my Kings. Getting knocked around this year; Hughes Bros. will raise the cup [soon]. Just wait, a sleeping giant now. Demons of Prudential are coming back, GO DEVILS! 😈 Love your podcast, gritty, fun and pure nhl talk! On board and runnin with devils! 😈

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