@Buffalo Sabres

A Franchise Reborn – Sabres Trade For Bowen Bryam

A Franchise Reborn – Sabres Trade For Bowen Bryam

[Applause] [Applause] hi folks welcome to franchise Reborn the video on the channel if you’re new here that discusses talks about news within the organization current news and we have a big one today as mits has been traded so we’re going to take a look at Bow and Byam a little

Bit uh few things I wanted to um shoot out to you guys so I’m going to go with a few Clips here guys let me just get it up here so I can see it at the same time okay let’s take a look at the first clip okay there’s his career numbers

Four years uh four career years he’s in his fourth year right now in the NHL 146 career games we know he’s had concussion issues he has in 146 games 23 goals 40 assists 63 points he’s a plus 16 for his career and he’s a a little bit of bite in penalty

Minutes now if you look if we go over to the right though we’ll take a look he has 168 career blocks 228 career hits 41 takeaways and 63 giveaways that might have been a little bit of motivation right there why he was moved but overall I think this is just a

A plain hockey trade guys honestly I think that’s all this is I don’t want to say who’s the winner who’s the loser of a trade like this all I know is two years ago if you would have told me we could get bow and Byrum when I was watching the Colorado

Avalanche win the Stanley Cup if you would have told me we could get that young stud the way he played in that playoffs for Casey middle stat the way he looked a few years ago I would have jumped all over over that like a fat kid

On a smarty I would have jumped all over that now it’s a bit of a different story Byrum’s had his struggles he’s had his concussion issues right he’s had some issues he has middle stats kind of blossomed into a pretty decent hockey player and not just cuz he’s leading a

Team in scoring this year guys it’s not a very good team lead in scoring if you look at it the team struggle is struggling this year so almost you are are you are could probably lead the team in scoring this year but it it’s it’s kind of sad to see

Casey go uh I hope they go all the way I really do I I I’m uh at Colorado I’ll be I’ll be cheering for for Casey middle stat this year um the clip though that stands out of my eyes I want to show you

Let me get it here so I can see it at the same time as you guys see it okay here we go okay that’s the first thing I checked I’ll tell you right now guys I I I know his career numbers have been underwhelming I know he’s a rushing

Defenseman I also know they’ve been pairing him with guys that look it’s kind of like Krebs on the fourth line I would say you know maybe I’m being extreme but it is kind of like that if you look at his career uh minutes in um the playoffs so he

Averages 20 minutes in the playoffs 27 games 67 hits that’s what I like to see and a plus 16 and if you look he was a plus 15 and their stand cup run and in that playoffs in 20 games he had 45 hits five takeaways eight giveaways at but 16

Blocks as well so he did show up I I think a lot of us do remember him being a real a real piece of that Stanley Cup so this is what we got back we got back a guy that was drafted fourth overall if I’m correct right because I

Was looking up on that before he was drafted fourth overall in the 2019 draft and folks that was a draft Where Jack Hughes kako and then doc and then bow Byrum was the first defenseman taken in that draft so he has been a coveted defenseman there’s no doubt about that especially in that

Draft I think maybe he he ran out of time or at the same time they were looking for another centerman over in Colorado so people I’m I’m reading all over the place okay I’m reading all over the place who won the trade I’ll tell you who who won the

Trade the fans don’t wait to see who won the trade that’s who’s won the trade the fans that think they know who won the trade ahead of time they just want to be heard I’m not going to tell you we won this trade but

I’m I’m sure as hell not going to say we lost this trade I don’t know how this is going to work out Byam is 22 years old folks he’s not 29 he’s 22 so we got another young high draft pick pick defenseman on this team all of a sudden

We have a fourth overall defenseman on this team now so we’ll see how this works I think it’s going to work out for him in Buffalo because the system we play is exactly what he’s tailor made for it is he brings a bit of bite though

Which we can use now he shoots uh he shoots uh left he doesn’t shoot right which to me isn’t that big a deal like some fans will make it out to be it’s not that big a deal it’s it’s just kind of weird that it was just a one for one deal it’s

Like old school hockey you know what I mean this is like an old school trade one for one you know we’ll take your young centerman we’ll give you our young defenseman and that’s kind of what happened here so I I want to see what happens there is

Some term left though he has another year on his contract next year so that works out they’ll have to negotiate with Casey over in Colorado now and we’ll see what uh what they offer to pay him what goes on over there with that I think this this was a money decision more than

Anything is kind of how I feel but let’s face it guys we are stacked with centerman on this team we are really I do believe if you were to ask me who our top three centerman are I’d have to say still it’s Tage Dylan and now it’s Krebs

I would have said Casey middlest third now I would say it’s Krebs and I’m comfortable with Krebs moving up in a role on this team I am I like what I see him I like the heart and grit that he does bring for the size and character

That he is is doesn’t seem like a real tough guy but he is when you push him into it he he he’s not scared he won’t back down so I like that about about painton Krebs so I think we we’re okay with centerman and let’s face it we have

Below in in the miners we’re good in centers guys we’re good it’s going to sting a bit I think like I said before it’ be a mistake depending what we got back I I said we have to get a first rounder back we did we did we got a

Fourth over all pick back I’m pretty good with it I am now how do I think this is going to play out I don’t know I don’t got a clue I don’t got a clue I’m not going to lie to you and say this is the Sabers

Did it or the Avalanche ripped us off I’m not going to say either of that crap because there’s no there’s no way I can prove it it’s like going into a court of law and you know just lying on the stand but you’re convinced you’re right no I I’m not

Going to do it I think this could really work out for the sabes because I like his playoff history the kids got a ring folks I like that I like he brings that into our dressing room I love that actually okay that’s something that I don’t see any channel talking about that’s important

You bring a young young buck into the dressing room and he has one of those Rings it’s pretty impressive you know what I mean and he was a vital part of it too if you remember back then he was playing 20 minutes a game about in that

Play playoff run and he was throwing the body and I like I like that I do I like a young guy that’s Fearless to win and he was one of those young guys on that Avalanche team when he was 20 doing this think about it he won a Stanley Cup when he was

20 and he was a part of it you know it wasn’t like he just was there for the ride no he was a piece of it he was a solid piece of it so I think this isn’t a bad deal we got back something and and

Let’s say it doesn’t work out well then we have him we have him instead of Casey as trade bait next year no matter what way you cut it there’s going to be a lot of teams I could picture Boston knocking at the door for somebody like this

So this is going to be the type of player I think guys that I don’t think we can lose this deal is what I’m saying and I’m not guaranteeing we want it this just might turn out to be a good hockey trade like the tuck and and eel deal

Really that that was a good hockey trade that we made with Vegas I know Vegas won the Stanley Cup they probably would have won a cup without Jack they probably would have he was a big part of it but eventually that team was pushing and pushing and pushing they just kept going

Forward to that cup now over there we’ll see how they talk about that trade in 5 years from now when Vegas is struggling just to be a 500 team times are going to change over there but for now their fans will say they won the deal because they

Won the Stanley Cup but they don’t realize that that team was already in a Stanley Cup finals long before Jack got there you know so look I I am I happy with the deal yeah I am I’m not sad about this deal because we got something really

Solid back guys if we would have got something back where I’m like oh my God you know like I wouldn’t have wanted hannahan for Middle stat that I’ll say right now no Hanahan is scared to throw hits okay he’s scared to throw hits if

It was a weager I’m open ears a guy that can put up points and hit okay then I’m listening but a guy like Hanahan who maybe throws what 30 hits a year no thanks we have enough of those guys we got to get some more guys on this team

That just have a bit of bite and that’s all he does he has a bit of bite you know he averages uh he’s probably going to average a he’s probably going to average less hits on the Sabers but will he fit in nicely with this bunch I think

A lot of players do he’s a rushing defenseman I think opportunity for him okay he feels like possibly he’s underachieved in his career but now he’ll get a shot to play with Dalene on some nights that’s a pretty huge step up for this guy cuz he wasn’t getting that shot

With ma over in Colorado he just wasn’t so what about now now he has a shot he has a shot for things to get better in his career it doesn’t get better than winning a Stanley Cup but I’m talking personally better you know so this is not a bad

Trade guys it’s a hockey trade we don’t we won’t know how this is going to work out till we see three years pass by till we see if we win more hockey games if this kind of trade next year if all the fans here are loving this guy next year and we’re

Winning more we’re going to forget pretty fast about Casey midad I’ll tell you right now anything to get these guys rolling again is all we care so can this possibly be a deal that does that possibly for sure this is a fourth overall pick in the NHL draft

This this guy was one of the future guys on their back end in col Colorado that was going to be there for 15 years I think most of their fans felt like a lot of their fans are up in the air about this some of them feel bad

That he’s gone so you know take it for what it is guys I think it’s a good hockey trade we get back another defenseman that we can use now who’s young and he’s not overpriced I’ll check that before I go he’s not overpriced if I’m R he’s under 4 million

Right let me just check that he is know it’s he has another year left and he’s at 3.85 cap hit it’s manageable guys more than manageable and hopefully has a better year next year with the sabes and he hopefully after next year we’re saying we got to keep this guy

That’s all I care or we got to trade him and if we have to trade him who’s not going to trade us for somebody like this I think it I think it’s a safe trade all the way around and I think Casey was going to want about 7 million

Bucks I got a feeling that’s what was going on I don’t have any evidence to back that up but that’s just my feeling is that he’s looking at what cousins is making and all these other guys are making and he wants to make the same and

The truth is I can’t blame him I can’t the last year of his career full year calendar year cuz he he was solid down the stretch last year really the second half of last season and all of this year he’s been solid so hey I’ll be cheering for Casey to win

The Stanley Cup if Colorado’s in it all the way so that’s it guys done for this one uh as for the uh pregame I just got in just got changed I’ll see you in the post game after the Sabers hopefully spank the leavs in that game tonight if

They don’t I’ll be there to report it so we’ll talk about it tonight so I give this a b question mark in trade I don’t know we’ll have to see how this pans out see you later guys [Applause]

Sabres get aggressive before Friday’s deadline and trade Casey Mittelstadt straight up for Bowen Byram in a one for one old school hockey trade..thanks for watching 😎
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‘Khatchaturian Sabre Dance’ was licensed and purchased from Audio Micro (License #U269T3409)


  1. To me Mittelstadt didn't play well until March/April 2023. Not sure it's a big loss. Let's move some of this dead weight. Players who aren't helping us get to the next level. Fans don't be concerned about what he does in Colorado. The point is he didn't do very much here. Sabres should be looking for high compete players who play hard every night whether they're in a contract year or not.

  2. I do agree Krebs needs a chance off the 4th line. He has speed and he is a pest but I think he's wasted where he can't make plays or grow.

  3. Another good move ,I mean I get it that's a good trade this guy keeps us young Go get the cup Casey the Fla. PANTHERSaint messing around this year I see a bone crushing rematch ,who knows maybe Casey will help the Aves get more silver tough loss tonight ,I think if Buffalo were to pick up a Terasrnko we'd be in the playoffs ,om expecting Kevyn to go for it next year ,we have a goalie now ,theese are the days of growing pains thus off season better be an epic 1 go get that piece we need ,not Hall Kevyn is smart were gonna be like ooooooo ya great move Kev great move next year folks

  4. We got faster on defense. Hopefully they can find some chemistry. Now find some size and grit at forward. Keep going Adams. Still a lot of work to do.

  5. I think Adams had Krebs tried higher up to see if it would be worth the trade. Krebs didn't score, but you saw the start of something good. I like the trade because Dahlin preferred the right side until hitting the NHL and he went back and made Sammy look amazing. I think letting Byram pair with Dahlin and Power with Joker will be good moving forward. Yes it means we pay Sammy for bottom pair, but him with Clifton when healthy is just a meat grinder pairing that can fuck up a teams top line.

  6. As of right now, I believe that Peyton Krebs won this trade. He now has a chance to move into that 3rd line Center spot and get a REAL shot at finding his game!

    I’m by no means making a one-for-one comparison here, but the style of play, his grit and his potential skill wise, he could get a chance to develop into a junior version of Michael Peca.

  7. it's what needed to be done, mitts was going to cost too much, we just have too many prospects that need a spot to show what they can do, krebs i feel can fill into the same role that mitts played in. we improved our d core, bowen instantly becomes our third best defender and we create much needed space. the avs got exatcly what they needed as well, if you go into any avs message board you will see they are begging for that 2c and i believe mitts can fill that role well on a cup contender, this is a great trade that both teams are hurting by what they gave up but it had to be done

  8. I agree.. this looks like a trade where at the end of the day… niether team will call themselves losers… Casey was just finally coming into his own… and if he can stay healthy… Byram could really take the next step and this be good for both… also opens forward spots for some of those young guns in the next year….

  9. Time will tell, but when I first heard about this…I considered Colorado as the winner of this. Mitts used to miss games every year due to injury, so last season was his first to play a full season without injury. Byram his hitting has gone down and that is likely due to his concussions, but Mitts never hits at all. After some thought about the bigger picture and seeing we needed to let go of atleast 1 (need atleast 1 more) so we can bring up the prospects we have been grooming in Kulich, Savoie, Rosen, etc. instead of losing them.

  10. Avs needed a Top 6 young Center Sabres need to solidify the Top 4 D for years to come. But it will be another Logjam. Dahls Power RJ Sammy Clifton Joki and Bo. Someone may have to be Traded. Sabres good at center for a while. Ya Got Savoie Ostlund and Wahlberg and a few others. Now to formulate the Bottom 6.

  11. 'Franchise reborn' ?? I doubt it … this has been the Sabres mantra for 13 straight years , good players come and sink on the Sabres then resurface when traded and excel to their potential … trade ownership and management for a winning 'off-ice' team if you want a franchise rebirth

  12. As a Avs fan, I think Buffalo won the deal.
    You are getting an electric player in Byram who was as important to the Avs as Makar during the Stanley Cup run.
    Barring injury, Byram might become your best defensemen in a few years.
    As an outsider, I don't understand why the Sabres promote Okposo at the expense of developing younger higher ceiling players. Is this driven by ownership, management or coaches? Strange

  13. Finally the defense is addressed. I like this trade for buffalo. The defense can be a threat for a decade, just need coach to lead them in the right direction

  14. Dude, this team has shaped its roster to the point that I’m becoming a fan. That defense is sick with Dahlin leading the charge. Benson is also a special talent.

  15. It'll be interesting to see how Mitts fares in the big, bad western conf. He might actually be asked to throw a hit or two for Denver. The pressure on him there will be high.

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