@Boston Bruins

Bruins Need a Lot of Help in the 3rd Period | Pucks with Haggs

Bruins Need a Lot of Help in the 3rd Period | Pucks with Haggs

It would be a franchise history first for them to resign to brusk yeah it’s not going to happen like well under swe’s leadership absolutely I think when it gets to this point and the guy’s a free agent under Don Sweeney he’s gone and I think we Shelli yeah

Yeah and we’ve seen that happen multiple times since Sweeny took over that like if there’s not any chatter going on if there’s not any talk going on if there’s a wide Gap at this point especially with a player like that where they’re going to have to Pony up a lot of cash for

It’s not going to Happen welcome to another edition of the pucks with hags podcast welcome as always I am your host uh Joe Hagerty and I am powered by prize pick the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the clns network you can find my work at Joe hager. sub get a premium

Membership and you get all my Bruins and NHL content uh sent St directly to your inbox I also file columns for Boston Sports after every single Bruins game uh with me today uh as usual my friend and colleague Mick kagio Mick let everybody know where they can see your

Work uh I do the right the seasonal issues for the hockey news uh future watch uh money and power yearbook I do the Brewing section for those um in between all that I Blog on on homegame nights at rank and um and I write a Sunday column for Boston hockey yeah uh thanks also to our sponsor uh prize picks the largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America and the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports uh instead of battling thousands of other players that could be Pros or sharks you simply pick

More or less than on two to six player stat projections and watch the winnings roll right in uh for example last night uh Conor McDavid you could have done more or less uh like say six shots on net uh or one assist or whatever and he

Had seven shots on net led the team even though I thought he was very passive uh player for the most part he’s trying to set other guys up instead looking for his own offense and I think it was I thought it was noticeable but it like speaks to the greatness of McDavid that

He still LED them with seven shots on net even though I thought he was playing that way and he ends up with assists on both both of the goals for Edmonton but getting back to the point you can pick more or less on the stats for each

Individual player um you know you could go David poern neck shots on net goals you could go Charlie McAvoy with block shots or some other category hits all that stuff uh but it’s fun and pretty simple download the prize pick app today and use the code clns for a first

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Talking about the Bruins game last night and I think we just have to start with how it ended um another another third period blown lead late with the goalie pulled in a situation where they had a defensive Zone faceof uh and they you know couldn’t get the puck out uh the

Edmonton clearly had a set play they had all their best players out there ready and rested to go uh and once again the Bruins were exposed for a situation that’s happened way too many times this year and I think at a certain point when it happens over and over again you have

To admit that there are certain things that are problematic for the Bruins on this team in those situations and you’re going to face those situations a lot in the playoffs and if you’re giving it up a lot in the regular season and the same problems are cropping up over and over

Again with the current cast of characters it’s going to happen in the playoffs as well and it’s going to be the reason where they why they end up losing uh and the reason behind their demise uh in the postseason just your thoughts on on what you saw because I

You know there’s a lot of different ways you could break it down obviously omark took uh accountability and blame he said for freezing that puck uh when he had time to maybe keep the the the play going and keep things rolling and not you know stop to get a face off in his

Own Zone I think that is definitely one uh sort of choice you can look at and one thing you can break down there’s Charlie Coyle losing the defensive Zone faceof which we’ve seen him and zaka both lose uh draws in the defensive Zone leading to these issues and then there’s

Just the lack of ability to hold strong in front of the net yes you could say Zack kman tripped Brandon Carlo but it’s just a bad look at the end of that play when Carlo is flat on his back in front of the net after the melee in front and

Dry Sidle got there to get a stick on the puck that m David throws at the net so you know there there’s I think a bit a bunch of different elements uh to this Bruins team that we see crop up over and over again in these situations uh that

Are problematic and need to be addressed changed or it’s going to be the reason they lose in the postseason um it’s it’s going to be objectionable to management for us to sit here and say that when they held that team to one goal in 60 minutes doesn’t matter Mick

You’re going to play good team but you’re going to play good teams and good players in the playoffs every single night that are going to be able to make plays and you need to be able to stop them and they have not shown an ability to do that in the crunch time

Situations they can object all they want like Lena alark was trying to say it was coincidence that keeps hitting them in the third period late uh last night I think that’s ridiculous to say that like ially they maybe have to think that but like what I see that’s right

That’s think that I a fragile team in those situations that’s waiting for something bad to happen because the bad things have happened to them over and over again a lot in those situations and I think they have no confidence in those situations and there’s reasons behind it

Um I think that that’s that’s fair at this point to assert that and I’m not disagreeing with you I said what I said as a preface to this as much as I really love Brandon Carlos overall game yeah and what he brings on a night toight basis and is in the consistency with

Which he has performed during a year where there’s been so much that’s been up and down in and out upside down sideways I just feel like he’s been a rock back there yep and I say that as a preface to this on both goals he was

Laying on his back I know at the end of the play and I think that there’s a certain point it’s one thing when it’s a 18-year-old rookie Winger who can’t keep his feet in any Puck battle along the boards and and uh you’re screaming at

Him to stay on his feet and keep on battling and and uh and even at his Advanced AG now Jake D brus is way too often picking himself up off the ice after you know going stick on stick with another player yep and and almost like

It’s some sort of safety out you know it shows I battled or something you know I don’t know but it’s it just gets it gets tiring to look at and um and I feel like there’s got to be a next level for a a

Guy like that when I look when I look at Carlo I’m thinking that’s not how I like to think of Carlo but on both goals last night that’s where he was literally stretched out on his back doing snow angels and uh and and uh I I don’t care how you got there

Um and that’s where I think the translates to the playoffs because in the playoffs you’ll get there illegally a lot of times and you got to make sure that you’re the guy who puts them down and if you’re in the Box you’re in the box but you’re the guy who put them on

Their ass allout Warfare in front of the net situation in the playoffs and you just have to be dirty mean nasty find a way to right make the play and hold off the other team and you know make it nasty and unpleasant for them to be

There and you got be that guy you got hman is amazing yeah I agree I love Hyman but I it’s an unfair comparison because he’s one of the you know he’s the greatest defensive defenseman of his era he’s a Hall of Famer but like zidan oara how many times

Did we ever see him on his back in situations like that never you would never see that the other guys would be on their backs they’d be getting thrown away from the front of the net they’d be getting cleared out they would be uh regretting their their choice to go hard

To the net like Leon dry cidal would never be in a position to make that play last night that he did if Char is net front uh in that kind of a situation and there’s noo I don’t think of boy Chuck or Seidenberg that way either right I

Just feel like that ain’t happening with that group right I I agree and I think they need to find somebody that can that can be that guy and and help in that area at least add another body that’s willing uh right because ly Holm is also

Prone to to play kind of like Carlo plays in those situations and and be kind of a I mean Carlo does a good job sending you know as far as boxing out from a technical standpoint but when you play an extraordinary player or a player who’s going to bend the rules because of

The compete level that comes with the playoffs and we saw a shadow of that when youever you’re playing Heyman you’re kind of getting a shadow foreshadow of what the playoffs are like to play against anybody it’s kind of like their Martian almost you know and

So so uh this is where this is where they got to be sturdier I agree um and I think that’s something that’s a no-brainer that they have to get in the playoffs but I think that’s just one element of it and let’s break down a couple of them football

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Easy lenus Mark was another one um where he when he froze the puck I I do think that was probably the wrong play in that situation and I understand part of the reason he’s taking accountability here is because they feel like if they get dzone face off something bad’s gonna

Happen and that’s a bad that’s a bad mentality or that’s a bad sign too that I think they feel that way where they would rather you know keep a play going then freeze a puck because they don’t know and they don’t like what’s going to happen when they freeze the puck as far

As faceoffs go uh but this is what uh omark said after the game the feelings afterwards feels more like a playoff game because it felt like we had it slipped out of our hands in that final minute I mean I’ve got to take ownership to it as well there’s no reason for me

To freeze that puck if I or I in uh there’s no reason to freeze that puck could keep it rolling and maybe turn it around and score an empty neter and I I think this is this speaks to the mentality they have right now in those situations where they don’t want to get

Into dzone faceoffs um in in those situations Mick and they’re kind of afraid that something bad is going to happen there and that’s a bad mentality to have but it’s also you know omark I think needs to he has shown a propensity in crunchtime situations in pressure

Situations to make the wrong choice uh to make either to try to play the puck when he shouldn’t to get over in active in the net when he should be calm and and playing technique uh to not freeze you know to to to to avoid aoid flashback of Grizz

Going back on that puck with kachuk in overtime and and uh elar kind of half getting involved but not getting involved there were several plays like that in the playoffs against Florida there were several plays like that where he did do that he was too hyperactive

And he was moving around instead of like doing what he did during the regular season and I think the fact that he’s second guessing himself and that he knows that he probably should have played the puck there instead of freezing it it it tells you sort of

Where he’s at too mentally which I don’t think is a great place in crunchtime situations either which is not a good sign yeah I don’t know I I mean I feel like he bailed them out so many times that that I you know going back again you know here we are

Talking about this this way about omark and and unfortunately this is what happens when you have really really good but you don’t have great and you get left at the altar you tend to re focus on what was the distance between you and in glory and uh and that’s that’s a

That’s a tough results business when you’re doing that and and uh I don’t know if I’m ready to string together all of that data and and kind of say yeah this is like that this means it’s all one thing and it’s somewhere in his head um yeah possibly but I also feel like

His performances have been so good over over the last two years especially last season that that the playoffs that’s talk I feel like I feel like I still feel like there was an injury there that they didn’t properly manage yeah maybe I maybe there was but I think he was playing totally

Differently and you know you can make the argument that you play differently when you’re injured whatever but I I I’ve seen enough of him in certain situations and there was enough Illusions if you remember Mick um to mental the mental grind with players and the wear and tear mentally on players uh

As much as physically in the playoffs or more as than physically in the playoffs um that I think that was talking about allmark and I think there were concerns about how the mental pressure was getting to him and that’s why he was playing differently and I think that is

Is much more in my mind a consideration and a problem and an issue to pay attention to with him um is how he responds to pressure mentally in in big-time pressure situations because he was brilliant for most of that game last night the part of the reason they had a

One a big part of the reason they had a one goal lead at the end of that game is because he was very good he made a bunch of great saves he was excellent in that game I had no issues with the way that he played at all and even on the

Gamewinner like I I think that shot from dry cidal it was a great play from McDavid dry cadle and I think the puck hit Carlos stick so you know so in fact I think I might have even been going wide to the right post right deflect

Down it deflected for right so they were mitigating circumstances even on the OT goal so I’ve like for almost the entire time how omark played but I just think there’s starting to be a case built that in pressure situations sometimes he makes mental mistakes sometimes he does things out of

Character sometimes he doesn’t look like the same guy that he is almost you know 99% of the time uh when the pressure mounts and when something big happens and if you look at the playoff those are the snapshots in my head as well when I see what stands between him and the

Prize when we get to the point where the games are the biggest ones of the year um does that but I also remember I have a sour taste in my mouth about all the people who judged tarasque for situations that I thought were outside his control that that uh I felt like

Overlooked what he did to get them where they were as though it was some sort of guarantee that he would walk away and leave them at the altar and and and I I’m not ready to think about alark that way as a career Legacy um but I do

Understand where you’re coming from and get a get a you know I I get I see those snapshots myself I mean um you know and I feel like um and I feel like Jeremy swan has done enough this year to be the guy yeah you know I agree I agree with

That if I was pressing the buttons all mark would be on the table right now yeah and I think that’s you know that’s another part of sort of the blame pie that we talk about with what happened last night the other one is is the defensive Zone faceoffs Charlie Coyle

Just loses the faceoff clean to Leon dry saddle goes right out to the point um play gets puck gets over to Conor McDavid he throws it at the Net game over um and and the you know there was a the the Oilers players the best players

Were well rested because allar had to go to the bench and have his equipment looked at so there was a long delay even before that faceof happened uh so it really kind of amounted to a bad situation for the Bruins but I think you know and Coyle I think has been their

Best Faceoff guy he wins some of those faceoffs like he wasn’t the only guy he’s the only guy that you count on in those situations right now uh in the faceoffs uh you got go right you gota go right Circle left Circle and and that’s the problem that

They have had been having with zaka uh you know because he he even though he he was seven of 12 last night and coil’s eight of 18 you’re not going up against the same guy so so uh Coyle took more faceoffs but he didn’t have a great night he was

44.4% um so yeah that’s that’s and that’s a big one to lose it is it’s it cost them the game um so I think with with Coyle he’s the only guy that you look at and say uh he has some semblance of winning for us he

Gives us the best chance to win these faceoffs um but I think he needs help I I I’ve I was very hesitant to say that they needed a Frontline Center uh very hesitant to say they needed a trade for somebody I’m starting to change that opinion right now because of what I’ve

Seen all year and and the mounting evidence of them losing too many faceoffs having too many centers that can’t win faceoffs having all these issues in the faceoff Circle where there’s too much pressure on Charlie Coyle to win every single one and he’s not Patrice berson in the faceoff circle

Like he’s and he can’t go and he can’t go on the rightwing circle from the offensive perspective so there there’s a lot of issues there as far as the faceoffs go and I think that they need to go out and they need to get a center the reports out there right now Chris

Johnston mentioned this yesterday the Vancouver Canucks are thinking about making a run or want to make a run at Jake gunel and in Pittsburgh and get a sniper on the wing and have like cooled on the idea of theas lyol as the center that they needed and will be looking to

Flip him to a third party now part of that is he’s got four goals six points and 15 games he’s a minus five he has not played well really uh you know he had a great first game which means he’s been hor horrible since the first week

Because the first what I’m saying yes that’s exactly what I was about to say he’s had a great first game and he’s been really rough since then so but if you look at his numbers Mick he’s won 58% of his draws since he went to Vancouver but he’s a right-hander like

Coyle they need a left shot face off I’m not saying don’t get lolm if you can actually buy low in this scenario absolutely do it because you’re getting the best player in the deal i’ take him over gel Tom yesterday but but uh but as

Far as um as far as what the team’s immediate need to solve this problem you’re zeroing in on they they need Thomas noek back that’s what they need no they do not need Tomas no no thank you but you got a but you need a left

Shot face off guy that’s what you need you and if he does nothing else for you you put him out in that situation but but you know what Mick they just need people that can win faceoffs Left Right don’t have Coy take the draw if if T if

If into this if allar is looking out uh to the um to the to the what the offense would call the right faceof Circle yeah so El mark looking out to his left you need a left-handed faceof man to draw the puck to the corner you don’t want

Him drawing it to the middle to the to the go mouth so coil doesn’t take those draws those are the ones Zach has been taken right so so they that’s why I’m saying you gotta have somebody you gotta also have a left shot guy and Martian I

Thought would be the option for this and I’m a little surprised that Monty hasn’t gone there more often but yes in that particular situation that you’re talking about yes but in general they have a bunch of guys that are in the 40 low 40 percentages uh for Faceoff wins they

Need people that can win faceoffs they need another Center that can win faceoffs Freddy was one out of four yeah and Elias lyol would be that guy and that would also allow you to put zaka on the wing which I feel like at times the Bruins want to do anyway and you could

Have another Frontline Center that you add to the mix here so I I’ve kind of changed uh my opinion on lyol especially where now if he’s being flipped from Vancouver you would expect that the price has dropped uh from what Vancouver paid Calgary uh and you wouldn’t have to

Pay as much of a premium for him so like aside from the left right thing uh your thoughts on Elias Lindholm uh yeah if you get an opportunity to put a guy who’s got such a h you know a y he’s a young Prime he’s he’s in in the young

Prime of his career you can expect that the next half going to be the best of his career he they they already know that this guy plays a very solid uh let’s go with the cliches 200 foot three Zone uh minute munching uh hard hard skills kind of a game um the Bruins

Desperately could use a guy like that in the middle to augment coil and now granted they had they did it all these years with berson and C both being right shots so this is no this is not a problem to add linol to that the only

Thing that they would need to do on top of that is identify somebody know the left shot who can win you a crucial dzone draw that Circle yeah doubt so that that would that would really go a long way to making me feel better about this team’s chances of winning one or

Two playoff series um I still want to see somebody who can uh add some Dennis the Menace to the for check and and and distract Puck retrievals I need to see that and um you know and still right at the top of my list is uh I’d like still

Feel like Charlie makoy needs a a shutdown I think that sturdy defenseman you’re looking for needs to be a left shot who can play with makoy he’s the game for him yeah and it that’s the number one priority still I think um but yeah I’d say so the problem though Mick

Is we’re starting to reel off three or four things that this team needs like that’s right and and that’s part of the issue uh with the the projections of this team in the playoffs where we think see them going in the postseason how much they can realistically get at the

Trade deadline given the assets they have the draft picks everything else like they’re not there’s too many holes in the Dyke and they’re not going to be able to plug them up with enough fingers uh to you know address every situation well that’s that’s why I’m in favor

Trading all Mark not because I don’t like them I love them I just I just feel like uh they gotta rob Peter to pay Paul here you got a bank account you don’t want to go into there’s a there’s a savings account you don’t want to dig

Into there well guess what uh sometimes your nest EG has to come into play in order to do something in the immediate if you really want to do it you otherwise just trying to swing for the fences with a Whiffle bat yeah no doubt

And I I think uh you know omark is part of it I I think Jake debrusk is certainly a consideration right now obviously you’d be you know weakening one area same thing uh in order to address other areas he’s gotta go I don’t care if he played played a great

Game the other night good good for him I’m happy for him I like him um but this situation I I it would be first and it would be a franchise history first for them to resign to brusk yeah it’s not going to happen like well under Sweeney’s leadership

Absolutely I think when it gets to this point and the guy’s a free agent under Don Sweeney he’s gone and I think we Shelli yeah yeah and we’ve seen that happen multiple times since Sweeney took over that like if there’s not any chatter going on if there’s not any talk

Going on if there’s a wide Gap at this point Point especially with a player like that where they’re going to have to Pony up a lot of cash for it’s not going to happen so I I do think that has to be a serious consideration trading him the

Problem being that you’re not going to be able to replace like when he’s at his best the dynamic skating scoring like all that stuff I’m not holding my breath for his best I haven’t seen enough of it over the last calendar year no um well I

Mean last year he was very strong but yeah towards the end of the year when he came back from injury I yeah I I I I’ve seen enough to think it could be there especially with a contract hanging in the balance and him in a contract year I think that’s a consideration that

There’s going to be money on the table with but but and and the fact that he’s a popular guy in the room but maybe that’s not such a bad thing to trade somebody like that and kind of have a shock to that system uh as well I don’t

Think that’s the worst thing in the world I agree I feel like the I feel like the room has been too too much of a priority with this team but I think allar and and uh and dubraska are the likely most likely candidates that have value that could get you something back

But also will clear up enough cap space for you to make some of these other moves that clearly have to happen so I think you know you are looking at hockey trades with this Boston Bruins team that they’re going to try to make or multiple moves with multip teams like it’s going

To be a lot of moving Parts in order to make all these things happen especially when you throw all marks no trade uh into the equation as well um you know I don’t want this to be all uh negative or all okay well that sort of makes Grizz

The cat the cat in the kitchen here we won’t call him the elephant he’s not big enough but but but Grizz let’s just assume Grizz is just plays good Grizz hockey going forward here why would we assume that though Mick he’s been inconsistent you know more bad than good

All year I don’t think he’s gonna be any better down the stretch I I think he has not looked great this year I don’t expect I’m not expecting anything from Grizzly would if you think that he can get over his bumps and be the consistent grizzli that we had

Known coming to this season yeah aside from the we’ll use the word propensity for injury in the playoffs because he plays against big mean guys and they hurt him that’s what happen they injure him uh is there a scenario where you would bring him back as a third pairing

Left shot defenseman at a lower salary than than is there a number that you would you would resign him at like like another three-year deal or you are you kind of done no I I think the writing is on the wall with him um that I don’t

Think he’s gonna be bad I just don’t I don’t either but I’m just I started toing with this in my head yesterday thinking I wonder if I I wonder if he would sign for less and that would make him a much better seven if he was gonna

Be a seventh defenseman maybe like if he went in think knowing that nothing was promised and he could come in and and play when they needed him to play and you know stay near stay and the place he’s always been and that was worth it

To him maybe you would do that for a much lower salary but I think he can still play and I think he should go somewhere where he’s going to be able to play and I just think the Bruins have finally come to the realization and the understanding that you’re not going to

Win in the playoffs if you have somebody that’s 58 175 170 pounds on your back end because they get injured because they get exploited defensively because you know if you’re trying to play him with Charlie McAvoy which is what grizzli and McAvoy really want he’s going to get taken advantage of in the

Defensive Zone because they’re going to be playing against really good players that are going to find ways to take advantage of the small guy in front of the net and I I just think that’s too much of an issue and too much of a liability if you have designs on being a

Playoff success and being a team that you know wants to win the cup and wants to win playoff series you can’t absolutely I think if I have to do this inhouse if I knew that I could not acquire a defenseman then wspoon would be my makoy partner

I would how I would roll the dice that way yeah and like you have that’s my point kind of is is you you’ve got lowai you’ve got Weatherspoon you’ve got younger guys that are bigger stronger uh I think more sort of like what you would look at as

The the assembly line of defenseman in the playoffs for good playoff teams and for winning playoffs teams you know over six feet over 200 pounds like sturdy guys and I you know they’ve he’s had a great run Grizz has had with the Bruins and unless you tried lyol with makoy and

Put lorai with Carlo yeah that would be only way that would be the only other way that I would consider not playing water spoon with with maab boy yeah and and I think they have looked at lorai and Carlo for sure and I think I I like

That as a pairing because I I you know I really like lorai I I know he’s get had some learning curve uh incidents uh especially earlier but I think he’s played better Lately by and large um and I think he he’s starting to get better and better with the experience that he’s

Getting and the confidence that he’s getting and understanding situationally and game management wise what he has to do do have Factor meals uh to help us out America’s number one ready to eat meal kit when it does get busy when it does get crazy when we

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Haags to get 50% off your first box you won’t be sorry if you go to factor meals it gets The Hags thumbs up seal of approval but as I was saying before I don’t want this to all be Doom and Gloom about the Bruins um even though they are

Approaching the NHL record for OT shootout losses they now have 15 the record is 18 and that speaks a lot to what’s been been going on in the third periods and how they play with the opponent pulling the goalie and all that stuff but let’s also talk a little bit

Just about the Toronto game uh solid win good effort um really their best game I think since the NHL Allstar break and oh yeah kind of a sign that you know they can still sort of turn it on when they want to and and send a message and just

Overall Mick 185 and8 the Boston Bruins against teams in the playoff structure uh this year very good record they play up to opponents they play well against the best teams a bunch of the teams that they played since the All-Star break were not in the playoff structure and

That’s where a lot of those losses came and I think you were seeing a team that just was a playing down and just not getting up for games where given the position they in given how hungry the other team was I think that’s a lot of

What had been going on uh over the last month so you know just your thoughts on their performance against Toronto how much you can read into that and the way that they’ve played against quality competition this year yeah I um they that was a terrific Road game it

Reminded me of their playing I know this is a different hockey team but going back to 2019 Conference Final at Carolina game four uh they were like the Game of Thrones white walkers they were just all over the Carolina Hurricanes in that game and they could not make a

Single play even in the third period when the game was Secure and the Bruins just were unrelenting in the in the checking all over the ice in this in the second effort the third effort this is the way they played against Vancouver when Vancouver came in they they had

That that the sticks were constantly active and they were cohesive and they were all Up Tempo and they were on the same exact wav Lane of of Rhythm and Tempo and and energy and and it’s kind of like Florida it’s kind of like Florida played against the

Bruins last year to be honest with you you got that feeling some of those games when they were playing against the Panthers that the Panthers had that going on they really did yeah of course they throw the body too but that but yeah and that but yeah that’s what I’m

Thinking really like they when the Bruins reach that that threshold where they’re at that that uh that checking best then their whole game goes way the heck up yep and uh I think Vancouver saw it in the first period and quit they were tired they had been on a good run I

Get it good team you go in there and you say like we ain’t winning tonight and everybody show have stretch down Toronto didn’t shut down they kept trying and the Bruins didn’t didn’t give them a chance it was really great to see the Bruins hold off a team that was trying

To push I think that’s been the hardest thing for the Bruins this year when they’re playing well is is to hold off teams when they’re making a push and Toronto tried to make that push and the Bruins didn’t let them last night scored the third period absolutely they

Definitely last night I don’t think of as a as an epic fail the way uh I W group that with a lot of these other otls where the Bruins were leading late and a team made a push and they couldn’t withstand it last night you playing the team with extraordinary skills second to

None in the league and somehow they pulled it out their butts and and uh they they’re you know and it’s going to happen once in a while against the team of them so I think of the last night more like one of their top efforts and

Uh it wasn’t as good as the Toronto game it certainly didn’t end as well but it but I just felt like uh the Toronto is sort of the model for their Road game that they need to play uh and I think you could say what they’re saying about

The Bruins about a lot of teams you know that that if everybody tries really really hard you know but for the prence it seems like uh it’s there’s a little like a fine line that they go over where the sticks are more active in there second third fourth efforts on

Possessions disruptions and and getting and making smaller plays going for Less we got the puck out of the Zone we got the puck behind the defenseman we’re making our change quick you know there’s just a little these increments of of compete that when group become takes on

Greater sum you know greater than the sum of its parts uh that’s the hockey that they need to play in order to stand a chance in the playoffs uh I think it’s in them and uh we haven’t seen them uh really turn it out that much uh which is

Amazing considering how good their record is relative to their T teams in the league but I a lot of the otls uh you know were were uh they didn’t they failed in that regard and I think in this game I didn’t see that failure I just saw adittion be great yeah I I

Don’t know I I think you can say you haven’t seen it yet from the Bruins but if you haven’t seen it yet at this point in the year it’s probably not there that’s my thinking um and I I look I give them credit because it was the

Second night of a backto back and they got in really late from Toronto right and Edmonton hadn’t played the night before so there were definitely circumstances where they should take some pride in the effort that they had because they had a one- nothing lead and they played smart good hockey hard

Hockey for you know 58 minutes of that game but the problem becomes when it’s the same mistakes that they’ve made over and over again the same lack of execution the same lack of ability to win a Faceoff to uh you know hold off the other team uh to to be steadfast and

And stout in front of the net like all the things that have been a problem consistently and chronically with this team in the third period holding out closing out those games and holding off the leads when it crops up again it takes everything you did in the first 58

Minutes minutes and it puts a sour note on at the end because it’s the same old problem that you’ve seen with this team and I think the same fragile mentality that we’ve started to see with this team in crunch time in those third period moments and it really takes away a lot

Of what you did in the first part even though you acknowledge that they did work really hard and that you know the effort was there and all that other stuff but like if the same things happen over and over again with this team I judge them on that and I say that’s who

They are I’m not going to assume that there’s this other level that they’re going to be able to get to that they haven’t shown us all year cuz I don’t think it’s there I think they have some things where they have to they have to make some additions they have to make

Some improvements to this team or I think what we’ve seen through the first like 60 or so four out of seven you’re not going to see it yeah you’re you’re GNA see in the playoffs like this is exactly what we’re going to see in the postseason similar to what we saw out of

Them against the Florida Panthers last year Well lot I think a lot I think most opponents don’t come back and beat the beat the Bruins last night I think I don’t I don’t think I don’t think very many teams in the league that win that game I mean they’re not a great OT

Team and I think every team every playoff team’s going to have they’re not going to have McDavid and M dry settle but they’re gonna have very good players that I think are going to make plays against you and have made plays against the Bruins in those situations all year

Here’s where I side Ed Oilers they haven’t played the Edmonton Oilers in every one of the 15 overtime losses uh and shootout losses that they’ve had this year that’s my point I don’t feel like I don’t feel like they played well in those games and and here’s the

Problem is I I I think they did play well in a lot of those games though they just didn’t play well when it mattered in the third period when they had to make a play well I think that’s because it’s not in their DNA to be physical and

I think that they will part of I think that that’s that’s why I want physical additions at the deadline I want that left shot defenseman to be physical and I don’t want it to be a bottom pair guy I want a a Winger who who hits hard on

The four check yeah I if you need Carlo to knock to to knock knock out Heyman before the possibility of getting tripped there happens I want that I want a defenseman whose DNA it is to make that kind of play yeah you know I don’t I don’t need to be ra rambunctious like

Gus but I but stur equality but somebody who is going to to be take assertive and aggressive and make those preemptive strikes instead of being the guy who is as physical as he needs to be because it’s not in his DNA y so I agree and

That’s why I want to see these additions so it’s more in their DNA so that they’re more preemptive and play the game that you’re talking about yep I agree and but I think uh you know that’s only one element of it as we just you know discussed and like there’s like a

Good three players they probably need to add at the deadline to properly address all the situations that they have right now which tells you that they’re missing quite a bit from this team there are some that’s why I was talking abouty thank you very Mick thank you very much

For joining us I appreciate it um thanks everybody for listening let’s thank prize picks uh the largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America and the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports instead of battling thousands of other players that could be Pros or sharks you simply pick more or

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Clns for a first deposit match of up to $100 pick more pick less it’s that easy Mick thank you very much for joining us today I appreciate it hopefully they can address some of these issues that we’re talking about passionately players yes that’s right yeah only they only need a whole new

Roster thank everybody else out there for listening uh we’ll see you at the Race

Joe Haggerty is joined by Mick Colageo on this episode of Pucks with Haggs as the Bruins return to their ways of old, blowing a late lead against Edmonton before losing in Overtime. Are there any trade deadline additions that could help right the ship and avoid these late-game losses? That, and much more!

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  1. It's beyond clear that with the NHL's worst draft capital, one of the NHL's worst Farm Systems, cap jail, the inability to retain salary due to the whole "cap jail" thing & a lousy farm system, that the Bruins won't be adding much, if anything, to their current roster at this year's NHL trade deadline.

    This is beyond obvious to anyone, except of course to Bruins Homer Nation, who all seem to think that Elias Lindholm or Noah Hannafin are going to get traded to Boston for Derek Forbort and a 2025 third round pick 🤣

    What's worse is when Don Sweeney doesn't do anything of real significance at this year's trade deadline, BECAUSE HE CANT, due to the fact that he's pissed away all of the Bruins assets to improve going back to 2017 chasing his next early round playoff choke or fail…..

    The local media around here is going to talk about what a "SMART" move it was by Don Sweeney to stand pat and what a "GENIUS" Sweeney was for not leveraging their future some more.

    Meanwhile back on Planet Reality when Don Sweeney doesn't do anything at this year's trade deadline, the real reason behind that will be that he pissed away all of the organization's assets at their disposal to improve.

    That fact, which is 100% a fact and not an opinion, won't stop Bruins Homer Nation and the local Boston media around from declaring Don Sweeney GM of the Year again🤣🤣, even after they fail to win more than 1 playoff round for what would now be the 8th time out of the last 9 years this upcoming post season.

    I know. I know Bruins Homers. Regular Season wins🤣🤣🤣

    My retort to that Regular Season Wins Nonsense:

    -Half the NHL makes the playoffs every year Bruins Homers, not being Buffalo isn't exactly a big win

    -The Bruins have the NHL's worst draft capital

    -The Bruins have one of the NHL's worst farm systems

    -The Bruins are in Cap Jail

    -The Bruins have failed to win more than 1 playoff round 7 of the past 8 years

    -Back to Back 1st round chokes these past two years after back to back 100+ point regular seasons including setting the NHL's all time regular season wins and points records last year

    So do you see (see above) Bruins Homers, what those Regular Season Wins mean and what they've actually led to?… A whole lot of nothing except this:

    -The Bruins have the NHL's worst draft capital

    -The Bruins have one of the NHL's worst farm systems

    -The Bruins are in Cap Jail

    -The Bruins have failed to win more than 1 playoff round 7 of the past 8 years

    But get Don Sweeney, Captain Regular Season Winning%, another GM of the Year Award. STAT!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. Pasta’s drop pass to no one in the ozone. Was a huge turn over. That caused the play that lead to the ultimate goal.

  3. Haggs great show you're finally coming around from being an Ulmark lover to finding out he's not mentally good enough they strike out with him again in the playoffs if they don't trade him I'm telling you right now

  4. Last night's 3rd Period was actually pretty good, until it wasn't at the end, when EDM got gifted a crap penalty and was able to start the intense pressure 3 mins before they pulled their goalie.

  5. Pasta has become the ultimate turnover machine. His goal scoring doesn't make up for the ones he causes.

  6. Listen to all pods. Good work boys. But Haggs. That word “Yup,” just kills me. Gotta switch it up and have a diff respond to questions and answers.

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