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Powercat Podcast | The Kansas State hoops quandary: Youth vs. Experience

Powercat Podcast | The Kansas State hoops quandary: Youth vs. Experience

Welcome to the power cat podcast presented by fridge wholesale liquor now let’s go to The Rolling Flint Hills Home of the cats and dogs Studio here’s your host Tim Fitzgerald welcome to another edition of the powercat podcast this is the basketball edition you’re going to get

Two of these this week because we got Spring football opening up on campus and we also have basketball and of course we’re going to discuss the miserable performance by the Kansas State Wildcats on Tuesday night in Lawrence and these two guys with me were at that game Zack

Carlson and Ryan Gilbert got to enjoy a delicious pregame meal and and then cover a less than delicious uh game that was a pre the pregame meal Zach said was really good like he said he loves peas and he’s glad he had uh I think he called it prison

Loaf and you know what okay that’s what you deserve gills prison love I miss Bill self pasta I was banking on that but as you know so we went to Quick Trip before and we hedged it a little bit we hedge the me the meal wasn’t Bill self

Pasta and it wasn’t so it worked out well that’s good I’m glad cheater an absolute cheater uh we’re sponsored by the fridge wholesale liquor make sure you stop in the fridge whenever you’re in town I don’t know when that’ll be Saturday maybe are you coming to town

Saturday you need to look I know this basketball season hasn’t gone as planned but it’s Tang says show up for your team and show them the love so Saturday 1 p.m. ended the regular season against Iowa State a really good Iowa State team I’ll be filming things from a number of

Angles during the timeouts because I missed that discussion we’ve got a whole another discussion with uh Bill self I don’t need I I don’t even understand this one do we get a question about it no you can talk about it so he claims Jerome Tang a

Drive by I don’t know yeah most losing coaches do that um I don’t know is he saying he didn’t shake his hand because I’m not I don’t think TV caught an angle of them actually shaking hands but Drome Tang’s in the line shaking hands he shakes players hands I’m not sure what’s

Going on here this feels like a Rodney Terry horns down thing the coach just find something to be pissed off about after the game for some reason we never do that and then we see film of the the exct same thing Bill self couldn’t have gone faster through the handshake line

In Manhattan when they lost I don’t what the hell are we doing here with these postgame press conferences that bring this stuff up I’m I’m I’m not even sure uh I’ll just say this bill self needs this to rev up his crowd and and make them forget that this has been a bad

Season by their measurement they certainly are better than Kansas State uh but I I guess I guess okay if that’s what your your fans need to get a little little steam I’m not sure uh do you think it’s gonna fire team up going to Houston I don’t think that’s G to solve

What Houston brings to the table I’m a little confused by it all uh and Rodney Terry was quickly proven also that his team celebrates and isn’t exactly great Sports throwing horns up at people whenever they can um it’s been a weird year in Big 12 basketball going all the

Way back to the the filming incident I did an Iowa State podcast this week and we had to talk about the filming incident because they still talk about it and I don’t know why I mean I know they wanted to bring it up with me but I

Literally fans don’t believe me when I say in Manhattan this was dead in two days didn’t even worry about it one second after um you know jome Tang said he wasn’t G to talk about it he simply asked TJ to look into it and it blew up

We’re sponsored by the fridge uh again you’re coming to town Saturday stop into the fridge uh don’t drink uh while driving but take the Fridge liquor beer home home and enjoy it there after the game I don’t know why you need to do that just chug it all in the parking lot

Before the cats game against the Cyclones thanks to the fridge for their longtime sponsorship R Gilbert you look fantastic today in your agil studio thanks I appreciate that is that it is that all you have to say yeah that’s it than you and Zach Zach’s here with me in

His hoodie and ball cap uh once again possibly shoplifting no no he’s hiding from the cameras let’s get going with your question from W Bass Station it’s going to be short one for some reason basketball is in a Hot Topic right now H Zach Carlson I wrote this

Question to start us off since we didn’t have very many uh when did it all go wrong for Kate this season when they didn’t get Max acus yeah that early that early because they never found a true point I mean that that was the idea was he was going

To run the point and Tyler would be the two and they’d do what they do um the irony being asith went to a very talented Texas team and yeah they’re going to get in the NCAA tournament I not disputing that but there’s not that big a gap between these two teams I mean

Just isn’t so I do wonder what happens if he’s here and I wonder if the president doesn’t go off the deep end with something I still don’t understand uh because the more I learn the more I can’t make sense of it uh and then of course quz Glover who probably would

Never have been here if Max asman signed but then that goes south so yeah it’s just been one of those years and you know what when you have that kind of year and year two things go off the way off the rails a little bit um and just

Go look down the road Missouri oford I believe an SEC play this year after a good first season under coach so uh you know what happens and it’s happened at Kate but yeah I think this season went off the rails when they did not find a true veteran point guard through the

Transfer portal and everything has been fed off of that not having a true ball handler to handle things the loow hanging fruit is the naquan Tomlin once he got dismissed I mean that’s kind of the the obvious answer here but guys I really think that things went wrong when Kansas state made

The Elite 8 last year okay that standard was set so high for this program um and Maris noell and Keon Johnson those guys are gone they’re irreplaceable they are superstars and that’s not something to use lightly those guys were Superstars and I don’t care if they get a miss you

Know I don’t care if tler Perry um lives up to his best you know shooter in America expectation if he’s been like that the whole year even if naquan toman’s here you know they might flirt with the you know sweet 16 Elite 8 I’m not saying they couldn’t do that but

It’s unreasonable to expect that you know year in and year out for drum Tang okay that’s kind of obviously that’s what they want that’s what they expect of themselves but when you lose those two superstars I mean guys cam Carter if Cam Carter would just revert back to his

Role to be the elite eight role he had on that team last year just be a role player be that glue guy you know K I’m I’m not going to say K State beats KU and Al or anything like that but he has been awful and I Fitz you mentioned it

Like Cam’s a good kid we love him good you know he’s awesome he’s just been he’s been awful and he’s been a negative it almost seems every time he touches the ball if he starts dribbling bad things are going to happen he made one field goal against KU on Tuesday so it

You know that’s the biggest thing back to my main point though I I think the expectations coming into the year even with Nan Tomlin you know Quest Glover plays he’s healthy I still think that that’s an you know I don’t want to say it’s unreasonable but after year one

Every year isn’t going to be like that it’s just not agree I’m surprised that both of you picked dates before Halloween last year that was the Nikon Tomlin weekend but I’m going to go a lot more recent I’m going to say the loss at Texas Tech

Losing that game and the way they lost it they were up fairly big they blew it at the end and I think that it would have been their third win in a row to start Big 12 play again and um I think that the season kind of turned there

They had enough confidence you know going in I think with those two wins against UCF and West Virginia I think if they get that third win I think that kind of forgives their struggles in December those three straight overtime wins you know maybe they feel like they can prove themselves and they have

Enough momentum going forward because I think they probably if they win that game I think they probably win a couple of those closer games down the stretch and no I don’t think this team’s an elite eight team by any stretch of the imagination if they win that game but

They’re at least firmly in the tournament if they beat Texas Tech say they beat TCU you know those two games you can probably flip the result and the outlook on this season is a lot better than what what it ended up being but I think you know you lose that game and

Then you kind of begin this slide at Iowa State and just you know you lose lose lose through January and February and you just you couldn’t resuscitate yourselves like last season because they had a like I talked about probably a month ago they had a similar stretch

Last year where they struggled for for a time but they were able to get out of it and Casey just couldn’t do that this season agreed yeah Zach we were talking about that last night on the way back to Manhattan right like the resume if you

Pick up that one win against Texas Tech his State still going to be on the outside looking in but for the morale for the confidence of your team to be three and 0 going into the thick of conference play I I I agree I agree with

All of you guys like I’m not debating that like you were right Fitz you’re right Zach I think we’re all right here there’s many different there’s many different there’s so many different things that you can point towards for this season kind of going off the rails

You know I I don’t want to say it was luck what happened last year but there is a a sense of things went in a positive manner Last year me getting keante Johnson late in the process is unbelievable um and this year it’s been the opposite things haven’t gone as they

Would hope and the great thing now with the transfer portal is next year is a new year they’re going to get to reinvent their team again and we’ll see if they do a good job with that because uh I think they realize now at least I

Hope that it isn’t just about how many minutes you’ve played it’s about what you bring to the program what you bring to the table what what you offer and I hope with the transfer portal they focus in a little bit more on well-rounded skill sets uh and you know specific

Things does this guy create does he pass if he’s a point guard does he get to the free throw line and and make those does he finish at The Rim I don’t think they did you know a full circle of that and and you know asess would have solved so

Many problems gives you another Dynamic score a true point guard uh and Tyler Perry moves off the ball and there you go that’s where I think it went wrong and then I still can’t explain uh the Halloween situ horrors of the University president um and what he did and what he

Said and I’m still intrigued to see what happens with that because I think a lawsuit might come down the the pike at some point here you guys excited for that 30 for 30 no no is there is there GNA be one I’d love it gota

Be we I think Kate could have its own 30 for30 series uh because I’m I’m amazed you know I brought up on Twitter as a reply the the failed terrorist attack at the OU K State football game and how many people around this conference have no idea I just did that Iowa State

Podcast and they asked me to share that story because they had no idea and they both played at Iowa State so it’s inter next question is from m354 what is your evaluation of the the five out offense both conceptually and as kstate has applied it how much did

That figure in any struggles this year yeah again without naquan Tomlin that like I don’t want to say it was centrically revolving around him but that was a big big reason why when you have a a guy that’s so big I forget how tall naon Tomlin was but yeah he played

Though like a guard he could dribble he could shoot from Beyond The Arc and so you know obviously David gasan like there’s guys on roster 100% Arthur Kuma that it wasn’t just naquan Tomlin so I don’t want to put um too much of like an evaluation on it just for that reason

Without Nan Tomlin I mean I I mean the offense is what it is right you’re going to go through those Growing Pains late December early November and you’re you’re going to be good to go no matter what no matter what that offense you

Know may be and so I I guys I you know the the issues for this team you know the lack of effort against Kansas on Tuesday the turnovers the careless mistakes the poor fundamentals I’m putting that offense their offensive struggles you know I’m putting that towards the bottom of the

List well interesting I don’t have anything to weigh in on schemes of of basketball yeah I look I I think any offense um is predicated on the tools I mean K State running its football offense with uh Colin Klein as opposed to someone else it just looks different

It’s the same offense uh and it changes what you can and can’t do uh but I think it’s clear this offense is is based a little bit more on having some dudes that can just hoop and they didn’t have enough of that bir last question in the first half from

Adam k63 is it time to let the young players spread their wings and get more playing time again gills I want I want to hear you on this yeah 100% % man I mean Fitz was it was the postgame talk right you outlined the numbers the minutes the points all that stuff from

Jones Ames and Rich and you know Tyler Perry I’m not going to be too critical of him I think I think KU was very they were honing in on Perry after he scored 26 against them in bramage but I mean cam Carter I outlined it just a minute

Ago he you know Perry got no help Kuma couldn’t score you know and that like we just talked about the five out offense you know they’re struggling to create their own points right and the conference play you saw these guys being able to go out and against these mid-

Major teams or even you know before the scouting reports were on them before they were figured out so to speak right they could score now they just can’t score and so I think but back to the point here Jones hit a couple three-pointers right Rich had a powerful

Dunk DayDay Ames has obviously been starting for the last month or so right but again we’ve said this a thousand times Perry Kuma Carter they’re going to turn the ball over if you’re so concerned about that then why would it matter if Jones or or Rich turns it over

So I mean I don’t want to just say the the season watchh throw the you know play The Freshman start the Freshman you don’t want to have that loser mentality especially on senior night when you want to honor those seniors right you want to go out with class and play your hardest

Now I’m sure K State you know we’ll see what happens right we’ll see what happens but yeah I mean Rich You Know Rich played fine they they put him in you know finister wasn’t really in I think he put a little bit late right but he wasn’t really in for any time that

Mattered Rich checked in probably the ear earliest he had checked in in conference play if I’m not mistaken and so I don’t know if that was a KJ Adams thing you know schematically I don’t know if that was because gasan had a few fouls I don’t know but I I love to see

It I dig it right I want to see more of that I think it might be too little too late now but especially when you look at the future of your program okay do you want to go out and grab a a fourth year veteran point guard or do you want to

Have DayDay AES be the starter next year right you know you got to look at things in a bigger picture uh I’m I’m a little frustrated by their lack of use of these guys through the second half of the season and and I understand why I mean Jerome Tang is a

Defense first coach which most coaches are if you can’t play adequate defense you don’t typically step on the court but for me it becomes a kind of a puzzle where you got to figure out which pieces get you to the best picture and the second cam Carter

In within a two-minute stretch do in the second half missed four shots he took four shots in the first two minutes of the half missed them all and he also had a turnover Tyler Perry also missed a shot in there as much as you love Cam and what he does on defense

You’re down by double digits on the road and one of your best players is not checked in mentally or you know skill-wise to the bench well look at RJ go play go just go play you can’t be worse remember the first two minutes into the game it was a lane violation on

Cam Carter right yeah you just gave KU a free point you know it’s just and that was the entire night for Carter I don’t understand what’s going on don’t there’s got to be something else going on with him because he just doesn’t look like he’s in in the game

Mentally I think after he missed a shot and made some sort of mistake he just kind of went like you know put his like I guess so for those that aren’t um oh boy now we got a dog attack yeah someone had the goal to close a door a car door

Outside and it’s that’s not acceptable man Mr UPS guy here oh that might be I got I got deliveries coming but anyways you saw cam put his head his hands in his face and just kind of the body language I think was poor right and that’s probably why drum tang in that

Postgame press conference okay I think it was Arie that asked him about will McNair you know 17 points you know there’s maybe a positive from this game dapne I’m speaking here okay or is it dude who’s barking oh it’s DNE it’s always Daphne of course and drum Tang

Instead of you know complimenting McNair just just went ahead and said that K dad had two offensive rebounds and that’s not going to cut it in the Big 12 and that’s a direct uh result of a lack of effort in his eyes right so there’s uh

Back to cam Carter I’ve lost my train of thought now D me but yeah Carter they all gota be better I I’m just so frustrated by it because I like cam so much but sure God he’s been he’s been bad maybe good on defense I mean coaches see defense a lot different

Sometimes than fans they know the coaches know exactly the rotations and the helps and all that stuff that they’re supposed to be doing but when he’s turning the ball over that many times live ball turnovers often when he can’t efficiently dribble and he’s a guard I don’t know why he’s on the court

I just don’t I’m I’m just especially I I still need to get an explanation why Michaela Brit hasn’t been playing I I don’t understand get if someone gets into foul trouble tell the kid go out there and bust ass for two minutes just play your nuts off for two minutes because

Uh energy is something this team needs and I I feel like once he put those freshman on there and they were actually playing hard not doing things right not running things a perfect way but playing with heart and effort that honestly I didn’t see from a lot of the other guys I

Thought will McNair showed up to to battle in the paint uh still drives me crazy by how he Hogs the ball and doesn’t pass out very often unless he absolutely has to and and then it often leads to disaster f um but uh I thought the rest of the team just wasn’t

Invested so put guys on the court that are invested yeah I don’t think it’s complicated I I this is one thing I I don’t quite understand what Jerome tank is doing here I know practice is important but when they go on the court in a game and

Are mailing it in or aren’t focused get them off the court I don’t care if they had a great week of practice you don’t lose games because because they were good in practice or bad in practice at the end of the day you got to take care

Of your business in practice I get that but in the heart of a game put the players out there that are gonna help you win that game and so go ahead Zach go ahead buddy largely they have played Seven guys throughout conference play right that’s been the

Rotation where are the minutes that quz Glover and Nan Tomlin would have played surely they would have had a ninan rotation so if you think about the plan going into what the the season was supposed to be with the number of guys that were good and good enough to play a

Lot of minutes I just I don’t see how it makes sense to just stick with well these are the best seven guys we have on the team this is the best chance we have to make the inbl tournament I mean it’s insane to think that you have this bench

You have these young guys like Michaela Brit that you know should be playing a lot of men they’re kind of exciting but for whatever reason it’s just not good enough to to fill in that Gap I mean we we’ve known what this season has been for probably about a month now and

At a certain point you probably should have started playing the young guys a lot more than what you’ve been um but I just it doesn’t make sense to me just sticking with the seven guys especially considering they switched the starting lineup I mean it it all seven guys that

Basically play have started at some point this season I mean expecting a basketball team in the Big 12 Conference to play 18 games with seven guys playing 85% of the minutes it’s insane I don’t know the stat off the top of my head but I I would if you went and

Looked it up I would be surprised if there was seven guys on every team playing 85% of the minutes you know me Gils I’m an accomplished uh Baker yeah you you know that right um okay well if you’re making a cake and you use the same seven ingredients every time

You make the cake it doesn’t matter what what order you put them in the bowl and the cake tastes like crap maybe add something different to the the recipe like a little salt because I think Michaela Brit is get can get salty out there a little

Pepper from RJ I don’t know why you put pepper in a cake but I’m down this metaphor road now I’m I’m invested in it and of course adding more in day day day which would be of course the uh the paprika which is delicious in the cake

Uh more of that I’m very frustrated I just really am but let’s call let’s call it a half and move to a break and we’ll go backy whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa are you trying to silence me no I’m trying to get this podcast done we’re trying to

Be done okay fine I’ll go go go ahead okay two I I got two things written down guys number one Fitz you you mentioned this but just to hammer this home with the Freshman the turnovers that go that they’re going to make right are not the

Same to a cam Carter turnover right cam Carter is just fumbling the ball off his foot or making a a bad pass poor decision right RJ Jones might be in the wrong place Michaela Brit might go up and think he can draw contact but it wasn’t there and you know he fumbles the

Ball away right those they’re apples and oranges when you look at the turnovers that these freshman are going to make and that’s why again think you should go with them number two real quick drum Tang I just wanted to point this out this this was I think the first press

Conference that I can ever remember from him where he didn’t accept blame for the loss you know he didn’t take the the coaching staff this is on us he said it was on the players this was on the effort of the players I I agree go break

Now I was happy he said that yeah hold them accountable I think sometimes he’s too easy on them and I understand that’s the kind of guy he is uh but once in a while holding someone publicly accountable when the mistakes continue to happen is it and ironically the

Mistakes weren’t as dramatic last night or Tuesday night against Kansas they only had 11 turnovers but those freshmen that played like 48 combined minutes had won one turnover and and so maybe they had defensive breakdowns maybe that helped K score a bunch of points I don’t know but if you’re losing lose young

Period let’s go to break we’ll come back on the other side with more of your questions from W bash station we’ll be right back after these messages from our sponsors please visit the fridge wholesale liquor located at the corner of Claflin and Westport Road in Manhattan Kansas welcome back to the show let’s

Return to the cats and dogs Studio welcome back to the powerap podcast Fitz Zack and gills gathered on an early Wednesday afternoon after a Tuesday night loss by Kansas State I believe you’re watching this uh later I don’t know when I’m putting it up Zack I

Gotta I gotta record the Big 12 insiders here in 25 minutes and then I got to do another podcast with talk on Spring football with Cole and Wall-E I’m a busy man this studio this studio might catch fire the neon might melt probably needs to go up today if we’re putting football

Up after tonight I don’t know he’s always right yeah we’re sponsored by the fridge they’re always right go to the fridge as I stare into the camera this is lost on the podcast listeners but the viewers go to the fridge frge on with your questions from wbas station I apologize for terrifying

Anyone from cfid is DayDay aims the solution at point guard next year or do they need a starting point guard in the transfer portal gills this is an interesting question in the fact that David Castillo is more of a true point guard even than DayDay I mean he’s just

Kind of got that uh he’s this is gonna be he’s a freshman and Max asith is the senior but that’s the kind of guy he is undersized scoring point guard that understands how to create but we know Jerome tang and his his love of Veteran guards do they still go out in the

Transfer portal despite DayDay and Castillo and get a veteran point guard I like what you mentioned jome Tang’s love for veteran guards right Maris SEL was a veteran guard this season D am is a freshman there’s been a much shorter leash on him right so yeah gota teach

Him yeah I don’t know was the question what will they do what do we want them to do I’m sorry uh is DayDay amim the solution or do they need need need somebody from the portal no I think I think D Ames and Castile you know both of them playing

Combined 40 minutes is good is going to be good enough in my opinion running the point guard and I’ve mentioned this you you don’t want to you don’t want to hurt their their long-term growth potential you know all that stuff right you want them to learn and make those mistakes

When they’re younger now obviously for next season Cas State’s you know maybe going to win a game or two if have a guy like Max Aus or someone of that caliber with the experience but year or two down the line you’re not having those younger players go through the fire of playing

The Big 12 and stuff like that so I think K State’s point guard uh is on its roster right now and you know obviously the Focus right now was on this season but for next season yeah I think David Castillo um certainly can can help compliment them there I know R.J Jones

Is capable of doing that as well and so I would not try to you know make it a oh we’ve got to go out and grab a point guard if we’re drone tanging the staff okay if somebody you know Falls in our lap or somebody we like you know I’m not

Going to if I’m drone Tang I’m not going to fill it by you know need at point guard okay if we get someone that’s available who we like we want to bring in great but I’m not going to force things and try to bring in a guy to fix

Everything because think you know K State’s got enough next year to to to hold its own at the point guard spot fair enough I’m in nothing no age no I look I I I think he’s at the point now where uh you don’t want to stunt the growth of

Your young guys or force them into the portal uh and I think after this season the thought of going through a season with some young players and bring in some dudes hopefully Kuma is back um you know bring in another dude for sure this is a big story line how many will go

Into the portal how many scholarships will they have left who will be pushed into the portal and who will leave leave in the portal um so I don’t know how many players are going to have to recruit we don’t know what quz Glover’s situation is maybe he’s back and maybe

He’s the not veteran point guard but the veteran guard you want to accompany uh those young guys and help them so uh we we need to know what the roster makeup is going to be not specific players but how many pieces can they had and I’m perfectly at home with letting

The young guys learn that might be what next season’s about the goal here is to have veteran guards of your own making um and you need to get to that so that these guys mature and there’s another wave of young guys behind them not just guards players uh you need to

Get back to hoping that you can recruit and develop and turn them into great players uh and not just reinvent your roster every year next question is from Contra cat with only one freshman recruit inbound for next season do you expect a significant roster overhaul Fitz you are so lazy today

You’re putting everything on me man goodness gracious but you’re the star I don’t think there’s going to be you’ve got this freshman class and David Castillo is going to be next year the Freshman so Dorian finister is technically a red shirt freshman I don’t know who’s going to leave who’s going to

Stay I don’t know if people are going to be unhappy with minutes or lack thereof like we don’t want to speculate here but no I think that you’ve got the building blocks here you want to get old and you want to stay old right so that’s the key

To winning basketball in the Big 12 Conference so I think K States the foundation’s here right if Cam Carter wants to come back you know you know if if Arthur Kuma wants to come back right you don’t have to make wholesale changes to your roster I know I mentioned this a

Little bit guys on I don’t know if it was this show or whatever but you know you add in to Desi SS okay plug him here babay put him there for this reason that reason right tyy green for this reason okay I think I would ideally I think

That’s what I would like to see Kate do you know rather than bring in some Superstar guy bring him in for a year I know I’ve said this like three times guys but you’re just not helping the development of the younger players when they don’t get the opportunity to play

You know just think if you’re RJ Jones like how hard would that be to get into a Groove when you’re only getting a few minutes here and a few minutes there I mean he had he played one special teams play against Cincinnati before they had

Played like a month or so right and you get thrown into the fire and the loudest indoor arena in the world like you know I I love that they went to michaelb Rich but come on man like if he’s going to make a mistake you can’t blame him he’s

Not going to be really prepared for this opportunity because you haven’t given him the opportunity to prepare for the opportunity does that make sense yes it was a good opportunity to say opportunity I don’t know go ahead I just I think that the way the season is gone

It’s been a frustrating season cas’s going to finish probably in the bottom four you know unless there’s a miracle that happens on Saturday well if they win they’re not in the bottom four to Cincinnati they control their own destiny or to stay out of the first day

The the Mir the miracle was was West Virginia beating Cincinnati on on Saturday uh but um you know I just think that there’s probably a lot of frustrations on this roster and you know I don’t want to call the guys quitters but you know I feel like this season if

You’re a kstate player that’s not getting a lot of minutes you’d probably have a pretty bad taste in your mouth especially considering just knowing how you know limited the guys or you know seven guys playing there’s minutes out there that you can probably think in your head that you can make K State

Better if you’re sitting on that bench down the road like MB rich or Dorian finister like I don’t know if those are GNA be the guys you know there could definitely be some guys you know that are starting or you know whatever else that that want to find a new home for

Next year but I just I don’t think that I think there’s going to be a little more turnover than maybe both of you might anticipate I just I think that you I would not be surprised if K State brought in five transfer guys next year because they had the spots this is a

Very interesting question for me how much up Heil do they have on this roster because is gasan done for sure is this it got a year that’s what I thought mcir has a year didn’t he I’m pretty sure this is it for this

Is it I was think had Co or so I don’t know it’s gotten so confusing I can’t wait for the co years to be done um there’s going to be some movement I’ve had people ask me so you want Carter to transfer I absolutely do not want cam

Carter to transfer I think he’s he’s could be an incredible player I would like cam Carter to spend his offseason working on basic skills young man if you want to have a career beyond the Big 12 or college basketball you got to be able to handle

The ball better you got to start using your your palm and your fingertips to handle the ball I can’t even tell you how many photos I see of Cam Carter come across uh the feed and we have Getty in USA Today are two outside photo services

In Kansas State we use a lot of how many times when he’s dribbling the ball is on the heel of his hand and I’m like that’s what you do when you don’t have control of the ball so I want cam just to lock in on dribbling and passing

Quit being so damn lazy with passes that little shuttle throw underhand thing that that dramatic overhand rifle across the court dude you’re not prepared to do that you haven’t built up your skill set to earn the right to do those things because you can’t pass a ball with two hands and hit

Someone in a position to to to do something with it and and now you’re trying to get fancy don’t get fancy man let’s get Back to Basics well Fitz doesn’t that fall in the coaching staff though for allowing that same thing to happen over and over and over again and

Not doing anything about it right absolutely yeah but if they subed him off that mean they’d have to put in a player that they don’t want to play I mean I know it’s a me it’s it’s a mess I I will be very intrigued to see how many

Openings they have with the with the transfer portal if you do want to sort of push guys out so to speak you’ve got to convert okay I know last year they thought they were going to have nanama and they certainly expected some more Wings to come in but look at ish mud

He’s playing on a Georgetown team that’s won two games in the Big East I mean this team I’m not gonna say they’re gonna be much better with ish massud but he would have played like he would have played meaningful minutes for this team at the time of like this time last year

You know ish massud you know we love you man we we really do no bad blood but we can’t promise you minutes and so they mutually agreed to go separate ways but I mean that’s because Kate thought they were going to have a lot better they

Were they thought they were going to do a lot better than they did in the portal they didn’t convert and so if you’re if you’re GNA push guys out um you certainly you got to do a better job in the portal than you did last year there’s no other way around that Bingo

The good news is they should theoretically have a head start this year on the portal true hold in on that I’m that’s one of the reasons why I I don’t think the staff should cry too much if they don’t get in an IT bid or they’re one and done yeah just move on

Get get this over with to move on I know you don’t want to just turn down an nit but if the kids want to play you play but let’s be realistic here you need to rebuild last question of the podcast from El Camino cat should we as fans

Expect a better Hall out of next year’s portal class than we got this year with Kuma Perry McNair and Glover I think if if you want to blame the nil and maybe that was what did them in in a couple quarters think that’s been mostly solved I think in the ba

Basketball space Kansas state will be able to compete maybe not with what Kansas paid Hunter Dickinson um and I’m not even familiar with that was but there’s been rumors of a lot of zeros in that um but you can get the kids you want to compete they just they need to

Get back to just finding guys that want to fight you don’t have you might have dudes but you don’t have dogs I want someone like Caleb Brit that’s a dog that’s going to get after it and not just try to pick a fight not get upset every time something doesn’t go right to

Absolutely be determined to get floorb burs to to piss off the other team because he’s playing so hard I see other teams doing that to K State uh and that’s what they need to fix I I go back to the first uh the first movements of

The roster under Jerome tang and and I don’t know if it was his doing or if he was told he wasn’t going to play but look at sulon Miguel and how much he’s developed at South Florida he is now I don’t I haven’t looked at the stats

Recently but he was hitting around 40% from three that kid that could couldn’t hit 10% when he was at K State but he’s gone to work on his skill set he didn’t dribble the way real well but he was a dog man he would get after you and

Defend you and I I that was one that I’m like I think you want this guy and in hindsight I feel I was exactly right but again I don’t know maybe selton like Manhattan Kansas isn’t my thing I I’m out of here so he’s now in in in Florida

And you know some days I wish I was in Florida but I can’t play I can’t I don’t think any real quick I don’t think Sal Miguel wanted anything to do with this yeah staff that’s going to make you work hard in practice and you know that just

Wasn’t well not that I’m not to take a knock at Weber but you know this was AB they’re way different coaches and so I think Miguel I don’t I don’t think Miguel even showed up to Tank’s press conference no he was he was before then yeah luk Gaz you know these guys aren’t

Coming back at least they showed up anyways back to the portal okay you mentioned it Zack and something kind of went off in my head when you said Tyler Perry will McNair Arthur Kuma quz Glover that’s a pretty dang solid portal class it really is if Cam Carter lives up to

His expectations and David gasan you know that’s like a that’s a pretty dang solid starting five though yeah you didn’t get that superstar that you may want to get in the portal but that’s a that’s pretty solid and I don’t want K State to have to bring in guys like that

Say it for like the fifth time let your younger guys get better mature give them minutes you know bring in solid pieces and so I don’t think K State I don’t guys I don’t think you should want K State to have as good of a class in the

Portal this year that’s just my I don’t I I don’t you if you have Arthur Kuma and cam Carter staying if you know if the if if the certain key pieces are staying don’t I’m not saying any of these guys I’m not at all saying that

Any of these guys were bad locker room guys for the culture nothing like that but but when you do bring in guys from the outside you run that risk and so you know when you’re trying to build momentum after a poor season that we’ve gone through this year right okay in the

Offseason you’re bring in some guys but you don’t want to try to just completely reinvent the wheel right yeah no you’re right I I’m I I don’t know man I the Portal’s so hit and miss it’s it’s you’re literally throwing things together again making a cake and just throwing ingredients in the bowl

And if you don’t get it right the cake goes bad and this hasn’t gone right and of course what as we mentioned this wasn’t all portal this was all this was outside forces in some parts yeah but um it’s added up to this and as a head coach you’re accountable for that but

I’ll say this coming back to this I’m glad Jerome Tang said what he said he apologized to fans on radio I don’t know if he did that in postgame he was very clear this isn’t this isn’t what we’re out here to do um and and I think at

Times he’s been too soft for his kids what there’s that did you guys hear that sounds like an airplane laboratory flushing I have no it does actually gills are you in an airplane again you’re in the air airplane lab laboratory your little desk area is about that size yeah true but I

K’s got to do better the the players got to play better this is a you know almost like a contractual agreement the fans will cheer their face off if you play your ass off and let’s see if that happens on Saturday quick Counterpoint to gills oh yeah that done happy quick

There’s only there’s only one freshman recruit like we talked about in the last question there’s only one incoming guy right now so far so okay I like I know you want you know to build up your own guys you only have one guy you’ve got to be better next

Year and hopefully you can keep Kuma and you have some other parts from this season that you know you can hang on to you’re not wholesale changes between Kuma Perry McNair Glover like you theoretically you should have two of them hopefully but I think you absolutely have to go to the transfer

Portal get better guys a and hopefully the nil problem that was perceived is last year is fixed you know hopefully you can compete hopefully that that ceiling that K State kind of puts on themselves for the type of guy they want to bring in maybe raises a little bit um

But I think you absolutely have to be better in the portal next year because you only bringing in one freshman granted one of the best freshman exciting freshman to come to K State in probably the last decade but I think you still need some support pieces you know with with the departure guaranteed

Departures of Perry and others I love that gills roses rais his hand me next it’s funny because Zach doesn’t have doesn’t have him I mean Zach’s camera’s over here on my side monitor over here um and so he can’t see gills gills can’t see me uh putting up with Daphne um

Gills talk anyways real quick um because I know we’re short on time but I Zach to Counterpoint your Counterpoint to my point counterpointing pointing cam Carter get guys like that where they didn’t play much at their previous School J Bert who was maybe a little bit raw you know you can get

Those guys in the transort portal that you can still like to bring in and develop you know these coaches have hundreds of relationships with guys you know whether that be from Texas or the roots Louisiana wherever that may be right like there’s going to be guys out

There that don’t have to be somebody like Arthur Kuma who’s gonna come in and be a starter in the first year right so you can still obviously they missed out on Pat gangba and they only have one signing in this next upcoming class but you can still get some guys that are

Younger that you can develop and mold into the players that you want them to be my last Point here though on the portal I would call this maybe the Keon Johnson Paradox okay you look back to the first offseason that K State had they waited they waited they waited and

Keon Johnson you know kind of fell in their lap and they you know not fell in their lap but they waited right Desi Souls was late bayay was late um and this past off season I think K State kind of fell into that a little bit that

Let’s take our time let’s really be thorough and evaluating these guys and then go from there now I mean the same thing can probably be said for football recruiting Wally and Cole would be well you know better to answer that than me but I would assume it’s the same thing

For that like you can’t be wait don’t don’t try to just wait now if you want to if you don’t feel like you need to grab a superstar that’s fine but I wouldn’t sit back and wait you got to be assertive you got to be aggressive here

In the portal because guys are going to be gone and especially if you’re not playing in the NCAA tournament you’re going to have a head start on those programs that are well said well that’s why I keep you around right there Ryan Gilbert that’s

Why I haven’t told you to go away well I have done that we’ll talk to you soon I’ll talk to you tomorrow with another podcast but just different dudes this has been a goow and spirit Street production please support this show by subscribing to this YouTube

Channel or follow us on your favorite podcast platform

Kansas State gets blown out at Kansas, but the young players shine. The crew talks all hoops in this edition of the Powercat Podcast, with another football-focused edition arriving later this week. The Powercat Podcast features publisher Tim Fitzgerald and the insights of GPC’s Zac Carlson and Ryan Gilbert, and streams on the 247Sports Podcast Network at And, as always, the Powercat Podcast is sponsored by Fridge Wholesale Liquor.


  1. Fitz, my take is w/ Tomlin, K-State this season would have won – Tech, @ OSU, @ BYU, TCU, Cincy & maybe TX too. Even w/o a W @ TX, ‘Cats would be 12-5 in 3rd place today & headed to the NCAA tourney. Everything would be fine & the program rolls on.

  2. In the ‘Cats current bball situation, IF (big if) they make the NIT, take the invite. Let those not returning next season start their new chapters in life as we thank them for their efforts & wish them the very best future. Wildcats forever! Then, start playing next year’s team, just like we did in the football bowl game. Get into the portal and see who we can land to fill some voids. Go on the offensive & GO ‘Cats!!

  3. Regarding depth, I was excited at the beginning of the season knowing we had so many players who could contribute — maybe even go 12 or 13 deep! I thought this would give us a big advantage going into March. Oh well.

  4. Oh, if you haven’t eaten “loaf”…as a corrections employee in my case…can you joke about it? 😅

  5. Listen to Fritz, spouting ass and nuts in one sentence. Whew, he’s fired up about Wildcats basketball!

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