@Boston Bruins

Why can’t the Bruins close games out?

Why can’t the Bruins close games out?

Mike Milbury brought to you this week by Shaws and Star Market perfecting the art of fresh by by timeout Market Boston’s best eating and drinking destination in the Fenway all Under One Roof timeout and by John sewer the name to know when your drains

Don’t flow Andy joins us this week on the Harbor one hotline hey Mike good morning how you doing I’m I’m uh was riveted to the conversation about uh Courtney cleaning up yeah and you have no excuse Greg you know you and curse it’s just lazy slovenly unhealthy and

And selfish I mean there there no question about it there’s no reason why you should just let things go to pot see I look at you and I feel like you’re a messy guy maybe just maybe no no no no if I walk into the house and I see a

Little crumb on the floor I stop down and I pick it up and make sure it goes away oh no I’m you’re you’re retired you have nothing else to do oh come on I should and wait to talk to you every week have you by the way um have you

Watched are you uh in the dynasty or not in the dynasty I have watched I have I’ve watched half of it but um I was um actually got the flu it was nasty for about two or three weeks it was really exhausted and just kind of sitting on

The couch and nodding in and out but you know I’m back to being my obnoxious self now I’m okay good what did you think of it so far I thought it was uh interesting I thought it was you know listen I don’t know why you got I I

Understand why it was such a great run with belich and Brady and and all the various casts of characters um and I think they’re you know it’s very hard to measure who is the more important I think obviously you go to the guy that’s on the field I mean that’s where the

That’s where the issues are settled by and large but in a game like football the the the planning and the uh and because it’s such a stop and go game you make a play then you stop you huddle you regroup and sometimes you don’t do that but you’ve practiced that you know

Two-minute drill thing um but there’s no I there’s no reason to ever be bashing bill bich with six championships I just don’t know how you do it what’s what’s the point and and to be honest with you once the crafts hired Bill bich and gave him the money that was the only

Thing they were responsible for don’t give them all this crap for all the stuff they did they didn’t design any plays they didn’t make any trade deals on their own I mean they open the they open the wallet after they hired Bill and and Brady was allowed to you know do

His thing and they won championships but I mean to start giv ownership tons of credit for what you know a new a new stadium fine give them credit for that better hot dogs fine but no tell me they had a big they made a big difference in

The wins and losses just doesn’t compute to me well speaking of bashing we have it at at times the season been on this team for blowing leads uh late in games and they did it again the other night lost in overtime where are you this moment on on that troubling issue yeah

Well it’s troubling but yeah I wanted to uh take a quick second just to sort of take a look back like last year we started with low expectations remember the start of the Season everybody was hurt and even though kety was back and a few additions modest expectations and

Then they blew the door off this the regular season and Don Sweeny goes out and get these three additions and we’re all excited thinking Stanley Cup and they just laid a fart in the playoffs right I mean it was just it it was tough and the same thing happened this year we

Had modest expectations without kie and berson and they come out and play brilliantly but since the All-Star game they’ve they’ve leveled and then I scratch my head and I look at the standings they’re still second overall in the National Hockey League second Place overall but my eyes you know I

Don’t think are deceiving me they’re not physical enough they’re not they’re not tight enough defensively too many leakages you saw that against Edmonton in the late stages and you know the leads are it means that they’re you know it’s symptomatic of their defensive play and it’s symptomatic of the centers that

They have playing in those situations they don’t have enough quality centerman that know what to do and Center’s such a good such an important position we’ve met mentioned it before got to play at the offensive end but just as importantly maybe more importantly a cog in the middle in the defensive Zone and

We’ve seen the Special Teams be erratic both both power play and penalty kill lately uh inconsistent offensively so even though they’re second in the league it it it strikes me that he’s got a decision to make Don Sween you know does he try to make a push with this team and

Do something without many assets to do it no draft picks going to have to trade some know he doesn’t have really much in the in the stable in Providence uh but does he try to Pump It Up to go for a Stanley Cup run that’s one option second

Option is to investigate trades for players that are going to improve yourself in the future and maybe jeopardize this current roster guys like omark and debrus and the third thing is he can just sit back just say listen I’m gonna I’m going to maybe try to add

Something here or there for a low cost and then let the goal tenders try to save our bacon and we’ll you know we’ll win our way defensively to a Stanley Cup which I just I don’t see happening given the the way they’ve played lately that’s where I am they are mentioned you know

When it comes to trade rumors whether it’s guys like Zucker or Lind Holm they they do come up in the conversation do you what would you do if you were Don Sweeney I would I would choose option two which is to you know I I still don’t

Think they can keep Omar Mar and San not not just because of money but because I think these guys want to be a number one goal tender I think they want to I don’t care about the goalie hugs I think they still probably you know oh I got to hug

This son of a but I want the next start I want the next start I want to be the guy that goes I think I saw tarasque with some comments about you got to go with a hot hand and I I think that’s the way to go I think you need a second

Although now that I’ve said that that may be the only one the way they win this particular year but I think eventually eventually meaning by the middle of the summer you’re going to see one of these guys gone and I think it’ll beark and you got to decide on De

Brusque yeah I mean I mean he’s going to want you’re not going to are you going to want to pay him no the the six and a half or maybe maybe seven that he clearly wants so if you’re not going to pay that and you’re probably not get rid

Of him now I wouldn’t get rid of him but but you want it you don’t want to let him walk at the end ofon you’ll get value for him I I I I don’t know nor do you but I think you will you will have some interest out there and and that’s

What you know neither of one of us knows we just don’t know what’s conversation is is being had about the brus but yeah he’s shown some interest he didn’t do himself any favors or the Bruins any favors for going like a 14 games with two or three points it was and he and

He’s consistently inconsistent you bring up the the defense but uh when you’re talking about coming towards the deadline Edmonson is a guy that Don Sweeney seems to be zeroing in on do you think that he could do enough to get these guys in line you know he’s a he’s

A he’s a good player he’s kind of he fits the bill I I don’t know what the asking price is but you know is he a a game breaker no he’s a he’s a kind of physical stay-at-home defenseman and and uh you know you call him a five six

Defenseman that’s about it it’s not that’s not an overwhelming upgrade but it’s an upgrade and it’s going to make people happy because he might hit somebody Mike Jim Montgomery talked about after the Edmonton game they asked him about you know what he felt like might be the issue with this team when

It comes to blowing leads or having problems at the end of the games and he said it wasn’t physical it was a mental thing when you have a mental thing as a head coach of any sport or any team what what does that really mean for you as a

Coach when you’re saying your team mentally falls apart at the end of games uh that means you better take a look in the mirror and then you got to know that you you’re responsible for the discipline that goes with playing defense in in the closing minutes I mean

There are ways to approach it when it’s six on five and different ways to approach it but you have to insist on one particular way and you know they the the scrambles that occur in the in the zone um it it looks like there are a lot

Of guys that are sort of befuddled you know in these late stages where do I go what do I do and and they’re not acting you know in a sort of automatic root fashion which is where where you should be you should know exactly where you

Should be on the ice when it’s a six on five in the last minute of the game You Should Know Your Role and you should know that you’re going to have to be physical around the front of the cage that he can’t probably inject into his team but can give them positional

Strength and and I don’t see that with this team and you know that’s that’s a head game and it’s a and it’s a game that I think he’s got more control of than uh he’s exerting right now well the NHL trade deadline is tomorrow at 3 pm

And when and if the Bruins do something you could talk about it immediately right here on Boston Sports original Wei and uh I was going to say Messi Mike Milbury but clearly it’s not mess very clean mike mil am not not necessar necessarily clean as a hockey player but uh

Certainly clean in life oh yeah you know don’t look in my mind and find cleanliness we got to we got to get Mike to sign my petition to get uh Conor McDavid to the east coast get him out of there cuz we’re missing out on greatness

Oh my God but Greg doesn’t think he’s great Greg says that um unless he wins the Stanley Cup we can’t put him in the great category well I disagree with that but I I do think he’s going to win a Stanley Cup and Edmonton has added a couple of

Players that are going to help him I don’t know if they’re ready to do it but he’s in the prime of his hockey life in the next three or four years every time I see him on one of these channels that I can get and don’t have to pay for I’m

Going to look at up he’s so fun Mike thanks we’ll talk to you next week

Mike Milbury joins the Greg Hill Show to discuss the Bruins late game mistakes, what the team should do at the deadline and the future of Linus Ullmark in Boston.

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  1. This is so simple. They lack mental and physical toughness. That’s why St. Louis beat them in ‘19, and why Florida bitch-slapped them last year. What do you expect when they fire a really good coach because DeBrusk is a pussy.

  2. Because they can't win important faceoffs, don't have enough forwards that can handle playing defense once in awhile and because their defenseman make too many mistakes in critical situations. Any more questions? If that's the content of this video, I apologize. I didn't watch it.

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