@National Hockey League

Get in line

Get in line

by DepressoEspresso45


  1. NessGoddes

    It isn’t breaking news, the hard cap of 5000$ was introduced long ago.

  2. Artemarte

    Brad Marchand in line to Cross-check Brad Marchand in the face

  3. Ecstatic-Arachnid-91

    Here’s the real question. Marchand or Cousins and you only have one choice. Who you going to sock?

  4. JediKnight31394

    “Cross-check Marchand for $5,000? I’d pay $10,000 to cross-check Matthew Tkachuk!”

  5. SayWHATagain93

    Credit where credit is due the can play hockey.

  6. fjordperfect123

    Zibenajad looks way too giddy. Have some self respect ffs.

  7. Somethingdifferent3

    That must be ovechkin in front of Marchand

  8. I still think my favorite Brad Marchand meme was “if Covid was a person” with his dumb mug making a typical Marchand face. I’ve never heard anybody described so perfectly ever.

  9. JetsNBombers0707

    That’s the most obvious AI pic I’ve seen so far

  10. pockushockud

    Zoom in on the players in the back. Ai makes some horrifying faces

  11. The_Third_Stoll

    How the fuck did it do the pens logo so well

  12. PoignantPoint22

    I like the refs wearing no shoes and the lack of benches/penalty boxes.

  13. FuzzyPlastic1227

    FWIW I’m from Boston and a life-long Bruins fan, and even I thought this was funny!

  14. Dizzy_Property2632

    They look like they have been crosschecked to the face

  15. BaltSkigginsThe3rd

    AI is the devil, like woah look at those faces. These mfs feasting on some souls tonight.

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