@Montreal Canadiens

“We’re very happy with Martin St-Louis’ work. We’ll make sure he stays with us.” -Kent Hughes

“We’re very happy with Martin St-Louis’ work. We’ll make sure he stays with us.” -Kent Hughes

by shogun2909


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  2. Sorry Kent but the same people who told me Allen wouldn’t fetch a 7th also want to fire St-Louis. Please listen to them, they know so much.

  3. logictable

    I was worried when they brought him with so little experience that he was going to get “outcoached” in games but I haven’t seen that at all. The team remains competitive usually, even against the stronger teams. And the players seem to appreciate him. I feel like players want to come to MTL now to play.

  4. I think he’s a good coach and we should definitely keep him but I wonder how long his leash will be if we don’t make the playoffs soon.

    2 more seasons? 3?

  5. Bentley2004

    Finish the year with 75 +-, need roughly 92+ to reach playoffs. Roughly 7 points above last year.
    So 3 more seasons without playoffs. I’m not sold yet.

  6. bordercauley

    MSL has done an incredible job with what is frankly a pretty untalented (not to mention often injury-ridden) team. We stay in games that on paper we should be getting destroyed in. Goalies have helped too but I can’t complain at all with the coaching.

  7. Le8ronJames

    How can you see the progress our young players are making and wanting MSL gone? Sorry to say but anyone who wants MSL gone because we’re losing games is an idiot because winning is not a relevant metric at this point of the rebuild.

  8. ukrainianhab

    Once the roster gets better it’ll be cool to see what he can do. Good choice

  9. Nice thing to say and hopefully it works out for everyone.

    But when it comes time to actually win games and make the playoffs, how will Marty perform?

    At least I am confident that Hughes & Gorton aren’t afraid of going back on their word quickly whe absolutely necessary as was the case with Ducharme.

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