@Ottawa Senators

Steve Staios Trade Deadline Availability

Hear from President of Hockey Operations and GM Steve Staios following today’s trade deadline. #gosensgo


  1. I like Steve’s focus on the long term viability of the club. Yes, work needs to be done, but there’s no point in doing anything for this season. I expect the summer will see a lot of activity. The Sens will have a decent amount of cap to spend.

  2. You hear him talk about finding things internally. Going to be cheap like the last ownership. It is going to be a long time before the playoffs. They talked about being transparent but they are anything but. He is just blowing smoke telling us we want to hear. He calls being active getting someone off waivers. Please. I’m getting the feeling he doesn’t know what he is doing.

  3. The only trade the Sens did was with Tarasenko. This trade was a token of respect for Vlad by giving the opportunity to move back with his family in Florida. The return was only two mid round draft picks, which seems to be a low short term return. Vlad was great for the team as a Sens. Trading him to his first choice destination showed class. This trade will give this management a reputation of respect towards their players, which will be a long term gain.

  4. no offense but we need a gm with experience, not another first time gm like we had before

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