@Buffalo Sabres

TRADE! Sabres Acquire Bowen Byram, Casey Mittelstadt to Colorado

TRADE! Sabres Acquire Bowen Byram, Casey Mittelstadt to Colorado

Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Buffalo Sports Center I am Don and today we are going to talk about a huge trade involving the Buffalo Sabers in Colorado Avalanche but before I get to that make sure to hit that like button and subscribe follow us on Instagram who

Broke the story almost a minute after it released on Twitter and follow us on Tik Tok as well and join the Discord all of those links are down in the description below now let’s discuss the trade at hand yes the Buffalo Sabres and Kevin Adams have made a move it’s a one for

One deal involving Bowen Byrum a left shot defenseman that can play on the right side he’s coming over from the Colorado Avalanche in exchange the sabes are giving up Casey midad our second line Center who has actually been very productive for the Sabers this season he

Has led the Sabers in assist and points so far up to this this point and Bowen Barum he’s been fairly productive in a top four role with the Avalanche he’s got eight goals 12 assists 20 points in 55 games and uh wow I didn’t necessarily see this one happening I thought Casey

Midd would have been safe but here we are I’m fairly disappointed to see Casey middl go but what this tells me is that Kevin Adams and the Buffalo Sabers did not want to pay Casey the big bucks he will be in RFA this off season so he’ll have some options but not necessarily

The same options on the open market that a free agent will have Colorado will get first dibs onto making and giving him an offer but given Colorado’s cap concerns this is fairly odd they’re kind of buying into a rental player and for Bowen Byrum it’s an odd career that he’s

Had up to this point he’s been played by a couple of long injuries concussions leg problems and it’s kind of derailed his development a little bit but for Buffalo he has that top four upside and he’s started to get into a Groove this season with the Avalanche he’s finally

Remained healthy and he’s been playing top four minutes in Colorado for a Stanley Cup Contender for Buffalo this is a guy that can instantly be slotted next to Owen power or even Ras mallene although my guess is that Bowen Byam and Owen power will be the two guys together

Um I’m just very shocked that this happened I’m really extremely disappointed to see Casey middle go I was really hoping that the sabes would extend him in the off season and this is really lukewarm I’m kind of lukewarm on the return they got for Casey middl yes

You get a top four defenseman but you’re giving away your second line center now what this also tells me for the Sabres is that they do trust the center depth that was behind Casey midad you do have matoy coming up you have Noah osen Anton wallberg all of them are

In the minors or in juniors right now so Kevin and the crew must have confidence that they are very soon ready to make that NHL jump and I’m also kind of excited to see Peyton Krebs now no longer will he be Shackled to the fourth line this gives him upward mobility in

The sabers lineup and I think he absolutely deserves that I think that he could be really good and you know I do say that I’m really sad to see Casey midd go but even when Casey that has been operating at a full level it hasn’t resulted in any playoff wins the Sabers

Offense has drastically took taken a step back and while that’s not on him maybe the Sabers do need to start approaching things a different way maybe we don’t need five really good centers maybe we need to kind of diversify our assets and not just have fors but also

Have a top four core so for Buffalo I think this does change their trade deadline approach I made a video a couple days ago where I talked about maybe the Savers going after Rasmus Anderson that doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen now Bowen Byam is going

To be in your top four this season now I do think that Eric Johnson is most definitely going to leave Buffalo if this trade tells me anything Eric Johnson is going to go the Sabres have too many defensemen now on the roster not enough where they’re breaking NHL

Roster limits but enough to where they may have to make a decision about waving a forward so one in one out let’s get Eric Johnson out as well let’s send his salary send him a move in a little bit because now you have a top four defenseman who will instantly be able to

Slide right into the Sabers top four core and he does have a couple of years left on his Contra he’s got two years left so the Savers won’t have to think about an extension until down the road a little bit so for them I do see the

Potential I do see where Kevin Adams is coming from when he picks up a guy like Bowen Byrum but for me the biggest concern about bym is will he be able to stay healthy as a saber if he can this trade is going to work if he won’t then

Kevin Adams again is going to have uh he’s going to have crap all over his face because this could be a trade that could blow up for him but I do like that he’s finally doing something about anything actually making a move taking a new approach about this team because the

Approach he had going into this season hasn’t worked it will not work and it will not get the Savers to that playoff birth if you finally do invest in defense like he has with this trade maybe that does get the Sabers a step for maybe it pushes them over the line a

Little bit I don’t know I hope so I excited to see what Bowen bym doeses here in Buffalo but I’m very disappointed to see Casey middl go I was a big mity fan hopefully he has a good time in Colorado I wish him the best of luck for Bowen bym welcome to Buffalo

Baby going to love it here hopefully well you’re going to be here for a while anyway so you better love it okay anyways folks I was done this is Buffalo Sports Center let me know your thoughts on this trade down in the comment section below anyways I hope to see all

Of you in the next video whenever that shall be posted bye-bye

Kevyn Adams & the Buffalo Sabres has made a swing with the Colorado Avalanche. Don discusses the details of the trade and his thoughts on them.

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  1. My biggest beef w/ the Sabres is they’ve had no identity. Now with Dahlin, Power, Byram, and RJ, they can be a quick transition team with a d-man frequently joining the rush. And with UPL and hopefully Levi, we may have the goaltending to cover up for mistakes. Ballsy trade given Byram’s concussion issues. I didn’t think Adams had it in him.

  2. Uhhhhh Cozens is your 2nd line center and will go back there when Quinn comes back. Krebs to the 3rd Eric Robinson the 4th whenever Girgs is traded

  3. This is good for Buffalo. Mittelstadt should have produced more, but he has stayed under 20 goals sense entering the league. Sabres need lots and lots of help at D, but unless Byram comes in and starts teaching them, I doubt he will make an impact. Sabres D loves to puck chase and it has cost them many goals.

  4. Would like this more if he was a right handed D, and didn't have concussion history already at 22.

  5. Adams FLEECED Colorado! Byram is a left shot but he has played the right side and is comfortable doing it! . Thursday night in Nashville, pair Bryam with Power for the rest of the season and see how it goes. If its bad then in the off season go out and sign a UFA stay at home right shot D man like Brett Pesce and put Byram back on the left side .
    Moving Casey , who was WEAK on the puck and on faceoffs , opens up a spot at centre . Sabres have been WEAK on faceoffs for years . Keep Krebs as the 3rd line centre and go sign Jakob Trenin Nashville or Jack Roslovic for 4th line centre. Move Greenway to the 4th line( not resigning Okposso and Girgenson) and theres a spot for Kulich or Savoie in the top 9 .
    With Wennberg going to the Rags does this kill the Okposso to the NYR rumours? Thanks for the video , keep up the good work !

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