@Boston Bruins

The Latest on the Bruins Trade Rumblings | Bruins Beat

The Latest on the Bruins Trade Rumblings | Bruins Beat

Could be a situation where we all think that this teamed away just you read the tea leaves and how much you know cap space they don’t have uh their their draft assets what have you it all paints a picture of a team that’s either going to make marginal upgrades or stand Pat

But luck and change in a hurry like what this team could stand Pat they could rail off two Mega deals and get a guy like hannahan or a guy like tley like I wouldn’t count on Don sweing when it comes to getting pretty creative around

This time of year and if it does happen you’re probably not going to get a heads up like those deals kind of come out of nowhere with This and welcome into the Bruins beat presented by prize piics I’m Evan maranowski that’s Connor Ryan Connor what is up Evan I’m doing well how you doing doing great doing great uh look I’ll be up front I’ll be open I’ll be honest this is being recorded prior to

Monday night’s game against the Toronto map beliefs I apologize I am sorry there’s nothing we can do fortunately for Maple Leaf’s game reaction and everything poke the barrel come out on Tuesday and or be recorded Tuesday and come out later and uh I imagine Puck

With hags will be able to react to that game um but I gotta be honest Connor I don’t think the games are what matter most to people this week I don’t think it’s the games that’s why I’m not yeah really sweating this not really sweating this uh because March 88th the trade

Deadline approaches Friday it’s on Friday uh and it stinks for us because trade deadline is fun conversation for like a good month and a half leading up to it whether your team stinks whether your team’s good you and I have never podcasted knock on wood when the Bruins

Were remotely sellers now they haven’t been sellers at a deadline like in my lifetime right I don’t know the chances I guess guess there SLI of that happening but still lucky I do think didn’t we record a podcast once and it was during when they they essentially

Salary dumped Felino and Hall I think we were recording when that happened so that was right that was over the summer okay yes they did sell those pieces selling selling you know again it was part of the the bigger picture of freeing up cap space but again you could

Maybe qualify that but again if we’re recording all of a sudden the brus is traded for a first round pick and a a a b-level prospect yeah that’d be a little bit different right and I think uh we both were like oh they’re freeing up money because they’re going to resign

Tyler verzi that’s what they’re gonna do boom we were spot on with that yeah that was not uh the greatest prediction in the world um but trade deadline coming up and I think Saturday’s game I don’t want to say complicates things for the Bruins but it uh makes it maybe a little

More clear of what needs to happen what might need to happen they sucked on Saturday my God what a horrendous I actually have a friend who uh so I was at an island I I want to just tell the story real quick I promise get write in deadline stuff people are like going

Right ahead 15 seconds 15 seconds but anyway um one of my friends uh wanted to treat her boyfriend to a fun he’s a big Bruins fan they’re both big Bruins fans and they wanted to go away see an away game and they want to hit every NHL arena and they figured oh Bruins

Islanders on his birthday weekend that’s perfect uh so they went to Long Island for that game very excited for it just to watch them suck so I felt bad about that it was a very nice idea though by her I mean that’s a good that’s a good

Gift uh but just you know not not her fault yeah no it’s a good move unfortunately as been the case for most of the last month when people have gone to these games and have been immediately let down because there been a lot of pretty shitty games Evan to be honest

With you last month it there have been and even in the close ones they’ve been shitty um but things continue to complicate and more and more reportings come out it was either Elliot Freedman or Pier LeBron and we’ll get into both of their reporting um one of them said

The Bruins could be the most fascinating team at the trade deadline I think that may have been uh fredman who said that because he did a team by team breakdown of what he’s hearing on every team um we’ll start with Pier LeBron uh Pier LeBron came out with a story on Monday

Uh kind of detailing what he’s hearing on each big name player available at the deadline and Lena Sark was a player mentioned in that story and uh he mentioned uh you know the pros of kind of what you did the pros of keeping Lena Sark the cons um but he mentioned that

The goalie Market is you know markstrom might stay with Calgary flurry’s not leaving who else is left out there um and the Bruins are a unique situation where a true hockey trade we said this last week a true hockey trade may be what they need most this would be

A hockey trade um and one team he mentioned was the New Jersey Devils uh who are in need of a goalie um I think he mentioned that they were really pushing for uh Jacob markstrom uh but still Lena Sark you know rainning vzna winner um what do you think of

That I mean it makes sense from the devil’s perspective right in terms of I mean that a team that people thought were going to be a President’s trophy contending team you look at how great they were last year again A lot has gone wrong this year a lot of guys been

Really banged up go tending has been very bad so again no [ __ ] as to why they’re they’re looking for reinforcements there they’re outside the playoff picture they as of like 10 minutes ago fired Lindy Ruff so like they’re looking to change things around again maybe who knows whether they view

It as like do they want to just continue to try to push this team towards a a playoff run right like maybe they wave the white flag and it change is how aggressive they are for a goenda perspective it makes plenty of sense as to why you target a guy like

Omark and from the brues it all comes down to I think one what they do as San and two whether or not they just want to rip off the Band-Aid I I feel like we’re going to hit the point right where like especially if the Bruins end up signing

Swinging long term and it’s a sizable contract I can’t see this team trudging ahead next year and the years ahead with you know 12 million committed uh as far as cap space towards two goalies right like I just I don’t see that being a viable option for a team even when they

Have so much cap space they’d rather you know maybe commit to one goalie bring up you know Brenan busy or someone like that as the new backup or a veteran uh you know free agent s who ends up costing you one one and a half two

Million and do that and free of that cap space to then look at a guy like Noah hanen Alias lindol you know resigned some some other guys I think they’d keep that they’d rather prioritize that cap flexibility so it all comes down to whether or not the Bruins want to again

Do that now or whether they want to wait things out and get to a point where they do it in the off season like maybe they get ahead of things this you know at this deadline you acquire a useful asset you kind of give the net Swan and you

Get ahead on things but also it would be very I don’t know if odds the right word but if this team has you know had this goalie rotation been the Bedrock of their success and we never see it in the playoffs right maybe they get ahead on it right

And like if the devils are offering you a a first round pick or a prospect or even like a useful asset like a you know a Tyler tley is a guy that’s been mentioned as a possible upgrade um for the Bruins a guy that’s you know a consistent 25 goal scorer maybe that

That’s the path the Bruins take there but it would be like I don’t know if deflating is the right word but to just get to this point where yeah I can see why the runes would do it but to then just give the Nets a swing without ever

Seeing how this go rotation worked it’s like what was all this for then right again but it just comes down to what the price ends up being and just how desperate I think the the devils are between now and March 8th I agree I want

I you and I have been in tandem on this I I want to see the I want to see the tandem in the playoffs that’s what I want to see at the same time though they have stunk of late and not the I’m not saying so much the goalies goalies

Haven’t been amazing but the team is stunk of late and you know is it time to shake things up now you’re not I you know I don’t think it’s realistic you know diver and I talked about this the other day um you know what would have

What would if you sold if you really just became a seller what would that look like I don’t see them actually doing that or even coming close to doing that um but do they make a hockey trade I mean look the devils have a first round pick this year they have a first-

Round pick next year they have they do not have a second round pick this year but they do have one next year they have Tyler tley who’s an interesting idea I mean again again like if we’re going to play like the trade game here and let’s

Say lenus Omar you know did go to New Jersey right like what would the return be it could be you know 2024 first and Tyler Tooley and like a prospect so I mean you do get a first you get you get a pretty good player get a pretty good

Player good player and you know you get uh you know potentially a prospect or if they threw in like a second round pick pick or something like that you don’t have those either um that kind of does both I mean that that helps you for the future that helps you

For now but I mean like okay let’s look at the now right let’s say that was the trade let’s just let’s play the game let’s say it was omark to New Jersey for a first to Foley and let’s just say a prospect right future cover yeah be

Level Prospect or or a mid round pick right this season right tle is going to help you more than the first round picks don’t do anything for you this year but if it is like who’s getting you more wins in the playoffs when the playoffs

Come around Tyler tley in the top six or Lena so Mark in tandem with Swan I don’t know I go probably more with the goalie I go way more with the goalie on that one and I think it helps you upfront with tooli I get I I completely agree I think it definitely

Helps but I I I don’t know I don’t know I’m not like I I want to see the tandem that’s the thing Connor and I I don’t know if this is hurting my vision of the Bruins well and I I think it’s something important to note here because I think

We’re in agreement on that in terms of wanting to see what the goalie rotation is and you know I think Ty Anderson has mentioned that multiple times and we’ve had him on the podcast as well that being said it’s not like we’re being like this is the cheat code like the

Bruin just stick to the goalie tum it’s gonna [ __ ] work like no we’re not saying that no but I’m saying like we don’t know that and it just further reinforces how much of a [ __ ] waste last year was that we don’t have that Clarity at all among like the

Disappointment of of like losing in the first round blowing a 3-1 lead the stakes of Bard and Cree we all know that we have no [ __ ] idea how that goal iritation was worked because they went completely away from it and played all Mark for six straight [ __ ] games and

Then threw swinging into the fire like that I think just further again reinforces how much of a waste that series was in the the stakes of it because I think it’s logical for us to be looking at that goalie rotation that’s worked so well for years now and

Be like let’s see what it is but but we could have gotten that Clarity last year if like they flamed out last year and you know even if they got away from it right away and it’s like allmark has a good game Swan sucks game two you ride

Allmark to game seven and then it blows up all right then you see like the the putting that that practice you know into play during a playoff series where again we mentioned this before it’s easy to say in November and December that you want to keep the goalie rotation it’s

Tough when you get to actually April and a guy you know is isn’t living up to their billing and you have to actually toggle which goalie you go to in the playoffs but well we don’t know right and again like it could be a point where

You want to keep that goal rotation you have this you know other opportunity to do that but if the devil’s knock on your door and there’re they’re giving you a 25 30 goal scorer in Foley who OB this year maybe for the long term if you want

To resign them and a first that you either can replenish your draft capital or maybe you flip that for someone else maybe you flip it for Hanan with other assets like maybe that pushes your hand again it I can see the the logic however you want to spin it right there’s Logic

For however the Bruins tackle this if it ends up being a deal on the table but just sucks that if that is the case that we’ll never you know we’ll never get to see what exactly that that goalie rotation was on hockey’s highest stage because they they botched it last year I

I completely agree I want to keep touching on this but first quick word from our friends over at prize pick testing my skills on prize picks this season is the most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports if you have the skills you can turn $10 into $11,000

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Okay so let’s say that omark deal happens right uh and you did get th those pieces back to f a first be level prospector mid-round pick and then you flip that first Andor the M the prospector mid- round pick plus maybe de Brusque or you know something to Calgary

For Noah hanifen let’s say that’s what they did right let’s say they you know they wheel and deal let’s say do two hockey trades right and somehow because again you have to trade ay like de Brusque or a roster player to make the money work because right I don’t have

What tley makes in front of me but it can’t be that cheap um so you’re going to have to free up some money in that um for to get Hanahan back uh you’re G be like the Calgary Flames of the East uh which would be really fun but in that

Event right let’s say they had a top six of jbr zaka posto um Martian Coy and toley because in that case let’s like debrus is gone and then you know your top four is Lind Holm and makoy and hannahan and Carlo or flip-flop the pairs whatever you want is that are they

Better that way than if they just had the goalie tandem like I think in that case probably yeah but yeah because you’re you’re you’re bolstering your back end but at the same time I agree with you you want to see the tandem I get that um but again I don’t know if if

If they if they do what we want them have wanted them to do for weeks now right they go out and they get a depth defenseman who’s big and physical and they get a depth forward who’s kind of big and physical right let’s say that’s all they

Do the way this roster is shaking out the way they’re playing right now and they have for the last month they’re probably out in the first round unless they face Toronto and get P like then I could see that you know get they could get past them you know but then you face

Tampa or Florida and one of them has Hanahan or something like that I mean you might bow out and you you know you didn’t really get any assets you know at the deadline you didn’t try to shake things up so the more I think about it the more I do lean

Towards a hockey trade and shaking things up because I don’t know if the I don’t think the formula they have right now is going off the last month I I don’t think it’s it’s worthy of oh that’s that’s a cup Contender you know yeah and I I don’t think that’s just us

Being you know prisoners of right now I think it’s that’s been them for the last month yeah no I mean I think it all just comes down to between now and March 8th it’s just it it all revolves around what is actually out there right like again

We say we say t Foley in a first like R we seen of the Devils would give up a you know T fo’s again a pending UFA but he’s got 26 goals in 60 games like he’s already he’s a legit Winger that can he’s fourth on their team in points yeah

Um and he also uh makes four 4.25 million so you can make the money work just by trading out olark there but if they’re offering you and they’re that desperate where they’re giving you a Bonafide top six player plus um you know a first- round pick that you can flip

And then the the Bruins are able to work out something with a Hanahan trade then yeah of course if that’s your end result and you get a top four fixture in Hanahan and a 30 goal scorer in tley I think you do that right and again it all

Comes down to yes we want to see the goalie tandem but if you’re G to be trading omark anyway this off season would you rather see how the goalie Kum does in front of a pretty flawed team as you said when like last year should have

Been the window to really try that and just stick to it or would you wait until this off seon when omark’s value might be decreased because maybe a team like the Devils switches gears or changes things you know Omar’s got one you know would be a pending Ufa the next year

Would you would you rather wait till this offseason for that to be the case and hanifins gets traded to the lightning and he signs here long term right like if the window and the opportunity to add right now is better for the Bruins I can see it being the

Case but again we run into the risk of being Amia GMS right where all a sudden that like again who knows what the cost would be for hannahan what what the Devils would be willing to give up and again like maybe the Calgary Flames don’t want a pending UFA in De Brusque

And all a sudden it’s instead you’re looking at uh moving a guy like lorai right like that that could also be something where you have to weigh that as well so it’s so just tough to gauge this Bru team because you know when I did my kind of trade deadline preview

Last week with Tai we were both like uh patient you know preaching patience like maybe it’s Miner upgrades maybe a guy like Nick sealer or just a physical third pairing guy or maybe they just RI it out with what they have right like don’t give up future assets see what

This team has call up a guy like lysell merula see what you have there and just ride this year out we already don’t have a lot of cap space but then at the very end Tai was like well don’t forget like Don Sweeney tends to move in silence

That dude will like reel off a trade out of nowhere like there’s been multiple times where we’re like oh like all a sudden you get like the again Bruins are onun a very tight ship not a lot of so usually a lot of times it’s like you get

A a tweet notification from Freeman being like BOS in on berzi like oh half the way half the half the way in um what and uh so so again it could be a situation where we all think that this teamed away just you read the tea leaves and how

Much you know cap space they don’t have uh their their draft assets what have you it all paints a picture of a team that’s either going to make marginal upgrades or stand Pat but luck and change in a hurry like what this team could stand Pat they could rail off two

Mega deals and get a guy like hannahan or a guy like tley like I wouldn’t count on Don sweing when it comes to getting pretty creative around this time of year and if it does happen you’re probably not going to get a a heads up like those

Deals kind of come out of nowhere with this team no I agree um quick word from sponse then we get right back into that Factor’s delicious ready to eat meals make eating better every day easy wherever tomorrow takes you be ready with pre-prepared chef-crafted and dietician approved meals delivered right

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And I still don’t think that’s the wrong thing if they end up at this deadline adding a uh depth defenseman who’s physical adding a depth forward who’s physical and provides you another guy in the middle six or potentially a fourth liner and they don’t give up future assets

They don’t move olark they say we’re just gonna reinforce a little bit of the roster and go and see what we got in this I’m okay with that because again in that situation if a lenus omark deal pops up or doesn’t pop up um and you’re not getting enough for enough for Omar

Omar is a valuable asset if you’re not getting enough for him I’m okay with heading your bets and seeing if if there a better deal at the draft um or in the offseason and they don’t do anything what I will have a problem with the one

Thing that I will I will be very against is if you trade assets for rentals that I can’t stand um nowark for T is a different thing because in that situation You’ be getting in our situation be getting first round picks a prospect maybe you can resign to Foley

He is uh pending UFA they do have a lot of c space this offseason he would be a guy in your top six probably replaces Jake debron um so that I I’m okay with that but for just someone who’s going to be here for three months and then out the door

Please don’t trade a lysell even like a lysell or a first a future first or anything like that um uh for for a rental that’s the one thing I I really don’t want um Elliot fredman also had a bunch of things in 32 thoughts about the

Bruins mentioned a lot of uh idea of a hockey deal uh because they don’t have a ton of draft Capital trade it would have to be a hockey deal uh mention that the BR Ru have begun talking to Jeremy Swan about an extension so that kind of hits

What you were saying earlier in that you can’t have swayman let’s hypothetically making $7 million a year and Omar making you know 5.25 now and then resigning him in a year for you know seven eight million dollars you can’t have that on your books um so that’s one thing and

Then he also mentioned that they’ve contacted Calgary about Noah Hanahan and but also Noah hanahan’s uh destination is Tamp B so I’m I’m interested I mean what do you think of that what do you think of the swingan extension where are you at with that stuff yeah I mean if

You’re the Bruins I think it makes sense and again like you still want to see what Swingman does in the playoffs right you still there are some question marks but you look at his age the fact that he has I think taken steps forward every year I think it benefits all parties

Right to to you know sign him long term and get him here for the foreseeable future for this team right like there’s not a lot of teams that have a sure f fire potential number one net minder you can make the case that he already is a

Surefire guy um and to get ahead on maybe a contract for some other goalies uh that are due for deals next year or two put pen to paper like it it makes sense for the Bruins and I think you w to you know make sure Jeremy Swan’s

Happy he uh was not thrilled I don’t know if you heard this Evan wasn’t thrilled the option so a new deal can kind of I think I don’t know men fences is a little bit too dramatic there but I think all sides would benefit from a long-term deal obviously um but again it

Also adds Credence to the fact that if the Bruins cross the finish line you know between now and March 8th and swayman signs for seven eight years at s million or what have you that further validates that you know something’s got to give with this goalie rotation again

If a deal is to be made where you’re getting assets for both this year um and for the foreseeable future um so as you said I don’t think the Bruins are looking at just rentals like they’re not going to I don’t think like acquire a guy like Hanahan without knowing they

Can sign him long term they’re not going to again like maybe to fo you’ll see what he is there but you had a guy like that with the purpose of keeping him here long term um so I think it all just comes down to if Swan signs yeah I think

That further validates that I don’t think you’re going to be seeing maybe a goalie hug next year not to make Bru fad but um like something’s got to give there you’re gonna have to face some hard where this team because I just can’t see them operate with 12 you know

11 to 12 million dedicated to one spot in the lineup like that it’s just not feasible even with the cap space they have next year and again I I’ve been you and I I think have been and lock upu about this too all along like as much as

We want to see the goalie tandem this season I’m fine with no goalie hug next year I’m fine like omark is a valuable asset that you can get something for um and again if you’re going to sign San to a long-term extension which is what I

Assume they’re going to do um you’re not going to sign him and then trade him out the door even though yes SW could get you a lot to trade that would be a crazy way to treat a good player that’s like NHL like franchise mode that’s what I do

With like my mad franchise um the Houston Texans we’ve won like eight straight Super Bowls um but I I agree I you know I just Omar can get you something and I think the other thing is like and we have to remember this right we talked a

Lot about the deadline um or a little bit about the deadline between the Christmas break and the All-Star break and we kept saying don’t do anything big the roster is what it is it’s still kind of a bridge here I know they’re we know they’re really good reinforce it a

Little bit and I think if the Bruins were still first in the Atlantic playing great hockey the lineup was cooking we would say the same thing like I don’t think we would be sitting here if they were in first they didn’t have all these losses or overtime losses and they were

You know truly like still fighting for like top of the league we’d be like oh don’t trade omark stick with the tandem it is working it’s another year of trying this out um things have changed things have changed it’ll be interesting to see what happened on Monday night against

Toronto crazy game all the stars were out Conor it was a hell of a night people are saying yeah again that also could change that could change how aggressive the brones are they could get absolutely obliterated by Toronto or maybe they win again it all depends we

We looked at like the devil’s hell like they could drop a few more games every now and then they’re like you know what white flag this year’s cursed everyone got hurt we still Jack Hughes and all these other guys like we we’ll get back at it next year and address things later

On lot can change between now and ma we we’ve mentioned for weeks now that like uh depth pieces you know we’ll see what the Bruins do we could be recording on Friday night or Saturday and like I’ll put like a fire background behind me because everything has gone to [ __ ] or

Change or gone zero to 100 in short order like you can never tell this time of year yeah and the other thing I don’t I mean we mentioned him once but like what happens with Jake de Brusque like what happens with him this week and and

What do they decide to do do they hold on to him does a team take him is he packaged for someone I mean I know I mentioned him in the potential Hanahan trade like and this is not based in anything Insider but like you know does

Calgary look at a guy like him and say oh he’s from western Canada maybe he would want to stick around here um I don’t know like that’s that is it’s why like I think fredman is right in saying that the are such a fascinating team this week because they’re good but

They’re not that good and they also have these pieces that could net them something and they don’t have a lot of future assets so they’re going to have to if they’re going to do anything big you’re gonna have to trade pieces so the more I look at the the state of the

Bruins the more I like the idea of a hockey trade like again I have no problem with them going out and adding re just minor reinforcements because again the goalie tandem stays together and we get to see it we’re we not saying they’re going to win the cup with the

Goalie tanon we’re just saying we want to see it I just want to see it um or they could go out and and you know Omar could be traded and de brus could be traded and they’re flipping you know picks they’re getting for no anifan we’ll see I’m very interested to see

This week um I think this be interesting either way obviously one thing is going to be much more interesting than the other um but anyways Connor what can the people look forward to from you at the globe and yeah we have you covered every step of the way this

Season especially with the deadline this week so we’ll be looking at trade targets possible uh you know trade scenarios all that good stuff over so you can read all my stuff over there if you want to follow me on Twitter you can at Conor ranor 93 go do

All that that’s Conor Ryan I’m Evan marinovsky presented by prize pick you Brewers beat listeners have a great rest of your Week

Evan Marinofsky is joined by Conor Ryan as they try to decipher the moves the Bruins could make at the trade deadline this week as rumors pick some steam, and expectations for this team change. Evan and Conor look through potential trade packages and give their thoughts ont he most likely outcomes of this busy week in the NHL.


– Could Linus Ullmark go to the Devils?

– What would a trade package look like?

– Extending Jeremy Swayman

– Bruins options for the deadline

– The latest on Noah Hanifin

– What could change before Friday?

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Welcome to the #CLNS Media Network’s YouTube channel for Boston #Bruins hockey. CLNS Media is the leading online provider of audio/video coverage for the Boston sports. Get complete inside access to the Bruins at TD Garden, the game day skates at Warrior, and everywhere on the road. CLNS #NHLBruins’ credentialed insiders Mike “Trags” Petraglia, Evan Marinofski, Conor Ryan, and Joe “Haggs” Haggerty. Providing instantaneous news and analysis all in real time, as well as full access to complete videos from the players, coaches, ownership and everyone else on Causeway Street.

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  1. Bro no one including the devils are giving a 1st round pick plus a legit player like Tyler and a prospect 😂 what world r u living in ? Ur not even gonna get a 1st for ullmark. Goalies especially mid season do not have that kinda value. Maybe inoff season u can get more, at least be a little more realistic

  2. This team needs a center that can win important faceoffs at the end of games. They can't close out a game because they always lose the face offs in the zone and then give up the goal.

  3. this team cant close and is going no where this year. maybe we get some magical hot streak come playoffs but they will sweating their balls come last min of every game.

  4. Evan, you're not serious……a first round pick, Tyler Toffoli and a prospect for Linus Ullmark??
    Maybe they'll throw in Jack Hughes too…….

  5. Stop with the goalie rotation crap! It’s not helping us now and the reason it’s not helping is because we have too many holes in our lineup. For starters, can we get someone that can win a faceoff when it counts? Can we get a D who is nasty in front our net? Can we get a physical forward who also protects his teammates. Trading Ullmark can get you one of those.

  6. Trade ully for a 2nd/3rd round pick and a solid defensemen like Roy, hanifin, carrier, trade gryz and a low pick for a solid top 9 forward like Duclair, wennberg, Henrique, and call up Lysell or merkulov and try them in the top 9.

  7. Ullmark moves at some point. Or the talks with Sway breakdown and he moves. The Swayman deal isn’t going to be a discount…arbitration still bugs him. I see him wanting $6M for term…and I don’t think Sweeney will do it. Rumor has it $7Mx7-8. …

  8. The Bruins have the NHL's worst draft capital with no 1st or 3rd round pick again until 2025, no 2nd round pick until 2026 & they're not even drafting until the 4th round in 2024

    The Bruins have one of the worst Farm Systems in the NHL that has been universally ranked 27th to 32nd & dead last all 8 years of Don Sweeney's tenure as GM.

    Do you honestly believe that terrible farm system of theirs is going to get any better without that high draft capital the next few years? Spoiler alert, that lack of draft capital is only going to make a bad farm system worst

    The Bruins are in Cap Jail

    The Bruins will not move players that could get them good hauls in return for like Pasta, Marchand, Swayman and McAvoy and they probably shouldn't move those guys anyway

    The Bruins have few players that any other team would give them much for in return such as Forbort, Grzelyck, Heinen, Geekie & Shattenkirk

    Despite all these FACTS, Bruins Homers and the Homer Driven media around here in Boston keep talking about all these "DEALS" Don Sweeney is going to make

    Hey homers and Boston area homer driven media…

    The reason Don Sweeney was able to make moves at past trade deadlines was the Bruins had some combination of roster players they could get something for and were open to moving, Cap Space, draft capital and or a few prospects that had value around the league still

    Guess what homers and homer driven media? Don Sweeney and the Bruins don't have any of that ammunition this time around

    Again, No Cap Space, No draft capital, crap prospect pool, few players they can move and those they can or will, won't fetch much in return

    Sorry Bruins homers wake up

    The Bruins aren't trading for Elias Lindholm. The Bruins aren't trading for any other Top 6 forwards or Top 4 D-Men either

    Why? Um, that seems kind of obvious…. It's called LACK OF ASSETS!!!

    That won't stop Bruins homers the local media around here from saying just go get Elias Lindholm & Noah Hannafin and poof, all Bruins problems are solved

    The problem? The Bruins don't have the assets to trade for Jack Studnika and Jarred Tinordi, let alone any real NHL help.

    The best anyone can hope for is that the Bruins send some middling prospect that will never do anything in the NHL and some low round draft pick in return for getting some bottom 6 forward or bottom pairing d-man that's more physical either up front or on the back end.

    That's all the have ammo for Bruins Homers. It is what it is.

    Play the kids this post season, move whatever players they can to replenish their draft capital and prospect pool as best they can, use the Cap Space wisely this summer and the Bruins can get back to chasing Cups in just a season or two

    Let Don Sweeney piss away ever last asset they have remaining in the organization to improve in the future this year on this CLEARLY flawed team….

    All that will lead to is the Bruins next early round playoff choke or fail, they'll be just that much further way from competing for a Cup again and they'll have even less resources to be able to do so

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