@Buffalo Sabres

Buffalo Sabres’ Rasmus Dahlin. Headlines: Mathews gets 50, Pens in a tough spot, Best in the East?

Buffalo Sabres’ Rasmus Dahlin. Headlines: Mathews gets 50, Pens in a tough spot, Best in the East?

He Powered by Reb media in partnership with TSN it is season 5 episode 43 of the rain RS hockey podcast presented by our title sponsor Canadian Club whiskey you’ve introduced the first release of the Canadian Club invitation series CC 15-year-old Sheri Cas signature CC classic 12-year-old whiskey finished

With a secondary Aging in Ola Roso so Sherry cast and for YouTube friends and family Ray you are in Tampa Florida Tampa Bay always corrected I want to I want to go with a short version Tampa and every time you say that to somebody who lives in Tampa Bay they’re like no

It’s it’s it’s Tampa Bay it’s not Tampa it’s it’s Tampa Bay anyway it’s easy to get to Tampa Bay from Vancouver isn’t it it is just a quick flight yeah if the plane has all the parts that it needs it you get there way quicker I got to the

Airport at 5 no 6:30 yesterday morning for a 8:00 flight yeah and got on the plane we’re then all of a sudden I realize we’re just sitting here like I wonder what’s going on Pilot’s like oh a little problem with a hydraulic pump well that doesn’t sound like a little

Problem to me Parts no good don’t have it flight’s cancelled so now my next flight’s at 1:15 which is fine except it’s 8:15 and there’s nowhere to to go I mean you’re in the airport right yeah it’s just like it sucked and then really good flights

And got here at 12:30 that’s a hell of a long day you know the old Ray though the old Ray would have been stewing about this right you know what I thought you know what I thought yesterday Drake is if I miss my flight it’s not my problem not your

Problem but you’re right before that would have been a that would have been a cheeseburger of stress I would have so so what do you do to kill time in that situation you run by a crossword book um sadco like what are you doing how are you no I did I did

All my work um very good and so I I did most of my prep for the game today Washington and Tampa here Obie’s got eight goals and eight games and you know the Caps are you know somehow lurking around the playoff spot I know and and then I did my Tampa stuff because

They’ve been getting the you know what kicked out of them with the last couple of games and um and then I got on the plane and I don’t generally fly Delta but I think I might start because it was awesome and they had live TV and um I

Watched uh I have the Flyers on Saturday in New York so I watched the flyers in Chicago and then yeah the first part of the Oilers and Bruins and then got to my hotel and watched the end of the Oilers Bruins which was awesome wild yeah yeah know

Turned out to be a good day just freaking long just long all right well let’s uh let’s dive into headlines and we’ll talk about that Oilers Bruins game coming up in a few minutes here headlines are brought to you by Tim Hortons add the Perfect Blend

Of heat and sweet to your next lunch or dinner with Tim’s new sweet chili chicken loaded wrap or Bowl packed with hearty ingredients like tasty grains lettuce fresh tomatoes and cucumbers and of course your choice of crispy or slow cooked chicken only at Tims another big game a late game

For those Toronto Maple Leafs fans who are caught on everything that Austin Matthews does in Arizona last night so the Leafs find a way to beat Arizona and part of the way was with Austin Matthews scoring 50 and 51 Now 50 was on the power plane we’ve seen Matthews shoot

The puck like that from that spot left side so many times right so many times 51 not quite by Design yep off the defenseman off Matthew’s shoulder and into the net but sure you know you probably had stretches like that Ray you know when when you felt it right when

The puck was going in for you and man is it going in for Austin Matthews right now record setting when the puck goes in off your shoulder for number 51 yeah you got some pretty good mojo happening in your Hockey World yeah I think he’s probably giggling at a little bit of

That stuff right now because as you mentioned it’s like everything’s rolling and everything you shoot go shoot goes into the net and the puck always seems to find you again even in places where it shouldn’t it just bounces three times and it comes to you and but I I’ll tell

You what I’m most impressed like the goal he scored on the power play he’s just standing there and he’s kind of surveying what’s going on and then all of a sudden it’s just gone off his stick like his yeah the way he shoots it the force he shoots it how

Quickly he shoots it it’s really uh it it’s it’s really something to watch and um you know we spent a lot of time early in the year talking about Conor Bard and how you know can his shot translate from Junior to the NHL pretty clearly he can

And he said he spent all kinds of time watching Matthew’s videos about how he shoots how he transfers his weight how he opens his hips up there’s there’s so much more technically that can be done now and Matthews does in the shooting position does so much of it so perfectly like I

Don’t know how he plays golf but I assume he hits it 40 miles because it’s it in a lot of ways it’s the same it’s the same release points and man he is what a year what a of all the Great American goal scorers to be you know to

Get to 50 quicker than anybody else is is pretty awesome so Steve Dryden called me um and you know you always got to manage you have manage these calls yes it was because he sent me a text message do you have a few minutes and I said

Just a few because I I’ve got the podcast to look after so I gave him a very specific time he called three minutes before the time allotment was about to expire so I’m like Steve I’m sorry got three minutes anyway um his point was and I’m giving him full credit

He goes hey can you ask Ray because I I sense it’s a quiz question we’ve got uh Toronto and Vegas tonight so I’m I’m sensing it’s a Matthews related quiz question uh he wants a historical comparison who does Ry think Matthews reminds most of and I I

Mean if if if you need an assistance and I don’t know do you want a hint like he threw out um a few he threw out bossy he threw out Brett Hull um current day he threw out oetkin which was interesting to me any of those kind of equate for

You or a combination of all of the above someone else well I think he’s really unique because in in the guys that you just gave because yeah none of those other guys carried the pocket none of them could transport it like like Matthews does um it it his

Size and the way that he can lean on people and push people away the I think he’s really I’m I’m just kind of racking my brain here to to some of the some of the best goal scorers in the game and like how long are we going to be

Talking if Matthews gets what if he gets four or five 50 goal years in the next six right like why can’t he yeah and yeah like a are we talking about him pretty soon in a historical perspective could be you know he’s he’s different he’s just different and so I

Don’t like bossy was in in my mind the best pure scorer that I ever saw just the I mean oie’s oie he’s at you know has been for 15 years at another level but yeah bossy did it in a time when you know you you just got mugged on your way

Everywhere and I think that separated him a little bit hly was just a force just you know like his shot was just so much different than everybody else’s and oie is just size and power like different they’re all so different and so I I don’t really have one I’m I’m

Thoroughly entertained watching goal scorers do their thing though well and and look with every goal scorer you describe as a finisher that’s what they do they put the puck in the net but you need um you know an electrifying playmaker to help you do that and the miner Matthews

Combination I mean it’s as good as there is in in today’s NHL and you know Minner as you can appreciate Ray always seems to be a beacon for negativity in Toronto right um and that comes with the ter territory I mean when you have the puck all the time sometimes it doesn’t always

Go your way you turn the puck over right and maybe you don’t get that puck back like whatever it doesn’t matter but what’s undeniable is how well he’s played through this stretch alongside Matthew so he’s got 11 assists in four games does he fly under the radar or is

That just a Toronto Market thing because we’re so captivated by Matthews that there’s not enough room on that pedestal for two so it’s Matthews and yeah okay well Mitch had another multi-point game but it’s Mitch Minner and you know he doesn’t deserve that level of PRS well

Um I I I I think Matthews is completely different and it’s just special right I think Ma Marner is an amazing player but it would be I’m just going through um you know who kind of flies under the radar Dres kind of the same way pretty good player Leon dry cidal no kidding

Yeah uh what about m ranin in Colorado ronin’s third banana there behind they go mckin and marar oh oh yeah it he got 50 goals again last year so yeah of course he flies under the radar because Matthews is GNA be it’s it’s never Marner and Matthews it’s Matthews and

Marner yes correct and and that’s that’s just the the way it is there and uh tremendous passer sees the game clearly from a creative point of view about finding a little angle I’m G to tell you here’s I just thought of this John tortorella’s first day on TV we’re on

The panel I’m sitting next to him we’re doing a a re or a preview of all the Canadian clubs and Ottawa was really good then and so I said you know a player like Jason Spa you got to give him a little space uh to make a mistake

Because he can do things that other players can do with the puck he can do more and so you got to give him a little a little room a little bit like Marner right and so as soon as I say that now again torch has been on TV like 22

Minutes and it it it first time he goes that’s right and and Duffy turns around and goes oh 22 minutes I I saved it or or he goes 22 minutes I win the pool and torz was like so apologetic he couldn’t believe he just swore on

TV it was awesome so that’s what I think of when you said about you know turns the puck over a little bit uh Cal dubis general manager of the Pittsburgh Penguins met with the media this week yesterday uh you know he he vows to remain patient admits that a

Rebuild renovation whatever it is is is next to Impossible right with his aging Stars Crosby malcin leang I guess we can throw Eric Carlson into that mix but he thinks their experience can help coach uh their younger players into form and what was also interesting and I I appreciate the media asking this

Question you know if you’re going into a a transition it’s fair to ask about the off season and what that transition might look like and could it include a coaching change and you know dubis understood the question but I thought he did a real nice job of explaining the

Strengths of Mike cant and how he’s a proven winner but what many people maybe don’t know is how strong he is developmentally so that to me was a ringing endorsement not that anybody was looking for him to say n well we’ll you know we’ll we’ll evaluate everything you

Know I’m not going to answer that today let’s wait until no I mean he basically dismissed the possibility but did so in a in a fair and very respectful way because I I I think he’s right like Mike Sullivan is a developmentally strong guy look at his

His career path I mean that’s what his career has been based on largely yes a another factor is I think he’s got four years left on his contract so yeah yeah that helps yeah that’s not going to be the time to do anything else so they’re they are really

Stuck and two years ago they decide they they had a chance two years ago to completely reshape that team and they decided that they were going to sign Laten and and then later Malin to longer contracts yeah so as soon as those moves were made that was by Ron hex’s

Group The die was cast for what the Penguins were going to be because you could have hard as it is you could have moved on from those players at that time had all that cap space sure and and reshaped your team and then this summer

They go and make the deal for um for Carlson yeah and I’m telling you I don’t I don’t give a rats rear end about what analytics tell me in Eric Carlson’s case um that he’s oh he drives play he does this if you watch them if you watch the

Goal that he gave up the other night it’s just not there this year it just isn’t it’s not been very good and so you’ve you know Letang has had to kind of they’ve kind of had to manipulate his minutes around Carlson and Carlson around lat Tang you know that’s a little

Bit awkward it didn’t work in San Jose when Brent Burns was there you’ve got two big minute guys that play the same position that shoot the same hand it’s like it’s awkward Malin says the other day I’m I’m not what I used to be and

He’s not he’s 37 years old and yeah the only one of the older guys that drives still is Crosby and and I I just don’t when he says a rebuild and a retool isn’t quite possible I just don’t know how they transition from this to that like how do

You get yeah to where how do you get to where you’re going if yeah you don’t know where you’re going and that’s that’s dubis is biggest Um evaluation right now is where do we want to go in the next couple years if you decide you want to trade one or two of those guys who’s taking those contracts right yeah yeah and he talked about it’s not ASAS gel right yeah and look he he talked about valuing the

Trade capital or or draft Capital sorry because they’ve historically he referenced his time in Toronto and and at some point you’ve got to be mindful and protective of those assets and that’s the way it feels in Pittsburgh now so I guess the flip side is if you’re trading Jake gensel you’ve got to

Get a young NHL player back or at least a better Prospect back in the package so that Crosby and Company can can mentor those pieces but beyond gel you you’re looking at Riley Smith I mean what else does he have to to move out there if if you’re not going fully

Into that renovation mode well the guy I thought of Lars Eller I mean I know they just brought him in but he’s had a good year and a team would look at him as a third line Center but for sure yeah you know like it they don’t

Have they don’t have pieces that are that jump out at you and say oh that’s that’s a player you could move and bring somebody back in um I I don’t know where they go with it it is and here’s the here’s the thing so say you want to you want to save your

Draft Capital you want to trade maybe let’s say it is gansel and so you need a first round pick you need a young NHL player um that first round pick does Crosby and Malin and lat Tang no good no no because by the time by the time that

Kid shows up those guys are are in the Hall of Fame yeah yeah right so it’s like it’s uh they’re they’re in a tough spot in Pittsburgh they really are um let’s stay in the East and I don’t want to be disrespectful to Toronto and some of the other teams that

Of course of course have a chance you qualify for the playoffs in either conference you’ve got a chance that’s pretty obvious but I’m looking at the Rangers and the Run they’re on the Florida Panthers the Run they’re on um we mentioned Boston and Edmonton and how Wild that game was last night Boston

Leads the East so from purely an Eastern Conference standpoint rate is it kind of these three teams Boston Florida and the New York York Rangers um and then kind of a class of their own in the East is that fair yeah I think so here here’s

One thing that I look at DRS um because I think it matters and where it really came to me was a couple of years ago when Florida uh when Andrew brunette took over the Panthers and they had you know they ran away with the East they

Were way out front and they had a whole bunch of overtime and shootout wins those do not translate right to full value wins in in my in my view so I’m looking at the standings right now Florida leads the East with 31 regulation wins Toronto’s got 21 yeah yeah like

That that’s a different world because there isn’t three on three there isn’t shootouts right in the playoffs so at the top Florida’s at 31 the Rangers are at 29 Boston’s at 26 and Carolina’s at at 27 then you got the Leafs and and the Flyers at 21 and 22 like it matters to

Me now it yeah I guess for two weeks in a in a series it could be a little different but the Rangers are gonna add at the deadline um I I think they’re pretty good and if I were the other teams the thing that would make me most

Nervous is it looks like shesterkin find in his game and if he finds it like really finds it they’re pretty good um the the Bruins I I I’m just constantly surprised and Amazed by them I really am um and FL I don’t think anybody anywhere wants to

Play Florida I wouldn’t either like I I just I just don’t and what if what if Carolina for the first time ever goes and gets a goal score yeah at the deadline yeah right like they don’t give up any goals they’ve had five different goalies it doesn’t seem to matter who

They put in there and they there they would be a pain but here’s Toronto again in this time of Matthews and Marner and nander and tovarus I guess the the top of the the top of their division is murder it’s it’s just the timing is horrible

You got to get through you got to get through Florida or Boston in that first round and it’s no not that anybody has an easy road but theirs has not been easy yeah quick thought if your TR living are you dealing with a false sense of security now so Riley comes

Back off the five game suspension Toronto did terrific uh TJ Brody probably played his best as a defenseman for the main beliefs in a long long time through this stretch Timothy lilligren you know collected some points anyway my point being we’ve talked in the media just endlessly about TR living’s need

For a right shot defenseman give up that first round pick give up your prospect um and what I said earlier today in Toronto radio was that it it it’s not just about how defense respond to added responsibility Simone benois lilligren Brody mccab go down the list do you not

Then have to compare yourself in answering the question of the false sense of security with that blue line compare yourself to Florida to the Vegas golden knights like the teams that have made it to the Stanley Cup finalist shouldn’t that be your measuring stick as opposed to what you think you have

Internally well I I mean sure at the end of the day if that’s what your goals are which you know not every team is thinking they’re going to win the Cup every year but uh everybody wants a definitive answer 17 times during the year right and the reason the season is

So hard to talk about sometimes is because it’s so bloody long yeah so the Leafs have won five in a row twice against St Louis who were right scraping on the edge of a playoff team or not yeah they had a 3-1 lead with six minutes left against Philly they won in

Overtime and they beat Anaheim and Arizona Arizona’s lost 11th Street Anaheim was you know they weren’t ever in the game so yeah you know to say this is the leaf team and you know they found a new way to play and it’s a moment in the season yeah you cannot look at that

Defense and say that’s a championship caliber contending defense they’ve had a really nice run of play against some really manageable competition yeah and so I I I don’t here’s the thing the get the managers don’t get fooled very often they’ve got no matter what they tell us

Like no matter what Kyle dubis and Spilled yesterday or or Brad TR living talks about and his media availabilities internally they’ve got the barebones look at their team rarely are they wrong it doesn’t mean they can fix it right because it’s it’s hellacious to to fix a

Defense but um I’m sure they’re happy I’m sure they’re you know they’re like but they look at that team drags with I I would hope with an honesty and go yeah you know we’re we’re still a ways away on the blue line it’s been great now but

You still go to you still got to try and dig away at it well speaking of blue lines we’ve got Buffalo Sabers defenseman Rasmus Dalene who will join us coming up on the podcast why don’t we wrap up the Tim Horton’s headlines with again kind of how we teased and that was

The wildness of that Boston Edmonton game now the brins blew a three-goal lead um which I I think is somewhat out of character based on the structure and the goal tending that the Bruins have but credit to the Oilers right I mean they face some adversity R&H is sick

Warren Fogle gets elevated he comes up with a big night with a couple of goals just overall fairly entertaining hockey that ultimately ended swing in the way of of the Bruins with makoy scoring in overtime but a fun game to to watch no doubt about that it was it was awesome

Um it was sloppy and messy and you know there were mistakes made and love it yeah and and sometimes the game just gets away from itself and it just becomes that kind of a free-for-all um you know Edmonton has a I think almost almost a full two minutes in in overtime

Uh on the power play they miss van ramdy comes out of the box gets a breakaway he misses the Bruins get like three more chances don’t score and then Maka boy scores a beauty to win but as I was watching I’m like this is what’s good

About the NHL the Bruins in the past that three-goal lead we could have all gone to bed yeah and and because it was over yeah and now it’s just not and when it was 41 the Oilers get that late second period goal and you’re like oh 42

Yeah yeah I GNA stay and watch and then oh it’s 44 and yeah I thought I I thought it was a pretty good glimpse of why the League’s entertaining to watch yeah and I you know from an Oiler perspective I like the fact that you know it’s Warren Fogle who’s always

Seemingly in trade conversation or speculation right so um you know he gets a couple Heyman of course I mean he’s been Mr consistency this year Cory Perry seems to be fitting in nicely so it was the sum of the parts and not just the Stars last night that earned that man

Those guys got to chip in don’t they they yeah so F Fogle uh you know had a brutal first quarter of the year he’s got 13 goals now yeah like how many are you expecting from him 15 for the year right and so now you got whatever the

Oilers got left here I don’t even I don’t even know they cuz they’re a little bit behind in games I think they got well they got 29 games left and you think he’s going to get two goals probably yeah so fog’s got 15 to 20 McLoud had a terrible

Start and he’s going to be in that same range it’s like yeah you gota again back to The Season’s length it’s like everybody wants a definitive answer but the season’s so long you gota yeah you got know wait for it to play out but

That was that was a hell of a game last night it was really fun those are your headlines thank you to Tim Hortons introducing Tim’s new sweet chili chicken loaded wraps and bowls packed with delicious and Hearty ingredients and topped with our new sweet chili sauce try Tim sweet chili chicken loaded

Wraps and bowls today our interviews on Ray and dggs brought to us by Canadian Club whiskey who have introduced the first release of the Canadian Club invitation series CC 15-year-old Sherry Cas all the Hallmarks of classic Canadian Club with the added richness and sweetness of Sherry all right we’ve got Rasmus Dalene

Of the Buffalo Sabres joining us this week on the Ray and dgs hockey podcast and you know it’s been one of those years for the Buffalo Sabers hasn’t it Rasmus but of late you’ve won two of three including Wednesday night the 3-2 win over the Montreal Canadians so

Clearly you’re playing better of late so in your opinion what’s what’s made the sudden difference here uh good question uh um we uh we’re playing more loose now um we are uh the the psyche and the mentality is a little different here and uh we’re just

Trying to um play loose and uh compete out there and it’s seems to be working right now so what you guys had a a really fun and positive year last year all of a sudden things are there’s like some expectation and then it just doesn’t go well what what happened

Between last last year and this year like how how does that for such a talented group of guys which you are how did how did it go sideways a little bit um you know we’re a young team and a lot of uh new expectations are coming

Into the team and uh the way to to handle ourselves uh new situation and the way other teams are playing against us and uh we’re we’re more respected coming into this year so um it new challenges for us and um and we had to learn them so um it’s been uh it’s been

A really good learning curve for us but uh some new some new uh challenges for sure did you do you feel that like when you’re playing early and maybe it doesn’t go great away right away do you feel like do you feel more pressure right

Away uh you know we we put really uh big pressure on on ourselves uh coming into the season and talking about the different uh goals we had and um we were uh we weren’t really prepared for it honestly and U it kind of backfired a

Little bit but um now we we’ve seemed to um handle it better for sure you guys are out on the road and you got the mentors and the dads with you and um how uh how was that been for for you guys we never got to do it when I played man I

Wish I could have brought my dad and on a trip it seems like I’m looking at the video seems like you guys are having a lot of fun yeah it’s amazing it’s uh probably the best trip of the year uh the the dads are having a blast and so

Do we so um today we’re going to it’s a practice day but after we going to Top Golf and then uh dinner at night so uh it’s going to be a great day yeah I mean that the the dads and the mentors were in the dressing room um as part of of

The announcement of the the lineup and whatnot how about Mr Clifton coming in there and and describing what you need to do let’s get to the dirty areas guys I’ll fire it up for you for that I so fired up yeah he end up being a competitive

Game and uh we uh we did we were in dirty dirty areas too so he was he was on spot and uh he hopefully does it next game next game too I uh I saw somebody talk about uh with the mother’s trip you know you come out after game and all the

Moms are there and they’re like oh you know you did a really good job and when the dads are there they’re trying to fix every problem oh yeah yeah the the way he talked before the game he probably says that to the TV before every game so he finally uh had a

Chance to do it in front of us so it was great hey Rasmus when you were growing up and you’re starting to be um you could you know we could all tell when each of us are like oh gez I think I really got a chance to be a pro or

Whatever ever did who was your guy who was your favorite guy growing up uh the biggest Idol I always had was Peter forsberg um right he’s such a legend in Sweden and the way he played um with an edge and uh he was so competitive and uh yeah that that was my

Guy and I I always used to wear number 21 and um well he was the guy but then growing up uh started playing D when I was around 14 um I I really looked up to oh you didn’t sorry you didn’t you didn’t start playing D till you were 14

Yeah 13 14 around there what made you do that uh I realized that you can score playing defenseman too and uh as a defens you you’re on the ice one and the forward so it was an easy Choice W that’s awesome so I I missed sorry who

Was your who was your D guy so um Eric Eric Carlson okay so when when you you’re when you’re growing up and you’re playing like do you have much access I mean you’re young but like were you watching the NHL a lot were you thinking

About playing in the shl were you or was it always NHL no uh you’re you’re not able to watch an NHL hockey growing up in Sweden because the Titan different and um so my biggest stars were uh playing in fanda uh shl and um that was

That was my team but your dream is always to play an NHL you hear about stuff how how amazing it is over here but you never really know and see it so uh the NHL was uh was the games I was watching okay so if you don’t see it

Much and then you get drafted and there’s all this hype and pressure around you and then you get dropped into the NHL it must have felt incredibly difficult when you started no yeah it was everything was new right and uh you didn’t really know what to

Expect I only saw one NHL game live before I played the actual NHL game and uh that was part of the uh combine too so um there was a lot of new new things new language new uh new everything so I had to uh really work hard as a

Defenseman that Sabers Blue Line looks like it’s going to be the strength of this organization for many many years to come you know I assume you challenge yourself every single shift every single game but you know are there obvious players that just kind of bring the best

Out of you as a defenseman I’m thinking Matthews who scored 50 and 51 last night um you know maybe it’s the Vintage of Crosby and oetkin over in the west you’ve got McDavid and dry cidal and mckin and on and on it goes are there any indiv individual Superstar forwards

That you know you really elevate your game and you know you’re playing up against them yeah uh I mean I love playing all those guys uh it makes me bring my aame um you can you can name you can name all those guys around the league and U especially

Matthews I would have a really good game if you didn’t score a goals so that’s that’s crazy what he’s doing right now when uh yeah so just just curious about the when you look around the league and you look at teams and teams that are doing well maybe teams that are way

Different than yours or teams that might be a little similar what are the what are the Sabers what’s the next step for you guys like what’s who do you look at and go that team is the way we are gonna play can you pick one yeah you know you

Want to try and to find your your own game but uh there are some teams that are playing really good um play a really solid uh mature game I would say that’s that’s the main thing to to bring it every single night it’s you I love watching Boston because they they bring

Their aame every single night I don’t it’s crazy how to do it so it’s always tough to play against them and um that’s how we want to play I mean we’re we’re young and really talented um so we just we just have to be mature and um our our

Our our lowest has to be higher than it is so um yeah uh we some work to do yeah yeah but that’s that’s a really good point the the low part of your game has to be closer to the top point of your game and and and that’s hard to speed

Along isn’t it I’m sure you do it now more than when you were 18 when you had a great game and then an 18-year-old game and now you try and squeeze it in together right and yeah I mean it’s crazy it took me almost like five five

Years to figure it out and uh the way to handle yourself off the ice it’s it’s it’s something you have to go through and it takes longer for some person than others uh so uh I’m really sure in the future when when we’re more mature that uh we’re going to be a

Really really good team so what’s the the challenge for you guys now to the end of the season I mean obviously you’re going to try and Claw back into the mix even though it’s it’s a daunting task but are you looking for some of the consistency the rest of the

Way that we’ve seen in the last three four five games yeah for sure um that’s that’s that’s all it is really um mhm we we just got to we just got to dig deep and uh try as hard as we can now we we got nothing to lose and uh we really got

To push here if you don’t if you don’t just one last one for me if you guys are out of it um would you would you play in the World Championships would you think about things like that or is it time to just get on and look into next

Year uh for me I I love playing hockey and I uh I don’t feel like uh you’re done playing hockey in April so um I mean I I hate to talk about world champions now when we have a but yeah U I love hockey and I always want to play

Hockey and have a chance okay I’ll ask you one more then what about what about next year’s at at that four team tournament like that must be pretty exciting for you guys oh yeah I’m all in on that cuz you know it the playing in

The gel like I said um Young kids from back home are not able to to watch us play so uh to be able to play for team Sweden with the best team it’s it’s it’s going to be a dream um it’s um that’s exciting for sure well we’re all looking

Forward to watching watching that tournament I I think it’s going to be so fun for you guys yeah I I I can’t wait hey you better bring your aame the rest of the way rosmus your dad Martin called you a warrior I got I got sh for that by the

By the boys the whole game yeah the game thanks Dad all right buddy thanks for doing this uh and uh all the best rest of the way for Buffalo thank you very much see you guys thank you all right Rasmus Del of the Buffalo Sabers our guests this week on the rain

Drags hockey podcast and uh you know good on them part of the dad’s Mentor trip took some time to uh join us here on the podcast and you know kind of a subtle confidence around this guy right but when you look at that blue line as a

Whole Ray um you know maybe just the further Growing Pains of the Buffalo Sabers generally organizationally if we analyze this season but I think it’s fair to assume isn’t it moving forward Dalene and that blue line are going to be one of the Buffalo Sabers main strengths oh I I think contractually

They’ve set it up that that’s that’s going to be where they’ve built this team around with with him and enen power and um Samuelson they’ve signed them all six and seven years um you know and when you you know he mentioned Rasmus mentioned three four times about the you know

You’ve got to mature your game you’ve got to you know they’re young and yeah well all of a sudden he’s not young anymore like he’s the leader you know and so he can help now with some of the younger guys that are that mve Into the Blue Line which is

Really crazy to think about when you know because he’s not that old right and so I I was surprised they they struggled like they did early but one thing that can’t be overlooked ever is you need goal tending yeah and they just didn’t have it and as they’re fighting to find you

Know a step alone goalie they it’s an up and down deal for them but I I do think think there’s there are good days ahead in Buffalo but there and to Echo him their lack of maturity like their inexperience really has hurt them you

Know we had some fun at the end of it with his dad Martin describing him as a warrior in the video that the Buffalo Sabers posted and he he of course laughed about it said oh I got chirped lots of times by the guys soon as he

Said that I’m thinking oh boy back in the day if Ferraro was was up against you and the video had been laid out there during at any point of that day like he he’s going to live it down eventually he’s a very very good player but it’s one thing that would have been

A freebie that would been free an absolute layup right it’s one thing for your teammates to be chirping you but the opposition is going to lay into him moving someone sees that and it’s like it’s it’s it’s all over that that stuff’s honestly that’s that’s a freebie

The the other thing drgs I liked too was how he perked up about the the four team tournament next year if if we have any question whether the players love international hockey just talk to any of them about whether it’s the four teams next year or the the disappointment of

Not being in the in the group to play next year or the Olympics with the Russian players and like the guys want to play it they want to play it and I think it’ll be great no I do too all right and you are in Tampa Bay going to

Soak up some sun this afternoon before game yeah I’m G to get outside for sure uh over to the rink now and see the lightning in the capitals and um then we’ll get at it tonight um and then I’m in Philly on Saturday for the Rangers for ABC excellent all right well uh

Sadly I’m heading west and um I want to dedicate this podcast R to Darlene Jackson who passed away at the age of 58 um because of cancer she was an avid listener of rayan dggs all always would text me with little barbs about I got a chuckle at of you guys talking about

This talking about that she’s Darlene and G my neighbors at the cabbage in Manitoba so uh sadly uh heading west to pay our respects but we’ll be back next week ready for another episode so have a good weekend well all the best to their family and um it’s just lousy news Dres

And all the best to to them and have a safe trip back there all right buddy thank you and thank you to our sponsors who continue to support Ray and dggs and make the Pod possible our title sponsor Canadian Club whiskey and of course Tim Horton until next time stay safe Everybody

Ray Ferraro and Darren Dreger have all your big stories from the NHL! Auston Matthews gets 50 & 51 in a homecoming game against the Coyotes. Mitchell Marner playing very well lately (somewhat) in his linemate’s shadow. Kyle Dubas met with the media and explained that a rebuild is not really a possibility the way the Penguins are currently constructed. Rangers, Panthers and Bruins appear to be the class of the East… who can challenge them? Wild game between Boston and Edmonton ended in OT by Charlie McAvoy.

Sabres’ D-Man Rasmus Dahlin joins the fellas to talk about a disappointing season in Buffalo despite some recent success, growing up admiring Peter Forsberg and switching from forward to defence at age 14.


  1. buffalo has the problem of that their franchise is in buffalo, no one wants to go there.. no offense, that is just the reality why they are stuck.

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