@Montreal Canadiens

Matheson scores a beautiful goal

Matheson scores a beautiful goal

by shogun2909


  1. TuchMysak

    take the hit to make the play, amazing pass by Slaf

  2. Gros_Picoppe

    Beautiful puck fixation and glide by Nylander and Matthews on this one.

  3. shitwalkingsimp

    People cry because Cole isn’t a 40 goals scorrer this season,but they not realise how much he steps his game this season.

    From a 40-50 goals scorrer to a brilliant playmaker who could also snipe.

    Thanks Saint-Louis!

  4. Wow that was terrible defense, left the middle wide open with all five leafs in the zone. Hilarious really

  5. Cole trying to save Matheson from hitting the board was hilarious.

  6. okokokoyeahright

    How can Matheson hold his stick?

    Those mitts are just too slick.

  7. realm_fury

    Great stick check by Suzuki to start the whole thing off.

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