@Boston Bruins

What happened to Leafs in season series vs Bruins?

What happened to Leafs in season series vs Bruins?

That’s bringing our director of scouting Craig Button got to talk about this game first the Leafs for the second time in a week lose to the brunes 4 to one so outscored 8-2 by you know a very likely first round opponent they lose they get swept in the season series as well what

Happened here against the brunes well penalty killing wasn’t very good I I think in the second game this week versus Boston they they tried to show that they can stand up to them physically and I I think that’s always going to be something that you want to show knowing that your first round

Opponent is right across the ice from you but again you start to look at the areas of the Toronto map Leafs team where it’s not strong enough and and it’s the blue line and and I keep going back to the blue line and people say you

Know you just keep beating a dead horse and the horse on the they don’t have enough horses on the blue line they have Morgan Riley who who’s clearly a top a top pair defenseman and then after him there are if you think he’s a one then

You’re missing a two and a three if you think he’s a two you’re missing a one and a three M so you start to look at where opponents can really take advantage of you and that’s what the Boston Bruins are able to do they’re able to take advantage of areas of the

Toronto Maple defense group that they can’t defend against them and yes they have the offense and the goal tending has been fine for the Toronto Maple but that blue line when you’re playing against really good teams and it gets exposed it it gets exposed in a big way

If it’s a hole against good teams it’s a bigger hole Joel Edmonson brought in by the Maple Leafs on Thursday I mean he’s a guy you got to think he’s going to be on the penalty kill at some point for the Toronto Maple Leafs they bring in

Elia leushin last week so with these two moves do you think the Leafs Blue Line is now set and ready to compete in the playoffs well they’re going to compete because Joel Edmonson and Ilia leushin are competitors so I I have no worries about them coming in and providing some

Weight to their blue line and penalty killing help and you know being able to match up in some in some heavy moments but the same problem that the Toronto Maple Leafs have which is the lack of defenders in that top three one in their top three it it hasn’t changed and

Really what you want to do is you want to be able to add players like Edmonson and liia bushin to to a group that’s already got those players in place so it strengthens them so they come in and they play in their role but the group in

Front of them isn’t strong enough it it and so now yes you you try to improve the team on the margins try to make some incremental improvements deeper into your into your defense group but when you now have to play against the other team’s good players and you have those

Holes the additions of Edmonson and liia bushin aren’t going to help you materially all right so the clock is ticking you know uh towards 3 pm. Eastern on Friday is there anything more that the Leafs can do here to improve their roster I always think that you

Know when you have time use your time wisely try to figure out what is there I mean you don’t just pick up the phone tomorrow and go okay here’s what we’re going to do you know Brad tree living you know would have spent a lot of different time talking to managers

What’s available what type of players are out there Defenders a defend and and the player I keep going back to is David sart and you know we hear from our insiders that oh the they’ve set their price well the price is pretty significant for a good player like that

And when you look at what he did for the Tampa Bay Lightning they gave up a first round draft pick he helped them win a Stanley Cup that type of player to me is exactly what the Toronto map Leafs need and can you make it happen I guess it’s

Up to to what price you want to pay but I will say this the price might be high but the price might be a lot higher for not solidifying and strength in your team in that critical area yeah it’s been years and years of playoff disappointment for the Leafs we got a

Few weeks to find out yet before to see if that changes all right Craig sit right there we need to talk to you about the Jake gensel trade to Carolina

What happened to the Maple Leafs in this game against the Bruins? What happened to the Leafs in the season series against the Bruins? TSN Director of Scouting Craig Button joins SC with Jay Onrait to discuss the Leafs struggles against the Bruins, and whether the Leafs can compete in the playoffs with their blueline additions.


  1. 7 games in a row that the leafs had the flu???? against Boston, ,so they will probably play each other in first round. My question, who do the bruins play in the second round, LOL

  2. Wasn't the d it was bad play by Nylander and Marner not shooting on the empty net which lead to a penalty shortly after when it coulda been tied. D was good other than bad penalty on mccabe

  3. Its not the blue line, its the 4 superstars who cant play physical hockey when it counts. Even Conor McDavid has more heart than any of those Leaf players.

  4. Not only the defenders,the core 4, where is Matthews with 2 goals in 7 games, Nylander is very lazy and makes some stupid turnovers, ,Tavares is a ghost and Marner is the least worst but isn't enough

  5. Number 63 from Boston showed the world that the leafs are cowards, That’s it. Leafs are terrified of any team that pushes them around, pay your 5 players 50 million, How’s that going for you idiots

  6. The Leafs got pushed off of the puck all night but the worst culprits were TJ Brodie and Timothy Liljegren, both of whom lost numerous puck battles along the boards in their own end. This is why hockey pundits far and wide continually speak of the need for the Leafs to upgrade the blueline.
    And what was William Nylander thinking with his disastrous peewee level dipsy doodle at the offensive blueline?

  7. But there is no offence , so even if you stop people coming in your zone and get it up no one that can create offence.

  8. Important to consider the Bruins were rested while the Leafs played the night before and didn't arrive in Boston until 3am on gameday. Bruins clearly earned the win, but scored the opener on a 5 on 3 that should've been a 4 on 4 if NHL refs had brains. I'd be embarrassed to be a Bruins fan with Marchand as the captain – gutless cheapshot artist who turtles like a child.

  9. Ask wha happened to William Bystander? -3. That contract’s an albatross that’ll get Shanahan finally fired.

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