@Chicago Blackhawks

Need your help boys…

My friend sent me this and asked if I wanted it. I asked for better pictures but he has yet to respond. First thoughts? Real or fake? I’m having a bad feeling it’s fake.

by TheseThingsHappen182


  1. ThrillRam

    Looks good to me. They used to have Reebok. The stitching looks decent and I mean it’s only $40.

  2. It’s not legit. The typeface for the nameplate is incorrect. But for $40 bucks at Goodwill, it’s not like someone’s trying to pass off a knock-off jersey as legit.

  3. FractalsSourceCode

    That’s a fake, you can tell from the emblem

  4. PolygondagonFuzz

    Easy fake, the bubbly numbers and crest are a dead giveaway

  5. It’s fake. The logo & pillowy numbers give it away but also the tomahawks on the shoulders are very thin

  6. TheseThingsHappen182

    Thank you all. I knew it was too good to be true. It’s at a “Goodwill Boutique” store where they sell more expensive items so I had a small glimmer of hope but you’re all making very valid points.

  7. misterbobdobbalina

    The pillowy numbers with the thin shoulder patches are dead giveaways, and comprised 93% of all jerseys at the UC during the dynasty years. I will never not associate these specific awful knockoffs with having to endure some meathead from Lemont yelling “shooooooooot” every time Bolland gained the zone.

  8. Several_Celebration

    Might as well just buy a fresh one on DH Gate.

  9. Stewclone

    Fake but I would still rather wear that than fanatics trash.

  10. An on-ice jersey has a fuzzy embroidered crest. This is a shiny vinyl crest. It’s a Chinese Reebok edge which means it’s slightly worse in some ways than a legit reebok authentic, and in some ways better. It’s worth about $35 on the streets.

  11. Real-Competition-187

    Maybe, just maybe, if we all swap to fakies the cost will come down on the authentics. You can sell me something at a reasonable price or I can go without. I’m not paying 15 dollars for a beer. I would have bought 4 at 10 a pop, now you get none of my money.

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