@Boston Bruins

Part 4 – 2024 Rolex 24 At Daytona | IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship

Part 4 – 2024 Rolex 24 At Daytona | IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship

But particularly Lucas head to me he said Alvin Springer made it very clear to me he says you race hard but if you touch another Porsche here’s an airline ticket go back home to Germany don’t even come back to the truck just go to the airport I have an open for you yeah

It was made incredibly clear race hard but do not hit another Porsche so it’s I think getting it from both angles there the top four cars now three Porsches and the leading Cadillac all down to the last energy P danani 10% 5% for janir 10% for Campbell 5% for Jimmy bruny who’s 25

Seconds off this Lead sh Adam they’ll be getting ready down in the pit Lan for the next set of GTP stops oh you think but no uh the pety guys are quite literally uh sitting relaxing on the pit wall now there’s some movement as B clavas are being put

On at the 85 JD seer sport porsa has just come in that is fuel and tires no driver change uh oh no wait there is a driver change I see a seat insert being held proudly into the air but I can’t see what color helmet it is oh it’s

Westy definitely got to be Westy uh and now all of a sudden the six Porsche Pensky crew has sprung into life I see movement down for pipo Dan although pipo has made a habit of just kind of Cruising Into the pit Lane under no power on zero% energy remaining uh and

We have medium tires again for most of these cars definitely for the 85 and definitely for the six I’m not close enough to the 31 for wh and Engineering to be able to tell you what they’re doing but for Poria it’s medium tires Shay Adam with the crowd strike

Pit report Jo Bradley Shay Adam and Nick Damon doing Yan’s work through the overnight hours Great interviews as well bringing real context to what goes on we talked so much Peter about the techn ology about sustainability about performance of the Machinery I always find the human

Stories of what I want to hear uh I I love when we hear Nick tandi so calm and collected he was a little bit he was a little bit knocked by Philip Manassa not helping him out early in that stint wasn’t he I just made a comment that

You’ve got to listen carefully to what’s being said and how it’s being said when our crowd strike piit reporters get the microphone under the nose of the drivers as they get out the car but there’s any driver who’s got a very thick skin it’s Nick Tandy grew up on short ovals If he

If he says oh is it like that is it okay then okay loged understood I’ll remember that that’s that’s that’s going on the spreadsheet for another time y uh let’s take a quick look we about to go into a pit stck cycle so here’s a VP racing

Update the top three within a second whan engineering Cadillac number 31 for Porsche Pensky Motorsport number Sixers and seven then another 25 seconds further back is Jimmy Broody Jordan Taylor for a moment is up into fifth position as Richard Westbrook and the jdc Miller Motorsport car is leaving

After their Pit Stop leader into the pit Lane we’ll go to that in a moment it’s Mal yakobson and Ryan DL three and a half seconds between those two battling in the all four and the 18 and the head of lmp2 Neil vagen has 23 seconds for

Paul Miller Racing over the Corvette of Nikki catsburg with David R on the Mover there in third place fi competiion in the 62 Ferrari and Daniel Morad by 13 seconds leads GD for Winward over alio Raa who’s pulled his way through to Second uh and he’s got the better part

Of 30 seconds over Scott Andrews for lar racing leading Porsches into the pit Lane Shay Adam four tires and a data stick exchange for this Porsche number number six from Pensky and oh a very near Collision leaving for the whan engineering Cadillac that delays them a brief moment meaning that the Porsche is

Able to get out ahead because the Cadillac had to check up the Acura of Wayne Taylor racing andred was the one coming in and had the right of way to get into its box that was Jordan Taylor handing over to Lou deletraz this is the lone Acura that is still in this fight

That was a change for the lead though on the pit stops when they cycle back through when everybody else comes into pit that means that the six now has the advantage now the question for me is as they were all so close Mt Campell had a

Pretty clear up has he being able to make use of that and will Porsche Pensky Motorsport potentially get that car out for track position he’s coming off turn four now here he comes into the pit Lane this came comes back to the last stop with the number seven Car Matt Campbell went

A lap longer so this is sort of on they’ve had the same length as stin but they they’re just a lap apart that’s ideal but my point is he had a clear clear lap while these guys are warming up their TIR sh Adam is watching Matt Campbell

What a brilliant stint this has been for the young Anan it’s not over yet John Matty’s staying aboard so once again Matt Campbell getting new tires he’s going to think it’s Christmas and that everybody loves him which well they do these ones are also mediums so Matt

Campell no longer a full season driver in this car this year it will belong to his last year teammate Felipe Nasser and D Cameron three times n the champion is Dame Cameron this is so impressive the work that they are able to do because not only did they get the tire change on

Licky split they now have the opportunity to clean up the windshield not giving him AAR off so clearly they don’t like him that much but they were able to check the brakes as well to make sure that everything was good and now let’s see where he Cycles back out he’s

Stuck at the pit lane speed limiter the leader is on the track at full speed it’s going to be tight I no sh I I I think I think this is going to be a another Porsche perfect pit stop for Porche Pensky Motorsport because the lead is only just coming off NASCAR turn

Four now Peter now I accept that there’s a bit of Tire warming to be done but the it’s Camp car is out he comes to the pit Lan speed limiter let me see him behind that wall I can see the head light shining on the wall here he comes getss

His foot down and he’s out he’s out and they both Porsches have jumped they came in 31 67 and they at the moment are 7631 but here comes jamy in the number six car he’s got his tires up to heat and I think he’s going to be on the back

Of his teammate Matt Campbell and number seven in by the end of this lap we’re going to have a three-way basically we’re going to have a three car fight for the lead here in GT look how slow it is for he’s just being big lock up for

Danan Aken sorry Jack Aken he’s just passed by the crowd strike car and there was contact between the two Porsche Porsche teammates coming out of turn five what have we just been saying was that yeah coming out to turn five oh dear our our replay crew will be looking back

At that I’m pretty certain that we he had contact front to rear between the two Porsches coming out of turn number five heading down the short shoot to the end of the infield section that’s interesting so the number seven of Matt Campbell came out of the pits well ahead

And is now back to third it’s just purely out of the tire warm-up cycle but oh it’s car six getting a penalty this is at least the third time this has happened failure to ad here to the control powert train parameters so all of that hard work by Nick tandi and

Subsequently by Mata Jamir they’ll come in straight away they’ve overused their energy that energy requirement between pit stops that is a massive penalty that’s at least three times now there was a drive-thru two stops in fact that might be that’s four times actually yeah and the number five proton competition cars

Had a penalty for the exactly the same thing same it’s only been pous hasn’t it yeah so well that’s how do what what can well Porche Pensky Motorsport will be doing everything they can to try and mitigate that and now it switches across the attention to the number seven of

Matt Campbell trying to chase Jack Aken who’s fresh into the car uh Matt Campbell onto his second stint in that machine and the gap or last they went over the line about 1.8 seconds between them and aen pulled out 4/10 of a second in sector one so Aken on the charge now

At the front and a mechanical Black Flag as well I’m hearing this is the it’s often called The Meatball flag the black flag with the orange dot in the middle and that’s Durk Müller for Ford multimatic uh immediately has to come into the pit Lane they’ve breached the

Tire regulations now have they put a wrong set of tires on that car I don’t might find that out they are in the pits now and there’s a new set of Michelin there but they were told they had to pit immediately so that’s either a wrong set

Of tires or wrong pressures in the tires let me check and tell you how long ago they were in the pits that might give us a little clue on that uh 65 Ford Mustang and that’s the better place to the it is yeah um Sixth and GTD Pro sorry my reset

Oops so so your race leader no dir M has been out there 20 22 laps so what have they done on that car that and that was immediately stop and repair Tire operational requirements wow well race leader number six mat jaman won’t be the race leader for much

Longer it’s got to come into the pit Lane go down to the Penalty Box and stopped there for 10 seconds uh jamire will stay out for another lap possibly another two laps he’s allowed to do that the reason I say that is look at the time 6 hours and 1

Minute to go they’ll stay out for Michel and uran C Point good point yeah good point so not only do they get the five points but they stopped the 31 of Jack Aken and the rest of the Cadillac team getting the Five Points who have who have scored well in the Michelin

Endurance Cup points so far throughout this race absolutely flat out through the trioval sun climbing steadily off towards the Coast it’s not going to be oh no is it going to be it will be the end of this lap it’s the end of the lap it is interesting that it seems to be the six car rather than the seven the two por pensy machines that it’s the six

That keeps getting this problem sh Adam with her first chance to have a look at the Smokey Corvette of Antonio garia that’s been worrying us through the night there was fire the back that car earlier sh I’ve got to think there’s some kind of fluid leage it smells awful

I mean it smells like when I tried to make a fork tender last week and that didn’t really work out very well or two weeks ago now I suppose um but there is still issue with the car there is fluid dripping dripping out of the bottom the imsa officials want uh the Corvette

Mechanics to take a closer look and they’re not coming over they’re not going to look at it them M Tech officials are saying there is fluid coming out of this car you should be concerned but the car is no longer actively on fire it’s just pouring out

White smoke uh and there are Trac of what was quite a big conflagration um looks like they’re changing a data stick while they’ve got the opportunity as well they have two full pressurized bottles of one fluid and a larger one of another into the side of the car there’s

This new GT3 is brilliant because you open the passenger side door and the fillers for the various fluids are there you put them in under pressure and that’s what they were doing but the back of the car was absolutely running with oil uh not just the rear end where the

Real light should have been but also down onto the diffuser underneath extraordinary here comes jaman for each drivethru tell it’s the number six even if you don’t know the colors because it’s got purple on the front he will stop for 10 seconds and those 10sec

Start now the official at the end of the pit Lane clicks the stopwatch trust stop 6 7 8 9 10 and off he goes oh that’s going to hurt that stinks that is going to hurt so now they’ll be praying for a a safety car now they will be absolutely praying for

It they will stay on the lead lap they will stay the lead Le lap and it’s a quick car we know that’s a quick car but if they if there’s a very long period of green flag running here then it’s a long uphill battle they they they need a full

Course yellow sooner rather than later sh Adam is looking at the fluid replenishment bottles there were three of them share two narrower than the third which was considerably larger what was what what drinks was that Corvette number three gety mobile one purely the best uh they’ve got the large bottle

Which is 20 quarts worth of engine oil uh they’ve got I believe those 20 quarts let me just spin them back around uh yep uh two quarts two quarts sorry um they had a second one that was engine oil and then they had one that was transmission

Fluid so yep the three bottles fully empty at this point the amazing thing about Corvette is that mobile one whove been the lubricant partner for a very long time not just for engine oil but transmission fluid greases Etc uh back in the GT leemon days mobile one offered

To build them design them a be sport or for that GT L Mona that’s been done that’s been done in the past they did it funny enough mobile one did it for the POR spider as well special oil yeah they used off the shelf oil you could have

Gone down the five I think it was the 5 W 40 or the Z w30 I can’t remember which way around it was fully synthetic of course developed oh three four de year to go now for used in the airline industry actually and it’s become standard for the highly stressed engines

Not just for racing cars for your street car as well and what what was just witnessed there in the pits that’s a great advert for that new Z6 GT3 as if it didn’t need any more demand because it shows you how serviceable it can be and how you can replace those fluids

Battle for the lead It is Well you don’t need a timing screen for this it’s a car length wh and Engineering Cadillac Jack Aken from Matt Campbell two great young Stars Neil jany now has moved up into third third place with that penalty for the number six

Once again overuse of energy by the number six car that’s uh dropped it down to fifth position but still on the lead lap we’ve still got six cars on the lead lap Richard Westbrook back on the lead lap for the moment but I oh no he has

Made his Pit Stop he started the Pit Stop Cycle so Westy back on the lead lap at some 56 seconds away from the lead so that yellow car is with it and the leader goes on the grass through the Kink Jack AK could with a tiny tiny

Mistake but put the right hand side Michelin into the dirt actually that wasn’t in the Kink that was uh they’re at the Kink now I thought he just drifted a tiny bit wide but he was coming down into the international horseshoe it wasn’t the mini Kink it was

The yeah just after the the little chicane between turns two and three often called the extra corner or the hidden corner now it couldn’t really be any closer unless Matt Campbell was leaning across and holding hands with p danani uh with Jack a excuse me it was the class leading number one

BMW that the leader of the race was trying to get through no it wasn’t it was the Kelly Moss number 92 car my apologies and who was at the wheel of that car Porsche Works driver Julian andlower really yeah helps to have friends out there yeah the

Leader in that category that I was talking about there the number one Paul Miller car is in the pit Lane for full service sh Adam will keep an eye on that will’ll steer with the lead battle at the moment it’s enthralling we’ve gone over the 18h hour

Mark we’re into the last third of the race sh Adam Paul Miller uh holding on to a really good position they have been sing the GT battle and they just got maximum points once again for the Michelin endurance cup sets twice in this race that they’ve accomplished that

Neil verhagen is out Madison snow has taken over they put scrub michelins on his car by the looks of it they didn’t look perfectly clean but it was a good stop from the PMR boys a newly minted BMW supported driver for 2024 now rated as

Gold out at the far end of the circle we can’t take our eyes off this for a moment how could you how could you now we are only about 12 minutes away from Johnny Palmer and Bruce Jones taking over so they’ll mess all of this up no they won’t have Fe a

Faith Johnny Johnny’s going to love this Johnny and Bruce are going to love this I’m looking forward to listening to them oh me too we can go another a breakfast and enjoy some yeah we going to go JN Palmer breakfast show yeah they’ve they’ve done the powered by sacred coffee overnight now it’s

The late breakfast almost into brunch actually the imagery here you can understand why filmmakers have been drawn to Motor Racing down through the years but there’s something extra special about the transitions from day to dark and from Darkness back into Dawn and daylight here comes the porser on

The upside of the track can’t get it done Jack Aken Wy determined defense by the Englishman goes right to the inside he’s going to make Matt Campbell go around the outside of the international horseshoe they’re still overlapping here ain’s got to give room that will give

The Insight of the Kink to the Porsche driver here’s the opportunity but this will will be very brave they almost touch coming through the king Peter McKai to my right closes his eyes and breathes out very heavily it’s not over yet switch to the outside now back to

The inside now the chasing driver can do that they can move around it could cause deep into turn six the leading driver cannot move in reaction to what’s going on behind him that would be termed as blocking it’s all fine at the moment it’s better than all fine it’s

Absolutely enthralling down to the leemon shicane oh underneath the yellow light for both now that’s getting a bit close it’s not the same sort of regulations that you would have I think that would have been okay in the UK or Europe Jeremy Shaw and I have had heated discussion about this down

Through the years but the simple rule is here racing room has to to be given you can make your move and stick with it so Jack wants to go to the inside at turn one he’ll go the inside and stick there here comes the porser again

CLE pipo durani mentioned in our um uh Michelin count down to Green that the Porsche had very good top end speed um and that’s actually evident just coming through the trioval just to that very peak of top speed that Campbell just appears to have an edge yes there’s a

Slipstream effect of course there is but that’s definitely a little bit of an edge there for the uh for the Porsche and remember Matt Campbell pulled an amazing move around the outside early on in the race oh got forced well down was there a second move there from aen ain’s

Going to claim he was pushing the lap they’ve both picked up a whole load of clag and rubbish on the Michelin tires I wouldn’t want to call that one I think that would have been harsh Jack knew what he was doing there he’s made one continuous was moved to the inside

But he did drive down underneath the double yellows no he’s a it’s a good job he’s in the car John cuz you said he was English he’s got a Scottish thistle on his helmet well uh yes British we’ll go sa British yeah I I’ll apologize to Jack later

On uh Far Eastern and Scottish Heritage yeah MH What flag has he got on his uh that’s a good question actually I’m not I think he has got you’re right he’s got the Union flag on there shall we breathe for a moment because M Campbell has just for

A moment drop back from this battle and we’re coming up to another clock hour with 8:00 looming let’s go down and take a crowd strike pit report indeed it’s an interview as sh has caught up with Yan Halen Yan you’re look exhausted how hard is this race because it seems like it

Really is a 24-hour Sprint well it’s extra hard because you know we just don’t have the pace you know so we’re we’re trying to stay on the lead lap or trying to get back on the lead lap it’s um yeah it’s been a really a really tough race um I really did not

See this coming um you know last week after all the testing I thought we were looking so good and yeah we’re just too uh we’re just too slow and um yeah I feel for you know I feel for all the guys we’ve all worked so hard and it’s

It just not happening right now is it more a game of survival at this point just trying to be there at the end while the others fall off well we’re like right now we’re trying to get back on the lead lap so that’s that’s that’s our

Number one priority right now and then I mean we’re going to need a tremendous amount of luck you know with strategy to uh to be in for a good result at the end but you know we don’t you know we we never give up but it’s not going to be

Easy I believe in you you can keep pushing out there l in your name after all with your father-in-law Charlie luck um given how difficult this race is what does that give you to work on going forward because it’s a full Endurance Championship this year for you and Adam

And Elliott yeah I have to say that I think as a team we’ve uh we’ve done a a really good job and the drivers Elliot Adam they’ve also uh they’ve done you know I feel like they they’ve outperformed outperformed themselves and uh Fred is on a job so it’s not um this

Is not something that we control we just got to stay in it and hope for a little bit of luck at the end well at least breakfast is here that’s a sunny side thanks again yeah looking forward to that sh Adam with that crowd strike pet

Report 1.1 seconds at the front of the field do a little mini VP update here and then another 40 seconds back to Neil Janny it’s maltha Jacobson and Ryan DL has dropped to 8 seconds in that battle for lmp2 the Z4 crowd St car from the 18

The blue of era Madison snore has Consolidated that lead since he took over ear Bamba in the number four Corvette is now 25 seconds behind and has gone back ahead of the 62 reei competi Ferrari those two having a craing cracking scrap easy for me to say

Uh Bamba now in that car and colardo took over from uh alesio re uh no it wasn’t alesio Rivera was it who was in before colardo doesn’t matter it’s carrying on with different drivers it was Daniel Sarah thank you shay uh and it’s a 19 second gap for the gtt battle

19 seconds in the favor of Winwood racing ahead of the trii all 23 and here’s the battle for the lead again side by side four the lead the Porsche leads over the line and this time it’s the right Porsche that helps out its bigger teammates unwi Ling I’m

Sure and the lead changes again Matt Campbell getting the draft over the trioval Peter mcai had spotted and noticed that additional speed Advantage now can Campbell pull away well that’s the question he’s been behind he’s been putting it under huge huge pressure and now there’s a great opportunity for Campbell to continue

This Mammoth double stint my stint of the day uh for sure just got played the traffic perfectly aim was a little bit unlucky and Campbell just took his opportunity exploit as his advantage and just again another little basketball screen style and goes through now thank

You again to to Tim Fook and and several others writing in Jack Aken has two flags on his uh on his suit he has the British flag and the South Korean flag because he’s got um a parent from from each so there you go that’s great we

Cleared it up thank you thank you very much let’s uh link up our Global broadcast centers one and two and say good morning once again to Bruce Jones and Johnny Palmer good morning Johnny hey John yeah this is uh really starting to wind up now isn’t it it’s

Funny you go away for a couple of hours and the tracks completely changed now it was still in full darkness when we handed back to you but we’ve mentally this feels like the home stretch now but there’s still just 15 minutes less than a sort of standard World Endurance Championship race to go

So plenty more of this narrative to be unfolding in front of us John and if we needed I don’t think we needed waking up for breakfast time but the front of the field and the battl in lmp2 uh up until that last Pit Stop uh has kept us going

And we’ve got a Corvette behind the wall ah this is the car that’s been smoking finally they decided to bring the number three car in uh this is uh Sims Alexander Sims behind the wheel and I wondered earlier on if it was some kind of Turbo pipe or Turbo seal that was

Leaking they’re having a look at that now it was quite worrying earlier on at JP lot of yelling going on there yelling and pointing never good um I find it amazing Johnny we’re only a year into the gtps and look at what we’re seeing at the head of the field and Paul Porche

With their customer cars as well doing what Porsche customer racing have always done you’re always going to get the uh success bleeding into a customer car that was effectively released at roughly the same time as the factory car and that was I suppose a danger for Porsche Pensky Motorsport um being up against

Some really established Sports guard teams and effectively having the same Machinery at their disposal and I mean it’s been fascinating to watch who’s got the upper hand in amongst the 963 alone yeah and por shensky Motorsport had been learning throughout the their wec campaign in 2023 as well didn’t start

Off well but they were definitely getting to grips with it in the latter races and it so feels like it’s continued on from last year’s imza season and indeed further a field around the world uh Bruce Jones is the second voice for the next few hours battles right throughout the field

Including uh for second and third in GTD Pro just going down the short shoot to turn six that’s Ferrari versus Corvette but seeing those four GTP Bruce from Porsche at the front of the field uh you don’t have well when you’re outage you don’t feel like you’re thinking back

Very far to some classic Porsche Encounters in Top Class racing down through the s you could safely say almost a couple of generations have been born since those Group C times John but uh no entirely so and I think it’s we knew when they announced that we’re going to

Automatically have um customer drivers with that with the program as they did with the 956 and 962s and the fact that the teams like jota last year got straight on the pace with them starred at Lam more real real Accolade for Porsche and long made they continue like

That one of the things we picked up Johnny before we came off 2 hours ago was the fact the number three Corvette was starting to steam and smoke around the track and under daylight we’ve seen it and now that car parked behind the wall being cleaned up Bruce Jones me

Johnny Palmer in the global broadcast Center and bringing us the crowd strike pit reports at exactly 8:00 in the morning is Shay Adam is it easier to sleep Russell when it is the car that you are driving the 57 wward racing Mercedes in the lead of the race or fighting for the lead

I mean that’s a tough question I mean you look it’s easier to sleep when you’re in the lead I mean this Mercedes AMG it loves the Clean Air that’s where it’s the fastest and you know Daniel Indie and Philip are doing an amazing job and you know look I’m getting a

Little bit of reminiscing I think we’ve been in this situation before a couple of years a couple of years ago and and hopefully it’ll go our way again yeah 2021 was a pretty good one for you guys um just thinking on the way that this

Race has unfolded so far is it kind of what you thought it would be with a little bit of chaos but a long green run lately you know it’s it it’s just it’s so it’s so similar to what we had in 2021 we got the Ferrari coming up our

Tail it looks fast you know but but I have fifth fath in our guys I mean we did it we did it before we got a well- Tred pit crew and and we’re just we’re hungry for it again we need another watch yeah definitely for sure and if

You guys want to know how hungry they are they brought Duncan in for their crew members I’m going to stock all the breakfast options and let you know Russell Ward from the 57 crew and uh it’s been going pretty well for those guys within

GTD over I was going to say the last few hours but really to Tau them all up and into the final quarter of the race they are exactly where they would like to be 17 and a bit seconds ahead of their nearest Rivals but they know that that

Can evaporate in the blink of an eye uh with a full course yellow or indeed with a kind of incident that number three Corvette are having to um sort of finally bite the bullet and say we’ve got to stop the car to sort this issue out and I’m now winding the clock back

To those hours of Darkness that the you and I covered between 2 and 6:00 this morning when I said is there a little bit of smoke coming out of that Corvette it was in the headlights of Daniel Sarah at the time of the 62 reei competi

Earing Ferrari I put it down to just a bit of ambient Mist I should have maybe stuck to my guns because there was clear cly something some fluid or I don’t know smoke trailing from the back of this Corvette and that’s now confirmed yeah I must confess I looked at it and thought

Much the same as you brilliant spot at the time cuz it was much easier just to admire the battle between the Corvette and the the Ferrari and the Ferrari was definitely gaining took quite a while to get by but at the previous pit stock number three Corvette the one where it

Stayed in the pit Lane certainly the imper officials are getting very very interested in what was going on and what was leaking out of the rear right hand corner and right now clearly that message has got through they are sorting it out but plummeting down the order it

Was uh running in the top four in GTD Pro and it’s not there any longer and in fact it’s hemorrhaging its Advantage the sister car however with ear Bamber on board the number four is 25 seconds down on uh the class leader which is Madison snow in the number one Paul Miller

Racing BMW James cardo in that number 62 ritzy competi Ferrari second in GTD Pro then o bber and then Michael Christensen car number 77 uh again running nicely but as others fall back others come forward so AO racing with Rex SE going well in the hands of the D but really

It’s Madison snow and the BMW for Paul Miller Racing number one on the door number one is the class position and that BMW also showing its battle scars with a chunk of the rear right bumper missing from the car that’s been gone for a while now maybe telling the tale

Of a a previous puncture but they’ll just be grateful for the car to be a bit lighter I suppose now running around without that body work that is not essential as per the regulations so the Madison snow driven number one BMW leads GTD Pro GTD we’ve already covered the 57

Win Ward Mercedes lmp2 it’s pet tropy depal driving the 52 car in lmp2 and although there was one lier that began that class in among otherwise an Ora 07 field The leier Faded fairly early on to leave us with a top three indeed top four and more with of just the oras

There but again 40 odd seconds so that’s one two cars on the lead La maybe even maybe three or four cars just about on the lead lap have to work that out 71 seconds between first and fourth so that is less than a lap time Bruce it is and

If you’re blinking if you weren’t paying attention quite late in the week it was I think Saturday morning or maybe Friday evening we got the announcement that Petro fittipaldi had a seat in this race with inter europ pole competition competition and uh that was because poor

Clement Novac had a little tumble in and around the pits and injured sort of injured a hip I think leg injury so one of those freak occurrences do you remember years ago before the start of the Lor 24 hours when Indian racer narrain Kayan decided he wanted a last

Minute visit to the WC vaulted over the pit wall and twisted his shoulder and that was that full dislocation iation I was trying to jump the pit wall yeah and um could not take the start of the race and the car still started didn’t it but just with two drivers just with two

Drivers guys 24 hours ahead do you want the good news I’ll give you the bad news first you’re going to be very busy 600 laps completed here at the 62 uh 62nd edition of the Rolex 24 at Daytona and Matt Campbell on lap 601 leads in portion number seven from

Pensky Motorsports so they’re 963 3 and 1 half seconds up the road from Jack Ain for whan engineering and their Cadillac series are also on that lead lap but 48 seconds further back down the road Neil JY so he has just ticked off lap 600 as has Mato Jamin in

The third of the Porsche 963 in that top four so por shensky Motorsport first and fourth they’re battling with the customer teams in proton competition Mustang sampling NE driven by Swiss driver Neil JY and he’s running in third position that’s quite an arm rle as well for you

Know the best Porsche rers to make it to the podium potentially there’s only 5 Seconds between those two cars as well Pensky will not like it to be beaten to a Podium finish by one of the customer Porsche programs now earlier we picked up a bit of smoke coming out of the back

Of the number three Corvette I’d like you to take a look when you can Johnny a different camera angle at the flank of the faf Motorsport McLaren I think the right rear corner is also emitting a little bit of something number nine car fantastic uh however I don’t think the

Steam maybe it’s just an angle maybe gone over a bit of bit of dirt or something but certainly something was coming out of the right rear that very Sleek looking McLaren all right keep my Eagle Eye on that we know about the 70 dramas with the battery that needed replacing and

That’s when the Inception car was right in the hunt for a cracking result but unfortunately the lengthy Pit Stop earlier on took it well out of contention it is running again number 1 McLaren 720s for Frederick shandorf but down in 14th position in GTD as the faf

Car comes down from The trioval Martin kofer driving this car and he’s 10th in GTD Pro actually uh not that far away from the other McLaren on the timing screen they’re 39th and 41st respectively yeah but it’s running perfectly good Pace I may have just had a bit of a full score

But good news that Shay Adam is sprinting down just to check it out cuz I know the crew taking over the faf Motorsport McLaren all the drivers are very very impressed with this uh bit of machinery and it does add a bit of variety in the field as well two

McLaren’s in the field but I feel there’s space for a few more in years to come so any good showing will definitely be well received Yeah the more the marriet to make the variety even greater we’re hearing from faf that it’s all fine and no misreadings or no erroneous

Coding on the electrics or anything on the Telemetry to be worried about either as also from sh I hear the number three car is returning to the racetrack so that is uh thankfully the dramas with the Alexander Sims Corvette uh hopefully solved the problem for those guys though

At pratton Miller is that they were leading the race they’ve been flirting certainly with a first or a second place finish and now it’s dropped to eighth place how quickly things change yeah and another figure I can throw you it’s between six and seven laps down as

Opposed to just about half a lap down as it was at the time but hopefully the fix is good there be no further problems with that corner of the car a brightening morning at the daytoner International Speedway but for some of the cars they are looking a

Little bit as though they’ve been in a battle just a little bit as though they’ve been running for I don’t know let’s say 18 hours or so which indeed they have they only nearly 18 and a half on the clock but at the moment with the

The the overtake a handful of laps go brilliant working of the traffic uh by Matt Campbell and unfortunately for Jack akkin he was lower down the banking and then suddenly found the Elliot skare um driving along mining his own business the chipart racing GTD Porsche but you know sometimes the

Traffic will be just where you don’t want it that was very much the case for Jack Akin but since then Jack has fallen back by uh nearly 4.3 seconds from Matt Campbell so the Australian is is escaping but the good news is for race fans all over watching this race is

There on n on identical energy consumption in fact Matt cell’s possibly got an extra lap over Jack Ain short while ago I’m fairly sure they were exactly on the same rate of energy usage and don’t forget not so long ago the number six pors that should have been

Right in the mix uh with Matti on board got pinged and penalized had to come in for a 10-second stop and go for overuse of energy this is something if you’re old school you won’t necessarily understand but if you just accept what we were saying they have a certain

Amount of energy they’re allowed to use it gets topped up at each pit stop then that’s fine yeah it starts at 100% it goes to zero if you go beneath that well hey it’s a mathematical impossibility but you can’t you you can’t call it entirely fuel these days as you have

Been able to do for decades and decades but fuel is essentially energy and when you run out of fuel the car stopped whereas these days they’re recycling the energy with the regen and the hybrid and blah blah and there’s only so much energy you can use through the hybrid as

Well and that’s governed very cleverly by the officials and by the monitoring systems by the electrical systems and once the energy goes the car stops that has not really changed it’s just that technology has sort of um got very very high spec um and we’ve seen it before in

The World Endurance Championship last year at Spar I mentioned this earlier on in our coverage that laurren vour mentioned the uh the dashboard went entirely black and the car responded no more and then it was out that was a Porsche pensy Motorsport 963 so so important that you know how much fuel is

In the tank and you know how much energy you still have to use really sounded like a sort of 1980s video game where it just went game over yeah entirely and and the more Awkward thing for the Belgian was that he was actually on Main on the main straight at

The time it that happened so he could have actually dived into the pitch chose not to and then powering out the chicane at spar sorry that’s it you’re out wow how decisive can it be you know when it’s a 50/50 decision doesn’t really matter oh it does matter which choice I

Made oh dear yeah especially at spa where you know there one of the longer tracks longer Grand Pre tracks of the world longest perhaps these days at 7 km so you were never going to get around there to complete another one and you know sports car racing is

Changing constantly and it’s just the latest thing that is set to potentially go against you however if you embrace it and weave it into the strategy then it’s just another hurdle to be jumped why it right back to the start of Group C Derek Bell absolutely hated what they had to

Do it was a fuel economy formula and to drive around I think he reckoned they were running five sometimes eight seconds off a potential lap pace of course we had whiffs of that in Formula 1 a handful of years ago it wasn’t edifying other manufacturers caught up

It all settled down but at the start of that formula it was a formula that saved top level sports car racing around the world once he got going but those early days he must have been thinking this is a giant step back I’m a racing driver

Not a tack driver fairly sure that’s one of the quotes he gave me at one point but uh it came good I think we could say not just for Derek but for a host of host of others and again back to the back to this notion of Porsche running

Works cars and customer cars they’re staying true to that today at the moment one of their Works cars the number seven is leading the race the sister car number six is down in fourth place after that very recent uh stop and go penalty 10 seconds at a stand still at pit exit

For overuse of energy and between them there’s another Porsche that’s the proton competition car car number five Neil deani at the wheel of that and then there’s that other car that’s been doing rather well through the course of the race the number 31 wheel and Engineering Cadillac and that’s got Jack

Aken on board at the moment he lost the lead to Matt Campbell who worked the traffic a little bit better but with each lap he’s just Fallen away a little bit more that said last lap he took half a second out of the race leader that’s

Where the traffic Falls in front of you but really when we came on in the middle of the night just before halfway point in the race the pors weren’t quite there they were back a little bit you definitely had um some really strong running from the two Cadillacs 31 and 01

But they were back in just outside the top three to and of course we had one of the Acura still there at the time the number 40 then we had the two BMWs there and then suddenly in really the space of an hour or so both of them hit trouble

And have fallen down the order to the tail of the GTP class which has the BMWs in seventh and eighth overall Maxine Martin is still nine laps down on the race leader has lost no further time since the delay for 25 and likewise 14 laps down is the sister car with Philip

In number 24 since their problems were fixed since it stopped for Dre vantour if you remember just before turn six they couldn’t get it going they towed it back the tow strap broke so the delay had to be put on a flat bed D fanto was

Taken out of the car went behind the wall we didn’t know how long it’s going to take but when it came out it hit the track and was suddenly fully on the pace so really really ging for not one but both of the works BMWs from Ray at Lanigan racing

Crew so important to have a fast race guy here but it has to be reliable as well and that’s often the difficult um balance that you have to strike and I hear what Derek Bell was saying when when you were chatting to him all those years ago to say I want to

Go as fast as I possibly can but you’ve also got to make sure the car makes the Finish as well and uh difficult to build a car that will do that and perform so consistently for 24 hours that’s the huge challenge of one of these events T driver Colin Brown 35 years old

Now and he is leading the lmp2 field for crowd strike with APR and leading by 8.4 seconds over Ryan Dell yeah but Ryan Dell is absolutely flying in the number 18 or and last lap took a second out of the class leader so era Motorsport the car is really hooked

Up and the Scott who about 3 hours ago was in second and third position in class or his car was is really flying in these early morning daylight hours let’s see what happens next time around but Colin brwn Brown leading the way uh in the 04 entry along with his teammate

George CTS Toby s and Malta yakobson but certainly right now Colin Brown doing a great job there but but deel is absolutely flying Petri 50 pound is trying to give Chase as well he’s matching the pace of Colin Brown but third overall in P2 at the moment the

Bright yellow and green the inter Euro uh competition car going through the lam more chicane at the back gosh really pressing on I love how Dynamic for some reason I find P2 cars actually look slightly more Dynamic than the prototypes in GTP possibly their Arrow isn’t quite as good but they really seem

To bounce over the curbs you can see the Bodywork shaking on the exit maybe they haven’t got as much downforce as the cars in GTP rather older design it must be said now the Orica 07 very effective if you can almost guarantee close racing of course we had that one interopa the

One lier brought back from the dead if you will hasn’t been raced for several years but the JS uh p217 Shan Cree Motorsport running that alas for them it’s not at the sharp end of the field it’s rather Fallen back and it’s been quite delayed car 33 494 Laps on uh yeah

Nearly best part of 100 laps down now so the problems have been manifold it feels like a more kind of bare bones way of prototype racing I mean these oras are all Al carry quite a lot of tech um but you can almost see the the car working

And how the air is keeping it glue to the road whereas with the styling cues of the various gtps that looks superb by the way but they they do rather create the car to be more on Rails perhaps whereas these oras you know it’s a visceral experience the very word that

Was uh popping onto my tongue it really does seem they’re having to work so much harder which I I guess they would if the arrow isn’t as advant it is on the cars in the GTP class and let’s face it all of those are more modern more recently

Designed than these P2 class leading cars I mean of course when lmp2 was pushed into its last iteration they were four permitted Constructors and yeah we had a liia in this race but uh have to scratch ahead and ask the sports car fans who were the two other

Manufacturers who won the right to build the cars yeah you get forgotten if you’re not on the track those of us the know will know who they were but you know it’s just it’s just one of those things Orica has just done a phenomenal job and um you look back for years they

Ran other cars and then they started building their own and it really has been fabulous and of course deeply involved with the um Ferrari 499 p and uh its uh return to Bringing Ferrari back to the top level of sports car racing so a fair degree of reward for

The French Constructor when it came to victory in the L more 24 hours on their home patch last year we should also remember that the those same form manufacturers are again present or perhaps will be present in the case of the Lamborghini in G in lmdh

Rules as well so for instance the Acura ARX 06 the 40 and the 10 cars in this race are based on an Ora chassis likewise the new Alpine for 2024 which is being built to lmdh rules the BMWs are delas underneath the skin of that m M hybrid V8 like the Cadillac multimatic

Building or helping to build the Porsche Pensky Motorsport cars and the Lamborghini fourth coming for 2024 that is a leier built chassis 2 so the same four that were allowed to build lmp2 cars on that rule reset a few years ago are also present in lmdh and a question of whichever chassis

Is chosen by each of the big manufacturers it’s got to be competitive and I suppose in this Championship run by imza it’s more imperative for them to make sure that everyone’s got a fair Shout at the big victories and indeed the small victories through the season 2024 right the gap between first and

Second is out to 6.9 seconds in the advantage of the number seven Porsche and the top cars are about to come in because their energy remaining is the race leader Matt Campbell’s got 10% left but behind him Jack aking just down to 5% mattio Jamin in third place

He’s just moved ahead of Neil Yanni 5% and the Swiss driver Yanni also 5% so uh Shay down in the pit Lane the crow strike pit Lane reporter is all set for a flurry of cars coming in with 5 hours and 20 minutes remaining and it’s all

Going to begin with the number six for porensky Motorsport this will be a driver change Matthew J getting out Laurence V taking over they are doing four new Michelin tires let’s see do they have the m on them no they don’t actually there is no Big M sticker on the side but that

Doesn’t mean that they’re not mediums uh if I got in there closer I probably could tell but I’m giving them a little bit of space cuz while they’re refueling it’s better to do that again a perfect stop from the crew getting all the work done well ahead of time of the fuel

Nozzle being removed from the car and now Larry is just waiting his crew member at the front of the car is pointing at him to say Hey you pay attention to me look at me I’ll tell you when to go as the 25 BMW comes in just a

Couple boxes up ahead that’s Maxim Marton be staying aboard that’s Lawrence VOR roaring back into life and a few pick boxes further down it is Jack Akin staying aboard the number 31 Wayland engineering Cadillac this is a four tire change they are doing sticker Michelin

And Fuel and now we on the wall for the number seven Matt Campbell will be getting out of this car because Felipe nassa is ready to take over they have tires that are marked M medium but of course now we are outside of the time when you can use the

Softs and just remind us Shay when that soft window if you like was open was that through the the evening hours and the night time yes I think the hard out was at 7 a.m. okay again I mean tires are hugely restricted in this race so much so that

Some Drive some teams chose not to run in some particular sessions in the early part of of the weekend if we can call Wednesday and Thursday part of a weekend um and yes you’ve got to work out which tires you’ll be using in the race full startop but also in these uh carefully

Prepared time slots as well so when Sunrise has happened no more soft tires sunrise at 7:15 this morning we’re now at 8:23 in the morning at Daytona leaving us with 5 hours and 18 minutes still to go pit stop for the number 40 Acura ARX 06 for Lou blra who’s just brought that

Car in and if Lou staying on board uh there was certainly a tear off being removed from the windc screen there Shay yeah there was in fuel and tires as well so Louie being treated very well down at wtr and Dre that car moving back into

Life and the P stop happening now for the number seven Pensky Porsche this one is taking full service as I mentioned the medium tires that have gone on the car windshield tear off for Felipe Nasser and I’m going to have to climb over the wall and get a chat with Matt

Campbell cuz that was well that was a beautiful stint to start off a Sunday morning yeah we’ll look forward to that as part of our crowd strike pit reports in a moment or two give Matt a chance just to catch his breath as the fuel’s now going into the other Porsche Pensky

Motorsport car so the seven still in the pits the six is back on the move for Lawrence vanor l staying at the wheel of the number 40 Acura for Wayne Taylor racing with andreti so he will now be able to see where he’s going with h all of that

Detritus removed from the windshield Jack Akin installed remaining on board for yet another stint in the Cadillac Neil J is staying exactly where he is too in the number five proton competition Mustang sampling 963 so that will leave Cadillac lead remember the seven m Campell Porsche remains in the pit so it’s Cadillac

Porsche Acura after the recent um wind around for the pit stops actually no it’s not so so despite Campbell and Campbell’s Porsche being in the pits it’s retained the race lead and the Gap is now 40 seconds so out laap for Felipe nasza no tire warmers though

Remember so take him a bit of time to get back up to full speed and it looks like the net result is 51 seconds the gap between nazza and Jack Ain Bruce waiting watching I was just taking a look at other factors that may affect the outcome of this race and it’s a

Beautiful morning at Daytona broken Cloud but blue sky has been spotted so hopefully we will have a run of fair weather through to the end of this race but sometimes you can focus so much on the TAC and what’s moving around on it you don’t look up to check out on the

Sky but suddenly as happens in races with a large number of cars you can have people running on their own and suddenly just have great gaggles of car and importantly for Philip Philip pazza there’s a quartet of GTD cars he’s got pass them and he’s now left them in his

Wake he doesn’t have to worry and he can concentrate on what you were just talking about that crucial element of getting the new set of tires up to temperature to get the grip you require uh to proceed at the pace you really choose so uh that was fortunate there’s

Nothing worse for a GTP driver than coming out and finding a load of cars where he wants for the F you know going through turns well obviously turn one you emerge on the track between there and turn two but you want to get out of turn six and move up onto the banking

With no one ahead get that GeForce and all that loading into your tires to get the heat in still waiting for Filipe nazza to come around to complete the lap but uh mid um sector gaps between nazza and eight can indicate is about 9 seconds I know on

Our graphic we’ve got 40.3 but that should come down to closer to 9 seconds maybe even 8 and a half so it’s much much tighter there we go confirmation as Jack Akin crosses the line that Gap has been uh sliced down to to 8.6 which is

Pretty much where it was prior to those SP pit stops give or take give or take a couple of seconds it was around 6 and 1/2 seconds when they came in so a little bit of traffic could uh either boost that or reduce it but Jack 8kin

Picking his way past the number 23 heart of racing entry pulling clear of that no problem whatsoever that’s in the GTD Pro class the has to marting Vantage and of course a new Vantage for 2024 uh you stand in the distance you can’t spot it too much but move close

But hey good work because great work from Matthew Campbell but he’s been caught by Shay won letting get away so let’s hear what our race leader had to say he’s no longer the race leader but his car is still leading the number seven Porsche yeah he’s fast on the

Track but not fast enough to run away from me guys back Campbell how badly did you want to lead this race yeah I mean uh I think for us you know we want to be at the front we want to be leading this race and controlling it uh running our

Own race uh obviously we’ve we’ve LED quite a lot of the night uh and now in the daytime taking it back so uh pretty comfortable with the car uh close fighting there with the 31 so uh I think it’ll be really exciting last sort of 5

And a half hours has it felt like the energy is ramped up for you guys inside the car because watching it it seems very consistent that it’s been elbows out the whole time I mean yeah I think it’s pretty consistent at the moment I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily easy at

The moment uh I feel like everyone is really struggling with the same things on track between all the GTP cars so uh it’s definitely a struggle out there to be able to uh you know look after the tire and and manage your own pace um but

In saying that you know still a long way to go and you know we’re in a good position so we we’re where we want to be as it continues to heat up throughout the day do you think you’ll see more drivers doing single stance toward the

End of the race I mean might we see you back in the car again yeah I I’ll definitely be in the car another couple of times um I think for us the double stance are working quite well um so no real issue there we feel quite

Comfortable in the car um it’s a little bit warm but I think it’s okay and it’s not looking like it’s going to be too extremely hot today thanks M it was good to see your lead out there thank you m Campbell has been Victorious here

At Daytona a couple of years ago when he ran in the faf motor sport Porsche 911 gt3r that was within GTD Pro he shared the car with mat jam and Philip nazza at the time so has got a Rolex in his possession but it’s not quite the same as winning the race out

And he is in that lineup from car number seven right now that does lead with nazer as well uh yes as it happens but just just a thought as felip nazza leads around if it hadn’t been for the most recent stop and go penalty for the sister car the number six Porsche Pensky

Motorsport 963 now driven by Lawrence vour we’d have a three-way battle with the top three covered cars covered by 10 seconds the gap between first and second between nazer and Jack Akins Cadillac is increasing it’s out to 9.1 seconds but it really do really feel Hill for Lawrence vantour and the Gang including

Nick Tandy uh in that number six Porsche been right in the mix in that works car this would be hugely exciting but you know what who knows who else is going to pick up a penalty but porensky Motorsport will be uh reading out of the radio Airwaves just to remind you here

Here are the rules on exceeding energy usage do not go go for that so mattio jam was a driver who had to serve the penalty he’s since handed over the number six to Lauren vour but they all know about it and it wasn’t that C’s first defense and of course Kevin estro

Was the other driver in that quartet and in terms of lap Pace at the moment the number Lawrence vour in the number six Porsches just managed 1 minute 37.8 but Felipe nazza last lap 1 minute 36.5 maybe traffic clear but the Brazilian that is why he’s escaping now

He’s 10 and a half seconds in fact clear at the top of the field so much better lap for him than it was for the car in second place the car of Jack Ain that wheel and Engineering Cadillac great lap from Albert Costa who is now driving the number 34 Conquest

Racing Ferrari 296 that’s the best lap in GTD that we’ve had all race a 14625 from the Spaniard he’s running around in eighth position so easy to miss that for Conquest who clearly have a quick Ferrari they just haven’t had the luck necessarily in 2024 and two retirements that we’ve now

Had confirmed by race control in the last 5 minutes they’re both from the same team the two AWA Chevrolet Corvettes Thomas Merill was driving the number 17 most recently and Alex lind’s car has been out of the race for quite some time now car number 13 so both of the privately run Chevy

Corvettes are now officially retired that announced at 825 so 6 minutes ago and uh as we’ve just ticked around past the bottom of the hour at 8:31 we can give you a VP in race update so phelipe nassa leads in the number seven Porsche Pensky Motorsport 963 by 12 seconds over Jack

Atkins whing engineering Cadillac vs series R number 31 it’s the number six laurren vantor driven Porsche Pensky Motorsport 963 in third so that team Roger Pensky outfit running first and third now and crucially for them more importantly for them outpacing the privateer gtps in lmp2 it’s crowd strike racing by

APR orer of Colin Brown the engine note you can hear in the background in fact car number 04 that heads era Motorsports Ryan DL number 18 but only by 11 and a half seconds so that is far from decided Petro depal for inter europ by pr1 mat

Motorsport is in third place car 52 GTD Pro Madison snows Paul Miller facing BMW M4 leading that car number one after 572 laps and again it’s an 11c advantage so we got 12 seconds between the top two in GTP 11 seconds between the top two in lmp2 and a further 11 seconds between

GTD Pro leaders so Madison snow from James cardo in the REI competi onlyi Ferrari number 62 ER bamers number four Corvette from Corvette racing by pratton Miller is third and in GTD Daniel Mor for 57 Winward racing Mercedes continues to lead that it’s a bigger margin back

To second in GTD of 25 seconds to Ricardo agostini for the triassi competiion Ferrari number 023 and Ru Andra the number 80 driver of lonar racings Mercedes is in third that’s the VP in race update with 5 hours and 8 minutes to go Bruce Jones while you were running down the

Order in all of the four classes I can report for Porsche fans the advantage at the front of the field is now out to 12.4 seconds at this point in the race fastest runner in the top three is a driver in third place Lawrence vantour got under 1 minute 37 flat last time

Around whereas only just under 138 flat was Jack Atkin and he’s done a series of laps in the one minute 38 that’s why it’s gone out from 8 seconds after he rejoined and Filipe nazza took over the race leading number seven Porsche but with each lap seemingly the advantage

For the number seven Porsche has increased 12.4 seconds now the advantage uh he’s aching though still suitably ahead by of the third place car in class which is number six Lawrence VOR in his Works Porsche he’s 59 seconds down on the ultimate pace so therefore about 47

Seconds up on akkin but the gap’s coming down a little bit but for Ain this slightly worrying stint but then of course we’ve got to get what state his tires are in were they changed at the last stop I’m desperately trying to remember because of course all the GTP

Cars came in at pretty much the same time give will take one lap the number seven Porsche came out later thank you very much Shay’s just confirmed from the pit Lane Shay Adam part of the crowd strike pit Lane crew that they did take on Fresh rubber so there’s not ah and

Now in fact suddenly we’re getting some faster laps from Jack Ain he’s gone below the 1 minute 38 Mark two laps in a row he’s down in the mid one minute 37s while ironically Philipe nazer his Pace has gone the other way chance to catch up on De müller’s

Progress in the multim manic Motorsports Mustang GT3 fifth in GTD Pro but unfortunately for Dirk and the rest of the crew associated with 65 there have a way to go to find the top four in GTD Pro um 17th 18th 19th and 20th is where you find the Madison snow James kardo

Ear Bamber and Michael Christensen battle and that’s four different manufacturers BMW leads Ferrari leads Chevy leads Porsche but the best of the Ford Mustang gt3s car 65 just turning left through turn six now fifth but way down in 30th position overall so there’s a bank of nine GTD cars that separate it

From Michael christenson’s AO racing Porsche yeah and also uh Dirk Müller is two laps down on the fourth caring of the GTD Pro class which is Michael christenson’s a racing por the car just mentioned so that’s a large gap to cut in but I’m just delighted we got another

Manufacturer pitching in at the top level and I’m sure an awful lot of fans around the circuit at Daytona would have owned a Mustang of some form at some point in their life whether in the real world or in their in their heads we all have an imaginary garage

That doesn’t only have one car in it I can assure you that too right yeah actually G GTD Pro yes the top six are fanned out across various different laps the leaders are on 575 right now the sixth place car has just completed 568 laps so that’s a gap

Of six laps but they are all they are six different manufacturers there in GT GD Pro BMW Ferrari Chevrolet Porsche as mentioned then lump in the Mustang GT3 which now pits and the Aston Martin Vantage of Mario Farmer for Heart of racing team um that probably tells the tale of

You know one half of maybe a team that have brought two cars to GTD Pro having a lots of luck with one and not so much with the other car hence the reason why if you’ve got the budget to it’s better to enter with two horses in the race

Rather than just the one but some of the customer programs uh have always targeted trying to get a result with just that one car and youve got to make sure that every single Mark is hit for 24 hours if that’s the case yeah in that situation if you’ve just got one

Car operating from under your team warning you possibly just got to be a little bit more cautious not afford yourself the ability to take every risk as it presents itself just to be entirely sure of everything before a car leaves you’ve got to do dot the eyes and

Cross the te’s absolutely and then it’s in the lap of the Gods after that yeah two car teams often affords you the chance to split the strategy so you set one car to go blisteringly quick at the start and see whether the reliability will or the unreliability will kick in

Then and then the more sedate approach might be the way to win it when you’ve only got one car you have to sort of balance that tight rope in between the two and hope that that will work somehow and as you say and awful lot of luck involved uh particularly here at

Daytoner at Fields looking back through sports car racing history I know I sort of tend to do that quite a lot but uh you know back many decades ago you knew the cars would largely be breaking quite a lot and a lot of people would have one of their Works cars

Running running as um a hair to try and attract the opposition to go go chasing and if when you’re somewhere like Daytona or Lam more you the prestige was there as well and the Temptation was to go too hard Corvette racing by pratton Miller have been going through the walls

With the number three car that tail light that had failed but also an oil leak that they were trying to get to the bottom of and now Shay Adams just spotted a Corvette in Pit Road going behind the wall this is not the three car though it’s the sister car it’s the

Sister C it’s number four that was looking good for a Podium position provisionally with 5 and 1 half hours to go it too is behind the wall I’m going to walk down of course I walked all the way down to the pit out end of things

They’re all the way at pit end so I’ll let you know when I get there I’ll give you an update it’s ER Bamber who’s had to pit from third position now the one Saving Grace May well be that he was due a fuel stop anyway but you’re going to Hemorrhage

Time now because of that car having to go behind the wall for more substantial work and uh yeah the the leaders in GTD Pro are a good 2/3 of the way through the stin nearing the end of this particular run actually that’s now confirmed with James card coming in so

Colardo in for fuel and let’s hope for nothing else as far as RI competiion are concern but Corvette going to take quite a bit more time than the 62 Ferrari and we’ expect Madison snow in probably on the next Lab as well it’s Fuel and tires

For ree J’s cardo staying at the wheel of car 62 though for another stint that’s uh will be the Cars 2 fth visit to the racetrack for around about an hours running I love the fact just moments ago we were talking about the advantage of running two cars in in your

Team for Corvette racing suddenly with another one the other one of their cars sitting the trouble the number four well hopefully it’s not a long period for Earl Bamber in the gang but the fact they’ve gone behind the pit wall to the garages at the back def definitely means

They’re going to be dropping down that order so certainly for Madison snow and the Gang at Paul Miller Racing that is all very good news indeed now does this explain why the number four car has had to go behind the wall running out of breakes perhaps as it struggled to stop

Into the lamon Kane on that in laap and has taken a Big Gulp of turf and dirt as the splitter scraped the bottom of the ground at the Lamoni Kane and where is that that you could have just carried on because of the incident it’s what’s

Caused that I think is the reason why the cars come into the pits and now behind the wall yeah you’d have to presume so and also for anybody else following in the next lap or so when they get to the second part well the the second part of the first half of the

Chicade if you will to the to the right handed they’ll find the track is covered in Earth and dirt and dust and that certainly won’t help for traction but yes you’re quite right El Bamber appears to be staying on board there’s certainly a driver sitting in the cockp cockpit of

That number four cor not a lot of work going on but lots of Investigation under the front end of the car and I tell you what they’re not working on trying to put a new Splitter on that car they’re reaching down low and I think your synopsis about um aity in the braking

Department is possibly spot on Johnny and this isn’t the the only car to go behind the wall in the last couple of minutes because Martin kofer faf Motorsports McLaren is also now in the garage area of the paddock you were suggesting maybe something was trailing from the back of the nine Shay checked

On the team and they said no all is fine but obviously that is not the case now car nine behind the wall as well there you go we always look for sort of vital signs but lateer in the race as we are now we’ve got just oh

Just 5 hours to go now and a little bit of small change departed but the 62 competi only Ferrari second in the GTD Pro class running 18th overall giving Chase and trying to close in on Madison snow in the number one Paul Miller car of the BMW that’s

Leading the class red with the three White Stripes up over the the back of the the Bonnet and over the roof of that 62 ritzy car it looks fantastic but it does look wonderfully grubby you know when you get out of night and suddenly the light is coming onto the cars

There’s a bit of sun on the roofs of the cars at various points you can just see how much filth has come off the circuit it’s sort of on top and largely grayish Black by the bottom of the doors yeah but uh yeah that’s a sign of how hard

These cars have been working after all it’s the cars that do the full distance we worry about the drivers well you know the these mechanical beasts that have been tuned up to tackle yes the 24 hours Daytona but a full season in many cases of IMA WeatherTech sports car action as

Well they don’t have take some punishment and uh uh ready amount of spares always have to be prepared in the wings as James cardo charges his way up the inside into the international horseshoe and exits out towards the leftand Kink of the infield thought about a move there on the number 23

Aston Martin but there was no way through on Ricardo on the 23 car rather than the 023 remember it’s 023 the leads GTD and Agostino’s Ferrari car 23 being the heart of racing Aston Martin entry which is now heading back out onto the speedway turn one for Mario F

Baka driver changes of note in the last few moments Ryan Dell’s finally got out of the number 18 lmp2 car that had been 10 seconds or so away from the lmp2 lead and it’s Christian rasmuson now taking charge of that and Loris Spinelli clambers out of the number 78 car to be

Replaced by Misha goyberg so that is car number 78 16th in GTD in the Lamborghini uran for 4te racing as Bruce mentions though another race hour reached and uh the we have now 4 hours and 57 minutes still to go of the 62 Edition of the Daytona 24

Hours and por shensky Motorsports Filipe NASA leading the way for car number seven 15 and 1 half seconds is the gap so yes that is growing now it was 6 seconds prior to the latest round of pit stops after they emerged from Pit Road grown to 8 and N seconds and now it’s

Virtually doubled to 15 and a half so Testament to Philipe naz’s raw Pace yeah and looking at the pace of the Porsche the n6 threes in third and fourth positions in the hands of Lawrence vantor in the second of the Porche pensy Motorsport entries and Neil Yanni In the

Number five version run by proton competition that wonderful Mustang sampling uh Livery they are lapping faster than Jack Akins Cadillac that bear in mind in the hands of pipo danani could do no wrong but at the moment the pace maybe the ambient temperature is coming up and it’s suiting the Porsches

Better than it did certainly in the night the Cadillac V series R was the car to have with not one but two of them running supremely well the number 31 that’s in second place now and the 01 that was also in the top three at the

Time sudden problem out of the race it’s just one of those extraordinary things um but now very much the 963 Porsches are coming good at this point in the race and that got Advantage first to second 15.6 seconds now growing all the time because Philipe NASA the Brazilian

Driver can just knock out lap after lap at 1 minute low 1 minute 37 second lap times now Shay Adam busy again down the pit Lane what’s the very latest news I made it all the way back into the garage actually and uh you think you guys might

Be on to something as far as the brakes are concerned for the Corvette because they have taken off the entire front end of this car and they are working in around where the braking system is I can see the reservoir is there for power steering as well but I don’t think

That’s what the issue is um and they are hard at work this is team never quit as far as Corvette racing is concerned Earl Bamber still behind the wheel of the car has not gotten out and shows no indications of willingness to evacuate the cockpit of the number four Corvette

As far as the car immediately behind me and the next garage over well that’s faf Motorsport with there McLaren sounds like this might be a terminal issue something within the engine oh dear well yeah Bruce sort of semi acknowledges that he thought he was onto something with that as well

Although Shay you did go down to faf Motorsport and check up maybe they wanted to keep their cards close to the chest at the time because they were trying to work out precisely what the issue might be and when you don’t know whether it’s worth pitting or not far

Better to just keep the car out there and what will be will be essentially that it may well be that sadly for both of the McLarens in the race they’ve hit dramas roughly at the same time there was the battery that needed changing for the number 70 Inception racing 720s

Frederick shandorf now driving that in 14th position in GT Daytona but Marvin Koff is example for faf Motorsports that might be the last time we see that car in the race sadly another driver changing lmp2 Josh buron got out of the number 74 car to be replaced by Filipe Mata

And also within GT Daytona the 45 car has just come in for a stop so uh that’s a drive changed to Graham Doyle from Danny formal so a re a natural Point really to get some fuel on board and I’m sure teams will be thinking we’ve got

Just under five hours to go how many more stops do we need to get to the checkered flag now there’s a drama for the Sha Cree Motorsport lier from lmp2 which is right across the grass and that is close to the Lamoni cane oh it’s also missing missing completely the rear deck

The engine cover bruise it looks like many a model car that I’ve constructed where you just get a little bit bored by the end and don’t put all the bits on but uh I don’t know if if that came off to put it on the grass or if it came off

It was was bouncing across the grass but all the way down in 44th position noan seagull at the wheel but there’s less car coming back into the pits than there was when it left last time around let’s take a crowd strike pit report here’s more from Shay that 33 sh Motorsport

Leier will be coming back and going straight behind the wall I think the crew might actually have the engine cover already because the engine’s been cutting out intermittently so they’re going to take it back to the garage and look at it and now it makes the hard

Left turn so noan Seagle oh no that is damage actually that’s quite severe damage that ripped the engine cover and the fin off if you will so no the crew doesn’t have that piece uh where around the track is it that’s the next question yeah where has it landed and is

It going to compromise the continuation of the race in this phase well no indication quite yet that race controller concerned about that if it’s well over to it happened on the back stretch so if it’s well over to dri’s left then maybe we we don’t have to

Worry about it quite yet and within Marshall’s reach but uh stand by your beds in terms of whether a slowing of the race pace is required in the near future meanwhile 023 from the lead of GT Daytona in for a new set of Michelin tires and uh they are relatively

Casually being changed because the fuel is the determining Factor that’s the longest job during a pit stop and fuel nozzle still connected at the moment yeah driver out driver in on that one but I’m just thinking for Shan cre Motorsport it’s not as so they can go to

Another team in P2 and say can we borrow a sort of engine cover because they’re the only team running that lier JSP 217 so uh yeah quite where it landed if it came off going onto the banking in effectively Speedways turn two it could have ended up a very very long way from

The racing line put it that way so maybe in that some way that could be a blessing on goes the 023 and it will rejoin out right behind the number 70 McLaren that I was talking about not too long ago Fred chandor brought that car in and we’ll be heading

Back out onto track still very much waving the flag of the UK and uh of woking in Su where McLaren are based a couple of those cars entered into this year’s race and Shay was asking the question where on Earth it’s the Sha Cree Motorsport Bodywork it’s been located just beneath the apron

Uh where the car had its incident and that is not on the not on the backstretch it’s maybe at turn two difficult to tell from this very very tight angle but as the camera zooms out it’s on one of the bends the high Bank bends and uh I can’t necessarily see an

Easy solution to that other than going full course caution but we stay green for the time being yeah it’s at the bit at the bottom of the banking where the track level is pretty much level a little bit of slope down to the ground the green SW of the grass on the infield

But uh yeah that’s very close to the racing line indeed now did I hear Shay Adam suggesting in the pit something about the possibility of rain storm clouds are moving over I noticed the last sort of 10 15 minutes of sky whenever we get treated to seeing that

Has become ever darker sh putting your hand out to feel rain I said to you guys I don’t want to be in the little black storm cloud but there is one over the track um it’s moving it’s not actually on the radar and it’s moving behind

Where the booth is in the world center of racing the Tona Rising Grand stands it’s moving away but the temperature definitely did drop and I did see a couple impsa officials uh starting to make sure that their rain gear is still out here on the B

L you know what many a time in a fantastic commentary position like the one at Daytona you can see all the all that lies in front of you have no idea what’s approaching off the coastline and just the shot uh on the screens a few moments ago showing the view behind the

Grand set it is charcoal gray hopefully it’s a passing phase hopefully it won’t touch ground but it’s a factor so let’s just remember before the arrival of any potential storm the gap between first and second last time I checked I in fact waiting for Jack akin to come through and

Complete lap 628 it’s out to 18.6 seconds this has been a really really good stint for the race leading number seven Porsche Pensky Motorsport 963 don’t forget though as and when rain does arrive things can change quite quickly particularly if it comes in very quickly and you just started another lap

And comes down hard as a certainly the the history of rain and Florida it does tend to rain heavily or not at all well the biggest threat of rain over the next few hours is actually between the hours of 9 and 10:00 but it’s only a 177%

Chance of rainfall as far as I read it cloud cover couldn’t be a lot more up to 98% but once we clear the next hour between 9 and 10 the chance of any rainfall should drop away to virtually nothing for the of the race so between

The hours of midday and 2 p.m. it slipped back to 3 and then 1% of rain so just got to get through this potential storm cloud and then by 10:00 certainly by 11:00 we will be in the clear but as the drivers are sweeping high on the

Banking as they go around turn 12 it’s definitely full dark sky ahead of them we have gone caution for the loose body workor the um stricken Bodywork from the Shan Cree Motorsport leier and obviously discussions were ongoing this the moment it pinged from the rear of the car still

There at the moment I can see the dorsal Finn on the back of the car no the the body workor had come off before he came down low presumably that’s why he came down low he got he got to the chane at the back of the circuit after a long run

This is the Shan cre Motorsport lier Nolan seagull of the wheel so it happened in Speedway turn two possibly even turn turn one as he was turning left turning turning left and spotted something was wrong with the car imagine suddenly losing all that downforce at

The back of the car I did see a bit of dorsal fin but it’s the very last bit and the rear of the car which is part of the rear deck and of course that’s still very much attached so rear bumper and rear wing on the car there but there’s

This yawning gap between the cockpit and the back of the car which covers the engine and covers an awful lot of other crucial components I think it went very soon after he got on the bank and coming out of turn six because but when you get the long shot looking from the lamon

Chaane back up to the exit of that long long left-hander the Bodywork is not to be seen it’s down at the bottom of the track somewhere halfway round that long long left hander that effectively goes through about 140° to the left again a nice run of green flag up

Until that point so this will be a full full course yellow if you like as in everybody will be cycled or can be cycled through the pits should they choose to CU the gtps have not long come in for their fuel but uh so we I wonder whether

It’ll be slightly more 50/50 as to who wants to pit and when my you having said that we are getting towards the 18 and 19 lap stins and for Lawrence vantor in third position in the number six Porsche he’s done 20 laps now glance again at the radar suggesting to me

That if anything we’re going to get a slight shower but the black cloud is being blown away from the daytoner International Speedway at this point there’s nothing strikingly obvious on the radar that is going to worry Us in terms of a rapid turn of Direction in strategy and the need to start throwing

Wet weather tires at this race the wind is certainly picking up though the side of the Rolex flags on the infield they’re really blustering on the flag poles so my suggestion if you’re living about 20 mil north of Daytona Beach get the washing back in off the line yeah

There a Slither of rainfall certainly heading towards the coastline north of here but that 177% chance of rainfall seems about right between now and 10:00 it’s 3 minutes to 9 rs2 IMA radio Johnny Palmer Bruce Jones in the global broadcast Center and Shay Adam looking after the crowd strike pit and Paddock

Report 71 degrees fahit in the air wind speed up to 14 mph now and it’s an 18% chance CH of rain on the graphic so I was pretty close with 17 mostly cloudy as in 98% cloud cover right now over the Raceway as the wave by begins and Shay

Just gave me a quick blast of an update let’s get that now with crowd strike um what do you think ahead of it getting very busy down with you faf came back out from behind the walls so they did get life back into their engine uh that’s a good sign they are continuing

To run around because this is basically a public test for them uh for the remainer of the Season having gotten the car not very long ago and not having very many opportunities to drive it um just looking up and down the pit Lane I noticed a couple of interesting things

Reesi is going to be coming back in with the number 62 Ferrari they’re going to change the rear brakes by the looks of it now they did the front breaks uh in the middle of the night during one of the cautions when everybody came in and changed breaks Corvette racing winning

That competition uh once again for the quickest break change but reesi going to do the reers to try and give their four Allstars the best opportunity to finally get well for three of the four of them their first roxes P greedy got one 10 years ago and he’s been winning races ever

Since as far as my record show one thing that worth pointing out we were quite intrigued when the Winwood racing entry the Mercedes number 57 that leads GTD came in it changed its front right uh breakes on one pit stop and the following Pit Stop changed the front

Left I’ve ever never really seen uh that done before maybe I’ve been hanging out in all the wrong places but uh it seemed to work for them and they’re sitting on a very tighty the advantage in class obviously decided they were there was going to be another pit stop quite soon

This was during a period of a large amount of sort of full course yellows but the teams work it all in different ways but as Johnny points out you get past the halfway point in this race and for everybody it is pretty much that’s almost like the Clarion call the signal

From now on in you’re going to have a break change to be doing and it’s all about not losing much time in doing so was losing as little time as possible what has happened of course four course yellow do you remember a moment ago Philipe nazza was

Leading by 18 and 1 half seconds down to four seconds now he going to fall all the way more because Jack Ain with the course vehicle up ahead the pace car leading them around he closing right onto the tail and you know what the person who’ll be smiling the most will

Be the driver called Lawrence vantor he’s in third place and the number six Porter that was the car that had to serve a St a stop a 10-second stop for exceeding power usage uh when U Matti Jam was on board and the majority of that it ended it’s gained them about 40

Seconds it’s got them back into the pack it was about 20 minutes go saying if it hadn’t if it hadn’t been for that then uh we’d have had a three car battle at the front of the field the full calls yellow is producing a three car battle

At the front of the field and next in line will be Neil Yani so the number five proton competition Porsche will be right in the mix all over again sorry Shay down in the pit Lane more news from you ah the fat Porsche is just psyching

Us out guys it’s already back behind the wall and uh it is starting to sprinkle as the pits are now open for the prototypes so the GTP cars who are going to be coming in it looks like a lot of them are going to be switching onto either scrubed rubber or new Michelin

Rubber if this rain uh well I’m not even going to call it rain at this point but if this wetness that is lightly falling from the sky continues and intensifies that would be a nightmare situation for all these drivers wouldn’t it just you be wanting

That you want to be in the class that pits last under this full course yellow but right now the the Cadillac is almost at your feet to the gtps are in yes it is and there will not be a driver change for jacken staying aboard the number 31

Whan and engineering Cadillac but he is getting four brand new Michelin tires there’s the driver change going on for the 40 That’s the wtr andred Acura the red one Lou delra is out Colton Hern getting in four new Michelin for them as well for both of the Porsches into the

Pits it is full service but for the number six Kevin estra has been installed behind the wheel no driver change for the number seven so it should still be F by nazer four new tires for each of these cars the seven drops off the air Jack slightly before the six the

Seven gets rolling before the six that’s good news because that’s the way that they are and the first car back out into the fast lane was that number seven of Felipe Nasser the second car was the 31 action express car that would be the wh and Engineering Cadillac then the number

Six Porsche and finally the 40 Acura so a little bit of a change up on the pent Lane yeah but just a bit further down the pit Lane Neil Yanni In the number five Porsche has actually got to third in that line he was pitting from a bit

Further down the pit Lane so instead of falling back a position Neil Yanni has gone up one Lawrence vantor has gone down one and Lou deatra though right in the mix we didn’t talk about him too much the Wayne Taylor uh Acura but we’ve got the first five cars as happens Under

Full course yellow coming out almost NOS to tell but it is that number seven Porsche that retains the lead of the race but for Jack Ain he’ll be going thank you I’m now in the battle again so out they go and uh right at the point of

Of the GT cars trying to head into the international horseshoe as well a core so that’s a little awkward but they’ll all get information in a moment and permission to overtake the relevant cars as academic as it may be I actually have now confirmation that the rear deck of

The Shan cre Motorsport leier that had become stranded at NASCAR turns three and four in actual fact so it had been there for at least a lap and then the incident outbreaking itself into the CH or being off track was kind of later on on the next lap well we also had footage

Of the C driving across the grass whether that was coming out of the chicane it was quite hard to tell but that’s interesting so imagine going into the trioval right in front of that giant Grand not knowing you haven’t got your rear body work so it’s just come off at

The entrance the penal of the final corner but for Shan cre Motorsport and noan seel that would have been eye opening I think or car building or so we reckon elicier lost the rear body work earlier in the stins I mean possibly only two or three laps previously and

Then the engine cut out because definitely that uh the engine cover had come to a rest underneath the just off the apron or on the apron I should say underneath the double yellow line at either NASCAR turn three or turn four so in that final sector still an awful lot of weaving

Going on particularly for the cars that have just made their stops the gtps onto fresh rubber cold rubber more to the point so they’re trying to hurl those cars around as much as possible to generate some Tire temperature as now into the pits come the GTD pros and the

Gtds and Shay Adam can keep us up to date with this crowd strike pit report was not expecting to see the Paul Miller Racing BMW back in but they have a new filter that will go in underneath the hood very similar to what Turner Motorsport had before their car had all

Of the major issues earlier on that resulted in them going by the wall but fear not Justin is on it and he is replacing the filter behind them REI competiion changing the rear brakes as anticipated perfect opportunity to do all this it is full service for the

Number 12 Lexus uh that me being Fuel and tires no driver changes far as I could tell and also anticipating coming in is the number 83 that’s the iron games machine as away goes the Paul Miller BMW still in the pits though for reesei they’ve got time but they need to

Be careful not to lose a lap on this uh it looks like they might have been doing a shock adjustment oh no no no they were adding fluid uh let me go see what the fluid was Brembo brake fluid was going in the Ferrari so that all adds up they

Changed the front brakes a lot earlier on they’re still working on the rears the number 12 Lexus IS back out and moving reesi will be the last car on the pit Lane doing a windshield clean as well now where is the safety car around the track the rain has

Disappeared Johnny you’ll be able to see where the cars are uh if not anything else the dancing ants oh interesting they cleaned the windshield of reesei and then determined that it needed a full windshield tear off because they couldn’t actually get it clean enough left rear wheel has gone back on let me

Dive around the right side and see how that breake change is going having a little bit of issue getting it seated properly trying to get it screwed back on let’s see if they can get it starting to get nervous now I can hear the safety car train making its way around the

Banking don’t see anything yet though and they do have an opportunity because the pits do not close again until the safety car has reached box number 10 which is where MDK used to be before they retired who we’re still having issues trying to get that break comfortable the

Guys are now happy with it they put the Michelin back on secure the car drop it off the air jacks fire it up away it goes I do not see the safety car so reesi will not lose a lap there must be somewhere in there to Speedway turns three and four right now

And the clear up is still on going so yeah it was head in tight I heard what you were saying but sector two just being ticked off by the race leaders in GTP and it won’t be a restart this time around but I also it was the fact that

The safety car was about to cross the line and get to pit box 10 and that would then automatically close pit lanane exit road but they managed to sneak out just in time in the number 62 car in confirmation of that as the pit symbol on my timing screen flashes to

Out lap for James kardo in his reesi competiion Ferrari so Neil vagen leading in GTD Pro ahead in the Paul Miller Racing BMW ahead of that rejoining Ferrari and in third position Michael Christensen in the AO racing Porsche number 77 it’s going to be a lsh pit stop for

The number eight carer James Allen from dragon speed so this Ora heading to fit Road and not going to be a penalty cuz you’re not allowed to serve penalties whilst we’re under full course caution so they are a long way up Pit Road also Spike having some work done to

His nose and a big old boot to get that front clip actually free from the number 99 Ora yeah well don’t forget that Spike the car we’re talking about the Ora 99 from the crew at AO racing had that little clash with the tire wall with

Matt Matt Bram a while ago in this stint when it went off and uh not in this stint in this stage of the race where it went off so any damage done there has been replaced dragon speed complete their pit stop in fact the pit Lane remarkably empty at this point the turn

Of Motorsport BMW working its way down lights flashing right behind Spike as they turn left and left again as they go behind the pits to rejoin the circuit so as you were the gaps of course under the full course yellow have been closed enormously so Felipe nassa leading the

Race car number seven Porsche Pensky sport Jack Akin right under his tail with Neil Yanni under his tail so the swis driver and his crew at proton competition did a good job and put Privateer Porsche between the two works porsch it’s a dangerous occupation to go anywhere near a dragon’s nose in the

Books I’ve read they’re normally fire breathing aren’t they so uh had to maybe stuff those nostrils full of um some water soaked cotton wool to make sure that nothing was going to set fire there and they’ve just managed managed to carry it out it’s it’s always good to to

Know which part of an animal may cause trouble I went to a place once where you could swim with stingrays and sharks and their instruction to us before they turfed us overboard uh was just remember you stroke the stingray from the front to the middle and the shark from the

Middle to the back not the other way round that’s very easy to get mixed up is it so confused I’ve already got one arm I can say it’s only mistake you’re’ going to make once though and then it’s firmly in the brain for later research uh so he’s patched up well as

Bruce actually since that experience typing speed has dropped a little bit a touch yeah we’re still on a full course caution we had nearly 19 and 1 half hours still to go it’s 10 9 in the morning at daytoner International Speedway Sunday morning day two of the

62nd edition of the 24 Hours of Daytona and you’re tuned to rs2 imza radio for all the coverage of this wonderful event held annually during the final weekend of January we’re at the track on one 10 7.9 FM wdis and on channel 207 on Sirius XM all the way through to the checker

Flag at 1:40 this afternoon and of course that’s the end of the race yes but it’s the beginning of the post race reflection and the stories of what has unfolded in front of us over 24 hours so don’t forget to join the rest of the team for Michelin post Race Tech from

140 onwards we’ll have some of the podium and definitely the postrace driver interviews of those that have won Rolex watches and those that have come very very close but maybe just missed out uh as we sum up today and yesterday’s proceedings not a Happy Camp down at faf Motor Sports though their

Number nine car uh back behind the wall and Shay reported that that was the case um about 10 15 minutes or so ago as they continue to battle issues with the number nine McLaren yeah now one car I was concerned about just about to mention was the

Number four Corvette that I was about to say at least one thing some drivers win lose and gain accordingly to how a full course yellow Falls but it does give a chance for all the corners to be cleared up all the debris and the number four

Corvette of course is the one with ear Bamber on board put loads of Earth on the track and dust and dirt down at the Lamar chicane that has been cleared up and a great delay in the Corvette racing garage back behind the pit Lane and uh

The Kiwi just being put back on board but that car has tumbled all the way down to 38th position overall it seems it was a a breaking problem that left him with very few options going into chicane so that appears to been fixed but it has led to an enormous fall down

The order cuz the number four at the moment has 574 laps completed and the other cars in class GTD Pro the best of those has 589 so you don’t have to do too much much maths to work out that’s a a 15 lap disaster and delay for the crew of the number four

Corvette exactly 4 and 1 half hours still to go and we cannot be too far away now from the restart keeping an eye on the latest race control messages and yeah the class split within prototype has already been instructed that was three or so minutes ago and Michael Christenson back in the

Race so GT Pro a pit stop away from Neil vagen and James cardo visits to the pit Lane so Paul Miller Racing in that lengthy stop for REI competiion don’t forget 0 racing Porsche has just been in and back out again retaining Michael Christensen H AO triari in the

Competiion Ferrari from the same team name uh 023 leading GTD from Indie dones Winward racing Merc Mercedes and then Mike SCH for caught off Preston Motorsports Mercedes AMG the pace is beginning to Quicken now as we are raring to go for the next segment of the Daytona 24 hours it’s the Rolex 24

At diis for 2024 and weaving frantically from left to right because you’ve got to make sure that the brakes and more crucially the tires are going to do what they are designed to do as you hit the breaks into the first sequence of Corners we are go again at Daytona with a killer

Getaway for fbe nassa Jack Akin can’t do much about drawing alongside but what about the second of the POR shap pety Motorsport cars around the outside of the proton 963 and they are absolutely neck and neck and you can be sure that Kevin estra is not going to allow the

Car driven by Neil JY to cut back across his boughs and he certainly does not do that Johnny caught sleeping here because now around the outside of his all black 963 comes Colton herter in the Acura to bag fourth position on the infield did that really well I think Johnny was

Caught out with a consequence of a consequence he had to lift a little bit to let the number six Porsche go through the work’s car in the hands of Kevin estra and the result of that slightly offline so perfect timing for Joe Bradley to return to the pit Lane as we

Go back fully green welcome back to the crowd crowd strike pit Lane crew so busy busy busy out on the track but the important thing for the P pensy PTO Pensky Motorsport crew is their cars are no longer first and fourth they’re first and third but Felipe n has trying to

Escape but Jack Ain well the first few quarters until they got high on the banking he stayed relatively close but once uh the power was put down from Felipe nazza he’s completely on his own as he goes into the Chic nearly a second advantage and then you get third fourth

And fifth nose to tail that’s in the order of of course Kevin estra uh Colton hter and down from third to fifth Neil Yani another race control message this time concerning the Lone Star Racing Mercedes driven by Adam chrisad dulu the wheels rotated whilst that car was

Elevated in the pit Lane so that’s an automatic drive-thru and the crew that been just sneaking into the top six maybe on noticed certainly not for lonar racing they’d seen them all the way but that is going to Peg them back as the completion of the first green flag lap

Is done now nazza from Ain is a second and it’s just point four of a second back to Kevin estra who’s desperate to try and make it a one two order for Pensky Motorsports in their 963 estra cannot find a way by Jack Ain just yet he’s not quite close enough but there

Are one or two stray GTD cars already to maybe have to niit by and that will spice things up perhaps present the Frenchman with an opportunity charging down the inside of the Cor Vette number four there was Colton hter to make sure that he wasn’t going to be slowed at all

Through turn six and the Acura remaining in fourth position it’s when you get the shake out after you’ve had a full course yellow period and all the gtps get shuffled to the front and of course we know we’ve talked a lot as the number four Corvette

Is brought back out of the garage it’ll soon be back in the pit in Applause from the fans down there they work really hard to get the breaking problem sorted but just to finish my point you’ve got uh Tean vanel the last of the drivers on

The lead lap in GTP but he suddenly got the two BMW’s right with him on the same bit of uh tarmac reny Rass and austo farus and also the car that’s way way down the order all the way 43rd overall the second of the Wayne Taylor racing with andreti Acuras and Marcus erison

Erikson has every right to be in that mix and of course he’s thinking what could it be but they seem to have every disaster Under the Sun but the fact they’re still running here we are just 4 hours and 20 minutes remaining yeah Accolade to the team yeah so apologies

For the confusion about the number four Corvette that is returning to the racet trck but the one that was being lapped Again by the Acura was in fact the number three of Alexander Sims NASA’s just done a 135 605 and I hesitate to say I think that’s

The fastest lap of the race that he’s just gone through 35.6 is really pushing on he’ll have brand new tires on that car and it’s just been posted now and that’s the time they try and do it I mean you don’t get any more points for a

Fastest lap but it’s some state M to be throwing down to Cadillac and to Acura to show how much speed Pensky Motorsports have with a little over four hours to go yeah and that hasn’t just pied the previous Mark set by puper danani in the 31 Cadillac it’s beaten it

By a full quarter of a second and when you’re dealing normally in t of seconds that is quite Mighty so he’s also he’s he’s mastered a car on cool tires of course it lost the temperatures behind and he’s really flawed it and the most important thing for him right now isn’t

So much that pace it’s the fact he’s gradually dropping Jack AK all over again 1.4 seconds is the margin between first and second so a wonderful effort and obviously Filipe naso would have been working out his opening lap coming out of the full course caution for many of

The slower laps and he was weaving the car from left to right drivers in Splendid isolation to try and attack that first and second and third lap as much as they can the third FL place fight is much closer between Kevin EST and Colton hurter and hter now right on

The tail of the French driver as they do the Daytona wiggle through turn two and now into the international Hall shoe and while all that was happening we saw Neil Johnny getting shuffled back from third in the running order to fifth I noticed his last lap was the second

Fastest lap of the race just tenth of a second down on Felipe nazza so as those GTP cars run almost knows to tell the first 1 2 3 4 5 six of them covered by 5 Seconds they are really pulling each other along but what happened soon they

Hit the tail of the C traffic and then of course advantage to the race leader Felipe nassa he’ll have the chance to weave his way through everybody else will be on a slightly compromised line also quicker than it’s been all race the jdc Miller Motorsports 963 in the hands

Of time and Von de Helm his time of 13615 so we’ve got a lot of green appearing on the timing screen and that wonderful lap from Felipe NASA turning purple in the best column and let’s see whether we can get into the the mid-range of the 135s 135.5 perhaps

May still be possible in the remaining now how many more laps are we expecting from this race it’s always a Movable Feast but 780 maybe the late 7 770s to be expected so there’s about 140 laps still to go on current Pace now do you like a class battle I certainly do and

In GTD we’ve got a fantastic one. 17 of a second between the class leading an offo triassi written triassi competi Ferrari and being hunted down and absolutely in the slipstream is Indie Dona the young Dutch racer in the 57 Winwood racing Mercedes looking as they go towards the chicade looking to the

Outside looking to the inside late on the break goes the Ferrari has he outbreaks himself and offo trii bouncing over the curbs and somehow hands on to that black and red Ferrari but certainly a little bit of caution behind him from indid Dona but he was more concerned

With getting a good exit from the chicane to then use the speed on the banking he’s four car links behind he was closer before the chicane but with each you know 100 yards or so around the banking the BMW the Mercedes getting closer and closer to the Ferrari right

In front of the main Grand stands they come looking the slipstream down into two just two car LS behind one car length behind the car up ahead I think it’s actually the number 120 chip heart racing Porsche can’t be too sure but down into turn one an offo triassi keeps

Hold of the class lead but he’s really pushing hard the front end of that Ferrari washing to the left wash it to the right and in the blink of an eye Indie Dona will go for a gap there’s a gap but it’s only half a gap the

Dutchman pulls out of it good idea down into turn three yeah obviously triassi needing knowing that he really needs to push on like crazy and Indie Doner in the reverse realizing this is maybe the best opportunity of the current s to Fashion the overtake and wrestle the race lead back again within

GTD so absolutely NOS to tail and whilst we concentrate on the car in front from dona’s machine let’s not forget Aaron telitz for Vasa Sullivan in the Lexus RCF he’s only 2.7 seconds back and Aaron’s just done the best sector one time of that car for the race so far

Darting to the left darting now to the right Indie dones right in the slipstream of an offo Tri in the triassi competiion Ferrari is there going to be the chance here to sew the seed of doubt in tri’s mine as they head towards the lamon Kane actually

That Ferrari looked very good on the breaks it took the tighter line the defensive line into the left right right left sequence of the bus stop chican on the back straight and back onto the high Banks they go same order it was last time just as impressive to the chicane

As it was last time the Ferrari does looked incredibly well balanced but again hunting hoping if triari can get any closer to the uh chipart racing with right mod sport porser up ahead that’s running way down in class uh then he may get a toe but right now he’s not quite

Close enough and the person getting the toe is Indie Dona he’s only being shown the outside line only place to try and go around into turn one but he backs it off and right in behind him he’s got the car that’s leading the GTD Pro class

He’s got the uh car the number one BMW M4 GT3 driven by Neil V Aran does a lot of the young American does a lot of his racing in Europe a lot of experience in uh nerving also The Spar 24 hours but he’s got company as well so this is what

I love after a full course yellow period you suddenly get these battles but obviously you get the the flux between GTD and GTD Pro and uh right now Neil vagen he’s sitting on a tiny tiny lead in class trying to see who’s tucked under the rear wing he seems safe for

The moment in the lead of GTD Pro but uh it’s only listed as one tenth of a second in fact no it’s uh cardo has closed right in .45 of a second so GTD Pro class battle is immediately behind the first two battling for GTD honors

And no Advantage being gained as yet by Indie Don but he’s giving it a very very good fist of it and not the lead of the race between the number seven Porsche and the number 31 Cadillac the advantage is far bigger it’s out to 2.6 seconds Jack Ain falling

Behind Philip pazza first and second overall but still some cracking racing here with just over 4 hours remaining in this the 60c running of the Daytona 24 hours Dona again trying to get the best possible run out of turn six they they we always talk about that corner being

So crucial because it will be it can manifest itself into a good opportunity into the chicane there a little further round though now heading out towards the trioval so Speedway turn four done now the Mercedes in Chevron formation compared to the Ferrari just over the right shoulder of triari but Indie Dona

Not getting the chance to slip up the inside there and it would have been brave to do it on the outside much like Kevin estra did on Neil johnney at the restart in GTP this back marking GTD car is just starting to compromise tri’s route into various Corners I would say it’s a

Distraction rather than being bked at this stage cuz there’s still good speed from that Porsche up ahead yeah it’s Elliot scared doing a very very good job he’s running eighth in class but is about to go a lap down on the class leader the class leader who is right on his rear but

Every time he gets in close and offo triassi in the 023 Ferrari has to look at his mirrors he knows Indie Don is there thus far Indie has got close 31y Old Dutchman but he hasn’t made a move he had a little look about two laps ago going into turn three wasn’t close

Enough he backed out but I think he’s just waiting until an offo can catch that Porsche up ahead try and he’ll have to try and lap it he doesn’t actually really care whether he laps it or not but he just wants to get clear track ahead of him and this time looking to

The outside closer than ever before Andy Don is the high side as they go into the lam more chicane very much down the low side slightly compromised line there for triassi oh tail out on the Ferrari oh I do love that yeah but yeah again that’s

Down to triari being forced to that line he wants to stay way over to the left to prevent the Mercedes from getting underneath and then because your approach to the corner is far from ideal you’re asking a lot of the tires and there was a bit of over rotation there

I’m convinced of it from the triari competiion Ferrari wonderful car control from an offo and back across the strike they go but the pace and more importantly the pressure is not letting up from Indie Dona and he just needs well what he’s thinking is I’m just

Going to sit here and wait for a mistake the problem is could still be waiting another half an hour on from here and also Indy’s got another problem he’s got he’s got the Paul Miller Racing GTD leading uh BMW right on his tail Neil vagen being he’s

About a second back almost just out of the image in fact just shows how well these GTD Runners are going at this point in the race but also bear in mind that for Neil vagen right in behind him he’s got James colard Point uh Point not

Very much at all between them 36 of a second between vagen leading GTD Pro the BMW and James Kido giving Chase in the ritzy competiion Ferrari that’s car number 62 into turn six taking a fairly serious look was IND Dona hasn’t quite happened for him but he’s got a fairly

Decent exit a better exit I would warrant than an offo trii an offo starting to go a little bit deep into some of these corners and can’t always gather it up as much as he want but he is still leading the class not by much and you can understand why we’re so

Focused on this GTD battle you’re missing nothing out front in the gtps Filipe NASA leading by 3.4 seconds again the Ferrari will be the first into the Lamoni came and there was more of a squirm there and there was a better run through the chicane for Indie Dona so

This might be the Mercedes driver’s best opportunity it’s very very close to the rear of the Ferrari there might not be much that triassi can do on this occasion but I have to tell you that 296 is StraightLine speed and when I say straight line through Speedway turns

Three and four as well but here comes the Mercedes is fully overlapping the Ferrari doesn’t want to cut across the bows of it just yet because it’s not quite clear they’ve all got spotters these cars and don’t you will have been told you’re not clear you’re not clear

And you can’t overtake at turn one quite yet you know just looking at looking at that certainly Indie Don just cut a little more slack than possibly was required went a little bit higher and left enough space for an offo triari to get his Ferrari in there but up behind I

Think we’ve had a change of position yeah James colado has moved ahead of Neil vagen so it’s now a Ferrari leading GTD and GTD Pro because the Ry competit only Ferrari has got through and having got through and they’re both being passed by our race leader by look things

That’s the number seven uh Porsche 963 going around the outside of turn three around side the outside of that GTD battle but it had already got past uh before we had the change in GTD Pro so the red Ferrari with the white stripes on the roof now leading that class and

It’s a question of whether Neil vaken can hang on or will he fall away and Here Comes Indie Johnson now with the underlap so that should be job done because the Mercedes has the inside line at Speedway turn one but here comes the Ferrari on the high side a bit of

Side draft and also maybe slightly better straight line speed as I’ve mentioned and I’m not sure the can the Mercedes break a little later the difficulty is that the whan car wants to get by as well but there’s the lead change for GT daytoner as long as Indie

Dona can hang on to the Mercedes which in itself was very squirrly through the corner and now the Ferrari of triassi underneath that giant rear wing of Indie dones Win w racing Mercedes to the high side goes Colton hter in the Wayne Taylor racing Acura

ARX and who’s this on the boot lid now is that James gardo James gardo he was about a second down he’s going to oh three AR why not we love that so Nila haan’s got the grand stand seat a cutting under under all of them but I

Think about to dive in the pits no just cutting under all them is is one of the prototypes it’s the number five Neil Johnny driven Porsche 963 it’s suddenly very busy but uh read to Perfection by James colardo and again I do really think that anio triari was taking quite

A lot of the life out of his ties for the last few laps we had that wonderful tail out moment not so wonderful him for him but for us viewing and compensating on the race fabulous you don’t often see a GT3 car going sideways like that red

To Perfection Scarlet to the four for James cardo and the REI competiion Ferrari but in G T day tainer it’s no longer a prancing horse leading that class the sort of I don’t really want to call it the secondary GT class it’s just that they’re the nonpr cars but superb

Driving from both Indie Dona and an offo triassi there to leave the Mercedes just ahead as they come out of turn six and back onto Speedway turn one for GTD which kept us enthralled for a good 10 minutes or so there and has done pretty much all race long indeed on in the

Mercedes from win Ward back to the front as it has been for so long it certainly has but what I’m saying I’m actually just really glad they just got that move done before all the Front Runners and the GTP cars came through we had the number seven race leader philipin naaza

Going through that didn’t really interrupt their battle but certainly for noo trizi having been passed and then a whole host of prototypes came past he’s fallen off the tail now of um Indie Dona and uh whether he can used one of those prototypes to get back close he

Certainly seems to have lost a little bit of a margin he’s not on the tail of the BM of the Mercedes at all so Winward racing it was a question of just biing your time and looking for The Gap and making it work but certainly you’d have

To say that Indie Don was starting to run out of options when it came to trying to find another line another way of unseating the Ferrari but he did get the job done so confirmation of the latest fastest lap set by Filipe nassa we chatted about that at the time about 15

Minutes or so ago that 13565 and he’s opening the Gap up to 4.2 seconds 9:31 in the morning at daytoner International Speedway a VP in race update in GTP first of all NASA as mentioned for Pensky Motorsports and their Porsche 963 leading in car 7 from jackins whan engineering Cadillac V

Series R that’s 31 and then the sister eni 963 car number six running third in lmp2 it’s crowd strike racing by apr’s Ora Colin Brown in the Z4 car leading but only by 1.3 seconds so that may well be the scrap that we need to next focus our eyes upon Christian rasmuson is

Doing the pursuing there for era Motorsport number 18 and the 52 Tom dilman driven into europ pole by pr1 Ma and Motorsport Ora completes the top three currently that’s been chopping and changing an awful lot particularly around the pit stops GTD Pro there are three cars in

Splendid isolation now above a field of 10 GTD cars on the timing screen but the pros read like this 62 James cardo leads fori competiion he went to the high side and made it three a breast across the start Finish Line when he was neck and

Neck with the GTD leaders he’s got a leader 3.3 seconds over the BMW M4 of Paul Miller racing and Neil vagen number one and it’s the 77 Michael Christensen AO racing Porsche in third and GT dayona a wonderful fight seeing Indie Dona finally break the strangle hold of an

Offo triassi so don for win Ward Mercedes leads car 57 ahead of triassi competiion Ferrari the 023 and the 12 Aaron tiit Vasa Sullivan Lexus in third position that’s the VP in race update date and what about the number six Porsche from the GTP class side by side

With Jack Akin going out of turn three trying to get up into second place unfortunately had to go past I think the 40 racing uh Lamborghini and the number six porer ended up on the grass certainly Kevin estra got it back onto onto the black stuff but that would have

Been a big tooth shaking M let’s go down to the pit Lane my crowd strike pit race pit Lane reporter there is Joe Bradley who have you got for us Joe Brian C is out of the number one Paul Miller BM uh Brian we were watching a very busy

RAC trck right there and you were watching it also your car was involved in all of that how easy is it for you to watch your teammate go through that I I missed that last part how easy is it watching your car and your teammate having to tend with that yeah I mean

It’s not so bad to be honest um I mean you just got to understand that they’re doing the best they can in every situation out there right and that uh you have faith in the people that that you put in the car around you and and we

Certainly do so um you know Neil’s done a great job for us up to this point um it’s tough the Ferrari shows quite a bit of speed right now and I just doesn’t seem like anybody has enough to keep up with it so um it’s 4 hours left I think

Uh I think to beat the 62 car we’re going to need some help it was beginning to look like a you know like a Sprint race there how how hard is it to stay with the discipline with like you say 4 hours of this rist still

Run I think it depends on your mindset um the reality is is right now there’s not a lot of discipline you’ve come this far so um you mean you just qu give it go for it yeah I mean right now you just go for it and hope for the best right

Um second place doesn’t mean much here you know and and I I don’t say that to uh to take away the accomplishment of it right everyone comes here to win um it’s our biggest race of the season so for sure we’ll do everything we can to try

And make that happen but uh you know reesi doesn’t make many mistakes in uh in times like this and neither do you guys usually Brian good luck thanks very much very similar conversation to uh so many other drivers that we’ve heard from during our crowd strike pit reports throughout the course

Of the nearly 20 hours of running this is It’s Slightly bizarre I keep thinking every year in year out that we start the campaign the IMs of Weather Tech Sports C Championship with the biggest race of the year but I suppose in the World Endurance Championship we used to have

And still do have actually the biggest race arguably in the of the year leemon as round three is it it used to sit at the very end of the year when we had that sort of winter calendar if you like beginning in September and ending in

June but yeah this is the one that everybody wants closely followed by the Sebring 12 hours in a month and a half time I suppose and you get great points for finishing in second but unfortunately nobody remembers that as a result no no you’re entirely Right In

Fact when you look back through motor racing history sometimes you are completely surprised who actually won or was running at the front but didn’t take even class Victory but the thing gets me the placement of a race like this at the front end of the season if you have a

Rotten race you retire early and your your likely Rivals are gathering bucket Falls at points at the various sixr marks and then at the end of the race you’re on the back foot the entirety of the season when the more 24 hours got pushed as you say was it 2019 or 201819

Season to the tail of the season to me that was a logical place cuz otherwise you don’t get a big score at Lam more in the middle of the year and last year we saw that with um with the Toyotas and the Mike Conway car didn’t pick up many

Points and spent the rest of the season winning but because they didn’t do well in the big one with the big handfuls of points they were never going to win the title and it’s really quite dispiriting so you know for me the big one should be

At the back I’m not suggesting you have to run a season that ends in the daytone to 24 hours a season ending in January wouldn’t seem normal but could you run it at the end of the year sacrilege I know sacrilege I mean the argument to

Not to not have that as the case is that this there are no points on the board prior to this therefore nobody’s worrying about championship and can completely attack this event in isolation knowing there’s a load of points yes on offer but you only have to worry about points permutations when

We’re well clear of daytoner and heading to that that little event known as te them on uh in October that in itself is a you know a race with Rich history now 25 years old um but it’s not quite the daytone in 24 hours in terms of the the

Heritage that stretches back to the uh the early 60s no indeed but again it’s fantastic that you look at the difference between the races they have their own identity and uh long may that be the case and certainly Road Atlanta just the most fantastic circuit and you know American

Road races are very fortunate some of the tracks They have to race on too right and uh yeah every single race has its own little character I love the fact that there’s a big shake up of race durations too and sometimes races in incorporating just half the classes that

We have on display here today uh but it has to be open invitation if you like to everybody within GTP lmp2 GTD Pro and GTD here at the the Keystone event we had uh yesterday afternoon 59 cars start the race a lot fewer than that now

I’m afraid to say and some of the latest retirements confirmed to be both of the AWA Chevrolet Corvettes numberers 17 and 13 since that announcement from race control I don’t think we’ve had any other official retirements so far no the other two Corvettes actually came really close to that they’ve had their

Difficulties and have dropped away from the pro battle but at least they’re still going yeah I think we’ve lost 15 cars overall we seem to have 44 cars still running but some of them a little bit walking wounded one of those I include in that was the Nolan seagull

Slightly Bodywork light lier we saw that caus the full the last full course yellow in that Bodywork engine cover came off and landed at the side of the circuit can’t complain though unfortunate for them but it has bunched up this raid race and made it all the

More exciting but at the very front of the field Philip Philip Baza every lap is putting just marginally further clear of Jack Akin and Jack Akin did very well to resist attack a couple of laps ago coming out of turn three approaching the infield Kink when he was being attacked

All bit with another car between them by Kevin estra estra put the number six Porter on the on the grass bounced around and rejoin he’s fallen back by a couple of seconds but seemingly at this point in the race The Works Porche i63 are Untouchable really running at a fantastic Pace you inadvertently

Mentioned the other four-letter word beginning with r there there rain um Shay during her stint suggested there were sprinkles in the air but I said if if we can get you between hours 9:00 to 10:00 then it’s less likely that the weather will start to interfere let’s

Get to Joe Bradley who can bring us a crown strike pit report any sign of that rainfall a shower maybe Joe well I am in the weather aren’t I guys um what you didn’t see what you guys didn’t see and that was purely because um it was big

Black rainclouds behind the main grand stand which was out of your sight and they were basically the the sky was black and we all thought oh here we go little bit of precipitation when you just kind of feel a bit of light rain on your face it didn’t transpire though and

The black clouds just disappeared and they didn’t come across the grandstand and come into your view so a bit odd but they do say that if you don’t like the weather in Florida weit 5 minutes and that’s pretty much come to Bear here and the more

I wouldn’t say the sky is blue the sky is uh reminds me of a a wet Sunday in snan without the rain though quite yet so it’s still dry there’s still no sort of rain in the air like it was at 9:00 a.m. this morning when I walked in CU it

Very much was but uh whether or not it’s going to it is going to rain um it’s still very very threatening and as I say that the sky behind you now has gone from a light grit to a little bit darker grit so yeah still imp possibility out

It yeah well the threats coming from the cloud cover definitely there’s there been an awful lot of cloud in recent hours above the speedway um the wind’s going to pick up I’m hearing though as well and so the wind increasing for the rest of the race which is probably

Helpful in terms of taking away and that nasty weather as now there’s a speed for the second place GT Daytona Car the 023 triassi Hammers the right moood for and actually rejoin very swiftly indeed but that on the infield at the international horseshoe and on on off triari was just ahead of

Aaron telit when that happened what was the Gap back to the Vasa Sullivan Lexus it was about a minute and 50 seconds in fact so he may well have hung on to Second Place well no in fact he’s got the fourth place car right on his C it’s a

Very quick rejo he could have sat there easily for 30 40 seconds waiting for a gap in the traffic did he jump was he pushed what he had the dragon speed Ora around the outside was he pushed we can answer affirmative he was Paul Miller Racing the BMW don’t forget fighting in

Second place in GTD Pro tapped him up the Rear Round he went I think quite frankly that an offo trii was so busy looking at the dragon speed orer on the outside thinking oh hold on that might not work rounds he went ended up facing 180° from Norm but managed to rejoin

Just ahead of Mike SK in the CAU off Preston Motorsport Mercedes so they are now third and fourth rather than the Ferrari being in second place meanwhile as they say at the front of that class 13.6 seconds is the advantage that Indie Dona had over triassi at the start of

That obvious it’s going to be even more than that over a and tellit when they get to the end of this next tour yeah I I on the chance to witness that again I’ve noticed aitz sneaking through in the deow yellow and black and the Soul surviving vas Sullivan Lexus so that car

Able to get up to second position which is now confirmed on our timing screens triassi lost about 10 seconds on that lap it was a 156 by the time he’d come round to the stripe in the trial the next question is what will be the decision from race control regarding

Neil ven’s breaking point there in the PA Miller Racing BMW cuz it was the the kidney Grill of the BMW firmly into the rear of tri’s Ferrari and uh couldn’t really have done a lot about that now what Nila will say is well he break far too early than I was expecting um

Question is would vagen have made the international horseshoe made the corner had the contact not been made I I think the fact that triassi was trying to leave space for the Ora to go around the outside the dragon speed car meant he was slightly tighter on the corner

Looking at the front leftand corner of the number one Paul Miller Racing BMW there is a little bit of broken Bodywork there don’t forget the back opposite rear corner who also went missing somewhat while ago hopefully it’s nothing too big but all know when the cars are going high on the banking all

That aerrow loading that body workor that has damaged can certainly become fractured and become worse than it was before it’s under review that incident involving Cars one and 02 three hardly surprising that but an amazing Spin and continued really I think the rejoin was perfectly safe but

It was the speed that an offo reacted to that suddenly thought okay well I’ve had contact I’m off on the grass locate first gear and try and get back in the rate as quickly as possible yes it cost him about 9 seconds but it could have

Been a heck of a lot worse than that Christian rasmuson meanwhile switching classes to lmp2 is now the fastest car in the secondary prototype class he leads nmp 2 in Era Motorsports number 18 car and has just done a But Massa as now the number 10 Acura briefly leaving the road this is not troubling the top eight in GTP because Acura have been well certainly for this side of the garage struggling with their number 10 Way teller racing andreti car and it’s Marcus Erikson returning to the

Racetrack in fact uh after a pit stop which was a scheduled one so he came in was there for about a minute and 10 seconds or so and is now back out onto the track right the scrap of the moment is for second place overall it’s still

The Cadillac number 31 from Will and Engineering holding that position with Jack Aken at the wheel but Kevin estra you know some drivers just it’s rip large and everything they do in the car they are extra hungry and Kevin is one of those drivers always has been

Ultimate attacker and he’s right on the tail now he’s a a third of a second a quarter of a second down on the on the U Cadillac going around uh some GTD Runners on the banking lost a little bit of ground there but he every time he

Falls back Kevin estra closes in again on Jack AK the pores are looking really sweet and the race leading portion of the sister car from Porche pensy Motorsport Philip nazer is 5.6 seconds F be even more than that I would suggest because the traffic wasn’t too kind to

Aken Andra and not too far behind Colton hter he’s just about another second and a half away in fourth place overall it’s tight at the front not for the race leader but the battle for second place is where the action is Allen in from Seventh position in

Lmp2 for a stop and quite possibly a driver change as now the wins backed number two of Ben Hanley has a real tussle on his hands zigzagging their way through this is going to be some lapy from the crowd strike uh racing by APR car of Malta yakobson so yakobson is working lap

636 whereas the number two car of Ben Hanley is a couple of laps behind that but he’s not going to make it easy Ben Hanley for the Daye behind to skip through weirdly on the screen they’re actually together in fifth and sixth positions but the other way around so

This is the the fifth place lmp2 car looking to put another lap on the sixth place car for United order Sports USA yeah well covered again any shots the sky is still remaining very gray hopefully any vestage of rain is going away but especially for team seems like

Town Motorsports cuzz they’ve got a pit stop coming up so they don’t want any rain within the following lap but uh all looking cool calm and collected for them Town Motorsports have had a really really good run in this day Tona 24 hours into Pit Road will appear felipo

Massa in the number 74 Riley Tower Motorsports pitting r on Q as well as Bruce mentioned the team ready to jump over the wall there to tend to the latest pit stop there was a a driver change in the number 81 so James Allen out and kein Simpson in to the dragon

Speed Ora which runs seventh this is going to be one for Joe this is the one for Joe to keep an eye on for lmp2 so let’s get to a crowd strike pit report right now yeah so the number eight tower Motorsports car is going to have a driver change it’s Scott

MC glofin who’s going to take I think it was uh 30 wasn’t it 30y alfur who uh was driving that car he’s now handing that to Scott MC Goin Filipe m the can’t get him out the car he’s staying in I’m not saying they can’t get him out he doesn’t

Want to get out stay in oh almost went a bit prematurely he’s snagging on the clutch there and that was Massa on the limit there with the fuel is still engaged and there goes indie car driver Scott mlin to chase after the former Formula 1 Ferrari driver so quite a star

Sted field isn’t it we have here and that’s the lmp2 pure racing battle resuming out on track we had a decision regarding the collision between the two GT cars on the infield and it’s a warning penalty for car number one so Neil verhagen just getting a slap on the wrist but he won’t

Need to visit the pit Lane because of that so just a slight misjudgment for Neil vagen maybe some early breaking from an offo triassi as you say an avoidance of an lmp2 car that was on the high side into the international horseshoe uh but the number one car will

Not be delayed because of that and the number one remember needs to stay as close as possible to James card’s reesi competiion Ferrari let’s head to Joe again yeah we’ve uh got a flurry of lmp2 pit stops and this time it’s the leading number 18 the era Motorsport car of

Trisan rasmuson the Indie next champion at the wheel of the car and stairs at the wheel of the car I didn’t see a driver change there I’m pretty sure I didn’t miss that Felding going in so all pretty standard pit stops what to see now everybody doing these pit stops as quickly as

Possible cuz time can be gained if not lost that’s the philosophy isn’t it totally yeah you’re going to lose way more than you you stand to gain if you start to take risks during a pit stop particularly this close to the end of the race feels bit strange saying that

When we’ got well over three hours still to go but with every tick of the seconds on the clock there’s less time of the race to try and recover any sort of incident that you may be having so having so you uh just need to hit your markers a reminder then that the

Incident responsibility assessed to car one assessed to Neil vagen but they just get a warning at Paul Miller Racing with the BMW M4 after that nose detail contact to the rear of an offo Trias Ferrari it is rs2 IM radio with the 62nd edition of the Rolex 24 at Daytona we’re

Live on the track here at 107.9 FM and wdis serus XM channel 207 it’s Johnny Palmer and Bruce Jones keeping you well up to dat with uh what’s going out on the track and any incidents and stories breaking out in pit lane or indeed behind the wall Jo Bradley uh keeping us

In tune with the crowd strike pit and panic reports and Shay Adam’s going to also uh make sure that she is covering the other end of the pit late so it’s going to be a two-pronged crowd strike attack for the pit reports and let’s get

A quick one now from Joe Bradley in fact what another lmp2 pit stop for you again another uh very sort of regimented if you like tires have gone on in fact oh no as I say that the f I was left with just the fueler and now now we’re

Bringing out a couple of planks of wood one at the front one at the back and then some air pads to lift the car ah this is the jack so the the air jacks in the car don’t appear to be working and I’ve I haven’t noticed this

I don’t know if she has but uh the the car is being lifted to allow them to change tires on air pads it’s kind of a kind of a jack but manual not air jacks within the car so I’m not sure if that’s an issue I’ll check check with the team

Cuz you know what it’s not all right it’s it’s effective in so far as you can get the wheels and tires changed but it’s certainly not as CLE good as an air Jack just being plugged in and the car going down and then when they release

The air Jack it’s kind of like an an air filled pad and you’ve got to kind of push the air out physically push the air out and then pull the plank out ah this this is messy for the 99 that’s going to cost them time every time

Let’s stay in the pits with another crowd strike report this time from Shay done at the other end of the pit Lane the 40 wtr on Drey car is in the Acura getting full service uh windshield clean not a tear off no driver change but four new Michelin tires just waiting on the

Fuel yeah but that 99 issue that Joe was describing for Paul luk chat’s car the O 0 racing machine is now back into the race but if they’re going to have to keep doing that uh far from ideal to get a good result again how strange things

Can quickly turn because the AO racing car was regularly at the front of about four or five cars that were taking turns to lead the race but it’s now dropped down to eigh position and at least five laps off the lead pace which is Christian rasmuson right now for era

Motorsport but not very far away Mal yakobson for crowd strike racing into your poll by pr1 mat and Tom dilman Riley’s Filipe Massa and Scotty mlin who’s just taken over as Joe described the tower Motorsport or here’s Colton herter actually that 40 cars just completed its stop Kevin estra

Will come down pit Lane the number six and Joe Bradley’s got something to pick on that he mentioned a moment or two ago and then we’ll get to Shay for the latest on the six por show Joe first team manager from E racing G Janette confirms they’ve lost the air jacks lost

Them about two and a half hours ago he smiled it’s he’s been around this sport enough to not let that stress him out too much but he does realize and yeah they are going to lose time with every pit stop with every tire change because

It’s just not as C and Cris as an ajck Kevin est’s got a new nose well sorry not to panic Caroline there uh not he but Porsche has a new nose going on it and they’ve taken this opportunity to do Fuel and tires for the number six P so

No driver change also into the pit Lane is the number 85 jdc Miller Motorsports Porsche I came down here for a chat with Richard Westbrook he’s decided not to talk to me just quite yet he staying aboard for another sent with four new Michelin tires cleaned up the wind

Screen and waiting on the fuel also in the jdc Mustang sampling car just a couple boxes up that’s the number five it looks like they did do some service inside the cockpit but I did not see a driver change for that car either it also was Fuel and tires and wow both of

The Privateer pors is getting away at the same time that was beautiful synchronicity but already gone is the Pensky C and off towards the end of Pit Road an offo triassi is in in the competiion in the triassi competi Ferrari 296 which had that spin well contact and spin into the international

Horseshoe but this now a scheduled stop as we head back to Joe in the pits for this interview so it’s uh 30y hapsburg oh hang on a moment the third place Porche has just gone off the track is off the road yeah so this is the was this the outlet for

Gav estr it was and the number six car hits the brakes but there’s absolutely no grip as it turned in and nosed into the barrier and all of a sudden peni Motorsports 963 challenge to back up the race leader which is now in the pits car 7

Is under huge Jeopardy because as Kevin now stalled the car well he’s found reverse that was the big problem was finding the reverse gear with a hot gearbox they are often so resistant to going into reverse now he needs to work his way through the gearbox to the

Forward momentum and that is proving very very difficult indeed so I’ll keep an eye on this six Porsche that is just not moving at all a shaken bring us this about the sister car which might be the only gun in the barrel now for Pensky Motorsports Shay Fuel and tires and most

Importantly it beat out the 31 which has Jack inen aboard those two cars are very nearly nose to tail I’m watching tnie in the flagstand to see if she’s reaching down for the double yellows and she did just reach down for something but the pits are still open we are still green

So for the time being the race control giving everyone the opportunity to dive into the lane yeah and that is because as you were chatting Kevin estra was able to start moving again in the white pen strip Porsche 963 but having rejoined in third position Colton hter has already got by

That Porsche alesio picarello will have been too far back no he wasn’t so he’s got ahead of Kevin estra time and velm also up a place to fifth now for the jdc Miller Motorsports car so Pensky have lost out not only to Acura but to the two customer 963 for proton and jdc

Miller a horrible exit back out to the RAC trap for Kevin estra and most uncharacteristic of a very talented driver Bruce yeah absolutely so he still be on the lead lap I think but only just and bear in mind he was uh jking it out with Jack akin to try and take second

Place so porch’s Works cars could run first and second didn’t see why he ended up going off they just been the pit stop turn three but it was just Agony waiting for him to find some some form of motive movement there but he has got it done

But uh it’s just a race every time the number six gets back in the mix bear in mind there he was about this car was about 45 seconds down 50 seconds down on the sister car full Corell brought them back into the pack and the desperation

To get the move done to move into second place mve past Jack Ain led to him bouncing across the grass not so long ago uh going through the Kink at turn four but this time it was seemed to be all on its own unless some video footage is produced

Otherwise well Kevin’s doing his absolute best to try and warm up those front tires by flicking the steering wheel to the left violently he then rejoined and yeah back onto through the Kink on the exit of Pit Road then start just hits the braks where he would normally

Have done so and just skates right off and then onto the grass I think he was just clear of the tire wall but the car’s moving around all over the place on these ice cold tires it was a lock up from the left and then on the front

Right as well and he desperately pumping the break to make sure that it doesn’t fully lock up but just couldn’t arrest the speed in time no he couldn’t as he was trying to turn in the corner he had the number 70 Inception racing McLaren up the inside whether that just put him

Off and he just went off past his breaking point but the car is going again the number six pora but instead of being in third place challenging for second he’s down in sixth place he’s got 662 Laps on the board is race lead at 663 that’s Matt Campbell so really what

Are we looking at 3 hours 40 minutes remaining in this 24 Race 24 Hours of Daytona and it’s looking as though well hold on there is still time for the pendulum to go the other way still a time for a full course yellow to lead the pack being closed right up but I

Just want to check he hasn’t fallen more than one lap down on the race leader no he hasn’t just sweeping through to complete another lap lap around that’ll be 663 Laps on the board for his car as well yeah the Gap then from Matty Campbell now back to estra first to

Sixth is a minute and 14 seconds time around here A real one if you’re pushing on is a minute and 35 at the moment they’re doing 137s 138 and Jack a in a touch slower than that first time around because that was his out laap and he was allowing the

Michelan tires to get back up the temperature but you think about the number of times that estra will have gone into the international horseshoe on cold tires and he’ll be thinking well I know where to break you know I’ve attempted to warm up the tires as much

As I can abiding by the uh Pit Road speed limit and he was he was violently flicking the wheel to the left and to the right before he got back on the way to make sure that front tire temp was vaguely up there I mean you know it’s

Not going to be until you’ve done probably two3 or maybe a full lap around here but these world class drivers can generally adapt to it whether he caught a bit of grease on the track or I don’t know something maybe some semi bit of Cooler that ended up on the offline

There tricky to say and maybe he might not even know what caused that problem but then you’ve got to have you know peace of mind a collection of of thoughts to just say let’s not concentrate too much on the time I’m hemorrhaging here and try and uh get the

Car back into the race as quickly as possible there was definitely an issue though locating reverse gear and then coaxing the gearbox back into first to pull away from the grass it is I think yours a very good point and I think you’re probably pretty much spot on in

Terms of a bit of liquid on the circuit something slippery because that you know the car just didn’t want to turn in at all and that point he uh he ended up just but we wondered if he got close to tire wall uh yes about a foot was the

Distance between the nose of the car uh but luckily he did get it going but uh it really you know it could close up with another full course yellow if we’re going to have one the weather looks so it’s going to hold still the Blue Sky we

Saw earlier this morning you can see little slivers of it but it’s largely a gray day but importantly the sky is no longer charcoal gray behind the main grandstand so hopefully whatever rain was possibly coming through has moved on pass and we will have dry running to the

End fingers crossed on that but for Kevin estra all that experience all the success he’s had this that’ll be a moment that he will not want to remember at all let’s hope from his point of view it’s not one that denies them a Podium finish but he’s down in sixth place all

Six cars on the front stint of course are in GTP on the lead lap but he’s right at the tail of thatp 20 if he lost 20 seconds more he go a lap down which we know is the ultimate thing you do not want to do cuz a full corsell would no

Longer bring you back into the mix if that was the case it’s that time again for a round of GTD pit stops the race leader Winward racing Mercedes into Pit Road Shay Adams so what service are they doing on the 57 uh that’s Jen I’m actually at the Lexus the second place

Car and it is fuel and sticker tires for Aon T staying aboard for another St okay so tets pitting from second after the contact to the 023 of well now Ricardo agostini’s car it was on offo triari though at the time and the 023 having to come fighting back

Again Indie Don’s Pit Stop seems to be going a plan so far though pitting after 616 laps and if Joe’s in the vicinity of the 57 crew we should be able to get another crowd strike pit and padet report either during the pit stop or May maybe quickly afterwards there’s been a

Driver change in fact there as Dona hands over to Phil Ellis so if Indie is in conversational mood might not be a bad idea to catch up with him after at least a couple of stins where he was really charging hard especially that fabulous fight with an nrio

Triari also GTD Pro leader comes into pit Lane so Neil theen staying out in the Paul Miller Racing BMW he moves from second to first but James cardo is in Chay and he’s staying in so I’m going to grab him for a chat in just a few

Moments time a bit of a sticky gun once again on that right rear of the racing compion Ferrari this was the break change that they had issue with was on that tire but they managed to get all four tires changed no harm no foul because thear is still up on the air

Jacks waiting on the refueling to finish still up on the air jacks there we go now it drops down field nozzle is still attached and we wait for the sign board to go that’s APG who’s taking over alisander P so back into the office he climbs and

It’s a very familiar space indeed in a now a year old car the Ferrari 296 it took a a wonderful Victory last year in GT3 format at the nurburg ring 24 hours around the great Nord circuit there in in uh the west of Germany and nobody quite saw that coming

Because that’s traditionally been a race dominated by the four big German manufacturers and the 296 looking to try and get victory in GTD Pro here at Daytona in 2024 which again would be a superb result for a car early in its GT3 run yeah it was a bit of a fairy tale

Run that that period of because that was the first win for Ferrari in this sort of foot return to sports cars and then a far bigger win came in a 24-hour race just within the fortnite and it was the lam more 24 hours of course which was

The full official Works return but for the fadelli racing team CLA abin almost beside himself at the end of the race uh where they took that victory in theing 24 hours but uh it’s very very busy in the pit Lane and Joe Bradley has caught up with a driver who had probably the

Best last hour in this race his name is indie Dona he’s just out of the Winwood racing Mercedes car number 57 yeah Winwood racing uh a very busy uh place to be at the moment Indie joh though as uh you’re smiling Indie that was a cracking stint you enjoyed that yeah of

Course uh it’s tough racing out there and uh we’re fighting the Ferrari hard and uh it was really uh difficult to pass him uh I think it took me six seven laps where to catch him and uh finally it it it it it it happened and um yeah really happy

I I think you from where we were watching from it looked like you saw the traffic coming to you and you were thinking all the time yeah you have to make use of the traffic everybody has uh sometimes it’s uh not in your uh in in a

Negative way sometimes in a positive way and uh so sometimes you need those things and have you logged where the Ferrari is strong where it’s weak where you can where you can do that again well uh on the straight they are pretty strong uh but we are strong on breaking

So uh I think uh it’s a compromise we are good in the infield they are good on the on the banking so let’s see and you enjoyed that didn’t you thank you I wish you could see his smile boys he’s uh he’s had a good stint thanks Joe and I must say I

Probably known Indy for about nearly 10 years now he’s normally smiling makes me laugh quite a lot he’s got that very dry sense of humor you know when you listen to the words coming out of mouth you think one thing then you see the expression on the face and you realize

He’s just trying to put one over you so we we do always like drivers with a sense of humor but clearly a very good right foot as well but very interesting your question there Joe about the relative performance of the Ferrari versus uh the uh Mercedes the Mercedes a

Better known uh car in GT3 simply because the Mercedes AMG has been round a few years more but the 296 Ferrari it does look very Sleek standing still but that acceleration it has out of Corners it’s very very good in a straight line so that’s something that he will have to

Consider when he gets back in the car some stage between now and the end of the race we’ve got just over 3 and 1 half hours remaining in this the 62nd running of the 24 hours the Rolex 24 at daytoner International Speedway up front it’s still the number seven Porsche

Leading the way only by 4 seconds though from Jack eight kin in the 31 uh Cadillac and he’s got Bri he’s got Colton hurter in behind of course you might have automatically thought where’s the number six if you gone away for 15 minutes you’ll wonder why the number six

Porter isn’t in third place challenging for second but an off track uh moment onto the grass at turn five is why that has fallen to the back of the pack back to sixth place overall in GTP the last car on the lead lap in lmp2 though it’s the the world of

Oras and it’s Christian rasmuson leading the way the number 18 entry it’s been going very well in this uh these later stages of the race for era Motorsport and the young Day Christian rasmuson is doing it precisely the job that’s required of him and he’s starting to

Stretch clear 14 1/2 seconds clear of malter Jacobson so it’s danne and danne and then Tom dilman third in the class in car number 52 that’s been running very well for inter europ pole run by PR one M PR one mattius but right now it’s all about the era Motorsport

Car in P2 and in fact in P2 if you’ve got a lead of more than 4 seconds you’re doing very very well the lead at the moment for him is sitting on uh about 14 seconds 14 and 1 half seconds over Jacobson p Ward now driving the number

Two United order Sports USA car that he’s taken over from Ben Hanley in the winds Livery rasmuson you’ve just said charging hard he’s just done the fastest lap in lmp2 today so class leading Mercedes but he’s just just done that car’s best lap of the

Race so far as well for win Ward racing so nice new set of tires putting being put to good use it’s still mattity Campbell leading after 670 laps in GTP and overall by four and a bit seconds over Jack Akin as we get this crowd strike piit report from Joe yeah Ben

Anley has just handed over the number two United or sport or to his team current Indie Kart Superstar P award I’m I’m filling time here guys because standing with Ben and now he’s going into conversation he just had a chat with Richard Dean now he’s having a chat

With his engineer Gary rcho I’m not going to be rude and stick the mic under there even though I know Gary very well but um I’m going to ask the question which is uh what everybody’s thinking about this number two and that is basically uh I can see he’s describing

Handling characteristics now to Gary uh very little we can do other than tire press regarding that at the Stitch but uh it’s going to be all about getting this number two back on the lead lap isn’t it and that’s going to be Rober Chaw on the pit wall using all that

Tactical new that we’ve seen the Leon class winning engineer do let uh see if we can EES drop and get a bit of insight what they what they what they’re planning lots of gesticulation there I can’t really read it it’s kind of money gesticulation I think Ben might be

Thinking as he kind of have a clear Rising we’ll uh we’ll do the job but yeah it’s uh it’s going to be were you asking Gary for more money there were you cuz you you’re doing that yeah uh yeah we just you know we just had a a little bit more of an

Unpredictable car compared to what we’ve had in the buildup to the race so we’re just trying to understand why that is really you think that’s down to the uh do you think that’s down to like the temperature is completely different it’s like a different month not Le a

Different day yeah I mean to be honest this should suit us more um we kind of anti we thought we might struggle at the start of the race in the Heat and we’d come alive towards the end but we seem to be stuck we had a we had a break

Issue for quite a long time so everything was super hot on back there so I don’t know whether that’s done some damage to something um but yeah I mean we’re hanging in there 3 and a half hours left there could always be yellows you know well I

Was going to ask you from last year so I know that than anyone you’ve got to be in a position to be able to use that yellow you know what I was going to ask you when I walked in here is there anything that you guys can

Do to get yourselves back on that lead lap uh well I mean we did a pretty good job getting in front of the the crowd strike car you know uh that was for the get back on the lead lap but then rasmason just seems to be that touch

Quicker than everyone else so he’s now jumped us so that puts us now back behind the leader overall so we got in a good position and then we’ve just lost it they’re still 3 and 1 half hours I mean I’m considering how how clean all the testing was I’m surprised at how messy

The race has been you know you know the conditions have been pretty good but there’s been a lot of mistakes so we’ve managed to keep clean just a little issue with the with the temperatures on the back there that that might have cost us some performance we don’t know after

Analyze after the race but it’s not bad we just expect it to be a bit stronger especially with the temperatures how they are today always intriguing for us though Ben we love it let’s head down to sh got the GTD Pro I believe came in from the lead James gardo yeah James if

This is how hard you work when they’re telling you to save a little bit and you get out of the car completely drenched and sweat I don’t know what it would look like when you’re told to push how much were you given out there what do

You mean I was I was I was pushing as hard as I could uh no I think the pace is is is very good uh the car is very well balanced uh and I think the team have done a great job in uh preparing

For the end of a race car which which is good to know but as We Know you know we’ve had our ups and downs at one point we were completely in Flames uh during the pit stop uh luckily all the guys were okay with uh some minor issues so

Uh yeah I mean anything can happen of course um but yeah we’ll see I mean uh I’m happy with what the guys have done so far uh nice to be back at a GT uh definitely lower heart rate in a GT car and uh yeah let’s see what happens at

The end but uh whatever happens happens I’m proud how much easier is the 296 to drive than the 488 was because they were completely different categories of cars yeah I mean they’re very different in all the years at Ferrari 10 now uh I’ve gone through a lot of cars the 458 and

The 488 were very similar this is a lot different it was more designed for quick repair uh the quality of the car is is a lot better not necessarily quicker uh but it’s uh it’s an amazing car and uh I think it’s yet to show it for potential

Um we’re working hard to to try and improve it and uh to get some more race wins because it it deserves it you finished second here before you know how awful it is to watch the watches being passed to someone else how hard are you

Going to push in that final s to get Ferrari their third major 24-hour victory in a calendar year yeah I’ve had a lot podiums here never never the win I mean uh but that’s just the way it is I mean what can you do uh it could be the

Same today whatever happens I’m not really bothered I’m just happy to be here and enjoying driving the race car glad to hear it welcome back yeah interesting um interesting comments there about you know being more relaxed in a GT car obviously in a prototype you’ve got

An awful lot of scence on your side pushing the car down on the road so I would have thought hustling a GT car particularly around this place would have been a a real bodily experience but he’s finding it more relaxing James but I suppose it’s going back to what he’s

Been used to for the the majority of the decade he’s been with Ferrari yeah entirely so but you do automatically think if you’re in uh you know the GTD class against prototypes you’re going to be looking in your mirrors as well as looking forwards when you’re trying to

Attack whereas if you’re a GTP Runner you just got to look at what’s on the track ahead of you because you’re not going to be overtaken by another faster class of cars but uh I think it’s possibly they just feel like a comfortable pair of shoes for James he’s

Raced them for so long not just race them race them at the very very top level I mean the success he’s had notably alongside Alexandro p it’s it’s Legend how many things they’ve gone through to win but you know what it’s also driver mind management isn’t it

Tell yourself you’re not too fast you’ll take what comes but you saw how hard he was pushing when he was out on the circuit to get ahead of that GTD battle it was just ahead of them on the track he worked it perfectly and remember we

Had that fabulous sight of three cars of breast going around the banking with James high above an offo trii and down at the bottom Indie Don in the Winwood uh Mercedes as well so he was pushing on and I love the way he sort of rebuffed

That he was out there just to save giv fuel how to insult a driver they’re giving 100% you yeah I was out of the throttle and just you know using the momentum of the car to Glide past you around the outside Cru and collect the 296 GT3 making its

Debut at the start of uh last year then and as Shane made the point Ferrari as a brand have already won the nurburg ring 24 hours and lamon of course last June with the 499 P So within the same 12 month segment of which we are within

Until May of this year this could be the third huge victory for the Prancing horse it’s only the 296 GT3 that has some help from Ora incidentally both the 499 P prototype the lemon hyper car and this new GT3 car were designed and engineered by Ferrari and Ora assemble

The 296 GT3 and help to provide service as well whereas the 499 P for not involved with that at all a handful of years ago if you talked about in a calendar year trying to win the nuring lam more and Daytona well it wouldn’t have happened because I don’t think a

Single driver would have done all three of those races but such as been the sort of reformatting of sports car racing in this boom time we now have with GT3 in particular being so strong we do have drivers who will be in all three of those races in a calendar year but

Before they might as well have operated you know 20 years ago on different planets so I I really like the fact that drivers can go single seated drivers often have like the the holy TR Trinity of what they try to win and famously of course that that uh it was always an

Estimation was it winning the Monaco Grand Prix the more 24 hours than the Indie 500 that was the uh the hattick the golden the Triple Crown Triple Crown of course other people interpreted it different way know you going to win the Formula 1 World Championship but in

Terms of GT3 racing if you win all those three I think we can perfectly easily and rightly call that a Triple Crown if you’re in any doubt as to who is the star driver right now in GTD Pro well Sheldon velinda has just thrown down not one but two absolute best laps within

That category he did a 145. 796 on lap 625 he’s just crossed the line again and gone even quicker down to a 45771 the South African again in the BMW M4 is absolutely flying because he’s got 9 and 1 half seconds try and find on Alexandra Pier guidi’s Ferrari I think

Frankly he just gets very bored very easily so he needs a focus but joking aside interesting to see that number one Paul Miller Racing BMW can lap as fast as it can we had the a little bit of damage at the front the contact down at turn three that pitched an offo triari

Into a spin that was a warning for the crew don’t do that again but also the rear body work on the opposite flank of the car was a little bit battered as well much earlier in the race so not quite as aerodynamically ah now the damage I

Never really got to the foot I’m just hearing Shay Adam from down in the pit Lane saying the number one car was hit up the rear by the number 23 when they were coming into the pits overnight which was the Aston Martin heart of racing team car running in GTD Pro so

Friends and enemies hey not sure whether Alex reras was at the wheel of the car at the time but he is now in that heart of racing uh as Martin Vantage it was Mario at the time I’m hearing in car 23 Mar fer that’s right yeah and to the outside line the

Proton competition Mustang sampling car of alesio picarello his first major experience of a prototype at this level picarello coming onto my radar although he was on yours well before that from his experience in Asia although from Belgium originally and Then followed the next probably three or four years establishing his name within

GT3 running in Europe and also GTE competition with at least one title in the European Lon Series in the last handful of years but 2020 I just happened to be looking at his statistics so he’ come back from racing in in the Far East I it’s really strange career

Not many drivers leave Europe after a few years of single seater racing and then head over to formula master in China but it kept his career going did well enough in that and started to make a name and then when G racing began to Blossom over there people looking for a

CO driver oh he’s rather good he knows the circuits but he’s done the rest and became very much a friend of Porsche that’s why he’s moved up to the Porsche prototype program and taken to it very naturally indeed it seems that proton customer 963 is the second best now of those uh new

Cars uh there were four of them in the race the Pensky Motorsport cars were first and third when Kevin estra had his moment coming out from a schedule Pit Stop zero grip as he hit the brakes into the international horseshoe couldn’t stop the car in time and as the number

Seven which leads the race in the hands of Matty Campbell comes out onto the back straight once again he looks behind him and it’s going to be a long long time before D vantor appears between Kevin estri appear I should say out of that left-hander at Speedway turn two

Now down in sixth position but well clear of Dre’s fan tour in the next best GTP car which is the BMWs they have had uh early success in this race and then it went very very wrong at roughly the same time actually for the 24 and the 25

Within about the same 90 minutes their race somewhat nose dived uh really did and just to reiterate for Kevin estra he lost the best over a minute with that rotation and the inability to get that number six Porsche going all over again no such problems Matty Campbell doing a

Fantastic job in assist to car number seven leading by under five seconds Jack aen is remaining there or thereabouts but with the problem for her who’ been pushing him very hard indeed with him being removed and dropping down to sixth overall that was the chance for Colton

Herzer to move up into third but since getting there he’s remained roughly 5 Seconds down in the better place of the uh way tayor racing with andreti Acuras it’s the AR6 06 he’s 9 seconds down on the race leader but he’s got a comfortable Cush of the best part of 20

Seconds back to Lop picarello in that number five proton competition Porsche so for now it’s sort of settled down into a little pattern among the GT4 Runners the GTP Runners 3 and a/ qu hours remaining lots of battling but not at the very front of the field yeah they’re just uh keeping their

Powder dry before the the real fight begins if you like in about an hour and 15 minutes time so often I’ve heard it mentioned that if you’re on on the lead lap and even just hanging on to the tail end of the lead lap with two hours to go

Then there is still a chance of taking victory at this wonderful event the 6.2 L V8 that you can just about hear in the background powering Philip Ellis through Speedway turns two and three and now onto the backstretch this is the 57 Winward racing Mercedes that has an 11c

Lead over vas Sullivan Lexus for Aaron telitz in car number 12 then the triari competit the onlyi Ferrari of Ricardo agostini 023 don’t get that confused with the 23 as Martin the 023 car running in third Position yeah just taking a little look at that Aaron tiit is definitely starting to close on Philip Ellis so the car that’s second in GTD is closing in for VAs Sullivan they need to draw something out of this race because the number 14 the sister car had retired

Long ago from GTD Pro and I must say ahead of this race that was one of my class favorites of GTD Pro because the lineup of Jack Hawksworth Ben barnico so much success together State Side last year kyl Kirkwood and Mike Conway who can sort of do no wrong in a prototype

Running in the GTD class I looked at that and thought you know what we always say Johnny have a well balanced driver lineup it’s far better for you for the team for everyone if it’s well balanced rather than having a few stars and a few others this is GTD Pro of course I

Expect them all to be Stars I looked at that and thought Oh that’s got some good ingredients but alas for the number uh 14 it didn’t go the distance nobody’s gone the distance but it dropped off some time ago so for Vasa Sullivan if they can at least get second place or

Maybe a potential win uh in GTD then they will gain some at least some reward for all their efforts in this event in Daytona concentrating for a moment on the three-time supercars Champion kiwi driver Scotty mlin who’s at the wheel of the number eight tower Motorsports car

Absolutely loving this event it was Nick Damon who caught up with Scott earlier in the weekend and he said this has been on the bucket list for quite some time and he he’d like to keep coming back to this uh 24 Hours of Daytona because the intensity is similar to that that he’s

Experienced in the Indie card championship for much of last year and um yeah thoroughly enjoying a kind of early start to his Motor Racing calendar and there’s not a lot really that clashes with this only they do buy 24 hours this year and that’s not by

Design we should be back to the normal dates for 2025 he’s a great addition the man from Christ Church no I I think very much so and really I I think for years not everyone tweaked this but it’s a very good way certainly in the days

Before drivers had Sims to play on at home just to keep the eye in it’s one thing going testing but racing is racing and you know it keeps those competitive juices being rewarded you put the effort in and it may or may not work but at

Also gives you you know we always talk about the highs and lows of motor racing and unfortunately you normally have to suffer uh this both of those through the course of a year but I just think it just keeps a driver sharp over the winter gives them something to focus on

As they’re they’re going through the Clos season and an early start is definitely what they want they’re racing drivers yeah they want to be on a track so the tower car is running in third ahead of the Riley of Philipe Massa car number 74 and then malty Jacobson in the

Crow strike racing by APR car great chat that Joe had with Stuart Cox in the nighttime hours Stewie was quite surprised at the the pace within lmp2 um well-known teams that are in that solid block from first to eth and 9th to 16th overall really pushing on

From the early stages and there has been no letup in the lmp2 scrap all the more impressive to think how good that pace has been they’re still only 20 odd seconds SE separating era Motorsport and now into Euro with the tower Motorsports car though finding time here and there on Tom dilman

Mclin’s experience behind the wheel of a prototype is uh is you know relatively slim on the ground but obviously with all of his now more recent single seater experience after a number of seasons in the Indie Car Championship that you move from downforce car single seater to downforce

Car double seater if you like twin seater prototype then there’s some comparable skills there no doubt yeah no certainly that is the case right let’s take a look at what’s happening at the front of the race can I get people excited by saying that the Gap is coming

Down but uh Matt Campbell is still sitting on a lead of 4.2 seconds that’s a bit of a struggle to really but it was a much better lap that time around for Jack Akin again traffic has no doubt come into play because certainly Matt campell’s looking very comfortable

Leading this race for porschea Pensky Motorsport sitting on yeah 4 seconds is sort of fine but uh as we’ve seen you have a few laps consecutively with uh with traffic then things can slow down now a driver just come into the pits you were just talking about him Johnny is

Scott mclin yeah uh so that’s the end of a pretty standard stint for Tower Motorsports also in is the Riley we’ll get to that in a mo but it’s 10:30 in the morning it’s time for a VP in race update Matt Campbell leads in the number seven Porche Pensky Motorsport 963 by

Just under 5 Seconds this is lap 683 we’re working Jack Ain for Cadillac and the whan team the V series are running in second number 31 third position it’s the 40 Wayne Taylor racing with andreti Acura ARX 06 Colton hter remaining at the wheel there set for

Quite a bit of change in lmp2 as mentioned the third and fourth place cars have just reached the end of their fuel stint so they’re now in in Scott mlin for Tower and Philipe Massa for Riley but it’s still Christian rasmason who’s really been setting the pace holds

On to the fastest lap within the category a 1 39.5 so era Motorsport lead car 18 into EUR Bowl competition and Tom dilman in second number 52 and Scott mlan was third but he now in pit Lane GTD Pro Alexandra Pier guidi leads in the reesei competiion Ferrari number 62

Ahead of a rampant Sheldon velinda and the Paul Miller racing BMW M4 car 1 and third is now Lauren Heinrich in the AO racing Porche number 77 GTD without the pro suffix is being led by the 57 Phil Ellis driven wward racing Mercedes from the Lexus Vasa Sullivan Aaron telit uh

Control number 12 and the 32 caught off Preston Motorsport Mercedes of currently Mike SK that’s our VP in race update at 10:32 in the the morning and Joe was watching well those two lmp2 stops that we mentioned what about Christian rasmuson is he your end for era

Motorsport yeah he’s in now Johnny uh whilst the rasmason car the ER the era number 18 is being refueled right so we had the number eight in ahead of the 74 now remember the previous Pit Stop mlin chased down Massa off the pit apron they came in for this pit stop in that

Reversed order m ahead of Massa and they left the pits uh in exactly the same fashion brand new unscrub rubber went on both the number eight tower car and the number 74 so the team is maintaining a good collection of Saved rubber to take

The uh these cars to the end and the ER era car uh just left pit Aon as well dri stayed on board in that one as well so we are seeing the countdown to the checked flag beginning to sort of show it head now one thing thank you very much Joe

One thing we’d like you to look out for is part of the crowd strike pit Lane reporting crew is next time the Paul Miller Racing BMW that Sheldon Linder is hurling around the track running second in GTD Pro in that BMW there’s long being damaged to the right rear corner

But the Bodywork is seemingly becoming ever more tattered and loose so that may need a fair bit of attention he’s just 10 seconds down on class leader Alexandro pid’s ritzy competiti Ferrari but I I think might be a very good idea to get down and see it with your very

Own eyes well the issue at the moment is that the BMW should be able to do about another 15 odd laps let’s just check whether the stint that it did earlier on which was 33 Incorporated any caution there were two caution laps in a stint that went

From lap 588 to lap 620 so let’s round that up to maybe a 30 lap stint even that might be a bit of a stretch Under full green conditions but Sheldon’s only done 14 is a point so maybe another 14 laps before it will need fuel the team

Of course will be rather concerned about the Bodywork and whether it’s going to chew itself up before we get to the 27 28 maybe 29 lap marker by the time which the BMW will need a bit more energy although we’re not really using that pilot within the GT ranks it’s just

Basic fuel still for those cars but this uh less so than Sebring but Dave toner is known as certainly a car breaker regarding the engine and transmission because they’re having to work so so hard on the really fast sections of the circuit but the infields

Certainly not too kind to a car that is uh suffering from flapping Body Work notice Tom dillman’s just come in in the number 52 car there’s been a driver change at inter Europa competition and Joe Bradley keeping a watchful eye on that and other things in the pit L let’s

Get another crowd strike pit report from him yeah the racing 99 the car has come in we got to change a driver John Paul L shant has jumped from the car the tires have stayed on the car now this is not a tactical sort of any sort of tactical

Reason the tires did on the car and having to double stint them I think that’s been led by the fact that this car hasn’t got any air jacks and changing tires cost them a little bit more time than they’d like so that this decision of keeping the tires there what

We would normally see is when you change the drive you might as well change the tires that’s not what we’ve just seen on the 99 so we’ll see how those tires last and it’s tough being the new driver in because you don’t really know what Paul Luke shatan has been doing with

That set of tires let’s not let’s hope he’s not been ringing the neck of them but Alex Quinn in the 99 heading uh back out onto track with some rather secondhand tires it seems s L uh Petra FIP getting on board the 52 car I mentioned for into europ pole by

Pr1 mat Motorsport that car in turn slips back behind the era Motorsport car of Connor zillich so zillich has just taken over as well from Christian rasmason after a fine double stint and let’s see where Zill can match the sort of times that the Dane was doing it’s the number 81 car

Heads through the uh backstretch chicane that’s the dragon speed car for the man from bar bados originally kein Simpson and rounding Speedway turn three or four rather just at that time being swamped by Jack Akin in his all red and and uh black rear of the wh and engineer

Cadillac V series R which is desperately trying to hang on to the coattails of Matty Campbell who leads the race yeah the Gap is s 7.9 seconds so it’s going out always in favor of the number seven pensy Porto Pensky Motorsport 963 however we know what would we got left

Just over 3 hours remaining in this race we saw everything Bunch back up last time there was a full course yellow and if you don’t know why that was caused and triggered it was because the body workor the rear engine cover came off and some of the rear body work came off

That short cre Motorsport lier and was parked just off the banking uh towards the end of the lap after it had come off somewhere after the chicane we thought it must have been before couldn’t find it when we were looking for it because clearly uh the driver on the board at

That time noan Seagle had to went went a further lap and went past the pit in and had to carry on for another lap with no Bodywork uh pretty much behind his the driver’s head the rear wing was still there but the Bodywork and the rear

Dorsal the dorsal fin was no longer with the car around the world on rs2 imza radio here at the track 107.9 FM is the frequency you’ll will need between now and the end of the race 303 still to go that’s 3 hours 3 minutes and 3 seconds I did that earlier on as

Well 11 111 wasn’t it it was on that occasion just a have have a sort of Handy Knack of getting to the clock when they are easy numbers to remember and tally up with anyway uh Sirius XM channel 207 is where we remain to and in

That 3 hours and 3 minutes still to go obviously we will keep you entire highy up to date with what is set to be an even more intense fight in all four classes to the checker flag but the Checker indicates purely the end of the race but the start of the conversation

And the post uh post race look back so it’ll be Michelin post Race Tech to round up our coverage from Daytona for 2024 and that all kicking off shortly after the checkered flag this afternoon but it’s mid morning in Florida and still plenty of cloud cover above the

Raceway when we get to 11:00 I’d be pretty confident to say that the major threat of rain will have disappeared because there was something like 3% chance of rainfall between 1100 a.m. and 1:40 the end of the race this afternoon car 23 I’m hearing from Shay

Is heading into pit Lane and that is the Alex Reas part of racing Aston Martin that taged the back of the number one BMW in the dead of night so Shay is watching this pit off it’s Fuel and tires for Alex Riveras but yes the hood is actually popping up quite

Significantly they do have 100 mph tape cleaning off the nose that’s good that’ll make it stick better um but I don’t think the piece of tape is actually big enough to really do very much of anything there is a great deal of air that is being pushed underneath

The hood it’s lucky that it hasn’t come up yet the latches are doing their job Alex now clear the lead Johnny kns the lead pit Lan official is going to go have a quick chat with the team and make sure that they’re happy with the work that they’ve

Done yeah certainly that’s been rising by a good couple of inches for the last stint sounds like me trying to wrap some Christmas or birthday presents never quite enough tape to hold the paper down you need a larger sheet before you start uh beginning the job a welld deserved

Slurp of water for a uh for Colton hter who’s just come in in the number 40 Wayne Taylor racing with andreti Acura so that another pit lane report from with crowd strike from Shay Adam and uh there’ll be a whole host of those between now and at the end of the race

Which is now just three hours away as we tick by past 10:40 in the morning and if you’re in a class where cars can roughly do an hour that’s rather helpful now for your your back timing purposes although often in a 24-hour race you’ve got so

Far out of that pit on the hour pit on the hour Rhythm um you’re having to rck kind of rework the spreadsheet with every lap that is ticked off 20 laps in to Phil Ellis’s stint in the 57 car likewise for Aaron telitz in the FASA Sullivan Lexus Mike ske pitted a lap

Before that in the number 32 CAU off Preston Motorsports Mercedes and I still think the better part of another 10 laps for Alexandre yeah greedy slightly more for Sheldon velinda in the Paul Miller Racing BMW in the G the GTD Pro category it should be the Ferrari that pits of

Those three first and probably two laps before Sheldon velinda but the the one factor that might change things in the Paul Miller Racing Camp is how bad that rear body work is getting because it is just starting to work its way up the car it’s not just the very back of it it’s

Heading towards the C pillar now and the team will be keeping and the spotter by the way high up in the grand stone or high up in the uh World Center of racing building will be definitely looking at that through the binoculars Dean and Paul to give them their mentions are the

Spot Cole sorry Dean and Cole Shay’s desperately trying to make me more knowledgeable than I am but uh uh we got there in the end Dean and Cole the Paul Miller Racing BMW spotters for this race and Sheldon velinda is difficult to spot uh judging by the speed that he’s been

Laying down he still hangs on to the fastest lap within that category right I’m thinking that Jack Akin will have to pick this lap he’s only got 5% energy still to use 10% energy for the race leading number seven Porter a short while ago I thought there were exactly

The same amount but maybe one further lap for the number number seven Porsche and that has stretched its advantage to 9 seconds so little by little Matt Campbell has been building a bit more of a cushion sh you’ve got more Stoppers these are from the GT prototype camp

Both of the Privateer Porsches are in jdc Miller Motorsport own a driver change time and vanderhelm out Phil Hansen in oo that means that Westy will be taking it to the Finish that’s exciting and in the sister card or sorry the other private Porsche that would be

The Mustang sampling Porsche that was no driver change just Fuel and tires we do have the number six into the pit Lane as well I saw a driver getting out of that one but I did not see who was getting in Shay Adam with the crowd strike pit

Report there and a very busy time as it always is towards the end of a GTP segment a cursory glance over the right shoulder from Nick Tandy who is making sure that the fast lane is nice and clear and he will now Round the Corner got to be careful

Though now on the out laap doesn’t want to repeat Kevin ester’s escapades down at the international horseshoe as Nick pulls those belts nice and tight and heads back out onto the racetrack in the number six yes on small elements things and races 24-hour races can pivot on just

Tiny moments but bear in mind not too long before Kevin estra had the pit stop from which he emerged and went off at turn five he was bouncing across the grass at turn four went round the outside of the Forte racing Lamborghini while he was challenging uh Jack Aken in

The number 31 Wheeland engineering Cadillac that did cost him too much time managed to recover close in and then just as he was trying to pass again of course he had the pit stop and out of the pit stop and off the track but effectively a minute loss and that has

Really really hurt the number six car and it does seem the pendulum of Fortune has favored the number seven in the latter half of this race here the 62nd running Johnny and therefore when the pit stop is served a number seven car coming in as if on Q with just over 9sec

Advantage over Jack Atkin’s Cadillac so Matt Campbell and Jack akkin pitting on on the same lap they hit the pit entry Beam at uh well 9.5 seconds separating them at the end of lap 690 so we will easily go north of the 700 lap marker but we’re going to be

Well short of the 2020 distance record of 833 laps I remember that year at Daytona keep glancing at the scoring Tower uh where at the very top of that is a lap counter and we got Beyond 700 750 800 I’m wonder whether we might even go all

The way to 850 laps but we were pretty sure and uh it became certain that there was a distance record um much before the closing hour actually and then it’s just a question of how far we were going to get a very special year 2020 which

Followed a difficult one in 19 when we were fighting the weather here in Florida thankfully no weather arriving just yet as now the 31 car is back on the move and that Big 5 1/2 ler naturally aspirated Cadillac engine you can hear in the background there sitting

Just about and it’s a tight squeeze to get that lump into this chassis but a glorious sound it makes and has made a lot of fans this weekend I’m sure heading back out onto the racetrack goes the number seven of Matt Campbell for Pensky Motorsports and Tom Blan fist

Now taking charge from Jack Ain of the number 31 whing engineering car third position Colton her remember he pitted a lap ago alesio picariello and Phil Hansen have been in recently as well in the customer 963 as Shay was reporting and Dre vanor is the last I

Think of that gaggle of eight GTP cars to need a pit stop although sadly the BMWs a long long way back now about 13 laps away from the race leading Porsche yeah really what’s happened in the last hour or so is the fact that the other

BMW that was eight laps down has fallen back uh on the same lap or just one lap ahead Dre vantour in 24 of Conor de Filipe in 25 so 25 is the one that’s had two hits of trouble whereas the 24 it was all in one go when Dre fanor wasn’t

Able undercover of Darkness to continue into turn six took a while hooked the car up towed it in but not in because the the strap came off and the car was left sitting on the track pretty much at the exit of turn two and eventually had

To be put on a flat bed all the time went missing there but ironically before and after the pit stops the BMWs were going very well indeed when I say the pit stops have been the times they spent in the pit garage getting sorted out again good speed from a couple of GT

Cars the first of those Kyle marceli in the number number 45 which is the other Wayne Taylor racing car that we’ve not mentioned a great deal about in the entry remember the two Acuras but there’s also a Lamborghini uran driven by Kyle marceli that’s just done its fastest lap of the race 147.7mm

Position to be at this um at this 21-hour marker the problem is if you’re not in the top three in GTD Pro you’ve had a nightmare basically CU it’s been it’s really strange to see that Pro lineups that far down in 30th 31st 32nd position a reminder I suppose that

There’s actually nothing different technically wise between a GTD and a GTD D Pro car um it’s purely on the driver lineup but we’ve got stories Galore of driver driver combinations with AMS in them doing a heck of a lot better than the pros yeah it just means that we got

Uh GTD Pros in 17th 18th 19 then the next block of 10 positions from 20th which is Phil Ellis in the Winward racing Mercedes down to 29th which is uh car number 43 which is the andred Motorsports Porsche all ahead of fourth fifth sixth and seventh in GTD Pro so

Yes it’s been a class that’s been troubled and up front are the troubles over for alesandro pidi or mul point James cardo was a little bit Cy about what he expected from the rest of the race but sitting on an advantage in that class over the number one uh Paul Miller

Racing BMW the car with the tattered back rear right hand corner and we’ll wait to see if that gets fixed during the next pit stop or do they need to fix it but it certainly has become more ragged and therefore slightly more of a distraction for the driver one would

Suggest when trying to use all the arrow they’re looking for high on the banking here at Daytona just hearing of another official retirement uh the Nolan SE seagull car has been out for quite some time for Sean Cree Motorsport that leier that lost its rear deck and then a lap or a

Lap and a half later uh they had the engine cutting out so it actually caused a a full course yellow not the car stranded out on track but the piece of Bodywork which was significant on the apron somewhere between turn Speedway turns three and four well that number 33

Car is now officially out which is a real shame it’s the only lier um called a lier in the race lier lmp2 JSP 27 and uh it’s not going to make the Finish also a bit of stats that could be interesting if Tom blon ffist is able to

Get ahead of Matt Campbell and take victory for well and Engineering Cadillac because it would be three in a row and would tie Elio castanes for the most wins in a row as well so Elio what we need to know now is when those years were for Elio castes here at

Dayton I’m sure you probably got it tucked away on your in your notes they’re very easy years to find 2023 2022 and a year called 2021 fine so okay very recent indeed and two of those shared with Tom blon fist they must have been because uh um blon fist on a

Hatrick castra NES completed his 12 months ago simple yeah don’t know why you needed to frankly I should have remembered that but um there’s been uh there’s always a lot going on in this race and you have to always remember who’s driving with who from year to year which does rather

Change quite a lot and there’s some other racing going on around the world in between which takes the attention now out of the second of the Horseshoes goes the race leader Matt Campbell he’s got nine seconds as an advantage over Tom Blan but blon will be seeing that as a challenge to whittle

Away at we’re six laps away from the 700 lap marker and here is Joe with a crow strike pit report now I’m not sure whether I saw the number one on the o23 triassi Ferrari the GTD I think the leading Ferrari this this one as it’s

Coming for a pit stop dri staying on board tires going on are oh now that is a set of already scrubed tires uh no sorry I was wrong I’m looking under the wheel Arch now and they are very very glossy got a lovely glossy chain that will be scrubed off by

The time he gets to the pit Out cast still on the Jacks drops off the Jacks now that was a beautiful Ferrari sound for everybody there we always love those and from other manufacturers too um a lot of our crowd strike reporters have the pre-race instruction to stop talking and just

Shove the microphone as close as possible to the engine bay or the exhaust so he can enjoy cars leaving Pit Road and we’ve had plenty of that in in the 62nd edition of the Rolex 24 at Daytona rs2 IMA radio around the world we’re also broadcasting of course here

At the track on 107.9 FM and on SiriusXM channel 207 it’s Johnny and Bruce in the global broadcast Center but only for about another 6 minutes or so and let’s head back to Joe with another crowd strike P interview this time well the D 18 era

LMP new class front runner let’s call it Ryan DL you’re part of this team um it’s a bit premature to get excited but it’s hard not new isn’t it with like what 3 hours to go yeah I mean it’s a been an amazing race I think for all classes so

Uh you know every year coming back there it seems to get better and better bigger crowds but you know we uh we came within 19 minutes of finishing two years ago with this team and and had a gearbox failure so long way ago I know everybody

Says I’m done the pic but you know all we’re try to do is uh manage the pace at this point um Christian’s going to get back in for the end I think he’s definitely got the legs this weekend on me so uh we’re going to put him in for

The finish and hopefully we come for him first everyone I’ve spoke to as they’ve gotten out of their lmp2 class cars have said they’re flat out Ryan they’re flat out it’s a fist fight is that how you guys are fighting it yeah I mean I remember when I first uh I started old

Now but when I first started doing endurance racing it was managing the equipment but the cars are so well built now and especially the P2 car so detuned to what is capable of running uh with you know we can run at more power more RPM so it’s kind of overbuilt um you

Know obviously there was a couple of early failures uh which was kind of unusual for the motors in these but everybody’s running very similar stuff everybody’s prepping to a high level uh you know our prep started the day after petite last year so you know I think is

A team we’ve done everything we can to rebound from the last couple of years of disappointment after winning it in 21 so we’re uh we’re all staying our uh prayers at this point keep doing what you do mate you’re in that staying down here in the pit Lane

With or ronal Oris you’re the factory director of the lmdh program for Porsche in this 963 but with the two customer teams performing so well here today did anyone expect that we would have four Porsches inside the top six with 3 hours to go be very honest to you no

What we did expect is that more of the other customers which other manufacturers actually which had unfortunately some issues with their cars we expected them to be in the race but uh the customer as such we actually really expected to be in the race as well but uh having so many Porsches up

Front that was not under our expectations to be honest jdc Miller Motorsport have done such a great job with their car as have proton with the Mustang sampling Porsche how surprised are you to see how quick their development has been oh I mean the teams

They do it’s a it’s a big task to get them up and running with the 963 because it’s quite a complicated car but these guys they doing a tremendous job you know they have the engineers and everybody ready and uh yeah in the in the race they learn very very quick for

The about strategies and everything and it’s nice to see how they develop and and jdc had some bad luck with some uh yellows early in the race that brought them a little bit on the back foot but they do a great job and all we need now

Is another yellow and they’re all in the game how much does Porsche actually help out the customer teams during the race I mean there’s a technical support obviously and then the setup is up to the customers that’s something they do by their own but again they do a great

Job with this one if somebody would be really on the back foot and and they would really somewhere yeah they would go somewhere in a direction which doesn’t make sense then we will go and say hey look that doesn’t really make sense but uh other than that they are on

Their own and they do a great job the one car has four Factory drivers the second car car the jdc car has no Factory drivers from Porsche what’s the the thinking behind Porsche trying to step in and say let us help you at least with this I mean these are discussions

We do internally and the D lineup is something jdc and actually they have a really good driver lineup they don’t really need help from the from the manufacturer on this one but the drivers that’s something we discuss internally and uh again I mean those teams they do

A great job even there it’s three separate teams three separate programs Porsche overseeing all of them but you’re not sharing information with each team it is still its own separate thing correct we do share we do not share setup information in between but we obviously do share technical information

So if something happened with with with a technically if a bol comes loose or anything like this we have one common open points list where uh all the open points all the issues come into doesn’t matter whether it’s a works or a customer car but setup again it’s up to the teams really

Thank you so much for a few minutes there it’s very interesting to shat with you there’s CR of the factory lmdh president and that’s Shay with actually what turned out to be a double crowd strike pit Report with Joe Bradley before that and tremendous work thank you sh a really insightful interview

About the Porsche 963 is whether in Factory hands or in customer hands we’re at a minute to 11:00 delighted to to welcome back John Hof to the global broadcast Center we’re near hearing the really important hours in this now but um I’m still guessing as to who’s going

To be taking who’s going to be taking these watches at the end of it go on what are the important hours we that’s the joy isn’t it of this type of motor racing was it the first hour was it something in the middle of the night

When someone got a uh got a a lap back I I don’t know uh we’ve got our BDO nose strategy award to to think about as well oh Bruce Jones your your impressions of of what you’ve seen in this 60c running of the the Rolex 24 Hours of Daytona

Does the does the formula work for for a first question uh absolutely it does about uh I suppose an hour and a bit ago now when we had the release from the full course yellow we had some absolutely brilliant scrapping in all four classes around the

Banking uh you know that will stand with me for a long time because the drivers in the GT3 class seem to have loads of space for playing and one of the very best battles was was um I’ve gotten slightly mad there for a second the Windwood car of course

With Indie Dona pushing so hard on an offo triu and it was just so enticing just seeing where they could place the cars where the advantage was for each the manufacturers so that’s I always love the prototypes always catch my attention I think it’s looked looking

Set fair I think I’d say if I was wondering whether to wear a rain coat when heading out uh JP your thoughts from what you’ve seen you’ve watched an awful lot of endurance race in your our voice of the FIA World urance Championship on the radio show limited network of audio and

Visual channels this race has got a real International feel now and it’s it’s back to its very best isn’t it totally um everybody wants the Daytona 24 hours in their calendar first of all and then in the trophy cabinet afterwards and I love the fact that from all sorts of different disciplines you

Know Scotty mlin shouting like crazy to to to Nick Damon earlier on in the weekend that he’d been desperate to come here to tick it off and he comes from a a touring car background very much I know indie car nowadays and every corner of the world is recognizing this race as

One to be at and then want to succeed at thanks guys for joining us in the global broadcast Center and you’ll be glued to the end of the race have a good one that is Johnny Palmer and Jones and thank you to them particularly for our sacred coffee P Daytona night

Owls in the we small hours Johnny didn’t manage to wreak that much Havoc with the yellow flags Peter I told you to have faith it was in safe hands very safe hands indeed just want to say uh very good luck to Henry kek who’s having to

Miss the end of the race to go and play uh with a very important basketball game he’s been listening to imsa radio all night and uh he’s having to well he’ll keep it on as long as he can is what I’ve been told Henry play well have a good one hope you

Team win and we’ll uh we’ll get the full story I’m sure at some stage at IM radio if you want to get in touch welcome back to the global broadcast Center Jeremy Shaw who has been in thralled with these battles in all four categories uh 11 and

1 half seconds between first and second in GTP 8 and a half in lmp2 what a what a scrap that’s been between era and the 04 crowd strike alov racing car GTD Pro just under 50 seconds and round about the same in GTD and yet we’ve still got effectively

A full WEA teex sports car race to go Jeremy before we can wave the flag and hand out the Watchers yeah about a minute less you’re right 2 hours and 38 minutes and 45 seconds uh so yes uh fantastic motor race just tremendous and up at the front yeah Porsches are

Looking really really strong at the moment but you know Cadillacs within 11 12 seconds that Gap though over the course of its last stint uh from Madie Campbell has gone out from it was 3 seconds well it was a caution period not too long before that so he’s extended

Out now to over 11 seconds over the course of the last hour or so so he’s definitely inching away Colton hurter though doing a really nice job there in that third position not lost much ground at all to the Cadillac we saw the Acura struggling earlier on then three porsch

In a row uh the two Privateer cars the five and the 85 they’re separated by only only a few seconds although that Gap is extended just a little bit lately um over the course of last 20 laps it’s actually gone from uh 3 seconds to 10 and then Nick Tandy who’s charging along

In that number six car after that mistake by Kevin estra and uh he’s been the quickest car on the track now for quite a while that’s Nick T the battle in lmp2 John there’s five cars there on the lead lap Scotty mclan is the is the guy who’s moving there getting closer

Now to Petro fidy still in fourth position is a tower Motorsports entry but it’s been a really fantastic battle between those five cars number 1804 which is now in the pit Lane 528 and 74 um just a thought as well don’t forget that that number six poret has

Now had four penalties for power usage as well as the little bopsy that we saw Nick Damon is watching the second place lmp2 car this is the alar pris crowd strike machine yeah the crowd strike number four came in it was a completely full service M the got out of the car

And uh he’s just on doing his helmet might get grab with him almost immediately a pre-standard Serv he’s much faster the car getting his hat off it’s h way too many bits but the hands device you get caught around everything one the weird things I put my

Hand down to get a jump over the wall it was wet so I P some flu it’s not rained whil I’ve been off as it uh it’s been very humid and trying but no it has not rained obviously therefore I need to work out what is on my hand then before I get

Anything important just a with M get out um so on this uh 04 crowd strike it’s it’s a real real fight out there for P2 between between all of you isn’t it yeah I mean it’s super super tight out there right now um now Jolan just got back in the

Car um I mean the car is fast and yeah It’s Tricky out there right now because everybody’s to go a bit quicker and like even the GT cars and the GTP cars as well you see that they start to fight a bit more so in the traffic you need to

Be a bit more cautious because you know the others will be more aggressive but still you need to move forward and go for it and we’ve had a real change in the weather the humidity’s dropped quite a lot is that it’s bit cooler but more the humidity has gone down has that

Affected how the car feels on the track surface I mean for us I think it’s a slight advantage that the temperatures has increased a little bit here since the night but it’s definitely cooler compared to yesterday um so not that we struggled during the night but the rear

Was a bit more loose on the car um and now it seems to be gone so we’re in a good position under three hours to go do you get back in the car finish or is that your work done for the for the race I’m not 100% sure yet but yeah we’ll see

What David figures out with the strategy thanks a lot now jackon out of the 04 Cloud strike lmp2 car which came in in second but it’s so close it’s probably G out about fifth uh it’s been a brilliant battle to watch thank you Nick nick dman

Uh down in the pit Lane for this part of the race catch up on a couple of messages from you our audience Jesse yum just past 3 a.m. in his part of Australia uh sorry in her part of Australia holding on with barely any sleep watching the p7 uh the peny p

Number seven with Matt Campbell been brilliant he has done a cracking couple of stinks cracking finish on the way uh checking in from Baton Rouge for Joy two two shoes enjoying their first race here been coming at the West Horseshoe since Thursday well I hope you’ll want to come back

Jts uh this one is one of my favorites uh from the UK Barnaby scarf the annual I’ll do the ironing this Sunday afternoon darling paying off set for good finish that genius in all glasses do you like that pet genius that is excellent I don’t mind a bit of ironing

As long as you’ve got good entertainment to watch your intake while you’re doing it Nick used to watch the baseball while doing hising did he really yeah did he did he iron his socks after rooming with Alan mcnish and and N NASCAR when we used to get the the highlights or the

Live show in the UK um sadly we don’t get that anymore now this has been enthralling hardly able to P to pull ourselves away even when I went for a quick snooze using the front seat of the BMW X1 had the radio on listening to the duler tones of our night

Ows keeping me in touch there’s nothing you’d put your house on here at all not any of the top places in any of the classes B impossible to call impossible to call and we of course heard there about the the presence of the Porsche customer teams I I think they’ve been incredible jdc

You know team here in America that bought one of these cars as a customer they kind of had to go go on go on their own such as the life of a of a customer team and what a lineup they put together um some great drivers um of of varying

Backgrounds too H what you think about it they’ve all come from a slightly different place and they’re there on the lead lead lap and if you’re on the lead lap with two and 1 half hours to go you are in the handun for this motor race make no mistake about it likewise the

Number five Mustang s great to have Mustang sampling back in imza with a Porsche this time run by pron competition alesio picarello is he’s been a Porsche Affiliated driver for a few years now but has never raced this Porsche 963 prototype and I think he’s acquitted himself very well with some

Super experienced teammates bet he’s being a sponge all week Ricky Taylor in the number 10 wi Taylor racing the much uh delayed car after that new wiring loom was put in just running a bit long in turn number six in his out laap but

No harm no foul got passed by the 85 jdc Miller Porsche Nick Damon could Square the circle on a couple of stories we’ve been following In This Crowd strike before yeah kind of uh apps because the number four Corvette has come to a stop and is being fueled and having its tires

Put on okay so number four Corvette that was doing the best that went behind the wall that had a power steering problem which if you remember back all those hours was the same problem on the the 13 AWA car the number three car John um was giving us all the excitement of the

Smoke and the um oh don’t go yet exit with the smoke and the fire that had a bit of an incident and ended up in cracking the oil tank and that’s what they had to replace so that’s your so it cracked its all that’s what was leaking down that was

The fluid they had to take it behind the wall to replace the oil tank and I must admit no one quite knows what’s wrong with the 17 car it just wasn’t having a very good run and various things been wrong with it but two power steerings

One ax of damage and one to be analyzed after the race the car that’s very much not damaged going very well is the Porsche from AO racing AKA Rexy Rex is in for cool service new shoes uh to try and hide his Clause his claw uh and uh a

New driver Michael Christensen who’s gotten aboard the car that came in from third place in the GTV Pro category also into the pit Lane the Riley number 74 lmp2 machine this is a driver change we’ve got Felipe Masa out Felipe froga in and four tires that are new but they

Have been scrubbed so they’ve got a little bit of experience around the track but not very much and this is all going swimmingly just waiting on the fuel and the driver change to complete a lot of confused oxygen he’s just been told off for staying up too

Late to watch this one rooting for the pores s and five loving the stream where you are see you Speedy one bat sounds like that might be somewhere down under and sha Jake enjoying the 24-hour race in Bedford building some Lego and of course a cup of tea perfect Sunday afternoon

Just set me racy an interested spectator man of few words penny for his thoughts 96 uh uh 9 try that again 499 p on the way to REI competi he made no secret of it at uh Petty leemon uh not last year actually but the year before when that

Car was first announced that he would like to compa one of those cars we’ve not yet seen a hyper car in IM a competition the regulations allow for it Peter and if anybody’s going to do it over here you’d think uh if Ferrari were to allow one out of their corporate

Control it would be jei who’d get first come on you’d certainly hope so and you’re right Ferrari have an amazing Heritage at this uh at this uh very very race and you know they’ve had cars that have been named Daytona so you know it really is synonymous with the the

Ferrari brand and JPI REI what a what a true racer he is um and at the moment his car is leading by 11 seconds GTD Pro now that was the sound of the tower Motorsport lmp2 heading out Adam can give us some news on that car I was

Interested in this car because I noticed a new nose on the wall for it and thought are they trying to clean out the air ducts more efficiently by just swapping the nose answer no there was right front damage to the dive plane that apparently Scott mlin had radioed

In and said was making a difference so not only did they change the nose they changed the driver Scotty ma is out and now it’s ferdy hapsburg not going to do his whole name actually it’s just called verdie um and also into the pit Lane is the era Motorsport lmp2 machine this is

Another double stint for Conor zillich they are using him up today uh planning on saving a couple of bullets for the end of the race so Connor with another stint he was tired when I interviewed him earlier he’s going to be positively exhausted for the rest of the week but

He’s giving his everything to era Motorsport to try and win his first Rolex in his first ever imsa race yeah that looks pretty standard F still going in not standard back down the pit Lane for the number 65 Ford Mustang with a very juny angle at the at the rear for that Wing

They’re not putting that out are they uh Nick Damon is closest to that it it looks like a Sprint car with one of those off offset rear Wings except it’s going in the wrong direction that would have to be driving clockwise rather than antic clockwise around the dirt track

Yeah I just oddly I just noticed that as well and it’s it’s I don’t know support it must be the support given way CU there no other car high enough to break that those actual rear wing sports are quite interesting because they’re very very angle back and long the actual

Moment at the point of the point of where the pressure comes from the wing is way further than where the wing is itself it’s got the the stretch has got to be uh I’d say probably as much as 2 ft or 65 cm um because they OB where you

Actually have the uh the wing pressure Wing push down will affect the distribution of the weight behind the rear axle for example actually provide a little bit of lift for the front end I think they try to get it over the rear axle entirely but they have very long

And perhaps it’s now been found too spindly Wing section and they may have to be that up driving down the fire lane at the back of the pits to get back to their padic area uh I’m not sure that’s allowed um sh Adam you were in the driver’s meeting Yep they’re allowed to

Do that okay I’ll take it back I take it back there are many different ways to get a stranded car back to the padic one the options was through the fire lane but obviously if your car is a bit further down beyond the Rolex shoot that’s not a real option and then they

Want you to go around the track and just come in the main garage Entrance uh into EUR in right opposite me from P2 being there or thereabouts pretty much throughout the race pet Petro faldi behind the wheel of that one third place pretty much all night to be honest that looks like a fairly standard stop and off it goes they’re definitely

In the no driver change that into europ they uh of course of the reigning Lal lmp2 winners from last year pr1 is the reigning champion in the Mell endurance cup as well yeah quite an alliance I wonder if they used times I wonder if they’ve used that front

Section we saw the other day yeah back the Ford pickup yeah Jeremy we’ve uh we’ve done all the points we’ve awarded all the points for M Jones Cup in terms of the interim points have they been posted yet have we got uh yeah I’ve got

Those but but by the the um pr1 M Motor Sports they’ve won the me Mission endurance cut five times right over the course of the last seven or eight years so yeah very much the team yeah I did do I did uh check out the points in michion

Endurance cup I can get to the right screen here uh um it’s it’s it’s it’s you after three of the four segments then in GTP wheel engineering and surprisingly because they seem to win it just about every year have 14 points to the 11 of the number seven car in the

Manufacturers it’s a bit closer 14 for Cadillac 13 for Porsche um they really it’s really between those two in LMP 2 after the 18h hour mark points are rewarded at 6 hours uh 6 hours 12 hours 18 hours and at the end of the race in LP2 crowd straight racing by APR number

04 car has 13 points to the 11 of inter europ pole with pr1 and the 10 of era Motorsports so that’s still very very open in GTD Pro uh Paul Miller Racing has 12 points that’s car number one uh and then r compe didc only and Ford multimatic

Motorsports have had since had problems they were tied on nine actually along with the Corvette racing uh with Pratt Miller Motorsports number four car that’s also had problems that was on nine as well but it’s really now between number one and 62 in manufacturers and

GT Pro gcd Pro 12 points for BMW 11 for Corvette and then finally in GTD uh PR uh Court off Preston Motorsports and Inception racing number 32 and number 70 were tied at the 18 hour mark But the 70 car has had some difficulties uh later in the race so uh

The odds now are in favor of the court of Preston team which won the Mec last year very impressively Tri and competiion also have a really good race so far nine points for them and in manufacturers in GTD Mercedes has 13 points McLaren 11 and Ferrari 10 Jeremy Shaw along with Peter McKai and John hhof in the booth sh Adam and Nick Damon in the in the rotation for our crowd strike pit reporters essential and thank you very much to Joe Bradley as well already providing us with some fantastic information so really good interviews this

Year I said a moment or two ago in uh the crowd strike hospitality suite I think we’ve got a very strong Contender already for race of the year with this event so far I think it’s even more so for event of the Year Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday in terms of what we’ve

Seen on the track has been super exciting any of the race r that we had even before the main race Peter was worth the price of admission surely oh the the two Mazda MX5 Cup races the wheel and Mazda MX5 cup were just thrilling uh from start to finish they

Always are here at the Daytona International Speedway but then one of the real is it the surprise package I’m not sure it was certainly a cracker of a motor race at the BMW M endurance challenge which was one the just with the most tense fuel mileage game at which

And ended up going to the way of the number 91 Kelly mosc crew and an amazing final stint from Riley Dickinson a proper sports car factory driver es final stint when you really need to be quick and use very little fuel it was really impressive and well deserved yeah

Uh we’ve just ruin that if people haven’t watched it sorry yeah sorry it’s still worth it it is absolutely watching it’s Ju Just a 10c summary doesn’t even come close does it no indeed not absolutely not it’s not it really doesn’t spoil anything it just it should

Make you just want to watch it more W the appetite indeed so indeed so meantime talking about spoiler alert that uh Ford Mustang is in the uh the padic garage having a new rear deck and rear Arrow foil fitted with 2 hours and 20 minutes to

Go as it’s funny how they problem had problems with that re deck and the wing on that Mustang because we all three of them now yeah yeah um that problem just never came up in testing uh and who did we speak to about that yesterday I think

It was Dirk Muer wasn’t it last night um and you know they’ve done a lot of testing but of course they haven’t run with a whole bunch of cars running together and they haven’t run into each other either yeah that’s true too and you can’t I mean remember BMW had a tricky

Start uh Jeremy with the M4 GT3 yeah uh again that was I it was uh diffuse diffuser related rather than spoiler related but you know you think you’ve done everything you can but until you come to Day to you you don’t test a lot here at De t on the road course there’s

Limited amount of testing what you don’t do is test when there’s other people out there and when there’s big gulps of of tire rubber offline and your drivers getting tired and driving across the grass etc etc and so on and so forth you can’t simulate everything can you well

Not exactly the number 10 well I I take you back dear listener and viewer to Audi doing more testing than ever before before they went to Lamont and but then they chose knocked a race in the early rounds of the championship and just went to Lamont it was a wet Lon

And they’ not done it they’d not forgotten to do wet testing but of course they hadn’t done wet testing on a track with 50 yard other cars what they found that was that their air intakes at the front when rubber got in and got damp and it expanded they

Got it got uh it got blocked up and they started over hating it’s just that little thing uh the 10 has gone behind the wall again Wayne Taylor racing with that Acura the blue and black card and meantime In This Crowd strike pit report and man a few words is something you

Can’t see about Nick Damon uh and all worth listening to is something you can say about jeppi reesei jeppe I I won’t jinx anything but obviously the car is going very very well you you’ve had some struggles over the past few races in the iner endurance series is it a case of

You knowing the 296 better now or just the bop’s come back in your favor well uh the Bop is is very important uh in this class or in in the whole series um and I feel that this time it’s probably being thought about more and fairer

About it there’s a lot of adjustment to that of course after the Roar and it was said that the manufacturers got together had that conversation were you part of the conversation about that we’ve had a lot of conversations about it um it’s something that all we asked for is a Level Playing Field

We we we don’t ask for an advantage but neither do we want a disadvantage we just want a Level Playing Field and the rest will decide it on the track the 296 it’s almost like a prototype that serviceability must be a major advantage um yes it’s obviously it’s

It’s the new new family of Ferraris um but uh really it’s it’s it’s okay it’s maybe a little more fragile uh the 488 was a very good race car very good call around but uh but this car is uh I think we’ve been able to ey out a lot of the little problems

We know now we have our first Privateer 488 in WC with they have Cor in Europe are you going to run a 499 here the 499 is a is a very complex vehicle uh as a as a private year it can be done but it doesn’t does require an

Awful lot of financial uh commitment to to making that happen do you believe the only imp you know the only stopping you is is finance or is it a case you may have issues trying to get the hypercar um working in the in regulations I think we we need to give

At least two years for Ferrari to try and sort it out and um after they’ve done that then uh we would we would would step in if we uh if obviously if we had the financial the fin the financial we with it all so is it safe to say that if

Ferrari did come here the car would be run by Rees uh yes after 2 years so Ferrari would have this whole season again uh in the uh World Endurance Championship uh and sort out all the problems that the potentially the car would have and then

Uh and then a private ear can take it on mean I mean I get the impression this has happened but have there actually been concrete discussions between yourself and Ferrari um no not really um I’ve been involved with Ferrari for a very long time so a lot of things are said but

Unsaid just heavy thank you very much thank you that is the most brilliant Jey thing that could be said and it and there’s there’s actually so much I want to I going to have to go back and listen to that and unpack what just set me say

You hear how jei reesei talks he wastes not one syllable never mind one word measured is what Jeremy’s just said in my ear and thank you Nick excellent de toner crowd strike pit report ask the questions very politely just set me reesei considered measured that’s very very interesting he has told

Us before that he would like to have that car it seems that that continues let’s see where that goes to uh we’ve got a VP racing update coming in a moment want to catch up on one of two cars that haven’t had the best of Fortune overnight at one stage only cars

That had double numbers that were exactly divisible by 11 had been withdrawn uh from the the race and one of those was the number 66 gradient uh car the Acura D Brennan is with us uh assess the situation because they card qualified well with cat leg get

Raced well with all three of your drivers uh how’s how’s de toer going to be when you you do the wash up oh it is it is The One That Got Away John uh it the car was was great we were very very confident uh in terms of our strategy

And and and The Way We Were reacting and how we were proactive in terms of basically having a plan and working to that and not being worried even cat at the start I think I messaged you at the start cat you know in the crazy opening

Laps and cat got on the radio and said if anybody wants to go underneath me go ahead I am I’m not playing these I’m not playing these games not with 20 23 hours and 42 minutes to go either with red or grein number uh number panels yeah she

Uh she she everybody was on script it was fantastic didn’t matter if we were ninth or 12th or as long as we’re on the lead lap and as long as we were just and then even Tatiana who really impressed us so what went wrong uh oh electrical

It’s in it’s one of those it’s it’s and you know the irony is and it’s always it seems to be always something that’s never come up before ah which is you know it’s it’s it’s it’s something where where you there’s aot things you can’t plan for and there are things and we

Found one or two bits and pieces that would have could have rais alarm Bells uh on on Friday night which we attended to and basically you belt and braces but then this thing comes up but I just want to say about with Tana in mind it kind

Of is the larger picture about the Mitchell and uh the the ti regulations I think they’re sensation yeah I love it and I’d love to tell you why in a minute with uh uh Where You’re Not Alone by the way in having electrical problems a lot of

Teams have have done I’m I’m led to believe cuz sh just told me so I’m not arguing with it this will be the first dnf by uh an aura uh here in this race m in GT3 um let’s uh quickly run through the uh rundown before we start in fact we

Start to get some uh pit action but it is Porsche from Porsche Pensky Motorsport by 10 seconds Matt Campbell in the seven from Tom blist and the wheel and Engineering Cadillac the red and M number 31 then it’s uh the uh went racing number 40 but that’s because we’ve just had a

Works car and two of the customer Porsches in 585 and six all coming in all on the end of the lead lap in lmp2 the battle continues between air and Motorsport Connor zillich is being used up by air and Motorsport what what a debut in LMP 2 for the young former

Mazda MX5 racer or still Mazda MX5 racer also going to be doing some Xfinity this year he’s up against Colin Brown in this dtin well Colin we know everything about the crowd strike racing by algar Pro Racing is now just 9 and a half seconds back with Petro faldi in the inter EUR

By P mat said in third Petro has done a lot of work as well in the second half of the race in GT Pro uh we’ve got Alexandro PID for re by 13 and 1 half seconds from Brian cers in the red white and black Paul Miller racing car and

Michael Christensen in third is just off the lead lap in the 77 a racing Porsche GT Winward by 24 seconds and a cracking battle uh behind the 57 uh with Vasa Sullivan and Ron T in the number 12 Lexis just 8/10 of a second away from Kai calino

And the 296 Ferrari of AF corser the number 21 car and then just a second further back is Maxi goats for CAU off Preston in the number 32 Mercedes AMG GT3 VP racing in race update Nick Damon we’ll take a quick catch up with you before we move on yeah

It’s all be going on here the key ke stopped obviously with the 40 car which is the Acura the red one uh Colton Herer got out and they’ve also only took they took right side tires just had the 31 the wi energy uh Cadillac that’s coming

And that has taken four tires but not changed the driver four tires as well for the number six which is covering from that offer about an hour and a half ago and any second now we’re going to have the the leader the number seven car

Com in as well uh the two customer cars I must a bit out of my sight but I do think they took they all both took four tires just EX change positions as well official retirement now with the Ford number 65 added to the retirement lifs Nick

Dman stand by for action you’ve got the leader the number seven Porsche with you in they roll in and despite the fact that immediately temped and out gets Maddy Campbell so it’s driver replacement I haven’t got the uh total memory of portion helmets as young as young Shay would have so just say

Another Drive got here you’ll find out soon enough you’ll trip the uh the ID at the end of the pit Lane uh four no no sorry just again right side tires only for the uh seven so they have uh moved those away and now they’re having a bit of a check

Oh no hang on no it’s all four ties sorry I they were so fast on the left hand side I looked in the very convenient holes on the top of the wheel arches let me go on that one um so effectively the Porsche mechanics were so fast I missed traing two tires not

Like that day a quick fit that’s for sure um and there it goes away as you heard it away on electrical power and then fired up and that was your leader and I saw nothing within that stop that prevent it from still being your leader Nick dman in the pit Lane this is

Very evocative for me seeing these red white and black Porsches doing Porsche things uh we’ve still got Dean Brennan with us and I’ve asked him to still actually because I I want him to just expand on those Tire rules um every year we ask the teams or him ask the teams to

Do as much if not more with less resources uh tires being a significant one we had uh Michelin talking about that earlier in the race and you’re a fan of that and the team are a fan of that why Dean well I’m I’m particularly

A fan of it because it is it just adds an element of of what should be driver skills you know we’re we were always talking about what we need to do to put performance back into the hands of the drivers and although as as I’ll expand

On in a second that’s not that still has some uh technology to help it but I’ll give a perfect example uh Tana got in uh her would have been her first maybe her second stint uh she had to double stin her tus and that was going to be uh it

Was obvious that and it was made clear that all the drivers were going to have to kind of do that at some point so you were sacrificing your your your performance somewhat and you were there to effectively stay in the lead lap stay contention use up the tus save the save

The tus and her she was hanging on but at the end of her double stint like hanging on and obviously and Andrew is brilliant on the radio telling her like let’s let’s let’s work with the traction control let’s do what we can just to to but so there’s there is some but

Effectively you are still effect it’s a driver skill issue is to You’ got to it yeah you’ve got to be able to fail it and get what the most and it’s I love it because you it’s kind of you know it’s it’s a game one way and lose the other

If you decide to to keep putting new Tes on you going to run out yeah come the end of the race what are you going to do you know this you’re going and this is well it’s isn’t it the essence of endurance that drivers who can save a

Bit of fuel or save a bit of Tire they should be rewarded absolutely and I don’t know if this is is part of it or not but a little Cameo from about two hours ago when the the seven Porche with Nasser in it came in and the 31 came in

4 seconds behind yeah Maddy Campbell got in and Aken got in and they came out four four seconds apart and aen within two laps had the lead down to under a second and it wasn’t traffic yeah and I I’m TR in my head I’m thinking okay is

The Porsche taking longer to get up the temp did they put allars on yeah it’s all the stuff that you the the things you don’t necessarily know and I’m just wondering whether or not if we have like a a money dash at the end of you know if

Everybody comes in with a couple of laps to go and puts on Fresh tires then does it become a case of whose tires get up to temperature fast enough you know who’s willing and here’s the hor Lorenzo thing are you willing to push harder on cold Tes knowing that somebody else

Won’t yeah that was H Lorenzo’s manra and what he won as much was because he had the ability to push harder on cus uh we said our best to Andress and the rest of the team he packing up down there right now he’s probably listening look I it’s the role of the dice

Sometimes it’s called endurance racing not endurance winning uh I don’t think your team needs a lot of character building but you move on you learn and we’ll see you at sa yeah we had a really fast car really really fast that’s the obviously the most disappointing part I

Think it just kind of you know it just heightens up the the desire to the expectation well more the desire to just to to show what we actually can do with seeing it absolutely say that de best of the te sha and the rest ja Brenham from

Gradient racing let’s go to sh Adam in the pit Lane well earlier on in the race there was an issue for the FK Porsche this is the number 86 machine with clus backler and Larry tenb to take it to the checker flag it started suffering from misfires

And was missing some power this was very very early on in the race I’ve just heard it go through the trioval it was struggling John we need to keep an eye on that car that could cause a caution thank you shay now there’s been a change at the front

Of GTD although it’s a change that’s coming around with the pit stop we’ve got the 57 sorry in GTD Pro uh Pierre gidi has gone to the lead Brian cers in the number one bat a w it’s is uh struggling with that car and we’re hearing from the pit wall it

Is break problems for the number one car who have now dropped back to 15 seconds away from Alexandro pidi in that GTD Pro leader yeah about about 20 laps ago the gap between the 62 car and number one car was about 11 seconds uh so it’s gone

Out just a little bit uh particularly actually in the last few laps it’s certainly gone gone out a little bit more uh but um you they they are well clear now of that uh number 77 Porsche it’s really just a race between those two yeah I think it is just about yeah

Um but yeah the yeah the BMW’s been very similar speeds to the Ferrari up front uh and we’ll just have to just see what next couple of laps see what they bring whether sellers loses any more more time we lost a couple of tents on the last lap see what happens this

Time around as well well I think what this time around Jeremy is that they’re going to come into the pits because as most of the team are on the wall there are two very very nice fresh uh rotors pads and calipers uh dry brakes so it be pretty quick installation you’ll see one

These super fast uh changeovers hopefully um yeah so the one car they’re waiting for it to come in and if they’re losing time every lap there’s no point really extending it unless they’re very much on the edge of a certain number of fields to get to the end if we run to

The green the uh lollipop man is getting ready to go in full Wonka fashion and we’ll have him when they come in I’ll have a chat that’s Brookie apparently okay well there we are so he’s he’s he’s you could use his imagination there we are for lollipop I’ve just realized I’ve

Conflated two films haven’t I cuz Lollipop Land is The Wizard of O and uh obviously I was doing really Wonka so I’m going I’m going to have to go and uh revise my sweet based songs from films very disappointed in you Nick on that one the the number one car doesn’t

Need to come in in right now but I think what they’re doing they’re coming in now with two hours remaining I think from here they can get to the end of race with just one more Pit Stop totally agree and as they’re starting to find break issues maybe they feel it’s not

Worth waiting for they didn’t come in did they and haven’t come in this time but they are ready with a new set of breaks for that car hello to Terry Murphy in Canada Jud to be here can’t be this week he’s just started at dialysis and we fail for you

Terry um we have some experience of that in the family so listening at home all the best mate and uh hopefully you’re feeling better soon glad we’ve been able to keep you in touch with what’s going on in sound and vision 70 fahit out there at the

Moment in the air that is about 21 celsius uh slightly more toasty 30 Celsius 86 fahit on the track as Here Comes Brian cers and the Paul Miller BMW to a new set of breakes and Nick DAV and obviously he much prefer me the new

Set of brakes okay so the car now comes in Oliver suddenly realized this car’s got brake problems so all the big media people took four steps back the G might actually stop on its marks it’s got break issues um meandi around the back uh just have a look at this uh damage on

The rear right there is not an awful lot left of the uh the rear Valance You’ say on that right hand side just going to show it’s not as aom important as you think it is they kind of used all the airb time it gets back there and I have

To say I’m not very impressed with some of the uh the tank tape work okay first disc is off on the right hand side these are absolutely amazing you think about the time it takes to I breaks in discs on Ash’s car which is an our bath and it

Took the pair of us 4 hours to do it um this is taking them you know approximately about a minute at most because they have what’s called a dry brake system that’s brake uh ba a b a not b a is a brake would be what it

Effec means you have to go through the whole bleeding proc you just disconnect the cable put a new one in and they and when you reconnect you keep the brake pressure um they’re going to have to moove that cable they’re going to run over the cable and then people don’t

Like doing that now in the fuel’s still going in so I think they may have actually got those brakes done not far off the uh not far off what they were going to do with the fuel that’s that’s pretty impressive pretty expensive as well that’s just rot are incredibly

Expensive that’s all part of uh of motor racing at the highest level Formula racing down still more fuel going in this thing is being filled to the brim and still going wow this is a very long stop there you go Splash and Dash away no driver change and Away goes the

BMW M4 and that uh should prevent this slow creep of drop off they had uh and whilst uh Nick was watching the brakes there was a new driver in that car as well Brian cers got out of the pit Lane I got out of the car rather

As the car is weaving left and right right to go through the through the exit possibly Sheldon fondel Linder uh in that car let’s see what it trips when it comes through difficult to see yes it was she Adam sported that a fair fair due and

Those are a set of Brak discs that have been well used I think they’ve had their value out of the those Nick Damon down in the P Lane you might want to have a look stay warm your hands I think that’s that is only the first change it surprised they would

Make a break change just with two hours to go if that was the only break CH had to make Jord in the race oh it’s strange to me just hearing the did oneor about 2 a.m. in the middle of the night as well sorry I missed that one well well wellow

So they they did 12 hours on the first set and only 7 or eight on the second that’s curious so but if you can do it if you can do that within the time it takes to fill the car up with fuel then nothing you’ve lost nothing it’s incredible which they

Didn’t I don’t think I’m pretty sure they did yeah they did they they had the front brakes off and the front tires on and then they did the rear tires separately and the now Nick’s just telling me there’s very uneven we on the pads between right and left no that’s not good

No oh and straight on for that car with the new break Sheldon velin oh hang on right front tire is not fastened the whing tire on the right front is not on uh that has not been correctly fastened so my guess there is The Brak disc hasn’t been seated properly on that

Right front and Sheldon you need to slow down there mate taken much easier they’ve been on the pH to him and told him just that he was in grave danger there a shedding the right front wheel and it’s still hanging on right on the end of the spindle now it pops back in

As he’s come down onto the apron this is a disaster for Paul Miller Racing who’ve been in the top two or three for the whole of the GTD Pro Race and that will be doing some damage to the hub itself Nick Damon hasn’t moved that far vandelinda back into the pit

Lane right front Nick is where the problem is and they’ve hopped over the wall they’re not looking at anything else the right front is off oh some kicking yeah I think I think you’re right there may have been a seating issue with the disc John and that’s been the problem now

Yeah they had to come out with with some bolts and screws get that cuz what happens is they they’ actually got two bolts which effectively attach the disc in which is then keyed on with a kind of a a star key all around it so you get

Lots of grip obviously to do the braking but obviously if it’s kind of a you have the Hub and then you have the brake and you have the rotor and you have and then of course you eventually that then comes onto the the nut the back of the wheel

And one’s placed too far out uh it means that the uh the the single Hub the central hub won’t actually lock when it gets turned in so it’s unlocked and they Dro they drop the nut which is never good so must have thought the old one and of

Course it’s quite good practice if you’ve had a nut that’s not going on properly you often you stripped it now if they stripped the Hub they are in terrible trouble CU stripping the Hub there’s nothing you can do and it’s a very long process to get the whole hub

Off so hopefully that’s not happen I think it has Nick I I think St the least part of that hope that uh spindle there so so much the last thing you want to hear at this point is the endless of a uh of a air gun because it means it’s just sitting

There spinning and every time it goes around on a slightly damaged spindle it just makes it worse again they they going to take that are they going to take that the other problem they have now even they get this working and fixing this may be the last Tire they

Could change correct they can’t get the now they can’t get the gun off because it’s gone so yeah it’s cross threaded it effectively it’s gone so deep onto the onto the Hub okay and of cross threadit it’s been f as well uh I tell you that

That is not good Nick that is not good at all that right front if it works I don’t think that right front’s coming off for the final two hours um the the one that he damag is a beautiful score Mark it’s down on pressure as well so

That all right if you look on the inside the alloy it’s it’s basically it’s been sorry it’s been uh sitting at the wrong angle it’s actually ground away the inside of the alloy wheel that obviously meant there’s no way that you’re going to have a a the air kep to the tire kind

Of it’s leaked from inside from the wheel out rather than a puncture on top machine it’s s effectively what you’re seeing here is the the disc because the wheel has come off the disc has machined out a groove right through the wheel room yeah the caliper being the highest

Point we’ve done it absolutely right there John it’s wasn’t quite he’s off he’s locked he’s gone straight on that’s it uh and there’s pieces of metal filing coming out from the right front I’ve got to tell you I I did not like take that front wheel it looked like there was an

Issue there and Sheldon vinda he’s going very quickly into the Kink here he really needs to slow down I I suspect that right front wheel is going to do exactly the same again the break isn’t doing what it should do he’s down at the far end of the circuit now oh this is

Very worrying indeed this started on his out laap into the bus stop chicane they then couldn’t get the right front disc which had just been changed that rotter they couldn’t get it to seat prop there’s two pegs on which that has to seat and then as the wheel goes on it

Holds it there fond Delinda back up to speed again oh my goodness he’s at least two laps behind now the Ferrari I think three laps behind the Ferrari so uh they’re very very costly and most unfortunate for that Paul M racing T boy what a season they had in 2023 with five

Wins dominant championship they won they swept the board they won the um sprint series they won the mission endurance cup they won the overall Championship you name it I actually know excuse me they didn’t win the endurance cup did they but they won everything else and it was a brilliant year but and

It was looking so good here boy they’ve had a wonderful 22 hours but with two hours to go I he’s got a bit per I’ve been looking at this battle at the front of the field it’s been fascinating since the last round of pit stops which which

Occurred about 10 laps ago between the two leaders the Gap came down from about 8 seconds or n almost 10 seconds it was before the round of pitops down to down to less than six but over the course of last four laps as extended again Philip benaza clearly got the message he’s

Edging away now again from Tom blonquist Lou delr is in the best well the only remaining Acura uh is slipping farther and farther back here at a pretty rapid rate uh 26 seconds now 27 seconds line to complet 730 behind and a big gap back to the two uh what three Porsches Jimmy

Bruny and Phil Hansen were exchanging positions after the round of pit STS but lately Jimmy bruny has got back past Phil Hansen and Phil Hanson also has been passed on this last lap by Nick Tandy who continues to charge hard in that number six Porsche so the two Pensky Porsche Motorsport entries are

Looking very very strong at the moment Nick Tandy has got a fa bit of ground to make up on the on his teammate who leads the race Filipe nassa following that error by Philip on the out laap a couple of hours ago but he is absolutely flying

SC to share Adam for a quick update from what’s been happening at her end of the pit Lane just had two lmp2 stops that were caused by damage Riley came in changed the tail section on the number 74 in fuel and tires while they were here and the number eight for Tower

Motorsport came in for hapsburg brought the car in with some serious right front damage the headlamp was actually pushed well in good thing Tower had yet another nose they put that on they put Scotty Mack behind the wheel sent him out with four new tires and a lot more

Fuel oh brilliant bit of remembrance here from Daniel priest at the 2022 nurburg ring 24 hours shal fond Delinda had a front spindle failure in the Rover BMW that sent them in the wall and out of the race maybe spindles and Sheldon don’t get owned I had forgotten that

He’ll be I tell you what he’ll be spitting in that car I Nick and I just while sh was talking there passing backwards and forwards over the intercom wondering if perhaps there’s some damage to either wiring four or the ABS sensor itself cuz they’re still locking up that right front wheel

At every opportunity and that is not good news for that car if it’s going to get to the end in an hour and 50 minutes or thereabouts era Motorsport into the pit Lane this looks entirely regular as far as the stop is as far as the stop is concerned out

Might be able to confirm it is entirely regular and entirely planned because Christian rasmon is getting in behind the wheel taking over for Conor Zilla to much be dead by this point and Christian is expected to take it to the checker flag also under the pin Lane the number

57 Winward racing Mercedes b Ellis has gotten out Daniel Morad has gotten in uh down with Piller racing and it’s Brian Brian uh Motor Racing is a Harsh Mistress isn’t it it’s all going well as it doesn’t can you first of all tell us why you needed to come in to change

Brakes so near the end of the race well uh we we ended up somehow with a significant more amount of padwar than we expected it looked good all day but maybe in the heat you know we started to deteriorate the pad material so basically that whole um final ENT I did

Was on no pad at all like so much so that we cracked the rotors um then we came in tried to do the change and I think it looks like maybe something happened with the right front obviously that’s what sent Sheldon off and then U when that happens you have abs failures

And faults and lamps that set the whole system into shock so it’s just yeah it’s frustrating just just for own records you had already changed the pads once hadn’t you in the middle of the night yeah yeah we had um and this is not a new problem for us we’ve had this before

We’ve had it in the shorter races and like petite shorter endurance races sorry so um we thought we’d had it fixed but apparently not you know it’s something that we spent a lot of time looking into but uh seemingly need to spend a littleit more time so our

Feeling is that to get to the end of the race you won’t be able to change that front right tire would you that’ll have to run the whole two hours um I hope not because I don’t think it was new to begin with uh but

Yeah I if I was a betting man I would say that’s the case of judging by the way they had to lock that thing on there so I mean right now it’s just about trying to finish you mentioned ABS problems we saw the wheel is locking up

So currently is there no ABS on that wheel or no ABS on any of the wheels is just losing one take the whole system out no um we were able to reset it um we had to try a couple times but eventually we got it to reset so it looks like at

Those lap times I would say uh the lamp is the yeah the alarm lamp is out now so I think we’re okay um you know so now we just got to see if we can milk the thing for a Podium right because there’s obviously no you know at this point you

Know multiple laps down to Second there’s no there’s no chance for that so just focus on you trying to spray some champagne I hope Des bad really hope you met Podium thanks yeah thank You very informative yeah Brian’s always that way isn’t he he’s he’s very honest and um very I don’t know would you say pragmatic there I’m not I’m not sure I think that is an issue that they’ve been grappling with that car at happened at Sebring and

As as Brian said at p as well so ah what a what a shame with h just under two hours to go but if they can drag that car to the Finish they should be rewarded with a Podium H couple of great battles going on in

GTD that was one of them Kai calino now 30 seconds ahead and more 47 seconds ahead head of Daniel Morad in second in GTD it’s a decent Gap as well in GTD Pro where Michael Christenson has just taken over Rexy which means the outcoming driver can talk to sh out it’s Michael

Christenson who’s just gotten out uh Lauren Hinrich has taken over that car which is one of the two P SE in pairings and they’re looking to try and finish the season right where they started so let me uh see where Michaels run off to and I’ll shout up when I’ve got

Him had a great chat with the the AO racing crew on uh on Saturday morning before the race and uh in fact on Friday before the race and uh Lauren uh with SE prio and Michael Christensen and they’d plan to actually split up the uh the different aspects the poll lap was set

By SE PR the Michael Christenson started the race and Lauren hinr going in for the run to the end and just just by keeping their noce clean they’re second in GTD pro at the moment and anything happens that rezy Ferrari you never know Rexy could be getting a watch I just uh

Very quickly want to check in with Sher Adam while she’s trying to track down the driver there I’m right in saying Sher that we tracked the tower Motorsport LMP 2 car having to have two no changes in relatively rapid succession backto back pit stops as a

Matter of fact yeah John with a normal stint between them not as if they had that could be one L afterwards it was not a very long s it was not the full length because of the damage to the nose thank you I thought I had made that

Up Jeremy looking for a bit of information for his uh lap chart which he is doing on his lap let’s which is why it’s called lap chart of course uh let’s go to Michael Christensen he with SH Adam Michael how much is left in Rexy for the end of this

Race we’ve been flat out all the time uh you know it’s we are definitely off Pace here compared to the competition but uh it showed that uh being clean throughout the race is uh paid off a bit here but but yeah in the end let’s see uh still

Some uh minutes to go but but yeah it’s uh it’s been a tough ride but we are very proud of where we are at the moment big fan base cheering for you good luck yeah thank you just a a slight hit hint Of H slight hint of was that disappointment was it is he just tired M Michael’s uh Michael’s a very softly spoken person he’s he’s a very um uh contemplating guy he’s a really really nice person is uh is Michael and a hugely decorated driver he’s won this

Race before six years ago um with the algra team he’s won the L more in the GTE Pro category and the pink pig with Kevin and Lawrence vantor and World Champion and what I get from that is is that they have they have nothing left I

For me what I hear is there saying that’s all we’ve got that’s all he had it’s all lawren had it’s all sebs had and it’s all the cars had and every bit of that team have done all they can and sometimes in racing it’s not enough and sometimes it

Is and we won’t know until about 100 minutes from now that’s a good point actually high noon at Tona inter National Speedway as we go into the last 100 minutes of the 60-second Rolex 24 Hours of Daytona if you’ve been with us all the way through well done you it’s the 107.9 FM

Transmitter still ticking away nicely Sirius XM channel 207 and around the world on rs2 as well as our world video feed as well and great thanks to NBC for allowing us to take over and give their guys a bit of a rest from bit longer

This year we got 6 hours of the race from uh midnight to 6:00 a.m. not often over here in the states we get the take over a national station we’ll be doing it in a few weeks time in Australia for the bath is 12 hours you’ll be able to watch that here

In the states all live and free uh via the player at and of course course the audio for everyone as well full coverage in about 22 days time3 Days time of that look very much looking forward to going to to BST again you should don’t had to

Leave right at the end of this race to that’s that is you know what Jeremy that’s a very good point and it’s made a huge difference to a lot of drivers as well I mean the teams if the teams are there the cars are already on the way

But the uh theot on uh baist and supercars event to organize baist pushing it back a couple of weeks Porsche and Porsche so side by side it’s the number 85 of Phil Hansen yeah with uh who sixth place is it Phil Hanson still in the 85

Correct it is who’s he side by side with well he was side by side with I think that must have been the leading put the lap yes it was it was and the lead is coming down and quickly Tom blun fist has just set the best lap of the race for that car

13579 and is just Taken 2 seconds out of philipin has it for the lead so it’s only 3.2 seconds uh the Gap now at the front this border race is On so an hour and 38 minutes to go here in the 6C Rolex 24 at Daytona and too close to call Jeremy with the especially with the 31 Cadillac charging yeah I mean we talked about a little while ago that the G had come down they did extend

It again and then the the last four five laps so Tom blunz has really got the move on and as you said he just set his best lap of the race at 135 709 is that the fastest lap of the race actually I think not quite no I think

That the way of actually the car he’s chasing the seven car 13565 it’s very tight yeah it is and that was set about 100 laps Ago by Felipe Nasser lap 637 exactly 100 laps ago actually lap 637 FASA 135 605 13579 just on that last up by Tom

Blonquist and the number 85 car Phil Hansen he was he was running really well the first part of his stint but certainly struggling towards the end of it uh and as you say just fallen off the lead lap then to Filipe now so now has Tom blun right with him less than a

Second between those two so more than two seconds Tom blis made up on that last lap of 35 another 35.7 for blun Wow heat is absolutely flying I think the Heat is playing into the hands of Cadillac here 34° C track temperature now must have been traffic there it’s been super consistent NASA

But all of a sudden that Gap has coming right there I I totally agree with you as well on that one Jeremy but I do think a lot of the Porsche drivers mentioned that they they felt the car was better in the cool conditions whereas it seems the Cadillac is good in

In everywhere but it’s not an exact science at all and you’re right the traffic definitely playing a big factor and meanwhile Lou Del he just falling farther and farther about 37 seconds now the Gap from second to third that Gap has gone out by 10 seconds in the last

10 laps nine laps actually so more than a second lap but the Acura of Lou Del is losing to those two leaders thanks to sh Adam for her most recent stint in the crowd strike pit report wrote it Joel Bradley is popping in to the pit in end of things where he

Stumbled upon a problem with the number three Corvette yeah I did I have literally stumbled as well the three Corvette now it gets on and I have no idea what that was so the number three Corvette pulled off and then stopped halfway off the apron and had to be

Pushed back to a T and nobody really did anything to it maybe it was a kind of a bit of a reset but it’s now underwear so that caus a bit of concern isn’t it so take an interview now from Nick Damon who has got Kai calino who’s been

Playing his trid with some of Plum Nick over the last 18 hours I saw Kai it’s all smiles because L to two hours too and you brought the car in in the lead it’s uh you know let’s not count but it’s been it’s been a great run for you

Personally yeah I mean uh everything is going under control until now our Target was really to survive until the last two hours so we really nursed the car uh Sav Fuel and now I went uh full banana and we were P1 but uh I lost about 10 seconds cuz the gear got stuck

In 2.5 thank God we got it back in gear so just keeping fingers crossed until the end of the race how much has the car changed over the course of the 22 hours so far yeah we set the car up exactly for these last two hours so you know um

We know that track Evolution was going to be key rubber so we set the car that we could be fast here maybe in the night it was not fantastic but everything is really thanks to all the air of course you guys for me it was my first day Tona but

Simon Miguel fris really they they they taught me how to race this circuit and I’m so grateful for everyone thank you well congratulations mate back to the front of the field John because the lead is down just on two seconds it’s gone up it’s gone up closer

Than that yeah so the the uh Bloomquist had carved quite a bit of time out of nazer there uh at the front of the field but it seems like the traffic is sort of ebbed and flowed back the way uh nazer 3/10 of a second quicker than Blan fist

Last time back but mind you just in sector one Blan fist has taken it straight back again yeah fascinating dual between those two I’m wondering whether NASA lost a little bit of time actually getting past the the lap car of Phil Hansen the the well is now the lap car

Phil Hansen uh because Hansen of course wouldn’t have want to go a lap down in that jdc Miller mot Sports entry well they’re desperately trying not to aren’t they they were but I’m wondering whether that was a little bit costly for uh for the race leader so there’s a

Couple of laps there where he’s in a 37 and then 30 a 38 on lap 738 that’s a lap on which uh Tom Blas really did narrow the Gap just to to just a few car length so coming down a 90 minutes to go the Gap 2 seconds as we

Mentioned uh I’m Absol absolutely fascinated Gentlemen by the way this race has ebbed and flawed yeah through the daylight hours yeah I would have liked to lovely though they are I would have liked to have seen slightly less of the Cadillac safety cars but when we’ve had these

Long runs it’s fascinating as I say to see the swing of the pendulum from one manufacturer to another it looked for all the world Jeremy earlier on that the 31 wheel and Cadillac was running away with this as the temperatures have come up as the clouds have cleared they’re

Not having everything their own way Porsche came back into it overnight yeah so the BMW for quite a while well for a long time till there both bit the Dust In the Nighttime hours still technical problems with is what BMW team rlll has said about gear box I

Think um remember steering 24 g box oil 25 and I think it was the 24 where the tour up snap when it was coming back which cost uh a little bit of extra time that’s insult to injury isn’t it this uh power steering of course nowadays is electrical so um that’s electrons rather

Than fluid that weren’t doing what they were meant to do and those electrons get a mind of their own that’s when you’re in real trouble isn’t it when they start leaking leaking electrons just as bad as leaking fluids it’s a world I couldn’t possibly understand game on at the front of the

Field to blist this is a quick lap from blist he’s looking good on the splits as they come up towards the start Finish Line and indeed he’s just taking another 3/10 of a second out the Gap is down to just on a second bit of clear road in front of

Them for a couple of Corners if they can go by the right car here here’s the Porsche down the inside for Felipe nasza he gets through in the international horseshoe every time I see that right Porsche the number 120 who dutifully moves to the right hand side and allows

Blan fist through that’s actually really good driving just had to move car width to the right hand side and knew he would go through I like I like to say that but every time I sure we got the call from upstairs yeah I’m sure yeah you’ve got

The leaders don’t don’t mess it up y sports are so crial in this race uh very good indeed it’s Yan Halen behind the wheel so he knows which way is up every time I see that car though um all all I can think of is the uh is the color scheme we mentioned

Earlier on on the uh that used to be on the Seline and uh the Conrad motorport Conrad mot yeah it’s got a little bit of the um uh Garretts and Enterprises um uh dick barar racing John Fitzpatrick take the white away of course but the blues are quite

Similar down to a second then at the front of the field the chase is on as we go under 90 minutes we won’t be changing ends at halim this is a run all the way to the checked flag now with a little high Cloud but not much as I look out

Over the beautiful sight of Tona and still that packed infield where the uh Port races were on either side of the pic now taken up with even more cars haggy with the have taken over where the uh the master the wheel and master Paddock were they were packing them in

There this morning gap down to 3/4 of a second blonquist picks another 3/10 out of nazer for this battle for the lead what a showdown this is between two of the top prototype race drivers in the world Naz are the ex formula the one star and he’s right there’s no there’s

No gap between them now blo is right on the tailpipe of the number seven Porsche Felipe nazza for the race lead NASA with 20% of his energy remaining Blan fist with 15 they accelerate up through the gears 100 m hour 120 M hour my goodness there

Pick up speed saw quickly up over 150 mph now 170 80 getting up towards 200 mph before their break for the leemon shicane and the Gap is down to visual don’t get the stopwatch out for this one Target acquired by the young Brit with the scandian name yeah and

Still pulling away from Lou delr is accurate at a second per lap and more actually wow deatra duw into the pitch shortly he’s almost out of fuel and energy Jimmy bruny in fourth down at 10% as well Tandy down at 10% that’s the six cars the one that has had the issues and

He’s in the pit L they’re not risking it this time on those stint energy levels that should been one stop to the end for them one more stop one more stop yes one more stop to the end uh for number 45 minutes stin from here I think they can do that you’re

Right you with the way things sit right now the number six Porche pensy Motorsport machine would like a caution to uh to bring them back into the picture and then they’ve got the pace to fight no question about it they’re right there but uh who wants the front well we

Don’t we almost don’t want a caution cuz this is just such a good battle to watch we’re being selfish go time know with an hour and a half to go now this is this is hmer down what have you got delra on the Lane getting full service will’ll keep an eye

On the front of the field as that is a brand new set of Michelin medium compound tires that’s all you can use now there was the option of overnight there was the option of soft tires from 7:00 last night till 8:00 this morning I don’t think anybody

Actually used them we’ll find out after the end of the race I did not see any of the red stickers on the sidewall uh in the stints that I did Here Comes blon fist Joe Bradley yeah we were looking at this car’s paer and thinking the car may have

Dropped Pier since the sun came out however that really shed well against the Porsche blus will stay at the wheel of the car for this one he’s getting yeah brand new brand new stick of tires from Michelin going on every corner of this car Fielding going in team just

Preparing the wind screen by pulling a tear off fiddly when you’ve got mechanics GLS on need your finger nails bit of rubber pick up being pulled out the Ducks at the front fueling still going on thumbs up from the back crew member giving Tom the signal when the fuer pulls away then he

Goes that was slick what’s interesting there Jo is that again went off on the internal combustion engine the cad the Cadillac’s been doing that pretty much for the second half of the race I’ve noticed I reckon I reckon they’re doing that to get more wheel spin and to generate more Tire

Temperature and do cooler B burnouts as well that’s a nice bonus but I do I wonder have they found something where they find it’s e if you go off on the internal combustion engine you generate more wheel spin and therefore more critical temperature in the tire in the

Rear tire yeah I I’ll buy that for a dollar it it’s as good EX and reason as anything uh just had news from race control uh of another retirement this time the second retirement in GTP and it is the Acura number 10 of Wayne Taylor racing with

Andreti Autos Sports so that is just the second of the GTP retirements uh among actually what has been quite an attritional race to be honest uh four that five LMP 2s now Sean cre is not coming back I don’t think uh two uh uh two gtps as we

Mentioned so on this stint John the the Porsche is going to go well at least two laps longer than the number 31 uh Wheeland Cadillac last time around they came in together on lap uh yeah there well two stops ago they came in together that was lap 691

The next stops they were one lap apart uh 719 for number 31 car uh 720 for the seven so that was a uh a 29 lap stint for the number seven and this time around looks like seven cars going to stretch it one more lap as well that’s really rather interest interesting I

Wonder whe that that might explain why the number 31 car was able to close in a bit because he was running harder using up a little bit more energy wait and see I think we’ve I think we’ve got 17 or 18 retirements at this point and hi to Steve tadman says Daniel Morad

Please discuss not particularly well known on the world stage uh possibly if you’re a Sim racer yes but not a big on him but he’s doing an amazing job top quality drivve in my opinion I don’t think you’ll get any argument from us Steve on that I he’s been he’s been one

Of my drivers of the race uh I thought Matt Campbell in the middle of the night was absolutely was stunning in the long stin every time he been in the car Conor zillich has been I mean plugged in used and abused in in that car well Christian rasmason has been fantastically fast

Well how good have these some of these young drivers uh been in the you know drivers who this is the next Generation we’re talking about out here isn’t it gentlemen with uh some of these D again stay out again did you say yeah Toby saury sry what about him in the crowd

Strike I these Mal yobs Mal yakobson well we’ve known about Maly for a while but you know when Maly brings his air game he’s as good as anybody and he’s brought his A+ game this weekend yeah he’s been playing his trade in sports cars now for the last several years the

Other two rasmuson and uh and certainly zillich who who’s only 17 years of age for goodness sake haven’t I mean rasmon drove with this team last year was very very impressive they knew they wanted it back again uh and uh you he went he he I

Mean he’s just he’s a star I mean he there’s no doubt about it he won last year’s Indie next championship he won the USF 2000 championship in in 2020 uh back to back he then won the USF pro2000 championship and then uh last year year

He won the Indian x as well so here’s a guy who is clearly on the rise he’s going to be driving this year in the uh NT Indie Car Series watch out for him Joe Bradley has the leader in the pits finally yes he’s uh he’s finally coming

He’s not listening to Jeremy at all is he I’m I’m going to tap him on the sh there um he’s not getting out the car though um we’re going to see no driver change on the number seven Porsche and tires already done and Dustin just waiting for the fueling it’s it’s all

Very slick and U you know what you can lose this R can’t you and these guys are not prepared to do that looks fairly standard Joe Bradley keeping an eye on it that car goes out on electric power and then the V8 twin turbocharged engine kicks in

It’s in pretty good shape that seven car actually had too many dings and scratches on it they’ve looked after it well they looked after it very very well part of it P isn’t it let’s be honest yeah no no question about it no question um Matt Campbell Felipe nazer Joseph New

Garden and Dane Cameron the uh the quartet there saw Joseph newgarden at catering the other day where uh that we had fried chicken but Joseph Joseph just looked went walked up to it looked at it it was very tasty it wasn’t the and and he you could just see him going through

His head going that’s Bop ballast on a plate right there um and he asked could he have some grilled chicken instead which of course the great team at Apex catering did oblige um so I think that’s that’s the only difference really between Joseph new gard and us I think we we ate fried

Chicken and he does I actually had the cord that night it looked nice too it was very good that was Friday evening wasn’t it yes so he was thinking that’s half a 10th yep maybe he can treat himself after the race for a moment number 31 scored

As the leader but only for a moment Philipe nazza goes through I don’t think so that was I’ve Just Seen A Change on screen that was a timing glitch because the number seven car stayed out much longer uh and he was he was better part of a lap ahead number 31

Car certainly didn’t lose that Advantage so a little glitch there on that Timing System but uh yeah as they came across the line last time around with this number seven car going out of the pits it was a 30 second gap between that won’t be reality the brilliantly named

Speedy MC speeding says I’m wondering why I’ve just watched the 62 Ferrari REI go by the pul sitting 77 Porsche like the 77 was a Miata do you guys even know how to B bro well Speedy the BP for this race was set by the manufacturers IMA do not do it as we

Have the pass for the lead side by side across the oh side by side round the the trizi Ferrari and Blan fist knows how to get it done around the top side that was extraordinary stuff and what a run big big lock up from the Porsche in second NASA somehow

Gets it slows down somehow gets to the apex of the first ha and this is the difference with blink is on his towers are up to temperature and pressure Nazar aren’t yet clearly because BL was able to pass him very easily there or relatively speaking should we say and

Moves into the lead of the motor race really interesting stuff at the front of the field cat and mouse now what’s fascinating for me it came from a long way back he’s in the draft and I I think NASA kind of knows what he’s got to do

He goes to the high side past the iron links car and that is just Grunt and aror then they had the split pass I think that was the triassi car wasn’t it that they went by and once he gets ahead you think well just more grip Felipe’s

Got to just ease off a little bit he wasn’t prepared to may have done some damage to his Michelin tires little bit of side drafting as well then they had to split round the 296 fabulous yeah just more grip for the for for the Cadillac would couple of laps warmer and up to

Temperature and pressure tires also see what happened the Cadillac came right back in front of FIP NASA NASA just had massive uh aoll wash yeah yeah definitely what’s what’s fascinating for me is is that Tom blonquist is the effectively third driver in that car he’s here for the enduring races whereas

Jack Akin and bani are the full season drivers so do what do action Express do here with this whing Cadillac do they leave blonquist into the end or do they put either danani or Aken in at the pitch stop vibration on the new set of tires being reported by phelipe Naza before

The lockup so is this a set of used tires that no they were brand new they were brand new when they went back on yeah they’re all they’ve all used up all their tires they had to use up they’re all fresh tires from here to the end

Um well 99% sure of that they’ve been kept in a in a locker with a a security code going you’re not touching them until the end of the race guys the only question is you have they been just sort of scrubbed for a lap or

So perhaps just to get the edge of them but um I think we’ve seen from our crowd strike pit Lane reporters that they’re put absolutely the wor shiny brand new that battle again in GTD it’s now for uh second position with ML Grenier moving ahead of uh Migel Miguel Molina

And Albert Albert Costa so Mercedes had of two Ferraris who really running strong at this stage in the game and Parker Thompson number 12 Lex vas Sullivan Lexus he been elbowed back now to fifth position in the class that’s happened over the course of the last uh

Relatively short period of time what we are looking at now are I kind of don’t like this term but it it it works they the money laps these are laps that count and it was Kai calino about 45 minutes ago talking to our crowd strike pit Lane

Team said it’s all been coming to this we’ve set the car up for the last two hours you look at the weather forecast Pena uh you look at what the track temperature is going to be and that’s climbing already 35 Celsius that’s 95

Fhe in the same way as in my keys to the race Porche keys to the race for sabr it will be get to the darkness and have the car do its best work in the dark this is have your car do the best In the Heat of

The day and those who’ve got it right here are reaping the benefits now crowd strike car in with Nick dman yeah it’s a full service it’s they’ve also saved their tires at the end but they’ve changed drivers Colin Brown’s got out didn’t obv got in but it’s interesting cuz you

Thought Colin might be some take it to the end nope he’s out and Away goes the oing crowd strike car and that’s a crowd strike report about the crowd strike motor Vehicle what’s interesting about that point on the Ferrari setup Kai calino is in the 21 AF cors of Ferrari is that they were very fast in the first hour or two of the race um when it was very similar weather conditions to this that’s a good point so that was where

They made their biggest gains then they kind of settled in a little bit and Daniel Surah was amazing 10 10 spaces in an hour 10 spots in an hour incredible so clearly they have a car that works in in the heat well remembered Peter Well remembered how do you assess the

Corvette today AWA of had a horri horror shot and The Works supported Corvette racing by PR Miller semi Factory I’m going to call those semi fact semi Factory semi Factory right semi works I mean they’re Factory cars that’s that’s part of the GM is a semi Factory sort of a big building but

Without a roof is that they got the roof as well it’s got a bit of an porer Saltsburg about it ites how how do you assess that Peter brand new car I think that you Corvette come to win always from the word go and they’ll be really disappointed they’ll

Be disappointed that the the Prat Miller cars haven’t run cleanly and they’ll be disappointed that the customer two customer cars haven’t either but it’s a brand new car it’s a ground up um yes it is I mean it’s his first race for that car but of course they were testing here

Just a couple of days after La last year’s Ro 24 so they’ve been on this on the case of this car for an entire year and more we’ve got uh just under a month before TF sport take to the track in Kata for the FIA World inurance Championship

Well Tom furry here is a very shrewd cookie I’ll be interested to see how they go in the in the Shakedown in the in the prologue they’ve got work to do they’ll want to do a lot of mileage I think um because katar weather what time

Of day is the race that’s a good question cuz if it’s during the day that’ll be a lot more intense than this it’s it’s a long it’s a long race it’s 1,800 km oh my um so it’ll go to I think it’ll go to 8 hours possibly

And so I’m assuming it’ll finish in the dark starting the daytime I haven’t that’s two races away and three events away so I haven’t quite started looking at the time table for that just yet but uh that I there’ll be a bit of debriefing to do what I would add and

What I would put very good money on nirro bathing man is they’ll get it right sooner rather than later they always do they’ve got the C5 Corvette which they launch the era of Corvette racing they got it down in the chevrol hospitality area every single addition

C5 C6 C7 C8 they’ve all won that’s a very short s there for the lmp2 class leading era Motorsport inry Christian rasmuson has just left the pit Lane he was only on on pit Lane 10 laps ago so that’s way way short and he’s going to

Give up the lead I think to the 04 car are they back timing do you think actually not because car was just in the pits wasn’t it okay yeah crowd strike has just been in okay so they both done the same thing they can they go for an hour and

Set no no but that’s but that’s probably two two stints exactly isn’t it okay no short stints you have flat out stints maybe that’s why they they want to get on strategy with the 04 crowd strike car in lmp2 and then go on go on full rich full flat

Out uh Nick D is down a tower any body workor changes this time Nick no they’re happy both the front deck and the and the nose situation I think what’s happened is the P2 cars have pulled the p on when they can get there on one fuel

Shot they’re all putting four new boots on so my guess is they’re going to come in and uh get to the end there’s a new rear deck going on the Riley car um and there was a new rear deck going on the 99 AO uh dragon machine as well but it

Was a the leader itself which of course is the 18 era car Christian rasmon stayed on board that just got some new tires so um yeah I think they’re now completely they’re not what basically means is that they’re not banking on seeing any yellow flags yeah my mistake

I I I misread that so yeah that’s that’s that’s about right right that that’s it all of the lmp2 cars I think have just been in now and there’ll be one more stop to go from here Chris Stewart says loving the broadcast Sim races everywhere pulling for Daniel Morad

Shout out to team improper done he’s doing rather well in Full Metal racing is Daniel Morad being one of the stars of this forget we’ve got uh broadcast team we’ve got our BD o NOS strategy award for the end of the race and it’s time for a

VP in race update let’s take it from the top where this battle continues 3.4 seconds that’s as big as it’s been for some time Tom Blan fist taking the lead in an audacious maneuver after the pit stops as Felipe Nas was still getting his Michelin tires on the Porsche up to

Temperature and pressure so it is the 31 Cadillac that leads from the seven Porsche at 3 and a half seconds then a full minute further back Lou deletraz for the number 40 Acura the wi Taylor racing with Andre the auto sport car it’s the blue and dark red car Matty

Jamer por shensky Motorsport number six the further 31 seconds back and 5 Seconds ahead of Jimmy bruny in the bright yellow uh sorry in the uh black and gold brought on competition it’s the bright yellow JM jdc Miller Motorsport a couple of laps further back for Richard

Westbrook in six Nick yell in seventh for the first of BMW team RLS they are about 90 seconds apart the 25 and the 24 car but still running in lmp2 the era crowd strike racing battle just East for a moment it’s as if somebody’s turned it down off the boil to Amir

Simmer as it’s about 15 seconds Christen rasmus’s just gone through yeah 15.8 seconds Tom dilman just coming out the pits in third in the inter EUR pole uh by pr1 no sorry that he’s not coming out the pits he’s just driving around quite nicely this is the uh 52

Car then another 23 seconds further back Filipe Fraga for Riley in the ranch 74 car number 74 Scott mlen for Tower it is another 11 seconds further back but still on the lead laping class in that number eight tower Motorsports machine GD pro reesi competiion has come to the four they

Were hot in the early running and the Heat of the day and as it’s warmed up here so has their Pace the 62 reesei Ferrari then ahead of Lauren hinish another Sim Racer the a0 racing Porche and the BMW M4 GT3 of Sheldon Von Delinda after the break problems still

In third place in GTD BR in GT really interesting Daniel Morad leads by 30 seconds win with Mercedes from Albert Costa for Conquest he’s got Miguel m in another Ferrari 296 behind the 21 by 3 T of a second so 57 34 and 21 then it’s MC Grenier another two seconds further

Back and Parker Thompson and Scott Andrews make up the top six and the Ferraris Jeremy are absolutely flying In the Heat of the day in both GTD Pro and GTD yeah they are indeed uh number 34 and number 21 I mean they’ve been moving up steadily now over the course of the

Last hour or two uh really into their stride now uh the question is can they catch that win Ward Mercedes 30 seconds that Gap it was 35 not long ago maybe 10 laps ago um but they’re closing in they’re certainly closing in the two Ferraris there number 34 Car the

Conquest racing entry for with Albert Coster at the wheel of that car at the moment he passed Miguel Molina which is not bad going a few laps ago to move into second position uh and then they both of them got past Mel gr’s Mercedes a little time before that Parker Thompson doesn’t seem

To have the pace in at Lexus in the later stages as he showed earlier in the race and of course in qualifying because it was Parker that put that c on the pole two years ago uh Parker was spotting here for uh one of the teams

And here he is two years later was on the pole position and uh led a goodly portion that car led a goodly portion of the early stages well first half of the race they LED much of it problem for well a potential problem in coming for car number six Macho jam

On the lead lap right now but maybe not for long because the Tom blist is chasing down Macho jaman in that number six Porsche so if blunz goes by they are off the lead lap so if H the number six Porsche wants to win this race they

Cannot afford to lose this position and also can do their teammate a big big favor here because the harder that Macho jaman fights this it will slow bling fist up and allow NASA to catch up so porensky Motorsport by virtue of having two cars in the general hunt here definitely playing in their

Favor yeah so they’ve got oh mistake for blonquist sorry sorry D massive mistake big at the international horsey there for Blink that was a strange one lost the car complet completely there as he tried to get on the power coming out the international horseshoe so they’ve they’ve put a lap

Not only Richard Westbrook who’s actually I think a couple of laps back now but Jimmy bruny also has gone a lap down then Matthew Jam struggling to stay on the lead lap as you say he doesn’t seem to have the pace of the number six car doesn’t

Seem to be as quick as a number seven no I wonder if they’ve been SP by those penalties they’ve got for using overusing their their their allowable power parameters and they’ve had to go a little bit safer and that very uncharacteristic error on cold tires coming out the pits from Kevin estra a

Couple of hours ago is I think is cost them dearly but Mach Jamin there’s a there’s a two-fold benefit here if he can not only stay ahead of blist for them to stay on the lead lap he can also by doing so slow down blist and allow his

Teammate to catch up so this is real tactics could come into play here just want to go back to something we were talking about earlier on the GTD balance of performance changes Jeremy issued by imza earlier in the week but effectively negotiated by the manufacturers sitting around a table or

On a zoom call or whatever this is a something a little bit different uh for a major Series yeah the the series collects independently all of the data and puts it before the manufacturer technical group who I don’t know whether they do rock Pap paper scissors or whatever no I’m sorry I’m

Being factious there uh there was a raft of them all by The uh Lexus RCF got some kind of changes one way or other but am I am I wrong in in that that they were announced by IM but they weren’t mandated by IM effectively they are because it’s the the series but but they came about after the the teams worked

Through the numbers yeah after manufacturers there this they had the technical working group all the manufacturers are invited to play a part a role in that and and uh yes they they they give their input they basically thrash it out amongst themselves uh if if one of the manufactur just thinks

They got a deficit they got to persuade that they’ve they’ve got all the data all the information is there uh in terms of downfalls uh acceleration Pit Stop time everything you name it it’s there and they have to kind of plead their case amongst each

Other to uh to come up with h the the eventual Bal balance forms as you say there’s all cars except for leis were changed the Ferrari for example it lost 10 kg of weight uh um and I get of hor you got a bit more power as well the

Ferrari yeah I know I think the Ferrari actually got I’ve got it uh got Rec was talking about the Ferrari had 10 kg added it had 4 Kow of power taken away it had an extra degree of wing angle didn’t it uh no power taken away and an

Extra degree of wing angle and a liter of fuel taken away from fuel capacity so actually the Ferrari was was was kned back so just set me Reesey seeing there’s been a lot of talking between that manufacturer working group uh coming into this weekend Lovely Day Sunshine great racing

And just under one hour we’re into the last 60 minutes and there’s well hardly anything at all between the front of the field we’ve got the Porsche and the Cadillac batt Ling it out Tom Blan fist leading the race at the moment meantime in Porsche pensy motor

Sport Felipe nazza is trying to close that Gap it’s 3 seconds at the moment 71 seconds so minute and 11 further back for Lou deatra the Jaan another 20 odd seconds back 13 call at 14 seconds between first and second in lmp2 Era to APR crowd strike GT Pro at the

Moment is a little bit off because I think Sarah’s got a pck stop to do there’s not actually a full lap between reacing and a or I don’t yes there is oh yeah there is there is of course that last stop yeah there is um a full course yellow would potentially

Change that potentially depending where the leader is correct um but all it all focuses now on a car that is trying to stay on the lead lap overall and that’s the number 60 porensky Motorsport machine of Macho Jam trying to hold off Tom blist the overall race

Leader so very very tight there at the uh at the front of the pack and who who on Earth do we choose for our BDO no strategy award I mean one that’s coming to me uh is uh is the number 40 Wayne Taylor racing with andred Autosport car cuz they actually

Haven’t had the outright Pace they’ve had a few technical issues remember they’ve gr to a halt out the track and and yet they’re on the lead lap and in the moment they’re on the podium actually I I don’t think that’s I’ll just that’s my opening Gambit for the BD

No strategy award Cheta 47 Ferrari pit Lin speeding violation just a click to too quick but that will bring them back onto pit Lan for a drive through Philipe nassa absolutely tearing it up at the moment that is the car that set the fastest lap of the

Race uh with the 1356 we’re not getting near that at the moment In the Heat of the day but huge traffic for the leader as he tries to put a lap on Macha J nazer dropped two t0 of a second to Blink on the last time for a while that

He’s been slower than the leader 1383 for NASA 1381 for Blan Christ that was the lap before now dare I suggest that janir here could do his mate a bit of favor I suggested exactly the same I think if you’re allow to fight to stay on the lead exactly if you’re porensky

Support you say fight this like you’ve never fought before fight like this is for the race win because to be honest if that number six machine for Porche pens Motorsport goes off the lead lap and we don’t get another full course caution then they’re done so they have to stay

On at all costs and of course in doing so there is a the biggest Bonus Ball of all bringing the team car back in spectacular stuff we’re inside the final hour hour now aren’t we John oh yeah happy 5 minutes I saw and Nick Damon is in the pit Lane

Watching what should be the last pit stop for Paul Miller Racing it’s not been a clean run in the pits for them no I mean we’re about to get all the last stops for the GTD C be they pray am so they can get to the end from here now

The first one to come in and drive in was that Paul Miller the white and red M4 it’s the end of my vision but obviously what I can see is the man on the front right all he has done is look at the front right he’s not changed it

They have oped up two or three new tires and now it’s going to away again they’re hoping to get the end they’ obviously worried about the tire wear right at my feet now is the uh kov Mercedes in number 32 car that’s uh Michael Brer getting out uh Kent and cook getting in

They were oscillated between third and fourth uh and we expect to see obviously the rest of the the leading GT and GTG and GTG Pro cars in as they’ve now reached that point but then get the end quite easily Nick Damon with that crowd strike pit report be Wednesday

Night crowd strike run a data driven analysis of every team up and down the pit Lane and those metrics will get crunched at the end of the race to give a winner and we’ll be announcing that on Wednesday on midweek Motorsport 8:00 UK 3 p.m. eastern time

Let’s have another look at the Porsche keys to the race Peter um tires let’s start with tires everybody now will have new tires till the end that’s what they’ve had to get to and I think everybody’s done that traffic continues to be an issue yes we’ve had 18 or so retirements but it’s

Still pretty busy out there there um we can tick off get the breakfast and be on for those that are still running the one the two ones that have really stood out for me have been calm patient and no penalties there’s been times when we’ve seen calm and we’ve mentioned it where

People Katherine Lake for example at the start of the race backed right out of it lot of penalties in the pits huge amount yeah a very very few for incident responsibility yeah I think probably only one or yeah which is um oh well which is what which is shows that

There’s definitely been some some good driving out there uh throughout the throughout the pack tires I think is going to be the biggest one even if you do have fresh tires it is starting to get quite warm uh here at Dayton International Speedway the air temperature is 23° but the track 37° C

And I think it’ll keep climbing cuz we’ve got direct sunlight baking down on the tarmac here it’s when it gets up towards about 50 that the tire engineers get a bit bit Twitchy 50 is Twitchy look uh the number six car is no question about it holding up number 31

At this stage the the last three laps have all been in the 38 1 minute 38 uh where where the number 31 car was doing 36 is uh even all 37s so uh you know the the pace has been managed here I think he’s not nothing nothing egregious

Certainly but uh Matthew Jam driving very very you driving with a plan uh he wants to he’s pushing as hard as he can he wants to stay on the lead lap certainly but he also wants to make sure there’s no way that Cadillac can come past last pit stop for the

GTD leader this is the number 57 Winward AMG Nick yeah Falls over and really interestingly they’re not changing drivers they’re giving Daniel Morad the run to the Finish that’ll be a long run for him just coming round him now is the 21 I think is uh Daniel S that one so

They’ve also got that’s how far the lead was about 25 to 30 seconds they had the lead we have seen that the Ferrari is quick in Sun Daniel reing the car fuel out we got full course caution yeah we have this is a huge fire on the front of the Lexus

The Vasa Sullivan car and Joe Bradley has an idea he knows what’s happening this was on pit out the driver is out the car it’s Parker Thompson he’s fighting the Flames himself Joe they they you know what as the the number 12’s just been in the pits for a pin

Stop and I think it’s tire pickup when it’s stay when it sat there the tire pickle began to start to heat up and smoke start billowing from that left hand front one of the crew chiefs literally as the car was released started shouting at the fact and

Alerting everybody to the fact that the left front corner was on fire by then of course it was too late and the car was already on Pit Road and making it we out and onto the track and this is what’s happened now Parker out of the car and has put the

Fire out actually well done great work for him there were some Marshals nearby who were on the wrong side of the sorry the right side the inside of the arm with extinguishers and he’s pulled up next to an extinguisher point and got as close as he could just before the pit exit there

Uh let’s take a quick update of who and what was going on down the pit Lane let’s go back first of all to Joe Bradley yeah we had uh I think you know what just snuck in there right on that yellow was the 62 GTD Pro leader the 62

Ferrari uh was in the pit I’m not sure whether he came in when it was still green and it went yellow as he came in but whatever it is that’s his pit stops done and done there might have timed that absolutely perfectly his just said it was left front on the

Lexus uh let’s see fire at pit out where’s the 62 oh no they were they were they were in and out they were gone they were they were out uh just about 90 seconds out 90 seconds uh after the yellow was called so that I think is going to be

Fine yes Sarah wo uh full course yellow at 177503 Daniel Sarah at 503 came into the pits yeah I think you get three seconds don’t you so he no he was in he was definitely in he was in and then we saw it come up on uh on

Raise control so that’s well it’s definitely been re’s day uh that’s sometimes you get these days in racing they’ve had a their drivers have done a Flawless job let’s be honest they have just put fuels and tire Fuel and tires in all day long and they’ve just been

Fantastic and that that’s played very very well indeed for them um but let’s see I think what this could give us is a total fresh Tire GTP shootout PTO no strategy award still to come and then on Wednesday one the numbers have been crunch the crowd strike endurance

Teamwork and speed award let’s go to Joe Bradley in the pit Lane uh with Jimmy vassa man with the name above the door of that Lexus team uh Jimmy it’s been a quite a character building de turna 24 hours for you guys but that was really unfortunate yeah yeah it really was um

You know happens right but it’s not the way you want to end it uh team did a great job we were in position hadn’t made a mistake uh all 23 hours pretty much but did the best we could kep the car rolling uh the whole time uh crew

Did a great job drivers did a great job it’s just uh just unfortunate to Come Away with the not the points that we deserve and what if your crew guys actually noticed I mean it was TI pickup that built up heat in the stop wasn’t it

No no we heard uh we heard some sort of a bang underneath the hood and so I think it was I think it was a plum fire um but uh they happen sometimes and uh but hey all credit to the team and uh you know we’ll come back come back to

See be uh Jimmy you you guys this is a bgy place for you guys how are you going to break that hex we to break it we got to come back stronger next time we got a Kaizen right um you know the 14 had very bad luck as well with the P2 driver

Spinning right in front of them but uh you know all credit to the team we came prepared as we could be and uh just uh going home with uh without any watches yeah well back and stronger next time Jimmy that’s the spirit and back at Sebring for the mobile 11 12 hours part

Of the 36 hours of Florida if you will hello to Gary on two wheels I’ve had to stop stepping to work this morning for a client pick up but I’m not missing the end of this race he’s got it up on excellent stuff he’s got it up on his uh

On his uh on his laptop emergency service for uh Mercedes number 80 the laar machine and Nick de has more from the pit Lane uh down at the 18 pit with Conor zillich Connor uh your work is done obviously with Freddy Ramson but how does the team feel about this uh

This yellow flag is it’s just what you didn’t want or is it you think neutral compared to the rest of the P2 cars yeah you know it’s probably not what we wanted but you know Christian’s in the car and there’s nobody else I’d rather have in the car than him he’s done a

Great job all weekend and you know I look up to him and he’s been a big help for me this weekend as well so uh you know obviously it’s nerve rcking and you know it’s my first Rox 24 so I want to win it obviously but um you know I’m

Just glad to be here with a Motorsports this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me and you know to be here at 17 years old competing in this prestigious event so cool so um you know I’m looking forward to the last few minutes here and

Hopefully we can uh come out of here with the Rolex I hope you haven’t promised it but like your dad or something you got to keep it you know oh I’ll keep it all right um are you surprised by the amount of driving you got to the teams really used you haven’t

They uh yeah I mean I I feel like I’ve done a good job with the team and you know I’ve learned throughout the Roar and this week as well so um you know it makes me feel good that they trust me and they believe in me and um you know

When we’re racing the full season together I you know I I I appreciate having that trust and and you know that companionship so um you know I’m looking forward to the rest of the season with this this team it’s been a pleasure so far and um you know hopefully we can end

The year with the championship as well great so than Conor thank you one of the drives of the race I would say that young man and it’s going to be so tight for LMP too because if you come in at this prototype Pit Stop which is coming

Up very shortly you fill up full with fuel depends when we go back to green you’d have to do quite a bit of fuel saving but it’s going to be really tight I reckon Jeremy if you I mean what do you think can could you get home without

No no more stop on an lmp2 car uh from here um yeah yeah no they they they can come in now when the pits are open then they should be fine because the caution is going to go on for another five minutes or so so yeah

That should that should be uh no problem for them I and if they don’t they can come and speak to you later yeah exactly yeah yeah no that’ll be fine yeah that’s uh that’s the the words for the lmp2 teams seeing there that’s the words of Lee Diffy

Sitting just off to my right you’ll recognize it little Australian that wasn’t Jeremy Shaw saying that at all you said you’re right no that’s what I’m saying looking for you it’s been a long day it’s been a long day we got there at the end John

You’re far too quick for us if I have to explain it it’s not working is it really 44 minutes to go uh let’s take a VP fuel in race update before any pit stops and in fact we can’t do that because they’ve already decided to commit to the pit

Lane Joe Bradley has the gtps yes I have the 31 wheel and Cadillac comes in first hits his pit stops and then I’m looking for the 40 to just come around the side of it and then to my left so the let’s just have a look at the ties that’s

Going on yeah fresh set all tires for to blonquist only fueling left on the 31 everything happening on the 40 we’re getting the go ahead for the 31 and now we’ve got a full pure run to the flag isn’t it no field saving this is going to be flat

Out uh in lmp2 land the crow fight the 04 that’s giving a full set of new boots and some fuel and it looks like por won the race off Pit Road the seven is ahead of the 34 and as they trundle past us the 18 that’s the era car we just spoke

To Conor zich he has come off with their staying on board with rason it’s a set of tires and fuel the tower car has just dropped my feet no one’s changing drivers it’s interesting how they’ve all seem to manag Safe extra set of tires haven’t they just to get to the end and

Fuel as well so I don’t think there’s going to be any major order change within the P2 just because all the gaps between them will have gone well there we are another graphic illustration of teamwork in the pit Lane Porsche Pensky Motorsport take the lead and the reason for that John is

Because on the last round of pit stops the Porsche came in three laps later than the number 31 one car so needed less energy fuel whatever you want to call it to get to the end of the race I think that was a difference there in that slightly slightly shorter Pit Stop

Enables number seven car to get ahead of the number 31 how critical is that going to be well we’ve already seen that Tom blun is he’s on a mission isn’t he and it’s he he stayed in the car didn’t he yes yeah so really interesting isn’t it

That he’s been given the preference over P danani for this final stint of the race 40 just over 41 minutes remaining uh let me just tell you that neither NASA or blon fist went full fuel that was that was a time stop NASA has 75% of energy remaining as it stands now

And he’s regening like mad on the out laap as Blan fist took 80 deatra 100 janer 95 and Jimmy bruny uh uh hasn’t yet ped he’s just got the wave around so he’s going to get back tr get the LA back yeah okay that makes perfect sense Wesley is doing the same thing

Yeah but unfortunately he’s a couple of laps farther back bruny here uh this is going to be interesting for Jimmy because he doesn’t need a full uh set of energy either and he’s already got 30% energy stored up so he probably if he’s going to go the same as NASA he

Only needs it’s probably another 40 maybe 45% 35% here’s the GT D cars coming in welcome back to the pit Lane and the crown strike Port sh at it thank you can’t get me away uh Rexy is getting new right side tires are they going to give

Lauren Hinrich left sides of course they are because they have them so this means that Rexy will get the best opportunity he can to try and defend that second place but he’s got a blocked pit exit because the Forte Lamborghini the first car to have an issue in this race well

Second technically to the AWA Corvette but the first one to have contact out on the racetrack is blocking their pit exit so the AO crew knows that they are going to have to pull the car back they do have a lap on the third place car so

They are able to take a little bit of time but this is still an issue and now he’s leaving in traffic significantly but understandably the 62 REI competiion Ferrari did not pit there because they’ got in just before that yellow flag so they keep their position on the track they do but

By doing by coming in right before we went to Yellow that did enable number 77 car to get back on the lead lap okay orbe it at the completely opposite end of the train doesn’t matter though because well actually it does matter doesn’t it because the uh the 77 car

Won’t be able to pass the other GTD cars but wait a minute yeah it won’t there’s there’ll be a lot of there’ll be a lot of cars between the leading 62 rezy Ferrari and the AO Porsche but if again you get another F they do not split the

Fields in the GT out of the two GT don’t no they don’t split GTS and and prod so we’re going to come down to something like ir and 35 minute Sprint thereabouts yeah yeah I’m sure the amrc C to work really hard under time pressure there because a a burnt

Out car is going to there’s going to be all sorts of nasty stuff there to get cleaned up great job from them Fair player to Parker Thompson because not only did he Pi uh put the car out uh to all intents and purposes but he pulled

It off to the left as far out of the pit L and exit as he could to we said this earlier on a fire in a racing car gets your attention very quickly indeed and being a leftand drive car that was right in front of par par he’d have seen that

And have been working out where he could get to where there was a fire point where he knew there were extinguishes it’s something that you do on the track walk you walk around you look to see where the markings are on the wall where the fire stations are and you keep those

In your head some drivers and this was mentioned to me some years ago if you can try and use the fire uh areas the the P areas to tell you where the fire bottles are try and use them as as as part of your um orientation of the track

So if it’s you know uh two concrete blocks beyond the fire and then you keep keep the the fire thing in your head for when you need it yeah good that full course caution is is exactly what the number six por pens Motorsport team we just praying for with everything cuzz

That gets them back on the lead lap and really in in the lead the lead Bunch um bad news for Acura that yes it is very bad news for uh the wind Taylor racing with andreti number 40 Acura who have they’ve they’ve had they’ve had to fight

Uphill all all race long um haven’t quite had the pace of uh of Porsche and Cadillac um and of course had that technical issue that Lou delra has did a great job to get the car kicked again and back moving but so it’s not been the

Cleanest of runs but to be on the lead lap with 36 minutes to go I actually think they would take that yeah yeah who’s that sorry the 40 Acura 40 yes absolutely true and here comes number five car now Jimmy Brun he’s just got he got the wave around he’s going to he’s

Hustled around he’s going to make his pit stop now it’ll just be as John P would just say it’s a pretty much a time stop just a splash of fuel really the question is whether he can catch up with the back of the pack before we go back to green sh Adam is

Watching the hits is marks there we go Feld nozzle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 that’s a longer stop they’ve done right side tires but also in is the 85 uh let’s see how long they do now they’re they’re time stops but they are longer stops still they’re

There stops that are long enough to change all four tires for both of these Porsches 70 80% energy for Jimmy bruny so that’s more than everyone more than the two leaders they’ve only got 75% delra has got 95% in third wow Jam is 90% uh bruny 80% Westbrook another

Further couple of laps back on 95% so Jimmy bruny can go full rich and full attack but can he hustle round in time to get the Prototype and class split that’ll be the question yeah I don’t think we’re going to go green this time are we no because they’re still

They’re still making the class split now they’ll move all the prototype cars ahead of the GT car great news for br yeah he should be fine I think he’ll be able to make up that ground he’s just going around the uh International horseshoe now he gets to go all the way

To the back of the GTP field he doesn’t have to sit behind the lmps but he doesn’t get to go past the the lapped cars so he will be eighth in line and he’ll be get he’ll actually to be getting his tires up to some really good temperature and pressure on this he’ll

Be absolutely flat to the boards right now in he just a h the road oh he’s off the road at turn six at turn six oh my goodness he did a complete uturn there the opposite way around so speak he turned right instead of left there right in order to miss the

Mar Barry he’s going to he’s going to struggle now to catch up the pack I think and he may have damaged his new brand new Mich tires he’s absolutely flying down towards the Leon chaane so this is the black Mustang sampling car we’re talking about going in to the

Breaking area for the lon shaane now goes through it no hint of a lock up there so that’s good good exit safety car is at the Western horseshoe and the safety car light in the sunshine look to be off I think they seem to be out Bry might get this you

Know he he might still get this here he comes he’s flat out across the star Finish Line as he’s trying to get back onto the back of the queue of cars I’m looking for purple sectors here well he’ be Ted off if he does won’t he Jimmy bruny will be

Absolutely spitting feathers for that little mistake but I don’t think it’s going to cost him I agree John I think it probably cost him 5 Seconds probably uh but it might work in his favor here that he doesn’t he’s going to go blasting past all of the GT cars and

There still the split the split is still just about going on he’ll get to go past the p2s as well if he gets a hustle on here he comes out of turn five the Western horseshoe he’ll be on the back of the GTD cars it’s a question of how

Far up the Prototype grid he can get there’s cars weaving behind the Cadillac safety c as they go through the lon shaane I don’t think he’s going to get all the way to the back of the GTP field here as the safety car the Cadillac the silver Cadillac pulls away here comes

Bruny’s not quite on the back of the GTD cars yeah but here he comes at the absolute flat out and he comes through he’s up on the wall he goes past a few of the cars and now he’s gone past uh up to about the Midfield

He’s not going to catch the he’s not going to catch the prototypes at what point does he have to stay where he is and freeze the field he’s round the outside this looks like something from a movie he is going to catch them you know

He’s going to come past the GTS we go back green now he’s not going to be a million miles off but he’s about three or four no a little bit more cars away as he comes through now he’s coming up on the Corvette J on trying to go the

Outside of the Acura excuse me John there and ran a bit wide on your exit that 5 Seconds of foar has absolutely cost bruny and he’s now still fighting through traffic at the front of the field oh contact between the 04 Crow strike lmp2 and one of the BMW gtps

Number 24 oh oh that’s not what that’s not what the 04 team won in lmp2 with malter Jacobson this is the second place car we’re talking about been battling with era all the time time Daniel Sarah still 6 seconds to the good so down a turn one Porsche going

Right round the outside gets a little hip check oh gets a hip check going in there from the Acura the number 40 car feisty Lou deatra there oh but there wasn’t much room he got squeezed out yeah yeah fair I’m going to take that back seeing it from the overhead but

That that was that was a bit of a nudge it’s a restart how are they going to see that could be crucial Mal yakobson down the inside trying to take the lead in lmp2 he was alongside the era car yeah look I mean the lmp2 cars are quicker through the

Corners than the GTP cars the G GTP cars are a lot heavier well take your pick I think the era car hit it as well actually and I’ve seen that from above I think it could be either of those two so let’s get back to the front of the FI

Faed with 30 minutes to go uh 21 and 1/2 hours of practice and qualifying half an hour race well and with that great work from the uh Porsche Pensky Motorsport team in the pits they’ve got the jump on the number 31 Cadillac and Tom blun fist for wh and Engineering Cadillac has been

Given the honor and the trust to finish this race off a whole raft of penalties two for the lawn star number 80 running the red light and improperly served emergency service they’ll have to come back down the pitan again they’re doing it now and the 7840 Lamborghini pit Lin speed violation

They’re coming down as well at the front of the field NASA from Blan Fist from deletraz from jaman they’re all on the lead lap Jimmy bruny 11 seconds further back will be cursing that slight mistake cursing it that was the difference wasn’t it that was all it was but he had

To push though he really had to push he had to get those tires up to temperature and pressure and who knows you never know there might be another caution in here too with being such no no not saying want it or not but it’s certainly possible we’ve seen it in the past but

It’s is this just going to be a straight shootout between the number seven and the number 31 the Porsche Pensky Motorsport car and the whan Cadillac two manufacturers two quite different technical philosophies the multimatic chassis underneath the Porsche with a 4.6 lead twin turbo V8 then you’ve got

The big 5.5 naturally aspirated V8 in the delari chassid Cadillac # Michelin PRT post Race Tech well it’s a warning just a warning for the crowd strike car good call I think that’s I think that’s good officiating I doson will be getting told that I hope

He gets told that because that will be A sigh of relief for the young man at the front of the field Jeremy closing up again yeah it certainly is and Lou Del in third place he just turned that Accura fastest lap of the race a 35.9 356 and S the other two so it’s

Only a couple of tents of difference but he’s he’s on a charge really bad luck for number 80 car the Lone Star Racing Mercedes Boy they’ve done a fantastic job such a a late deal coming together the fourth driver Adam chrisad he was only told about 5 days before he had to

Get here that he that he was to to come along I mean they they they were they’re actually leading the class prior to that final yellow Unfortunately they had to make full they had to take on emergency service then have to do a penalty for that and they got another penalty

Because they ran the red light as well so it’s dropped out of contention but it’s been a brilliant run by Lone Star Racing Adam only found out five days before to get here it took him two and a half days to get back he was on holid yeah amazing he had four cancelled

Flights and all sorts of Dramas Lou all his all his gear was in London as well Lou de is flying here not only he follow he’s followed that fastest lap of the race for that car up with some really strong sectors in another good lap in third remember this time yesterday or

Just a little bit later coming off pit stops and restarts the the Acura was actually quick and he’s got more usable energy than the rest so right now according to our Telemetry Philipe nazer and Tom blist are on 60% each delra has got 80% so he can what whatever he can get out

Of that Acura he can fire it right up to the maximum here jamer 75 Bry 60 I suspect that’s because he was absolutely King it trying to get through the traffic so the top three then coming back together yeah and meanwhile in lmp2 number 74 car Philipe Fraga just got

Past Tom dilman in number 52 on the last lap four third position and right behind Tom dilman is Scotty mlogin in car number eight for Tower Motorsport as well and in GTD Pro Daniel Sarah has a 14 second lead on the number 77 AO Porche but in GTD Daniel Morad and megel

Moliner are right together second and a half for the 57 that’s the Winwood AMG and the 21 molinar is of course the Ferrari BD o nose strategy well where do you start with this one where do you start with this one who’s got it right and who’s

Got it wrong has deatra got it right and the Acura team they’ve got more energy than everyone else and they’re making use of that at the moment to close down on the two leaders they certainly trying right now though H once Nazar and blanas have got up to temperature than pressur

On their tires they’ve really started to pull away now 710 uh that lunis took out of delra and a second that nazer took out of deatra so deatra is dragging every bit of performance he can out of that number 40 Wayne Taylor racing with andr Acura but

The this Porsche and this Cadillac at the front they are just so so strong coming through to 25 minutes to go nazza 1357 last time Blan fist 13 59 1366 for deatra so maybe just eing his Pace a bit well I mean be a little bit on that last lap certainly but Filipe

Naz’s last lap as you said 35.7 that’s one1 of a second away from his best lap of the race which is the best lap of the race naz’s at full attack with how many times have we seen this in mza competition over the years some thing to

Think about it here for the BD no strategy Tim synr strategy for the number seven Philip menazza got them to the lead what about the 40 the went racing with Andre the aut sport car hasn’t had the pace but they’ve kept themselves in the running new fastest lap of the race there for

Tom bloomist 135.5 54 for the number 31 weand Cadillac and that is a a new lap record uh he’s he he had the record last year in the Acura a 35. 616 also what about the 57 Winwood car theyve been more Pace than strategy confirmation then 135

554 for Tom blonquist and that that’s a 10th quicker or just under a tenth quicker than blonquist as the best lap of the race last year in the Acura for Mar shank racing so the the the bar keeps being uh keeps being raised 23 minutes to go nasza by 3/4s of a second

Delra another four three and a half seconds back a second now between rasers and the 18 car and lmp2 and yakobson Jacobson has he been slightly just shaken by that little incident with the BMW has he done damage to the front end of that 04 crowd strike

Carai he’s got Felipe froger not that far behind him in the ranch 74 Riley yep the two leaders were a little bit quicker than froger on that last lap actually about 3/4s of a second faster on that last lap here’s the traffic Jeremy let’s see who negotiates this traffic giveth traffic taketh away

This is where the dice needs to be ruled I would say the Blan fist got a bit more grip in his car he’s clawed right in there that was a completely different line through turns one and two and he’s there he’s under the rear wing of the Porsches they go through the

International horo for the 779 time 833 is the lap record we’re not going to get near to that but this is going to be a good run and it’s going to be a proper race to the Finish grand stand finish yes I think so just dropped

Deatra and Jamin no problem at all these two drivers here Filipe nazer and Tom blanquis they are just at the peak of their powers the question is these last 21 minutes in this heat of the day can the Porsche hang on on the tires we’ve seen how good the Cadillac is on the

Long run is that going to play a factor Here track temperature over 100 fah 39 C and this there’s only going to have been a 30 minute run to the Finish everyone staring at the screens who are involved with these two cars there was a bit of a

Smile there from pipu durani no I think it was wind I feel sorry for the people in this box if that’s the case but I thought it was a smile actually he’s a very very generally speaking happy uh person very jolly and but he is a ferocious

Competitor what does he know what is he getting what is he hearing from the driver he’s listening to what’s going on in the cockpit Tom Blan fist I don’t know is he verbos behind the wheel does he likee quiet the spotter will be telling him

What he’s coming up on and at the moment that’s a turn of BMW and he closes up on the leader again who gets a little bit of wheel spin on the curb on the right hand side from the Michelin they go through the traffic together into the dog leg the left-handed King

More traffic ahead leader goes to the outside second place car has to follow Mike get blocked here that’s the 82 Kelly Moss Porsche goes around the outside no that’s clean nazza by a cast length under breaking the concertina back together now on the power up onto the banking more traffic ahead but that

Won’t actually play any part the two leaders are pushing now now they are now 20% worse off than deatra in third yeah but they’re a second lap quicker I’ll take the second lap quicker thank you very much I think we’re 20 minutes too I think I think they should have me unless

They’ve made a major Mis calculation they should have plenty of fuel to go to the end no well once a Cadillac 45% left for nazza 45% left for Blan Christ delra 65 60 for Shaman bruny who had more than all of them except for

Delra is now also down to 45 yeah but we we’re within 20 minutes to go and the these cars can do 55 minutes or certainly 5 minutes absolutely flat out so no problem there a all the A99 going slowly around the circuit there’s been a mishap for

The lmp2 car of Paul Loop chatan eighth position in LMP to slow lap last time around at 2 minutes 10 yeah still going slowly just going over the trioval now heading to turn one so I think that is a sick Spike the dragon Tom dilman puts

The inter EUR number 52 oric is fastest lap in last time around and backs it up with another quick lap through the traffic he’s trying to chase down leaders in traffic and turn six literally car’s dve driving off the track to stay out of the way of this

Lead battle the rest of the field know what’s going on here they’re Spectators but some of them are involved and embroiled in their own battle for victory yeah Battle of a third in in lmp2 is really intense now rasmus’s got a good Edge he’s pulled out three seconds over over yakobson who is

Literally who’s similarly 3 seconds over frager but frager has got dilman and Scotty mclin right with him B shaane really went the favor of Felipe nazer there Blanca getting stuck behind a GT car right in the middle of that left right left shaane and that was

Critical it could come down to a bit of traffic well thanks 410 thanks for being with us if you’re just joining us now you’ve come to the party just as the presence are being unwrapped perfect timing fashionably late around the world in rs2 107.9 wdis at the track Sirius XM

Channel 207 and of course in sound and vision on the world fed TV and thanks for being with us as we are counting down to another grand stand finish here at the Daytona International Speedway and the Rox 24 at Daytona round one of the weather tech sport water Car Championship for

2024 the pit crews are spectators now they are hooked to the screens they’re looking at the splits listening to their drivers trying to work out if they can perhaps eek an advantage somewhere but they’ve done their job they cannot influence this anymore it’s the Spotter and the

Driver and the gods of racing that will decide who win this race the lead is going to get blocked here slightly coming out of the lamon Shan goes on the high side of one of the Ferraris just about squeeze through between the safer barrier and that Red

Machine the Cadillac is a little bit closer this time though isn’t it heading toward the trioval not close enough Jeremy I don’t think quite picking up enough of a draft drops in behind the reesei car to try and get a little draft from the GT half a second or

Thereabouts closes in under breaks Blan fist but NASA is doing a grand job but he’s using more energy yeah NG is not I don’t think NG honestly really is an issue at this stage John I think you they they’ve got plenty to get to the end from here uh

It’s just a question of having working their way through the traffic and looking for any opportunity to make a pass which is not going to be easy that’s for certain no way meanwhile in lmp2 Christian rasmuson fera Motorsport has hit the afterburners he’s 4.8 seconds in the lead wow yeah but the

Battle between dilman and frager is on and right behind them also actually mclin’s just g g through ahead of dilman Scot clarland goes through with the tower Motorsport Ora the orange and black number eight and he now takes the battle for the third spot on the podium

To Felipe Fraga 6/10 of a second there’s less than a second in between third fourth and fifth there in lmp2 leaders through the lon shaan no traffic this time around them in fact no traffic now as they’re on the banking no traffic till the exit of turn one so now we’ll

See who’s got the advantage the Cadillac just tantalizingly outside of where it will get the most draft Yeah and look at the Porsche just moving around just a little bit trying to break that draft I think that’s smart from nazza he also taking the shorter line through the trioval

Don’t want to put too much lock on the steering and scrub off precious speed they’re getting up to close on to 200 mph there 197 198 mph no real rain to speak of but the cars are looking battle scarred and Dusty there’s been a couple of off track moments for pretty much all

Of the gtps 1 minute 35. 924 for Felipe nasza the race leader last time around his best a 1356 so with just 3/10 of a second off the fastest lap of the race He Set uh only about 15 laps ago and Tom blis he was just about a tenth of a

Second slower on that last lap and mclin’s on the podium in lmp2 he’s gone past frog he’s seven second oh he’s dropped back again those two are having a cracking scrap but they are gaining on yakobson even as they scrap into the pit Lane very slowly indeed for the Spike

Spike we know that car’s been going slow the AO number 99 not the finish that they wanted in that car so 13 minutes to go and there’s so much at stake here fabulous battle by the way GTD y as well see if we can pick those guys up yeah Morad and mol there’s

Mor through the lemon shaen at the moment 21 with the red and white stripes on the roof is Miguel m in the fardi yeah that team cursing that yellow flag the wind Ward racing did not need that fastest lap of the GTD race goes to

The is held at the moment rather by mol with a 458 just to a 463 466 for Daniel Morad what a drive it’s been from Morad this year Rivera is flying too isn’t he he’s he’s been outstanding every time he’s been in that the trii competition the number 0o 23 the dark

Red Ferrari not work driver for nothing W he’s got past Kenton cook and left him now that a three car train there in GTD it’s for third place in the class but Sheldon Vander Linda in the Pro car is right ahead of Albert Costa in number 34 Ferrar for Conquest racing and then

That triaz car that’s come back into the picture really fast in this last stint of the race alyso Rivera and then back in fifth position now is Kenton cook in the courau off Preston Motorsports entry the Mercedes don’t forget the checker flag ends the race but starts the

Conversation Michelin post Race Tech to come exclusively on IMA radio hash Michelin PRT to at imar Radio your thoughts comments points AR Rising brick bats or boures will take them all the original audience leid post race show is Michelin PR # Michelin PRT for after the

Race checked Flag nazza by 8/10 of a second there’s history going to be made here either way Filipe nazer has won this race before in class never overall team Pensky or por Pensky Motorsport Pensky haven’t won this race overall since 1969 with the Lola so for them it

Would be huge for Porsche it would be a record 19th overall win here at Daytona it’s been a long time since they’ve had an overall win here but it’s so there is huge amount if blonquist were and the whan crew were to win blonquist would win three Rolex watches in a row

Matching the record of last year his teammate Elio Castro NE that’s just crazy is it let’s be hon he’s only got two wrists what he going to do put one on his anle 10 minutes to go rasmason two and a half seconds to the good in the era car over the crowd

Strike car of Mal V Jacobson yeah he’s extended that lead a little bit it was it was out to 4 seconds all of a sudden it came down to two yeah and now Christian rasman has rasmuson has found another three and a half t on that last

Lap to put it to two and a half seconds delr is going to have to watch his mirrors now because Shaman is under two seconds behind him for the third step on the overall and GTP Podium and he was a couple of T quicker last time around it’s 1.4 seconds

Now oh this is all getting very very tight indeed Morad and mol in GT the 57 EMG the black and blue car ahead of the red Ferrari with the red and white stripes on the roof 1.7 seconds isn’t it interesting that Matthew jaman having got that break with that with that

Caution unable to uh to to Really challenge Lou deletraz in the Acura he doesn’t have the same sort of pace it would appear as his teammate Filipe Nasser 366 last time for jamith 363 for Felipe nazza all how Jaan could do with those extra 3/10 of pace at the moment this is

As close as we’ve seen the Cadillac for a little while in the battle for First with eight and 3/4 minutes to go up to high speed for the Leon sha K the Cadillac has to keep going for these gaps hitting the Curve herb nicely coming out of the final part of the Lona

Kane what do you say about this race gentlemen what are you see dillman’s got back past Scotty MCL yes correct and it’s now right on the tail of Philip frager again cuz those three are pretty much together there’s less than a second between them lmp2 but definitely the the

Something mean so competitive so so competitive that’s a battle for the third step on the box yeah exactly I mean the the 18 era car that leads by 3.3 seconds from uh Malta Jacobson in the 04 crowd strike car that Gap has come down a touch H but it really has

Been those two cars and indeed they are young guns that have impressed so so much in this 24-hour race PTO knows strategy is the strategy find Young Guns well you know what it’s a fair point you’ve got to you’ve got to use what you’ve got find the uh super Silvers are

The brilliant bronzes You Know It Maybe not maybe that is part of it leader gets to the inside of the iron Dames no impediment for either of the first two cars porsa versus Cadillac at day TOA echo of Glory Days with a huge crowd a record crowd here for the

2024 Rolex 24 hours at Daytona the gtps burst onto the scene last year we wondered if they’d even make the end of the race could LP2 car sneak of Victory and the gtps over the course of the season and here at Daytona entertained us royally well

They’ve clicked it up a notch this year Peter you bet they have as is Tom lunis he’s 310 up com at the end of sector two on this lap as they come up towards the stripe again it it is just yo-yoing back and forward that Porsche 963 at the the

Very top right into seventh gear it’s just got that ever so slight top speed Advantage little bit long the lead Porsche there there was there was a tiny moment and I mean a tiny moment you could just see the car sneaking as Felipe nassa was trying to pull the car

Down to the Apex of turn one this is now coming down to the finest of margins six minutes to go in the race so that’s going to be about four laps possibly five No oh I can’t I fa thought for the teams the families the the drivers who are in the they’re watching between their fingers just have a think what they’re going through right now Felipe naso’s teammates Matt Campbell Joseph narden and Dan Cameron what would it mean to

Them to get uh none of the drivers in this number seven car have won the race uh overall so to win to win overall here would be a real a real highlight in all in four very glittering careers and two Team USA alumni J me in this car too

It’s true the the best this is close this is close half a second coming out of the Leon chicane is as close as Blan fist has been he pick up a little bit of toe from the that GT car but it’s still not enough it

Needs to be maybe two and a half tths maybe even closer than that as nazza pulls out from half a second to a second but again struggles to pull the car down to the eight BS of turn one he’s got the a or portion number 77 right ahead of

Him he gets through on the inside Blan got to go here and he’s not going to make it he’ll have to swing round and then tighten the exit that will cost him some speed on the infield Lauren Heinrich part of the Porsche Porsche family and uh yeah didn’t didn’t give

The cattle like much favors there did he I’ve got I’ve got to tell you I think that Porsche is running out of grips Jeremy yeah the Philippe Nas SE second place uh on two occasions here for Nas say each time he set the fastest lap of

The race uh he hasn’t got the fastest lap of the race here uh but he is leading it he’ll tra he’ll make that trade AB be two or three to go here it’s going to be very close let’s see NASA is getting out of the slower Corners very

Impressively it was the great Bob Walling wasn’t it who always used to say if you’re brave you and you car set up you can get through the quick Corners quickly but if you can get through and out of the slow Corners better than your opponent you’re in those slow

Corners longer that’s where you make up the the time and this was a guy that had to put down the huge horsepower of the 935s and 962s big turbocharge monsters and traction out of Corners was something that was definitely out of Premium there traffic again for the

Leader swings to the high side here comes the Cadillac flashing the lights down into turn one again this is going to be so tight whether it’s two to go from here or three really tight I think too close to call it was about 312 flag next time around okay so there’s just

Under seven miles to go for the 2024 Rolex 24 hours and they are both down to 10% of their fuel I that was tighter than we thought but I think it’ll be all right it’ll be all right Jimmy bruny might be in trouble though cuz he’s oh he’s easy his Pace

Dramatically he’s uh fact excuse me the white flag has come out now what the white flag is out now so this is the last lap why I have no clue no it’s being shown to the GT cars isn’t it well but it shouldn’t be yeah it shouldn’t be um

Okay well I’m I’m now confused I heard the call from race control and I presumed that was for next time around there was be we we still got almost 2 minutes on the clock that’s PL time indeed so I can see the White Flag being with

Now so this is Felipe nazza coming round for the final time the checked flag is out at the 2024 Rolex 24 Hours of Daytona goes to Porsche by about a second from blon chist in second place there’s a lot of confusion there’s a lot of confusion here and there’s

Still time on the clock by my watch I think they’ve timed that to 40 to 1340 but we didn’t quite get away at 1340 we were a tad late on the green flag so thankfully it’s not I don’t it made any difference because on that last

Lap bloners got held up badly by traffic more than a second so there was two seconds between them as they crossed the line let’s just wait for the G lmp2 to come through there’s no sign of Celebration down in the pit Lane now the celebration will go to Shay and Jord the moment

For no they’ve stopped again down in the pit Lane this is extraordinary we promised you 24 hours and we’ve got more drama at the end of the race as well here comes the Rasmus ERA this is the blue and silver machine it’s going to be about 7even seconds

Over crowd strike through to the checked flag and will take lmp2 comes through across the line Daniel sah for reesei competition has won in G GTD Pro because EO racing has taken the checked flag and it’ll be between Daniel Morad and M Miguel M uh it’s Conquest here come here they come again

To the line with the checked flag so they’ve now won it twice in one afternoon and there’s a lot of Celebration confirmation then AA Motorsport T lmp2 recent competition Ferrari GTD Pro and Winward Racing for GTD it’s got to share Adam first of all for some reaction going to have to climb

Over the wall to try and get back to our drivers cuz they did not come out to the pit Lane with all the crew guys who very muted waited on the pit wall for an opportunity to celebrate and celebrate it properly but now the Hub up has begun

Matt Campbell is walking out to the wall to celebrate with his guys he’s being carried off [Applause] John my God let’s go to GTD Pro where David rard is celebrating for REI competi with Joel Bradley DAV another big one for Ferrari oh amazing amazing what a team what a

Ferrari did the these racer so we really push so much since the beginning thanks to my teammate uh so all the engineer Jose per put us an amazing car so super super super happy now I would like to enjoy with my team yes absolutely cool Dane Cameron your first

Ever Podium visit at the Daytona 24 hours and it’s to the top step overall how long have you been dreaming of this moment 15 years and every year and so long with all these guys I was trying to think it was never going to happen

Well you’re about to go up on the stage and get a Rolex you’ve already got them from winning the Championships but this is from something different we hear the emotion in your voice and just how much this means to you but the group of people that you were able to accomplish

It with that’s got to make it mean even more yeah for sure to my engineer he’s the manager of the whole program now uh Raul from the last program so yeah I mean a lot of a lot of hours a lot of time 15 years is a lot of laps around

Here trying to get this one done so yeah amazing that’s Rolex Daytona 24-hour winner Dane Cameron you s reei congratulations reesi Ferrari did to 24-Hour winners thank you uh it’s very very special win for us we’ve been trying for uh up to 25 years we’ve had five second

Finishes and uh it’s great to be here uh and I take this up need to thank himer for all so I’ve always believed that imer is U is the best sports car Series in the world we have our differences as in every family but uh

I’m happy to be here and thank all the all the people that come in back us and most of all everybody that has a 296 in the world I hope they enjoy it thank you jei and uh it’s a pleasure to see jeppi reesi and Ferrari win any race for the

Day to to 24 hours icing on a c congratulations thank you very much and it’s a real pleasure to be able to talk to the captain as a Rolex 24hour winner your team has done it with Porsche what does this mean for you and your whole organization well okay we entered into

This partnership with Porsche they’ve been our partners on the automobile business for many years but this is one that uh you know last year at Lamar we stumbled we had some good runs last year but to come back here and have both cars run for 24 hours and

Then win the race it’s hard for me to believe it you last won this race in 1969 in alola things are a little bit different now technology wise and you’re still up on the box I’ll tell you this is this goes around one of the biggest

Wins we’ve had now we got to go for the big win at Lal you know that so thank you Mission accepted good luck thank you Roger Bensky sounded really emotional he’s a racer he’s a racer could been on edge all the way through the last hour

Or so just as we were and that’s uh yeah and for for Porsche that’s a 19th overall win they move six ahead of of Riley in the overall standings what a what an achievement and for these four drivers Matt Campbell Philipe nazer Joseph New Garden and Dan Cameron

All climbing the board the number seven uh not designed for that many passengers oh I bet it is cuz you want to win the rout you build a car to win so you need to do that when you win uh and isn’t this amazing you know this this paral

Program did you hear what Joseph said there no no no where’s Victory Lane well all I’ll say to Joseph is it was worth it not having the Fried Chicken on Friday yeah absolutely there you go there there’s the uh there’s the two seconds that was tight wasn’t it

Oh I tell you one more lap Peter they’d have been tight on the energy they were pushing hard they’d have made it though I think um they’ have made it isn’t that unusual where you see four drivers that have never won the race Overall winning the race

Overall now nowadays yeah I mean they Filipe and well Philipe Nazar and um Matt Campbell won it together class two years ago in that incredible finish with faf four drivers of that standing in caliber yeah as well yeah exactly and I say that’s a second overall East F on

Two occasions so to get that monkey off his way I mean he he’s been a star since he first came over here he was a star in Formula One he just wasn’t driving for the right team but uh today he showed his class once again Filipe nassa coming

Comes comes home with that victory for the for the captain and that a whole team Joseph nard M Campbell who was Stell all the way through and Dane Cameron what a great return for him for he’s going to be doing the full season in the T Sports Car Championship this

Year but B no strategy Awards uh Tim syri has pulled the seven through to uh Victory there a great run for way Taylor racing with a car that didn’t have the ultimate Pace about 610 away in terms of the fastest lap comes in in fourth position outside the top

Classes era and crowd strike and Riley and into Euro all great in lmp2 reesei coming through the field to win pro e racing hanging on for second although they’re qualified in po position Winward racing coming through to win GT ahead of AF corser uh Conquest in third trii in

Fourth in that particular class as well where’s your vult going Jeremy is is this one yeah C come on I’ll let you think about it yeah yeah that’s really I mean I for me the the the picks would be I I agree with Peter the number 40 team

In GTP yeah would certainly be worth a a shout I mean and then in GTD you Conquest racing and or triality competition it’s first race for Conquest back in him so for for many years for triara local team based down the road here they were they were punted

Out of I think second or third position with about what three hours to go and to come back and uh and finish there just off the podium in fourth brilliant job for me it’s got to be the number 40 Wayne Taylor racing Acura with andreti they didn’t have the pace and they

Dragged that car with such will to get it on the podium they didn’t have the pace of the the Porsche of the Cadillac and yet they scored a big chunk of points for the championship that’s a very good point and the car was dead stick in the middle of the night

Remember power of positive thought got that going again I’ve got no idea um Nick Daman will chip in in a moment as well lot of emotion down there you’re listening and watching a very very historic moment as four drivers who’ve never won overall paired up or quadded

Up at least in the number seven Porche Pensky Motorsport 963 take it by just over a couple of seconds that two second margin is not indicative of what we saw during the last few hours of this race it’s been tight and we finish with uh five cars on

The lead lap of which three of them are Porsches Porsche Cadillac and Acura fill the three Podium spots in lmp2 it’s era from crowd strike from Riley in the Ora battle re competi give Ferrari the win ahead of Porsche and a racing the PO sitting car and Paul Miller Racing

Despite the struggles with breaks at the end are on the podium and Winwood for Mercedes EMG ahead of AF corser for Ferrari in GT and in third Conquest Racing for Ferrari we’ll have our winners of course for the uh crowd strike endurance teamwork and speed award on midweek Motorsport when we’ve crunched the

Numbers I’ve got those uh uh for the uh data uh let’s have the numbers for Michelin endurance cup before we wrap up Jeremy yeah uh in the GTP wheel and Engineering racing Cadillac number we have 18 points to finish second in the race but will be the leaders in the in

The M endurance cut by two points over Pensky Porsche Motorsports number seven uh the manufacturers will be tied but Porsche will be ahead because they won the race In lmp2 Crowd strike racing by APR 17 points to the 15 of the race winners era Motorsports and the 13 of

Inter Europa with pr1 mat and Motorsports and GTD Pro the uh Paul Miller Racing despite that disappointment towards the end will lead on 15 points to the 14 of REI competiion manufacturers Ferrari and BMW tied on 15 and in GTD finally uh caught off Preston Motorsports and Inception racing both

Have 13 points but cour of Preston with the highest Place finishes so I think they will come away unofficially with the lead Winward racing just one point behind uh but having won the race they’ll be more than satisfied with that on 12 points and trii competition on 11

Points history made down in Victory Circle our B no strategy award goes to the number 40 Acura in third position with a car that had to be planned and schemed to get to that position let’s hear from the man with his name above the door Wayne Taylor way hello you’ve

Won our BD your strategy award and you know what when I spoke to you earlier in the week and you said you know what we haven’t got a chance and I walked in I thought you know what I wouldn’t be surprised if he did it and you know what

All right it’s all about the win here at dear tour but you guys are on the podium and that means something I tell you more so than ever any other race because when I look at my trophies at home I got a lot of wins here and then I got a ton of

Second places and a ton of third places but quite honestly with going to a twocc car team and just new drivers and new partners and everything and knowing coming into this race with some of the stuff that was put onto our cars we knew we had no chance

Because not only there was Tire degradation there was just so many things and I thought if we can at least get somebody in the top five um but I got to say it’s to um you know Colton Jensen Jordan and uh Louie they had an outstanding job and then the team first

Time together you know we’re Flawless in the pets yeah absolutely is good it’s all feels like a win then when you look at that trophy it does I’m so happy to hear that and you know what I’m going to be back next year I know you are I know

You are well done when well done when Taylor and the BDL nose strategy winner for the number 40 car on the podium thank you very much to Nick Damon Shay Adam and to Joe Bradley our crowd strike pit reporters uh the booth team Jeremy Shaw and Peter mcki alongside me John

Hindol all of our technical staff but uh particularly uh Alysa and to Aon who talked us through the race from up in Concord and helped us right across the weekend a big thank you to the tape Apes I know that they are are working with heavy hearts this weekend after the

Recent death of one of their own Brett Simmons was one of us too one of the family they’ve done a cracking job for us all over the weekend it’s going to be mus michelan post Race Tech coming up we’ll answer your questions # Michelin

PRT but for the moment on the PA and on 107.9 it’s goodbye from Daytona as Porsche celebrate the 62nd Rolex 24 Hours of Daytona

Relive all the action from the Rolex 24 At Daytona, the first race of the 2024 IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship season and Round 1 of the IMSA Michelin Endurance Cup.

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  1. Wow…"the 23 hours and 58 and half minutes of Daytona" bad look for "Rolex" lol

    should've been one more lap, if Penske Porsche was a ahead a lap or two I wouldn't care, but maybe, just maybe something may have happened with Blomqvist might have pulled something off for an exciting ending. Looked like someone wanting Penske to win huh…or just bad officiating.

  2. Thanks for upload. Battles between 7 and 31 in entire race were so intense, and I'm so impressed that all of Porsche LMDhs were almost free to trouble. Wish better result in Le Mans as well.

  3. Highlights
    1. International Motorsports indeed. Teams like InterEuropol in LMP2. Claim to fame winning their class at Le Mans last year. Also one of the drivers had their foot ran over in the pits by the class winning Corvette Racing.
    2. Rexy finished 2nd in GTD PRO while Number 3 Corvette came in 5th. Not the best but top 10. Wasn't expecting a feat like a Texan, Dutchman, and Argentine conquering the World in a yellow Corvette. Leaving their rivals behind. Speaking of which…
    3. The Iron Dames came in 6th in GTD. Great finish compared to last year.

  4. So there was no white flag thrown for the LMPs. No flag @6:08:38, where there should have been one if that was indeed the last lap. Good race, but come on.

  5. These commentators (not the Scottish guy) are laughable. Missing key moments constantly and getting information across to us, the viewers, woefully wrong or blabbering through it for longer than necessary, while missing more of the action!

  6. I was so upset. Glad to see I was not the only race fan left scratching my head over the finish. Races have a clock for a reason. Cmon race control. Do better please 😅

  7. It doesn't look bad for Rolex. There is an aricle from IMSA stating what happened. Not everything has to be drama jeez.

  8. This entire race feels like a knife fight. fun to watch, but a ton of beat up and damaged cars.

  9. Camera since Midnight Not really good – Not the IMSA standard. Beginning of the Race Really good but very often Mega Battles in LMP2 but Camera is on a Single GTP or GT3 onboard… Common you can do better we know 😊

  10. the choice of images is incompetent, they frame cars racing alone and we forgive the battles and duels of cars even from the rear but which are the only interesting things about a race

  11. at 2 hours of the end of the race, there are 3 cars in 8 tenths of a second fighting for second place and the directors don't even notice. hi is a total incompetent

  12. at 1 hours and 12 minutes of the end of the race, there are 3 cars GTD in 8 tenths of a second fighting for second place and the directors don't even notice. hi is a total incompetent

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