@Montreal Canadiens

Brodie breaks Armia’s stick in half with a violent swing, no call.

Brodie breaks Armia’s stick in half with a violent swing, no call.

by JustFred24


  1. TuchMysak

    how can that be?! I thought the refs were always against the leafs

  2. Yes that should have been a penalty but didn’t Armia’s stick break last game when simply receiving a pass? Stick a bit too fragile?

    Edit: that was a stupid comment and I deserve the dwonvotes. Sorry.

  3. Stock-Creme-6345

    Didn’t this get Johnny Tavares a penalty when the other player slashed his stick then he cried to the Ref after the fact?

  4. TheLegendaryLarry

    Between this and the Buffalo game earlier man refs are looking like shit lmao

  5. NaPPering

    As a ref myself, I gotta say that when reffing higher categories, you pretty much never call slashes that only hit the stick. It’s just that it’s such a common occurence that calling such a slash would generally be regarded as being a very soft call (except if it significantly affected the play). NHL refs think the same, probably even more so.

    In this instance, the ref probably saw it and ignored it like most other refs would since it’s a net battle and Armia doesn’t have the puck. By the time he saw Armia’s stick was broken a few seconds later, he probably thought he would look like an idiot if he raised his arm so late.

    However, the dude straight up broke the mf’ing stick. That’s a call all day everyday, and being afraid that you called it a little late in no way excuses ignoring such an obvious call.

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