@Chicago Blackhawks

Connor Bedard NEVER saw this hit coming

Connor Bedard and Chicago Blackhawks took down the Phoenix Coyotes to end a 22 game road losing skid, but not without a big hit from Matt Dumba. #hockey #nhl #connorbedard


  1. he seen it coming he just couldnt do nothing about it collin cambell or gary bettman ruined hockey when they made the unritten rule that you can't hit or hurt gretzky

  2. Jesus Christ, man. That's a broken collar bone bodycheck narrowly avoided right there. We've all seen it too many times when guys get hit from a few feet out from the boards like that. This kid is going to have to start being extra careful if he wants to have a full career in this league.

  3. For all you calling this boarding or a late hit or a hit from behind? Come on. First, I’ll point out the thumbnail which is just before the the hit. A person can clearly see not from behind. Second, the fact that Bedards feet are parallel to the ice doesn’t make it boarding. It’s called a child playing a man’s game. Bedard 5’10 185 18 years old, Dumba 6’0 181 29 years old. I don’t completely believe either size stat. I bet Bedard is 10 to 15 pounds lighter and Dumba isn’t 6’0. It’s size and strength thing. Dumba is 29, been in the league 12 years and always plays against much bigger opponents.

  4. Other than the Jaw fracture, he been like Gumby just bouncing right back up from every hit whether it be by opposing players or the puck double doinking off both his legs, its a trial by fire and he will eventually learn and prove all the clueless, short sighted doubters wrong because the only voice I listen to about him is Wayne Gretzky!✌️

  5. Just Hope the CEO goes and Gets some Bodyguards for the Young kid and his other young kid after the Daft this Summer.

  6. If Chicago doesn't protect this kid don't be surprised if he doesn't stay there long. They need some toughness and have someone to call out anyone that wants to bully their star.

  7. This hit is common on these young guys. stopping that far away from the boards, as opposed to getting up on the boards like the old guys do, sets him up to get injured. The NHL needs to hold some checking clinics for these kids. Too many of them just don't know how to protect themselves because they had really shitty coaches growing up.

  8. This kid has to play the game as he always did…avoid risky plays and getting hit…I think he’s trying to do to much right now…if he wants a long career he has to play smarter but he also needs a tough guy on his wing. It’s sad Chicago got him I think they will waste 5 years of this kids career trying to get things together.

  9. Why is every single time Bedard gets hit some big “Bedard doesn’t understand how to play physical hockey” idea is pushed.
    He’s played in Canada his entire life. He knows hard hitting hockey.
    Even players like McDavid or MacKinnon get hit sometimes.

  10. Glad he wasn’t hurt but, he really needs to learn he’s not playing Jr’s anymore and these are men not boys .. keep your head up kid or your not going to be around long

  11. Completely unaware, not shocked to see him still wearing a full face protector. Already had his jaw broken from a hit he didn't see coming. Been multiple incidents like this. I just hope that they don't go penalizing a checking player when a large open ice clean check happens and the kid doesn't get up.

  12. You never let that happen to your star player. At the end of the game you break Dumba's back with a crosscheck or feed him uppercuts. Foligno can't be your only "tough guy". Get some nut cases out there

  13. Oh my god – is every hit this guy takes for the next 10 years gonna be analyzed. Wtf. It’s the NHL. People get hit. If you don’t like it, watch friggin soccer. If Bedard gets hurt, then he’s not an NHL player. I’m really good at flag football – doesn’t mean I can play in the NFL……

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