@Florida Panthers

Hornqvist: Team effort from first shift to last

Patric Hornqvist talked about becoming a two-time Stanley Cup champion and the effort it took for the Penguins to beat Nashville.


  1. I thought the NBA was rigged, one of the reasons i got into the nhl is it looked so clean and refs usually cant take over the game like they do in basketball. But all respect has been lost for this association, absolutely terrible, and 150% absolutely rigged

  2. this has to be the most boring NHL Stanley Cup finals ever. it was bs after bs because Bettman was rooting for the Penguins. pens bandwagon fans can't admit that the pens are cancerous in this league.

  3. Lmao the penguins haters pouring it on over one mistake by a ref because there team can't beat the penguins 😂😂 Nashville had many more power plays then Pittsburgh throughout the playoffs

  4. They forgot to have the refs hoist the cup and put them in the team picture. They were the main reason pens won the cup.

  5. for everyone commenting on the refs, look at the penalty summary… 4 penalties against the penguins including a 5on3 in the third vs 0 penalties for the predators… its not the refs fault they couldn't capitalize

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