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Kevin Rooney – The Tale of Tyson’s Trainer

Born in Staten Island, New York, Rooney faced early challenges with alcoholic parents and a turbulent home life. However, he found solace in boxing, quickly rising through the ranks to become a promising amateur fighter. Under the guidance of legendary trainer Cus D’Amato, Rooney turned pro and embarked on a career that would see him face off against champions like Davey Moore and Alexis Arguello.

Rooney’s career reached its pinnacle when he became the head trainer for Mike Tyson, guiding him to become the youngest heavyweight champion in history. However, Rooney’s battles outside the ring, particularly with alcohol, would ultimately lead to the downfall of his marriage and his career as a trainer.


  1. Don King should be sued for how he ruined Tyson's career. At the very best, King could've promoted Tyson and stayed with the formula that got Tyson to be heavyweight champion. That would have been to keep on training Tyson. I wonder how effective Rooney would've been over the long haul because he had his own demons to deal with as well. I hope that Rooney lives out the rest of his life in a peaceful existence.

  2. I think if Tyson had not gotten involved with King, and stayed with Rooney, and managers Bill Cayton and Steve Lott. Then his career and legacy would have been far greater.
    D'Amato's former fighter and friend, Jose Torres. Said in his book on Tyson 'Fire & Fear' that D'Amato had warned Tyson about King on numerous occasions. Telling Tyson, never to let King into his career/life. Yet he did, and look what happened.

  3. White people have it too easy now. The days of tough inner-city white kids like Rooney are over.

  4. Once his youth left him age 22 he never improved made no difference who trained him including Manny Stewart.
    Michael was Volatile went to prison for rape, bit an opponents ear off, jail for assault etc, Kevin was an alcoholic with gambling problems what possible good ending could that have.

  5. Who says you can’t use the peek a boo system or it’s just for a heavyweights, Rooney has no naturally big or strong genes and he in there going at it with pros and working them at times great solid fundamentals RIP Cus a true boxing master 💯

  6. Watch how Rooney slips in the pocket , throws body hooks , then hooks up ,,hmmm , Look at that head movement , watch his feet when he spins a new position to Moores right from the right hand ducking his head away hmmm ,, looks very familiar , Tyson was a little more slippery as Cus wanted those movements perfected , then add the big power upper cut / from the hook ,, it’s good night Las Vegas . Rooney is a slippery guy in the pocket , I’m shocked I never saw these 4 fights . Sweet !!

  7. Interesting documentary, I often wondered about Rooney when I saw him in Tyson`s corner all those years ago.
    He had a boxers face and I assumed there would be an interesting history to this man, there was.

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