@Buffalo Sabres

LFR17 – Game 62 – Booshalo – Sabres 1, Maple Leafs 2 (OT)

LFR17 – Game 62 – Booshalo – Sabres 1, Maple Leafs 2 (OT)

All right let’s shoot the video why you sound disappointed the Leafs won yeah but it’s the trade deadline and they didn’t even do anything today’s not the trade deadline what trade deadlines in 2 days oh but there were all these trades I I I guess I wasn’t paying attention to

The finer details well yeah a lot happened I could understand if you miss some things let me guess Vegas added someone who makes like millions of dollars despite the fact that they’re 80 million over the cap buddy do I have some news for you oh you’re joking let’s

Go good we all feel stop never gets rust in my kitchen producer Drew can you fix all this and when it comes to believes you can crumple crumple saw that going differently with you wherever you are welcome to LFR Victory puppies buddy they won it I

Don’t oh you know what here sit we we we got to do a mulligan here I’m even going to that was terrible congrats on becoming a big brother again that was very cool Leafs wi 21 in overtime over the Buffalo Sabers two points is two points

You take them and you head on the road to where do they play at Boston all right fine this video was brought to you by me and so many other videos that I made please subscribe to the sdpn YouTube channel where we are going to be making even more videos on trade

Deadline whether they make a thousand trades before that or not because I made four trade videos today four let’s see if I can name them from memory uh we we did uh uh the Anthony mantha trade to the golden how do they keep getting people we did the Vladimir tereno trade

To the Florida Panthers which you know LOL at the Senators because that trade sucks for them but also they Juiced up the Panthers the most ridiculous one is probably the Colorado Avalanche I combined the two deals that they made they acquired Shawn Walker in exchange for a first round pick and they dumped

Ryan Johansson in the process and then they dealt Bowen Byrum for Casey middle stat straight up just in case you were looking at the Sab lineup like there’s someone missing yes but it’s byom and not middl stat because middl stat doesn’t work there anymore and I also

Made a video about former Leaf Sam Carrick oh and uh Adam Henrik as well joining the Edmonton Oilers in a three-way deal where Tampa interestingly was the facilitator in a three- team deal my buddy Adam wild did the Alex wenberg trade we’re waiting to see what the Noah Hanahan trade is because we

Know he’s a Vegas golden Knight we just don’t know the details there’s a third team involved we don’t I even know who it is yet but trust best believe we will have it covered on the stpn YouTube channel now this game was it a work of

Art was it amona Lisa no I thought this tweet from Ben Anis with under 10 minutes to go in the third period encapsulated it perfectly he tweets according to Natural stat trick there has yet to be a high danger shot attempt at five on five for either team in this

Game we were 50 minutes into the game there were two goal goals even so the two goals that went in which is still a low amount of goals for Midway through the third period even those two goals shouldn’t have even gone in nothing happened there was some elevated uh

Physicality like like just but it was board battles you know what I mean it was a shoulder nudge stick LIF Aon neander and David Camp had a two-on one on the penalty kill neander had the puck on his stick and he just got rid of it

For a line change yeah that’s a dude who’s been benched a few times recently huh there were two things to note in this game why I grade the Leafs on a curve for this game number one there was very clearly an objective here you know what we got home ICE Advantage yes we

Have trouble against this team that team is short-handed uh let’s focus on defense let’s really buckle down here because it’s not something we’ve done well recently and number two the leaf have the flu bug going through the team and if you want an idea of how bad that

Flu bug is Jake mccab didn’t play I’m going to say that again in case like you maybe maybe it didn’t sink in Jake mccab was too sick to play that dude has like an eastn carbon fiber stick worth of carbon fiber shards in his nose alone

From the past month have you seen his face have you seen his face his nose looks like a map of Scotland that dude’s an animal that dude’s a Madman we’ve seen him get angry and scream at someone while bleeding he’s exactly the kind of dude who would scream at you for making

Him bleed his own blood and he was too sick to play my bet is these dudes on the first half of a backto back were dying they were having a bad no good time and for the Toronto Maple Leafs a buffalo Boston backtack is about as bad

As it gets Buffalo they struggle against so mightily and then they have to go into TD Garden against Boston who just mopped them a few days ago and it’s TD Garden and Boston back to back with travel the only way it could possibly be worse is if the first game was in

Buffalo where the leaves never win so this game was very much a survival game you know what we need to figure out defense let’s hunker down and do that we got the flu let’s do what we got to do I wish I could have thought of a third

Rhyme so I could do that all in one take and valid that it is trade deadline week very often teams the Leafs included look completely of sort in trade deadline week because everyone is in a rumor no one wants to lose their roster spot etc etc you’re worried about the playoff

Roster but your roster still has to make the playoffs so how about you get some points the first period was some of the most riveting cardio I have ever seen I don’t have the exact number in front of me but it took the Buffalo Sabers like

Over half the first period to get their first shot on goal at least according to the broadcast the highlight of the period might have been Timothy lilen taking a hooking penalty oh my goodness something might actually happen and then saers shot the leafes 10 to six

Officially by the end of it but uh yeah nothing happened second period this is going to knock your socks off something happened two and a half minutes into the second period every member of the neander DOI berzi line got in on this goal they got a point on this goal but

Someone who didn’t get a point but was huge in this goal being scored Ilia lausin who honestly has looked so comfortable returning to the leavs he should he know he knows how a play here it’s the same coach a lot of the players are the same anyway he keeps the puck in

There’s just a rampage behind the Buffalo Sabers net Max doy kicks it Loose to Tyler bzi beautiful pass in front to William neander and shout out to Robert Malloy who captions these videos for um well here I’ll I’ll just show you the picture yeah that is not

How you guard William neander at all that’s not how you cover him that’s not that’s not how you do anything look at that you see what they’re doing don’t do any of that oh yeah I could see I could see how that’d be terrifying but he he

Plays for the team that I cheer for so I’m actually quite optimistic about that but if if that happened to the team if if the other team was my team yeah I’d be sad that that mess my night up he just rips the thing past UPL I mean I’d

Call that a high dangerous scoring shot William neander picks up his 34th of the Season bruzi stays hot there’s another Point doy gets his 25th assist of the Season let’s go then you you’re not going to believe this this is terrible 4 minutes later almost exactly 4 minutes later something happened Zenus Genson

Sets up Victor Olson who just sort of walks in and oh all right let’s let’s watch this let’s see who we can blame this on all right let’s look at the coverage let’s look at who should be where nope that’s just a shooter beating a goalie Victor

Olivon rips it past ilas samsonov like I I really am not hating anything any Defender did there and you want to talk about two guys having cursed Seasons Genson with his second assist of the Season Victor Olson with his fifth goal what what the heck happened to

Those two those two have combined for 22 points in 81 games this season wolfson’s been over 40 points multiple times and I think Genson has too and oh yo what Genson has an eclipse 20 points since the 145 season didn’t that iy can voted the

All-Star Game I know it was like a meme but holy okay it sounds like I’m making fun of them but those two guys just scored and it’s a tie game rest regulation basically nothing happened there was one shot at the side of the net that the Sabres had reviewed and it

Looked like they might have scored might have squeaked across the line it didn’t lilligren took another penalty and I don’t want to keep I don’t want to keep ragging on the guy but he is not having a good week this is a bad week to not

Have a good week like we talked about the trade deadline distraction if if anyone has the right to be or reason to be distracted this week I mean it’s Len like he might not have a job in the top six by the by Saturday come off an

Injury like it’s tough but ahead of overtime a lot of hustle like William neander looked great Austin Matthews in particular just looked average like it was a weird game because you could tell the vast majority of the guys playing did not have it that night but like structurally they were they were fine

It’s they weren’t falling apart they just weren’t able to pull off the stuff they’re used to then the game goes to overtime and here’s the thing when you go to overtime and Ilia samsonov is in net you have to by law I think I think it was signed by both Ford and Trudeau

That uh he has to bail you out at least once in overtime now any Buffalo Sabers fan watching this is probably like what oh right because samsonov was like really awful against the Sabers before he got sent down he’s that guy’s gone he looked like Sammy he wore his jersey

That that wasn’t don’t worry samsonov is back now the vast majority of ilas Samson’s tenure with the Trona map leaves is this guy actually it’s the guy that you saw tonight yeah you didn’t love the goal that he allowed but otherwise yeah he gave him a chance to

Win including just a filthy glove save on Tage Thompson in overtime I thought he had Victor Olson I thought olivon had a tap in but no Tage has to take the shot it’s not a terrible one but Ilia throws a little bit of mustard on it and

So the least live to fight another shift and oh my goodness they throw out the core score Morgan Riley to Mitch Marner filthy to Austin Matthews for the finish his 54th of the season and the Leafs pull off the 2-1 win and just slide two points into the standings someone I

Really want to point out Ilia leushin like we don’t have to grade on a curve with this guy he’s actually just looked uh pretty good here’s a tweet from a TSN story editor named stepen Riley leushin stats tonight at 5 on five time on Ice 14 minutes and 8 seconds shots 7-2 shot

Attempts 12-6 expected goals four percentage 87.2 three really solid games for that pairing since B came back you know what is leushin a superstar it like is he the name that you expected or H for probably not but you know what’s often a struggle at this time of year getting a guy who

Is the right fit for your team and having him gel with everybody Brad TR living wasn’t the general manager when Yia lbushkin was a leaf last time but lots of other guys in that locker room and in that front office were the dude’s familiar with the coach he’s familiar

With the players he’s familiar with the player that he’s playing with as a defense partner at least for the time being what’s the saying the devil you know well maybe not the devil I mean Morgan Riley wouldn’t hurt anyone well you know what I mean questions Sammy has

His smile back and someone else says Sammy Smiles baby yeah man like dude I’ve been super comfortable with Elia samsonov in net for over a month now like I was surprised how unbelievably bad he was to start the season and just continue to get worse I was surprised by

That but I was equally surprised by how easily how quickly I just went oh he’s back I said it before I’ll say it again the dude that you saw like just before Christmas in in December the dude who couldn’t stop a beach ball he’s gone he’s and that is not who samsonov has

Been through the vast majority of his one and three quarter Seasons with the Leafs last year all Thro the season did he have the stinker here and there yeah yeah he also stole some games he won a playoff series he was just he generally speaking gave the Leafs a chance to win

That’s all he’s done all he’s done since coming back basically every game give the Leafs a chance to win did Isa enjoy her first Leafs win yeah it’s nice uh the way things are working out is I get to watch Leaf Games with my daughter she can’t see anything she’s like four days

Old she’s four days old I think she liked it great uh not because of the outcome she didn’t care she’s four days old uh but she had a bottle and uh she’s big on the bottle I like this everyone in the league making upgrades keth from the

Bench yeah man I have no idea what’s going on like right when I’m shooting this video they’re finalizing the Noah hanifin deal apparently it’s Vegas Calgary and Philly I still haven’t even read all the details people keep saying oh there’s going to be no trades left for deadline day I think there’s plenty

Out there man like look at it this way everyone’s loading up and look at the teams who have loaded up twice there have been a lot of deals right but a couple teams have loaded up twice with big names Colorado got two big names they got Shawn Walker who was a big name

At this deadline and they also got Casey midd stat who like I didn’t even really know Buffalo was shopping I mean I did but like it wasn’t I thought they were going to keep him or find a way and then Vegas gets Anthony mantha who we did

Know was on the Block and now they’ve got Noah hanifan somehow and honest they might continue like that western conference is ridiculous but like Florida got terce 2o how how do we think the Atlantic teams feel about that that includes the Leafs but also the Bruins what are the what are the lightning

Doing are they just going to be a broker no way Philly’s been really active as a seller where the blues at what about Chicago like Chicago’s in like dead last where where are they at or are they in dead last or San Jose where’s San Jose

At there are a lot of buyers and sellers still looking for dance Partners the next 48 hours are going to be stupid and with that that is it for the this one thank you very much for watching click like if you like this video click subscribe if you really liked it tell

All your friends I’ve made five videos today only one of them was on this channel so head on over to sdpn And subscribe please gosh darn it it’s my it’s my job that’s my job subscribe to my job

Steve Dangle recaps and analyzes Game 62 of the Toronto Maple Leafs season against the Buffalo Sabres.



  1. This was the most forgettable Leafs victory yet this year. Both teams looked…. challenged. The Leaf won. The Leafs won this one thanks to goal tending. The Leafs were lucky to pull two points out of this.

  2. It's really great news Leafs will likely play Boston in the 1st round. Why? Because they have little chance of beating Florida or the Rangers in a series. And let's be real, even beating Boston will be a challenge. Leafs are simply not good enough. Oh, good scoring. Everything else is wobbly has heck. And not Weebles wobble but they don't fall down type of wobbly.
    I sincerely hope the Leafs do not spend any futures here. There's several teams that upgraded that can seemingly destroy the Leafs easily. Of course, that's not a worry considering the Leafs ability to even win a series.

  3. I’m sure Matthews is going to love playing the clip of being called average, back when he is lifting the Stanley Cup, for his hometown, Arizona coyotes, when he inevitably requests a trade.

  4. Olafsson looks genuinely cooked but Girgensons has always been a 10-20 point guy lol. His low points shouldn’t be shocked to anyone lol.

  5. Can we do like Vegas and put JT on LTIR to use his cap for another player then have him magically heal in time for the playoffs? Stone takes literally the softest hit along the boards I have ever seen and all the sudden is injured near the trade deadline again? they clearly need to amend the rule and make it so the player placed on LTIR cannot play until at least the second round even if another player gets injured you have to use a different player than the one coming off LTIR.. at least this way teams will have to take a large risk should they wish to try and circumvent the cap!

  6. honestly I was somewhat hoping the game would go to a shootout just because it was a battle of the Goalie and I actually find those interesting, I know most hate shootouts and im in a minority there

  7. this game is the single most boring hockey match I have ever watched in any level of play ever. but the leafs won so i'm fine with it

  8. I watch a lot of hockey and Leafs content. I watch every Leafs game. I was at my second game of the season tonight. Steve has the pulse of this team. Best analysis out there 💙💙💙

  9. Vegas is allowed to do this because Bettman needs their market to succeed. The second Toronto pull a scheme like Vegas do every year the league would step forward and vilify Toronto and there would be an investigation and a fine and the league would immediately change the rules.

  10. I watched on TNT tonight they all were talking about the lackluster game Matthews was having then bang pots the winner in OT I want this team to go all the way but they need to add some more depth on the D and maybe someone up front as well also not sold on the goaltending and will it be good enough to take us to the promised land and the Holy Grail and with a Toronto vs Boston 1st round scares me.

  11. “Combined in 81 games this season….”, 61 I think you meant but that gave me a chuckle just imagining telling the players they had 101 regular season games for this season total and just the defenestration that would follow 🤣😅🤣

  12. Vegas is like that one kid at school who saw the other kids quietly exploiting a loophole in the rules and thought that it meant they were allowed to take it way too far, inevitably ruining everybody's fun…
    Also it's funny that Matthews scored the winner because this might one of the worst games I've seen him play all season. He was slow, weak on the puck, unsteady on his skates, he looked absolutely terrible until, you know, he won the entire game for them.

  13. only because you asked and not saying Samasonov shouldnt have saved it: why is Rielly standing so deep in our own zone? dude was in no man's land.

  14. Great LFR!! Loved your shout out about Boosh. He worked incredibly hard and deserves the praise.
    Lilly, on the other hand…

  15. Boosh looked good through the first half before I had to go to class, I liked him on the 'yotes, and I liked him on the Leafs the first time too.

  16. I've come around on Parayko he'll be good with a mobile LD for awhile he has size enough to cover ground into his older age. We should have gotten him last year I love McCabe as a good 3rd pair but he doesn't make that 23~25min per night difference. It also makes playing goalie easier and trading away Lilje

  17. I hope the leafs dont make another deal. We dont have the cap space thanks to our ovepaid 3rd line center of 11mill. We dont have the capspace to make a deal to make a step up. We dont have the picks to make a meaningful upgrade. We dont need ye another 3rd pairing dman.. We need the picks so we have ELC due to sooo much cap space in the core 3 and that ovepaid center in rapid decline.
    We need to face it. Not everyone degrades the same.

  18. I disagree Steve. That sabers goal was on Rielly. It's a 1 on 1. At least put your stick out. Make it difficult for him to shoot. The leafs D collapses so much that even on 1 on 1s they are almost playing in the crease…Terrible…

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