@Toronto Maple Leafs

LFR17 – Game 63 – Pushback – Maple Leafs 1, Bruins 4

Steve Dangle recaps and analyzes Game 63 of the Toronto Maple Leafs season against the Boston Bruins.



  1. How can Johnson comment on the game, when he spends most of his time steamrolling the play by play with story after poorly articulated story? Basically a paid spectator.

  2. As a Bruins fan-
    McCabe sucked, Liligren sucks consistently, Reilly gives the Bruins top lines WAY too much respect in the Leaf zone. And Nylander doesn’t deserve that deal based on how he plays games against better teams, did he even play in this game?? I didn’t see him. Lol, love ya Steve. Go Bruins!

  3. Like I’ve said in the past,the leafs will never have playoff success until the core 4 are gone unfortunately but we know they’ll resign Marner and JT so this is how it’s going to be for another 8 years and then they’ll have to rebuild again

  4. The thing most evident in these last two games is that the leafs seem like they don’t know what to do with a team that hits. If Boston even suspects that they can lay a hit out on someone without taking a major penalty, they are going to do it. And that’s what scares me about facing Boston. Our guys are getting hammered out there, and it’s like they have no idea what to do about it. They keep putting themselves in positions to be hit and end up down on the ice. Even our top guys like Matthews seem like they don’t know how to respond. And that’s really scary because it’s essentially cost us 2 games against them, what’s going to happen when we have to play at least 4, maybe as many as 7 in a row against them. Are we going to figure out how to win 4 games? And even if we do, are we going to have enough healthy players left at the end of it to be effective in the second round? Like seriously, it’s at the point where I’d almost like to see the leafs start losing games on purpose and take a wildcard spot to avoid playing Boston in the first round, and that is a bad sign for your cup ambitions.

    But this is the reason why Brad Treveling had not signed a player in the last two weeks that is below 6 foot 2 or 200 lbs.

  5. Jake McCabe has no Idea how to set the tone…. Crosschecking 2 people in the throat for no reason lol WTF?

  6. I don't know what league this Leaf team was constructed for but it AIN'T the NHL. In fact the NHL has never resembled anything that would justify that build strategy.

  7. Brad sholdn't have done anything. They are going to get the crap beat out of them in 5 games in the first round

  8. Getting up in the face of Marchand was really a cross check to the neck after the play is over. Toronto was lucky to not get a five minute major for that.

  9. Steve, I have a feeling that when your daughters are old enough to get in trouble…the lectures are going to be absolutely EPIC.

    In fact, if you ever catch yourself using two different characters of yourself to ground them…

    …perhaps it will be time to let the wife handle that, 😂

  10. There should have been a second take. Look, Boston is just better. Why? Because their second tier of players is much better than the Leafs' second tier of players. Their goaltending is also better than anyone else's in the NHL. Additionally, unless the Leafs make it to Game 6 of Round 2 this year, you cannot seriously claim that this "tougher" roster is better/more playoff-worthy than last year's. Bertuzzi fought! Big deal. He's had one good stretch of hockey all season, and that's apparently over. Teams like Colorado, Vegas, Boston, Florida win playoff hockey games because they have the right balance of skill and toughness, but they have way more skill than toughness. I'd rather have any of those team's second-tier of players than Domi, Bertuzzi, Reeves, Gregor, et al. Why? Because those teams' second-tiers are GOOD at hockey. Finally, if you're accusing the Leafs of not "caring", exactly who are you speaking? Name specific names if you're going down that rabbit-hole. I love your channel, but this was a bad take. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! That's fantastic. Given tonight's reaction video, I recommend you get more sleep. You clearly need it.

  11. 0-4 against the bruins this season. We're 0-7 against the bruins in the last 7 games.

    I don't know how we expect to even go 4-3 miraculously…

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