@New York Rangers

Mercogliano: The Wennberg deal leaves NYR with close to $3 million in available space, but – and this is a big but – they can stretch that to about $3.8M by sending either Edström or Rempe to Hartford.

Mercogliano: The Wennberg deal leaves NYR with close to $3 million in available space, but – and this is a big but – they can stretch that to about $3.8M by sending either Edström or Rempe to Hartford.

by 09-24-11


  1. * Guentzel: $6.0m

    * Vatrano: $3.65m

    * Duclair: $3.0m

  2. jaypeedee1025

    Frankie V come on Down.Can Someone do that math thing for me and do Buch at 50 percent retained

  3. Key-Tip-7521

    Get Duclair

    Do it Drury. DO IT


  4. Shoddy_Reserve788

    Rempe will be on that bus back to Hartford

  5. Dsaisiasd

    Duclair 1.5m and Erik Johnson 1.625m. Sucks that Drury traded away so many 2nd round picks trying to fix his fuckups.

  6. I don’t think it’s THAT unlikely Rempe and/or Edstrom go back down. They’ll need to clear a lineup spot for Wennberg and any other piece they might add, and Goodrow, much like Thanos, is inevitable. So he’s staying in the lineup, that means most likely Edstrom, Rempe, and Brodzinski, and Edstrom and Rempe are both waiver exempt and would benefit more from playing in Hartford than sitting in NY.

  7. funkingrizzly

    Everyone wanting to hold on to that first Rd pick, you realize it’s going to be a late pick and this draft class is shit right

  8. Crimson3312

    Can open about 3 million more by firing Goody into the sun. That Toronto game was the last straw for me

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