@Boston Bruins

Dynasty Fantasy Football 2024: Unveiling Rookie Flag Plants & Dominating Rookie Draft Strategy.

Dynasty Fantasy Football 2024: Unveiling Rookie Flag Plants & Dominating Rookie Draft Strategy.

Welcome to Dynasty life redraft ends but Dynasty is life and the show’s gotten off to a great start I’ve had a bunch of really quality guests on in fact I’ve had repeat guests at this point Jax Falcone’s been on twice Ian Miller’s been on twice Ryan mcdow’s coming back

Again Curtis but everybody’s like when you getting the dynasty Commander yo Theo when’s the dynasty Commander come in when is Curtis Patrick coming in the house what’s going on why have you not had Curtis we got Curtis So Curtis Patrick’s in the house love talking Dynasty with Curtis if anybody’s not

Aware of Curtis’s work Curtis is at rhov Vis you guys are crushing it you’re continually putting out podcast articles we are both sharing our trades we have full disclosure on trades which a hat tip for for that including the the the league entry amount and Curtis is also a

League Commissioner of mine I’m in his Black Crown League this will be my second year in the league uh so welcome to Dynasty life Curtis it’s it’s about time you got here and I’m so stoked to talk to you today yeah thanks so much

Theo uh I’m pumped to be here too I mean i’ I’ve had so much respect for for your game and Dynasty and and redraft for the past couple years and it’s been kind of cool just how our relationship is come along you know really I think we just

Kind of noticed each other as players more than anything else um before you were even doing as much as you’re doing from a Content production space we’ve been I mean we’ve been bouncing stuff off each other in DMS for a couple years now and I mean I think that’s continued

To to kind of grow and Blossom more now kind of in like just macro thought but there’s still the occasional time where you’re like you know hey Curtis what do you think about this or I’ll send you something hey did you see this move I made what what do you think uh because

It’s just nice to get that feedback uh from from somebody that that you respect and make sure that you know hey this wasn’t actually crazy yeah and it’s it’s funny because when you play ffpc Dynasty and again we play other formats too but when you play ffpc Dynasty it’s a

Different animal and there’s a few people who I you know behind the scenes I like to talk to about my trade Curtis you’re definitely one of them High Praise to get you know you know High Praise when you go and say what do you think about a trade because at the end

Of the day it’s your money it’s your entry fees it’s your titles so you got to stand behind all these things but you know you’ve been crushing it with the trade content but I would be REM Miss if we didn’t Focus this show on the 2024 rookie class extremely exciting class

You guys are putting out a rookie guide I believe volume one just dropped why don’t you let everybody know about what that is where they can find it and sort of the process that rotoviz did with this yeah thanks for the opportunity on that so this is actually the seventh

Year now that rotoviz has done a dedicated uh rookie guide and it’s only been Ro Vis branded for I think three years uh it started as the dynasty Command Center rookie guide so I think probably you have a lot of viewers a lot of listeners that remember fondly the

Days of the dynasty Command Center slack Channel where Ryan mcdal and I were fostering you know kind of a community before discords and all of that had really taken off this um we were just kind of on the the bleeding edge of that um and so this is the seventh year now

Uh that i’ that I’ve been involved with the rookie guide I mean we had humble beginnings you know I’m not a publisher I’m I’m a content creator but you know actually like building a magazine um is it something that I knew how to do very well seven years ago I’m getting better

At it every year we don’t you know we don’t hire that piece out but this is the this is the best that we’ve ever done I mean it it looks great which is helpful because you’ve got to enjoy looking at it and and getting your head

Around it I mean if it’s if it’s boring to look at and consume how impactful is it actually going to be are you going to remember the things that we want you to remember uh when you go through it but we really simplified you know in the

Past couple years we we had some additional articles in there we had these massive you know uh several hundred word profiles even pre- combine on every single player and it’s just a lot when ultimately what most consumers want Theo and I know you guys you guys get this they want the actionable

Takeaways yes where where are these guys ranked and why do you have them that uh there and so you have to you have to find that balance between giving enough of your process so that people understand how you arrived uh at the conclusion you arrived at but don’t give them more than they

Really need they want to know how to actually you know value these players and so we split up the work into three buckets in a really fun way so Sean um sea did all of the profile blurbs and we kept most of them to 150 words or less

What are the actionable metrics what are the peripheral uh performance metrics that Shan found most intriguing about every player my contribution and my focus was really on looking at the profile Sims from a data driven perspective so we took some of the key predictive fantasy metrics uh and then I

Also assigned an assumed draft Capital uh position ranking so that we could come up with profile Sims for each player we’ll get into a little bit of that as we talk about some of the players today and then I converted that also into a profile Sims hit rate so in

Particular you know for running backs and wide receivers you know how many of the backs in their top five profile Sims ended up having at least one rb2 or wide for two season that’s what we care about we’re spending our draft picks did we get some value out of that at any point

Even for one season and then Blair Andrews who’s our managing editor uh he came up with a percentile based Prospect lab score so as we think about all of the prospects that have entered the league since 2005 what percentile uh of production do they sit within uh it’s there’s some age

Adjustment there and there’s some market share stuff in there we’re not going to get into a lot of that math but it’s basically it’s a percentile uh number so you you have Sean painting the picture of the the prospect me relating that to something easy to digest from a fantasy

Perspective and then Blair saying ah throw sea stuff out throw Curtis’s stuff out just compared to every Prospect that’s enter the league in the last 20 or so years here’s where their percentile uh uh Prospect lab score uh sits in so we got 98 players in this uh

Addition of the guide it’s every every position fantasy position player who is invited to the NFL combine is in the guide and has and has a blurb uh we we have rankings for the top 50 we have some mock drafts in there I’ve got some really actionable stuff in terms of

Where the tiers fall where I would trade up where I would trade back so you know it’s it’s a rookie draft guide for the fantasy player if you want to read something where uh you get you know, 1500 words on on why a guy’s going to go

In round one or round two and a lot of film and analysis and and people that are great at the catch point and stuff like that you’re not going to get that here that’s not that’s there’s other people that do that and and do that kind of content

Well we made our fantasy uh football rookie draft guide for Fantasy Football so you can get volume one it is out now volume two will drop next week because we’re going to put all the adjustments in there for the combined athletic measurements Etc and uh so if you buy if

You buy the three volume set I mean you get that automatically you’ll get a note that you can download Volume Two so you watch this you’re like hey I like how Curtis described this thing you go by volume one you get that immediately you’ll get volume two next week when it

Updates and then volume three comes out the day after the NFL draft we know a lot of your audience Theo a lot of my audience they are those high stakes players we know those drafts occur within a couple days of the NFL draft uh finishing up so um we we will be

Hustling to make sure you’ve got that volume three adjustment in your hands 24 hours after the uh third day of the NFL draft yeah it’s funny we have so much time to prepare and then it’s like the the big scramble between the actual NFL draft and the rookie draft where you got

To like drop everything but I’ll say this if you we drop a rookie guide as well player profile it’s coming out soon but and I think there’s something to be said where if you consume from too many people sometimes you start liking every single player but I personally really

Like the rotoviz rookie guide out there in the space there’s be a number of rookie guides now that that we sort of compete with but they also use data like we do I love the fact that you guys have a rookie Summit where I know it’s like

You and Shawn and Blair speaking to one another we’ve sort of tried to emulate that model a little bit where I’ve talked to Cody Carpenter or John lob and we kind of Bounce things up Matty kiw bounc things off of one another so I I think there’s a there’s a really nice

Balance uh you know don’t consume too many rookie guyses but if you’re going to go with another one ROV viz is definitely one that I enjoy and I think you guys do a great job with it and we’re going to talk about those 2020 24 rookies uh Curtis and I I definitely

Like your profile Sims I liked uh you talked about the Marvin Harrison one where you know you got all these hits and then Justin Blackman and I’m like yo Justin Blackman you know he kind of flamed out of the league but he was a baller for a little bit so I was okay

Hearing that one that was that was a fun one we’ll dive into that but everybody who comes into Dynasty life and sits in that chair has to answer a couple of Evergreen questions you guys put a ton of work into your dynasty rankings at rotoviz like we do at player profiler

And you break it down by tiar your Targets in the offseason you’re trading for guys but we don’t get everything right who was a guy that was a big disappointment for you whether it was his quality of play on the field or usage this past season and this could be

A 2023 rookie or any veteran yeah I’ll go with I’ll go with a veteran here and I think this is one that a lot of people will just sigh and they’ll be like yeah me too I agree with that it just really sucks that Tony Pard

Didn’t hit you know uh he was you know Pard is kind of one of my brand guys because I was on him from the NFL draft uh I mean I was the person uh beating the drum for him I had had tweets that uh field Yates and and Matthew Barry

Were reading on on their shows I mean if you remember when the Cowboys took them in the third round people were like what and you know he had all of this Dynamic production uh in addition to the rushing you know as a as a kick returner as a

Punt returner he he checked some really unique boxes and uh so he was a he was a massive hit because he cost nothing and you know people that have consumed my content they had huge exposure to Tony Pard and you know they’d already he’d already won you won the Tony paard

Battle by having on your roster you know the past couple years and plenty of opportunities to trade him but last year was supposed to be the year where it just it together and there there’s you know there’s Myriad reasons why it didn’t work you know he he had the

Injury pretty gruesome injury the year before that people seemed to maybe not wait enough including myself and then it just didn’t it just didn’t work I mean like the Cowboys offense uh still had some exciting production but Paul it just didn’t the Stars didn’t align you know the usage wasn’t quite there and

Then the um the execution from the player perspective wasn’t really quite there and so you know there was this there was this range of outcomes that included Tony Pard coming into 2024 as potentially a top three you know Dynasty running back the mileage was still low

You know he’s got a receiving profile he really could have gone the other direction and instead we have a situation where he’s probably not even going to remain in Dallas and it’s very difficult to even get like the 112 or the 2011 form right now because rookie

Fever has set in so you know now now you’re like it’s come full circle where it’s like hey not full circle but three quarters of the circle right you’re you’re early UNP he smashes is he then doesn’t get that Uber smash when it really you know was set up for him and

Now it’s like am I a bag holder on Tony par like what’s going on here uh so that that’s Pro there’s there’s a couple that come to mind but but Pard is the is the one that sticks out that could have been a win and just didn’t

Materialize is Tony PA dust or is this a guy that bounces back um I don’t think he’s dust I don’t think that he’s going to achieve that ceiling that everyone saw but I mean I could see him sticking for another year to having a couple thousand plus uh

Yards from scrimmage Seasons uh he’s been he’s been linked to the Minnesota Vikings already early in the free agent uh process and I mean so I think there’s some spots where you know he could land he’s gonna have to take a discount I mean that’s the thing is the quality of

The free agent class there’s guys that just figure to be you know they’ve already proven that they can be more of a a three down back more of a bcow he’s going to go in he’s going to have to compete as part of a committee hopefully

A team will see hey here’s here’s the efficiency that he brought when he was being used in tandem with Ezekiel Elliott if we can manage his touches let’s keep him around 200 touches Max and we can get some of that efficiency to return and he could still be an

Exciting fantasy asset uh in that regard so yeah I don’t think he’s dust unfortunately he’s he’s a hold and and a wait and see um but I mean if Tony if he landed in Kansas City you know if he landed in Kansas City right

If he land so so you and you can the the danger is you could do this with any of the free agent running backs right and you can do it with any of the rookie running backs too is the landing spot with the running backs the opportunity

And being tied to a quarterback that generates a lot of touchdowns in that offense it’s a siren song and so we do have to be careful a little bit but I don’t think that he’s dusted as a player I think he had a gruesome injury um and

I I’m willing to give him a little bit of a pass let’s see how he looks in September next year before we make that call so let’s go with something positive who is a non pukaa positive surprise for you whether it was a guy that you were

On personally or rabiz was as a site uh take it any way you want th this is super exciting because it’s it we’re going to double dip here because we’re going to talk about him in terms of a trade Target too or I think you wanted

Me to break down a couple trades I’ve made I mean Devana Chan man uh I I was I because because I was on I remember our rookie Summit in 2023 um I was making a case for him in December as the 108 and the class and and we had this heated

Debate because Sean’s like are you telling me that a sub you know you’re telling me this is a decent running back class and a decent uh this rookie class has decent depth when you’re telling me the eighth best player in the class is a sub 190 running back that’s not going to

Get day one draft Capital I’m like yeah that’s what I’m telling you um and and so we ended up you know massively Overexposed on a Chan and all he did is is look like you know essentially the most exciting rookie running back in NFL history you know he his touches were uh

Not consistent for you know some from injury reasons but I mean when you when you look at what he was able to accomplish J jir Gibbs is universally valued you know as basically a top 10 startup in in one QB formats and you know still borderline first round in

Superflex formats right now Devon Chan uh had F 4.2 fewer expected PPR per game um but he averaged more PPR per game than Gibbs and he scored 5.3 more points over expectation than Gibbs as a rookie I mean they absolutely should be in the same Dynasty tier there’s price uh in

Inefficiency there uh achan should be much more closely rated to Gibbs and beon Robinson than he is right now so what’s really exciting about it is he was a huge surprise because added quality and depth to the 2023 CL class it added quality and depth to the

Running back landscape in in uh in fantasy which was kind of I mean it was kind of like thirsty for another entrant right I mean all AB Old Guard the Old Guard uh was in trouble and achan is a guy that can still make that leap and

He’s just the value isn’t there he’s he’s valued by the community of full tier below Gibbs I’ve been getting roasted for some moves uh uh for the most part that I’ve been posting on on Twitter but I’ve got a lot of conviction on the player there’s so much more of

The pie in Miami for him to potentially grab and he already was awesome with uh you know with the secondary piece of pie there so yeah that that’s a that’s a huge win and you know I can’t believe that we’re able to buy a player like

This I think that the fact that he missed some games with his weight being under 190 uh anyone who was looking for some confirmation bias on injury for him um they have it and so that’s kept his price down yeah it’s so funny we never never hear about it the anything when

The 225 pound running backs get hurt which they do often as well uh but you know hen’s been one of my guys player profiler we pounded the table for him this a guy that I have a ton of in Dynasty it makes you feel like very financially stable as a dynasty manager

When you look at your lineup and you got a bunch of Gibbs and a bunch of bunch of Devon but it’s great let’s let’s focus over to next year 2024 if you could know the final stats of any single player next season who would it be it’s a I mean the answer

Has to be a Chan it has to be because listen I mean most scored more than 20 touchdowns he’s going to be 32 years old I mean if if if a Chan gives us I mean okay give him give him one to three games that he misses because of you know

Just whatever being small manage touches most are carrying the load whatever whatever excuse you want to you want to make for him I mean if if he plays if he plays in the majority of games and he starts to shift towards the 1A in that committee which he was when he was

Fully healthy in those games I mean overall RB one’s not out of the question and overall Dynasty rb1 going into the 2025 season’s not out of the question I mean th those conditions are real and they they exist and if nothing else the tiar jump up into you know that

Conversation with with bejan and Bree Hall um will will certainly be there and aand is set up because of the count tied to some of the injury in 2023 he’s set up to be the League winner this year and until until he ends up you know if

You’re looking at at best ball uh from a redraft perspective you know early on and until he gets into that top 16 range I mean you basically just have to be 100% exposed yeah and and I’m glad you brought up best ball because uh I know I know you’re probably sneaking in the

Underdog early draft streets I’m there uh every time I draft him in the second round it feels like a cheat code he has the highest ceiling of any second rounder right now on the board and then in terms of Dynasty he’s like the great equalizer because a lot of these teams

That drafted him drafted him in single QB at like the 111 112 201 I had like a 203 Devon H chain in in a in a single QB League like that’s it you’re printing money for your Dynasty team if he as long as he stays in the field 177 and a

Half points per game how about any player in the 202 for class if you could know any of the incoming rookies stats who would it be yeah that’s a tricky one I kind of have a tie on this one um so we could we don’t have to go deep on

Either one I I think my onea answer is Brock Bowers because Brock Bowers you know for those of us that mean serious Dynasty players are are playing in tight end premium formats we saw how much of a smash Sam laor was last year the tight

End position is in a similar need for a dynasty landscape makeover uh that the running back position was in you know we’ve got Kelsey uh is is kind of on on the outs here uh Andrews is still young enough but he’s had some injuries mounting KD’s getting older you know

Everyone is just waiting who can we push the chips in on here and you know Bowers I mean he’s he’s a tour to force from a a production uh perspective uh as a a Collegian and so you know the table is set we’ve seen we’ve seen a rookie

Smash last year can can Bowers come in and and do it if he does I mean you could be staring at a second round uh Dynasty startup pick you know next year I mean that that’s you know that’s where it could potentially land the other player that I would mention here the

Honorable mention is Jaden Daniels because there you go H Jaden Daniels just has he seems to have that combination like it’s kind of that combination that Justin Fields had coming in where it’s he he he generates the big plays he has the scrambling ability and he’s got the big

Arm so I mean he he has everything that you would want a modern fantasy quarterback to have and he’s also not the quarterback that most people have uh as their qb1 or even he’s not even a universal uh qb2 uh at this point and so

When you see what CJ strad was able to do last year uh it’s just a reminder that you know rookie quarterbacks actually can be League WI uh or or they can help you shift from I was in rebuild mode to oh uh here I am sitting in my Dynasty title game uh this

Year a year ahead of schedule and so if if I had a crystal ball and I could see Jaden Daniel stats I mean that’d be pretty tempting if you actually put the two crystal balls right in front of me I’m not sure which one I would peer into

Between H Brock Bowers and Jaden Daniels but I think I think those are my answers uh you get two you get you get two crystal balls I love the Jaden Daniels one because I think it also applies to redraft yeah it applies to to best ball

He’s such a cheat code and I think that you brought up CJ strad but I look at Anthony Richardson just how impactful he was on a points per game basis and where you a were able to acquire him and it’s also sort of a little perfect storm for

Jaden Daniels where Jaden Daniels lands three overall to New England let’s say Drake May goes at the 102 and you get the nuts Landing spots with Marvin Harrison Jr and Malik neighbors where let’s say they land Arizona Los Angeles Chargers bang bang back to back there’s

A situation where the team with like the 104 the 105 is going to end up with Jaden Daniels that’s potentially uh you know a Lamar Jackson part two with his scrambling ability it’s it’s Dynamic when you watch him run with the football and he also is a very effective passer

And he doesn’t turn the ball over this year he was very tight despite that high passing volume so I’m uh I’m into Jaden Daniels I love that answer and Brock Bowers that’s my tight end too Dynasty I have some Trey McBride I love Trey McBride but I don’t care where he lands

I I actually I actually and I’m interested your your your thoughts on this when people ask me where they want me to see where where you want to see Brock Bowers land I throw out like the ugly spots Tennessee Denver because it would indicate to me that these offenses

Want to build themselves around Brock Bowers and that’s the pathway to him being a 140 Target guy with not with not having those Elite wide receivers around him I think about the guys like Mark Andrews like Travis Kelce Jimmy Graham over the years where they were the

Leading receiver on their team with a high number of targets they were more valuable to us in fantasy than any wide receiver on the team so I can understand we want to see Brock Bowers uh you know in a great offense next to a great quarterback and great wide receivers and

Like the py grow but give me the ugly places where he’s getting 140 targets that guy will be like Evan Ingram on steroids last year if we get him like these you know 140 Target 130 targets so I I like I like that call and I think

The warning shot on that is is we had Dalton conade land in one of those spots where you’d want him to land and you know it’s hard it’s hard for him to get all the way where you would want him to get as a rookie when you’re competing

With st Stefan Diggs there for the for the touches no absolutely absolutely we’re gonna take a quick break and when we get back we’re going to dive into this 2024 rookie class we’re going to rip through a bunch of running backs and a bunch of wide receivers with Curtis Patrick here on Dynasty

Life now I know many of you are looking for a secret weapon for your Dynasty league and I have it it’s called The Dynasty Dominator app you go to the App Store go to Google Play it’s right there it’s $5 to download and then every year

It’s $5 to load the next incoming class of rookies you can add superflex add tight end premium it’s incredible because it allows you to look up players it allows you to vote on whether a player is a buy hold or sell and then see the market sentiment on that player

And you can compare their lifetime value rating from player profiler to their Dynasty ADP at the ffpc all in the price lookup tool and beyond that we have a trade analyzer so you’ll never lose another Dynasty trade again and in our settings you can set this is a win now

Team this is a rebuilding team and then we let you compare players look at their metrics side by side Prospect metrics NFL metrics it’s all there it’s five bucks in the app store there’s some add-ons for super flex and to buy the upcoming rookie class every year you’re

Going to spend $5 on this thing and it’s going to be well worth it welcome back to Dynasty life Theo gringer with Curtis Patrick and Curtis before we dive into the Players let’s talk about the process you guys go through a big process over at R of is really how do

You measure data versus film I mean we don’t really we don’t really measure it I think or we I will let me rephrase that how do you weight how do you weigh them versus one another yeah that I mean we obviously I mean our our process and our history is

Is rooted in data and and not that data is is predictive and and actually oftentimes people look at too much data it’s kind of like the same thing you were talking about if you if you listen to too many voices you know you can almost arrive at any conclusion that you

Would want to uh and data can be that way it can be it can be dangerous but there are some key things that we know um to be true and if the further you zoom out um the more practical it becomes you know if if it was just as

Simple as basically looking at uh production and age th those are the two things that that are that and draft Capital th that is the special sauce if and if if you didn’t even go a level deeper than that you would do pretty well you would you would out you would

Outperform somebody that had a random process uh or that was you know drafting based off of you know the whatever most recent uh you know fantasy pundit uh that they happen to come across on on Twitter uh that year so I mean we definitely use data uh to our advantage

And it’s not necessarily that data will always make uh enable us to make the right pick every time but we believe uh we have proven that we can make fewer draft mistakes um and so you might miss on some hits uh because you’re relying on that data because there are those

Outlier players that are just so good in film or their landing spot was just so great or they end up in the perfect situation with the you know coordinator quarterback marriage and that really unlocks their upside um but again it’s the weight is on the data now from a film perspective we do

Have and that is the value of the summit we we have to cross check ourselves because while film is is super super subjective and it’s only as good as the eye and film people will tell you um I mean they have plenty of Misses as well

Um and so you know they they can scout for traits and they can think that they can identify system fits and they can think that you know their eye is so good that they can you know predict draft capital and things like that but I mean that it’s an extremely extremely noisy

Process but when there’s a lot of alignment on film you that’s where you may be all right all these film guys are saying the same thing and it and it’s you know here here’s five or six guys maybe that we trust okay do we need this guy was at

The the top of this tier do we need to move him into the bottom of the other tier uh Ju Just in case we’re wrong you know we’ll do stuff like that or here’s a guy that the data says is awesome and the the film guys also say he’s awesome

All right he should be at the top top of this tier because we have another input source saying um here’s a reason why this guy might succeed um and so I’m definitely not going to be a person that says film has no value I’m just gonna say that’s not how I’m gonna approach

Things you can’t you can’t realistically Scout every single player from a film perspective with the same level of conviction and and be honest with yourself that you’re going to arrive um you know with with a consistent model you’re just not um but I think that I can say all right for the

50 players that mat they probably matter in a a typical rookie draft all right well we can try to look at some of the foam feedback on those guys and and and layered into our analysis in a a meaningful but unsubstantial way um I don’t know if that’s similar to how you

Guys handle it you you do have people on your team like uh Cody that have some you know training in that area and so that’s an advantage um but I also imagine that you know you have some counterbalances in place absolutely and I think you can get into trouble when

You weigh your analysis uh too much in either direction and I think another thing that can kind of mess people up yeah is the combine I love the combine I I will I will like I will I I actually really enjoy it I like watching the 40-yard dashes I know that you know

You’ve Scot smart smart people like Scott Barrett saying can actually kind of heard if a guy runs too fast I get it but I still enjoy it I think it’s the football fan in me um and we just love seeing the level of athlete that we get

Especially at the skill position in the NFL every year I enjoy it but does it mess people up in their process Curtis I think it messes a ton of people up it messed me up a ton uh when I was starting out as an analyst that’s for

Sure um because we we know we know by and large that that combine performance is overvalued um and that’s because you know we live in an information starved news cycle at all times and so a great performance gets double dou counted triple counted quadruple counted and a

Guy who was already high in your rankings gets pushed up even higher when he does what he was expected to do um and and that’s just it’s just a natural tendency and then people are looking for attention uh with their analysis and so then you get into hot take season um I

Mean it’s a d it’s dangerous in the dynasty streets uh from the the second that an amazing or uh a disastrous uh relatively disastrous combined performance URS I mean what we know is that the combine is probably from a fantasy perspective it’s probably most important for tight ends um and the

Reason for that is is is we know that it correlates very tightly with uh tight end draft position and draft capital is even more important for for tight ends than some of the other positions because not a lot of tight ends have a lot of college production that’s just the way

That it goes and so it’s it carries more overall relative weight in in the tight end um uh draft analysis and and fantasy football analysis cycle because you know you need that additional input more than anything else now for running backs things like uh you know speed score and

You know kind of overall agility they can help to paint a picture and give us more accurate Sims in some way but still you’re still going to be better off if you mostly just look at weight and production um so you have to be careful

How much you layer that in and then for wide receivers there’s there’s plenty of really interesting studies and this is kind of I think what you’re uh talking about with Scott I mean I’ve seen a lot of different versions of this study and we’ve done some of them ourselves at ROV

Is too you would actually be better off for the most part if you went draft Capital round by round and then drafted the slowest wide receiver by draft capital in each of those rounds uh over the course of time you would be better off because um a player is being drafted

In that round despite performing uh Less admirably in the 40 and that is going to be the case because you know maybe their age adjusted production um popped in an NFL model or their production or their film analysis or their interview or their scheme fit uh or their route tree

They’re they’re being drafted that round despite uh their 40 and and I mean the classic fantasy examples of this are like Jarvis Landry and Keenan Allen and players like that coer cup Anquan B 4471 I think it was back in the day I don’t know that a lot

Of your uh maybe not a lot of people remember Anquan watching but somebody ran Anan Balton 40 tomorrow I’d probably cross him off the list just to show you like but the I I think that’s a great way it’s a great way of looking at it though Curtis because you also sort of

Avoid the guys who are drafted to kind of be Specialists you think about these guys that’ll you know the John Ross’s the Henry rugs is who get that high draft Capital without necessarily the same production uh even as some of their college teammates um and I I think it’s

It’s a fascinating way way to look at it’s very Billy Bean it’s like hey let’s look for the the the you know the fat guy who gets on base all the time um as opposed to the guys getting drafted versus athleticism very interesting stuff um but let’s dive into these

Running backs a little bit let’s ask from a from a macr perspective is this running back class too beat up we don’t have Bree Hall we don’t have jir Gibbs we don’t have bejan Robinson we don’t necessarily have a Devon h CH who’s going to break through and be a 17p

Point per game guy but when I look at this draft class I see a lot of utility I like this this draft class more than most there’s a number of these guys that I want to have on my Dynasty teams and I think that the set up for sort of a

Proper value where the market is going to beat these guys up I’m gonna be able to get a lot of these guys in like the second round I’m gonna take shots on them am I wrong there about this class um I mean I’m not going to call

You wrong so yeah I’m definitely not going to call you wrong or right because what I will say is most analysts would do well to approach this running back class with a lot of humility uh because I think there’s always a temptation to to to plant Flags or you know my

Rankings are the best the bottom line is we know there will probably be a couple guys that end up being valuable in fantasy uh and valuable as NFL players from this running back class because that just tends to be true every single year but there’s no Sterling profiles there’s

A lot of guys that check a couple boxes and that list is actually really really deep and so to say that you know which guy is going to end up getting the draft Capital today uh or which guy will succeed in spite of his draft capital I I’m I’m just preaching caution

Um because there are probably I mean there’s 10 to there are like 10 to 12 interesting guys here um I think that you can start to paint a picture of who probably is most deserving of being in that tier one you know but but one of

The guys that I would have in my first tier we don’t even know like when will be able to play he’s got an ACL and jonath Brooks of course and so you know I could contextualize it like this um one of the things in the in the rookie

Draft guide that that we did that I talked about at the top of the show was was Blair Andrews Prospect lab score and that’s a percentile based uh you know quality score everything that goes under the road of his soup now we haven’t solved for the athleticism yet and speed

Score will go into there um and the official Running Back weights you know we had unofficial weights that we used for that score uh early in the process but we’re going to have official weights on these guys now there’s only three guys that rated above the 60th percentile um historically over the last

Uh 20 years um and those three guys are Jonathan Brooks he had a 71st percentile score brillan Allen at a 63rd percentile and then um audri ese at 65 uh 65th percentile and so that doesn’t mean that those are definitely the top three guys but if we’re just looking you know at

You know the past two decades you know last year we had some guys that were you know they were above the 80th percentile you know and and and then they also ended up getting the first round draft Capital so it just became extremely exciting we’re not sure there are going

To be any running backs drafted on day one this year right that would probably be a surprise uh if anybody was and now we know that there’s there’s really not a lot of options above the 60th per so what it looks like is a lot of average

Prospects some of them will end up maybe bumping above average a little bit based off of the strength of their athleticism and then maybe that you know the guys that end up getting the day two draft Capital get that little bump but I’m saying this early in the process it’s

Dangerous to assume that you know who those guys are uh and so so that’s that’s where I would caution the uh you know the humility in the approach but if you want to get into like how deep is the tier or get into any of these guys

Specifically I mean we can do that because there are some interesting profiles well let’s start with Jonathan Brooks Jonathan Brooks right now um there’s some enthusiasm a lot of people have him at rb1 overall in their rookie rankings this is a guy that yards per carry were quite similar to bejan

Robinson he’s got the size he has the explosiveness he can catch the football and he’s also 20 years old not a whole lot of tread on the tires if he didn’t get injured this is a guy that I think we’d have clear-cut rb1 overall in this

Class and a guy that would be touch touching up on those you know not the not the top three wide receivers but he’d be right there with the the Troy Franklin’s the the Brian Thomas’ in that little tier it would be my opinion but we’re coming off a major injury the

Underdog Market is still weighing him as the only rookie being drafted inside of rb3 land there’s some optimism about him getting back on the field for the start of the season I I’m a little cautious with him I want to see where the draft Capital lands and I’ve ranked him a

Little closer to like rb4 rb5 I want to rank him at one but again I I have to go with the healthier guy that I know is going to be on the field until the NFL tells me otherwise is that the appro way to to approach Jonathan Brooks or is

This a guy that is that good that you’re willing to risk it a little bit more I mean we we do have him as our rb1 um you know pre-combine and of course we’re not going to be able to adjust for him what we know about him is all we’re going to

Know about him until we can solve for draft Capital right I mean we’re not going to get anything else on his profile really um so so to go in a little deeper on some of the the metrics that you were referencing kind of high level um I mean Brooks averaged 3.5

Yards after contact he had a 27% evasion rate which is very respectable he broke 30 tackles and then forced 21 Miss tackles so I think it’s it’s one thing that some people don’t do and I think sea did an awesome job of this in our guide this year is really hammering home

This idea that looking only at evasion rate without the context of how they were evading the tackles can be a little dangerous because what we’ve seen over time is that players have an asymmetric balance between broken and forced Miss tackles uh the guys that are heavier on the broken tackles that doesn’t

Translate well to explosive plays in the NFL uh case in point and AI Harris right and so so we want guys that can actually just force a missed tackle rather than break a tackle um he did have 200 or 286 receiving yards and 29 targets he was

Putting up missed forced tackles as a receiver as well he had a 2.5 yards per out run so I mean these are all things that that point to a player that yeah he could probably could be a fantasy differenc maker in the NFL I think from a redraft perspective you’re spot on

That it’s like I mean how patient are we going to be with a guy uh in best ball I mean you’re you’re drafting him basically hoping that he can be a late season Hammer you better be pretty good drafter and and you know throughout the single digit rounds and hit uh hit on

All your other players because you’re GNA have to get to the playoffs before you really get that benefit for him to be fully healthy it’s kind of what we saw with Bree Hall coming off as year one injury ending ending up being a pretty productive player in year two but

You know took a second form to warm up there um so yeah I’m not gonna I’m not going to call you incorrect I think I mean rb4 it feels a little low to me if we’re just talk in pure Dynasty because again we get the age and some of these guys

Are going to get drafted and then they’re going to tear their ACL as a rookie you know he’s already passed point right he’s already passed that these guys are gonna get beat up that’s what happens to running backs it just happens it happened to Christian mcaffrey I mean it just happens and so

You know you like the production you like the age we’ve got him at rb1 now that being said you know the other guys that I mentioned that have that above 60th percentile pre-c combined Prospect lab score brill Allen has an opportunity to put up some pretty exciting combined performance from a speed score

Perspective and that guy is a unit and so it’s possible and he’s also very young and he was very productive and so I reserve the right to make an adjustment there I I would say the same about uh ese out of uh n or Dame I mean

He’s also one of the bigger backs in the class doesn’t have quite the same age situation but you know in comparison to Kiren Williams who came in and and after a year look you know looks really really good in an NFL offense I mean he compares favorably uh with what he was

Able to do in that Notre Dame offense so those are the three guys that I think could potentially separate there’s guys that are below that 60th percentile that there’s some excitement about too and I’ll just paint with broad strokes and if you want to zoom in on any of these

Guys you just let me know let’s I one one guy I would like you to touch base on is Trey Benson because this is a guy where some people have him rb1 overall land this is a guy that does have the he he’s going to test well the athleticism

Is there the size is there uh this is a guy where we talk about old injuries one thing that’ll be interesting to me is do the NFL teams not like the old injuries at Oregon I don’t think that’s necessarily uh being discussed enough but he certainly looked healthy at

Florida State there were some people like Ray Garvin was disappointed with him this year at Florida State with what what we got out of him wanted to like him more still like on the list but not like enamored then there’s some people which are pushing him up a little bit

Where are you generally with Trey Benson because that’s a guy that I think a lot of fantasy managers want to like early in the process yeah I I think Ry I mean Ry would maybe be off of him for different reasons Ray is a guy that that trusts

His eye and know he played division 2 college football uh he brings a different skill set than I would bring um from a fantasy perspective but you know love R been on his show and you know respect how he goes about it and I I love his conviction uh when he’s in on

Somebody he’s pretty exciting uh um oh for sure with yeah with Benson it’s like you know for for me it’s more of a a wait and see because we just didn’t see him accumulate the volume that you would want from a running back I mean running back production in in college is is

Definitely one of the main things you’re you’re looking at uh for somebody to be able to translate it to the NFL and so you can zoom on on individual metrics and find reasons to tell yourself that okay if Trey Benson succeeds in the NFL here’s why I wouldn’t be surprised

But you know just carries in general is something that’s uh important and I mean a 27% running back Dominator rate uh that is not impressive I mean there were other Florida two other Florida State backs that had 90 plus carries and another guy who got the preferred receiving touches in that offense last

Year and so why couldn’t you get it on Lock and I mean maybe that was schematic and we’ll find that you know that’s how Florida State’s just going to use guys in the future and we’ve seen some of this you know I think there’s you know there’s been Alabama backs over the past

Five six years that ended up a little bit down the depth chart and you know it ended up that just you know maybe all those guys were pretty good and that’s why no one separated so there’s a teammate uh there’s a teammate element to this but if you’re looking for

Reasons to be excited uh you know he he had 2.6 yards per route run that’s actually a little bit above even what uh Brooks was able to bring to the table and you know he had a similarly impressive 31.4% evasion rate and 4.4 yards after contact so he he’s doing

Things okay on a per opportunity and per touch basis I think what I look at is who are The Sims that I get for tray Benson if I give him a day two assumed draft Capital which I have in this process you know Blair gives him a 49th

Percentile Prospect lab score so he’s average there right here’s the guys man I get you know Devonte Freeman is by far the best Sim that that pops Devonte Freeman was a day three guy you know rb1 rb1 overall though rb1 overall in Year too he was and he’s also a Florida State

Guy so that’s kind of interesting there go very um but but but you know I think it’s it’s a in the same ways that it’s a victory it’s also a little bit of a warning because even if I call Trey Benson a day two guy one of his top Sims

Is a day three guy like directionally that’s not what I would like to see I also see TJ yelon I mean you know TJ yeldon’s like the second best guy in his top five sims I get kendre Miller jury still out Matt Jones hon H Haskins so

Benson need Benson will need a strong combine to redeem these Sims or he’ll need strong draft Capital you know early round two or sneaking into round one which I just I’m not sure that that can really happen so Benson probably will there’s nothing he can probably do short

Of just get you know drafted in the top 15 like jir Gibbs or something like that that would signal A team’s intent with him that it’s it’s going to be difficult for him to jump into my top tier he would be a guy that I would say I’m not

Sure he belongs above rb4 kind of like what you’re saying with Brooks and it’s interesting because Benson’s a guy where I think in a couple of days there’s going to be a lot more people on audri Ese and then also like the jayen wries the Marshon Lloyds could potentially

Test better and those guys are kind of the trajectory pointing up type guys so definitely an interesting one quickly talk about two interesting sleepers Dylan lob who I got to give a shout out Long Island guy we don’t get whole lot of Long Island to the NFL guys got

Jeremy Rucker the brickashaw Ferguson a couple other ones and now we’re going to get Dylan lob from way out east Hampton’s guy um went to New Hampshire the ROV is models must love the receiving production uh he also he also Led Led the country in all purpose yards

He’s he’s a freak and that Central Michigan game his only game against uh against FBS competition he had like 250 275 yards receiving 27 five yards receiving it’s insane it was insane he had the the craziest statline ever literally their whole game plan was to check down to Dylan lob against Central

Michigan and the game was like a 49 46 type game went nuts uh talk to talk to us about him and also jayen Sheran from Monmouth okay yeah we’ll start with lob L lob really built a pretty nice fan base I think they’re at the Senior Bowl

This year too oh yeah um and so that you know and that’s an we won’t get sidetracked here but I will say it’s been pretty cool to see how the fantasy Community has embraced uh The Scouting process at the the Senior Bowl I mean Jim naggie has been so accepting of

People from all uh corners of you know the football world uh and promoting that event and in uh mobile and you know we’ve seen some we’ve seen some cool stories come out of the Senior Bowl and some real sleepers hit um that excelled in Senior Bowl week and so I think that

Is something that it’s worth paying attention to now if it’s not part of your process at least follow somebody uh that pays attention and you know see see who it is that stands out to them yeah but lob I mean you know he had uh he

Caught 54 balls um early in in the first couple uh Seasons across those Seasons but he had 68 receptions uh last year 699 receiving yards had over 140 scrimmage yards per game and you know the the lack of efficiency on a yards per carry uh basis

Is a little bit you know you’d like to see guys over five yards per carry ideally over five and a half yards per carry in college but you he was obviously his his team’s only game plan for the most part and so everyone’s kind of keying up on him he has a similar

Prospect lab score in between the 40th and 50th percentiles as Trey Vincent so you know Blair’s model really likes him but what’s interesting is if I give him day three cap draft Capital you know below where Benson was I get way more interesting profile Sims I get a pair of

Lower drafted players that ended up hitting and then I get a a day two guy that ended up hitting three of his top five sims Rashad white DeMarco Murray and Kiren Williams that’s a way better list than what I see from from Trey Benson in fact forget that Trey Benson

Guy forget that a 60% hit that’s a 60% hit so for lob I mean really what we’re looking for is it’d be great if he gets drafted right we’d like him to get drafted not be a udfa I think he probably locked that in uh in Mobile and

You know if if he could be an early day3 guy rather than a late day3 guy we’ll be even more excited um oh and then we wanted to talk about Sheran now Sheran Sheran is the sleeper that I’ve been uh that I’ve been saving here because I I

Lied to you a few minutes ago I told you there were only three players that scored above the 60th percentile on Blair’s model was really that there was only three uh there’s only three FBS players that scored above the 60th percentile on Blair’s model Sheran is actually the secret number four of

Course he’s an FCS player from Monmouth 68th percentile second most highly scored player in the class you there’s a huge adjustment you have to make for the competition level obviously but man this guy you want to talk about a a revelation he went for more than 275

Scrimmage yards twice last year uh and he had 26 career rushing touchdowns Theo 14 of them so more than half of his career rushing touchdowns went for 50 plus yards so home run hitter you know you can argue all day about the quality of the def trying to chase him down on

Those long plays but home run hitter and he’s a finisher I mean so so that’s great I mean he for anybody that has you know a deeper scouting Department in the NFL that this is probably one of those guys that they’re secretly hoping will will still be there still be around and

What I really like here is even if I assign him an undrafted free agent level of investment so he doesn’t even have to get drafted he still pulls Aaron Jones and Deion Lewis in his top five profile Sims we still get a a 40% hit rate in

His top five and Aaron Jones is like a classic example of a small school guy who came in took a little bit to get going and I mean he’s been a you know a dynasty and fantasy stalwart uh despite his lack of draft capital and relative uh relatively unimpressive uh level of

Opponent competition so Sheran that’s a name maybe nobody’s heard yet on your show I don’t know maybe give I’ll give you I’ll give you a big hat tip we’ve had future cast with John lob Matty kium getting all these people talking about their deep sleepers this is the first

Person to talk uh Sheran so so that’s I that’s one that I need to dive into a little bit more I’m gonna text Cody Carpenter after the show and Matty kiw and see their their thoughts on him but I’ll just say Julia mcglaughlin if you would have just penciled in Julio

Mclaughin this time last year could have saved yourself a lot of Fab interesting guys some of these small school guys and Youngstown State might as well be Notre Dame compared to uh Monmouth but still the the same the same level um so let we we’re we’re running out of time here but

I want to quickly run through some of these wide receivers okay lightning round where should Marvin Harrison Jr be drafted in superflex I I’m waiting until after the combine to put my rookies into my overall startup rankings I will say it’s right now right now no Landing spots

Just knowing what we know on him versus the rest of the quarterbacks well I’m still going to say he probably belongs in round two because we know he’s going to get the draft capital and what we know about running backs or with about wide receivers with his level of draft capital and his

Profile is basically as long as he doesn’t completely whiff as a rookie he’s gonna maintain his value you know it’s it’s it’s a it’s it’s a way to in invest in and M maintain value it’s the bejan Robinson corollary if you want to flip Marvin Harrison next year he

Doesn’t have to play a down you could still flip him for another quarterback in superflex all day long next year uh let’s Malik neighbors is he the number one wide receiver in 2023 and 2022 based on where you had the guys in the class I mean we’ve we’ve really got them

One a and 1B uh they’ve got 83rd and 84th percentile uh Prospect scores respectively neighbors actually edges uh Harrison by one percentile point and their their Sims they both hit four out of their five sims I mean The Sims for Harrison are uh the four that hit are

Samy Watkins Amari Cooper Drake London Mike Evans his one whiff was Justin Blackman we talked about that uh and then for Neighbors the four hits are Jamar Chase Julio Jones o obj uh they draw the similar player and Samy Watkins and then his whiff was John Ross um of

Course those those player names will change once we have the uh combined measurements for Malik neighbors of course Harrison not competing so that’ll make it a little tough you had me at obj and Jamar Chase we’ll leave it at that onew talk about some wide receivers you’re you’re interested in and I’m

Interested Troy Franklin uh that’s a guy that I’m really into and he’s going to be available to us after like the elite tier uh call him a midir in single QB leagues and a guy could be a really valuable late first in superflex your thoughts on him yeah I’ve got him valued

Similarly uh he would be kind of like that number seven player overall for me in superlex right now a couple spots higher obviously in single QB uh if you’re going to take one sound bo uh one sound bite on Troy Frank away from this episode he was actually the highest

Rated uh receiver in terms of uh quarterback rating when targeted in all of college football among receivers with at least 80 targets 146 uh point8 uh receiver rating last year that’s Troy Franklin he had a 69th percentile Prospect lab score uh so right in line with like our top running backs in terms

Of how he would relate to historical prospects not a bad list of Sims here for him either he had three Mega hits well two really Mega hits uh another hit and then even one of his misses is kind of a guy that’s hung around for a while

So he draws Justin Jefferson CD lamb and Calvin Ridley in his production profile Sims I mean come on there you go one of his misses is Nelson aalor who was still useful at times uh in his career just never had a wide receiver two or better season and then Justin Hunter uh being

Being the Miss there yeah I’m really into DET Troy Franklin your quick thoughts on Keon Coleman one that I’m a little bit ahead of uh than some people I had him you know always in my wide receiver ranks this is a guy that I look at as a 20-year-old

Outperformed Jaden Reed at Michigan State you know had the three touchdown game against LSU I want to like him there’s other people who say he can’t separate this is a guy that’s going to uh struggle to put up BigTime fantasy production where are you at here on Keon

Coleman well it’s so funny yeah because I I’m still figuring it out too you mentioned a couple things to be excited about you know um the age and then the performance versus and another high performing teammate uh he did meet one of our key criteria at Ro of is I mean

He he had a true breakout with the Dominator rating above 30% we know that 30% is a much better number than 20% Which most of the industry uses in terms of uh further eliminating potential misses um when you’re doing your ranking so 34% very impressive uh he only gets a

53rd percentile Prospect lab score but he draws two guys that I think he actually is it’s like a he’s a style Sim to these players not just a production Sim and you mentioned that the the film Bros point about him not separating necessarily well how about this for two

Guys that aren’t really known for their separation qualities Michael Thomas and DeAndre Hopkins uh he also uh pulls T Higgins so three out of five hit rate similar to Troy Franklin in his top five his misses though one of the misses would be the warning shot here uh when

You think about players that can’t separate lacoin Treadwell pops into his top five and then Jaylen regger so that the Miss is a little bit scarier with Coleman than uh some of those other players that we talked about but yeah I mean I he he does have impressive size

And for a team in a need of a possession receiver maybe he could come in and be a Michael Pitman type uh uh contributor in an offense and H you know not every single player is gonna be Jamar Chase or obj from a level of excitement perspective I’m still fine with a guy

Who scores 16 PPR in a boring fashion I know you are 100% And and I mean I’m not even allowed to mention people say I say it all the time he played basketball at Michigan State also very cool for our for the guys we’re drafting they played

For Tom ISO uh lad makoni versus Roman Wilson these two guys are going to be in similar ranges they’re both intriguing which one do you prefer at this stage in the process well it’s it’s this is a scary one man because these guys both they grade horribly uh in the RO ofz process

Because they they didn’t they don’t they just don’t have enough production to for us to know like and this is where the the film comes in here like because the film is just going to be totally uh these guys are in on these two players from um you know with Roman Wilson it’s

Like all right well it’s not his fault that Michigan had this weird scheme and he’s gonna be one of the fastest receivers in the class and everyone’s GNA figure out that you know JJ McCarthy and Roman Wilson were so much better than their stats said like that’s the

Narrative that’s playing out and with makoni it’s like No One’s Gonna Be able to cover this guy in space and Georgia had so much talent like yeah it doesn’t matter that you never had 600 receiving yards in a season so this is one where ROV viz will lean on um some evaluations

Of some of the the film players but what uh the film analysts but what I will say is you know I think if I was gonna say who would end up maybe having more dynasty value if they hit I would be more in on Roman Wilson because I think

He’s gonna have the athleticism and could could profile like a player that would be able to add you know big plays um I I think that uh I think when I think of Vlad makoni like a hit for him you know maybe maybe it would be something like a Jameson Crowder like

There’s a there’s a there’s a limit to to what a hit looks like for a player like that and I mean sure if you don’t have to pay a lot for him um that’s fine but if he gets round two real NFL draft Capital you’re gonna have to invest a

Lot in a rookie draft Roman Wilson it could just end up being one of these situations where you know the road of his process trying to help us eliminate misses causes us to uh keep him outside of our funnel and we’re just wrong so we

Are I will say he is one of the players that circled for us where we need to go back and look at him after the combine and make sure that we’re uh following along yeah and before I get you out of here I’m going to let you go dealer’s

Choice here Curtis talk to us about TZ Walker Malik Washington or Xavier Legette these are guys that are either kind of sleepers or Legette is interesting because has the one big year of production measured in smaller than we thought at the Senior Bowl uh and

He’s old the guy’s going to be 23 years old as a rookie wide receiver so I’ll let you pick from those three guys Dealers Choice or you can talk about two of them quickly if you want to yeah I’m I’m gonna do all three of them

In 20 seconds or less for each guy love love it TZ Walker almost 60th percentile Prospect lap score three out of five hits he draws Keenan Allen Jarvis Landry and Christian Kirk in his top five the film guys hate him say that he’s undisciplined in his route running and

He doesn’t have great hands but he’s a big play uh 17.0 a DOT I we we probably will be ahead of the industry on uh devontes Walker Xavier Legette is an absolute unit uh yes he’s older um but he is I mean this guy is Big um he he is cut out

Of marble and he AJ Brown siiz guy he’s literally like you know if if Xavier Legette hits everyone would be like oh yeah that makes sense um he does have a 40% uh hit rate within his top five you mentioned only the one year of production that penalizes him in Blair’s

Model but he does pull Rashid rice and Michael Pitman which are two pretty interesting names there and then way down the list Malik Washington this is a guy who had a really interesting Journey you know he basically did nothing at Northwestern for four years ends up grad

Transferring to Virginia and he was just a revelation I mean absolutely Revelation uh this past year was first in the nation in receptions per game second in receiving yards per game um you you don’t want to throw out you know crazy names for players ever because you

Know people use it in sound bites again against you but he does have that skill set where it’s like man he can take it to the house no matter how he touches it uh an absolute weapon in the in the uh from an evasion perspective and I’ll be

Really interested to see if he gets draft Capital you do have to remember um you know Tyreek Hill is a day three guy you know Malik Washington obviously not calling him Tyreek Hill but he has that like just it Factor uh when you watch him he’s just so exciting man it’s a

Sean seagull line I believe that it’s uh the great the the best indicator for future NFL production is college production or was it NFL production yeah so that’s uh Malik Washington he caught a few passes this year at UVA if you want to just go and look at his statline

It was it was it was very very impressive if you want to give people credit you know the other the other thing too that we’ve done over the years Travis May used to be uh on the site with us and you know he does a lot of

Deie work um he was always a big proponent one thing I took from my relationship with him over the years when we were working together was you know judge a player by you know his his Peak um don’t forget the peak and uh Malik Washington’s Peak was pretty high absolutely absolutely Curtis let

Everybody know where they can find your work once again appreciate your time I kept you a couple minutes late here I gotta want to get you out of here that’s that’s all right man I had a blast I’m sure uh we could go for hours and could have done another episode so

Uh yeah if you’ve never come across my stuff before you can follow me on Twitter SLX cpatrick NFL I part of the family one of the owners there along with Sean seagull Dave cin and Blair Andrews we also have a great writing staff uh tons of data driven

Analysis uh and then uh you know we do have the the rookie guide out right now that that we’re pedaling that we think you know fits in a really nice niche uh of the industry so um yeah hopefully you like this we are on YouTube as well Dave cin and I drop

Shows two to three days a week uh on podcast Ro rovis fantasy football podcast and and oftentimes we will post those on YouTube as well so you can check us out uh rotoviz video on YouTube or you know follow rotoviz radio uh on wherever you consume your podcasts yeah

Definitely check out Curtis’s work it is good stuff right here on Dynasty Life on Sunday possibly Monday uh Ian Miller and I are going to do a combine winners and losers show then look for more dynasty life I’m going to try to drop about two of these every single week No Sleep Till

Rookie drafts Curtis we’re we’re we’re rocking in Rolling everybody enjoy the combine this Weekend

Unlock the secrets to Dynasty Fantasy Football success with our latest episode of Dynasty Life! Hosted by Theo Gremminger and featuring special guest Curtis Patrick, AKA The Dynasty Commander from RotoViz, this episode is a goldmine of insights and strategies for Dynasty Managers.

Join us as we delve into the 2024 Rookie Flag Plants and dominating draft strategies that will give you a competitive edge. Curtis and Theo explore a plethora of prospects, leveraging historical comps and data to provide expert analysis.

Are you ready to master the RB position in the 2024 Rookie Drafts? Discover the potential of standout prospects like Braelon Allen, Jonathan Brooks, Trey Benson, along with sleeper picks Dylan Laube and Jalen Shirden.

But that’s not all – we dive deep into the WR position, evaluating the fantasy potential of Malik Nabers, Marvin Harrison Jr., Troy Franklin, Keon Coleman, Xavier Worthy, and more. Plus, uncover why De’Von Achane is THE TOP TRADE TARGET IN DYNASTY!

Whether you’re a seasoned Dynasty Manager or just getting started, this episode is a must-watch for anyone looking to dominate their league. Don’t miss out – tune in now and elevate your Dynasty Fantasy Football game to the next level!

#DynastyFantasyFootball #FantasyFootball #2024Rookies #DraftStrategy #FantasyAdvice #FantasyAnalysis #RookieProspects #RBs #WRs #Superflex #DynastyManager #FantasyInsights #ExpertAnalysis #Sleepers #TradeTargets #Dynastytrades #DynastyRosterManagement #NFLDraft #BraelonAllen #JonathanBrooks #TreyBenson #DylanLaube #JalenShirden #MalikNabers #MarvinHarrisonJr #TroyFranklin #KeonColeman #XavierWorthy #devonachane

00:12 – Welcome to Dynasty Life Curtis Patrick
9:17 – Curtis Patrick’s biggest disappointment from 2023
13:57 – Curtis Patrick’s biggest surprise from 2023
17:25 – Crystal Ball player for 2024
19:28 – Crystal Ball ROOKIE for 2024
24:36 – Informative Segment, Dynasty Dominator
52:44 – Weighing film vs data
34:14 – Reasons to be positive about this RB class
47:19 – Sleeper rookie RBs we love
52:59 – Rapid Fire rookie takes
1:03:45 – Outro


  1. Worth the second watch. Really producing some great original material and interesting guests the last 3 weeks solid, Theo. Another terrific episode.

  2. Trey Benson: Regardless of his combine performance, I'm skeptical of Benson. What stood out to me is the 6 games averaging less than 4 yards per carry in 2023. He didn't stand out as the best player on the field at any time IMO.

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