@Minnesota Wild

Matt Dumba hit on Connor Bedard – Have your say!

Matt Dumba hit Connor Bedard heavily into the boards. Was it late? Was it necessary? Was it legal? Have your say!


  1. Most players either brace for the hit or try to avoid it. No, not this guy. He just stood there.

  2. clean hit..especially when you could've braced yourself but you're too busy admiring your pass🤷🏻‍♂️

  3. Clean forecheck, it isnt the forecheckers job to make the other player aware. Bedard relaxed and didn't account for the forechecker.

  4. Delivering and getting hit in the NHL is an expectation and responsibility of everyone. Dumba was going in for the hit, Bedard stopped to smell the roses. Clean hit, Bedard needs more self and environmental awareness.

  5. Beaded is going to have a short career. He’s 5’8. And he loves to admire his passes. It’s a poor combination.

  6. force = mass x acceleration

    Dumba is a solid dude. This is a hard hit. He's finishing his check. It's a micro-second "late-ish" but that's about it. I wouldn't call a penalty on this.

    I feel for Bedard. But this is the NHL. These are big boys on the ice.

  7. Clean hit (it was) or not, did anyone on Chicago try to fight Dumba? I've seen numerous clips of Bedard getting slashed, and hacked but I've never seen anyone from Chicago do anything about it. Your franchise player is wearing a full mask because of a broken jaw, gets rocked, and the response is to do nothing…lmao…ok.

  8. Clean. Bedard has his head down and lacks awareness when he doesn't have the puck. Career won't last long at this rate

  9. In my day you made a pass and got out of the way of the freight train coming your way – Bedard will learn the laws of the jungle

  10. Kid just things he can't be hit…. hope he wises up fast or his career will be cut very very short

  11. It would be a perfect textbook example of boarding according to the NHL Rule 41 … BUT ONLY IF the referee decides to call it.

    It checks everything that the NHL rule book explains what constitutes a boarding penalty but the penalty will only be decided at the discretion of the referees.

    This is very important aspect of the rule because if the referee doesn’t feel like calling the penalty even if the player who was driven to boards got severely injured, then it’s a fair body check and not a penalty … even if he saw the entire incident happened right in front of him.

  12. How is this not from behind or not blindside? All these 1980s vintage types talking about head on a swivel….lol…..was Bedard supposed to pull a Beetlejuice here?

  13. It’s a penalty a fine and a suspension. And one of Chicago’s goons will probably go after him too

  14. Bedard watched a pass, and we are questioning if the hit was what…dirty. I could be wrong, but sometimes it seems like all the young players use the boarding penalty to help protect the puck and themselves. They post up along the boards or near them and wait for players to get open and join the play. You shouldn't be able to run players over, but enough is enough. They all do it when they're smaller players. They constantly are 75 % of the way turned around while posting up on or around the boards, and if anyone approaches to check them, they turn the rest of the way at the last second, thinking now I won't get hit. To me, this is bs. The coaches are telling them to play like this, and I find it annoying at times. Instead of preparing for contact or moving left or right or rolling with the hit. They stand there and take the hit without moving. I guess they're so surprised that someone would hit them. The league almost needs to write in a boarding clause. You shouldn't turn with your back to the other team to protect yourself from being hit. LA did a play last night where a player in the neutral zone turned his back and skated backward for 10 feet or so when he was going to accept a pass. The player was covered by Canucks, and he wouldve been checked if he was facing the right way, but he just turns his back on them that way he cannot be checked. If he does get checked, it's a major penalty. Players put themselves in risky positions and use this tactic, knowing full well that they're exploiting that penalty. It should be used to protect vulnerable players. Not so players can intentionally put themselves in vulnerable positions to protect the puck.

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