@Boston Bruins

Elias Lindholm Trade Rumors Are Back | The Skate Pod, Ep. 284

Elias Lindholm Trade Rumors Are Back | The Skate Pod, Ep. 284

Hello and welcome into episode 284 of the skate podcast I’m Bridget PR here with Scott McGloin Brian is working um which we forgive him we forgive him uh I I don’t speak for yourself okay that’s right I forgot no no one has any allegiances on this podcast anymore I

Think he should completely throw his real job out the window yeah to be completely honest I Fus on on you know only about three hours of podcasting a week so to be completely honest I have no idea what his real job is anymore I don’t know I don’t

Know I’m just gonna say he’s uh he’s an electrician he’s he’s designing the Ducks new jerseys forign that’s probably why he couldn’t tell us what he was doing no I have no idea what he does um anyway Brian next podcast let us know um he used to work

In the studio with me at we but you know now he just sticks with the Pod and does I don’t know Plumbing I I don’t know um anyway uh we’re coming to you after the Bruins loss in overtime to the Oilers um in a game that I don’t know

Scott would you say that was like a 58 minute effort that the Bruins won and then the last two um it kind of slipped it slipped into a tie and then you feel like once it goes to three on three and you see dry sutle and McDavid on the ice that

You’re like this is not this isn’t a good position to put yourself in um and of course um on their second shift out there they score in overtime and and it was a bad overtime again uh so we’ll talk about all of that um I want to go

To your opening shift first because we have some trade deadline rumors that are getting spicy um and this is one that Scott is really excited about about I think that this is a big move like when we were talking about categorizing are they going to stay Pat is the team worth

Investing in or is Don sweee more likely to make a big move I would characterize this rumor as a big move and it includes three teams so yeah it’s it’s kind of elaborate and it’s exciting so Scott why don’t you get to your opening show yeah it’s it’s ex it’s exciting because it’s

A big name and it’s one that we’ve heard before and that’s Elias Lindholm who is potentially back on the market um Chris Johnston of uh the athletic TSN multiple places reported Tuesday late afternoon that uh the Canucks are now pursuing Jake gensel who reportedly is expected

To be traded by the Penguins uh and will certainly be the biggest name out there if he is moved I I hesitated to pick this as an opening shift because this all could happen on Wednesday and with our luck it will happen 10 minutes after we finish recording um I’m leaving my

Like I’m like leaving Twitter open and just like refreshing it constantly during this podcast so uh but if you’re wondering how do the Canucks possibly go after Jake gensel they already made their big trade for Elias Lindholm well it’s because they could then flip Elias lolm to the Bruins which is the the

Spefic specific team that Chris Johnson mentioned and um you know I I’ll say like I’m not excited in the sense that I’m like a huge fan of Elias Lindholm and think he think he is an amazing player I think he has some flaws but he could certainly help this

Bruins team and I would be very curious what the ca to acquire him would be because he hasn’t it hasn’t been a seamless transition to Vancouver they’ve tried him in a few they started with him on the wing which is not his natural position they’ve had him at third line

Center and his best Seasons or specifically his best season a couple years ago was when he had Johnny Gad and Matthew kachuck as his wings and you know he he elevates his game when he’s with better players like I would him next to Pasta I would love

To see likea linol pasta line that would be that is a line that is much improved to what their first or second line like or I say call it a second line right um if you’re calling the Marshon coil line like with the breast the first line like

That’s a great second line with Z yeah I would I would call that their first line if that’s technically yeah it would be I but like we mentioned before like you can label either of those whatever you want it’s it’s you know it’s it’s your

Your other like one to punch uh of a line yeah so we we’ll get into this possibility more um the Canucks gave up a lot to get lindol like I said I I can’t imagine the Bruns would have to give up as much I feel like the no price has has decreased

And if Vancouver is desperate enough for gensel that you know they’re ready to move on after just a month I wouldn’t think that you’re paying that P that premium price although it will still be pricey for sure like you’re you’re still gonna have to give up I would say at

Least two valuable assets yeah this this to me reads like they they got like this toy but then there was this other bigger toy that they were like oh my God we didn’t know it was for sale and then they now they’re like now they’re gonna

Have to take a little bit of a loss on what for what they paid for him um if they are really desperate for specifically Jake gzel um and the only team that’s interested in Elias lend home from them or the and also think about it this way it’s really more about

What the Penguins want from the Bruins if it’s a three- team deal it’s like okay well what do the Bruins have that the Penguins want to get via you know the triangle of this trade so um anyway I don’t want to get I’m excited about

This I don’t want to I told Scott to keep it short and then I extended it um anyway mine which start with right because it’s we’re talking about the game is the fact that the Bruins lost another game in overtime and they could not close it out they had the

Goal came with under two minutes left to play goalie pulled Heinen puts the puck off the side of the empty net and it was like it was that close and they then it would have been you know that’s a Bruins win if that goes in two nothing a great

Back check by Ryan nen Hopkins yeah it was and it was impeded and it’s not like he just missed the net right like he he got forced to not take the shot that was like going to be as successful and and also I think got bumped at the same time

So um it’s not his fa Hopkins got a stick on it like it was a block shot it was really great play by Newen Hopkins it was and and so like you can’t blame Heinen for not putting that in but it’s like it just like kind of symbolizes the

So close but still losing um not getting the full two points and so uh they end up giving up the goal late Puck bounces up in the air goes over Mark’s head goes in the back of the net and it was a scramble and and I don’t know Scot I

Don’t think it’s easy to blame olark for that one but you might have a different opinion there was just so much going on it’s it’s it’s a point blank deflection by dry cido and he he makes the initial save it just it pops off his blocker and

And goes up over him like you can’t see it yeah and I mean you talk about like a game of bounces like yeah Newen Hopkins just gets to stick on high in and prevents a close out game game clinching goal Oilers get you know a pretty for

Yeah a good play by McDavid and dry Sidle to connect there but a fortunate bounce with it going up and over alark and then kind of another fortunate deflection in overtime Brandon Carlo gets his stick on dry winning shot but it deflects in past Al Mark instead of

Wide like when nen Hopkins deflects Hing shot it you know doesn’t totally excuse it like there’s still things the Bruins have to clean up they once again lost two defensive Zone faceoffs leading up to both the tying and the winning goal that continues to be an issue um but now

Not to like Sidetrack us back to your your opening take but what’s Elias lolms face some numbers this year uh really good he’s like 58% uh I looked up specifically defensive Zone draws he is 57.5% which is there’s 81 forwards in the NHL who have taken at least 200

Defensive Zone faceoffs uh he is seventh best in winning percentage um by the way Charlie Coyle has taken the most defensive Zone faceoffs in the NHL this season and he’s been solid he’s 52.5 % but that’s obviously not dominant and he did lose the key one leading up to the

Tieing goal on Tuesday is that all situations not just five on five stats oh yeah all situations okay that makes sense he plays a lot of time in the dzone on starting PKS and stuff um and he’s good at it then you should trust him in that situation because he’s your

Best option I should say if you’re the Bruins he’s your best options pretty clear by the number of times you’ve used him in that situation but yeah oddly enough pavl zaka is actually better percentage wise but they don’t use him as much and it is odd because it feels

Like Zach has had more of these key losses late in the game yeah but like Z there’s no stat like what’s the can we get a stat for that yeah it’s you can’t really break it down by period like unless I went scores which I’m not gonna

Do um but yeah zaka is like 56% on defensive Zone faceoffs which I think would be very surprising to a lot of people just because the cou really bad losses that lead to tying or winning goals stand out yeah and there’s like you said there’s no way to filter

By like importance of like last five minutes or but that I’m sure internally things like that are tracked um but at least they feel like they should be yeah and one of the thing I would just not to people you’re just by Nature you’re going to lose more six on five faceoffs

Then you win yeah because there’s an extra guy that can jump in right when you have the team that has more guys is always going to win more faceoffs it’s the reason why you know the league average on power plays is like 58% on faceoffs because it’s five on four and

You have more guys who can come in and help out like it yeah so it does like it it anecdotally looks worse but it also just like statistically is going to be worse yeah it’s also why it’s easier to Force turnovers when you’re on the power play

Because you can send two guys to the boards to grab a puck rather than just one because it’s it’s a numbers game in terms of of those those kind of things um when you have an extra guy you can be more aggressive so um anyway we got

Distracted again this is going to keep happening we’re just going to end up keeping talking about Elias Lin home until until inevitably we have to come film a supplemental podcast um right before I drive to Connecticut um I was going to say until we just throw this

Entire episode out and do squee squeeze in 12 minute reaction to Elias lindol and tree oh yeah it’s going to be its own separate like breaking news podcast guys if you well well that’s what we’ll do if I’m not in if I’m not broadcasting I’ll make Brian Do It um um anyway what

I was saying was uh where I was at chronologically was omark lets the goal in when we talked to him after the game someone said what did you on that he goes it popped up in the air and that was the last I saw of the puck like I

Didn’t and it’s it was hard to blame him for that um and so then they give up the goal to in overtime to drive cidal and Montgomery like comes out for his normal press conference after the game and he says he’s oh no no my alarm who is it oh I’m on the

Phone with Vancouver right now um hello well what are you you need for elas L home um but Bridget working the phones leading up to deadline um actually Scott was in the booth or in the Press Box staring intently into the management Booth like he’s like he’s like he’s poking me he’s

Like swe he’s texting someone he’s texting I was like I don’t have binocular Scott I have no idea who he’s texting but um you know he was Sweeney watching yesterday I think it was pagas I think they were waiting for waiting for their second intermission pizza delivery can you deliver to the ninth

Floor thingss um well he got distracted again okay after the game Montgomery spoke to the media and he said that it was a bad overtime it was a game they should have won they didn’t close it out in regulations so they have to try to

Find a way to win in extra time and it it once again was like I just want to call their overtime like chaos like the best word to describe Bruins overtime this season is just chaos it’s like it could be positive chaos for about 10 seconds then

It’s like right back to oh crap like what the hell is like someone’s crashing into someone else stupid turnover back pass to No One um pasta had two turnovers in overtime that were both like oh god um and I’ll mark tying the puck up when he probably had a chance to

Move it and that leads to the defensive Zone face off which I will question having Trent Frederick out there to take it because he again it kind of comes down to like the lack of options it’s on it’s on the left side so ideally you want a left shot taking it pavak had

Just been out for like over a minute so he’s not gonna take it so yeah I guess like by default Trent Frederick’s your best option in that situation but um he he loses it Oilers get possession and then never give it back like 30 seconds later they win the game and we that’s

What we talked about it’s a game of possession it’s like I’m take when I’m taking my notes I’m not like in my my overtime notes are 100% just me being like this is how they Lo like one team lost possession the other because that’s really the most important parts it’s

Like okay poock has it sends a drop P to zaka who just collided with grizzli so no one was there to grab it or like it just you know I’m paying attention to how The Possession changes because a lot of times once you lose possession within

20 seconds Puck could be in the back your own net like it it happens that quickly in overtime with three on three especially against a team like Edmonton and I think they would have had an uphill battle in the shootout too honestly but um basically once you go to

Overtime r a shootout against Edmonton you’re it’s like you understand that your chances of winning were were much better in regulation um so anyway it was conc facing facing Stewart Skinner in a shootout not all that scary so yeah I guess I’m more talking about their they’re sharp well yeah when when they

Roll out that that top three-man unit that they have of McDavid dry CID and Evan buard it’s like it borderline unguardable like what it’s amazing that the Brun survived one shift against them start time yeah there was a drop pass to McDavid like into the slot on that first

Shift like from behind the goal line right right into the slot and I don’t know how that day I I think it was Carlo made like a nice play to break it up I was like that’s going in and then luckily never ended up in a shot but um

Yeah so you don’t want to put yourself in that situation and it makes you it makes you think like all right there’s so many times and not to bring up the playoffs last year again but I’m going to do it like there are so many times

For them to close out that Series so many moments you can think back to and then every time they have these moments in the regular season you’re like okay well that would have been another time that that bit them in the butt that they they didn’t just close out the last two

Minutes of the game or um like you let it get to overtime and then your your fate is like you had it controlled for 58 minutes and then then you don’t anymore and and in the playoffs it’s not a great um method for Success like you’re not you’re not winning playoff

Series like that you can’t just keep leaving it to chance and it is concerning and I think Montgomery would has admitted that like this is something that they need to work on before playoffs like this is something that I don’t know if he said concerning but he definitely said like

Um is is a like a learning moment kind of thing yeah so here here’s this full quote um you’ve got to find a way to close out a game just a great opportunity for us to realize that you can’t take anything for granted because in a couple of months it doesn’t matter

How tired you are at the end of a game we’ve got to find a way to push through we didn’t find a way um and you know for for me this is a game where I will separate how they played in the third period versus

Giving up the six on five goal because I thought their third period overall was really good and when you add that on to how they closed out the Maple Leafs on Monday night which this is our first podcast since then um way better way way better than some

Of their other blown leads where they follow AP in the third period and they’re under siege and they can’t get out of Their Own Zone and they’re running around and it and it feels inevitable that there’s another goal coming like this was different against Toronto they actually had some sustained

Offensive zone time and they end up extending extending the lead and pushing it to 4-1 that part was still kind of missing against Edmonton I thought they did a really good job structurally in their own zone of they kept Edmonton to the outside they only at five on five

Edmonton only had one high danger chance on the third period um kept them away from the front of the net I think they got clean clears um they were able to get clean changes guys weren’t getting stuck out there too long they weren’t icing the puck so that was all

Encouraging um Montgomery did say that he thinks that that is kind of where tired leg showed up a little though the second night of a back toback was they weren’t able to get on transition and they weren’t able to kind of keep the pressure up in the offensive zone they

Did all the defensive work they got it out but then they had to get off the ice and they weren’t able to keep pushing forward so I you know overall just from the last two nights like I’ve I’ve been Mr negative for a couple weeks now I’m encouraged by these last two games

Because I didn’t know if the Bruns could still play defense like this they hadn’t for several weeks but this this was they gave up look they gave up two regulation goals to two of the three best offenses in the in the NHL like that that’s a good

Sign but obviously How It Ends Tuesday leaves a bad taste in your mouth yeah and you’re getting some guys going that weren’t going right like de bruss scores against Toronto zaka scores twice against Toronto and once against Edmonton um like you’re you’re getting some guys going that needed to get going um

Scoring on the power play uh you know there were positives for sure and and it’s funny every time they beat Toronto I don’t know what it is about beating Toronto but it always just kind of has that little like funny aspect to it because you know you just know what the

Reaction on Toronto T knowing what the reaction is going to be in Toronto to the Bruins beating the Leafs is what makes it funny every time and on Canadian TV today I’m sure the entire Morning has been spent being like you know never going to beat the Bruins like

Just freaking out like Razer was saying he’s like on Sunday SK he was like there the people in Toronto are afraid of Boston like people in Boston don’t understand that other other franchises around the league are still worried to play Boston um despite you know all the

Stuff that we’ve been talking about with some bad losses and some not being able to close out games like other teams in the league still worry about playing the Bruins and you saw Toronto deal with that yeah and you know they they’re going to wrap up their regular season

Series against each other Thursday night at the Garden but and they could different teams they could have like that’s is what I was saying before too like this could be a different Bruins team than last time they were they were there and I mean they who knows there

Could be no more de bruss there could be no more allmark they could have Elias Lindholm they could who knows like it could be a different matchup yeah but you know just imagine if the Bruins complete the season sweep like be four wins in their four meetting things um

You know the first two of those did go to overtime in a shootout and the Bruins won both but yeah that’s that’s your first round matchup right now and I think you know there definitely has to feel like that that Bruins Boogeyman if you’re Toronto and that’s how it goes down um

But yeah would you travel to Toronto for a playoff series I’d be tempted I know get to get to talk to uh Odyssey on that we’ll see we we’ll see how this road trip goes right and then we’ll we’ll see if we can do Toronto yeah you drive me you want to

Drive me for eight and a half hours to Toronto is what I’m trying to say I’m not driving to Toronto so you can you can do that if you like I will uh try to be getting on a plane oh come on it’s so much fun um just I’ve done that before I

When I when I was younger we did a family vacation to first we did Cooperstown in the Baseball Hall of Fame then we did Niagara Falls Toronto including Hockey Hall of Fame and then we did Ottawa too which I guess was okay in retrospect I’m not really sure why

Ottawa was a vacation destination but um yeah that made the cut well I did the same thing my brother played in Cooperstown we went up to Niagara and like just over the Canadian border and then back but that was my first time to Canada actually that was a long time ago um

Anyway I Sor this is my bad sometimes I just distract people and and we end up on tangents like like yesterday I was on a coach’s call with um coach McKenzie from Yukon and I ended up we ended up having a conversation about one of the girls motor scooters and the fact that

Its name is Patricia and he’s like how did we get here and I’m like I don’t know I don’t know I’m sorry um probably my fault though um so back on the rails here I did want to touch on like a little bit from from that Toronto game because do you do you

Name do you name your car like are you a person who names I’m not okay I know no but I named my sister is that’s why I ask and it’s it seems like more of a more of a not to uh you know make generalizations but it seems like more

Of a girl thing than than a guy thing that’s funny I actually don’t know anyone that named their car in my family so um but yeah no I don’t what was I saying I this one was your fault I was I was saying that we have recency biased so we

Always end up talking about the most recent game and this year it kind of feels like it’s always a loss recently so um in the second half at least uh and there were some notes that I took from the Toronto game that like just worth bringing up quick like good game another

Good game for San um he he had a great game allmark had a good game too so backback games where both the goalies played well there was all the the speculation that allar got traded mid game because he wasn’t on the bench for a little bit yeah that was fun that was

That was pretty funny um and I’m sure allar was like what the hell like what what are we doing but um it was funny like if you read so flut shinzawa was there and talked to him after and if you read the story like allar was completely oblivious until someone from Bruns PR

Told him like what was going on and people were freaking out on social media and he said you know he found it funny and he was like he’s like yeah I guess people can speculate but yeah but uh you know but it comes from a place of like everyone just kind

Of being on edge and obviously all Mark’s name has been out there I saw another Pierre LeBron has been on this a couple times but he tweeted again uh Wednesday morning just before we started recording that Devils continue to look at Jacob markstrom in Calgary but are

Also interested in Lena alark if they can’t get markstrom so I I’ve no idea what the percentages are like it still seems like a long shot to me that he gets traded and you know also seems like a long truck to me that the brues get Elias Lindholm but um like

You could see how there’s a connection there if you know if the brunes have to move out salary to bring in Elias slol who has a $ 4.85 million cap hit they need assets to get a lias LOL well I don’t know Lena alark makes $5 million

And presumably gets you one maybe two premium assets like you can see how those two deals could potentially be connected so no real insight info there but like just connecting the dots it’s like all of a sudden you’re convincing yourself there’s going to be a four team trade

Going on like it’s like bouncing everything around it’s like ah we can make this work um I just like for the story lines like I want to see something huge it feels like it could it feels like it could be a kind of crazy I don’t you know I keep going back

And forth on what I think this deadline’s gon to be like because there’ss there’s times where it seems like well everyone’s so cap strapped and it’s just going to be too hard for teams to make a lot of deals like last year was crazy I think it was um I don’t know

If it was the TSN guys I was listen to something where they were talking about how many trades that there were leading up to last year’s deadline and it was like 12 this day 10 the next day 11 on Deadline day and obviously like some of those are much smaller ones but it’s

Like yeah that was a real flurry and it’s still hasn’t quite taken off the Vegas gets Anthony mantha like that’s a pretty big one uh um but we’re still waiting for like that that barrage of Trades to come and part of me does think it’s still gonna come and I you know

Don’t know when Pittsburgh apparently wants to have a gel deal done by Wednesday night so that feels like the biggest domino so maybe that kind of sets things off yeah we could be waiting for like last year there was flurries and this year there’s just an avalanche like it just like

Comes all at one once um probably right after we record um but but that does transition us well into your opening shift which was which would be um basically the logistics of an Elias Lin home trade um the reporting that and what you wrote about yesterday in your article about because yesterday

Everyone was just going about their business and then all of a sudden Scott’s writing like five articles uh instead of the normal two too uh because it’s all this all this news coming in yeah well it was it was good that I was like already at the Garden when that

Lindholm rumor came down because otherwise I probably would have been driving in um but yeah I was there I was there early yesterday because the Bruins opened um their new Heritage Hall which opens to the public on Wednesday they had a grand opening on Tuesday um with

Some media there and really really cool space like a ton of great artifacts from all across the Bruns 100y year history literally going all the ways back to like their very first game as as a franchise um and then a couple cool like exhibits for kids and stuff there’s you

Can like shoot there’s um there’s like a shooting thing you can uh you can call Famous plays from Bruin’s history like you can sit behind uh a desk so Bridget if you need if you feel like you need any PR set me up in there yeah if you

Feel like you feel like you’re a little rusty Play byplay Wise at some point you can go up there and you can practice some calls um like people are doing the the Bobby or go they’re doing the berson berson berson against the leaes so um that seems like it could be fun for

Especially for kids but um but yeah it was cool so we were there for that caught up with tarask a little bit but then we also got to talk to we got to talk to James and reik before the game because it was his thousandth game then

He had the Lindholm rumor so yeah just a a whole bunch of stuff going on but um yeah with with lolm though it I will say there was I forget if this was also Chris Johnson or maybe Darren Dreer reported that they don’t think the Canucks are the favorite for gensel but

They’re definitely in on them and and being pretty aggressive and yeah part part of that aggressiveness could clearly potentially benefit the Bruins if they have to turn turn around and move Lindholm and um you know it lindholm’s having a little bit of a Down year especially offensively uh he’s only had six points

In 14 games since he got to Vancouver so that sort of all ties into my take my belief that the price would be lower than what Vancouver paid for him a month ago you’re also getting him for a month less so that should factor in too yeah

And and what what would be the cap situation well because they’re not going to retain his cap at all they’re not because they’re not able to if they add gzel so like yeah so that’s why his s cap hits 4.85 million that’s why you know if you’re just doing the numbers

Like Lena solark 5 million there’s a pretty natural uh you know fit there salary-wise yeah that would be a big shakeup that’d be a big time shake up and uh yeah now now if that happens I I wonder what Razer will say this upcoming week we

Really tried to push him on like just just see if we could get him to budge a little bit about the goalie thing he was not having it well he did he did eventually get to you know if it makes you a better team he’s open for it now

What exactly well he also first snarked that if it gets you Conor McDavid then of course you should do it and I was like that’s not what we’re talking about Razer but yeah I mean I I certainly think you can make the case that if it’s essentially I’ll mark out

Elias linol man and there’s probably other pieces and maybe the Bruns are giving up you know an extra piece or two or whatever I certainly think you can make the case of that makes him a better team now it’s gonna it it will obviously depend on how Elias Lindholm fits he

Wasn’t he it hasn’t yet been a a natural fit in Vancouver um you know he wasn’t putting up great numbers playing with I’ll say like lesser line mates than he’s used to in Calgary but to to your point earlier you put him on the line with David ponok

I think he’s probably gonna do pretty well would be my guess so uh you know but that that does line up so naturally like you know let’s just for the sake of this exercise say debrus is staying although he’s obviously a name that could also surface if you’re talking

About a player moving out but if he stayed or or if you moved him and you brought in some other Winger like the idea of sliding zaka to the wing where I think he can probably get a little more involved offensively um you know saying that he

Does have three goals in the last two games so he has finally picked it up offensively here just this week yeah and he’s coming off an injury like they keep alluding to like he’s not maybe not 100% right now yeah but I mean he got clear

To play a day after the injury so I’m not I guess I’m not super worried about it but yeah my thought is that it’s been lingering and that that like him coming out of the game was just like a symptom of maybe something else that was going

On yeah I don’t know I mean there were a couple plays there where you could see where an injury happened though like there was a little bit of like a kneeon knee hit and then he crashed into the board so who knows hard hard to say all we get is lower

Body and that be yeah but yeah I I like the idea of zaka lindol Pano keep Marian Coyle de Brusque I like that third line of Vin re like geeky Frederick and then you put Heinen on your fourth line with you know say bogas and Breo or loo rotating in I

Think Loo’s finally starting to play better and bringing the The energy they need him too so all of a sudden like that looks like a that looks like a pretty strong lineup to me like that’s that’s something where I I can see that and be like okay that can win in the

Playoffs like if you also have the defense and goal tending behind it now now you’re talking like now there’s there aren’t the obvious holes that it’s felt like there have been at times this season yeah and so then then that kind of gets to what I was saying which on

Sunday which was if if it makes your team better to add a second line forward you know that’s what Elias slol is um who can add to your offense and and you know maybe get some of the other guys around him going uh and not be a

Liability um then if you’re not going to use two goalies in the playoffs is it such a huge deal that you like that’s the position where you do have some redundancy and I I wish they could find a way to keep both goalies and get Elias

Lin home but then like they’d have to do some you know some other c cap has to go out so you know what are are you moving two defenseman that like are you moving grizzli and forward out finding somewhere like to send those guys you’re probably gonna have to sweeten the deal

For something like that so um I mean there’s a there’s potential for them to do that they did it last year with Craig Smith um they were able to find a trade partner in Washington that was willing to take on the C like his cap and and

And take him and um they got Anaheim to take on John Moore’s salary like yeah they’ve they’ve done it before yeah so it’s it doesn’t just necessarily have to be like an active like like one of your better players like with a bigger like it could be something like that where

It’s like okay maybe we got to move out these two salaries of these guys that just did not pan out and were not worth what we paid them see if there’s some move to be made like will you take this person’s salary and we’ll give you like

A whatever round pick um I don’t know there’s there’s all sorts of different ways to maneuver the cap that don’t necessarily involve trading allmark or de Brusque which by the way to go on another tangent um I met Mr debrus yesterday he was great I was I would I

He showed up the same time I did Lou Lou debrus yes Lou de brus he’s a broadcaster yes Jake’s dad um he uh he’s a broadcast for Sports Net right and he so he was there covering covering the team for the Oilers so he was at the

Away the away TV um he didn’t know how to get to the ninth floor so I helped him because there’s only one elevator that goes there he was going to get on the wrong one I was like you don’t want to do that um so I ended up talking to

Him and I was like you got any more of those coupons to use today because when he G when he brought out that coupon for the last Oilers game if you have to get a goal and assist or you have to do 20 push-ups it worked and so I said you got

Another one and he said not for today I’m saving it for the playoffs so uh so we’ll see we’ll see if he he gets you know he pulls more of those out um I was also a little bit concerned not GNA lie if they traded the brusk off the team

While his dad was in the building that would have been real bad I was like that please don’t that’d be rough or like because Louie also came down to the locker room after the game and it was like yeah you imagine if like something was like happening post game where you

Know J Jake’s catching up with Dad and then Don’s like Jake can you come in here for a second yeah I was really nervous for a sec I’m not going to lie I was like it cross no they wouldn’t do that though like they PE people at least

Have like enough awareness and patience to usually avoid awkward situ awkward situations like that but um yeah on because you mentioned you know potentially turning things over to San and riding him if they trade elmark we we also haven’t touched on yet um Elliot fredman reported that San and the brues

Are discussing an extension there’s been you could call them reports I tend to call them more rumors that something’s close um you know people have thrown out like long-term eight years 7 million a year uh I haven’t seen any concrete reports on that I have heard that like

There’s movement that it’s not just hey they’re talking they’ve touched base I think they are they’re moving together like I think something’s G to happen at some point I just haven’t been able to nail down whether it’s like imminent but um yeah so it it sounds like which I think we

All expected there was going to be an extension at some point I don’t know if I would have bet that it was going to be eight years if that’s what ends up being that is real long term not just you know four or five years cashing again at you

Know when he’s 30 years old type thing like that’s eight years seems real long for a goalie like I know it happens but in terms of like year-to-year fluctuation and like injuries that can like if you think there there’s several injuries that can take a goalie out that

Would make their contract like you know not not worth what you originally paid for it but I mean I like Swingman I think they should extend them 8 years is a long time but that’s I mean good for San if you can pull that off and and um

He’s set he doesn’t have to deal with arbitration again at that point which he he hated so um so that’d be great for him uh and then be a real weird week if it was like San extended allmark traded um that by the way if if it did end if

It did end up being eight years 7 million a year that is the same exact contract taras signed in 20133 um and you know I I I can hear the two haters now I would say that wound up being worth it to me like you had he was

One of the best goalies in the league that deal ran through 2021 he was one of the best goalies in the league pretty much the entire length of that contract and 7 million is not what top goalies get paid now like they the top top goalies are somewhere

Between eight and a half and 10 10 and a half so you know there is a there’s a gamble on on the Bruin side there for it to be that long for it to even be 7 million but if Swan does continue to evolve into like a true number one goalie who can

Handle you know it’s never gonna he’s never gonna get like 65 70 starts but can he handle 55 that seems pretty reasonable to me then 7even million probably ends up looking like a bargain in just a couple years yeah that’s the thing it’s like okay the prices by by the time that you

Get to year five and six and seven and eight you’re like okay now the price for a goalie is way more than that so it ends up evening back out at some point you’re like okay well we have Swan for this price and and this this other

Goalie that’s not as good just got an ex extension that was way more and and you know because that’s just how how money works the market goes up and up and so you tie a guy down long term like same with poer knock that that deal sounds

Huge when when he signs for over $1 million a year but but towards the back half of that it’s not going to sound like that that crazy because it’s going to be in comparison to guys who got extensions later and they the market was a different price at that time and and

There was more money to go around and and so yeah that’s what happens um with those kind of things do you have any final thoughts on by the way I’ve just been scrolling Twitter like frantically um I’m very paranoid but do you have any I’m I’m checking my alerts

Too but it’s we we haven’t missed anything so far I’m checking my email I’m checking I’m checking everything um but I know there are other things to talk about with Elias lindol right like you had other other thoughts on him or no did you get everything off off your

Chest that was relevant because I know you wrote a whole article about it so um I feel like I got most of it off my chest um just scrolling My article to see if I missed anything but no I mean look I you know I know his 38

Points in in 63 games like doesn’t jump out at people and his offense has gone down since he as I mentioned since he had the elite Wingers of gdo and kachuck um you know to me though like all that signals is that you just have to know what you’re getting in in

Certain situation like if you put him with Pak he’s probably gonna produce if you put him with debrusk and Heinen or you know Vin reik and de brusk yeah he like he’s probably not the kind of player who can lift those guys up and turn that into you know an elite

Second line he he needs some help that again if he were you know if he were the player who had 40 goals 80 points that year if he were that consistently and he could do it with any wing he would be looking at 10 plus million

On his next contract and I don’t think he’s going to get that I think his extension is probably going to be more in like the I’m just guessing but I’m gonna say like seven and a half to eight and a half nine range like I’d be shocked if

It gets to 10 and I would say if it if you trade for him and that’s what it ends up being for his extension market like probably walk away you probably probably cut the loss there because that that’s another part of it too right is if if you are giving up premium assets

To get Elias lindol you probably want to sign to to an extension or at least feel like you have a good chance to do that so you gotta have like an idea of what those ballpark numbers are but you know look you gotta be willing to spend on

Any good Center and right now you know the the Bruns All Things Considered aren’t spending a whole lot at the position so I think you have to be okay with you know whether it’s eight n whatever even if it’s a slight overpay um you know there’s no guarantee there’s

Going to be any better option out there this summer whether whether that’s free agency or or a trade so you know Beggars can’t be choosers and when it comes to highend centers like you are kind of a beggar so yeah well they were underpaying last year by so much at

Center because they were getting those team deals for cree and berser on that they kind of left themselves stuck having to fill you know what would normally be you know eight plus million dollar positions with you know what what they already had and and with Matt ptra

Who unfortunately got hurt but he will also be back next year let’s not well as long as he doesn’t get moved um who and I saw him yesterday he was up on the ninth floor he he’s so funny he like when he like moves he’s like so like

Awkward I don’t know he’s funny um he’s just so like new that he he’s stuff still flusters him up there I think um but so my thought as well is that Linn Holt could we’ve been talking about who’s the right center to put on the Power Play and lyol could be a good

Option on either the first or the second power play unit um winning the opening draw on the on the power play is important um and you know he maybe he’s an answer for how to get the the power play a different look make it just just try it obviously that that’s goingon to

Be tempting for them to put him out there on the power play yeah I I haven’t I don’t know where Vancouver uses them I do think Calgary used him in the bumper so we’ve talked about how you know brunes have been looking for an answer there all season

So definitely that could be another plus um just like as we’re getting ready to wrap up here trade news not well I guess potential trade news not involved in the Bruins Elliot Freedman just tweeted that um ter talks between Panthers and Senators involving Vladimir Tarasenko intensifying so um you know where I do

Think that can relate to the Bruins is uh Florida was also one of the teams rumored to be an unj gensel so you know if they’re going with teras Sango instead that would presumably take them out so I don’t know maybe that you know bumps Vancouver up the list or Narrows

Down the options um yeah who knows yeah I’m just scrolling that’s the that’s the only news I’ve seen since we started recording as well so you know what Scott we can wrap it up here but I bet I’ll see you again in about an hour right right yeah but we we should tell

People so we’re going to plan on doing a deadline rea Action episode um you know unsure of like exact timing of when that’s going to be up but we’ll do something after the deadline Pro Don Sweeney usually meets with the media shortly after the deadline so probably

After that and then um you know hopefully sometime Friday evening night there’ll be something in in your feed certainly I would say by Saturday morning at the latest but um we’ll have that and then of course we will be on Sunday skate Sunday morning with with

Razer 9 to 11:00 a.m. and we’ll have a lot lot more reaction to that um to the deadline as well as you know uh upcoming games Toronto again Pittsburgh on Saturday so lots lots lots coming up yeah and then we go to Montreal indeed um and we’ll probably record from there

At some point last year when I tried to my Wi-Fi was though so we’ll see we’ll see how that goes um but and it drop us a comment of good play places to eat places to drink in Montreal CU when we head up I already have ideas but I’m

Always open to new ones I you know I have my spots that I go but like to try new stuff so if you got any Montreal suggestions let us know we won’t be there super long um we do like breweries and craft beer so just keep that in mind and

Putin of course absolutely I will not leave without poutin so so that’s what I’m going to eat every meal when I I did a Quebec summer trip a couple years ago and like did Quebec City too and I think in the span of three days ate at three different poutine places in

Quebec City and was actually like almost poutine out by the time I got to Montreal later that week I think I think I still I think I still did did one poutine place in Montreal but I was like I probably eat other stuff like this this can’t be good poutin out that’s

Just sounds like a weird sentence that is just a weird phrase I don’t know if we can continue to use that but yeah no I don’t you your body is not happy with you but your taste buds are so you know you gotta get away the it’s it’s you

Know it’s not quite Beach season yet we have time to have a little bit of french fries with gravy and cheese although I I am going down to Florida later this month for the too so sorry no poutine for you g get that beach B ready I’m you know what I’m

Prioritizing poutine me too me too all right I think that’s all we got for now for now we’re gonna make Brian record a breaking news podcast if anything happens in the next before we go to bed so all right Scott talk to soon talk to you soon probably cross not not maybe tomorrow

Okay all right we’re going to say goodbye to everyone we will have your updates on anything Bruin’s trade related and we will talk to you then hey guys thanks for watching the skate podcast if you want to see more of our videos visit our playlist not in front

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We discuss the Bruins’ loss to the Oilers, Swayman contract extension talks and another round of trade rumors connecting Elias Lindholm to Boston.

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  1. Lindholm isn’t worth a haul both zacha and coyle have better stats. I don’t get the obsession with him.

  2. Is McAvoy always getting beat only during OT and leaving our goalies to either bail him out…..or not.

    If I trusted Sweeney and Neely, I’d move Carlo and McAvoy for 1 and a 4. New tried building a D around McAvoy and it is not working!

  3. The breakdown was NOT in goal. Replay the breakdown by the defense in front of him…..NcAviy was flat footed and McDavid easily walked around him.

    Carlo is the best defenseman in the NHL who skates on his butt!

  4. Our inability to win faceoffs when it Really Matters is what's killing us in the last 2 minutes.
    if Charlie Coyle wins that last 5 on 6 faceoff then we probably win the game.

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